I Am Her Silly and Horny Dum Dum

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #hypnotic_language #induction #IQ_play

Hypnokinky girlfriends turn a boring morning into a game of exhibitionism with a side of silly and horny dum dum.

Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

It’s a quiet Sunday morning. I finish emptying the dishwasher and am about to clean the kitchen counters. Maya walks into the room and smiles at me while she looks at what I’m wearing. I look down and chuckle because I don’t exactly look glamorous. I’m in sweatpants and a loose shirt that has a deep V-neck. We’re just doing things around my apartment today, so it seems appropriate.

In actuality, I put on this t-shirt because my dominant has been conditioning me to wear tops that give her easy access to my tits when we are in private. Her smile is because she’s pleased to see her good girl’s awake behavior influenced by hypnotic programming.

With an unexpectedly sultry voice, Maya says, “You look like a good girl who needs to be hypnotized.”

I raise my head in surprise. Our eyes meet and Maya’s penetrating gaze startles me. I wasn’t expecting her to entrance me this morning but it looks like that’s what is about to happen.

As she stalks closer, my eyes widen. Both in surprise and because I am figuratively knocked back on my heels when she stares this deeply into me. I’m trying to get my bearings but I already feel on the cusp of being captured in a trap that will make me submissive and eager to obey.

I never used to think of myself as submissive but having a girlfriend like Maya has brought out a whole new side of me. My submission to her feels natural. It has become the best kind of pleasure I can feel.

It’s all very simple. I desire the pleasure only Maya can give me. Obeying her brings me this pleasure. So of course, I will obey her. I’m a logical person, so I am just being logical when I want to obey and give in to her power. It makes sense when I melt and turn into a submissive good girl.

“Focus on me, good girl. Focus on how good it feels to get lost in my eyes when I gaze so deeply into you. I see the real you. The submissive, easy-to-hypnotize good girl who wants so badly to sleep and obey me. You are the submissive good girl who loves being my sex toy. You will keep your eyes open as you submit to my hypnotizing control. Sleepy obedience is filling your mind and turning you into my plaything. You must obey. You are my perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy.”

My mind is drifting toward sleep as Maya enchants me with her hypnotizing words. She watches my body relax until I am standing hunched over with my arms dangling loosely. My eyes remain open without a struggle only because she commanded them to.

“You feel pleasure take over as you stare, lost in my gaze. You drop deeper under my control. It feels good to be under my control. Your mind can sleep and you can float in pleasure. You are my good girl. You feel sexy when you are submissive. Your mind is loose and dreamy, following me easily. You must obey. Your submission to me feels natural.”

There is a soft, dazed smile on my mesmerized face and my head is swaying loosely. My body’s position makes me look like I’m leaning toward the woman who controls my mind, but I don’t think about how I look because I am feeling the pleasure that comes when I am submissive. My dominant hasn’t even used the powerful phrase that can drop me deep, and yet, I am still an entranced toy, eager to obey. I wasn’t expecting to be hypnotized this morning but all I want now is to follow her and submit.

I keep staring into Maya’s beautiful eyes; I keep listening to her powerful words. Being hypnotized by my dominant is a gift that she shares with me. I don’t need to think about anything…I just need to obey. My mind can sleep and I can float in pleasure.

Maya takes a hold of my chin, stopping my head from swaying. She holds it still and makes sure my eyes remain trapped in her gaze despite my hunched over posture. When she lets go, my spellbound mind keeps my head still for her. My body is responsive and passive to her direction.

“You are easy to hypnotize only when I hypnotize you. No one else can hypnotize you like I can. Only I have deeply gazing eyes that can entrance you. Only I have a soothing voice that can mesmerize you. Only my control feels sexy and makes you submissive. You cannot resist me. You do not want to resist me. Your mind can sleep and you can float in pleasure.”

“My mind can sleep and I can float in pleasure,” dreamily slips past my lips.

Maya smirks, always pleased when I spontaneously repeat her words. “Good girl. Your mind is asleep and you are floating in pleasure.”

My eyes remain wide open and I murmur through a dopey half-smile, “My mind is asleep and I am floating in pleasure.”

Maya chuckles, amused by my hypnotized wonder. She knows I wasn’t expecting this today. “That’s right, good girl. You submit and obey. You are on display.”

The smile falls from my blank face and my head twitches, but it remains up, lost in her gaze. Hearing my dominant’s powerfully hypnotic phrase has dropped me deep.

“Good girl…so deep and receptive. Wearing this shirt this morning was a good idea.” She easily reaches through the low hanging V-neck because my slumped shoulders have left the shirt loose and open.

Her hand rubs and teases both of my breasts while she continues, “It pleases me when you wear tops that give me easy access to your tits. You feel pleasure when you please me. You feel pleasure when you obey. You obey my commands like a perfectly programmed good girl and a deeply obedient sex toy. I bet pleasing me is making you feel so good that you’re already wet.”

I slowly and dutifully nod my head to communicate that yes, I feel so good that I am already wet.

Maya pushes her fingers down my underwear to gather some of my wetness. She places her wet fingers on my tongue because my mouth is already hanging open. “Suck my fingers clean.”

My eyes remain vacantly lost in hers as I suck and clean with enthusiasm.

Maya’s arousal is audible when she asks, “Do you taste your obedience, good girl?”

I moan and nod because I do taste my obedience. My tongue laps at her fingers so I don’t miss a drop.

“What a good girl.” Maya removes her hand from my mouth and continues playing with my breasts through the loose neck of my tee. “This shirt is perfect for putting yourself on display for me.”

I feel the pleasure from her playing with my body and the pleasure that comes from being on display.

“You want so badly to be on display for me. You love being on display for me. Being on display pleases me and shows me your obedience. You are my little voyeur.”

I’m too mesmerized to pay attention to the discrepancy of being a voyeur and being on display. I repeat blankly, “I am your little voyeur.”

She grazes her fingertips over my hard nipples, teasing them in circles. “That’s right. You love looking. You are on display because it pleases me and it shows me your obedience. You need to please me and to show me your obedience. Isn’t that right, good girl?”

My head nods as I respond, “Yes. I need to please you and to show you my obedience. I need to be on display.”

“That’s right. You are my little voyeur. Put your tits on display.”

My hands raise as I stand upright again. I pull each of my breasts through the loose V-neck collar of my shirt before my arms lower to my sides. “I need to please you and to show you my obedience. I need to be on display.”

I am staring blankly like a doll. My bra-less tits are perfectly framed by the V-neck. I don’t consciously think through any of these actions or the incongruent ideas of being a voyeur and putting my body on display. My dominant has been using a variety of strategies to confuse me into becoming an unaware exhibitionist. All I am focused on is my need to please her and to show her my obedience. My mind’s malleability is greatly enhanced by all the pleasure she has associated with me being on display.

Maya whispers, “Such an obedient voyeur, loving how you feel. Show me more of your body, good girl.”

I don’t even blink as my hands push my sweatpants off of my hips. They pool at my ankles and when my dominant’s eyes obviously sweep over my body, pleasure wraps around me like a blanket because I am on display. I am pleasing her. I am showing her my obedience.

“Good girl! You feel so good when I watch you, when I look at you on display. When I wake you in a moment, you will go back to cleaning without thinking about why you are dressed this way. You are almost naked because naked is natural. You know what you should know and you forget what you need to forget. You will wake and simply accept that you are on display to please me and to show me your obedience. My good girl is on display. No questions need to be asked. You are my little voyeur. Keep pleasing me, good girl.”

SNAP. “Wake.”

Maya is smiling as she watches me blink several times and stand up straight. My head clears of any fog and I smile back at her. I feel so good. I take a deep breath without questioning my perfectly framed naked breasts. I step from the sweatpants around my ankles and grab some cleaning wipes to start wiping the counters.

Maya pipes up, “Sweetheart, you should scrub harder. You want to make sure those counters are spotless.”

“Good idea,” I grin at her.

I scrub vigorously while my exposed breasts bounce around. I’m feeling so good. I don’t question why the neck of my shirt is framing my tits or why I keep cleaning without any pants on.

I look up to see Maya wetting her lips and though she’s leering at my breasts swaying and bouncing…I don’t question the pleasure that washes over me. I do think about how pleased she looks. My girlfriend looking pleased is a good thing so I smile wide and continue cleaning while my tits jiggle.

Once the counters and sink look spotless, I get out the vacuum. Maya sits in a chair and attentively watches my every move. I try to focus on cleaning but it’s hard not to notice how increasingly horny my girlfriend is looking. And when she gets horny, I get horny.

As I try to concentrate on vacuuming, my other hand gropes my body. It feels good and it is making my girlfriend look very pleased. We make eye contact and she is wearing a smug expression. I wonder why until her eyes drop to my crotch very obviously, so I look down too. My pussy is so wet it’s visible through my underwear. I never knew cleaning would make me this aroused.

When I put away the vacuum, Maya calls me over to her and I rush to where she is still sitting. I expect her to say something else so I patiently wait while standing in front of her. Maya is watching my chest with rapt attention. Without a word, she cups my cunt and I gasp in surprise. She gets up and pulls me in the direction of the bedroom with her hand on my cunt. I follow willingly even after she lets go. She seems very determined and focused and it’s easy for me to do as she directs.

We sit on my bed and Maya leans in to give me a passionate kiss. We dive into a heated make-out before she pulls away. I can’t help but lean forward after her; I want to keep her lips on mine. She gently holds me back by my shoulders and asks how I feel.

Earnestly, I gush a whole bunch of words I don’t even think about before they spill out, “I feel amazing, Maya! I am pleasing you and showing you my obedience. I could feel you watching me while I cleaned and it felt so good. You and I both know I’m not an exhibitionist, but I am your little voyeur! It feels good to be on display. Oh, Maya, I need to please you. I must show you my obedience. I am on display for you!”

While I joyfully babble, one of my hands squeezes my breasts and the other rubs my pussy. When she called me over to her earlier, I stood in front of her playing with my nipples. That’s why she grabbed me and dragged me to the bedroom so urgently.

Through many forgotten hypnosis sessions, my dominant has turned me into her very own unaware exhibitionist. My susceptibility to programming that convinces me I am still only a voyeur has been increasing. It is getting easier to trick me and I seem to think all of this makes sense. I often bring up to Maya that I am not an exhibitionist; I am a voyeur. She always agrees.

My brain doesn’t even connect being on display for her as engaging in exhibitionism. I am simply pleasing her and showing her my obedience. I don’t understand why she’s laughing right now.

Her hand slides down my face and my mind obediently follows.

My dominant’s soothing voice says a lot of things. I can’t remember them. It doesn’t matter. Words are hard. I giggle and smile…I am…floaty… I am dumb… There’s a small snap and my eyes open. I lift up my foggy head and it starts swaying…my neck is too loose for holding it still. I giggle. I float. I obey.

My hot girlfriend pulls off her shirt and I smile at her big, beautiful tits. They’re perfect. I love them. I blink dumbly and giggle at those soft, perfect mounds. Then, I notice how hard and pointy her nipples are. I giggle and lean in to get a closer look. “Woooow.”

Without thinking about what I am doing, I bite my tongue in concentration and lift my own naked breasts to try poking my pointy nipples on each of her pointy nipples. It’s hard to get everything lined up right and her chest keeps shaking in laughter. But I won’t give up. When I manage to connect our nipples on both breasts at the same time, I break into a fit of giggles. I’m having too much fun to care I look like a silly and horny dum dum.

Smooth words glide into my brain and my eyes roll straight back. Heavy sleepiness blanks me out before a nudge to my shoulder makes me flop bonelessly onto my back, bouncing on the mattress.

Who knows how much time passes before a soft snap opens my eyes. I’m still floating in a cloud of pleasure. I look for my perfect girlfriend and see her naked, sitting on the bed where I last saw her. I can see I’m naked too and that seems right. Naked is natural.

My body is so relaxed it’s hard to sit up but I still power through because it will bring me closer to Maya. And that smiling face. Those soft breasts bouncing in laughter. So pretty.

My upper body weaves loosely from side to side. I’m dangerously close to falling off the bed. A soft snap sounds, and a firm grip holds me upright. Somehow, I am able to sit safely when the hand disappears. I settle and look at Maya through drooping eyes. My smile is drunken when I say, “Hiiiiiiiiiiiii,” and then, giggle.

Maya sounds delighted, “Hi, you! What time is it, my dumb, little sex toy?”

It takes my brain several moments to process I have been asked a question. I am watching my own hands bounce my tits up and down. I giggle because I am a good little voyeur. My dominant always tells me so.

Her question finally registers after she turns my head to check the clock. As I stare at it, I realize my brain is very, very loopy. Numbers. I am looking at numbers. I focus as hard as I can before turning back to my dominant. “All…almost 10. Um…is…” I shake my head to try to get the words right. “Is there…game? Is football? Um…” I giggle again because words are hard. “…is…is game…you want…want…you watch?”

Maya winks at me and bends down to drop wet, wide-mouthed kisses on both of my breasts. I watch dopily, because I am a voyeur. My dominant takes as much of my breast into her mouth as she can and sucks.

I giggle, “Smoochies!”

She licks up my chest and neck and pulls me into a big, soft, and wet kiss on my lips. I stare in shellshocked wonder when she pulls back.

In a condescending tone, she says, “Oh my, you sure are a silly and horny dum dum. Don’t you know I am already watching my favorite game?”

I raise my eyebrows in confusion, “Game?”

She laughs and looks overjoyed. “I love seeing you like this! Usually, so smart, but right now? You’re a silly and horny dum dum!”

That can’t be true. “You dumb,” I laugh.

Maya’s smile is so big. “Noooo, that’s definitely you, my little dum dum.” She pinches the tip of my nose and I cross my eyes to see it. She trails her fingers through the air in front of me and I dopily follow. This isn’t even a trigger or something she’s done before; I’m just small-brained at the moment. I start giggling when her hand travels in a big circle. It flies through the air in such silly waves up and down and side to side and so on.

I’m completely distracted by her flying hand when her other hand slides through my wet pussy. I let out a very silly, “Oooooooh!”

My dominant’s voice sounds so happy when she says, “I’m ready to play a new game, horny dum dum, and you’re going to love it!” Both of her hands stop suddenly. “You submit and obey. You are on display.”

My body slumps over as my mind plummets.

“There she is. My perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy was a silly little dum dum for me, but now you are dropping deeper and deeper into hypnotizing obedience. No more dum dum, just deeply, obediently hypnotized. No more silly. No more dumb.” While my head dangles limply she slides her wet fingers into my mouth. Immediately, I start sucking. “That’s a good girl. Taste your obedience. You’re just a horny and aroused, deeply hypnotized good girl. A hornier and hornier, more and more aroused, deeply hypnotized sex toy.”

I’m moaning and sucking enthusiastically as the feelings of sexual arousal climb and intensify. It’s a weird sensation to be hypnotically dumb and then to get your IQ back, so to speak, but to not return to consciousness. I remain limp and controlled by pleasure but my submission and obedience is much less silly.

My dominant’s fingers are pulled from my mouth and my body is pushed until I fall passively backwards. My dominant’s naked body lays over me and she feels like pure sex. I can feel her pussy dripping onto my thigh. I moan in pleasure and smile because I know I am her good girl and her good girl made her this horny. I have been pleasing her.

After hearing a soft snap, I wrap around her and my hands grab her ass. I help guide my dominant’s body as we roll into one another and she humps against my flexed thigh. I lick her neck and cheer, “I am your sex toy.”

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