Turning Into Her Spiral Toy

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #hypnotic_amnesia #pov:bottom #sub:female #hypnotic_language #spiral

Hypnokinky girlfriends start new conditioning to create a spiral toy for future hypno-play.

Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

For an entire week, my girlfriend, Maya talks about how excited she is for me to watch something new. Every time I ask the name of the show, she just giggles and gives me a little peck. It’s as infuriating as it is cute. Regardless, when I suggested we stream her mystery show tonight, she told me she was already planning on it.

“I’m so excited for you to watch!” she gushes.

“Oh my god,” I laugh, “I’m just glad to finally find out what this is.”

Maya eagerly jumps on the bed and tells me to turn off the lights. The room becomes dark but the TV is glowing bright and illuminates my path to the bed. She situates herself with her back against the headboard and legs spread. It’s obvious she wants me to sit between her legs and lean my back against her front.

I crawl into position and coo, “You’re very cute right now,” as she pulls me in against her front.

She lets out a deep sigh while holding me close. “I’ve been so excited for this. We talked about doing this a while ago and after a bit of work, it’s finally happening.”

“What on earth are you talking about?” I ask, genuinely confounded.

Both of her hands cup my breasts over my shirt and begin rubbing possessively. After several seconds of this specific style of physical manipulation, I recognize the trigger she’s using and let out a surprised, “Oh.” My girlfriend is filling me up with submissive feelings without dropping me into a full-on trance. It’s an effective way to get me to feel heavily inclined to obey anything she suggests. I’m not sure why making me deeply compliant is necessary for whatever we’re going to watch tonight. As her hands rub all over my breasts, I’m becoming more and more submissive and I can’t help melting back against her when she gives the tiniest of nudges.

“That’s my good girl. You are passive and docile.”

I feel instantly soft, like a doll in her arms.

“Deeply passive and obedient.”

It’s simply remarkable she can do this to me. I don’t think this counts as being hypnotized, but I don’t really know.

“Good girl. You are awake but you feel pliable and obedient, don’t you? You are going to focus on anything I tell you to.”

“Yeah,” I nod in agreement. Even though I’m still aware, I feel so good being this easy to influence. What a pleasant trigger.

She stops rubbing my breasts and cuddles me from behind. “You are such a responsive good girl.”

“Mmm,” I hum and smile. “Why am I like this? Aren’t we just watching your show?”

She tilts my head so her lips and tongue have access to tease along my jaw. When she nibbles on my ear, I mewl quietly. She’s turned me into putty.

Then, I hear her hypnotic voice and it ensnares me like an irresistible siren, “You are obedient and submissive. Obey. Submit. Your susceptibility to my hypnotizing power is sky high, good girl.” She snaps softly and my brain tingles. I feel every bit of her commands.

“You will watch closely and listen.” Another soft snap. I’m a bit dumbstruck but I’m actively focusing on my dominant’s voice. “You must stare as you absorb my words.” Another soft snap.

My eyes widen. I can tell I’m entranced but I don’t know what this is about. Regardless, she’s right, my susceptibility is clearly sky-high. 

“Wake for me just a little bit, good girl.” Soft snap.

I blink several times as I become a little more present, but I’m definitely still in a drifty state. It’s difficult to understand all that’s going on.

“You are my perfect good girl, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am.” I answer automatically. This is wild. My dominant is keeping me awake…I think…but I am not in control. I feel like she’s walking me along a tightrope. And weren’t we going to watch something? I glance at the glowing TV; it’s a source of light rather than displaying whichever streaming option we’ll need.

Maya begins caressing me over my clothes while her soft lips tickle along my cheek and jaw. I sigh, “This feels like being prey caught in your web.”

She chuckles and tantalizes with small, wet kisses, little licks, and then full-handed squeezing of my tits. I could be content just enjoying her playing with my body all night.

When the rate of my breathing gives away how much she’s worked me up, her head tilts over my shoulder to bring our faces close. I feel like I’ve been played like an instrument, and she practically purrs as her palms roughly stimulate my hardened nipples poking through my shirt. “You are so turned on, aren’t you, good girl?”

I whine pathetically, “yes,” before she practically suctions our mouths together. I need her so badly so we kiss passionately until she finally pulls back. I’m swept up by how sexy this chain of events has been but I’m still docile, as she commanded, and that keeps me from turning around and mounting her. I can only respond to my dominant.

Speaking low and quiet, Maya observes, “I believe you’re ready now.”

I don’t know what I’m ready for but when she takes ahold of my chin and angles my head forward to face the television, I can only passively accept it. I hear her other hand tapping her tablet until screen sharing with the television turns on. Suddenly, the large TV is filled with an eye-catching, colorful spiral spinning inward toward its center. It flows smoothly and is a unique color arrangement I’ve never seen before.

“A spiral!” I gasp in surprise. “This is what you meant…something we’ve talked about but never done.”

Her hypnotic voice responds and my heightened susceptibility works as designed. I am vulnerable and responsive.

“Yes, my good girl. You are watching my spiral. It turns you into my perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy.”

That hypnotic tone and cadence…my properly prepped mind and body…she is speaking directly into the part of my brain that must always submit to and obey my dominant. I am already under her control. My jaw hangs open and head wobbles.

“You watch closely and listen. Your eyes stay open easily when you see my spiral. Stare, good girl, as you absorb my words.”

My eyes usually grow too heavy to keep open when I’m entranced, but they are wide open and I am staring at the new spiral.

“Good girl. I made this spiral for you.” Her hands slide under my shirt and graze lightly over my skin. She’s tracing spirals onto my torso. “It feels good when you watch my spiral, when you obey my spiral. Your eyes are glued to my spiral every time you see it. Try looking away; you won’t be able to.”

I do as commanded and it’s a lost cause. No amount of effort can get my eyes off of this beautiful spiral. I know this is conditioning, and I’m all for it.

“Good girl. Your eyes are stuck on my spiral and you want to be hypnotized by my spiral every time you see it. You want my spiral to turn you into a deeply hypnotized spiral toy.”

That sounds amazing and I can’t help the corners of my mouth lifting upward into a dazed and lazy grin.

“You are becoming my deeply hypnotized spiral toy right now. Stare as the colors swirl toward the center, sucking you in. Sucking in your thoughts.”

I barely recognize when I lean closer to the spiral as I feel physically pulled into the center. And my thoughts are rapidly disappearing into the center too. I feel them sucked away until my mind is empty. There’s all the room in the world for my dominant’s words to fill, influence, mold, and control.

“Good girl,” she chuckles when it’s obvious her spiral has worked. She keeps drawing spirals on my skin with her fingertips as I stare in silence. “My spiral always empties your mind. My spiral leaves you open and easy to manipulate. You feel amazing when you are being controlled by me while staring at my spiral, don’t you?”

I nod dumbly. There are no self-created thoughts, only her spiral and her words.

“Excellent. You have become my spiral toy. Spiral toys are easy to manipulate. Spiral toys feel pleasure while hypnotized by my spiral. My spiral is deeply hypnotizing, and it works quickly and smoothly every time. Your mind gets sucked empty as you are pulled into the center. You are only weak to my spiral. Every other spiral bores you, has no effect. But my spiral toy is deeply vulnerable to my spiral. You will be entranced and trapped by my spiral every time you see it. My spiral drops you into the empty-headed, deep sleep of spiral obedience. Feel pleasure as you obey my spiral. Feel pleasure as you obey me. My spiral toy is deeply hypnotized and empty-headed.”

Maya grabs her phone and turns on the front-facing camera. She holds her arm out to get a good angle for seeing how this new style of trance is affecting me. Much to her approval, she finds her new spiral toy wide-eyed and slack-jawed, with a completely mesmerized expression. Starting this new training session by filling me with submission while still awake was a smart move.

Deciding she wants to memorialize this moment, my dominant turns on her phone camera to record my pose. But inspiration strikes with an even sneakier idea. While keeping the camera on me, she uses her hypnotic voice, “Look at how sexy you look. This is how empty-headed and deeply hypnotized my good girl becomes when she looks at my spiral. This is how you look when you become my spiral toy. It feels so good imagining yourself as my spiral toy. Feels so good to imagine yourself deeply hypnotized and empty-headed like my spiral toy. Deeply hypnotized as you feel the pleasure of deep sleep spiral obedience. You are my perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy. You must submit and obey. You are on display. Keep watching as you forget this video drops you deeper and deeper under my control. Forget you’ve been hypnotized.”

She kisses my cheek and looks into the camera, keeping my spellbound face in frame too. She imagines future-me watching this while in a trance I’ll never recall unless she allows it. “Feels so good to be my spiral toy. Sink deeper and deeper down. You are blank and empty. Spiral toys are sex toys. Spiral toys are sex toys. Spiral toys are sex toys. Spiral toys are sex toys. Spiral toys are sex toys. Good. Now, obey your dominant.”

She sees a reflection of light in the video and realizes I’m drooling. Recording this induction within an induction is a pretty stellar deepener. My dominant is proud of her work and decides to end her new trap. “Your dominant is going to command you now and you will obey. When you wake later, you will have no memory of watching this video. You will have no memory of a video of my deeply hypnotized and empty-headed spiral toy. You will have no memory of what this video does to you every time you watch. You forget and obey. You must obey.” A soft snap sounds. “You only know what you should know and forget what you need to forget. Obey.”

She turns off the camera and laughs to herself. Not only will her spiral hypnotize me from now on, but so too will a video of me hypnotized by her spiral. Perfection.

Getting back to the original plan, she slides her hands under my shirt again to trace spirals on my skin. The goal is to condition her good girl to always drop deeply and quickly whenever I see her spiral, but also, to drop me when her tracing a spiral on my body triggers me to picture her spiral swirling on the back of my eyelids. Her hands under my shirt endlessly draw on my skin while I absorb hypnotic programming. Not once do I stop staring at her uniquely colorful creation as my new spiral conditioning takes hold.


SNAP. “Wake.”

My brain lurches into awareness and I blink repeatedly. I have full control of my eyes again and I have no idea how long it’s been since I could say that. I feel Maya hugging me from behind and I wiggle backward further into her embrace. “Oh my god,” I mumble. “That was amazing.” I want to praise her abilities. She never ceases to amaze me.

“How do you feel?” she asks amusedly.

I take mental stock for a moment and reply, “Really good. I can’t tell when we started though.” I try to remember details of my training beyond sensations of staring in pleasure and obedience but all of the specifics are cloudy. “I can’t…” I slide a hand backward into her hair to scratch her scalp as I think, “…I can’t recall…” She hums next to my ear, and I decide to give up trying to remember anything else. I’m just happy to be hers. “Well, I think we’ve got a new toy to play with.”

“You’re the toy,” she hugs me closer and I lovingly grasp her arms squeezing me around my waist.

Laughing, I reply, “You’re right. I’m the toy. But I’m trying to say you have another tool for making me your toy, I guess.” I tap the back of her hand affectionately.

One of her fingertips starts drawing on my arm and my brain registers she’s drawing a spiral. Without thinking about it, my eyes slam closed and I find myself watching her colorful spiral swirling on the inside of my eyelids. Within moments, her deeply hypnotizing spiral is sucking my thoughts away. I make a weak, little grunt right before I once again become her spiral toy.

My dominant tilts over my shoulder to take stock of my relaxed jaw and still countenance. She smirks and tests my pliability by shaking a wrist and letting go. There’s a loud smack when my limp hand lands on my thigh but I have no response. “Good spiral toy. The deep sleep of spiral obedience is irresistible. You feel so good when you obey my spiral. Spiral toys are sex toys. Spiral toys are sex toys.”

Her hands slide under my shirt again and greedily smash my tits within her grip. She bites my neck and then sucks hard. Excited by her easily hypnotizable toy, she teases my nipples with her pinching fingertips while licking up my neck. “Spiral toys are sex toys,” she growls in my ear.

SNAP. “Wake.”

My eyes fly open and I’m in a total state of shock and heightened arousal. I remember exactly what just happened. “Oh my god! That worked so well!” I can’t help gushing.

My girlfriend laughs happily. “Yes, it did. And we’re not even done yet.” She taps her tablet again and her colorful spiral fills the TV screen.

Immediately, my eyes widen and the colorful swirling toward the center pulls me in. Unintentionally, I lean toward it as her spiral sucks my thoughts into the spiral’s center. I become her deeply hypnotized, empty-headed spiral toy in no time.

Unlike the first version of her spiral, this one displays words, or commands. My entranced eyes mindlessly take in the repetitive flashing of words like, “OBEY” and “EMPTY” before “TITS OUT” and “BARE BREASTS” keep influencing my malleable brain. Without a single conscious thought, my hands pull off my shirt to get my tits out. To display bare breasts.

Conditioning to mindlessly obey commands written on my dominant’s spiral has begun.

Meanwhile, Maya reclines behind me, quietly observing how fluidly her spiral toy learns to obey commands flashing over the swirling colors. By the time my arms are stretched straight out to the side while my chest shimmies and my voice emptily recites the lyrics to “Jingle Bells,” all without any sign of hesitation or embarrassment, my dominant is convinced this programming has been a huge success.

SNAP. “Wake.”

My awareness returns in an instant and I cut off from emptily droning a Christmas song. Oh my god. I register the ridiculous position of my body, so I lower my arms and feel a little silly about shimmying my naked tits. I take in the tv screen glowing as a bright source of light rather than a giant, mind-melting spiral. I’m a bit stunned by how effectively this training has gone tonight. We usually spend more time than this conditioning me to fall for a new game. The impact of this spiral is wild.

I turn around so I can see my girlfriend and she is leaning back against the headrest. Predictably, she looks smug. “You’ve done very well, my spiral toy.”

I get a little shiver just like I would have if she’d called me her “good girl.” Smiling tentatively with a little bit of disbelief, I say, “This was… I mean, why is this so strong already?”

She doesn’t say anything, just trails her tongue along the edge of her teeth before biting her bottom lip. Her head tilts to the side and she keeps gazing at me.

“Is…um…is this it?” I don’t know if our conditioning work is done or what’s next.

She laughs.

“I’m not complaining! This is just… I don’t know what happens next.”

“No apologies, silly.” She smiles wide. “How about you get cleaned up? I imagine your pussy is soaked.”

That’s a dramatic understatement; I definitely need to change my panties.

“And then, how about you come out to the living room and we’ll watch something else?” she suggests.

I smile wide because that sounds like a good idea. I crawl off of Maya’s bed to freshen up and she disappears from the room. Several minutes later, I’m walking down the hallway when I see movement in my peripheral vision. I turn to identify it but my eyes land on my dominant’s colorful, deeply hypnotizing spiral. It’s swirling on her tablet, propped up on a shelf at eye-height.

Instantly, my eyes widen and I helplessly lean toward it. My mouth falls slack as my thoughts disappear into the inwardly swirling center. There is never a moment when I could look away. I am her deeply hypnotized, empty-headed spiral toy in a matter of seconds. Standing in the hallway, captured in a deep sleep of spiral obedience, I mindlessly obey commands when they flash atop the swirling colors.

There’s no conscious awareness of my dominant placing a chair nearby and then propping up her feet, sipping on a cocktail while she watches. Seeing the word, “NAKED,” flashing on the spiral makes my clothing disappear. When the word, “MASTURBATE,” flashes, one hand gropes flesh while the fingers of my other hand plays with wet pussy.

The spiral toy sex show plays for Maya as the deeply hypnotizing spiral keeps me under her control. My dominant smugly murmurs, “I told you we’d watch something else.”

Eventually, the word, “FORGET,” flashes repeatedly over and over and over again. When the spiral disappears, I don’t react until: SNAP. “Wake.”

I am awake and…and I don’t know. Why am I in the middle of the hallway? Wait! Why am I naked?! “Maya…” I look to her and giggle in confusion. I notice my fingers feel wet, so I lift them to investigate.

Just as I suspect I must have been touching myself, Maya grabs my wrist and begins sucking on my fingers. I gasp and step into her. She’s fully clothed while I’m pressing my nude body against her. I have no clear memory of what’s been going on but I can certainly guess. My girlfriend has been making this night so sexy.

Her voice is gravelly when she asks, “Would you like to show me how thankful you are now that I’ve turned you into my spiral toy?”

I shiver at the moniker and respond breathlessly, “Oh god, yes! Yes, please! I want to serve and please you!”

I know I’m not hypnotized right now so my phrasing is a little surprising. But maybe not…she’s been molding my brain all night and I feel passionate about expressing my devotion to a girlfriend who can powerfully and sexily turn my mind on and off. I really want to worship the body of the woman who has filled me with incredible arousal even though I don’t remember how exactly.

I jump up, wrapping my legs around her waist, and she carries me to her bedroom. I’m pulling off her clothes and kissing every bit of skin revealed. I am completely focused on rewarding her with as many orgasms as she’ll be able to handle. I don’t even notice when my own voice echoes, “Spiral toys are sex toys,” at various moments throughout the night, even when I muffle it against her pussy as I lick and suck.

Spiral toys are sex toys.

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