A New Avenue for Controlling Her Good Girl

by Lucerach

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #hypnotic_amnesia #pov:bottom #sub:female #hypnotic_language

Hypnokinky girlfriend, Maya, is working more hypnotic amnesia into games with her submissive girlfriend. They’ve also introduced hypnosis over the phone into their toolbox.

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Written in first person from the perspective of the submissive. Includes trancey, induction language that is not intended to hypnotize the reader, but may do so. This can be read as a standalone story but it is also part of a nonchronological series of stories about these two girlfriends (the reader and Maya) playing within the established and consensual hypnokinky dimension of their relationship.

SNAP. “Wake.”

My eyes blink a few times to regain focus. A big smile takes over my face when I see Maya straddling above me and her pussy close to my face. I can’t help my excitement as I say, “Hi, baby!” I taste Maya, I smell Maya, I feel Maya, and I see Maya panting above me.

I don’t know how I got here but I can clearly tell I’ve just given her an orgasm. I slide my hands up her stomach to rub and squeeze her large breasts dangling above me. Leaning up, I place a big kiss on her very wet pussy. She lets out a small gasp through her orgasm-drunk smile.

She climbs off and falls on the bed next to me; she’s still breathing heavily. I grab a couple towels I see lain nearby and wipe my face and between her legs. Rolling onto my side, I prop my head in my hand to watch her recover from what looks like a pretty great orgasm. I’m definitely going to want to remember how all of that played out. I trail my fingers over her naked body to entertain myself while I try to figure out how we got to this point.

We’re both totally nude and I can see from the window that it’s evening, but likely not late. I can’t remember anything since I got home to my own apartment after work. I don’t remember how or when I got to Maya’s place. I can’t figure out when she could have triggered and commanded me to make this delightful evening take place.

I look to Maya’s face and see she’s watching me adoringly. “Hi,” I whisper shyly, feeling caught.

Maya’s smile is so sweet when she answers, “Hi, my sweet baby. Kiss me.”

I lean forward and leave a lingering kiss on her lips. Humming happily, I pull back to look at her and wait. I know eventually she’ll give me the option to be clued in.

“Do you remember what happened tonight?” she asks curiously.

“No…I don’t think I do. I remember work today and going home after work. I was hoping I’d get to see you but I wasn’t sure because we didn’t have a plan in place. Wait. You called me! Right?”

Maya’s smile grows, “Exactly. Yes, I called you after you got home from work. You and I had a really good conversation. Can you tell me what we talked about on the phone?”

Nothing comes to mind at first. How strange. It’s like a void in my memory. I furrow my brow, genuinely scouring for the words we said. Not only does the information seem not inside my brain, but the more I search for it the more sleepy I feel. I take a deep breath and shift around a bit. I concentrate even harder. I keep trying to think of our call…the specifics, but…I’m, um…wow…um…hmm…

Maya watches me struggle to remember while my face relaxes and my eyelids start blinking slow and heavy. My subconscious is obediently dropping me back down into hypnosis for her. She practically salivates as she sees my eyes go blank and begin to roll. As my body loosens, my upper body tilts forward and only the whites of my eyes are visible by the time I land face-first onto her plump breast. I am totally hypnotized and passive.

She lifts and drops my arm to test how loose it is and giggles when it lands with a slap on her belly. She beams in pride at her hypnotized good girl unconsciously following a command given a couple hours ago.

Maya soothingly brushes my hair out of my face and makes sure I can breathe despite being smooshed into her tit. “Always such a good girl for me. You are such a perfectly programmed good girl. You are always willing to drop for me when I want you hypnotized. It feels good to give me what I want. You want what I want because it gives you pleasure. You are floating in a sea of obedient pleasure that only I can give you. You don’t remember what words were spoken on our call because trying to remember those words opens a floodgate of overwhelming sleepiness. Trying to remember the words opens your mind to a flood of hypnotizing sleepiness. And it feels so good when you get sleepy. You feel too good to resist. You feel too good to question. You sink down for me, pulled down by my power over you, because that is what I want. You want what I want. Trying to remember what we said on our call drops you sleepily, easily, and deeply as your mind surrenders to my hypnotic control over you.”

My dominant has been playing with a lot more hypnotic amnesia lately and it’s added a really fun dynamic. I didn’t think I would be good at it, but per usual, my dominant is too skilled at controlling and influencing me with pleasure for me to not learn a new hypnosis-related game. At this point, I should just expect that she’ll be able to program me to do anything she wants.

I want what she wants.

Maya continues, “Your conscious mind can’t access the memory and your deeply obedient, subconscious mind drops you down into blissful pleasure when you try to remember. You only know what you should know and forget what you need to forget. You are submissive to me because I give you pleasure no one else can. I’m excited you’ve given your consent for me to hypnotize you over the phone. This opens an exciting door for us, good girl.”

Maya continues stroking my still body while her words slide smoothly into my mind. “You are only submissive to me. You love that I can now control you from anywhere. That idea is so exciting to you; you love when I control you. You love submitting to me in person and over the phone. My good girl will follow commands from me and only me over the phone, and you always forget what I want you to forget. Your mind is becoming so good at forgetting what I tell you to forget because you know I will give you the option to remember later. My good girl is safe with me and that’s why you forget what I tell you to forget. You are my good girl and it is safe to only know what you should know and to forget what you need to forget.”

Maya kisses my head tenderly a few times while I float within her protection. She’s making me feel an overwhelming sense of safety along with the hypnotic pleasure. As someone who has always had a great memory, and I pride myself on it, Maya has been building up my sense of security while training my subconscious to temporarily block specific memories for hypno play. This strategy has been effective so far. We brainstormed together and I thought this might be helpful.

“My good girl came to her dominant tonight in a completely dazed act of obedience. I wanted to cum on your face, and you want what I want. It was fucking delicious when you arrived, stripped yourself, stripped me, and then, pulled me to my own bedroom without a word. Such a one-tracked mind when I program you that way. You are a perfect good girl for me. Such a fun sex toy. Now, we’re going to have some more fun. I want you to orgasm much quicker than you expect while I suck on your clit. I’m going to make you cum so quickly, good girl. You won’t remember anything I said in this trance because you only know what you should know and forget what you need to forget.”

Maya rolls me onto my back and spreads my legs. She crawls between them and places both of my thighs over her shoulders.

SNAP. “Wake.”

My eyes open and I feel awake but confused. I’m looking at the ceiling. I was leaning over Maya and…oh, right. I dropped into trance out of nowhere. God, it felt good as I was sinking. I can remember dropping but I don’t remember what happened while I was hypnotized. I glance down my body and see Maya smirking at me from between my legs. She looks into my eyes as she leans in and flattens her tongue to lick as much of my vulva as she can. Fuuuuck.

She maintains eye contact while teasing my clit and I moan loudly when she starts sucking so perfectly. God, that feels incredible! I’m already climbing so high! I need to cum for her! It’s happening so fast! Oh my god! I’m grasping at the sheets when, to my total shock, I start shaking and cumming for her!

My whole body tingles while I pant and wonder how on earth I orgasmed so quickly.

Maya nuzzles my inner thighs tenderly. “Hey, good girl?”

“Hmm?” I mumble.

Maya lowers my legs from her shoulders but stays between them. “Heeeey, goooood girllll. Sit up for me now.”

I desire to obey and immediately sit up. I ignore any meaning behind following a command without hesitation while I am awake. Instead, I focus my attention on my amazing girlfriend, “That felt so good, baby. I came so fast!” I am looking more than a little lovestruck.

Maya looks so cocky as she teases her thumbs along my sensitive inner thighs while watching me. “That’s right, good girl. You’re so obedient even when you don’t know you’re being obedient.”

I furrow my brow and tilt my head in confusion. What is she talking about?

“That’s right, good girl. You obey my commands perfectly.” Her thumbs tease and massage my pussy lips.

I feel pleasure from her hands and a rush of pride at the praise. I can’t help but smile and swoon. I don’t really understand what she’s referring to, but it couldn’t possibly matter, I feel too good to care. Good things happen when I obey.

“Tell me what we talked about on the phone earlier today, good girl,” she coos.

I furrow my brow again. Why would she ask that? It’s odd, but I’m still going to give her what she wants. “Um… Well, let me think. We… Um. We… mmm…”

I don’t understand why but my mind floods with hypnotizing pleasure. I am slipping down before I even realize what is happening. It feels so good that I surrender immediately. Good girls obey without question. My whole body goes slack and my head hangs over my chest.

My dominant watches her girlfriend become a hypnotized toy even faster than the last time. She gives a firm push to my chest and my body falls backward onto the bed.

“Good girl. Fractionation drops you deeply and easily for me. You fall rapidly and deeply every time I hypnotize you tonight. You have no resistance, only submission. You are easy to hypnotize. You are perfectly submissive to me because it feels so good to be submissive to me. I am your dominant and you are deeply obedient to only me. What are you?”

“I am deeply obedient to only you.” The answer is automatic and my voice sounds blank and soft.

Maya is excited for us to partake in a long night of fractionation. She is going to make her good girl a complete, mindfucked jumble just because she wants to.

I want what she wants.

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