She Wants to Suck My Mind Empty

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #hypnotic_language #pov:bottom #sub:female #induction

Hypnokinky girlfriends brainstorm how to improve Maya’s bad mood when an interesting idea is suggested.

Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

Ever since waking up this morning, my girlfriend, Maya has been in a bad mood. She doesn’t seem annoyed with me, just grumpy.

“What can I do to make you feel better? I could bake you something. Or I could get take-out from wherever you want. Are there errands you hate that I could do instead?” I’m grasping at straws.

Maya leans back against the sofa, turning her head toward me, and staring in thought for a moment. A sly grin grows on her face before she answers, “You know what would get me out of this funk? What would please me most right now?”

I’m relieved she has an idea because I don’t want her festering in a foul mood if I can help. “What would please you most, sweetie?”

She looks at me with intensity, “Draining every last thought out of your mind. I want to suck your mind empty. I would be in a better mood if I looked at you and saw a malleable, empty-headed plaything for me to use and entertain myself. For as long as I want. That would cheer me up.”

I’m staring at her in surprise. I’ve never used the word “Machiavellian” to describe my girlfriend before, but that may be appropriate right now. There is a long moment of silence before I burst out laughing. “What?!”

She inches closer and takes ahold of one of my hands, raising it to her mouth and kissing my knuckles. “You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”

“Of course, I am.” My answer is immediate and fervent. I never want her to doubt that.

She looks devious. “And good girls obey. Good girls obey deeply. Good girls love to obey.” She drags her soft lips and the tip of her tongue over my hand and fingers. Delicately, she makes tiny, little sucks on each of my fingertips. It’s playful. I pay close attention because I want to know what she’ll do next. When she lifts my other hand and gives it the same attention and the same, little fingertip sucks as the first, I’m getting excited for where this is heading.

“You are my good girl. Good girls submit and obey. Good girls crave to obey. When a good girl starts obeying, she feels the pleasure of obeying. You feel compelled to obey me more, to obey deeper. Obey me deeper, good girl. Submit naturally. Obeying brings pleasure. You feel pleasure as you obey me. You obey…naturally…submit and obey. Obey your dominant, good girl. Obey me deeper. Obey me deeply. Obey me down into the pleasure of submission. My words feel so good as you listen and follow. You crave to obey; you want to submit. Obey me, good girl. Feels so good to hear…obey. You feel good when you say…”

“Obey.” I sound absent when I say the word in sync with Maya and my eyes droop. Everything is happening naturally. I follow everything she says naturally. Feels good to submit and obey. Once I start obeying, I feel the pleasure of obeying. I need…more… I am compelled to obey more…obey deeper…

Despite my hooded eyes, I am focused on her mouth. Her words make sense; I agree. I agree with everything my dominant says. I want to submit and obey.

“Yes, my good girl, you obey.” She twirls her tongue around my pointer finger and sucks it between her warm lips. “I’m sucking your thoughts away. I am sucking your mind empty.”

We may have continued like this until I was completely hypnotized, but she wants to shift closer and the interruption to her flow opens a window and I snap out of the sexy interlude she sent me drifting down. We’re supposed to be getting my girlfriend out of her bad mood, not teasing me. I’m going to bring her attention back to the original goal, but before I can, she sucks two of my fingers into her mouth and I gasp. The warm, pulsating sensation feels so similar to when I’m fingering her. I can’t help but lean closer. I love her mouth…and her pussy. I watch as her sexy lips suck on my fingers.

My girlfriend knows she’s got me hooked when I keep staring intently at her lips and my voice comes out soft and a little distracted. “How…how would it work?” The hopeful lift in my question makes her feel smug. She’s got me craving it now.

“How would what work, my good girl?”

“You sucking my mind empty.” My expression is rapt on her mouth’s ministrations.

Her hypnotic voice soothes, “You obey. Good girl obeys deeply. Look up…”

My eyes smoothly lift to hers and our faces are so close it’s a little surprising how big her eyes seem. I have a fleeting moment to realize what I just walked into, but it’s only a second before…


In an instant, I feel everything fall away and leave me to the pleasures of submission. I know these sensations so well and I might be addicted. The allure of becoming her perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy is so powerful I have to give in. My face relaxes into a doe-eyed stare as I succumb to the tantalizing pleasure of being an entranced good girl. Good girls obey. I obey.

Maya continues sucking my fingers and holding me within her gaze. She’s making the inside of her mouth feel like it’s undulating, like she’s drinking my thoughts through my fingers. She’s emptying my mind. When it is clear I am her enthrall and I don’t have motivation to make any self-driven decisions, she alternates between speaking in her hypnotic voice and sucking my fingers.

“Good girl, I am sucking your mind empty. Feel your head emptying as I suck. Feel blank, open space expanding in your head as I suck your mind empty. The emptier your mind becomes, the better you feel. All that empty space in your head will make you an empty-headed plaything. The emptier your mind gets, the more necessary it becomes for me to use you. To move your empty-headed, pliable body for you.” She takes hold of my chin and angles my head in several directions to prove her point. My spellbound expression and entrapped eye contact never falter. “It’s already working, good girl. The empty space in your head feels so good and you need me to use you, to control your body. Your thoughts keep disappearing as I suck them away.”

My head feels nearly empty and it feels so fucking good. My dominant is taking care of everything because I need her to. I need her to use me, to control my body.

“My good girl is nearly completely empty-headed. Empty-headed playthings can’t think. They don’t have thoughts. Empty-headed playthings only feel pleasure. And they don’t need this.” She grabs the hem of my top and pulls it off, tossing it out of the way. My dominant goes back to sucking my fingers to empty the last of my thoughts as she plays with my newly revealed breasts.

She’s not holding me in her hypnotizing stare anymore because she’s otherwise occupied, but my face hasn’t moved. I’m gazing emptily forward without a thought passing through. Maya tilts my head downward so her hand manipulating my tits is in my eyeline. It’s almost as if she’s saying to my subconscious, “Check this out. I own your tits. These are mine.” My dominant chuckles when she tilts my head upright again and my face remains just as passive. My nipples are so hard and pointy that there is no doubt how aroused all of this is making her hypnotized toy.

Maya smirks between each suck of my fingers. “You look an awful lot like an empty-headed plaything. We’re almost there, good girl. You are already docile and compliant, mine to use and play with how I want. And that is, after all, the purpose of an empty-headed plaything.”

The expression on my face remains vacant and relaxed. My dominant is very pleased.

“Good girl. I will hold on to your thoughts until I decide you need them again.” She lifts my other hand and licks my thumb. “Now I’m going to suck any glimmer of wakefulness out of you. I’m going to suck you down into a very deep sleep.” She forms her mouth into an intense suction around three of my fingers and my eyelids flutter for several, long moments before my eyes cross and roll all the way up. My head flops to my chest. There is not even a hint of wakefulness left in my countenance.

My dominant moans at the results. This might be her favorite part of our hypnotic play, the visual cues of my submission. Much to her pleasure, when she lets go of my hand, it drops limply. As a test, she lifts my hand onto my head and presses down on it against the top of my head before letting go. My hand remains where she placed it. When she pulls on the wrist, to dislodge it, my hand falls floppily. I never make any effort to move on my own. My dominant has created an empty-headed plaything to use and control its body.

“Good girls are horny when they become empty-headed playthings. You are horny for your dominant to use you, aren’t you?”

She nods my head for me before holding it up by my forehead and gently lifting one of my eyelids to check. Her empty-headed plaything’s eyes are rolling up, down, around in circles, and to the sides, all in a wild and aimless pattern. Maya knows her good girl is preoccupied with deep pleasure and she has full control over her toy. “It’s so sexy to watch you fall under for me. You’re all mine, baby. All mine. Empty-headed…deeply hypnotized. A perfect combination for both of us to enjoy.”

She lets go of my head and it drops and bounces over my chest. My body is completely passive. I don’t have thoughts left, only intense pleasure swirling around inside.

My dominant suctions her lips around a nipple before sucking. Her fingers tip my head up, and she watches as it swivels and bounces loosely. Her good girl looks like a properly mindfucked bobblehead.

Maya’s lips let go of the nipple and move to the other. When she sucks with greater intensity, my bouncing head falls straight back, no longer supported by lax muscles. If I were cognizant, I would feel embarrassed about how I look with my mouth gaping open because of the backward angle. But I feel no embarrassment, because she sucked away every self-conscious thought I could have had. My dominant sucked my mind empty and gets to control my body however she wishes.

There’s a vibration against my breast as my dominant muffles in triumph before straightening up. “Yes!” she celebrates. “I win! I always win! You’re a completely, empty-headed plaything…just like I want you to be.” She kisses and licks my stretched-out neck. “Your fate was sealed as soon as I knew what I wanted. You can’t muster the defiance necessary to stop a descent into hypnotized obedience once you feel the pleasure that comes from obeying me. It’s a perfect trap. I control you with pleasure, you silly toy. You are as weak to my hypnotic influence as I molded you to be.”

None of her words mean anything to an empty-headed plaything. I don’t understand or process what she says, and I don’t need to. My dominant is amusing herself. Playthings are just malleable toys and devoid of thoughts.

She grips my jaw and shakes my empty head back and forth, enjoying how slack and loose my body is. Her obedient good girl is officially ready for her to use and entertain herself.

Moving to the other end of the couch, she grabs my ankles and pulls until my slack body is flat. My pants and underwear are pulled off and discarded. Empty-headed playthings are more fun to play with when they’re nude.

My dominant lays her newly naked body over mine. The incredible sensation of her soft, bare skin sends a pleasurable wave through me and increases the horniness of this empty-headed plaything. She kisses my chin and says, “I feel so much better now. We have really turned my day around. I still feel like sucking on you though. The next place I suck is going to seal you up as my empty-headed plaything until I decide to give you your thoughts back. They’re going to stay gone until I return them. Soooo…I guess you’re going to be stuck like this for quite a while! It’s a good thing you’ve got an open weekend!”

She disappears down my body and props my legs wide open. My dominant was pretty confident that all of this was making her good girl feel incredible, but seeing just how wet I have gotten, without even being touched, is all the confirmation she needs. With a ravenous growl, she leans in between my legs and sucks my clit into her mouth. Reflexively, my pelvis rolls against her face until an orgasm ripples through her empty-headed plaything.

As my dominant uses me, she considers all the things she can do to really embrace being in a great mood now.

All the thoughts she removed will be returned when playtime is over. Eventually.

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