Don't Try

by Let_Liv_In

Tags: #dom:female #exhibitionism #f/f #humiliation #pov:top #sub:female #bimbofication #dom:nb #f/nb #nb/nb #sub:nb

CW: hypnokink, semi-public play, intelligence play Just a fictionalized version of a cute scene with a cutie 😘 A bit of intelligence/bimbo play. No misogyny, and the perspective is 2nd person gender neutral.


“It’s the thing for, like, making houses,” she says to the room. There’s a pause as the others look at her slightly confused; the conversation moves on. She knows what CAD is. She could explain it in detail, under normal circumstances.  

You smile gleefully as you see her cheeks turn bright red. She clearly expected to say something insightful. To contribute to the conversation. You catch her gaze and start giggling.

You’re sitting next to her on the couch in a room of friends. Friends close enough that no one has minded the two of you making out intermittently for the past hour or so. The movie playing in the background has sucked up enough of the group’s attention that you’re fairly certain no one has noticed you dropping her repeatedly. 

“I’m trying *so* hard,” she murmurs, the mixture of frustration and arousal clear on her face. 

You slide closer to her, running your fingers through her hair and pressing your lips against her ear. “Yeah, but what if you, like, didn’t try?” you ask, emphasizing the lilt in your voice. “Like, you could just,” your hand slides up to her earlobe and tugs as you continue, “not try. Wouldn’t that be, like, way more fun?” 

At your tug, her neck goes limp and her eyes flutter. You cup her jaw, holding her ear to your mouth. “What if, like, whenever you felt like you needed to try–whenever you’re struggling to put a bunch of long words together–you just gave up instead and let the first thing that comes to mind spill out. That would be soooo much more fun.”  

“Up, up, up,” you say, lifting her head back up. 

She blinks rapidly, her blush deepening as the realization that you just dropped her in front of her friends hits her. “Oh my gooooood,” she whimpers. 

“Good girl,” you whisper.


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