
by Kinje

Tags: #D/s #dom:male #f/f #f/m #multiple_partners #sub:female #pov:top

Mister Black learns of a new prospective addition to his household.

This is a very short introduction to a story that occurred to me. I'm posting it here to see if people think that it's sufficiently intriguing to continue.


“...reports that exactly as you predicted, the trade disputes that were disrupting their supply chain ended. Their finance department now predicts that their third quarter profits will not only exceed last year’s, but will set a new record for the company.”

I flipped my hand idly through the air and the display floating in front of me shimmered and reformed to reveal a set of four colored graphs. I glanced at them only for a moment before swiping my hand sharply downward, causing the hologram to dissolve into a shower of pixels that faded into nothing, revealing the speaker, standing upright in front of my desk as she addressed me from the center of the room.

“The second part of your payment has already been sent – I received the notification from Miss Yellow about thirty minutes ago, the funds are processing and should be available to you by tomorrow.”

“Thank you, Miss White. I believe I have some of those funds earmarked for investment, but your work in this matter has been exemplary. Pick an appropriate amount to reward yourself and send me a transfer approval to your personal account. Don’t shortchange yourself, either. I know that you worked overtime for this, I expect your reward to be commensurate to your efforts.”

“Yes, Sir. Thank you, Mister Black.” For all that Miss White’s tone was strictly professional, the smile that flashed across her face was warm and genuinely grateful, and she paused in her reports for long enough to make eye contact with me, before looking back down at the electronic tablet she held in one hand.

Part of the deal I had offered Miss White had mandated that when I felt a bonus was merited for her work, she had to be the one to choose the amount.

She’d wanted to refuse – she had actually initially tried to turn down all pay entirely – but I had insisted.

I didn’t want someone in her position that I couldn’t trust implicitly, and part of that was that I needed her to recognize her own worth.

Not that Miss White didn’t know that she was the best. I’d recruited her straight out of the Cambridge Economics department immediately on graduation. She had been top of her class, and had been courted by both the British and the Chinese governments.

At one hundred and sixty centimeters in heels, Miss White did not present a physically intimidating appearance. She was slender, a fact that the pearlescent silk sheathing her form did little to hide, with small breasts and narrow hips. The simple and elegant dress only went down to mid thigh, revealing slender legs encased in sheer silk stockings beneath.

When she noticed me looking, she cocked her hips to the side and turned to present me with a half-profile view.

I watched the front of her dress suddenly tent as her nipples stood to attention beneath the smooth silk.

A hum from beneath my desk told me that someone had noticed me noticing. I reached a hand down to gently stroke the crimson hair in my lap while I addressed Miss White again. “And set some aside – not from your portion, you understand – to go out to dinner with me. Find the next time you and I are both free, and keep our calendar clear for the rest of that evening.”

“Mmm, yes, Sir.” Miss White all but purred her answer, and the sudden spike of heat as she went from cool professionalism to smokey submission sent a thrill through me that caused a very specific part of my inner mindscape to stand up and take notice.

The shift lasted only a moment, though, and she was back to smoothly reading from her tablet a moment later.

“And, finally, I believe I have identified a candidate for Miss Blue for you. I’ve already sent over the details to your desk, but to give you a summary of the information outside of the criteria you specified, she is ethnically Bangladeshi, but only recently returned to Earth. You’ll find her pictures and body scan attached to the email, as well as her medical records and family details - she has a younger sister and brother, their files are already attached.”

I sat up straight, causing Miss Red to shift position to accommodate my new angle. My hand waved across the display and the hologram sprang to life once more. A few quick motions brought Miss White’s report on screen, and it only took two more gestures before a three-dimensional model of a young woman was spinning in the air in front of my desk.

She was beautiful. Probably thirty years old, with long black hair tied loosely back behind her head, full lips, dark brown eyes that I could fall into.

She was also naked, revealing high, full breasts and womanly hips, as well as a narrow landing strip of dark black pubic hair over an otherwise smoothly waxed set of light brown pussy lips. The detail actually caught me off-guard – I usually had to speak with a prospective addition to my household in person to get this kind of a scan.

I glanced up at Miss White with a single raised eyebrow, and she explained without needing to be further prompted, “Her scholarships weren’t sufficient for her tuition, so she funded her way through her education with online modeling. It was sufficiently successful that she only stopped when she was hired on as Head Chef at Sharmaji.”

The hint of a smile again touching Miss White’s pale lips told me that there was more to that story, but also that it would be up to me to find out what it was.

That was fine. Ideal, really – in order to form a genuine connection with each of my colors, I always spent time going through their files myself. I trusted Miss White, but I couldn’t truly internalize my understanding of a person without taking the time to build it up from scratch. I would read her report, but the interpretation of the data to form a full picture would have to come from within.

I slowly spun my finger and the prospective Miss Blue’s image rotated in response. Her ass was both bigger and more muscular than I expected from my first glance at her figure. I pulled my thumb and index finger apart and the image enlarged, allowing me to see the hard work she obviously put into maintaining her appearance.

I shrank the image down once more and then gestured to the side, sending it to spin slowly above the left edge of my desk. A few more gestures spread out the list of files attached to Miss White’s report, and I spent a few minutes reviewing the metadata in relative silence.

Only an occasional wet slurp broke the otherwise still air of my office as I looked over the files.

Miss White remained all but motionless, waiting on my instructions.

When I had an idea of how much reading I needed to do, I leaned back. Miss Red’s face was mostly hidden by my desk and her mass of red curls, but I could see the bright ring of lipstick where her mouth was wrapped around my cock.

I brushed her hair out of her face, letting me see her bright green eyes. She was already looking up at me, and I smiled down at her. “This is going to take me about forty-five minutes to read. Adjust your pace – have me ready to cum in about fifty minutes, but I’ll want the last five to be intense.”

Miss Red let out an enthusiastic moan. Her lips danced along my shaft, and her tongue swirled quickly around my head, but then she slowed. Her head began to very slowly shift back and forth in my lap as she accommodated my instructions and changed from the very idle suction she’d been providing to something slightly more directed.

Just as with Miss White, I trusted Miss Red’s expertise implicitly. Sweet sensations of wet heat began to build ever so slowly as the crimson haired woman’s mouth went from being a mere holster for my cock to an active playground of sensation.

But not too intensely. I still needed to be able to work, after all.

I looked to Miss White, “When do I meet her?”

“You have a private reservation tomorrow evening. You’ll be flying out an hour before, but I’ve already made the arrangements to ensure your schedule won’t be affected otherwise.”

I smiled at my assistant. “Thank you, Miss White. You have performed very satisfactorily. I assume you’ve already accounted for the time I’ll need to take to review our prospective Miss Blue’s files?” She nodded, so I continued, “Excellent. You have already heard my plans for the next hour. Please ensure Miss Red’s needs are met when she’s done servicing me. I think Miss Yellow would probably appreciate being put to use here…”

An enthusiastic nodding from my lap informed me that Miss Red agreed with, and supported my assignment. I reached a hand down to lightly bap her on the top of her head.

I knew she loved Miss Yellow’s tongue, and I didn’t need her to disrupt her rhythm to tell me that.

She obediently resumed her slow deliberate sucking, sliding her mouth along my cock in slow motions as though the disruption hadn’t even happened.

Miss White watched the interplay dispassionately. If someone didn’t know exactly how heated she could get, they might’ve thought her utterly unaffected by the knowledge that her boss – and lover – was giving direction to his dedicated cocksucker.

I knew that Miss White’s panties – if she were wearing any – would be flooded.

She might even actually have some on. Sometimes she did, and sometimes she didn’t. Sometimes I checked, and sometimes I didn’t.

She enjoyed the game as much as I did, but she also enjoyed keeping that fact off of her face.

Almost as much as I enjoyed it when she couldn’t.

I met her eyes and stared inside her as best I could.

I was pretty sure that today, if I reached between her legs, I would find lacy wet silk, but the fact that I wasn’t actually sure was the reason why Miss White was, well, Miss White.

People who could keep me guessing were few and far between.

“And when I’m done, inform Miss Green that she’ll be accompanying us.”

Miss White nodded once. “Of course, Sir. I’ll leave you to your reading.”

As the click of Miss White’s heels on the polished glass floor faded, the only sound in my office was once again the quiet slurping of Miss Red’s mouth on my cock. I began to pull up files, sorting them in the air above my desk with one gesture after another as my devoted cocksucker plied her craft to time my orgasm as I’d requested.

I stroked her hair lightly and we both got on with our work.


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