Vulnerable to Her Hypnotizing Impulses

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #hypnotic_language #pov:bottom #sub:female

Hypnokinky girlfriend, Maya, has a new, tactile induction method for her submissive girlfriend. A fun excuse for turning her girlfriend into an obedient sex toy.

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Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

I’m lying on the floor with my feet up on the couch. Originally, I was stretching out my back, but I’ve been feeling tired since I woke up this morning so I’m resting my eyes while my fingers lightly trail over my chest. I’m just chilling out in a quiet, little world on the floor.

I hear my girlfriend enter the room and sit down near the top of my head. “Hi, honey. Do you feel okay?” she asks.

I reply, “Yes, baby, I’m just tired. I might not have slept well last night.” I open my eyes and look at her face upside down above me.

Maya hums in sympathy and starts caressing my cheeks and forehead. My eyes close as I appreciate her tender strokes. Her hands travel down until they slide below my fingers that are still lightly trailing over my chest. Her palms smoothly circle around my breasts a few times and then begin rubbing and caressing in an enthralling pattern. All of my attention homes in on her touch on my breasts.

My mind is already drifting before her soothing voice says, “Yes, my sweet girl…my good girl…melt for me. You can’t help it. Slipping down as I take control of you.”

I feel entranced and I’m not sure how. My fingers that were tracing along my chest moments ago are now dangling limply above hers. The practiced pattern of movement made by her hands is inadvertently pulling my loose fingertips in each direction. I’m not making any movements of my own volition. She truly has taken control and amazingly quickly.

I can hear Maya’s smile as she coos, “Yes, good girl. You are already docile and you feel submissive to me. My hands can melt you into a hypnotized puddle. You are sleepy and heavy. Slipping down for me. My good girl is so sleepy for her dominant. All for me.” Her hands are still manipulating my breasts before gliding back up toward my head.

I am lost to a pleasurable daze. How could I begin floating into trance before she even said any hypnotizing words?

She strokes her fingertips along my face gently, and my small window of focus follows every soothing touch. It’s like I’ve been injected with hypnotizing pleasure and I didn’t notice the prick of the needle.

Wasn’t my girlfriend being harmlessly intimate? It was only a moment ago I was innocently chilling out, but now, I’m riding a wave of hypnotizing sleepiness and all I want is to submit to her. I desire to obey.

While Maya is quietly caressing, a truly joyful thought appears in my head, “I am her perfectly programmed good girl.” A small smile quirks the corners of my lips upward. I am so happy to be hers and to be trained to unconsciously follow my conditioning. I am vulnerable to Maya’s hypnotizing impulses whenever she has them because she programmed me perfectly. She makes me a deeply obedient sex toy to play with whenever she wants. She makes me submissive and compliant as quickly as she wants.

Maya traces my small smile with the tip of her finger. “Good girl,” she whispers, “so happy to obey.”

A burst of pleasure makes my smile grow. I am so happy to obey.

She keeps massaging my face and scalp, intensifying my relaxation and pleasure. This could be a simple trance for the hell of it or she may have grander plans. Regardless, I just want to follow her and obey.

Maya places two of her fingers on my eyebrows above my closed eyes. Slowly, she trails her fingertips up toward my hairline. Beneath my eyelids, my eyes roll upward following her movement. It is as if she is summoning my eyes to roll back, and when they can travel no further, a pleasurable wave of submission drops me deeper.

I am vulnerable to her hypnotizing impulses because surrendering to my dominant happens naturally. I am vulnerable to her hypnotizing impulses because she makes submission irresistible. I am vulnerable to her hypnotizing impulses because I desire to be.

I am perfectly programmed.

Whatever was happening prior to now is unimportant. All that matters is submitting to the pleasure my dominant uses to control me. I want to obey her. I desire to obey her. I must obey her.

Maya’s tender caresses trail down and through the neck of my shirt to my bare chest underneath. Her hands manipulate my breasts while she purrs soothingly, “You are my perfectly programmed good girl. I can hypnotize you so easily. I love controlling and dropping you anytime I want. You cannot resist the pleasure I give you. I control you with pleasure. You must submit. You must obey. You are deeply hypnotized.”

Maya keeps rubbing and squeezing my breasts before she cups them firmly. In her grip, I feel every nerve ending connected to her hands. Both my mind and body are tantalizingly responsive to her.

She leans down and pecks my mouth before saying, “You desire to obey me, sex toy.” She twists my nipples and traces her tongue around my lips. I feel like a livewire of pleasure and I strongly desire to obey her. Anything she says…I want to obey.

I don’t have the first fucking clue how we got like this but I am putty in her hands.

She continues, “You love being vulnerable to my hypnotizing impulses. If I want you to get hypnotized, you become hypnotized. You must submit and obey. You are on display. Drop deeper for me, good girl. You have no resistance. You are my sex toy.”

She keeps playing with my breasts while I slip deeper. An awake version of myself would ask if she’s trying to condition me to feel a connection between breast play and getting hypnotized. A truly clear-headed version of myself would remember I told her that her propensity to play with my tits while she’s hypnotizing me might be affecting me outside of our hypno play. I got some drifty feelings when we were making out once and she was not trying to put me in trance.

Annnnd I told her it would be cool if she had the power to hypnotize and control me with my breasts. I may or may not have danced my eyebrows and smiled cheekily after making the suggestion. And she may or may not have erased my memory of that conversation after devising a plan to do just that.

But in this moment, I’m not thinking any of those things. My well-trained mind is obediently repeating her words in my head (“…I love being vulnerable to your hypnotizing impulses. If you want me to get hypnotized, I become hypnotized. I must submit and obey. I am on display. I drop deeper for you. I have no resistance. I am your sex toy…”). My body is merely a vessel for her to control with pleasure.

Maya is pleased to see my eyes fluttering and rolling around under my closed eyelids. She pulls her hands out from the neck of my shirt. She commands me to keep floating in her sleepy, hypnotizing pleasure while she plays with her toy. No matter the command she gives, I will automatically obey. I must obey. I am her toy.

Maya grabs my torso firmly to help brace herself as she scooches closer until the top of my head is nestled snugly in the valley of her spread legs. She’s wearing thin pajama bottoms and smirks at the sensation of my head against her cunt. Her hands grope all over me while I lay motionless, compliant to her every impulse. I am here for her to toy with and handle as she pleases.

“I love when I divert you from whatever you’re doing to become my plaything. It is so satisfying to drop you whenever I feel like it. I’ve never even trained you to roll your eyes back when I trace my fingers up your forehead. You are just so tuned into following me, and you desire to obey. It’s all very sexy, good girl, how responsive you are. I love playing with your body and discovering what fun, new things you’ll respond to.”

She smiles devilishly as she pinches my aroused nipples poking through my shirt. “So horny. You drop deeper and get more aroused as I play with you, good girl. You sink and drop deeper for me. You no longer remember how you became hypnotized. You are deeply vulnerable to dropping into trance while I play with your breasts in our new hypnotizing pattern. It makes your conscious mind slip under my control and makes you eager to submit and obey. The pattern is deeply buried inside your mind. It gives me the power to control you with your breasts. You are my perfectly programmed good girl and I can control you with your breasts. You do not remember the pattern when you are awake. You do not remember how you got hypnotized today. You only know you love submitting to me because it fills you with pleasure. You know what you should know and forget what you need to forget. You are my perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy.”

Maya is quiet for a while as she entertains herself rubbing my body and teasing my rock-hard nipples that seem desperate to be free of my clothing. Eventually, she continues, “You love feeling the pleasure that only I can give you. You love being controlled by pleasure. You are so aroused for me right now because you are my deeply obedient sex toy. You need to please me. You need to serve me. Isn’t that right, sex toy?”

If I were cognizant, I would be surprised by how clearly my hypnotized voice speaks as I answer, “Yes. I need to please you. I need to serve you.”

But as it is, I don’t notice the clarity of my voice because I am totally focused on the pleasure my dominant is rolling through my body and using to control my mind. I need to please her. I need to serve her.

Maya’s hands grab the hem of my shirt and roughly drag it up high enough to expose my naked tits to her hungry eyes. I smile at the sensation of my breasts getting exposed because she programmed me to feel good when I am on display for her.

I need to please her. I need to serve her. My tits are out because I am her deeply obedient sex toy. I need to please her. I need to serve her.

My dominant commands me to push my pants all the way off and spread my knees. It will never make sense how she can turn my body into a passive toy, but once I hear a command to do something physical, I have the perfect amount of energy needed to complete the task.

Once I’m naked, except for the shirt bunched below my chin, my body returns to a passive and malleable state. She has me totally at her mercy. My desire to obey is inextricably tied to my need to feel the pleasure she uses to control me.

Maya carefully holds my head in place as she rolls her pelvis, effectively humping the top of my head. I am loving the sound of her moaning and I smile again because I am her sex toy. I need to please her. I need to serve her.

She leans over to grope as much as she can reach of my naked skin. I am her sex toy. I need to please her. I need to serve her.

In a flash, her hands and legs disappear before she starts nakedly crawling over my head and toward my cunt. She licks down my torso and growls, “Open your eyes.”

My eyes open and see her wet pussy hovering above just as her tongue glides through mine. I moan and cry out before desperately pulling her down to my face.

This is my purpose. I am her sex toy. I need to please her. I need to serve her.

As we both worship one another, a thought floats through the back of my brain, “You are the luckiest sex toy in the world.”

I moan in agreement before devotedly focusing on giving my dominant every orgasm she deserves. She will make me cum for her as many times as she wants, and I will continue to please her and serve her until she’s had enough.

I am vulnerable to her hypnotizing impulses because I desire to be. I am perfectly programmed.


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