She Needs to Fine-Tune My Programming

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #hypnotic_language #pov:bottom #sub:female #hidden_trigger #hypnotic_amnesia #induction

The dominant hypnokinky girlfriend, Maya, figures out she needs to fine-tune the programming for her submissive’s hidden trigger.

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Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

There’s a loud snap. “Wake.”

I’m looking at Maya and she looks a little sheepish. “Are you okay, honey?” I ask.

“Of course! Yes, I promise I am,” she smiles at me but I can tell she’s working something out in her head.

“Do you need me to do something?”

“Not at all,” she says. “I just want you to keep hanging out with me. I like you sitting in my lap just like this.” Her hands are gliding under my shirt, all along my torso.

I smile, “Well, that I can definitely do.”

Maya’s hands roam all over my skin. She seems to just want this sweet closeness and I’m all for it. Maybe we can chat at the same time though…she’s mostly just watching me.

One of her hands caresses my breast delicately. Her fingers play with my nipple which feels more like intimacy than trying to arouse me. I can’t help but smile; I love her roaming hands.

But she has an intense look on her face that doesn’t really match the moment I think we’re having. I chuckle in amusement because Maya is literally watching me like I’m a television show. Her hand shifts and I feel the broad surface of her thumb brush across my nipple slowly, and then, slowly brush back in the opposite direction.

Very soon after, Maya is looking at my newly vacant eyes staring without seeing while my jaw hangs gently open. Her thumb continues to brush back and forth…back and forth…back and forth over my nipple.

I don’t consciously recognize, nor will I remember, that my dominant just hypnotized me by methodically brushing her thumb across my nipple.

“Dang it,” Maya huffs.

SNAP. “Wake.”

I’m looking at my girlfriend staring back at me. I have to ask, “Are you sure everything is okay? I’m not complaining! I will never complain about us spending quiet time while you stroke your hands all over me, believe me…but you look like you’re trying to solve a problem. And I like being helpful.” I smile wide.

Maya laughs. “I promise.” She leans up to peck my lips. “Everything is okay. And you are being helpful.”

I whisper, “Good. I like helping you.” I don’t question how doing absolutely nothing could be helpful.

“How do you feel?” Maya asks.

“I feel good! Like I said, your hands are on me! And that’s…”

Blank and hypnotized. Again. Maya’s thumb is brushing back and forth across my other nipple. Back and forth. Back and forth. My hypnotic programming ensures I won’t consciously remember what my hidden trigger is, I will forget when it is used, and I will forget I even have one.

My dominant huffs out an irritated breath. “Well, that settles it. Good girl, I need to fine-tune your hidden trigger. I should make it only hypnotize you when BOTH of my thumbs brush back and forth across BOTH of your nipples at the same time. That should help. Too many times when I want to touch your breasts, you get hypnotized. I can’t have you going blank this easily. I actually like having conversations with my awake girlfriend,” she chuckles.

Maya leans in to drop kisses on my breasts, over my shirt. It’s not their fault she made this trigger too easy to drop to.

“This has been a bit frustrating. I’ve literally been talking to you while innocently groping, thank you very much, and your complete silence and stillness has been a surprise. Accidentally making you completely blank and hypnotized wasn’t the plan. I am in control of your hypnotic experiences, good girl, so I will be in control of when you drop…with the exception of you accidentally hypnotizing yourself, of course. That’s been an awesome surprise. But…I don’t want anything getting in the way of me playing with your body, so this trigger needs to be a bit more sophisticated.”

She chuckles because she knows I would be even more bummed than her if I never remembered when my girlfriend plays with my tits. She leans up to nibble along the edge of my jaw.

“Not to worry, my sweet, submissive good girl. You and I are really good at programming you. I’m confident I can program you exactly how I want you. And you will accept your conditioning deep, deep down in your subconscious mind, because you need to please me and this will please me greatly. You are my perfectly programmable good girl. You submit and obey. You are on display.”

My vacant eyes roll back and my empty head falls to my chest. The phrase, “You submit and obey. You are on display,” always drops me deep.  

Before my girlfriend and I started playing with hypnosis, I thought strong drops could only come from singular word triggers. Somehow, she made a whole phrase an irresistible slide straight down into pleasure and obedience. I love hearing that phrase. My dominant tells me it will work stronger every time she uses it, and I can tell it is increasing in power. Sliding down automatically feels so sexy.

“There she is, my deeply hypnotized good girl. Dropping down so deep for me. Ready to absorb conditioning as you drop deeper and deeper and deeper down into a submissive and easy-to-program state. You are open and ready for me to mold you as I wish. Pleasure flows through you and takes over your deeply sleepy mind. You slip deeper because it feels so good. Your pleasure is your obedience to me. Pleasure is your obedience to me. Pleasure is your obedience to your dominant.”

My dominant’s fingertips trail all over my skin creating pleasurable tingles. I feel like I’m in a euphoric state. Her words stimulate my imagination to generate waves of pleasure while her hands manipulate my nerve endings. I am completely at her mercy. Pleasure is my obedience to her. Pleasure is my obedience to my dominant.

“Obedience flows through you. Your obedience to me is the pleasure you feel. Embrace your pleasure; you are embracing complete obedience. Obeying me will always bring you pleasure. You are addicted to the pleasure only I can give you; you must obey me.”

My mind is in a complete wonderland of pleasurable waves and an overwhelming compulsion to obey my dominant. I will obey completely. I must obey. I need to obey. I want to obey.

“Drop deeper, good girl. You submit and obey. You are on display.”

Sensations of sliding and sinking hit me hard and it feels so fucking good. Obeying feels so fucking good. I must obey.

Mindless, floppy, and deeply hypnotized. My dominant keeps her slumped over good girl from falling out of her lap. While my conscious mind surrenders to seductive, hypnotic slumber, the rest of me is highly receptive to my dominant’s words and hyper-focused on obeying. Thanks to the hidden trigger sending me into the trance, my conscious mind won’t remember anything from this programming session.

The words “you are in a Purple Place” float into my empty head and my hands pull off my shirt before falling limply back into my lap. My dominant is holding a bare-breasted, mindless, floppy, and deeply hypnotized good girl in her lap.

Words glide in my ears without me being able to consider them. “You’ve been such a well-behaved good girl, letting me test the trigger on your body while you sat patiently and unaware. My toy lets me play with her body, whether hypnotized or awake. I play with and manipulate your body when you are hypnotized and awake. You become passive when I start playing with your body because it makes you feel good and submissive. My good girl is happy to let me play with her body however I want, whenever I want.”

Maya carefully lifts up my dangling head. She pushes my hair out of the way so she can see the automatic smile she knew would be there because my dominant called me “happy.”

“So cute. So empty and happy and cute. Okay, my floppy toy,” she lets go and my head bounces above my chest. “…now…I promise this programming will work and be worth it. We will reap the rewards of this hidden trigger for many, many blankly hypnotizing moments to come. So, let’s get to it. Let’s fine-tune your programming, good girl.”




Laying in bed together, Maya and I are kissing and exploring with our hands. Her thumb brushes methodically back and forth, back and forth over one of my nipples. I continue kissing and hope she’ll keep playing with my breasts.

Maya smiles through our kiss and whispers, “Good girl.”

I shiver at the unexpected praise and lean down to lick her neck. Her hand raises and brushes methodically back and forth, back and forth over my other nipple. I nibble on her earlobe and think about how much I love her hands on me.

Maya coos, “Very good, good girl.”

I giggle at the flush of pleasure tingling through my body and because it’s funny to hear my girlfriend sound like she’s praising how I’m making out with her. She’s a vocal lover but this seems unique. I lean back to get a good look at her face.

Maya takes the pause as an opportunity to roll us over until she’s on top, straddling my stomach. I smile as both of her hands cup my breasts. She’s wearing a cocky smirk when both of her thumbs start brushing back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

I don’t know what has just happened. I am blank and hypnotized. My face stares vacantly as I lay frozen in empty stillness.

Back and forth.

“You are blank.” Back and forth.

“Easy to hypnotize.” Back and forth.

“This sensation…” Back and forth. “…blanks your mind instantly…” Back and forth. “…hypnotizes you instantly.” Back and forth.

“You know what you should know.” Back and forth.

“You forget what you need to forget.” Back and forth.

“You forget this trance.” Back and forth.

“You forget you have been hypnotized.” Back and forth.

“You forget this trigger.” Back and forth.

“You obey every command when you wake…” Back and forth. “…and forget where it came from.” Back and forth.

“You are frozen until I command.” Back and forth.

“My blank and hypnotized toy.” Back and forth.

My whole body remains frozen and my mind is blank. Aside from blinking when natural and necessary, I am still and mindless. I am a blank and hypnotized toy.

My dominant gloats, “Now, this is what I’m talking about. Blank and hypnotized instantly. Frozen in your blankness until I command you to move. Forgetting everything I want you to forget. This is going to work perfectly, good girl.”

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