Absolute Obedience in Her Submissive Toy

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #hypnotic_language #pov:bottom #sub:female #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia

Hypnokinky girlfriends experience a surprising act of exhibitionism and further programming for a one-tracked mind of absolute obedience.

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Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

I’m knocking on the door of Maya’s apartment, and when she pulls it open, she’s already smirking. “Hello, good girl.”

Her greeting makes me smile and I silently follow her into the center of her living room. My excitement and anticipation levels are high. Waiting quietly for Maya’s lead on what happens next, I’m suddenly watching her fingertips fluttering before my eyes before her whole hand swipes across my vision. She’s just put me on pause.

Standing still and unblinking, I don’t react as she looks me over. I’m wearing my black, cut off mid-thigh trench coat. We were on the phone earlier and after we hung up, I knew my purpose for the day. I knew what I wanted to do. Even though it was a brazen thing to do, and nothing I’ve done before, I had to do it. I’ve become prey to overwhelming compulsions ever since I welcomed my girlfriend into my mind.

Maya is looking at my bare legs beneath the coat but she can’t tell how far I’ve taken this game. She’s tempted to kneel and look up for a peek, but she decides it will be more fun if I’m mentally engaged during the big reveal.

SNAP. “Wake.”

The world returns to me. Or I return to the world. I can’t tell the difference.

“Show me what’s under your coat, good girl.”

Really happy to receive a command, I titter and giggle as my hands pull at the tie around my waist. The coat slips to the floor and I enjoy the drug of pleasing my dominant. I take a deep breath to push my naked breasts closer to her hungry gaze. It feels incredible to reveal my total nudity to her.

Maya gasps at the reality that I didn’t wear a stitch of clothing under my coat. Just as my brain registers that I keep thinking of her as my ‘dominant’ rather than my ‘girlfriend’, she quickly flutters her fingers and swipes her hand across my eyes to put me back on pause. It’s like she implanted me with something as straightforward as an on/off button.

Meanwhile, my girlfriend needs a moment to collect herself. Her perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy walked through an apartment building, a fair distance on city sidewalks, and through another apartment building totally naked under a short trench coat. This was done after a hypnotizing phone call giving me the purpose of coming over here to be used as a submissive toy. But my deep desires to please my dominant must have stripped me in an act of complete submission. What a fucking turn-on.

“Fuuuuuck meeee,” Maya hums as she trails her fingertips over the curve of my hips. “My good girl is really fucking good. Yes, yes, this will do quite nicely.”

SNAP. “Wake.”

No longer on pause, I watch Maya ogling my nakedness. I can’t believe a non-exhibitionistic voyeur has done what I’ve done. It feels so sexy to do unexpected things for her, whether I remember why I became obsessed with doing those things in the first place.

Laughing, I exclaim, “Maya! How did this even happen?! I walked here like this! I am totally awake! Right?! I remember walking here…I wasn’t in a trance, but I basically walked here naked!”

Maya starts fluttering her fingers in front of my eyes and I can’t help following them everywhere. My mind goes quiet when I am captivated by her fluttering fingers. Her mesmerizing voice travels directly into my subconscious mind, “You cannot tell if you are awake or in trance.”

“I cannot tell if I am awake or in trance,” repeats like a mechanical reaction.

“You are in deep submission and complete obedience.”

“I am in deep submission and complete obedience.” My eyes flutter.

“You are deeply, deeply vulnerable to my hypnotizing power.”

“I am deeply, deeply vulnerable to your hypnotizing power.” My eyelids are so heavy.

“You are easy to hypnotize.”

“I am easy to hypnotize.” My head rolls on a swivel as I follow her fluttering fingers and slur my words.

“You want to forget anything I want you to forget.”

“I want to forget anything you want me to forget.” My mind is eerily silent.

“You came here to be used. You are my submissive toy.”

“I came here to be used. I am your submissive toy.” Drool is collecting along my lower lip.

“Your purpose was to come here to be used. You are my submissive toy.”

“My purpose was to come here to be used. I am your submissive toy.” My eyes are crossing and rolling around.

“You are helpless and weak.”

“I am helpless and weak.” My voice is soft and mumbly.

“You deeply obey your dominant.”

“I deeply obey mm…dom…nn…”  My eyes slip closed as my head comes to rest in a sideways tilt.

“God damn, good girl. You are such a fun toy.” Maya circles my still form and lowers to her knees to plant kisses on my ass while groping my thighs. A hand slides between my legs and she groans at how wet I am for her. She bites down on a buttcheek.

SNAP. “Wake.”

Awake…I think I’m awake? I turn around to find my girlfriend smiling deviously. “Maya…we spoke on the phone…and we hung up…I don’t know, I just had this incredible purpose. I didn’t have a choice, Maya. I just…I needed to please you. I love pleasing you. I started stripping because submissive toys can best serve while naked. It felt right. Even though you weren’t there, I knew I was stripping for you.”

She interrupts, “Naked is natural.”

“Naked is natural,” repeats automatically. I have to blink to focus. “I was thinking about how badly I needed to get here. It was making me so fucking horny. And…and I just wanted to be your submissive toy!”

She interjects, “Naked is natural.”

“Naked is natural,” echoes automatically.

“Naked is natural.”

I smile dopily as the words repeat, “Naked is natural.”

My dominant gives my shoulder a little shove and prompts, “You were saying?”

“Huh? Oh…oh, yes! I was getting naked for you even though you couldn’t see me. I wanted to become your submissive toy and I…I came straight here. I need to please you, baby. I can’t believe I did it, but I walked here naked.”

“Naked is natural,” she states powerfully.

“Naked is natural,” I repeat while my head wobbles.

“Naked is natural.”

My voice sounds wistful, “Naked is natural.”

“Naked is natural.”

Dreamily, “Naked is natural.”

SNAP. “Wake.”

Shaking my head to clear the fog, I focus on my sexy girlfriend. “Do you know how surprising this is?” I dramatically gesture toward my body.

“Do you know how obedient this is?” she double-taps the center of my forehead.

My eyes roll up and cross, like I’m trying to see her finger through my forehead. My dominant knows better than to suspect I have any control. She double-taps the center of my forehead again and my tongue falls loose from my already slack mouth.

SNAP. “Wake.”

I regain control of myself and look at Maya in shock. What is happening?! I mean, of course all of this is obedience, but how do I not have any resistance? How is everything happening immediately and instinctively, like I’m hypnotized?! I obey automatically when I’m hypnotized, but not when I’m awake. Aren’t I awake?

Her fingertips flutter in front of my eyes and my mind goes quiet as I become spellbound, following her fluttering fingers as they swirl through the air.

“You always fall under my hypnotizing power.”

“I always fall under your hypnotizing power.”

“You are easy to hypnotize.”

“I am easy to hypnotize.”

“You are easy to entrance.”

“I am easy to entrance.”

“You are easy to mesmerize.”

“I am easy to mesmerize.”

“You are easy to control.”

“I am easy to control.”

“You are my deeply obedient sex toy.”

“I am your deeply obedient sex toy.”

Her fingertips stop fluttering and disappear but my head keeps rolling on my shoulders. I’m floating. And aroused…I’m so horny, I need to be used. I’m stuck in a trance-limbo or something. She didn’t pause or wake me.

My dominant…the woman who controls me with her hypnotizing power…the woman I want to please…the woman who wants to use me watches in silence. Sluggishly, I slide my hands over my naked body for her. I want to please her. She eats up the pathetic way her trancing good girl is struggling to masturbate.

She whispers, “Naked is natural,” and my fluttering eyelids nearly slip closed at the hope my dominant will take full control. My hands can only make tiny, fingertip movements and I mumble, “I came here to be used. I am your submissive toy.” I need to give up. My arms drop heavily and my head falls to my chest.

“Repeat your purpose.”

“I came here to be used. I am your submissive toy.”

SNAP. “Wake.”

My eyes open and I straighten up. Which part of that was slipping from awake to hypnotized? I can’t tell when I’m awake or in trance. Looking at my girlfriend, I find her positively ravenous.

She sounds turned on and powerful, “You are very good at following commands your conscious mind forgets.”

“I am very good at following commands my conscious mind forgets.” Why did I repeat that? I only repeat things when I’m hypnotized, not when I’m awake. I seriously cannot tell if I’m in trance.

Maya grabs my wrists and holds them together behind my back with one firm hand. The restraining angle makes my breasts jut out and she teases them with her other hand. It’s an immediate turn-on but it’s also making me…oh god, I feel so submissive…I want to submit so badly. I can feel myself going soft for her to manipulate. God, I have so many fucking triggers.

Speaking low and seductive, “You are my submissive toy right now. Your subconscious is more obedient to me than to you.”

My eyes widen. Wait! Is that what is happening? My subconscious has an allegiance to Maya over me?

“Your mind sinks and slips you down for me.”

My whole body relaxes. My face is slack.

“That’s how easily I take over, good girl. You’re so submissive. Obedience feels so good, doesn’t it? You feel wonderful to be mine.”

I’m nodding and stupidly mumble, “Feel wonderful…so much.” “I’m yours,” I sigh.

My dominant chuckles and pulls on my nipples, “Oh, yes, good girl. You’re mine. My sweet, aroused, submissive toy. You cannot resist me.”

“I cannot resist you.” Am I in trance or awake? I can’t tell. She has control.

My eyes close and my mind sleeps after a simple command. More words follow but this perfectly programmed good girl and deeply obedient sex toy only knows what she should know and forgets what she needs to forget.

Blissfully floating in my dominant’s hypnotizing sea, I hear soft snaps that prompt me to rise a little bit in awareness. I pry my eyes open as her lips gently peck my mouth and I, unfortunately, have a delayed reaction. My lips pout into a kiss for the air after she’s already pulled away. I whine when I realize I’m too slow to kiss her back.

She laughs lightly and stays close. Speaking lowly, she says, “You’re drifting because you are pleasing me. You can’t tell if you’re awake or in trance.”

Her fingers begin teasing my soaked pussy. Oh god, it’s so loud. When she rubs my clit faster and with the right amount of pressure, I moan loudly and my head falls back.

“What do you need to do?”

“I need to be used. I am your submissive toy.” The words slip out as I bury my head in her neck. I am totally at her mercy. It feels like she has complete command.

“Your subconscious mind obeys and your conscious mind will obey me too.”

I lift my head and look at her in surprise, but also, intrigue. What does she mean?

“That’s right, good girl,” she gazes deeply into my eyes. “Today, your conscious mind obeys me as deeply as your subconscious obeys. Today, your pleasure from obedience comes from both subconscious and conscious obedience. Your conscious mind feels obedient to me just like your subconscious mind obeys. Your obedience is your every thought. It feels so good to obey everything I want. You must obey, my submissive toy. Every thought is obedience. Everything you do is obedience. You can only think obedience. You obey. You always obey. Obey. Obey.”

I’m totally lost to the programming but she’s rubbing my clit so perfectly that it’s propelling me toward an orgasm. Everything I do is obedience so I need to be commanded to cum for her. Everything I do is obeying her. Her commands, her mental control, and her hands…I obey everything of hers. There is nothing else but obeying. I obey in every way. I obey.  

My dominant repeats the overpowering programming and I teeter on the brink. After she repeats it all a third time, I’m nodding and whimpering like a mess. My mind and body obey. Obey. Obey. Obey. Obey. Obey…

She softly whispers, “Cum for me.” And I do, immediately. It’s so intense, I’m convulsing in her arms and gushing into her hand. My body shakes and I babble the word “obey” like it’s bringing me more pleasure and extending the orgasm. I have been overtaken by the mind-altering pleasure of obedience. I ride it out until my dominant’s hand tucks my head into her neck and she shushes me. All-consuming obedience fills my entire self so I do everything she wants naturally.

She holds me securely while we remain standing in her living room. Her submissive toy is naked, vulnerable, while she’s still fully dressed. This tableau really highlights the position I’m in for today’s play.

When she guides my head up from being tucked in her neck she asks, “Tell me, are you awake or in trance?”

I furrow my brow before answering, “I don’t know.” I look distressed because, am I not obeying? I need to obey! I want to obey! I have to obey!

She smiles and soothes me, gently pushing my hair behind my ear. “You are calm.”

The distress on my face disappears.

“What are you going to do for the rest of the day?” she asks.

“I am going to obey.” The answer makes perfect sense. It is the only possible answer…I obey.

Maya starts kissing me and it might be the most soft and wet series of kisses we’ve ever shared. The arousal is intoxicating. She whispers against my lips, “What must you do?”

“I must obey.” I kiss her again.

She pulls back and I adapt to the change in closeness automatically. “What do you need?”

“I need to obey.” She tickles my ass and I giggle.

“What do you want?”

“I want to obey.” I’m smiling dreamily. I am awake…in trance. Who cares? I obey.

“What are you?”

“I am obedient. Your submissive toy.” My eyes gaze at her and anyone else might think they look clear. My dominant knows better.

“You came here to be used. You are my submissive toy, isn’t that right?”

“Yes, I obeyed. I am obeying. I will continue obeying. I always obey.”

The focused, one-tracked mind is solidly in place. The sexiest dominant in the world has turned her submissive toy’s every thought into one of obedience, and undoubtedly, she has many ideas to take advantage of this narrowed state of mind.

Pointing toward her bedroom, she watches as I turn around and walk silently to where she wants me. I obey.

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