I Want To Become Your Toy

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #hypnotic_language #pov:bottom #sub:female #self_hypnosis

Hypnokinky girlfriends are on vacation and skip their planned activities for some fun in their hotel room.

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Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

My loose jaw is gently pushed closed by Maya’s fingers. I focus my eyes and turn my head to look at her sitting next to me on our hotel bed. “Hi.”

Maya laughs at my greeting. “Do you know you’ve done that a few times since lunch?”

“What?” I ask. I’m not processing at my usual mental speed. And then it occurs to me she’s asking about catching me in a zoned out, absentminded trance a moment ago.

Maya smiles. “Honey, I’m sorry we haven’t played with hypnosis in a while. We didn’t talk about whether that would be okay during this trip, and we’ve been around my family this whole time. I know we have our own hotel room, but I’ve been playing it safe.”

My eyebrows fly up because now I’m totally with it, “Oh my god! No! I definitely don’t want you to hypnotize me when we could get caught by your family. That would be mortifying.”

Maya looks thoughtful, “Okay, I assumed so. But… Are you intentionally dropping into light trances?”

I cry out embarrassed, “In front of your family?!”

My girlfriend leaps to her knees, “No! No! Oh my god, no.” She can’t help laughing at my mortification. “Just when we’re alone. I swear.”

“Thank god,” I breathe out in relief. “Try not to terrify a girl. Jesus.”

Maya laughs harder. “I swear, you’ve only done it in private. And I’ve only noticed it this afternoon.”

“Thank god.” I release a relieved breath. “And yes, I do know when it is happening. I mean, I feel the pleasure,” I smile wryly. “But I panicked for a moment that I accidentally did it in front of your family.”

Maya’s expression is teasing as she shakes her head “no.”

I chuckle, “That’s what I thought. But in case you’re wondering, I am definitely down for getting hypnotized on this trip. I just wouldn’t want your family to know. So, I guess I was just enjoying a few mini-trances on my own.” I shrug.

“How have you been doing it?” she asks curiously.

I look adoringly at my girlfriend. “Oh sweetie.” I bite my lip before explaining, “Getting hypnotized by you feels incredible, Maya! I can’t possibly resist and I don’t want to. So, sometimes when I recall a memory of you hypnotizing me, I can get kind of drifty along with the memory. I think when I already wish I was getting hypnotized, I feel those sensations again as a sort of replacement for the real thing.” I laugh lightly.

My girlfriend whispers, “I love your imagination.”

I smile and lower my eyes to Maya’s perfect lips before giving her a soft peck.

When I lean back, I continue explaining, “When you use a long verbal induction, rather than triggers that make me drop quickly, you often describe how my body and mind are easy for you to hypnotize…how easily you can make me feel something just by telling me I am feeling it. And…and you tell me how good I feel when I submit to you. That it feels natural to become submissive. It feels natural when I submit… So, I start submitting…before I…I submit before…um… It feels good to be your submissive…” I pause because I feel a distracted, little smile on my face.

I take a deep breath and refocus on explaining myself to my girlfriend.

“You even made the word sound sexy. Submissive. I love being submissive. I didn’t used to, but now? I love becoming submissive…for you… It happens so easily… I become submissive… I am your submissive… I want to submit…for you. Feels good… Feels good to obey. I want to obey. I need to obey…my dominant…”

I’m staring at her mouth and when she licks her lips, my tongue copies her unintentionally.

When I think, “I should be talking,” I start speaking again. “I want to obey you. I feel good when I obey. My dominant is powerful…so good at taking control…controlling my mind. You train me…feels good to be trained…” I blink dumbly. “You create…seductive and…strong…inductions… Make me yours… You…string me along…I have to follow…” I don’t consciously notice my eyes widening just a little before I say, “I want to drop for you. I want to become your toy.”

Maya clenches her hands into fists to hold herself back despite wanting to take over the obvious unraveling happening before her. While my gaze remains directed at her mouth, the moment my eyes relax into an unfocused stare sneaks up on me. She keeps wetting her lips because I appear blankly fixated and she’s sure the visual is making me horny.

“You make me desperate to obey…to drop for you… When you control my body…you control my mind. My mind sinks for you… You make me…heavy.” My head tips downward a little bit. “Feels so sexy.” There are heavy weights pulling down on my chest and shoulders. I am not resisting anything, and because Maya is right here watching, I feel compelled to keep slipping for her.

“I need to be hypnotized. I fall under your control. I am your submissive. I am your good girl.” I don’t have the energy to process the shift in my phrasing or the way my head is tilted over my shoulder like it frequently does when I am hypnotized.

My voice sounds emotionless, “I am your toy. Your toy obeys.”

Reciting hypnotizing phrases is sinking me down into a progressively more substantial trance. It feels like I’m becoming what she wants me to be by falling deeper than the light trance she caught me in earlier.

My dominant tries to not make a sound despite practically buzzing with excitement before my words finally trail off.

“…must submit…must obey…must be…your toy…”

I definitely hypnotized myself. I am floating in a distracted, pleasurable cloud, and I can’t muster the energy to do anything but sit here. However, I do recognize the position I’ve gotten myself into.

In the newfound silence, Maya finally allows herself to step in and take over. I’ve put myself into a suggestible state, so it will be a short road to turn me into her totally submissive and obedient sex toy. She lightly caresses her fingertips over my limp limbs.

“Good girls drop easily. You are my good girl. You dropped easily. It feels good to make yourself suggestible for me to play with you. It feels good to slip yourself under for me. You love being my good girl and turning into a sex toy. You love submitting to your strong desire to obey me. Feel that desire to obey increase by one hundred. You want me to start playing with you. You need me to play with you. You need to be my sex toy. You follow my commands naturally. Drop deeper and deeper and deeper down.”

My eyes roll upward until only white is visible beneath fluttering eyelids. My dominant smiles as my head rolls and begins to sway loosely like it’s on a swivel. She knows the continual motion will increase my sensations of pleasurable floating. My body is going to help her turn my mind into a deeply hypnotized toy because I am obedient and I want her to play with me.

Watching me drop while telling her about her hypnotic influence really worked up Maya. She’s ready to abandon our previously established plans for the day.

“What you’ve done is very sexy, good girl. Watching you drop while talking about dropping for me is really hot. From now on, my little good girl, every time you imagine me hypnotizing you and you are in a safe place, you will feel those hypnotizing sensations throughout your body. If you are in a safe place, you can easily enter trance by remembering how it felt another time I hypnotized you. My power to hypnotize you is irresistible. You can’t escape it. My good girl drops for me because you love dropping for me. My good girl can hypnotize herself when she wants her dominant to play with her like a toy. That’s why you are deeply hypnotized right now and eager to obey. You need me to play with you like a toy.”

Maya holds my loosely swaying head in place for a few seconds and lets go. She’s very pleased when my head remains still. I’m primed to obey even subtle commands. She practically salivates as she strips her clothes off.

“Your body is filled with pleasure because you are under my control. Submitting to me makes you feel this good. Becoming my hypnotized good girl always feels amazing. You love becoming my sexy, submissive toy. You feel intense desire to do everything I tell you to. You submit and obey. You are on display.”

My head falls to my chest when I hear her favorite strong, triggering phrase. It plummets me much deeper under her power.

“There she is. There’s my deeply, deeeeply hypnotized sex toy. Totally under my control. You are so eager to obey me that you made yourself suggestible. I am very pleased with you. But your reward comes with a catch, good girl. You have to remain silent when I make you cum. We don’t want to disturb anyone who could get in the way of our fun. You won’t be able to call out your pleasure or moan out loud. My good girl will only be able to express her pleasure silently, won’t you, good girl?”

My dangling head nods.

During our hypno play, we’ve learned my body relaxes into a slumped position but it doesn’t usually topple all the way over. My girlfriend has been combining a little shove after I’m hypnotized with a command to deepen my trance. “Deeper!” Maya pushes my shoulder to tip me sideways onto the hotel bed. I land in a tangled mess. My body is so docile when I’m hypnotized and she wants to condition me to interpret this as a deepener in and of itself.

She gets up and grabs my ankles to drag my body into the position she wants. I slide wherever she pulls me. I’m submerged within a deeply pleasurable and pliable trance, so she can do anything she wants without meeting resistance. Once I am properly situated, she pulls down my very wet pants and underwear. She angles my legs over her shoulders and licks my wet thighs.

“You’re already soaked for your dominant. Hypnosis is an aphrodisiac for my good girl.” Her tongue glides smoothly through my pussy and my mouth widens for a moan but no sound comes out. “Good girl! Feels so good to obey! You’re going to orgasm silently because you’re my perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy. You must obey. Stay silent, sex toy.” My dominant focuses her mouth on my sensitive clit and my back arches but the pleasure I feel is expressed through the pace and sounds of my breathing.

Maya pulls away to command, “My good girl wants me to see her naked breasts.”

I feel intense desire for my dominant to see me topless. My hands fumble clumsily as I try to pull off my shirt.

Impatient with my progress, my dominant states firmly, “Show me your tits, sex toy!”

I fly up into a sitting position while ripping my shirt off and flinging it across the room. Maya loves when my obedience is displayed in an emphatic rush. “Good girl! Naked and obedient for me. My submissive sex toy plays with her tits.”

My hands start rubbing my breasts and twisting my nipples. It feels amazing because sex toys are made for pleasure.

Maya’s hands slide up my waist and smoothly lower me back down onto the bed. She loves how passive my body is once she’s in control. She can position and move me any way she wants once I’m in a mesmerized trance. A perfect sex toy.

Very quickly, my dominant sends me over the edge and I cum for her with a silent scream. As I pant and buzz in the aftermath, Maya kisses her way up my body. Once she’s straddling her pussy over my face, she snaps loudly. “Wake.”

My eyes open to her dripping cunt and my mouth immediately busies itself while my formerly limp arms slide up her gorgeous body toward her rock hard nipples. I absolutely love waking from trance in this position. Maya slides her fingers into my hair as she tries to keep herself from losing control. I love how fucking turned on she is already.

Suddenly, one of her hands reaches back and starts rubbing my clit exactly how she knows will build me back up quickly. My legs spread wider and I look to her in surprise. My girlfriend’s face shows she’s losing herself into her own bliss and that makes me moan into her cunt. She looks incredible.

Maya gasps at the vibration but collects herself enough to command, “My good girl can only cum for me in silence.” Her eyes are closed and she’s obviously so close to cumming herself, but somehow she still commands, “My sex toy will cum for me silently!”

I’m so caught up in what is happening to both of us that I can’t spend time questioning why she thinks commanding me while I am awake will have any effect. My focus is on her approaching orgasm while her hand accelerates me toward my second.

Later, while we’re cuddling, I realize that I did orgasm silently! I express my confusion on whether that happened because of her commanding it. How could that be when I was awake at the time? How could a command given outside of hypnosis work? Surely it wouldn’t.

My girlfriend doesn’t respond but she does let out a soft snore. She must have fallen asleep so quickly, but I don’t specifically remember how we got under the covers and into this comfy position. I try to open my eyes to see her but my eyelids can only faintly flutter, so I give up. My mind helpfully supplies the phrase, “Good girls obey,” before a sleepy wave crashes over my mind.

Oh…wow…well, I’m sure I’ll remember to ask her later…or tomorrow? I don’t know what time it is. But…that doesn’t matter. It’s not like she spent the rest of the day dropping me down into a deeply mindless state where she kept playing with my body and tweaking my programming. It’s not like she reminded me I only know what I should know and forget what I need to forget.

I don’t have any questions about how we both smell freshly showered. Nor do I have any questions about getting frozen in place, bent over while holding my ankles, and kept just out of view when someone knocked on the door. I don’t have questions about my girlfriend hurriedly telling her family we are going to relax alone in our hotel room for the rest of the day/night. I don’t have questions about us voraciously eating room service for dinner and laughing at our need to refuel. I don’t have any questions about anything. I am satisfied and sleepy. Submissive and obedient. Nothing else. I only know what I should know and forget what I need to forget. Whatever question I thought I had for her slips away, sucked into a thick fog.

I don’t even try opening my eyes to look at a clock and figure out how long it has been since I hypnotized myself for her. It makes sense my eyes are too heavy to open, because I am exhausted from so many silent orgasms…er, two…two orgasms. I remember having two orgasms.

My lips twitch and slightly upturn as I again think the phrase, “Good girls obey.” Another, stronger, even sleepier, pleasurable wave rolls through my body. It feels just like when I am obeying my dominant. I don’t have time to question how that could be. I don’t have time to think about Maya being asleep so I couldn’t be obeying commands right now. I don’t have time because before I form another thought, I am fast asleep too.

I am her perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy.

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