Looks Like I Will Become Her Good Girl

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #induction #pov:bottom #sub:female #accidental_hypnosis #hypnotic_language

Some innocent hypnosis play between girlfriends opens the door to some exciting ideas for more serious hypno play.

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Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) exploring and establishing a hypnokinky dimension to their relationship.

“Have you ever wanted to be the person getting hypnotized?”

Maya looks up from her lunch and quirks a questioning eyebrow in my direction.

“I’m just curious. Getting hypnotized makes me feel so good. I’m worried about whether you’re getting as much out of it as I am. This is a two-way street and I want my girlfriend happy,” I smile at her shyly.

Maya smiles back and reaches out to hold my hand. “Sweetie, you’re often in leadership positions, people come to you for advice and mentorship…so, the fact that you’re willing to let your guard down to let me hypnotize you? To give me control? That is so sexy! I get turned on when we play with hypnosis.”

“Yeah?” I sound hopeful.

“Oh my god, yeah. Our hypno play makes me feel good too. I love watching you slip down; it’s sexy. And you’re learning how to drop from a variety of techniques. That’s really fun for me. I know how precious it is to allow yourself to be vulnerable. It makes me feel powerful and trusted. You make me feel irresistible, baby…and amazing.”

I’m both in awe and relieved.

“If I didn’t know you’re being seduced by pleasure I would worry I’m being selfish,” she winks.

I’m thrilled she feels this way, “Wow. That’s so sexy…and beautiful. That makes me even more happy we’re playing with hypnosis.”

Maya leans across the table to gently peck my lips. “Me too.”

“And… It really is a turn on for you? It’s not just me?”

Maya nods smugly.

I give her a huge smile, “Amazing.”

I go back to eating my lunch and quietly thinking to myself. Maya looks over at me while we finish our food. Finally, she asks, “Would you like to try hypnotizing me?”

My head whips up in surprise. “I thought you wanted to be in control?”

“Sure, but I can see how curious you are, and I want to encourage you being curious about our hypno play.”

“Well…truthfully, I’m not sure I can hypnotize you,” I say a bit sheepishly.

“I’ll tell you what…let’s play around with it. We can talk through some ideas and if we’re both feeling it… Let’s give it a try.”

I give Maya a beaming smile and lean in hoping for a kiss. “Awesome.”

Her hands take hold of my cheeks and guide us into a deep, sensual kiss, much more passionate than I’m expecting. Her lips are so soft and enticing. Our sexual chemistry often leaves me dumbstruck and this moment is no different.

She holds my face close while we both catch our breath, staring into each other’s eyes. Without a word, I lean back in while pushing out of my chair. I want to be as close to her as possible. I climb into her lap and before long, we’re both topless, clutching each other with our naked breasts pressed together.

I’ve never had a girlfriend before that went from zero to sixty like this, just like I do. I’m grinding against her torso when she whispers, “Good girl.” I moan and kiss her desperately. Dating Maya has opened my eyes to a previously undiscovered praise kink.

She started calling me “good girl” while we were playing with hypnosis. I think it began as positive feedback but it has had a much bigger effect than just reassuring or encouraging me. I can’t believe she just said it outside of hypnosis. I want her to know how sexy that is so I whisper into her mouth, “I want to be your good girl,” before sliding my hands under each of our pants searching for both of our pussies. I want to feel how turned on both of us are at the same time. I want proof that calling me “good girl” makes us both wet.

ONE WEEK LATER ---------

True to her word, Maya and I discuss different scenarios for me trying to hypnotize her. During the earliest stages of our hypno exploration, Maya used a spinning pendant while she got me used to her voice and phrasing. I already had a history of listening casually to hypnosis files online but I had never experienced hypnosis with a live person. I was pretty sure the comfort of knowing no one could see me was a big reason I was hypnotized by the online files. I was worried my nervousness about being visible would make me a poor subject.

Thankfully, we discovered I’m a natural when I can get past the fear of looking unattractive while totally relaxed. We’re still working on it but I’m better at not fixating on concerns of whether I look stupid. I still worry a little, but it’s not preventing me from enjoying our play.

Maya has moved us past using that pendant for inductions. It’s been weeks since I’ve seen it. We’ve been exploring other techniques for hypnotizing me and it’s been fun.

I suggested I could use a pendant for hypnotizing her, but we should use a different one than the one I’ve seen. We had reached a point where I was mesmerized by the sight of her pendant spinning before she even started a verbal induction. Maya agreed this was a smart plan.

Now, she and I are sitting, facing each other on her bed. I’m holding a light blue pendant I’ve never seen before. I’m kind of nervous to be leading an induction. I’m afraid she won’t be affected at all and I’m going to look foolish. There’s skill involved in hypnotizing someone and I’m not feeling confident.

I lift the pendant a little above our eye level and twist it into a spin to test how it looks.

Maya says, “This is a smart strategy. I bet you’ll be good at this because you can relate to what is going to happen. You can easily remember how it feels to get hypnotized while watching a spinning pendant.”

I try to sound more confident than I am when I answer, “Yeah, that does makes sense.”

“Are you nervous, honey?” Maya asks gently.

Cringing a little, I’m too embarrassed to look at her. Quietly, I admit, “Yeah. I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”

“There’s no need to be, sweetie. This is just you and me. I’ll never judge you, and I love you. I never feel more comfortable than when I’m with you. Just being near you makes me feel comfortable, and I know you feel comfortable being with me too. That’s one of the things we focused on to help you move past your nerves when I first started hypnotizing you. Remember how calming and relaxing it feels when we play with hypnosis? We’re just playing with hypnosis.”

Smiling at her sweetness, my eyes keep watching the spinning pendant. I confirm, “You’re right. Being near you does make me feel comfortable. And playing with hypnosis is just about calming and relaxing, so this is the same.”

“That’s perfect, good…” Maya cuts off like she is going to call me “good girl” but doesn’t. Was that on purpose? I can feel my entire body wants to hear her say it.

Instead, Maya comments, “This pendant is really pretty. When you look at it spinning, it reflects little flashes of light just like the pendant I used while hypnotizing you.”

I squint and look closer…huh. She’s right. “Yeah, it does.”

“Yes, it does. It’s so easy to watch. And this one feels just as eye-catching when it spins. So easy to watch… Light blue is a calming color, isn’t it? Good for hypnosis.”

“Yeah. Light blue is calming. Um…you should think about it calming you. How calming light blue is…while you watch it spin, I mean. Staring at light blue…as it spins…making you…calm…it’s easy to relax while watching. To relax and stare.”

Maya hums soothingly, “Yes, relax and stare. It’s easy to relax and stare. Calming and relaxing as it spins.” She continues softly, “I’m picturing the pendant that hypnotizes you so easily. You’re hypnotized so easily when you see my spinning pendant. Picturing the spinning pendant as it hypnotizes you. Always feels relaxing…feels good. Can you imagine and see that deeply hypnotizing pendant?”


I cut myself off the moment I realize I just slow blinked and I was going to automatically say, “Yes.” That seems a little too “hypnotic-behavior-ish” and that is not what we’re doing right now. I widen my eyes and make myself say, “Sure.”

“Good girl.” Maya’s voice sounds so smooth and I can’t help the warm wave tingling through me. “You can easily picture your pretty and deeply hypnotizing pendant spinning while you watch the light blue pendant.”

“Yeah...both…spinning…pretty…” My voice sounds a little…far away? That’s probably because I’m focusing on two spinning pendants and that’s taking a lot of concentration.

“Good girl.”

A warm, tingling flush gives me a small smile. God, I love when she calls me that.

Maya is smiling too as she continues, “Feeling calm imagining that hypnotizing pendant spin, and the strong, relaxing effect it has on you. I have hypnotized you over and over again while you stare at the spinning, deeply hypnotizing pendant. I can simply lift your hypnotizing pendant, start it in a mesmerizing spin, and look to you…my good girl…your eyes already watching, unable to look away. Deeply relaxing while you watch the spinning pendant. Relaxing deeper and deeper. Can’t look away. Your mind is emptying…ready to absorb my hypnotizing words. Deeply relaxing down so easily for me. You are spellbound. Entranced. My enticing, hypnotizing words are so powerful. You drop down deep when you watch my spinning, deeply hypnotizing pendants. The sight of my pendants drop you down into a relaxing, hypnotic slumber. Your mind sleeps deeply for me because it feels so good. You want to obey and remain within my relaxing, hypnotizing sleep. You feel so good. You feel so good because you obey. You obey because it feels good. You are hypnotized by the sight of my spinning, deeply hypnotizing pendants. Aren’t you, good girl?”

My voice is soft and empty, “Yes.”

“Good girl. The hypnotizing pendant in your mind has a deeply relaxing color. You drop deeper when you tell me…what color is the deeply hypnotizing pendant in your mind, good girl?”

“Clear” I quietly murmur right before an irresistible whooshing sensation closes my eyes under a heavy weight. The clear emptiness of the pendant expands inside my mind, pushing out any thoughts. My mind is becoming as clear and empty as her deeply hypnotizing pendant.

But…wait…something is off…there’s something important I was trying to do. I struggle to keep some of my thoughts, to raise my eyelids again. They’re so heavy. Her enticing, hypnotic slumber is so hard to resist.

Maya taught me that surrendering to her hypnosis brings me more pleasure than I can feel while resisting. It would be so easy to surrender. My head sways as I struggle and my eyes blink heavily. I feel so fucking good, and I know I can feel even better by obeying Maya into trance. I want to obey Maya into trance. Wait…am I already in trance?

“Yes, good girl, you are relaxing deeply for me. Deeply dropping down. You want to be good for me. You want to obey me. Obey, good girl. Deeply dropping. Obey. Obey. Down. Obey. Dropping. Deeper and deeper…”

My upper body slumped over my lap at some point. I don’t know when that happened. I’m on the very edge of surrendering completely to Maya’s enticing, hypnotic slumber. She makes me feel amazing. She’s amazing. Obeying her is…amazing…

Wait. Wait…I need to make one last effort. I fight to wake myself, I try to sit upright. I am so tempted to give in to pleasure, but some thought in the back of my mind is pushing me to resist. It is really hard to fight against these good feelings, but I struggle because there was something I was going to do. I just can’t focus on what it was right now.

As I keep trying to sit up, my neck is so loose my head kind of slips into a continual nodding motion…very slowly up and down. Up and down. Absently, I can tell my eyes are rolled back and my eyelids are fluttering wildly, but there’s so much pleasure cascading through me I let the thought go. There are words smoothly gliding straight into my mind and I’m automatically agreeing with them. I nod as I float.

“All of my pendants hypnotize you when they spin. They relax you. They capture your mind easily. You feel compelled to obey me. It always feels so good when you drop for me; you never want to resist. You want to obey.”

I keep nodding as I blissfully drift within her sea of hypnotizing pleasure. All of her pendants hypnotize me when they spin. Capture my mind easily. I feel so good when I drop for her. I never want to resist. I want to obey.

I am in an empty-headed, euphoric cloud of agreement while her words flow through me.

I have no idea how long this goes on, but eventually, I feel drool slipping down my chin. While I feel incredible and I want to remain exactly like this for longer, I can’t believe I’m drooling! And then, I remember that thing I was struggling to stay awake to do. I was going to try hypnotizing my girlfriend. That’s the whole point of what we’re doing here!

I fight so hard for control over my own body. I push through a seductive fog clouding my mind and close my mouth. I wipe my chin and blink a bunch of times while shaking my head, to claw myself back to alertness. I look down at my lap and see the light blue pendant. I must have dropped it. I look up at Maya. She has THE cockiest, shit-eating grin on her face.


After she bursts out laughing, she has the decency to look contrite. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! You just set me up for such a perfect situation, baby. I couldn’t resist because you couldn’t resist! We’re both victims here!” I glare at her while she laughs. “Baby, it was so sexy. I swear. I love hypnotizing you so much and that was amazing. Seriously, so fucking good. You went down perfectly and you looked incredible. That may have been the sexiest drop I’ve ever seen. But…I am sorry. I really am! Please don’t be mad.”

I chuckle because it is funny but I try to give her a shaming look. I doubt she’s feeling any shame.

“Fine,” I mutter while faking irritation.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. I swear I’m going to let you try to hypnotize me. You just looked… Oh my god…the way you looked…and the way you fall for me… Honey, oh my god, it just had to happen like that. I had to do it. I really did,” she pecks my pout. Somehow she manages to give me puppy-dog eyes while also looking seductive…somehow. I don’t know how she does that.

I huff in defeat, and amusement, to be honest. “Maya, it’s okay. I’m not mad. Even though you clearly cheated,” I give her an accusatory look. “But I also really like the idea that sometimes you can’t resist hypnotizing me. That you see an opportunity and you feel like you have to take it. That feels sexy too and kind of like a compliment, I think. I like knowing that you feel that way.” It’s my turn to lean forward and peck my adorable girlfriend.

She’s smiling so big, she even looks proud of me. Her voice is raspy when she says, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m going to relive this while masturbating for a long time to come. Pun intended.”

Now my mouth is hanging wide open because I’m scandalized. My voice croaks when I reply, “Yeah. Yeah, that does make me feel better. Jesus.”

She giggles and looks delighted.

I decide to soldier through, “Anyway!!! Getting us back on track… I thought a different pendant would be easier, but clearly, I need to put in more effort to not get hypnotized. I can do that. No big deal. And no interjecting with a verbal induction, you cheater,” I laugh. “So…um…it really looks that sexy to you? Watching me get hypnotized?”

“Oh my god. I fucking love it, good girl.” Maya looks turned on.

I shiver involuntarily. “Wow. Okay. But…I mean, Maya…I drooled.” I look at her apprehensively.

Her smile is almost predatory. “Baby. That shows me how much I’ve relaxed you. How much I’ve influenced the way you’re feeling with just my words. It shows the control I have in that moment over both your mind and your body. It’s a huge turn-on.” She leans in so close we’re nearly kissing. Her voice is low and sexy, “My good girl drops so deep for me because she knows how good it feels for both of us.”

Holy shit. I am both stupefied and aroused. I look down at her lips and quietly whine, “Your good girl…” I feel desire and have to intentionally take a big, centering breath. We’re going to need to talk about that term.

After getting ahold of myself, I pull back from her and squint my eyes. I give her a “you’re sneaky but you can’t trick me” head shake which makes her laugh and sit back.

I say, “Well…fuck…I really want to have sex with you right now, Maya, but I need to hypnotize you first.”

She laughs loudly in surprise. I feel awesome making her laugh like that and continue, “And I shouldn’t look at anymore spinning pendants; I’ll keep my eyes on you.”

Maya’s smile is wide, “Perfect. I love that.”

The game is back on. I smile with renewed determination and raise the pendant. To be safe, I fix my eyes on Maya while I blindly start the pendant in a spin. I’m not making the same mistakes. I try to discretely flatten my hardened nipples. They are tight and pointy, and it is very distracting.

Maya looks at my chest and appears thrilled when she asks, “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” I reply quickly.

“Your nipples are hard!” she exclaims happily.

“Yeah,” I quietly confirm. “Anyway!” I try to get us back on track. I politely tell Maya to “watch the pendant, please.” She lets out a happy laugh and starts to raise her hands toward my breasts.

“Maya!” I chastise her quickly because she’s not distracting me again.

She looks so fucking joyful when she lowers her hands back to her lap and winks at me before looking up at the spinning pendant. My girlfriend is ridiculously mischievous.

I begin talking through why she wants to stare at the spinning pendant and to relax to it. The reasons I give are meant to be enticing and seductive. Hypnosis is so sexy, so I want to make dropping sound sexy. I work hard to keep my focus on not allowing my eyes to glance up and watch the spinning pendant along with her. The effort required is a little exhausting, but it’s necessary. I’m trying to hypnotize her not both of us, and I failed once already.

As it turns out, this game is really hard when you enjoy getting hypnotized as much as I do. I describe the many good feelings that come from falling down into a trance and how irresistible they are once they begin. I’m trying to use my own language and not phrases Maya uses with me, but some overlap is unavoidable. As I speak, drifty feelings encroach the edges of my mind but I forcefully push them back.

“Good feelings seduce you into dropping. Seduce you into obeying. You obey by dropping. It feels so good to obey. You obey because it brings you pleasure. You want to feel pleasure. You want to obey. You want to drop. You want to be hypnotized.” I wet my lips and swallow before continuing, “It feels so good…to be hypnotized. Hypnosis…feels…amazing…” I blink slowly. I think I’m pausing too long so I push out more words, “You…want to drop. You…want…to obey… It…feels so good…when you drop…when you obey…when you…are in…a…hypnotizing…”

I’m zoning out, so I shake my head and squirm. “You, um…you need to obey. And drop. Dropping is so good.”

Maya’s perfect posture loosens. Oh my gosh, maybe it’s working. If she’s relaxing to these words I may not need to keep fighting my own good feelings much longer. I could drift too.

I feel hopeful I’m getting close to hypnotizing her. I try using stronger imagery, “A sexy heaviness drapes down over your body and weighs…down… It’s…heavy…makes…falling…into…pleasure… pleasure…dropping…easy… Sinking…easy… It just…happens… Your mind…slow…body…heavy… Drop…down…hypnotized…obedient…obeying…obey…obey…”

I’ve started picturing myself obeying Maya and it feels really good. I blink stupidly a few times and shake my head a little to try to refocus. It barely works. I feel so heavy and thinking is really hard right now.

“Um. Dropping…obeying…drop…obey…”

I don’t register how long I pause this time or that my head is tilted over my shoulder because it takes too much energy to hold it up. I am mumbling, “Deep. Need…pleasure…must…obey… pleasure…obey…pleasure…obey…pleasure…”

My eyes are unfocused and staring blankly. Have I been hypnotized? Did I have to be hypnotized to hypnotize her? I can’t think it through. I just feel so good and I know I will keep feeling good by obeying Maya.

Softly, I murmur, “…obey…pleasure…obey…pp…sh…oh…bb…”

My head drifts lower and lower until it hangs limply over my chest.

I am completely lost in the sea of pleasure I tried to describe for Maya. I don’t even wonder about whether I succeeded in hypnotizing my girlfriend because floating in submissive euphoria feels much more important.

The more times I associate this kind of pleasure with obedience to Maya, the higher my hypnotic susceptibility to her will probably grow. I feel so good that I hope it does grow. I want to obey her because it makes her feel good too. I love making her feel good. Learning new ways to drop for my girlfriend will make both of us feel good.

Sitting across from me, Maya is completely awake, smirking, and watching the show. She was confident describing how good it feels to be hypnotized would make me feel each of those sensations. My vivid imagination is her best tool for conquering my mind.

The more we explore, the more she sees my capacity to be turned into an obedient and submissive “good girl.” She’s realized she really wants to make me her official hypnotic toy. She’d like to be my girlfriend AND my hypno play dominant, rather than just my girlfriend who is good at hypnotizing me.

We’re in a committed relationship with one another, so this could be an exciting layer to our already positive relationship. It’s undeniable that I’m getting sexually aroused when she hypnotizes me, so she wants to find out how comfortable I would be with sex becoming a part of our hypno play too. We’ve kept them pretty separate so far. She’s going to bring all of this up for conversation when I’m fully alert.

She hopes I’ll be on board for starting a journey of hypnotic training and conditioning. If I want to, I could become her deeply obedient, deeply submissive, and perfectly programmed good girl. Maybe even her sex toy.

This could be a lot of fun.

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