Fractionating into Public Mindlessness

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #hypnotic_language #pov:bottom #sub:female

Hypnokinky girlfriends use fractionation to try a new game that involves mindlessness in public and some exhibitionism. Along the way, some important programming becomes complete.

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Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

It’s Friday night and my girlfriend is finally at my apartment after being stuck at work. We’re in the bathroom getting ready for bed. I’m not actually tired, but Maya had a rough day and cuddling will help her unwind. As I brush my teeth, I feel content to go through the motions for her benefit. I’ll be happy to hold her as she sleeps.

Without any preamble, Maya trails her fingers from my shoulder toward my wrist while saying, “Down.”

To my surprise, my head smoothly lowers to my chest as my eyes close. Just like that, my girlfriend has put me into a light trance. I don’t recall her using this trigger before. But…I don’t really care. I am her well-trained hypno toy. I want to submit and obey, to be on display. Even light trance seduces me into a submissive mindset for her.

As I stand enthralled, my dominant slides both of her hands under my clothes. She lightly rubs one hand across my breasts and the other along my ass. She praises into my ear, “I love playing with you. You’re so eager to become my toy. So very eager to drop and obey whenever I want you to. You are a soft plaything just for me.” Though her demeanor is gentle, the lust in her tone is clear and her fingers are stimulating me perfectly. She moans a little as she feels my nipples harden. “Such a good girl,” she husks. “My deeply obedient sex toy.”

I’m taking deep, relaxing breaths and I can’t help smiling because pleasing her feels so good, feels so sexy. Becoming her hypnotized toy feels amazing. I don’t know if her hands or her words make me more horny. Maybe slipping into complete obedience is what makes me horny.

Maya continues, “We’re gonna have fun tomorrow. I know exactly what I’m going to do to you, but you don’t remember any of our planning, do you? In fact, you’ve forgotten what I’m talking about. You don’t remember how many conversations we’ve had about this weekend. You only remember how horny you get when you obey me. You only remember how easily I take control of you. I mold your mind exactly how I want because you only know what you should know and forget what you need to forget. My good girl only knows what she should know and forgets what she needs to forget.”

While my well-trained mind focuses on my dominant’s touch playing with my breasts and ass, her hypnotic voice slides inside, bypassing conscious interpretation. She’s trained me to unconsciously absorb her words when I’m distracted by horny desire. My dominant is turning me on and that makes me an easily manipulated toy. I could happily float under her influence all night.

Maya lifts my head and brushes my hair out of my face. She pecks the tip of my nose.

“I’ve been looking forward to controlling you like this all day, good girl.”

SNAP. “Wake.”

My eyes open and consciousness returns. My girlfriend is giggling and seems quite proud of herself. My clothes feel disheveled. I look in the mirror and jokingly cry through the toothpaste still in my mouth, “Seriously?! You mindfucked me during my dental care?!”

Her giggles become a cackle, an honest-to-god cackle, as she turns on her heels and leaves the bathroom. “I’ll mindfuck you wherever I damn well please!”

I laugh and mutter to myself, “Devious, little fucker.”

I actually like when Maya drops me at random times. She respects my boundaries and it’s exciting to unexpectedly enter trance. But I wonder if it’s purely for entertainment or if it’s part of training. Sometimes it’s sexually charged and other times sweetly intimate. Right now? I can’t decide if it’s more sexy or silly.

I finish in the bathroom and crawl into bed. My girlfriend is already under the covers waiting for me. She looks so tired; poor thing. We snuggle and kiss until she guides me to turn away from her and rest on my side. I’m a little surprised because I thought she’d want me to hold her as she sleeps.

As she wraps her body around me to spoon, I’m even more surprised when she coos, “That’s my good girl. Becoming submissive. Becoming obedient for me. You can’t resist slipping under my control. So responsive.” Her hand slides under my top and starts rubbing my breasts possessively. Her voice is low and commanding when she says, “Submissive. Obedient. I own your tits.”

My god…an incredible idea. I…I want that. I want her to own my tits. Her hand continues rubbing and she powerfully repeats, “I own your tits. You are submissive, obedient, and responsive. You must submit and obey when I control you with your tits. I own your tits.”

She owns my tits… She’s right… She owns my tits… She controls me…with my tits…

I’ve slipped into a pleasurable, vacant stare. My mind is focused on the feel of her manipulating my breasts and the power of her owning my tits, controlling me with my tits. Desire to submit and obey my dominant rolls through me in strong waves. My mouth opens to confirm that she owns my tits.

At the last second, I stop myself from blankly repeating those words and fiercely blink and refocus my eyes. What is wrong with me?! I shake my head to knock some sense into myself. I’m being silly! Echoing Maya’s words happens when I’m hypnotized, not when we’re harmlessly cuddling. There’s no need for me to turn innocent intimacy into a hypnotized act of submission. I clear my throat and wiggle my backside further into her front.

I’m curious about what happened in the bathroom earlier so I ask, “Have you used your fingers sliding down my arm as a trigger before? I was dropping before I realized that was your intention.”

Maya chuckles and resumes rubbing both of my breasts while dragging her soft lips along the back of my neck. Oh…well, damn. This is more interesting than her answering my question.

She drags her tongue in a long lick that ends in a pillowy kiss on my earlobe. I can’t help releasing a tiny moan. My breasts feel swollen and if she keeps this up, I’m going to be too horny to let her fall asleep. I reach back to grip her ass and pull her leg over my hip. Her fingertips tease my hardened nipples before she possessively rubs both of my breasts again. Powerfully, she commands, “I own your tits. My good girl is deeply responsive when I control you with your tits. Aren’t you, good girl?”

Stunned, I nod in silent agreement. A moment ago I was hoping she’d hump my ass, but now all I want to do is submit and obey whatever she tells me to do. I’m too shocked to question the rollercoaster.

“That’s a good girl,” she whispers, “but I’m exhausted and it’s time for real sleep.” Maya lowers herself behind me in a close snuggle. I’m wrapped in her cocoon. Her fingers under my shirt firmly tap against my sternum three times. And then, her hand lays flat against me.

An incredible sensation starts at the point of connection. It seems crazy to say, but it feels like a sedative is pouring into me from her hand. Like a tranquilizer is seeping into my skin. I feel the need to close my eyes and I picture a sleep-inducing glow traveling from her hand toward each body part as it loosens my muscles.

I have a habit of staying up later than I should, so Maya created a trigger where three firm taps on my sternum turns her hand into a sedating instrument. Pretty ingenious, really.

When my whole body is loose and my breathing is calm, Maya sighs happily. It’s crazy that only moments ago I thought I’d be stuck awake long after her, and now I’m relaxed enough to drift off. I make a tiny murmuring sound to wish her goodnight.

Snuggling closer, she mumbles, “Sweet dreams.”

We drift off together because this is exactly how Maya wanted to end her long, stressful day.


When I wake in the morning, I feel refreshed and head to the kitchen to make us a big brunch. By the time I’m done plating everything Maya is setting the table.

She approaches from behind and strokes her hand from my shoulder toward my wrist while commanding, “Down.” My head lowers to my chest as my mind sinks into a light trance just like the night before. What a remarkably smooth drop.

SNAP. “Wake.”

I easily wake and stand straight. I turn around to look at Maya’s smirking face. My silly girlfriend is treating me like a toy before the day has even begun.

We both grab our plates and coffees and head to the kitchen table. To my surprise, Maya pushes her chair directly next to mine.

I laugh, “What are you doing?”

She smiles, “Don’t you want to sit this close?”

“Sure, baby,” I answer and kiss her cheek.

“That’s good,” she replies. “I want easy access.”

We have a nice brunch but she keeps sliding her fingers from my shoulder toward my wrist while saying the word, “Down.” I drop smoothly each time and wake just as easily. It’s hard to believe this is a new trigger.

We enjoy a quiet morning in my apartment doing pretty typical things but Maya continues using the trigger and waking me abruptly. For a while, I rise from trance easily. But eventually, I need longer and longer breaks between each drop for my head to clear. My girlfriend is melting my mind and physically guiding me around the apartment during my dazed “wakeful” moments. Whenever I want to ask what she’s up to, her fingers trail down my arm and eliminate my thoughts.

By afternoon, my girlfriend has sculpted me into a deeply submissive, easily manipulated toy with a loose grasp of what it means to be awake. It all feels the same to me. My body is always loose and I’m always quick to do anything she suggests without any consideration first. My mind cycles through different versions of floating, but I never stop floating. I understand my girlfriend has been fractionating me but I’m too far into it to figure out for what purpose.

“Hey, good girl, you want to come with me to the grocery store, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I automatically start nodding. I don’t think about what she’s asking before confirming because I always need to agree. I want to agree. It feels good to agree. I’m smiling because it feels good to do what she wants.

Maya goes to get her wallet, and I try to center my thinking. I blink a few times and look around more deliberately. What did she say? Grocery store. Oh…cool.

Maya is back in front of me. “Remove your top and wear this shirt instead.”

I start lifting the shirt I’m wearing without looking at the one in her hand. I never wear a bra at home and don’t wonder whether I need one for the grocery store. I pull the new shirt on and it’s remarkably snug around my chest. I look down and dumbly watch Maya’s hands rub over my breasts possessively. My mind helpfully supplies a thought: she owns my tits.

Desire to submit and obey grows into an intense need. She owns my tits.

I am in a tightly fitted tee, without a bra, and my girlfriend is twisting my nipples to make them pointy. This shirt is short-sleeved, so I’m going to be chilly too. My nipples will remain perky long after she’s done tweaking them. This is what she wants. I want what she wants.

Her fingers slide down my arm. “Down.”

My dominant’s sex toy is deeply responsive.

SNAP. “Wake.”

I see we are in my girlfriend’s car. I feel texture on my fingertips and look down to see I’m twisting my own nipples through my shirt. Maya gently pushes my hands into my lap, and I’m left with a clear view of my breasts nestled snugly. Clearly, I’m about to engage in a little exhibitionism at the grocery store.

Suddenly, cool air is blowing on me. Maya has directed the dashboard vents toward my chest. While gazing at my already hard nipples, I giggle as I feel them tighten further.

Maya’s fingers trail down my arm. My eyes roll to the back of my head before her fingers even reach my wrist. While the verbal command, “Down,” is powerful, I drop before she says it.

SNAP. “Wake.”

Today’s hypnotizing repetition has obliterated the light trances I was experiencing this morning and replaced them with mindless voids. Fingers trail down my arm again. “Down.”

Hypnosis swallows me whole.

An abyss of blankness. Obedience. Pleasure.

SNAP. “Wake.”

My heavy eyelids flutter. Despite the waking command, my body remains limp with my head dangling over my chest. My eyes see…pointy nipples. My dominant wants my nipples pointy. I want what she wants. I drag my hands upward to twist and pinch. I want what she wants.

Pushing through immense heaviness, I get myself to sit up, settling my head against the head rest.

“You are awake,” her commanding voice is truth.

I mumble an echo, “…mm ‘wake.”

This is how it feels to be awake?

Maya starts the car and we begin backing out of the parking spot. Wait…we haven’t left yet?

Throughout our drive, my dominant turns my head to stare out the side window. Turns my head to stare forward. I’m “awake” but I have no self-determination. I also don’t have the sense to realize we’re driving much further than our normal grocery store.  

SNAP. “Wake.”

My eyes open. I don’t remember dropping. The car seat I’m in is reclined…I don’t remember that either. But I’ve been awake? I am awake. And I feel fucking good.

“I want you to sit up, good girl” my dominant commands.

I automatically pull myself up and dumbly look over at my powerful girlfriend. She looks very happy. She’s watching me while we wait at a stoplight.

Her eyes bore into mine. “You want what I want.”

“I want what you want.” My voice sounds rather blank and distant for an awake person.

“I want you deeply hypnotized.”

My eyes cross and I fall back to the reclined seat.

“Fuck yeah,” my dominant mumbles.

I am deeply hypnotized. I want what she wants. Obedience is this simple.

SNAP. “Wake.” SNAP. “Wake.” SNAP. “Wake!” SNAP. “Wake up, good girl!” SNAP. SNAP. SNAP.

I’m startled by rapid snapping and loud commands. It helps me become much more alert than I’ve been in a while. I raise my reclined seat and see we’re in the grocery store parking lot.

“Twist your nipples until they’re as perky and hard as you can get them,” she commands.

I do as she says. Normally, I’d have checked first to make sure no one can see me.

“Stop. They look perfect, good girl. You’re just my deeply obedient sex toy, aren’t you?” she comments.

I smile. “Yes, I am just your deeply obedient sex toy.” I feel incredible. Obeying and pleasing her is my purpose.

“You are awake right now.”

“I am awake right now.”

“You are deeply submissive and obedient.”

“I am deeply submissive and obedient.”

“You are awake,” she smirks.

“I am awake.” Everything she says is true. Even though I am floating on a deeply submissive and obedient cloud, I am awake. I can’t focus on the fact true wakefulness doesn’t feel like this. I can’t remember we made a plan to run errands while I remained in a deeply hypnotized, waking trance.

Maya laughs, “I’ve never taken a sex toy grocery shopping before.”

I giggle. I’m her sex toy. My dominant is happy. I feel happy. Obeying and pleasing her is my purpose.

While I can stand and move, I’m totally submissive to my girlfriend’s direction. Normally, I am a proudly independent, and self-guided, person. But…I don’t care that my girlfriend is directing me around the grocery store with a hand on my lower back, turning and guiding me everywhere we go. Occasionally, she even turns my head to change what I’m looking at. I just…accept it. I have no concerns about where we go or what we’re doing. I don’t even think about this being a different store than where we normally shop. I can’t process that she’s driven us to an entirely different town so we won’t run into anyone we know.

I feel…cold air. Blinking slowly, I gradually process that I’m holding a freezer door open and standing in front of it. I look down and see my nipples could cut glass. Out of nowhere, my mind supplies: she owns my tits.

“Good job, sex toy. Close the door.”

I do as commanded. I’m…awake?

Her fingertips trail down my arm and my head drops limp over my chest. I am sinking under an irresistible, black void of pleasure and obedience.

SNAP. "Wake."

My eyes flutter and I lift my heavy head. I don’t remember we’re in a grocery store until I see all the freezer doors around us. My dominant says quietly, “You’re so fucking responsive and mindfucked. It’s all I can do to not fuck you right now.”

I smile drunkenly…that sounds amazing.

Her voice continues, “You look so good and I love controlling you like this. Everyone can see the curves of your breasts and your hard nipples through this tight shirt, but your tits are mine, good girl. You are mine. Only I get to play with you. Only I get to control you. Only I get to make you cum for me.”

I gasp at the phrase, “cum for me,” because it makes my pussy spasm. Her hand brazenly rubs over my tits, and once again, my mind supplies the thought: she owns my tits. Urgently, I blurt, “You own my tits!”

The words spilled out like an irresistible urge and Maya’s delighted expression pierces through my daze. I feel a flush of accomplishment. I’ve pleased her!

“Yes! Yes, my good girl! I do own your tits! You know it deep down inside, don’t you? Deep down you have accepted that I own your tits. You feel it. You want it. I own your tits now. This feels right to you. You want me to own your tits. I have the power to control you with your tits. What an important development this is for us, good girl. I knew you would reach this point. I own your tits! My god, I love hearing you say it.”

“You own my tits.”

“Sshhh,” Maya laughs and covers her hand over my mouth. Another person is entering the aisle behind me.

The most shocking part of this experience might be that I don’t feel embarrassment. I only feel submission, controlled, and hers. She owns my tits.

Before I realize we’ve moved, we’re in the checkout lane. Maya has an arm wrapped around my shoulders pulling me tightly into her side as I hear her laughing, “We had a long night! She’s just very hungover.”

That’s not true…I don’t know what she’s referring to but I see she’s looking at the young checkout clerk staring at me. He seems concerned about the look on my face but his eyes keep falling to my chest. My rock-hard nipples poking through my shirt must be more interesting than my dazed expression.

Maya continues, “Just a hangover. But you’re still having a happy day, aren’t you, baby?”

I smile the second she says “happy” and nod in agreement. Good girls smile and nod.

Maya observes the distracted clerk for another moment before making a bold decision. The arm stretched over my shoulder slides downward, and her fingers start rubbing the curves of my breast.

She owns my tits. She controls me with my tits.

Desire to submit and obey grows into an intense need. My dominant whispers, “Empty and mindless. Happy.”

Processing nothing further, my face wears a blank smile.

Oblivious to what is happening between Maya and the unprepared checkout clerk, I miss his loud gulp as he watches her fingers play with my nipple poking through my shirt. The clerk doesn’t pay attention to my blissed out absence. He watches as Maya goes so far as to jiggle my breast in her hand.

My dominant’s voice glides through my empty brain. When commanded not to drool, I vacantly swallow and lick my lips. Mindlessness in public is not something we’ve done before but this is certainly a successful first attempt.


SNAP. “Wake.” SNAP. SNAP. “Wake, toy!” SNAP. “Wake.”

A moderate level of sense returns to me. Maya is laughing as she guides me through the parking lot. She says, “I hypnotized that guy with your breasts, baby! I mean, not fully, but he never once looked away or questioned what I was doing. He even looked out of it when we walked away. And you! You were…well…you were a mindlessly perfect toy. You were everything I wanted you to be. This has been so sexy, good girl.”

She grabs my cheeks and plants a big kiss on me. “And I can control you with your tits now. What a great day! I own your tits!”

I smile wide, “You own my tits!”

Our drive home is a blur of pleasure and loud snaps. Hypnotized…awake…it’s all the same.


Once home, Maya leans me against the wall to prop me in a standing position. Despite being in an “awake” state, my eyes are rolling around completely out of my control and drool is sliding down my chin. I am lost in a sea of mindlessness.

My mischievous dominant pulls the front of my tight shirt over my head and leaves it bunched behind my neck, trapping my arms in an awkward angle. She lowers my pants and underwear before telling me, “There. You look perfect. You submit and obey. You are on display. You will remain stuck just like this while I get some things done. I’ll be watching you, toy. It feels sexy to be on display for me.”

I remain exactly as positioned while she puts away the groceries. The sound of cupboards opening and closing fails to draw my attention. There’s even a vacuum cleaner passing by at one point but I don’t shift while positioned as her perfect display. Nor do I react to the sound of a kitchen chair dragging on the floor and settling down in front of me.

My dominant sits and observes while eating a snack. My pussy and inner thighs are dripping because it feels sexy to be on display for her.

“Okay, good girl, I’m going to count you up from one to ten. When I reach ten, you will be awake enough to recognize what position you’re in…what has been happening today. But, you will start dropping back into this mindless, deeply, deeply hypnotized state once you hear your own voice. Sinking back down into this deeply fractionated state is unavoidable once you hear your own voice.”

Maya counts me up and snaps loudly.

I wake as much as I can at this point. I’m awake but groggy. I blink at her and swallow. I’ve been drooling. Oops.

I process the disarray of my clothes. I’m nearly naked and clearly on display. I remember the grocery store! Oh my god! I was mindless in public. I look at my girlfriend and she looks incredibly turned on. I smile because, if I know anything, it’s that I’ve been making her happy today.

She reclines back in her chair and her eyes fixate on my chest. I follow her gaze and look at my naked breasts. I suddenly remember the most amazing thing! Out loud I say, “You own my tits!” A swooshing, dropping sensation slams into me and my eyes roll upward. “Wait…” I try to resist but my head dips violently as a heavy weight drops me further down.

I try to lift my head back up and mumble, “Mmmaya…” I try to look at her but I’m not in control. Hypnotizing pleasure is taking over, even though I want to see my dominant. I want to watch how horny this makes her, but I am weakly fighting a losing, already deeply fractionated battle.

My girlfriend practically purrs as her hands grope me, “Good girls follow commands exactly like you do.”

My mind is gone and my body is sliding toward the ground. Thankfully, my dominant catches me.

She husks, “The way you follow my commands so strongly gets me really horny, baby. Do you think you’re ready to fuck me over and over? Would you like that?”

I can only make a quiet grunt.

My dominant’s commanding and powerful voice says, “You must answer clearly when I ask you a question, sex toy. Are you ready to spend all night pleasuring me?”

“Yes.” An empty but enthusiastic voice replies.

“Perfect. Who owns your tits?”

“You own my tits.”

“Yes! You are my perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy. Cum for me!”

An orgasm blasts through me out of nowhere. Thankfully, my girlfriend is still holding me as I writhe and gasp.

“Excellent! That’s my good girl. So deeply responsive to my voice and my touch. My voice and my touch control you. You must obey both. You’ve made me very happy today and now it’s time for you to fuck me. You need to show me just how much you love becoming a deeply obedient sex toy. You want to fuck me so bad. It’s all you can think about. Cum for me!”

I scream as the second orgasm blasts through me. I’m desperate to reciprocate. I have to fuck her! I want to fuck her so bad! It’s all I can focus on.

Maya passionately kisses me and gasps when she pulls away. “Okay…okay…you can stand and walk, sex toy. Follow me!”

I’m singularly focused as I follow her to the bedroom. I don’t even register how my arms are still stuck in my shirt or the ridiculous way I have to shuffle down the hallway. I can’t wait to fuck her!


When I wake Sunday morning, I’m awed by all that has happened this weekend. I remember a ton of it and the memories alone are stunning.

After we’ve both showered, I walk toward the chair where Maya is lounging.

“Morning,” I greet her warmly. “Yesterday was so incredible, Maya.”

“It was,” she smiles. “Drop your towel for me.”

I loosen the towel and let it slip to the floor without considering the request first. It takes me a moment to realize I just obeyed a command.

Maya’s hungry eyes consume me and she sounds pleased, “You feel like my good girl right now, don’t you?”

The obedient wave of pleasure that rolls through me is a clear sign that I am being her good girl. I’m a bit confused because this is a new day and I’m surely not under her hypnotic control anymore. But I reply honestly, “I do feel like your good girl. Maya, are you going to spend all day fractionating me again?”

She smirks deviously, “Well, I could. Easily. And that would be fun.” She stands and wraps her arms around my waist. My arms naturally rest on her shoulders.

She continues, “But I don’t need to fractionate you, sweetie. Do you know why?”

I’m clueless but curious. “No, I don’t know.”

Maya’s hands start rubbing possessively over my breasts. “I control you with your tits now. I own your tits. How do you feel, my perfectly programmed good girl?”

Desire to submit and obey grows into an intense need. “I feel…submissive…controlled…yours.” Is she hypnotizing me with her hands? What is happening? I want…I want to submit and obey…

“I own your tits,” she remarks calmly.

In a blissful daze, I repeat, “You own my tits.”

“That’s right, good girl.” Her hands keep performing magic and my desire to submit and obey is irresistible. “I own your tits. You feel submissive, controlled, and mine when I control you with your tits.”

“Yes…I am submissive…controlled…and yours,” my voice is dreamy and my head is tilted to the side with a vacant, peaceful expression.

“Yes, you are. And you are awake,” she adds.

My brain jolts and I blink. I focus my eyes on Maya and straighten my posture. I was fully floating, but…she says I am awake.

“That’s a good girl.” Maya pecks my lips. “You still feel submissive, controlled, and mine. You feel it so strongly even though you are awake,” she sounds sultry.

She’s right! This is incredible. I pull this amazing woman into a deep kiss. I am awake and I feel submissive, controlled, and hers!

My girlfriend gasps through our kisses, “We had a big day yesterday, but we’re rested now. You want to show me again how much you love becoming a deeply obedient sex toy.”

I don’t need to hear another word. I’m already lowering to my knees, pulling her pants down with me. I’m not thinking about anything except how badly I want to fuck her. I push her back into the chair and bury my face in her pussy. I want to show her how much I love becoming a deeply obedient sex toy.

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