My Hidden Trigger is a Goldmine of Opportunity

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypnotic_language #induction #pov:bottom #sub:female #exhibitionism #hidden_trigger #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #self_hypnosis

Hypnokinky girlfriends have some fun at home and perhaps one girlfriend is a lot more aware of what is happening than the other.

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Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

I step out of the shower wrapped in a towel before going through my usual routine combing my wet hair and moisturizing. My girlfriend, Maya enters the bathroom behind me and we smile at each other through the mirror. I turn around to give her a sweet, little kiss.

“Hold your towel open for me,” she says.

“What?” I ask while laughing.

Maya stares deep into my eyes. “You want to hold your towel open for me, good girl. My good girl is freshly clean and soft. You want to give me what I want. I want to look at your naked body and you feel a strong need to obey me, good girl. You need to please me. Your strong need to obey me feels too good to resist. Your deeply programmed, good girl obedience compels you to want to hold your towel open for me.”

My body is tingling and I can’t believe I’m reacting to this blitz attack, but her commanding, hypnotic voice is practically wrapping me up with a bow. She knows exactly how to emphasize and pace her words to make me feel pulled; I feel a physical urge, as she says them.

“You are my good girl and you need to obey me. You want to open your towel for me and hold it open, good girl.”

She’s soaking in my dumbstruck expression as my hands slowly move toward the top of my towel. She’s going to get what she wants without even needing to use a formal induction, but loud text notifications go off in the other room and the interruption gives me an opportunity to register what is happening. I force myself to snap out of it and break free of the intense eye contact. I’m not going to let her think she can win this easily! I smirk and lean in to give her a soft kiss.

“Mmm. Nice try. But do you know what, my overly confident girlfriend?”

“I know you need to obey me. I know you feel good when you obey. It feels good to please me. You need to please me. Be my good girl. My good girl wants to open her towel and to hold it open. Isn’t that right, my obedient good girl? Don’t you crave to please me?”

Her voice is so compelling and I have a burning compulsion to please her. It’s like she ignited a sexy flame inside me. I want to open my towel. “Yes…”

As my fingers start loosening my towel, I resist the idea that she’s influencing my actions. “Um…but, I mean… While I do want to open my towel…that’s not obedience. I just want to hold my towel open. For myself.” My protest would be more convincing if I wasn’t stretching my arms wide to hold the towel open, deliberately showing her my body.

As I watch my girlfriend’s eyes openly appreciating my nakedness, I start to feel sensations of pleasure. I know that pleasure is obedience. My pleasure is my obedience to Maya. But why am I feeling pleasure right now, when I’m merely standing here?

I want to make clear I’m not under some spell. “Ya know what? This isn’t some ‘I am submissive to my dominant’ moment, Maya. Or some kind of ‘I must obey hypnotic programming’ thing. Or, or…‘I am conditioned to obey triggers and I…I feel pleasure…because I obey…’ Right?” I blink dumbly because those phrases sound like conditioning rather than me making a cogent point. I try to pivot and say the most readily available thought in my head, “I want to hold my towel open for you!”

Maya’s smile is wide and cocky. That’s not a good sign…what did I say?

“I meant… Never mind,” I sound almost pouty.

Maybe I should just be quiet. My slip-ups surprised me so I decide to just stand silently and observe Maya’s eyes tracing every inch of my naked form. She’s making a big show of looking me over. I think watching her openly appreciating my body is making me feel good.

She’s smirking. I bet she thinks she is the only reason I’m holding my towel wide open, but that has to be an overstatement. This is just me being on display like a good girl. Wait…I mean, I am naked for her to appreciate. No! For me. I am naked…for me. That’s all. I am on display. Um…

Maya’s eyes keep roaming and she whispers, “Such a good girl for me. Good girls submit. Good girls obey. Good girls are on display.”

My body tingles. Damn, her words feel good.

I know that I am naturally voyeuristic, not an exhibitionist. But, I don’t feel like pulling the towel closed, and I don’t want to miss a moment of her admiring my nakedness. It’s almost like I am getting pleasure…I get pleasure from being on display. I am obeying when I am on display. I am…I am her good girl and…good girls submit. Good girls obey. Good girls are on display. Good girls feel pleasure… Good girls feel pleasure because they obey…

I can’t think of a single reason to cover myself. I don’t care to do anything but offer my body for her to gaze at and devour with her eyes. I am on display. I just need to obey. I want to submit. I want…ohhh, I know what I want…I want to be her hypnotized submissive. I want to be hypnotized and turned into her obedient, submissive toy. I need to become her hypnotized submissive. I am her good girl. I need to submit. I need to obey. I need to be on display. I need to be hypnotized…

My eyebrows furrow and I halt my slow, lazy blinking. I’m floating in a daze, repeating hypnotically enticing phrases in my own head. Is this some kind of self-hypnosis? I close my loosely hinged jaw and shake my head to wake up.

I focus again on Maya’s eyes still trailing in an exaggerated manner over my naked skin and her voice soothes, “Very good, good girl. You are submitting to me. You are obeying. You have become my deeply hypnotized submissive.”

And just like that, my head tilts limply over my shoulder and my mouth falls loosely open again. I am deeply and incredibly relaxed…pleasurably responsive to my dominant. She merely told me what I am, and then, it was true. This level of susceptibility is special.

My dominant continues, “Docile and receptive. Captured and compliant. My good girl. Good girls are easy to hypnotize. Good girls are easy to drop. Deeper and deeper.”

My eyes are rolling behind drooping, fluttering eyelids. It feels so good to be controlled, to be completely responsive to my dominant. The pleasure that comes from being her good girl is the most persuasive influence I’ve ever experienced.

Maya takes note of every detail while I continue holding my towel open for her. She hasn’t had to do much to slip me into this state. She’s been training me to be easily compelled to put my naked body on display for her. And she’s added a fun effect where the sight of her blatantly admiring my nudity triggers me to think about wanting to get hypnotized, to become her hypnotized submissive. Focusing on my desire to get hypnotized makes me powerfully susceptible in the moment. Seems like a handy trick.

SNAP. “Wake.”

I’m suddenly awake and my girlfriend is smiling at me. She winks before placing her hands on my hips, lightly rubbing her thumbs over my belly. I’m amazed I dropped that easily. She made me feel euphoric.

My girlfriend gives me soft, lingering kisses while I keep holding my towel open for her. I hum in appreciation because this feels sexy and beautiful. It feels special. I murmur against her lips, “I love you.”

Maya whispers in return, “I love when you obey.”

Despite my body’s obvious shiver, I still playfully sound annoyed, “Right. Well, fine then.”

Maya laughs and pecks my lips. “I’m teasing, sweetie. I love you too.” Her hands slide up my sides and begin fondling my breasts. She quietly observes, “I was right about how soft you are.”

I’m still holding my towel in a wide open pose and I want to bring up that topic again, but she’s very concentrated on playing with my breasts. My voice waivers when I say, “Sweetheart, I love how much you play with my body, trust me, I do, but…mmmm…” Maya sucks my nipple into her warm mouth and twists the other into a tight bud. “Fuuuck…yes.”

My girlfriend manipulates my body so perfectly and I’m not totally sure when it’s for enjoyment versus a method for distracting me. I want to continue making my point though. “Um. Baby, this whole opening my towel thing,” I glance at my arms still spread wide, “I mean, I’m only holding this open because…”

Suddenly, I am frozen in a vacant stare. Blank and hypnotized. Maya has just used my hidden trigger. The hidden trigger I gave consent to forget. The hidden trigger I never see coming. The hidden trigger that starts forgotten trances and unconscious commands.

My dominant’s thumbs are brushing over both of my nipples. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

“You are blank.” Back and forth.

“Easy to hypnotize.” Back and forth.

“This sensation…” Back and forth. “…blanks your mind instantly…” Back and forth. “…hypnotizes you instantly.” Back and forth.

“You know what you should know.” Back and forth.

“You forget what you need to forget.” Back and forth.

“You forget this trance.” Back and forth.

“You forget you have been hypnotized.” Back and forth.

“You forget this trigger.” Back and forth.

“You obey every command when you wake…” Back and forth. “…and forget where it came from.” Back and forth.

“You are frozen until I command.” Back and forth.

“My blank and hypnotized toy.” Back and forth.

Words seamlessly pass through my head, prompting the towel to slip from my fingers. My arms remain elevated at shoulder height because I need a direct command to no longer be frozen in place. Conditioning for my hidden trigger began months ago. It has developed into a remarkably effective tool. My dominant knows my subconscious will retain everything from this trance but my conscious mind won’t even remember it happened.

“Your mind is dropping deeper and deeper down. You are blank and mindless. Accepting everything I say easily. You are in a perfect state for absorbing my ideas. When I say, ‘you are open for programming,’ your legs will remain frozen, but the rest of your body will release. Only your legs will remain frozen. And your mind will sink one thousand times deeper because you are open for programming.”

My entire upper body flops downward, completely slack, as my legs remain frozen in place. I am in a very, very deep trance and my mind is open for my dominant to play. She programs me to insist on remaining naked this entire day no matter what I am doing or if I’m told to put on clothes. The most important thing I do today will be to keep myself naked and this will make me happy. Naked is natural. My complete nudity feels sexy and I will grow hornier and hornier the longer I am naked. For today, I will believe I need to be naked no matter what and that will make me happy.

SNAP. “Wake.”

I’m bent over for some reason and I notice my towel by my feet. I must be picking that up. I grab the towel so that I can wrap it around my body but randomly think to myself, “I need to be naked.” That sounds nice; I want that. I feel a burst of joy and smile. Turning around, I hang the towel on the towel bar instead of putting it around myself.

My girlfriend watches with great interest. “Don’t you want to cover yourself with your towel?”

“Nope.” I smack her ass playfully as I happily walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

“What are you going to do now?” she asks with curiosity.

“Well,” I say, “I think I’m going to make myself some coffee. Do you want any?”

Maya responds, “No, thank you. I had a cup while you showered. Are you sure you don’t need a shirt or underwear?”

“Nope! I need to be naked.” I look down at my body and feel really good about seeing myself nude. “Yeah! I need to be naked,” I repeat and smile at her. I walk over to envelop my sexy girlfriend in my arms and give her a deep, sensual kiss. This is the type of kiss that could easily spur an intense make-out session, but I was going to make coffee, so I groan and force myself to stop kissing her. When I pull back, she looks stunned. Her lips are red and wet as I walk away. I love doing that to her. God, I feel horny.

As I go about my business, my girlfriend sits at the counter and watches curiously. “How are you feeling?”

I turn to her smiling, “I feel good! And like…like I need to be naked. Ya know? Sometimes you just need to be naked.” I laugh, “I keep thinking about it.” I start running my hands over my soft skin before I pause to think. “And, I’m horny too. Yeah. I feel horny and…I need to be naked.” I squeeze my breasts together and look back at my hot girlfriend. She looks like a snack right now. “I could eat you up,” I mutter.

Maya’s eyebrows raise in surprise and amusement.

Maybe my girlfriend could be naked with me. We could be naked together. My hands rub all over my body while I picture Maya sitting topless at that counter. Her tits are so voluptuous and plump, bigger than mine…they’re perfect for my mouth and hands. They’re perfect for worshipping.

“I want to worship your tits.” I’m startled by my own abruptness. “Um…um, wow, uh. Sorry! I mean…I need to be naked!” Why do I have such a one-tracked mind right now? What is wrong with me? “How…um…how are you feeling, Maya?” I laugh awkwardly.

She tells me she feels entertained.

“Uh, cool…yeah. But…but you know what would be really fun? Being naked. Maybe you could be naked with me? Your tits are perfect naked. I mean…your tits are always perfect. Like, in a push-up bra or tight shirt? So hot. And like, like when you don’t wear anything under a top? And I can see your nipples? Oh god, I love your body. I need to be naked. Um…I’m…I’m just so horny, baby.” My babbling turns into whining.

I can’t stop talking about how horny I am or that I need to be naked. I’m getting more and more worked up until I’m full-on masturbating in the middle of the kitchen. I can’t resist rubbing my clit; I’m just so damn horny.

Maya stares wide-eyed in silence as I masturbate and babble like a sex-crazed toy. This whole ‘remaining naked will make you horny’ game progressed WAY more quickly and intensely than she thought it would. While she’s surprised, she is definitely not complaining.

“Maya…ahhh… Maya, baby…mmmmm… Ah!! I want to cum for you… I need to be naked…and…I need to cum for you. I’m gonna…ahhh…uhhhhh…mmm…MAYA!!!!”

I orgasm while standing in the middle of the kitchen. I’m panting and in a bit of shock. I have no idea what came over me. I don’t think I have ever just randomly masturbated in front of someone like this.

Maya is beyond pleased with how this game has gone. I am staring down at my own body, caressing my tits. I’m mumbling, “I need this. I need to be naked.” I smile wide and keep mumbling happily, “I need to be naked!” While I’m distracted, Maya quickly removes her clothes and approaches me.

Looking up, I see my hot girlfriend totally nude. Giggling, I react, “You’re naked! I need to be naked! And now you’re naked! I am so, so horny, Maya. My god, what is happening? I think you and I have GOT to fuck! Right?!”

Maya laughs joyfully and says, “I think you’re right, good girl! You and me have got to fuck!”

Her endorsement of my idea removes any remaining restraint. In a motion so fluid it seems choreographed, I fall to my knees before her and lift her leg over my shoulder while burying my face into her already wet pussy. I moan in relief and delight. I’m too horny to bother thinking through what has become of our morning.

Maya steadies herself with a hand on the counter and threads her other hand through my hair. When she has a moment to appreciate our position and how focused I am on pleasuring her, she feels genuinely elated about the success of her little game. My hidden trigger is a goldmine of opportunity.

It doesn’t take long before my mouth and hands distract my dominant from thinking about anything but her own accelerating orgasm. Her eyes roll back while her own body and mind give in to pleasure.

As a perfectly programmed good girl, I don’t recognize that I’m holding a window of power during these moments. And with today’s programming in particular, I am too distracted by how fucking horny I am.

I need to be naked.


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