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The Sleepwalkers Speak

Leona Flayme-Age 28

by KonradKurze

Tags: #comic_book #dom:male #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female #urban_fantasy #brainwash #CW:dubious_consent #happy_slaves #serial_recruitment #superhero

A hooker working for Hypnoman talks about how much more she's come to like her new job.

I didn't hate my job before I became a Sleepwalker. It made me decent money, I made friends with quite a few of my coworkers and I liked seeing the Bible thumpers seethe whenever we were in close proximity. Whatever. They only did that when their families were around.


But after I became a Sleepwalker, I've actually taken pride in my job. I love it now, to be honest.


I mean, come on. How many ladies of the night get to say that they're being pimped out by a supervillain? I'm a Somno-Slut, a hooker in the service of Hypnoman. I help bring in money for his operations. So do the rest of the girls at our brothel. Our last boss was selling crack on the sly and the cops nabbed him outside his apartment. We thought we were gonna get thrown in the back of a cop car too when those four policewomen showed up at our establishment. They weren't there to arrest. They came to implement a change of management. Those were their exact words when they blasted us with those mind warping lights.


"There's going to be a change of management, ladies. You hook for Hypnoman now, as his Somno-Sluts. He is your pimp and you are his slaves." Those policewomen, and other Sleepwalkers in Engine City PD make sure we're not arrested for our activities.


Ever since that morning, my job satisfaction's been at 100%. I alway smile when I accept my client's money. I didn't think that much of my johns before I became a Sleepwalker, but now I just see them as saps. Horny saps with money that I gladly accept on Hypnoman's behalf. Sometimes, I imagine telling them exactly where the money they spent on me is gonna go. I imagine myself being right in the doorway, about to leave, when I turn around and say with a great big smile 'Hypnoman appreciates your business'.


I only see the men that way, though. We get girls as clients too. They aren't saps, they're soon-to-be Sleepwalkers. Fruit waiting to be picked. That's actually how I met one of my future coworkers, a bisexual girl who started calling herself Sylki after she became a Somno-Slut. She wanted to explore her sexuality so we offered her a job at our brothel.


Speaking of, I like how the brothel's changed since the 'change of management'. I really feel like I'm part of a team and I have much deeper bond with the other girls. I used to see them as coworkers. I was friends with one or two of them. Now, I feel like they're my sisters. The place has a more...I dunno...cultish vibe that I'm really digging. We show a lot more respect to the Sleepwalker who's taken over as manager because she relays orders from Chateau Svengali. She leads indoctrination sessions on Wednesday afternoons for an hour where she tells us why we should be proud to be Somno-Sluts. We are to always speak of Hypnoman in a tone of respect and awe. Highlight of my week.


I will alway take pride in how I help finance Hypnoman's schemes. I will always take pride in calling a supervillain my pimp. I will always take pride in being a Somno-Slut.

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