Give Me Libertina

by Leaf~

Tags: #comic_book #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #sub:female #trans #sex_worker #sex_worker_TF

Superheroine mindthralled by her supervillain rival into believing she is a cosplay sex worker of themselves who gets off on getting paid (in cash and/or cum)

If you enjoy heroes turned into horny cum-thirsty sex workers with a fetish for small dicks, this is the story for you!

Warning! Contains identity subversion. But things are okay. In my head this is just the cliffhanger, after which her super-friends come to save her and they have a good laugh about her time as a super-slut. No bully intended, I hope you enjoy it!

“Libertina doesn’t sound like that,” the John said, his dick in his hand. Tina rolled her eyes. Fucking nerds. She looked ridiculous at the moment. Her pleated skirt was hiked up and her panties dangling around her knee, revealing her bare pussy. The rest of the costume stayed on, leaving her in long white socks, heels, and a top with a plunging neckline that almost went down to her waist. It looked like the slutty Halloween costume version of the real Libertina’s costume because, well, it was.

“Look, you still want this?” she asked, shaking her ass at him. She wasn’t quite wet yet, but she got excited easily. So long as her partner wasn’t a complete disaster.

“Of course I do! But if I’m paying this amount, I expect a certain…” He pushed up his glasses. “Verisimilitude.”

Tina flipped onto her back with a huff. The bed was firm, at least. Some of the Fantasy Inns in the north had these beds where you sunk straight into them. Maybe good if she was trying to sleep, but not if she was taking pipe.

“If you were with the real Libertina,” Tina said with barely restrained snark, “She’d probably knock you senseless.”

He put his hands on his hips. His cock was half hard, making it difficult for her to focus on his face. It was smaller than average, but she liked them that way. Something about small cocks just got her engine going…

“Of course she would beat me up, but that’s not the point! You’ve seen porn before, right? Nurses don’t actually give their patients handjobs. Same diff. You’re Libertina but…y’know, sluttier.”

This cosplay sex work was seeming like more work than it was worth.

“Okay, what would you want her to be feeling? If you were about to fuck Libertina, what context would it be in?”

He gave some thought to that. She took the moment to fetch a condom from the side drawer and get that started for him. The cock was flagging, so she used some quick pumps to get it back on the stiff side. With the ease of practice she slipped it onto his rigid shaft.

“I want…I want her to be at my mercy,” he said, a little sheepishly. “Like I defeated you, her, with some kind of aphrodisiac power, and I was about to claim my prize.”

Tina nodded. That wasn’t the most original idea, but the classics were classics for a reason. She closed her eyes, grabbed a hold of her tenuous remembered improv training, and slid into a new persona.

When she opened her eyes again, her face was a mask of desperation. She held the back of her hand to her forehead, perhaps playing up the image of a maiden struck down by fate a little too much. “Curse you, you villain! What have you done to me?”

The John’s mood visibly changed. His previous nebbish indecision gave way to a carnal hunger. Any softness in his cock was gone, and he took a step forward toward her wilting form.

“I’ve hit you with my Lust Ray, making you my plaything,” he declared, approaching her vulnerable form. “How are you feeling, huh hero? A little flustered? A touch hot under the collar?”

She writhed, pantomiming impossible arousal. “You fiend! I’m so hot, so helpless…” She spread her thighs apart. She wasn’t as horny as she was pretending to be, but she was kinda getting into it. As a massive sub, she could get into being taken like this.

The John slid in between her spread knees and leaned over, moving to press his lips to her’s. She feigned disinterest, then pivoted into tentative acceptance. By the time his hand had drifted to her breasts, she was actively engaging and pushing her mouth into his. The moans came freely at his unskilled pawing, but after some quick “oh no, don’t touch me there!”s to steer him to the right places, some of those noises were even authentic.

“You want my dick now, don’t you?” he prodded, his length pressing against her stomach.

“N-no!” she said through theatrical gasps. Fuck, she thought, this is actually kinda hot.

“You’re no longer a Superheroine. Hell, you’re barely Super. You’re just a dirty slut.” He stuck a finger into her slit, making her buck against the intrusion.

“Ngh…you can’t…I’m not…” A second finger. While he wasn’t exactly skilled, he made up for it with enthusiasm. She gave voice to every little bit of pleasure he gave her and threatened to clamp down around his hand several times.

“Admit it!” he demanded, but not angrily. More like someone who’d just caught you in checkmate after your first game of chess. “Admit you want my dick and it’s all yours.” His fingering halted in tandem with his words, really amping up the coercion here.

“I…I…” she stammered, then made a big show about giving up. She spread her legs wide and looked at him with pleading eyes. “I want your dick so bad, oh god, please fuck me with your massive cock!~”

He jumped her like an Olympic hurdler, pressing her down with his wait while applying sloppy but certainly passionate kisses onto her neckline. He negotiated his length toward her slit and with a single thrust, he was buried to the hilt. For a moment, she thought it might disappoint him that he didn’t get further inside her. She took the initiative.

“Nnngh!” she cried out, legs wrapping around him. “You’ve claimed me! I’m your fuckdoll forever now!”

THAT did the trick. He made an incoherent noise between a grunt and a sigh, teeth buried in his lower lip as he very obviously struggled to keep from cumming right then and there.

“Oh Libertina…oh…oh god…” he stammered, completely lost in his fantasy. Tina didn’t mind; she was getting wound up as well. Being totally submissive to this stranger had a weird thrill

After marshaling his reserves, the John pushed back in. His face was a mask of concentration, sweat on his brow as he looked like it was taking all his willpower to keep from filling his condom right then and there. She doubted he’d have enough stamina to get through a second session in the hour for which he paid, so he was likely trying to get his money worth. Something that she was more than willing to help with.

“You feel so good inside me!” she said, moaning pitifully. She helped herself along by rubbing her clit, supplementing his earnest if inexperienced efforts to get her to climax. Tina focused on the fact that she was getting fucked by someone who was paying her. That all it took was a few hundred dollars to spread her legs. A warmth built in her at the thought, a tension like a coiled spring waiting to be released.

She could sell herself for less, if she wanted.

“L-Libertina…when I cum…you’ll be mine forever!” the John shouted, adding some spice to the roleplay. This was somewhat undercut when he let out a strangled cry and added, “No no no, ngh, it’s too soon!” But Tina was already in her own little world, focused on her own debauchery. Her circular motions sped up, her fingers danced along her nub as her breath quickened.

So close. So close! She was gonna…she was gonna…


Hypnotica had done it! She turned the data chip over in her gloved fingers, watching the expensive metamaterials glimmer in the flickering light. Within contained the Omega Code to the human psyche; the backdoor into the mind through which she could pour any idea, any thought, any action. It was her personal Holy Grail, and it was currently flicking across her knuckles like a silver dollar.

Around her, the evidence of just how much work it had taken was plain to see. Guards and scientists both knocked out with her hypnorays or by their own comrades after exerting her own mental influence onto them. Her technologically-derived powers were powerful, yes, but utterly fleeting. If she were to exert real control, the Omega Code was necessary. She slotted the chip into a port in her wristcomp and began the file extraction. A little progress bar appeared on the screenface, one that quickly leapt to 1% as she watched.

It was then that the ceiling decided to spontaneously explode.

Hypnotica dived underneath a desk as a shower of concrete, tile, and lighting fixture crashed down around her, heavy chunks of debris landing with heavy clangs on the expensive equipment. When the rain of rubble stopped, she let out a breath. She knew exactly who was floating above her right now; she just didn’t want to deal with her.

“It’s over, Hypnotica,” came the booming, authoritative voice of Libertina. Hypnotica peeked out the corner of the desk. Levitating in the air dead centre of the huge hole in the ceiling was a 6’ tall goddess. A red and white single piece outfit with a skirt that always seemed to keep her dignity intact, even when floating above people. Her long, curly brown hair spilled down her neck and touched the top of her blue cape, which flowed on its own path down her back. Her weapons: a heater shield and sword, like some ancient goddess. She was Apheleon City’s defender. Incorruptible, implacable, and impossibly hot.

Hypnotica keyed the ray blasters on her wrists from brainblast to mindmelt: their highest setting. What would instantly daze a mere mortal would only make a superhero like Libertina dizzy.

“‘Tina! It’s been a hot minute. How’ve you been?” she asked absently, watching the glow of power return to her wrist-mounted weapons. If she couldn’t find a way to distract her long enough to escape, it’d be another stint in Maximal State Prison for the great Hypnotica. And the food there was terrible!

She leapt from out of cover and shot a full burst of her charged gauntlets. But where there’d been a flying hero before, there was just empty air. The hypno-rays went wide and grazed the ceiling, no doubt forcing the steel and concrete into a state of total obedience. She searched the room, arms raised, only to find her foe floating behind her, shield and sword at rest.

“Do we really have to do this?” Libertina said, feigned fatigue in her voice, “We both know how this is gonna go.”

“We wouldn’t have to do this if you just take a bribe!” Hypnotica said, leaping backward while shooting another blast of mind-melting energy. Libertina slapped the energy away with her shield, the Q-Metal within glowing a faint pink colour.

“Never, Villain! Liberty can’t be bought at any price, and neither can Libertina!”

Hypnotica rolled her eyes. “God you’re insufferable. But no matter: the greater the pride, the harder the fall!” She keyed in another sequence into her gauntlets, then pointed at Libertina. The gloves read the targeting sequence and all around the room, the dazed and dozing security guards and scientists all at once snapped back to attention. Their eyes bored into their prospective saviour, but not with gratitude. They stepped forward in tandem, arms raised, all with the singular mind to perform one action: attack!

While Libertina scuffled with the mindsnared civilians, Hypnotica got to work. Her latest acquisition would be her last hope. The Omega Code was still an experimental idea, but now that she had access to it, it could make the difference and keep her from being tossed in the slammer. She slid the chip into a port on her left wrist and got to typing with her right. Uploading the software took time, and each second spent staring at a slowly filling file transfer progress bar meant another civilian had been subdued. Libertina took great care in making sure not to harm anyone, which was good. Meant it would take more time…

“Is this the best you can do? Sending innocents to do your dirty work?” Libertina asked, knocking two guards out and gently lowering them to the ground.

50% complete. “It’s working innit?”

A particularly burly scientist took a swing at Libertina, only for him to recoil in pain when it connected with her hand. “You’re running out of puppets.”

67%. She reflexively shook the bracers, as if to wiggle the data loose faster.

The last of the meat puppets went down. Hypnotica ran for the edge of the room to gain just a little more distance, all while begging the download to go faster.

“Like I said,” a booming, taunting voice called out, “It’s over. Like every other time. I’m sure Maximal will have your favourite cell waiting for you.”


“Well what’s keeping you? Too busy staring at my butt?” she said over her shoulder. That got her. The uptight heroine was always a little flustered when their banter got spicy. She theorized that it’d be enough to provoke a direct approach.

Libertina dived, fists first, through the air toward Hypnotica. Time seemed to slow to a crawl, and a life spent on petty larceny and mad science flashed before her. It was now or never. She tightened her hands into fists, keying the mind-ray activation. With a flick of her thumb, she took off the safety limiters and went full blast, quickly burning through her power reserves. The beams went from blue to purple to an incandescent violet, lancing out toward Libertina’s head.

Used to the attacks by her foe, at first Libertina tried to grit her teeth through the attack. But this was clearly different. She shut her eyes and visibly focused, but her motion slowed to a halt. Able to keep her concentration but not much else, she was rendered helpless as the the Omega Waves continued to build and build. The charge in Hypnotica’s gauntlets drained with every second as enough mental energy to completely calculate Pi poured out of her hands and directly into Libertina’s mind. The superheroine faltered, her eyelids opening gently as the tension relaxed from her face. Her weapons clattered to the ground one after the other. Sensing victory, Hypnotica left her cover, keeping the beam focused as she approached. With a few quick kicks, she sent the sword and shield clattering away out of immediate reach.

“What…? How…?” the snared superhero murmured. Her hands fell to her side, twitching spasmodically.

“You ditz. Always diving in head first. Well, this time, it cost you. The Omega Code is the pinnacle of brainhacking technology. You brought a knife to a cannon fight. Unfortunate for you, but quite an interesting opportunity for me.”

Still nervous that the heroine might break from the spell, Hypnotica spent the last of her gauntlets’ power reserves. Only at the 5% mark did her target’s eyes glaze over in the telltale fashion of a hypnotised state.

“Won’t get…away with this,” Libertina mumbled, but the force was gone from her voice. Hypnotica cackled, the thrill of victory making her want to jump and do a little victory jig. She’d done it! It was temporary, sure, but she’d finally put one over on Apheleon City’s finest. She couldn’t squander it though. She couldn’t spend this whole time gloating…that would be silly…

“You really should have taken the bribe,” she repeated with a grin. “What should I do with you now, hmm? Make you tell me your secret identity? Make you divulge the weaknesses of your little allies?”

“You’ll get…nothing from me…should know that by now…”

“Nuh uh.” Hypnotica wagged her finger back and forth to really be annoying. “But you raise a good point: I don’t really know you at all, Tina. We’ve been rivals for years but you never discuss your life outside of work. What do you want, huh Tina? What’s your ‘why’?”

“Fight evil…serve city…” she replied.

Hypnotica clicked her tongue. “How disappointing. You’re a pure girl through and through. Well, there are way to fix that. Take out your tits for me, won’t you dear?”

Her hands twitched as the last shreds of resistance fought against the command, but the Omega Rays permiating her mind were simply blocking the functions by which it could ignore commands. Libertina obeyed because she couldn’t do anything else. She pulled down the deep cut of her top and revealed her bra. Then she slipped down the cups of her bra. They revealed a pair of surprisingly large breasts.

“This isn’t…why am I…” Libertina mumbled. She stiffened, as if waking up. The supervillainess could tell that her control was slipping. She gave her another dose of Omega Rays, the last her gauntlet had to offer, and kept adjusting until the tension in her subject’s body dissolved once again. She left her arm-mounted weapons to charge, and the real work began.

“It’s because you’re proud of your breasts, dear. You can’t get enough of people looking at them!” To compliment her words, she began to trace circles around the woman’s exposed areolas. With a thrill, she watched Libertina’s nipples obviously stiffen. Perhaps she wasn’t such a pure girl after all~

The spiralling touch seemed to chip away at her bashfulness, and soon she melted back into acceptance at her bare chest. Hypnotica made sure and gave the superhero’s nipple a light pinch between her thumb and forefinger. She inhaled sharply but didn’t resist.

“There you go. Don’t let anything distract you from acceptance, from obedience. Sinking down, sinking down into the spiral. You cannot resist the current, the whirlpool is too powerful.”

“Too…powerful…” the tranced hero repeated, her words slurred and slow. The powerful warrior was putty in her hands. A million different fantasies played out in Hypnotica’s mind, and she struggled to settle on just one. Thankfully, her own anatomy settled the issue. It was impossible to ignore how tight her pants were feeling at that moment. With a smirk and a quick fumbling with her belt, the villain revealed a bit of herself that Libertina had never seen before.

Standing prominently out was a whole three inches of girldick, throbbing and desperate to be touched. She shivered as her sensitive skin touched the air. Libertina didn’t react to the reveal, so Hypnotica pressed her.

“You like cocks, don’t you dear?”

A little shuddered, but she nodded. “Yes. Well, I like some people who have co…penises…” He stumbled over the profanity, making her former foe smirk. Still uptight, even now.

“But small cocks are your favourite.” Hypnotica’s voice shifted into a forceful tone, making it clear this was a statement of fact. Libertina’s mind accepted this new information like a file being saved to a hard drive.

“Yes, I prefer smaller.”

“I want to hear you say it,” Hypnotica purred, her hands falling to rub herself.

“Say it?”

“Say ‘I love small cocks’”

The superheroine licked her lips before voicing, a little unsteadily: “I…I love small cocks.”

Hypnotica twitched in her fingers. “Say ‘I need to please small cocks.’”

“I need to please small cocks.”

“Good, good. Well, here’s one right here,” she said, indicating herself, “Please, don’t let me stop you. Get to showing me how much you love them. How much you need to please them.”

She dropped to her knees, slowly, then shuffled forward. Libertina was inches away from Hypnotica’s length, staring at eye level to the needy little shaft. The villain wiggled it back and forth.

“Looks yummy, doesn’t it?”

Libertina nodded. It did look delicious. Her mouth watered looking at the throbbing cocklet. She leaned forward, opening her mouth. Before she knew it, Hypnotica’s shaft slip past her lips. At first the taste was strange, but as more words poured into her mind, it quickly became her favourite flavour of all time. He moaned in obvious ecstasy, letting her tongue drag and tease along its diminutive length.

Clearly her eager efforts were appreciated, as Hypnotica bucked and squirmed in place. She held onto the superheroine’s head for dear life as her tongue touched a particularly sensitive spot, making the villain’s toes curl in her boots.

The act of such brazen humiliation of her rival was way too hot for Hypnotica handle, not that her stamina was particularly impressive to begin with. She pushed herself off the pleasing lips by pushing Libertina back.

“Ah…fuck, okayokay I’m about to pop. I want to paint your face, so smile for me!”

Libertina obeyed. She flashed her best ‘front of the newspaper’ grin as the first squirts of girlcum hit. Her foe stroked her slick cock past the edge and squealed as more and more ropes pattered against the pale canvas of her skin. By the time she was finished, the superhero looked like she’d lost a fight with a sunscreen bottle. Some trailed down her lip and entered her mouth, more trailed down her chin and dripped onto her tits. Hypnotica laughed, leaning down to give her a big kiss, tasting her own seed and sharing the flavour with her tongue.

“For a hero, you’re a fantastic cocksucker. You deserve a tip,” she said, pulling out her wallet, fishing out a $5 bill, and placing it on Libertina’s bare breasts, where it clung there thanks to the drizzled cum. “This is what you’ll work for now. Cash. Cash and cum. That’s all you’ll need.”

A confused look crossed the woman’s cum-covered face. “But…must serve city…must help…people…”

“You want to serve this city?” Hypnotica said, her lips curled in a sneer as she looked down at the charge on her hypno-bracers and smiled at the indicator that said they were at full once more, “Well, I know just the way you can.”


Tina woke up groggily, her hole still drooling. Holy shit, she must have cum so hard she passed out! Thankfully the John hadn’t tried to stiff her…well, he hadn’t run out with the money. Her fee plus a decent tip waited on the nightstand pinned by the corner of an alarm clock. She checked the time. Dang, only fifteen minutes til her next client! Tina stood up to head to the shower, but stopped. Her eyes fixed on the money. Something compelled her to pick up the small fold of $20s and flick through them. Not bad for some silly roleplay sex.

The bills in her left, her right hand slid down to her slit. Money. She’d fucked a stranger for money. Tina inhaled sharply as her thumb found her clit. She was a whore. A silly dressup whore. She rubbed herself, thinking of how good it felt to have his dick inside her. But it wasn’t just cash she’d been paid in.

Her eyes landed on the small trash can near the bedside. Within, the used condom, filled with fresh jizz. Something compelled her to pick it up, making sure that nothing leaked out. Payment for services rendered. Her pussy ached as she upended the condom into her mouth, draining it like a yogurt snack. She licked the sides, then rolled up the latex to not waste any drop. The salty, bitter taste hit her tongue and her eyes rolled back in her head in pure rapture. Cash and cum. Cash and cum. It’s what she was worth. It’s what Libertina was worth. She’d do anything for either. She swallowed noisily. Cash and cum. Cash and cum.

Someone knocked at the door. “H-hello? Libertina?” a voice asked. Her eyes bugged. Had she spent 15 minutes sucking up cum? She hustled to get her costume back on. Maybe he’d be hot. Maybe he’d have a cute cock she could suck.

“Just a minute, citizen! I am…erm, equipping my super-gear!” she said, doing her best impression of the famous superhero. Maybe she could make this cosplay thing work after all…


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