The Dawn of Redlight!

by Leaf~

Tags: #clothing #comic_book #corruption #dom:female #exhibitionism #sub:male #morality_flip #superhero

A superheroine gets corrupted into a lusty baddie, and makes her goodie twoshoes partner in crimefighting (male) fuck her to keep her from falling into a life of crime!

This story leans more on the corruption/mindplay elements than most of my recent stuff, so heads up if you don't like identity being played with and people being corrupted into their worst selves via sex

It was supposed to be a regular day on patrol. Rampart hadn’t thought the alarm triggering at the Museum of Ancient Baubles was anything out of the ordinary. Damocles City had law breaking, just like every metroplex did. But in the City of Wonders, there was very little ‘petty’ crime. The only ones who would dare break into such a public place as a museum, in broad daylight no less, had to be-

“Hexxa Kole!” he boomed, staring down the gorgeous stone staircase from the second floor to the first, where a woman in a scandalously tight black catsuit stood beside a transparent display case. Her hand was thrust through a recently sliced hole through half an inch of bulletproof glass, and she’d just purloined a gem the size of her fist when she froze at the call of her name. “Unhand that valuable curio!”

Despite being some distance away, the sorceress she-demon’s eye roll was quite visible. A lot of tail movement too, its spaded tip wobbling back and forth like a derisive wag of her finger. She lifted the brim of her hat and put the gem into the cone.

“Ugh. Blandpart? I never get any of the good ones.” She snapped her fingers twice like an impatient customer at a waiter, and two shadow-forms in the shape of enormous, burly men in flat caps and rolled up sleeves appeared on either side of her. “Take care of him, would you?”

“Sure boss,” the ethereal goons said in unison, and shambled over to clean Rampart’s clock.

Rampart cracked his knuckles. Despite being a Super, he didn’t dress like one. His outfit appeared simple: red and white striped shirt, blue jeans. These were high tech simulacrums, of course, able to withstand the incredible forces and energies that your average superhero was under. The one truly unusual about his appearance was the pair of brass knuckles he put on. They hummed to life with Q-Energy, the same superscience rays that powered his preternatural physique.

The witch cackled. “You think you can beat two of my shades? Then how about we make this a real rumble!” She snapped her fingers in quick succession, and four more joined the mob. All identical, all moving in a lockstep line toward Rampart.

“It’s looking like it might not be a fair fight,” he said, backing up the stairs. “So I’ll give you one chance to surrender before you get really embarrassed!”

“Ugh…this level of banter is intolerable! Why couldn’t I have gotten-”

SMASH! The skylight above blew wide open. Glass rained down from above, momentarily refracting the shadow goons into a dozen directions as they mimicked shielding themselves from falling debris. Soon the true culprit appeared, floating down in a bodysuit of glowing white energy.

“I’d listen to him,” the floating woman said, her hands on her hips as she dropped to join Rampart on the stairs. “It’s not looking good for the forces of darkness when Dawnlight is here!

Rather than look fearful, or even more annoyed, Hexxa clapped her hands together in excitement. “Oh my gosh it’s Dawnlight! I’ve been waiting to meet you since you appeared! I have something for you, but it’s in my hat…Goons, would you kindly distract them?”

“Sure boss,” they chanted, louder this time, and struck. Heavy haymakers flew out, and it was all Rampart could do to keep away. One connected with the bannister, but instead of sliding right through, it exploded into stone chips and white dust! Whatever these things were, they came to play for keeps. Meanwhile, Hexxa had her arm up to her shoulder into her hat, despite there not being enough room to fit the entire limb inside its confines. Some manner of portal? No matter, they’d could ask the police lockup for a look after they brought Hexxa to justice!

Rampart lashed out first, his heavy-handed fisticuffs drilling into the spectres as if they were solid objects. Blue lightning shot out when his fists made contact, whereas his kicks just slid through empty air. Eventually, though, he made the first of the goons vaporize. It emitted a ghostly ‘aw crud’ before vanishing from this plane of existence altogether.

Dawnlight’s powers were slower on the draw, but certainly worth the wait. With her eyes closed, she put one hand to her temple and the other outstretched. Wriggling ribbons of light pulsed from her fingertips, stopping until they formed three distinct objects in front of her. First indistinct, they coalesced into the shape of a club, a wrench, and a baseball bat. But should one worry that these were mere illusions, she immediately launched them at the shadow goons.

Six rounds of shadowboxing later, and there was naught but ten feet between the demonic damsel and her ill-gotten loot. Nevertheless, Hexxa still had her hand in her hat, not even looking at the dynamic duo before her.

“C’mon, c’mon,” she muttered under her breath, fishing around in the mystery space contained within her headgear.

“It looks like you’re out of tricks, magician,” Rampart said, his arms folded. “What say we take you to the local authorities, and you perform your next act at the Paragon County slammer?”

“God you guys are so fucking boring. If only I could- Aha!” She yanked her hand out of her hat, holding a strange, twisting metal ring. She shook it out, and it melted into the form of a silver necklace. Then, with a flick of her wrist, she launched it at Dawnlight. The hero held out her hand to catch it, but the jewellery twisted in the air to avoid her grasp, slamming into her collarbone instead. There, it wrapped around her neck with a serpent’s grace.

“What the…hey!” she cried out, tugging on the gleaming silver clasp with all her considerable might. It refused to budge!

“That, my demure little damsel, is an item I’ve been saving for just this moment. You’ve heard of reversing polarities? Magnets can sometimes spontaneously invert their poles, making the positive side negative and vicey versey. Well, this does something similar, but for morality! It can make the most calamitous criminal a law-abiding saint. And…” she trailed off as the necklace began to glow.

“Not for long!” Rampart said, and grabbed a hold of it. With his tremendous strength, it should have snapped like dry wood. But the seemingly flimsy metal held, and he only stopped when his partner screamed in pain. “My goodness, I’m so sorry Dawnlight!”

The woman snarled. “You should be, you oaf! You nearly cut my head off!” The words were barely out of her mouth before she gasped, pressing her hand to her heart. “Sorry! I don’t know what came over me!”

Hexxa barked a laugh. “It’s the amulet’s gift, dear. It’s freeing you of all those pesky inhibitions and revealing who you really are.”

“Remove it this instant!” Dawnlight commanded.

“Make me,” Hexxa said, sticking out her tongue.

“Thought you’d never ask.”

Dawnlight launched herself forward, escaping Rampart’s grasp and swung a series of close fisted blows toward the sinister sorceress. Hexxa ducked and weaved out of the way, laughing maniacally the whole time. Like this was a game. After each thrown punch, energy coalesced around the heroine’s hands, forming gauntlets of steadily increasing size until there was nowhere for the villain to dodge. With a perversely satisfying crack, a final haymaker slammed home and knocked Hexxa through a wall and into the next room.

“Dawn!” Rampart gasped, the violence of her actions disturbing him. “She’s not a brawler. That kind of force could kill someone!”

Dawnlight’s eye twitched. “So what? You think she wouldn’t do the same thing if she had the chance? Half the reason crime in this city is so bad is we keep throwing them in jail. If we knocked off a few of these costumed creeps, maybe we’d have more time to ourselves!”

The laughter returned, though punctuated by heavy breathing and coughing as Hexxa climbed her way through the hole she’d just been punched through before flopping to the floor.

“That’s more like it. Go on, girl! You’re just like me now: free to be your worst self!”

Dawnlight fumed. She raised her hand to throw another devastating, wall-breaking punch at the villain, only to have her hand caught. This time Rampart’s grim was like iron. She struggled, but he refused to budge.

“Let’s go, Dawn. We can talk to Professor Tomestone, or Mister Infinity. They’ll get the amulet of you.”

The woman in his grasp twisted, and as she did, the light of her powers manifested. But not the pearlescent white that it had been before. No, this was an iridescent magenta.

“But I don’t want them to get rid of it. The power…the power I’ve had all along. Can’t you see it? I…I feel…good.”

This new hue flowed through her body in waves, melting away the bodysuit that had clad her body and leaving practically nothing in its wake. Darkly veined skin was on full display, barely contained by a tight band of light that covered the middle part of her breasts and bikini bottoms. Both the veins and the clothing pulsed with her heartbeat, culminating in the glow turning her eyes, once a bright yellow, to a menacing scarlet.

“This isn’t you,” Rampart said, his grip weakening. He grabbed her other hand and squeezed, using his augmented strength to keep her close.

“Oh but it is. This power…I’ve been a fool to use it to do the cop’s job. I should have been using it to get what I want. And one thing I want…is you~”

Hexxa’s glee ebbed as she watched the pair interact. “Aw, are you kidding me? You’re straight?! This is bullshit…”

Dawnlight’s eyes snapped to the sorceress. “Get gone, woman. If I see you in my town again I’ll burn out your eyes.” After some preemptive grumbling, the thief grabbed another handful of trinkets into her hat and stormed out, muttering obscenities.

“The amulet is making you say things you never would. The Dawnlight I know would never compromise our platonic working relationship for carnal satisfaction!”

She pressed herself to him, her breath hot against his neck. “But I wanted to. Oh, how I wanted to knock you over and mount you on the Justice Council’s Meeting Table and see if the rumours were true…if the accident that gave you powers really did turn you into ‘the ideal man’.”

Rampart flushed. He stammered, with the distraction allowing her to break free, but she didn’t escape. She threw her head back, letting out a long, languid moan as she slid a finger down her body. As it travelled, what little was left of her outfit disintegrated until she was naked before him.

“You…you’re not yourself…we can’t…” he stammered, confidence totally draining away as his partner in crime fighting approached once more, hips swaying.

“But I want this. Dawnlight is a whole other person you don’t have to worry about anymore. Think of me as her sister. Think of me as…Redlight. Aha, I like that. And as Redlight, I have the urge to do all kinds of terrible, reprehensible ordinance-violations. But you can stop me. You can prevent me from falling to a life of evil. All I want is what you want, but are too afraid to ask for. I want you to fuck me. Right here. Right now.”

He stumbled backward, foot catching on one of the priceless relics and sending him tumbling to the ground. In a flash of violet, she pressed herself against him, pinning his much larger body to the floor.

“This isn’t…I mean…this is a public venue,” he said, but the words were so unenthusiastically delivered that she could tell he was failing. Her ass pressed against his bulge in his pants and she could feel him come to life. Not the stodgy Citizen of the Year, not the musclebound vigilante, but the man.

“There you are,” she said, her body lithe and athletic, hours and hours of sparring practice tainted by this new dimension to their relationship. How often had they pressed each other to the mat like this? How close had they been from devolving into rutting animals?

“I know you, Dawnlight. I know you…you would never be a criminal!”

“Public indecency feels like a pretty minor offence in a world of death rays and doomsday devices, but I understand what you mean. But I’m not in the freebee business anymore. You want me as a partner? Then give me something worth fighting for. Give me what I want, and I’ll be your sidechick. Sorry. Sidekick~”

As she ground on him, her powers manifested into sets of ghostly hands that tugged Rampart’s clothes away. Two applied pressure to keep his hands bound, at least for now, but they were barely figments of force. A figleaf for them both, but for different reasons. To her, the illusion was that she was taking him by force. For him, the license to feel like he had no choice. That she really was ravishing him, a vital, powerful man who hadn’t experienced that in his life. And judging by the stiffness she felt against her skin, something he wasn’t exactly repulsed by.

“Oh…” she said, sliding one of her hands behind her to grip his shaft. “I was expecting more somehow…”

“Anything more would make outfit planning difficult,” he admitted sheepishly. “But…but I assure you, I’m fully capable of completing the task.”

“Of making me scream your name?” she asked, leaning in to press a forceful kiss to his lips.

“To show you that the side of good has plenty to offer!” he said, slightly distorted by the fervency with which she plied his mouth with her tongue.

“Then show me, stud. Make me yours, or so help me, I’ll start tearing down this stupid fucking building, once priceless antique at a time.”

Caught between two prerogatives, he sided with the one that would keep his partner from straying to the dark side. He kissed back, pulling her close into his powerful arms and feeling her breasts press against him. When he pulled back, she shook her head.

“Not good enough. Take me!”

He stood up, lifting her up with him. Her construct hands didn’t resist him on his path. Rampart put his hand between her legs, gently prodding her nethers, and shook his head.

“You’re…you’re a bad girl.”

Redlight threw her head back. “Ugh! No, no no! Treat me like I’m a villain! Show me what happens to bad girls when they-”

He slammed her up against an enormous glass display, making it crack. Instead of pain, she offered a gasp. Her legs locked around his hips like a pair of handcuffs, pressing her slit against his erection. Her arousal gushed forth, the amulet cranking up her libido as it suppressed her inhibitions.

“Like that?” he asked, his voice low. She nodded shakily, then let him ease her onto him until she felt herself part for his shaft.

‘Fuck me,” she begged, nibbling his lower lip. “Give me what I want.”

“I always help a lady in need,” he said, pulling himself back only to thrust deep inside. She gasped, letting her legs rest while gripping him tight with her arms. He took over her weight, his casual strength keeping her pinned to the glass even as the spider-webbing spread. Rampart speared her again, and again, his desires temporarily overridden. Even still, he told himself that this was all for her benefit. To keep her from sliding further into a life of lawlessness.

Enraptured by their act of intercourse, neither noticed the drum of heavy footsteps from outside the room until a squad of police from the closest precinct rounded the corner and entered the open doors. Their guns drawn, they swept the room for threats. And instead of the magician they were told they would find, all they saw was one of the city’s finest extrajudicial heroes slamming himself into a strangely glowing, naked woman. Rampart immediately flushed, but Redlight only clutched him tighter.

“Uhh…Rampart? We heard that there was a crime in progress…” one of the officers said, averting her eyes from the open display of affection.

“Give me a minute, officers,” the muscle-bound man said. “I’ve captured the assailant. I’m doing some…deep instruction on the finer points of ethics.”

Redlight caught on to what he was implying, and did her best vocal impression of Hexxa Cole. “Oh, that’s right, officers! He’s showing me the hard truths about a life of crime! He’s making my toes…ahh~...curl with fear!”

Whether it be his history as an incorruptible ally in the fight against indecency or just sheer awkwardness, the police officers all left the room, holstering their weapons and muttering to themselves. Only after they heard them leave did they resume, with Redlight making it clear they weren’t finished with a hard kiss and a squeeze around his still-throbbing cock.

“This is not you, Dawn. This is not either of us…” Rampart said, but his thrusts resumed. He responded to her kisses, but still offered hopes that she could be turned to the side of light.

“Oh but it is. You need to show me that I can get what I want without sliding into crime. Keep me from being corrupted with your hard fucking dick~”

“But…this is all the amulet’s doing. Maybe its power is reversible!”

“Oh, the spell is quite reversible,” a familiar voice said, her voice indistinctly echoing. Both looked around to find the source, only to be unable to locate it. “I’m in your heads, silly. Courtesy of the amulet. Excellent impression of me, by the way. Top-notch.”

“Hexxa!” Rampart growled, pausing his thrusts to his partner’s audible disappointment. “Reverse your spell immediately!”

The sinister spell weaver peeled with laughter. “Oh it’ll wear off on its own. All you need to do is avoid doing the one thing I know you two want more than anything: an act of perfect self indulgence. So long as the both of you control your urges, maintain your control, she’ll be free! Our little firefly can go another 23 hours without indulging in her urges, right?”

“NO!” Redlight’s refusal was like a thunderbolt. Her eyes burst with light, and the floating hardlight hands went from barely visible to fully opaque in an instant. They gripped Rampart tightly, making him the one pinned in place instead of her. With a little energy assistant, she hoisted herself back onto his cock and began to ride once more, using the paragon of justice as a living dildo to sate her tainted compulsions.

Rampart twisted in her powerful grip, but his body’s urges could not be denied. Though he didn’t want to permanently taint his partner, the need to explode built to a powerful crescendo within his body.

“I can’t…I can’t hold back…” he said, panting. “Please, Dawn. There is still good in you!”

Her cackle was disconcertingly similar to the one Hexxa Cole had just offered. She looked down at him like one might view a piece of tasty meat.

“I know. Make me your good girl~”

She punctuated the breathy command by slamming her hips home, hilting herself upon him. Rampart might have been one of the strongest heroes in Damocles City. But even he had his limits. And at the moment, he was powerless. Seed burst out of him into his partner in crime fighting, his groan a mix of horror and ecstasy as he helplessly damned her to a life of moral depravity with each surge of cream that poured out of him.

Redlight, on the other hand, had no such inner conflict. She was in unadulterated bliss as her corruption culminated. The necklace flooded with the light of her powers, then snapped. Any hope that the spell had been defeated turned to ash when a tattoo of similar design and shape appeared on her lower stomach, the amulet’s image indelibly etching into her skin so that it looked as if it was dangling just above her pussy.

As they both climbed down, responsibilities fell upon Rampart like a heavy mantle. His partner, meanwhile, seemed in no rush to leave. Or even get dressed, for that matter. She levitated off the ruin of the museum room, a glistening trail sliding down the inside of her thighs.

“I feel tremendous! Like a whole new woman! Where do we go next, now that we’ve christened our new partnership?”

He pulled down a curtain off the wall and wrapped her up. She wriggled a bit, but relented when she felt that his arm was lingering around her shoulder. She leaned into him, cuddling his powerful frame.

“We’re taking you back to base, where we start figuring out how to undo this.”

She scoffed. “Fine. Waste our time. But I’ll only go if you promise to let me suck you off in the Hall of Heroes. I wanna get throatfucked under that gaudy statue of Lady Justice.”

“We’ll see,” he said, shaking his head. He escorted her out the way he came, not noticing the golden rings that her little hardlight constructs slipped into her hand on the way out.


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