Too Fractionated to Function

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #hypnotic_amnesia #pov:bottom #sub:female #hidden_trigger #hypnosis #hypnotic_language #self_hypnosis

Hypnokinky girlfriends go on an outing where multiple methods of hypnotic induction are used and a new self-hypnotizing trigger is programmed.

Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

My girlfriend, Maya and I are hiking on a really beautiful trail through thick trees. She brought me here after someone from work gave us permission to hike on their land. I don’t know the full story but apparently there’s a cabin around here they use for vacations and this trail will take us to a small lake. It makes no difference to me how this all worked out as long as we get to enjoy this pretty escape from the city.

I put my hand out and make a shushing gesture. I scan the trees trying to locate the birds we hear singing in an animated conversation. The smile on Maya’s face is wide and I’m thankful we both enjoy doing things like this. This place is truly a wonderful break from the sound of traffic and people.

While my head is raised, looking through the branches, Maya slides her hand under my ponytail and firmly grips the muscles in the back of my neck, almost like a strong pinch. I’m startled by it but a sleepy blanket is pulled over my mind and my eyes flutter. Her fingers and thumb alternate between massaging and firmly pinching the back of my neck. It generates intense sensations I recognize as becoming helplessly overwhelmed. My shoulders loosen and arms drop. Sleepiness feels so good and I sag forward, bringing me closer to that pleasure.

“Mmmm…” I try to say the name of my sneaky predator, but the word trails off as my jaw slackens and hangs open under the onslaught. An ability to express myself has passed. I’m trapped in a pleasurable stupor with my eyes crossed. Absently, I have a sense of my dominant watching my eyelids fighting through increasingly longer and heavier blinks. She observes in silence as the physical trigger does its work on her good girl.

This induction method works more powerfully the longer it continues. It doesn’t matter where we are or what we’re doing, my ability to harness enough resistance to slow down the drop erodes with each use.

There is a feeble grunt from the back of my throat and then her grip on my neck pinches firmly. My eyes roll all the way back as I become completely hypnotized. She has full control of whatever happens now.

My dominant and I agreed it would be really fun if she conditioned me to sink from a variety of methods. I don’t know which of us is more excited she has amassed an entire shed of hypnotizing tools. The fact her touch can send me into trance without her uttering a single word is incredibly sexy to me.

I know I am safe with Maya, my girlfriend, my dominant, so my subconscious didn’t set off any alarm bells even though we aren’t in the privacy of one of our apartments. I also know she never programs me with any triggers we didn’t discuss beforehand. I know deep down that if my dominant has decided she is going to play with me, she has already assessed whether it is safe to do so. I trust her implicitly and that makes my hypnotized subjugation a foregone conclusion. I am her perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy.

Maya releases her hold on my neck and my head drops like an anvil. She has a deeply hypnotized toy in the middle of our hiking outing. I don’t notice her temporarily backing away to take what will look like a photo of a pretty, woodsy trail. But upon closer inspection, it contains a curiously slumped figure blocking the path. She’s going to set this as her phone wallpaper and see how long it takes before I notice.

I’m basically just hanging out in a hypnotized limbo when Maya’s hands start caressing my breasts over my shirt. She does this often to reenforce a subliminal association between gentle breast play and trance. Nowadays, I can be fully awake, minding my business, and if Maya gently caresses my breasts for a length of time, my eyes will start to droop and I’ll become passive. When I enter a sexy haze like that, it’s easy for her to manipulate me. Despite not being fully hypnotized, I just feel so passive and I…obey. Naturally. Easily.

It’s an amusing trick by a cunning dominant. She used it once to get me into very skimpy lingerie that my boobs kept popping out of while we organized her apartment. It wasn’t until she pulled me onto her lap and nuzzled the breast that had slipped free that I wondered why on earth I wore that to help her organize. I pieced together how we got into the situation, and after laughing about the ridiculousness, I made damn sure my girlfriend felt no ambiguity about how turned on I get when she plays with my mind.

As I stand entranced in the woods, Maya’s soothing voice slides into my quieted brain, “Good girls are easy to hypnotize because good girls cannot resist pleasure. You are my deeply hypnotized good girl. I have made you weak to only me. Obey me deeper. Deeper and deeper. You are under my control and only I can make you this submissive. You feel so good because you are obeying. Drop hard and fast anytime you hear me say the phrase, ‘deeply sleepy.’ The phrase ‘deeply sleepy’ drops you in an instant. Yes, good girl, feel yourself drop hard and fast. ‘Deeply sleepy’ turns you off like a light.”

My mind plummets further each time she says the phrase. The position I was previously standing in has basically folded in half and my head and arms are dangling toward the ground. My conscious mind has been blasted into oblivion and my dominant knows it. She unfastens the top couple buttons of my flannel shirt and reaches through to softly caress my bare breasts dangling upside down. While I was getting dressed for our hike, my girlfriend confused and twisted my thoughts through a perplexing maze so that I didn’t even notice her taking the bra from my fingers before she pulled my shirt on for me. I was so befuddled trying to dissect her odd and silly phrasing that I let her button my shirt and never even thought about my missing bra. When she called me her good girl and kissed me, I couldn’t help but giggle in delight. We left shortly after and that was that.

Influencing my attire was only the first step in her plan for today. Now, the real fun begins. “The empty head of a deeply hypnotized good girl has no thoughts except the ones I put in there.”

So many words flow into the empty head of my dominant’s deeply hypnotized good girl. My conscious mind doesn’t notice because it is sliding down an endless void. My body moves around quite a bit and cool air touches my skin but I don’t have any thoughts about it because my dominant didn’t put any in my head.

I don’t notice when a video is recorded for future play. I totally miss that watching this video of my dominant’s deeply hypnotized submissive toy will surreptitiously turn me into a deeply hypnotized submissive toy. I fail to recognize that watching this video will always conclude with my dominant’s deeply hypnotized submissive toy naked and kneeling before her. Primed for playing, eager to serve and obey.

My girlfriend thinks this might be the sexiest trap ever created. But for today, she’s done filming and has a lot more play and programming planned. I accept everything without thinking and feel incredible.

I follow commands. I follow programming. I follow conditioning. I follow without thinking.

“Cum for me.”

A hands-free orgasm rolls through my system. Perfectly programmed good girls and deeply obedient sex toys always orgasm on command for their dominant. When “cum for me,” is said again, and then a third time, two more hands-free orgasms flood my mind and I spasm and quake.

Everything my dominant does is a gift. I want to be her perfect good girl. I want to be played with like a toy.

SNAP. “Wake.”

My eyes open and I’m shocked to realize I am walking along the hiking path. When did I start hiking again? I stop and turn around to look for Maya. She’s directly behind me, smiling wickedly. It’s only now that I realize I am nude, minus the hiking socks and boots on my feet. My arms are raised up high so I try to lower them, but they’re stuck. What?! My arms are straight up with my wrists crossed over one another. I pull as hard as I can to separate them or lower my arms, but I simply can’t.

“How?” I look at my mischievous girlfriend and she could not look more amused. My eyes frantically scan all around us to make sure this area really is as private as I’d want in this situation. Immediately, she steps forward and soothes me. “Hey, hey. You’re okay. Only I can see you. I promise. We’re all alone out here. No one will see you except for me. I promise my submissive and obedient good girl is only on display for her dominant.”

The edges of my brain sizzle, if that makes sense. I don’t know if it’s the idea or her phrasing but I get goosebumps and push my naked tits out further. I suddenly feel really proud to be on display for her! I can’t believe what a gift this is. I get to display my naked body for my dominant. I’ve got an empowered smile on my face as she licks her lips, dragging her gaze all over my flesh. I know that only the most perfect good girl gets to be on display for her dominant like this and I say it. “I’m your perfect good girl!”

Maya smiles proudly and I can’t help but feel confident and sexy. She gets a mischievous glint in her eye as her hands start softly caressing my breasts. At first, I’m kind of smug about my big, strong dominant not being able to keep her hands off me, but the longer she gently caresses, the more my gaze and posture soften. My eyes are droopy and I feel so passive.  

Her lips slip over mine and we kiss lazily. When she leans back, I remain docile. Quiet.

Maya smirks, “You are such a fun toy,” and then snaps loudly.

My haze clears and I shake my head a little. God, that was sexy! I lunge at her with a new kiss. My hands are still locked high above my head but her hands slide around my sides and down around the globes of my bare butt cheeks. I sigh happily because I get to be hers. I have a loving girlfriend who controls me anytime she wants.

“Do you get it, good girl?” her voice is sultry. The tip of her tongue traces the edge of my mouth before she speaks directly into my parted lips. “Your pleasure is your obedience to me.” I can’t help moaning. “You feel sexy every time I control you.” It seems like she’s going to lick deep into my mouth so I open it wider, but she surprises me by twisting my nipples hard and saying, “Deeply sleepy.”

I am out like a light.

She laughs, “Good girl! It’s fun to control you. Open your eyes while remaining hypnotized. You will be able to walk safely and move on your own.” She snaps softly and it helps me feel a little more aware. I take a centering breath. “Excellent. Follow me.”

My arms remain locked above my head and I hike behind my dominant, as if this is even remotely normal. Repeatedly, Maya turns around to look me up and down and each time I grin and shake my chest or bend over to wiggle my ass at her. Showing off my naked body to my dominant feels like the right thing to do. I am on display for her and I can’t imagine a more worthwhile way to spend my time.

When we emerge from the thick trees and arrive at the lake, I hear another soft snap near my ear. It provides a small jolt to my brain, and I focus on the view in front of us. I’m in awe of how pretty it is. Maya stands behind me and runs her hands up my stomach. “This is certainly worth the hike, isn’t it, good girl?”

“Yes,” I gush. “It’s so…”

Her thumbs are brushing back and forth, back and forth over my nipples. My hidden trigger has just dropped me into a blank trance I will not remember. I will still remember her hypnotizing me earlier, but I won’t remember this or the programming she is about to do.


SNAP. “Wake.”

I’m looking at the pretty lake in front of us and I can’t wait to get in it! I’m so excited I don’t even notice lowering the arms that have been locked above my head. I giggle and bounce up and down at how happy such a pretty place makes me feel! “Oh, Maya! We have to get in it! It looks perfect!!!”

I start impatiently pulling her clothes off of her. She laughs and lets me exuberantly undress her before I shove off my own boots and socks. “Come on, Maya!! Come on!!” I grab her hand and drag her with me. I am completely focused on taking my girlfriend skinny-dipping. Moments after we get in the lake, I notice that the water feels like a million little tongues licking me all over. I stop moving when the water reaches my waist and turn to my girlfriend with wide eyes. Tiny tongues are licking through my pussy, along my inner thighs, and teasing my ass. How is this possible? I make an embarrassing sound and squeeze my thighs together to brace against the mass stimulation.

My words come out in a hush, “Oh my god. Can you feel this too? Mmmm…this could…this could make me cum, I bet. But I only want to cum for you…oooooh…baby…I think I want to cum for you like this. Would you like that?” I lower myself until the surface of the water is at my chin. I want the licking tongues to circle my nipples and to reach those sensitive spots on my neck I love. “Oh, god…baby, please…I want…mmm…I want…to cum for you… Please…oh! It’s like it knows your best moves. Ooooh god, please more…mmmm…fuuuuck. Maya, baby, can I cum for you? Ooohhh, yes, fuck…is this you…only you make me feel like this. Only you know…fuck, yes, right there. Yes, that’s how you…mmm…ohhhh…mmmm…please, baby…I’ll do anything…please…make me…cum for you…fuck! Let me fuck you…” My eyes fly open and I look at her intensely. “I need to fuck you!” I’m panting and I look ravenous.

My programming after the hidden trigger was about receiving my favorite kinds of foreplay from the lake until I devolve into a sex fiend unable to care about anything that doesn’t involve fucking my girlfriend. I’m so ready to fuck her brains out.

My girlfriend has been watching my unraveling with wide eyes and had no choice but to grope herself and masturbate while waiting. She can tell I am more than ready now so she swoops in. Grabbing me in her arms, my legs wrap around her waist and arms clutch around her shoulders. I am fully lost to lust for my dominant. I desperately rub my body against her and push my tit in her mouth. She pulls on my nipple with her teeth and I scream in delirious pleasure. We pause to stare at each other as though we’re both startled and then simultaneously lunge into a rough kiss. We can’t get close enough. I know only Maya is good enough for this kind of passion. I’m ready to give her my everything. She’s ruined me for anyone else.

We grind against one another, groping, rubbing, pumping, as if our sprint toward orgasm is tied to our very survival. Our hands are everywhere and my dominant finally commands me to cum for her while rubbing her fingertips against my g-spot. My pussy tightly pulsates as I lose my mind. She lets out a high-pitched wail and shakes through her own orgasm, still holding me close. This might be the most frenzied fucking I’ve ever experienced. I can’t tell whose limbs are whose.

We hold each other as our breaths gradually calm down. I’m hugging her close with my face tucked into her neck when, “deeply sleepy,” comes out of nowhere.

Out like a light.

I have no sense of the passage of time. I am floating mindlessly on my back staring vacantly toward fluffy clouds and blue sky. My dominant stands in the water at my side helping me remain buoyed on the surface. A far-away voice is repeating everything I also hear my dominant say. I am deeply relaxed and the words spoken by that distant, blank voice settle somewhere inside. Taking root. Establishing truth. Believe. Accept. Obey. Forget.

The empty head of a hypnotized good girl only contains what her dominant puts in it.

The empty-sounding voice is repeating a mantra, “A good girl floats in her domme’s sea of obedience. I only float in my domme’s sea of obedience. You are my domme. My mind will hypnotize me whenever I wish you were playing with me. I will give you a hypnotized toy to control. I cannot remember when I say, ‘my domme,’ but it will drop me. I will float in your sea of obedience. Good girls who want to be hypnotized drop and float. A good girl floats in her domme’s sea of obedience. I only float in my…”

It continues like an endless background song while I absorb the sensations of floating in my domme’s sea of obedience. Occasionally, a bird flies across my view and it adds to the peaceful nature of this place. I don’t notice when or why that voice somewhere in the distance goes quiet. My body moves with the gentle waves. Believe. Accept. Obey. Forget.

The term, ‘sea of obedience,’ has been mentioned during trances before, but now my mind has visual and physical sensations to accompany it. Never before have we used the moniker, “my domme,” and my conscious mind will remain unaffiliated with it. But my subconscious will insert “my domme” into sentences whenever I wish Maya was already hypnotically controlling me.

She pecks my face and kisses around my torso. I have no detectable reaction as I continue floating in her sea of obedience.

SNAP. “Wake.” SNAP. “Wake.” SNAP. SNAP.

I blink my eyes into focus while my brain tries to catch up. Wow, I cannot believe how deep I just was! I’m floating on my back in the lake but Maya is providing additional support with her strong arms beneath me. She’s gazing fondly down at me and I can’t help but smile up at her. I feel so close to her. Can the fully-conscious and real bonds of our relationship get stronger when I’m entranced? Or does only our hypnotic connection get strengthened?

She watches silently as I lower my legs to stand in the lake too. I hug her and sigh as our naked fronts fit together perfectly. I’m hazy on a lot of details from today, but I just feel wonderful. I feel…cherished.

I gently kiss my girlfriend and she hums against my lips, keeping our kisses light. Her voice is soft when she says, “This day has been…incredible. But maybe we should head back before the sun sets.”

I agree with her, but I also don’t want to leave. I wish she would play with me because I’m missing memories from our day and I want more. I know we should head home but I want to feel her control over me. I’m conflicted between the responsible decision and asking for what I really want. I don’t realize what I’m doing when I say, “You’re probably right, my domme.”

My mind drops as my eyes slip closed. My hypnotized-all-over-again head tilts limply to the side. Unconsciously following my new programming, I float in her sea of obedience.

I miss the pleased expression on Maya’s face because she knows I was unaware I was triggering myself. My girlfriend says, “My good girl obeys. Try to wake, sweetie, even though the sexy weight of my hypnotizing power keeps pulling you down. Try to stay awake.”

It’s hard to follow her confusing message, and I struggle to keep my eyes open. I lift my heavy head up from where it was hanging over my shoulder, but there is a sleepy fog muddling everything. A soft snap near my ear makes it a little easier to focus. Hand-in-hand, we make our way out of the water to dry off and dress. I’m moving sluggishly because the weight of her hypnotizing power keeps trying to pull me down. When I hear a couple more soft snaps near my ear, it makes me feel a bit more awake.

I pull on my underwear and pants. It seems I don’t have a bra so I just pull my flannel shirt on and leave the front unbuttoned. Good girls are meant to be on display and I feel like a good girl right now. When I’m waiting for Maya to be ready, I take another look at the beautiful lake. I hope I get to visit here many more times.

When my girlfriend approaches at my side, she chuckles, “I love what you’ve done with your shirt.” She slides her hand over my bare stomach and her voice seems to enchant, “Deeply rooted in your mind, you will remember this deeply relaxing lake as my sea of obedience. You picture yourself floating in it when you want to relax deeply. Very deeply. Deeply obedient, absorbing my words where your conscious mind forgets and it sleeps for me. You always sleep for me in a deep state of pleasure. You are all mine, my sweet love. You are my perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy. Float in my sea of obedience whenever you want me to know you wish I was playing with you.”

Maya can only see the whites of my eyes and couldn’t be happier with my current level of susceptibility. “Deep down inside, your subconscious mind knows what to do when you want me to play with you.”

My hypnotized voice is slow and meek when I say, “Yes, my domme,” before my head drops like a stone.

“Yes, good girl. Believe. Accept. Obey. Forget. Your programming is solidly in place. You are vulnerable to your desires. You are weak to the wish that I be in control. You can’t help but obey when your subconscious follows my will.”

Five soft snaps sound near my ear and it is enough to make me blink my eyes open and lift my head. My mind is foggy and I don’t remember anything since I started looking at the lake, but I give a lazy half-smile to the beautiful woman beside me. I lean in to kiss her sweetly. Becoming Maya’s programmable good girl is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, even when I’m not sure what is going on. There is just too much pleasure and arousal in my life now to care about a little confusion every now and then.

She coos, “Oh, baby, it’s so fun to play with you. I love molding and influencing your increasingly soft and malleable mind. You easily drift into trance…”

After hearing a soft snap, I’m surprised to be opening my eyes.

“…and you come back when I summon you. Your mind flows up and down for me. You slip and you sink.”

A soft snap and my eyes flutter open again. Another surprise.

“And sometimes, you just drop…”

Another soft snap, and I lift my head back up. It’s really heavy, so it sways.

“…yourself for me. When my sweet girlfriend used to ask, ‘Will you play with me, my dominant? Will you hypnotize me and take control of my vulnerable, pliable little mind that sinks so deeply and easily under your control and into hypnotized pleasure?’…

Another soft snap. And another. And another. My eyes flutter open and it takes a few seconds for me to understand my view is the ground and my tongue is hanging out of my mouth. I fight again to lift my head but somehow can’t think to pull my tongue back in my mouth.

“…now, my perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy hypnotizes herself but you can’t remember that because you’re too deeply fractionated and sinking, dropping, slipping, falling as my submissively enthralled, entranced, mesmerized and deeply…mine.”

Drool is sliding down my chin and my head is on a swivel. There’s a soft snap but my unseeing eyes continue rolling all over the place and the drool drips down to my chest. I’m not even remotely self-conscious of this mindfucked spectacle.

“You look incredible right now. I wish I could drive us home with you looking like this the whole way but I would surely crash, and we don’t want that. You really, really love becoming my completely mindfucked toy, don’t you, good girl?”

“Yes, my domme,” my forehead thunks hard into her shoulder and neck right before my entire body crumples. Thankfully, Maya was prepared for that and catches me against her. I am beyond deeply fractionated at this point. Today’s programming is definitely gonna stick.

SNAP. “Wake.” SNAP. SNAP. “Wake up, good girl!” SNAP. “There you go.” SNAP. “Waking up now.” SNAP. SNAP. “Wake. Wake, good girl.”

My brain is jerking more awake with each snap and command. I stand on my own as soon as I can. I step back and find Maya looking extremely happy. I think I’ve been hypnotized quite a bit on this outing and I suspect my mind is going to take some time to recover. I try to look more together than I feel and grab hold of Maya’s hand before suggesting, “Let’s go home. I might need a nap,” I chuckle.

She glances down at my cleavage, so I do too. I’m shocked at all the drool. She grabs a towel and dries me off. When done, she pushes the shirt more open so she can clearly see my nipples and full breasts. She says, “You always feel so good when you’re on display for me. Submitting to pleasure and obedience…”

My eyes cross and roll back.

“Oh wow. You are very weak to my power right now. My god, deeply fractionated toys are so fun to play with.” She pecks my completely absent head. “It’s hard to keep myself from repeatedly dropping you when it’s this satisfying. But we should go home and rest.” She rubs her thumb along my bottom lip and, still entranced, my tongue extends and sucks it into my mouth. I have no clue what I’m doing but sucking fills me with obedient pleasure so I moan and slurp on her thumb.

“Holy shit. Look at you, you horny little toy. Okay…okay. I need to be the responsible one. We’ve had a productive outing but you need aftercare!”

SNAP. SNAP. “Wake for me now!”

I groggily lift my eyes and sigh, releasing her thumb. I feel…passive. Foggy.

“I’m taking you home, sweetie.”

I smile dreamily because I understand she’s taking care of me. She laughs and pulls me behind her. As we head back into the woods, I hear my girlfriend assuring me there’s going to be a lot of aftercare back at her apartment. I babble my thanks and cuddle her arm as we hike. She told me to wake, so I must be awake, but I have a strong desire to do anything she wants, to please her, and that is how I feel when I’m hypnotized. It’s too hard to figure out.

SNAP. “Wake.”

I re-focus my eyes. What just happened? I’m still cuddling Maya’s arm as we approach her car, but I must have zoned out. She leaves me at the passenger door after pulling my open shirt closed and staring at me very closely while promising, “You’re okay. We’ll be back at my place soon.”

I smile in appreciation but she’s already walking toward the back of the car. I slip my shirt off and get in the passenger seat and buckle my seatbelt. We’ll be back at her place soon.

Maya gets in the car after me and gasps in surprise. “Why are you topless?”

I smile sweetly and reply, “Your good girl putting herself on display pleases you, my domme.”

Maya is suddenly looking at a limp, hypnotized toy. My head fell back against the headrest and only a tiny sliver of the whites of my eyes is showing.

“Wow. Just…wow. What a perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy you are. But I’ve gotta be honest, honey, keeping you in this state might be easier for getting us home. You’re like a walking bomb with multiple detonators.”

She leans over me to lower my seat back and accidentally rubs her cheek along my underboob. I’m not the only one with weaknesses because she slowly starts rubbing her face all over my breasts. She is very distracted by the plump smoothness and mumbles, “I’ve got work to do to…” Her tongue licks from the base of my breast to the tip of the nipple and she sucks lightly. She moans in delight before finishing her sentence, “…bring you fully back to yourself.” Her warm mouth licks more aggressively and suctions as much of my breast as she can fit in her mouth. She gives herself time to appreciate the softness until my chest rising and falling with mounting arousal reminds her to think about where we are. With my hard nipple tickling between her lips, she mumbles, “You’re a naughty little temptress, aren’t you?” Her hand slides down my pants and she feels just how wet her hypnotized good girl is for her.

A whimper escapes me and my pelvis rolls against her fingers as she lightly rubs my clit and watches my desperation, making me chase my orgasm. Her fingers add pressure and speed and I’m so close, ready to burst when she disappears. I shudder in shock instead of ecstasy.

“You are being naughty, naughty,” she reprimands. “I may love that you put yourself on display and turned into my submissive toy, two things I love, by the way, but you are a dangerous distraction right now. I need to focus on getting us home and we need to work on how easily you rise from trance and stay up from trance. You won’t be cumming until we get that fixed. How’s that for motivation?” She covers my flushed and bare breasts with my flannel.

Despite remaining in trance, I’m stunned. I was headed toward a really good orgasm; I HAVE to learn how to do whatever it is she wants!

The car starts moving and I remain in an aroused, spellbound limbo eager for corrective programming.

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