An Accidental Programming Session

by Lucerach

Tags: #accidental_hypnosis #dom:female #f/f #hypnotic_language #pov:bottom #sub:female

A hypnokinky girlfriend accidentally gets hypnotized and programmed by her hypno-dominant.

Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

Unlocking the door to my girlfriend, Maya’s apartment, I step inside and listen for sounds of her presence. We don’t have plans to hang out tonight but I want to surprise her. How great will it be when she comes home from work and finds me on her bed, naked and waiting? She’s not normally home by now but I still call out while walking toward her bedroom. I don’t want to give my girlfriend a heart attack; I just want to seduce her.

It's clear I’m the only one here so maybe my sexy surprise is going to work. I start stripping right away because she could arrive at any minute. I’m not sure how to position myself on the bed to look the most alluring, but I give it my best shot. It’s only a couple minutes later when I hear her apartment door open and close. I’m excited to see the look on her face when she finds me, ready to make her evening as sexy as she wants it to be.

Straining my ears to hear every little thing she does, I’m trying to predict when she will walk through her bedroom doorway, but those footsteps never come. Instead, I hear a cupboard opening and closing, scraping sounds, clickety-clacking, and I don’t even know what. What the hell is she doing? And why the hell are we not having sex yet?

Okay, maybe the surprise will be just as good if I emerge from her bedroom like this. I still don’t want to scare the shit out of her but I could be waiting in here all night. Quietly, I move toward the door, but I’m stopped in my tracks when I hear her voice. Correction, I hear my dominant’s hypnotic voice.

“Hello, good girl. Make sure you’re somewhere comfortable.”


“Deeply sleepy.”

My head drops to my chest. The trigger that turns me off like a light does as it is programmed to do.

SNAP. “Wake.”

Fuck! Why did she say that?!

“Deeply sleepy.”

I’m out. Hypnotized for my dominant.

SNAP. “Wake.”

Oh, god. What do I do?

“Deeply sleepy.”

Conditioned to obey; I must obey.

SNAP. “Wake.”

This is fractionation…

“Deeply sleepy.”

Deeper with every drop.

SNAP. “Wake.”

Rapidly up-and-down is making me…

“Deeply sleepy.”

…good to drop…good to obey…

SNAP. “Wake.”

I start backpedaling, moving toward my dominant’s bed behind me. I don’t know what is happening but I need to move toward a soft surface.

“My good girl must follow and obey.”

Expectantly, I look toward the empty doorway, where her mesmerizing voice is traveling through. I’m distracted from my goal of sitting on her bed because I’m tuning in, waiting for an opportunity to show what a good girl I am. An opportunity to follow and obey.

“Drop. And sink.”  

Prior fractionation makes these words more powerful.

“Sink deeper. Drop for me. Sink deeper under my control, good girl. Keep sinking quickly. Deeper and deeper. Deeper down. You are helpless as I take command of you.”

My eyes relax into a softly crossed, unfocused blur and my arms hang loosely at my sides. I can tell I’m slipping into the grasp of obedient pleasure. It seems like I am getting seduced rather than my girlfriend. This is not what I thought would happen when I snuck in here.

“You cannot resist my hypnotic voice. You are easy to hypnotize because you want me to hypnotize you. You want me to drop you under my spell. I have good news, good girl. You are going to continue dropping and obeying me. You have no choice. Obey deeper. Submit and obey. Drop deeper and deeper into my sea of obedience. It feels good to float for me. You feel good because you submit and obey. You feel happy when you fall under my control.”

A smile appears because my dominant told me I feel happy. I’m having the hardest time remembering how to keep my eyelids up and my body is wobbly. I feel weak under her influence. If my dominant could see me, she’d think I look like some kind of hypnotized thrall.

“You cannot resist falling under when you hear my hypnotizing voice. Drop deeper. You love listening to my mesmerizing words. You must obey.”

My body begins swaying in an incredibly loose and unbalanced oscillation.

“Sink and sleep as you forget how to resist.”

My eyebrows have been raised as if that was going to keep my eyes open. I…I can’t think of how to do anything that isn’t falling further. My eyes are rolling around out of my control.

“Hearing my hypnotic voice always makes you sleepy. You are too sleepy to think.”

My mind is quiet. And my head swivels carelessly. I feel incredible and completely under her control.

“You must submit and obey. You will absorb programming easily. Heavy, submissive sleep is cascading down over you. Deep sleep now.”

My boneless body collapses backward onto her bed in a haphazard sprawl. I don’t have a single thought about the awkward pose I land in because I’m too deep to process anything beyond obedient pleasure.

“Deeper and deeper under my hypnotic control.”

My dominant’s perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy is a naked, pleasurably helpless heap upon her bed.

“You will sleep deeply until I wake you. You are safe as you surrender to my control and influence. I am going to mold and condition you just how I want. I am owning and using my sex toy even though I’m not there. You obey because it is arousing to obey me, even when I’m not available. Feel how turned on you get every time I hypnotize you. Feel how sexy it is to be conditioned, molded, owned, and used by your dominant.”

The unrelenting, deepening induction has obliterated me. This particularly strong entrancement contains phrasing that denotes a heavy level of programming, but I’m too deep into my submission to muse on that curiosity. The veil of deep trance mindlessness has already slid into place, and I’m just a bodily collection of sensory receptors sexually aroused by hypnosis so my dominant can fill my head with new programming.

“A heavy weight is pushing down on your whole body and it feels so good. The heavier the weight pressing down on you becomes, the more it arouses you…”

The descriptions that follow play out perfectly inside my mind. When she tells me this recording will be able to utterly subjugate me within a few minutes, I accept this new reality without wondering about the word “recording.” I don’t wonder about anything. I am floating in tremendous pleasure as my dominant’s commands and ideas take root.

For over an hour, I accidentally overhear Maya recording an intense audio file. Her new script is designed to drop her good girl into a state so immensely deep and arousing that a whispered, “cum for me,” will trigger a prominent hands-free orgasm. She wants to make my experience with hands-free orgasms better, easier, and stronger. She is conditioning her sex toy with an imagined, heavy weight pressing down on my entire body and marrying that sensory experience with escalating arousal. My generous and inventive girlfriend thought this recording would make a useful gift; something I can listen to whenever I want to play with my dominant but she’s not available, all while she gets to condition me. It’s a win-win, really.

Unbeknownst to Maya, I am already miles deep into absorbing this programming. Blissed out of my fucking head, I am ready to cum for her whenever she finally whispers the command that will unleash the strongest hands-free orgasm I’ve ever experienced.

Heavy, immobilizing trance prevents me from moving beyond occasional twitches as undulating waves and tingles of pleasure build and build upon each other. My obedient pussy is leaking on my dominant’s bedspread, and my tongue rests loosely in the corner of my mouth as drool steadily trails down my cheek. The audio file is programming “liquid sex” to build inside me until it leaks uninhibited. This is what happens to a hypnotized fucktoy.

Eventually, when the recording wakes me, I will experience a swell of joy. I will know my dominant’s voice turned me into a hypnotized fucktoy, and the joy I feel will make me desperate to message her and tell her everything about it.

The finalized recording won’t be nearly this long, but Maya restarted her script partway through several times. She has yet to record the orgasm trigger or waking commands. This initial conditioning session has been very repetitive. So, I keep obeying commands to drop further, build arousal, leak liquid sex…I keep absorbing and re-absorbing my dominant’s new programming.

In the future, this recording will hit so much harder. Whenever I want to play with my dominant but she is unavailable, I will listen to this recording. I will get to submit to my dominant and she will get to mold me. I become her hypnotized fucktoy with every listen.

“Oh, crap,” Maya huffs in irritation. She’s so close to completing her recording but got tongue-tied again. She turns off the microphone and decides to take a break. Maya was so excited to finish this audio file that she didn’t change into comfy clothes when she got home from work.

Walking down the hallway to her bedroom, the much-anticipated footsteps go unnoticed by the hypnotized fucktoy. My body is brimming with pent-up ecstasy while my mind remains within my dominant’s control. I need to hear my dominant whisper the command to cum for her because my accidental programming has been propelling me toward that. I am her hypnotized fucktoy and I need to cum for her.

Maya stands shocked frozen in her bedroom doorway. Stupefied, she sees the most incredible sight she never expected to find on her bed. How?! What?! Wide-eyed, fingers twitching with excitement, my dominant approaches slowly. She wants to touch but holds back for careful inspection.

Completely nude. Limbs askew. Rock-hard nipples on breasts slowly rising and falling. Mouth and pussy leaking an overflow of “liquid sex.” And every other sign of deep trance my dominant loves seeing on me. This is a hypnotized fucktoy! There’s no other explanation than her perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy has been impeccably subjugated by Maya’s new script. She cannot believe this happened. And she cannot wait to conclude the experience in the same way the recording will end.

Without making a sound, my nearly feral dominant scours every inch of her hypnotized fucktoy. She notes that the sexy mess between my thighs means her bedspread needs to be cleaned, but it also means her recording is very effective. If the script can do this without the added power of being spoken directly into my ears through headphones, then my dominant has created a potent tool for conquering her hypnokinky plaything.

Licking her lips and gazing with barely contained lust, she memorizes every detail. This visual will live inside Maya’s head and every time her good girl messages her after listening to the recording, Maya is going to know she made her sex toy look like this.

It’s taking all of her self-control to not ravish the primed-for-orgasm prey beneath her. Swallowing back desire, my dominant hovers close to my ear, and whispers, “Cum for me.”

A massive eruption goes off inside my mind unleashing wave upon wave of pulsating, sexual ecstasy. I’ve never experienced a hands-free orgasm like this before. My body remains weighed down by hypnotic heaviness so I cannot move my arms or legs as I cum, but I still expel moans and cries of release as my pelvis spasms frenetically, fucking the air. This is the glorious reward of absorbing my programming. This is the euphoria of becoming her hypnotized fucktoy.

After the bold, hands-free orgasm passes, I am motionless. Stuck in a stunned silence. My dominant knows her hypnotized fucktoy has a mentally clear, empty slate. It allows her to easily implant reminders of my compelling desire to listen to this recording every time I want to play with my dominant but she’s unavailable. I absorb reminders of how susceptible I become once I experience the first drop of this recording. A very, very thorough waking process guides me up into a fully aware and alert space before concluding with the always powerful: SNAP. “Wake.”

I am completely awake, somehow, but I remain still for the moment, minus some delicate, exploratory touches with my fingertips. There’s a small towel on my chest so I use it to wipe away a surprising amount of drool. I’m hit with a giddy burst of joy. I giggle happily at the knowledge that I was turned into a hypnotized fucktoy by my dominant! I want to tell her everything!

I first think about messaging her, but she’s right here! Which feels a little odd actually…I really want to message her. I scan around me for my phone because I can’t shake the desire to send her texts explaining everything she made me feel. But Maya gets my attention and tells me to share with her directly anything I want to say. There’s something feral about the look on her face, which is intriguing, and I can’t wait anyway. I just want to tell her everything.

“Maya!” I gush joyfully. “I just had the most incredible experience! I came here to surprise you, but…but your voice…your hypnotic voice! I heard you from down the hall and I just can’t help falling under your power when you use that voice! And the triggers! Oh my god, you said so many pleasurable words! I couldn’t help obeying you. I had no choice! I had to follow and obey! And well, thankfully, I got myself close to your bed once I felt how rapidly you were taking over. Isn’t it crazy how completely you can take control of both my mind and body just by saying some words and the sound of your voice? You’re the sexiest dominant I could have ever asked for, baby. Have I ever told you that? That’s what I was thinking when I was sinking…” She caresses my cheek tenderly and softly shushes me.

Even though I’m awake right now, I’m understandably malleable. Quite naturally, I match the gentleness of her energy. Much calmer, I continue sharing with her, “I went really deep for you, sweetie. You turned me into a hypnotized fucktoy and then gave me the most amazing, hands-free orgasm I’ve ever had. Thank you. Thank you so much. This whole experience was incredible. I just came her to surprise you,” I giggle.

My girlfriend looks so happy. She can’t wait for my post-recording, revealing text messages in the future. She pulls off her top and bra and grins widely when my gaze falls to her perfect tits. I bite my lip in anticipation for whatever is to come; this night just keeps getting better. I look at her panties next, the only clothing on her body, and I see wetness soaking through.

She comments, “Oh, sweetie, I think we surprised each other tonight. You’re awake and clear-headed, right? Because I really want to fuck you.” Her voice sounds urgent but kind of gentle, somehow.

“What?” I ask out of surprise. I mean, sex was my initial plan for the night, but…I’m trying to catch up because a lot has happened.

My girlfriend begins lightly caressing all over me. I scooch backward until I’m fully on the bed and Maya follows alongside. She watches the trail of goosebumps popping up in the wake of her fingertips. “I know you were accidentally hypnotized and programmed. And I saw how…oh god…I saw how deep you went. How far down I subjugated you…by accident.” Her thumb traces along the edge of my pussy lips and I let out a tiny whimper because of how sensitive I am. She grins wickedly and slides her thumb further between to tease my cunt opening. She hears another whimper before gliding her hand up my torso. “I know the trance was really intense, baby. And I know it ended with a very big, hands-free orgasm, but…” she analyzes my face closely and finds my eyes clear and fully aware, “…I want you so badly,” she says in a desperate hush. “Finding you like that was so sexy.” Her thumb traces circles around my hard nipple.

She’s not hypnotizing me, but I’m still captivated by where this is going. I’m so glad I came over here tonight.

“You were my very own hypnotized fucktoy just lying on my bed. Naked. Totally mindfucked. For me, baby. Like a present.” Her hand slides to my other breast and circles that perky nipple too. “It was an accident, but I was still controlling you, pleasuring you. I’m so proud of our connection.”

I’m swept up by how sexy this night has been. I can’t wait to hear what she says next, what she does next. Does she want to hypnotize me again or are we going to have sex without hypnosis? I genuinely can’t tell her plans but I’m all in either way.

A wide smirk grows on her face, “Do you have any idea how well that recording is going to work on you when I finish it?” She looks really smug. “You’re going to turn into a hypnotized fucktoy so quickly. Every time you listen. And I’m so happy it programs you to send me a detailed message afterward. That’s going to be a sexy surprise every time I get one of those texts.” She leans in closer. “You’ll want me to know every detail of how I make you feel. How I control you without even being there.” Her lips barely touch mine and our tongues nudge against each other before she finishes, “I’m just so good at mindfucking you.”

Our mouths finally fuse together with urgency and force; I am completely worked up and ready to fuck, but she pulls away much too quickly. We’re both panting and she kisses me hard again before continuing, “Do you know how mine you are?! And do you know what else?”

“What?” I’m loving her energy right now. I feel drunk on her passion and excitement.

“I want us to fuck until you’re just a soft, little lump of a plaything. Over-saturated with pleasure, just floating in a haze that leaves you loopy and pliable for me to play with how I wish and for as long as I wish. We’re both calling in sick tomorrow.” She looks so earnest, and her eyes are rapidly tracking between both of mine.

I laugh at how incredible that sounds, “Yes! Baby, yes, please! Please do anything you want to me.” I mean it wholeheartedly. I know she’s looking for clear-headed, consensual agreement because of the intensity of the accidental trance and programming.

I see relief and happiness when my girlfriend gets clear permission to do as she wants. Her hand begins rubbing all over and around both of my bare breasts and her voice practically rumbles when she says, “You know what this does to you, my good girl. This wonderful trigger that is really just a convenient excuse to grope your tits.”

I laugh at her silliness and the trigger releases submissive feelings inside me. My laughter fades away into a revealing sigh.

She smiles, “I can tell you’re feeling it. You feel submissive feelings filling you up. This makes you easy to influence. And it’s fun for both of us when you’re easy to influence.”

I’m smiling lazily. I know she’s being lighthearted to contrast what happened earlier. And I can feel myself becoming more and more submissive as she rubs every square inch of my breasts. We’re looking at each other as my eyes soften and I can’t help sighing happily once I reach the point where I would probably do anything she suggests. Doing what she wants just sounds like a good idea.

“Good girl. But…” Her expression gets a little devious and her hand keeps rubbing, keeps triggering me. Every other time she’s used this trigger, she’s stopped by now. “…what happens if I keep filling you with submissive feelings? What happens to you, good girl, when all you are is a passive mound of submission?”

This is new. And…oh…oh, it feels really good. I try to keep my sights on my dominant but as my submission grows, my eyes lose focus. My entire body goes slack while my dominant rubs around and over my tits endlessly. I’m staring vacantly from under heavy eyelids that keep blinking slower and longer. She greedily consumes every detail of her good girl sinking for her. When my eyes remain closed and I am perfectly still, she lets out a moan of approval.

“That was beautiful, good girl. Hypnotized. Entranced. Submissive. I wanted to watch you drift into trance, and so I did. I get what I want and that makes you feel good, doesn’t it?”

Nodding softly, I agree that the daze I’m in feels good because she got what she wants.

“You’re going to remember every second of this evening even though you will remain in a deeply submissive state. I’m going to put you into a waking trance. You will have power over your faculties but I retain my strong influence over your mind. You will obey because you must obey. Doesn’t a waking trance sound like the most pleasurable way you could spend your night, good girl?”

I nod in agreement.

“That’s a good girl,” she pinches my perky nipples and I gasp. “My hypnotic power over you is an aphrodisiac, isn’t it, good girl? That’s why your nipples tighten and tits swell. Hypnosis makes your pussy wet because you’re getting horny for me. You’re my deeply obedient sex toy. You can’t hide that my hypnosis turns you on, isn’t that right, sex toy?”

I’m nodding more emphatically now. She’s so right. Every one of those things happen when she is hypnotizing me!

She chuckles at my heaving chest. “You get off on me controlling your mind. You’re my favorite sex toy.” She sucks on each of my tits and lazily rubs my clit as I whimper helplessly. My desire is sky-high but I know it feels so good when she gets what she wants, so I am submissive and obedient. Ready to serve and please.

“Okay, good girl. I want you to fill up with all of the energy you need to fuck me and move and behave as though you are awake.” A soft snap sounds near my ear. “But you are not awake.” A soft snap. “Your mind obeys me.” A soft snap. “Gather all the energy you will need to appear awake despite being in a waking trance.” Two more soft snaps in quick succession and my eyes blink into focus. I look at my girlfriend, and she sees trance still clouding my eyes. “You will be able to think and function but your mind remains enchanted.” Soft snap. “You seem awake but you remain under my spell.” Soft snap.

I notice my eyes are no longer heavy and I have control of my body.

“The only thing you want to do is fuck me.” Soft snap.

My hands grope the goddess above me as I groan in appreciation for getting to do the only thing I want to do. I grab the back of her neck to pull her closer, but as soon as the weight of her body lays down on top of me, I pause in surprise.

Maya halts too, aware I’m reacting to something unexpected. She asks carefully, “What’s happening, honey? Are you okay?”

I blink feverishly as I process what I’m feeling before a big smile grows, “Oh, Maya…oh, baby, you feel…your body. I feel the weight of you on top of me and it’s…”

My dominant realizes I’m recalling my new, hypnotized fucktoy conditioning which emphasized arousal as I felt a heavy weight pressing down on me. Carefully, she shifts so that I can feel even more of her weight on top of me.

“Oh, fuck,” I mumble as my hands slide up into her hair, grasping her head, pulling her into a passionate kiss as my pleasure-response to this weight is incredible. I want this woman to feel incredible too. I shove her panties down because all I want to do is fuck her.

Panting, she says, “I’ve got you wrapped around my finger, don’t I?”

“Yes…yes, you do,” I mumble without even thinking about it. Nothing matters more than fucking her, serving and pleasing this woman is all I want to do.

“You feel pleasure when you give me pleasure.” A soft snap.

I keep kissing and licking her neck and squeezing her ass.

“When I experience pleasure you feel pleasure. You feel arousal as you see and hear me feel arousal.” Another soft snap.

My dominant sounds turned on as I lick and suck on her ear, and I can’t help moaning as I feel a corresponding pleasure. Oooh…this is good.

Every time she reacts to how I’m fucking her, I react with pleasure too. When my fingers are pumping inside her, and she looks increasingly taken by arousal, I also feel arousal building inside me. I feel every bit of pleasure I give to her. Each sign of her sexual gratification creates a similar sensation in me. This is an insane level of mirroring, and I love every bit of it. When her escalating reactions to my fingers stimulating her clit roll my own eyes back, I feel possessed by our corresponding climbs.  

Commands and soft snapping weave seamlessly into our fucking because I keep obeying automatically. I behave like I’m awake but I am clearly under a spell. My dominant is controlling me with a sex-crazed, waking trance. She commands me to have boundless energy so that I can continue edging her…edging us.

When my dominant, delirious from recurring climbs upward without release, finally plummets off the edge into a wild and demonstrative orgasm, I devolve into a soft, little lump of a plaything. I’m over-saturated with pleasure, just floating in a haze that leaves me loopy and pliable for her to play with how she wishes and for as long as she wishes.

When I came here to surprise my girlfriend, I never dreamed our night would become something this powerful and memorable. I am so lucky that as a perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy, I keep learning new ways to serve and please my dominant.

RoboticSquid 2024-10-09 at 21:44 (UTC+00)

I love the shared senses parts it’s one of my favorite tropes. Doesn’t get used enough so I’m always glad to see it. Also consensual hypnosis is best hypnosis. Might want to tag it with wholesome or consensual hypnosis.

AlexiaRose 2024-10-09 at 14:40 (UTC+00)

I want this so much. To be loved by a caring person that can turn every desire into reality while my mind is programmed as a perfect sex toy for them is such a wish.

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