Maya’s Good Girl Is In a Purple Place

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #hidden_trigger #hypnotic_amnesia #hypnotic_language #induction

Hypnokinky girlfriends have a new trigger for turning a voyeur into an unaware exhibitionist.

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Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

I enter Maya’s apartment and I’m surprised to see her standing right near the door. “Hi!” I state cheerfully and a bit startled.

“Hello there. Do you remember what you gave me permission to do?” Maya asks.

I guffaw before answering, “That sounds like a trap!”

“How so?” she looks amused.

“I’ve given my consent for you to do so many things! I know some of them you’ve made me hypnotically forget, right?” I’m smiling so big because my girlfriend is such a tease.

“Of course you have. Hypnotically forgotten, I mean. You’ve already forgotten. You always forget what I want you to forget. It’s easy to know what you should know and to forget what you need to forget. You forget what I tell you I want you to forget you forgot. You forget when I tell you, ‘It’s easy to know what you should know and to forget what you need to forget.’ You’re forgetting what you’ve already forgotten. Because you forget and then you’ve forgotten again.”

I blink at her a couple times. “Surrre.” What on earth was that bunch of nonsense? I’m confused by such an odd…blur of words. “So…so, I’ve…I’ve surely…forgotten…um… I mean…I’m forgetting because…I…know…stuff. And then, of course…forgetting. You say…things…and, um…I listen… because I’m such a good listener! And then…forget? Um. Well…I have forgotten. Because… because you know… Cause…um…”

I’m frowning and I have no idea what I’m babbling about. My voice is exasperated when I finally ask, “What?”

Maya chuckles, because of course she does.

What a bunch of nonsensical moments. I’m pretty sure I haven’t said anything important, and I can’t remember what we were talking about anyway. I just…I just walked in here. For goodness sake, I am not an airheaded person. I’m literally known for being focused and attentive. Was I distracted before I walked in? Is being distracted even the issue?

“Sweetie.” Maya pulls my attention from my convoluted train of thought. “Are you awake?”

I take the question seriously because it seems fair to ask, so I assess myself. “Yeah. I mean, of course! I…I just got here. And…I’m upright!” I laugh a little, standing up straighter. “My eyes are open…seeing you. I feel energetic…I’m talking to you and I know what’s happening…sort of. I am awake! Right?”

Maya clucks her tongue and tilts her head to the side in a patronizing way. My eyebrows furrow in confusion at her reaction. Her voice sounds like I’m being silly. “Well, that’s so funny, because I know that you are in a Purple Place right now, but that’s okay, because I’m glad to see you. I’ve been looking forward to you coming over all day.”

My hands grasp the hem of my shirt and lift it off. It drops simply to the floor as I unconsciously unhook my bra and let it slip down my arms to my feet. I don’t appear aware I am putting my naked breasts on display for her. I’m still wearing a bewildered expression and I sweep my eyes around the room like I might find answers explaining the perplexing moments that have happened since I arrived.

I decide it doesn’t really matter and just look back at my grinning girlfriend. While I may be confused, I am happy to be here with Maya. I smile wide and respond sincerely, “I’m glad to see you too! I was hoping I would get to hang out with you today, so this worked out perfectly.”

Maya’s smile turns oddly devilish, “Yes, it does work perfectly, doesn’t it?”

I quirk my head at her because that is odd phrasing, but whatever. Ever since we’ve brought hypnokink into our relationship I’ve noticed some odd moments. But it’s easy to glide right past them and I’m sure Maya would probably want me to anyway.

I walk over to her couch and sit down. Grabbing the remote, I expect her to be next to me, but she’s not. I turn around to see what she’s doing by propping myself up on my knees to see over the back of the couch. She’s still standing by the front door looking giddy. I cross my forearms on the top of the couch and lean over them to get comfortable. If she’s gonna stare at me, I guess I’ll stare at her. She bites her lip and her eyebrows dance up and down.

I start laughing because my girlfriend can be so silly. “What are you still doing over there? I thought you invited me over to watch something.”

She snorts while leering at what I don’t realize is my perfectly framed naked chest between my arms. “Oh yes, good girl. I am watching.”

I have no idea what that means but I’m intrigued by how pleased she looks as she walks closer. She approaches the back of the couch and firmly takes hold of my biceps, pulling me up and into her. I gasp as she startles me with an intense kiss. My arms are stuck between us so I can only accept what she gives me…though, it feels more like she’s taking. She’s panting when she suddenly pulls back from the kiss and I probably look foolish with my lips puckered while wearing a dazed expression.

Maya says in a hushed tone, “I want you to sit across my lap, good girl.”

I nod, wide-eyed and murmur, “Yeah…okay….” I’m still caught off guard by that kiss.

She climbs over the back of the couch, which makes me laugh and breaks me out of my stupor because it is not at all smooth. Maya laughs too before she pulls me in tightly after I sit sideways on her lap. My girlfriend seems to have some sort of plan right now, but I’m not going to pry. I’ve gotten really good at going with the flow around her. She’s being sexy and I absolutely love when she’s tactile, so I’m just going to enjoy this physical affection.

I wrap an arm around her shoulders, and her face is so close I can’t help but lean down for some really soft, slow kisses, a complete contrast from what we were just doing. She seems just as taken by the moment, so I smirk at the opportunity. Seductively, I brush my lips over hers while I suggest we do this instead of watching whatever she invited me over for.

Maya continues the movements of our lightly teasing lips and glides the remote out from my fingers. I think I’m going to get my way, but she puts something on the TV while barely even glancing at the screen. After carelessly tossing the remote, her arms flex around me, strong and firm, and I feel completely in her grasp. Without saying a word, she’s shown me that she is the one in control and it makes me submissive and fascinated by her. I don’t even feel bad I’m not getting what I wanted because this feels so sexy.

I’m hyper-aware as the tip of her tongue traces my lips. I feel like she’s slowly reeling me in toward whatever she plans to do to me. Her hand tilts my head until we’re looking deeply into each other’s eyes. In an irresistibly soothing tone that glides straight into my brain, she speaks, “You feel a strong desire to obey me flooding your mind like a sleepy wave. A sleepy, hypnotizing wave dropping my perfectly programmed good girl into a deeply obedient slumber. You are easy to hypnotize. You are submissive and docile. Easy to control; easy to command. I already have you hypnotized and under my control, don’t I?”

My dominant’s hand started nodding my head for me before she even finished the question.

“Good girl. Deeper and deeper. You need to obey me. You are going to watch and focus on the movie, good girl. You must obey me. You are my deeply obedient sex toy.”

My dominant lifts my arm not wrapped around her shoulders and tests how limp it remains as she moves it. She drops the arm and grins when it lands with a thunk. The whole while, I stare transfixed with my mouth hanging open and loose.

She continues weaving her powerful words through my entranced mind. “Only the best good girls can be programmed as strongly as you are. I’ve turned you into a deeply obedient sex toy. I get to play with my sex toy however I want. You reveal your naked tits to me when I tell you you are in a Purple Place. You remain awake but unaware of your bare breasts on display until I command you to see them. Your conscious mind is oblivious to this programming. You know what you should know and forget what you need to forget. You will not remember the contents of this trance, but you will remember that you are going to watch and focus on the movie. You must obey. My sex toy is going to watch and focus on the movie.”

My deeply slumbering conscious mind fails to notice my dominant leaning down to nibble on my tits propped up between us in our close embrace. Maya even pushes my breasts up from below to position them better for her easy access. She plumps out her lips to give pillowy soft kisses and then strokes her cheek across my cleavage and hard nipples. She hums happily and gazes again at my hypnotized expression. “I love playing with my toy. I love controlling my toy. You know what you should know and forget what you need to forget. Good girl, you are perfectly programmed, aren’t you?”

Automatic and empty, “Yes, I am perfectly programmed.”

My dominant leans up to lick my bottom lip. “Such a deeply mesmerized toy. A submissive and obedient sex toy. You are pleasing me. You must watch and focus on the movie.” Her fingers squeeze my cheeks and turn my head toward the television.

…must watch and focus on the movie…must watch and focus on the movie…

SNAP. “Wake.”

My mind wakes from a completely unexpected trance. Holy shit, where did that even come from? My eyes are on a movie on Maya’s television, and I know I must watch and focus.

I’m not sure how I became entranced; my girlfriend has been catching me off guard this afternoon. I can’t remember the trance, just the sensation of floating pleasure. I think my dominant had me completely spellbound. I don’t know how she does that. Did she do something to make me feel this submissive? She’s being so damn sexy today.  

As I watch and focus on the movie, my body remains snuggly wrapped up by my girlfriend and there’s a tantalizing, slowly escalating arousal tickling along the edges of my awareness. Even though I’m paying attention to the TV, I sense a warm tongue and wet, soft lips. I feel like I’m getting seduced by licking and sucking…fingertips caressing and pinching…squeezing and massaging… My arousal builds and makes it difficult to watch the movie. I have to put in actual work to keep my focus on it.

I feel so good…so increasingly good. Absentmindedly, I think, “I am a sex toy. I am a deeply obedient sex toy.”

My eyes cross from pleasure, but I have to watch and focus on the movie. My hands play through my girlfriend’s hair, distractedly scratching and massaging her scalp. Her head is conveniently right at chest height. I fight to make myself focus on the movie…Maya seems so busy, I need to keep focusing on the movie.

Before long, my face dons a distracted look while I imagine Maya and me fucking; I picture her sucking and licking my nipples. When I imagine her dragging her teeth along my cleavage, I know I can’t keep a handle on how horny I am. My girlfriend must notice I’m a mess; I am completely worked up and taking heaving breaths. I hope it’s okay, but I have to beg. “Baby? Baby, can I please cum for you? Please let me cum for you… I need to please you and cum for you…”

Maya lets out a long moan. Her voice rasps, “You’re so horny, good girl. You can’t cum yet, baby, but I’m pleased with how worked up you are. I want you to look at me.”

I turn toward her and I’m shocked by how disheveled she looks. Her hair is a mess, her pupils are dilated, and her lips are swollen and pink. She looks how I feel on the inside. She commands, “Naked boobies are a sight for good girls.”

“Boobies” is such a juvenile word I’m not used to hearing her say, but a strong urge makes me look down at my chest, and I’m surprised to find my breasts completely exposed. And my god, they are just propped up right there in front of her face! It looks like she’s been absolutely devouring them. Oh my god, she must have taken my shirt off while I was focusing on the movie!

I let out an embarrassingly whiny moan when she blows cool air over both of my nipples. They’re so damp it heightens the sensation and they’re incredibly sensitive. She’s clearly been full-on making out with my chest and I’ve ignored it! This is terrible! I never want her to doubt how much I love our intimacy; I have to make this up to her.

Immediately, I grab her face and kiss her eagerly. We both deepen our kisses and seem to match each other’s frantic level of passion. I rush to straddle her lap but she practically throws me backward and lands on top of me. I quickly slide my hand straight down the front of her pants and mewl in celebration when I find her soaked. She growls, “Yes, good girl,” while I explore.

My fingers have her quivering as I rub her clit. Her enthusiastic moans drive me crazy and my fingers slide easily inside her. I feel like I’m as turned on as she is. Somehow the heel of her hand is between my legs applying pressure and I’m grinding against it. We seem almost feral. I’m concentrating on giving her the orgasm she deserves while her eyes greedily consume my raw and devoured breasts bouncing between us. I’m stunned by her self-control when I feel her inner walls tremoring and she still manages to strongly command, “Cum for me!!!”

A shocking wave of pleasure blasts through me as we cum together. Our bodies spasm and release the intense build-up of sexual energy between us.

By the time my brain stops buzzing, my body is still and my breathing has evened out. I feel completely scandalized…in the best way possible. My girlfriend is silent, laying on top of me. She might be asleep, so I wrap my arms around her gently. All I can think is how fucking awesome she is…this is…everything. Everything is awesome.

Maya sluggishly lifts her head and I smile at her doped out expression. She rubs her face and hums. Looking punch-drunk, she gazes at me and says, “You look happy.”

My smile grows, “I am very happy.”

Giving me a goofy grin, she says, “I’m happy too. Do you know, you’re the best kind of girlfriend?”

I feel smooshy inside, expecting her to melt my heart with something romantic, so I ask, “I am?”

“Absolutely,” she answers. “The best kind of girlfriend is a perfectly programmed, bare-breasted good girl.”

I burst out laughing until I’m startled by two very loud snaps, and then her hand slides smoothly down my face.

A plummeting sensation of dropping knocks me completely under her control. With impressive speed, she sends me into a mindless state open for programming.

Today was a very successful foray into my new “Purple Place.” My dominant can’t wait to reinforce her sex toy’s conditioning.



At some point, I gave my girlfriend permission to create a trigger that would make me expose my breasts to her. I gave her free reign in determining how aware I would be about the trigger and whether I would notice once I put my tits on display. It sounded like fun to me. I’m not naturally exhibitionistic, I’ve always been voyeuristic, so I thought a trigger that makes me expose my boobs would give her a little “exhibitionism” treat.

She liked the idea but has only used the new trigger during trance sessions. Maya says it’s effective during hypnosis because the depth of my obedience during trance helps me make myself topless without worrying whether I’m behaving like an exhibitionist. Something I have made very clear that I just naturally am not.

While this makes sense to me, I am just so surprised Maya hasn’t tried to play with the trigger outside of trance. I told her she could use it any time we’re in private. She seemed only mildly interested, and I can’t believe she’s not even attempting it.

I’ve tried several times to sell her on the idea of us just living our lives like normal people, and then, “Oh wow! Suddenly, my awake girlfriend has her tits out.” Surely, that would appeal to her! Who wouldn’t want a girlfriend automatically exposing her bare breasts because you just thought she should? I mean, I’d love to see Maya’s chest every time I felt like it.

It’s the craziest thing. Granted, this would be the first time we try to incorporate a “permanent” post-hypnotic trigger for when I’m awake. And I’ve been skeptical about the likelihood that something like that could be effective on me, but I still expected her to at least try.

Maybe Maya thinks I’m too observant for something like that. I’m a thoughtful and intentional person, so perhaps there’s no amount of hypnotic programming that could make me unaware of something as obvious as my own naked breasts.

It’s a shame really. I’m so sure my girlfriend would have a lot of fun with it.

“Helloooooo?” Maya asks while laughing.

“Oh my god, I’m sorry,” I laugh too. “I was just in my head thinking about something.”

She smiles, “Sure looked like it. Do you want to talk about it?”

I grin. “Welllll, I was just thinking again about how you should try to get that trigger that makes me topless for you during trance to also work when I’m awake! I can’t understand why you’re not all over this!”

Maya throws her head back, “Oh my god, this again. Yes, I know, I know. I get it.” She smirks and takes my hand. Kissing my knuckles, she croons, “Sweetie, if you want to show me your tits, I’m always interested in that. Anytime you want to be my very own, personal exhibitionist, my eyes are open.”

I shake my head and grumble, “You know what I mean. I’m just not an exhibitionist. I know a lot of people incorporate that kind of stuff into hypno play and…I just…I don’t want you to miss out. I think this would be fun for you.”

She sounds remorseful when she goes, “Oh, honey…”

But I don’t want her to feel bad so I lean forward and pull on her collar with my finger. I peak down her shirt at her ample cleavage. She starts laughing and I enjoy her chest bouncing before saying, “I may be no exhibitionist, but I sure do love looking.”

Maya laughs heartily, “I know you do, my little voyeur.” She jokingly pushes me away and we both sit back on the couch.

Sounding nonchalant, Maya asks, “Sweetie, do you think you could go get the clean laundry from the dryer since you’re in a Purple Place and bring it here for me to fold?”

Always happy to be helpful, I stand up from the couch as I pull my shirt off before dropping it at my feet. I never wear a bra at home so my unconscious actions are already complete. My naked breasts are on display.

I smile and say, “Anything for you.” I bend over to give my girlfriend a kiss but she’s intensely staring at something. I tilt her face up but her eyes remain comically distracted by something below. “Maya. Yo. Your girlfriend is trying to be sweet by giving you a kiss.”

She startles and looks up into my face. “I’m so sorry. I promise you have my attention,” she smirks.

I mumble, “Good.” Leaning in, I leave a lingering kiss on my favorite person’s lips.

After I stand up, I admonish her, “Don’t think this has distracted me. We will be talking about the topless trigger again, just so you know.”

Maya grins and winks at me.

I giggle at my silly girlfriend before heading toward the laundry room bare-breasted and unaware.

Maya may not be dating a woman naturally inclined to exhibitionism, but I’ll convince her eventually that she should feel empowered to see my naked tits whenever she wants. I won’t give up until I get her to agree with me. I am her sex toy.

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