
Chapter 9

by Kinje

Tags: #D/s #dom:male #f/f #f/m #multiple_partners #sub:female #exhibitionism #pov:top #sadomasochism #urban_fantasy

Snuggled up against her in bed, covered in our sweat, I wanted to ask Cindy about the ghostly visions of Aubrette I had seen twice now. The tall redhead had appeared the night before, and then again a few minutes prior, both times while my bound Sin Demon and I were engaged in hot and heavy sex. Somehow, the words wouldn’t quite put themselves in order in my mouth, though. I knew, consciously, that my lover was not a human woman. She had even been the one to first broach the topic of bringing the High Sidhe into my sex life. Still, decades of human socialization had the words dying out unspoken in my throat.

Cindy managed to speak before I could, her words quiet and lazy in our post-sex torpor. “Mmm, Master, you liked spanking me. You have not done that before, but I think you should do it more. It flavors the Lust you give me with just a hint of Wrath and Pride that is delicious.”

I froze for a moment as I realized that I hadn’t even asked prior to spanking the diminutive woman during sex, but then relaxed as her words sunk in. Of course she would find pleasure in the act - I had enjoyed it in the moment, and she literally fed on my enjoying myself with her. Still, that was probably the kind of thing I should bring up with any future partners I would have. A powerful infernal creature like Cindy was one thing, but a mortal woman might not appreciate having her ass reddened without being consulted first. I rolled to the side slightly and peeked down, checking out the slender form snuggling against me.

The Sin Demon’s pert ass was unchanged. No handprints marred her skin, it remained unblemished, and while it was covered in our combined sweat, the fact that my blows hadn’t so much as temporarily marked my demon irked me on a level I was going to need to examine later.

She hadn’t complained, though, and had in fact encouraged me to do that again, so I shuffled closer, half-covering her with my body as I finally responded. “I didn’t know I was going to enjoy that until now.” Of course I had heard about people who like spankings in bed, but something about seeing Cindy face down with her ass in the air had made me suddenly understand the appeal. I chalked this up to my inhibitions being loosened over the last few months of Sin, and resolved to make sure I talked about that kind of thing before putting it into practice, counting myself lucky that what was almost certainly a blunder on my part had still led to a very happy ending.

I lazily pulled the covers up over us, spooning in against the petite woman in front of me, and closing my eyes for just a few moments.

I woke up when my phone played a jaunty and very jarring tune, with a message flashing up on screen to inform me that I had just enough time for a quick shower if I was going to make my first appointment of the afternoon. Fortunately, I had gotten into the habit of giving myself a little extra time on my alarms after the first couple weeks of Cindy’s presence. I had been forced to make a call between being unprofessional because I was late, or being unprofessional because I smelled like sex. I had chosen the former, but then had to take steps to adapt and prevent it from happening again.

Quickly wrapping a towel around myself, I rushed to the bathroom to rinse off. I passed Aubrette in the living room, where she was seated on the couch watching some kind of video on my laptop. Stepping into the water of the shower while it was still cool jolted me out of the last of my drowsiness, and I was able to rinse, dry, and dress in time to make it to my first appointment.

I left Cindy behind - this was an Augury, not one of my new ‘advanced’ services, so her services weren’t required. Instead, I commanded her to spend the time with Aubrette teaching her whatever Cindy thought she needed for her new life, then headed out the door. I passed Sara as she walked between buildings - our apartment complex technically comprised a cluster of three separate structures - waving at her and smiling. She returned the wave, but I was in enough of a rush that I kept heading for my car instead of stopping to talk to her. The last couple months I had been able to make my rent on time, so while I had run into my landlady a few times, we hadn’t needed to talk much. I felt… oddly sad about that. The fact that I was making enough money to not risk eviction was nice, but Sara was a good person and pleasant company, and not having the excuse to talk to her or provide her my services as an Augur was an unexpected absence in my life.

My first appointment was a quick one - a small business owner wanted to know if it was worth opening a second location, and I barely had to read through the documentation she had prepared before my gift flashed a tranquil blue. I still took the time to glance through the notes she had prepared - by now, I was actually starting to get a feel for small business finance even outside of my gift - but nothing I read changed the outcome. This was an easy win for her, and probably long overdue.

My second one both took longer, and was far sadder. A married couple that couldn’t have been older than their mid-fifties wanted to know if it was worth pursuing an alternative medical treatment for a condition one had developed recently. I have never been a medical expert, but my gift can provide feedback even on topics outside of my comprehension with enough preparation. Unfortunately, reading through the information his doctor had provided, nothing I found in my gift offered even a glimmer of hope for success. I reminded them that I wasn’t infallible, and that they should continue to talk through and explore whatever options the medical professionals had to offer, but no matter how I looked I couldn’t discern even a hint that the treatment would be a success.

When I left, the two men were holding each other, one weeping while the other did his best to console him. My mood was somber as I headed back to my car, and only the fact that they would almost certainly have spent vastly more money on the treatment than my consultation allowed me to feel even a little good about that outcome. I knew that my time and attention were worth compensation, but it didn’t exactly feel good to look at a man with hope in his eyes and deliver nothing but bad news, then expect him to pay me for it.

Someone had asked me once why I didn’t ask for payment in advance, as so many fortune tellers did. I informed him that anyone who purports to see the future, but isn’t confident that you’ll pay when it’s time, isn’t worth your money.

I picked up dinner for three on the way home. Cindy was happy with basically anything I brought which let her indulge in Gluttony, and Aubrette lacked the context to know what kinds of modern food she would like, so I brought home three orders of cheap fast-food burgers, fries, and shakes. Navigating the door with my hands full of both food and a cheap cardboard tray for the shakes was tricky, so I barely glanced around the apartment when I got inside. The two women were seated side by side on the couch, laptop in front of them, again watching some kind of video.

I stepped inside and hip-checked the door closed, then moved to unload the food on the tiny kitchen counter. Then I blinked as my brain caught up to me. Was that porn they were watching?

By the time I turned around to check, the laptop was already closed, Cindy and Aubrette rising to join me. The former did so by tilting her head up to demand a kiss - while she was technically strong enough to pull my head down to her level, I found that to be disconcerting and had asked her to stop. The latter did so by curtseying, her hands delicately holding the sides of the short skirt on her dress. My mind immediately flooded with the vision of her I had seen earlier, of that same skirt pushed up over her hips as she touched herself, and the thought lingered as I leaned down to give the Sin Demon a peck.

Burgers were distributed, fries handed out, and cookies and cream milkshakes delivered. Soon enough, the three of us sat side by side on the couch, with myself in the enviable position of being flanked by a pair of gorgeous women. We dug in quickly, and as I glanced between us I almost laughed at the contrast in eating styles. Cindy devoured her food so quickly I wasn’t entirely sure that she tasted it, let alone chewed. I ate more slowly, but I was hungry enough that eating was a priority, so I was shoving fries in my mouth a few at a time, then taking big bites of my burger, and washing it down with sips of shake.

Aubrette, the tallest of the three of us, was almost dainty. While she was willing to eat with her hands just as we were, her touch was delicate. One fry at a time came out of the little paper envelope, and she chewed each bite of the burger thoroughly. Still, her expression was quite happy, so I assumed she was enjoying this bit of mortal food. That brought to mind a bit of more common lore I had seen in my research, and I asked curiously, “Is there any effect on the Fae if they eat mortal food? Like… I read several things about mortals eating fairy food that suggested it would trap you in their realm, is the reverse true?”

The High Sidhe beside me swallowed carefully before answering, and while she still stumbled over the language, she was a little clearer than even earlier in the day. “Fairy food do not trap mortals, being bad guest trap mortals. What fairy give is given, but if take what not given, can take to make fair.”

I furrowed my brow, trying to make sense of the words, only for Cindy to help me understand. “It’s not the act of eating food from Faerie which led to mortals being enslaved, it’s the act of taking something which was not given. If a Prince of Faerie were to invite you to a feast, you would be safe to eat and drink that which was served. If you were to steal the silverware, though, or even just a napkin, you would have abused that hospitality and their reprisal could be what you would see as disproportionate. I have been speaking with Aubrette, and while I cannot claim to be an expert, I am beginning to put a picture together of how the Fae - and Noble Sidhe in particular - behave. They are much as mortals are, but more. Their passions are more passionate, their art more intense. Their love affairs are legendary, and their betrayals epic. She is tall for a mortal woman, but only average for a High Sidhe.”

I blinked at the sudden reveal of additional information, nodding slowly in understanding. “So… their retribution is more… intense too, I guess? You steal a napkin and show yourself to be a bad guest, and they enslave you forever for it?”

Cindy shrugged narrow shoulders, having choked down another bite of burger in the few seconds it took me to speak. “Yes, though that example in particular is tied to their view of hospitality more than property value. Being a bad guest is far, far worse than theft. You should keep that in mind with Aubrette. She is desperate to be a good vassal to you, and you have not only saved her from certain death already, but you have opened your home to her. You must allow her to redress that balance somehow.”

I nodded again absently, chewing on a few more fries, eventually looking to Aubrette. She had a faint blush on her cheeks and was studiously examining her half-eaten burger. I cleared my throat and told her, “I know you are trying hard to be a good guest - you only joined me a day ago, give yourself the chance to adjust a little. I’m happy to let you earn your keep, but I also don’t expect you to start to do so the moment you swore your oath.”

I still wasn’t entirely comfortable with how that whole series of events had gone down, but maybe the way Cindy entered my life had given me a new perspective on things, because a day later I was willing to just… forge ahead and figure out where to go from here. I couldn’t expect this courtly woman to immediately adapt to my world, though, and did my best to put her at ease. Her expression didn’t look relaxed, but she smiled when she noticed me examining her, so I chalked up at least some of it to difficulty understanding me and finished off my burger.

The rest of the evening passed with the three of us on the couch, watching a movie on a Nautical website. As in - I didn’t feel like paying tribute to corporate overlords so we pirated shit from an offshore streaming site. With the entire library of human media ahead of us, I wanted to find something that sounded like it might be more familiar to Aubrette, so I pulled out my phone and did a quick search. Dangerous Liaisons came up as a well received period drama, and while I wasn’t familiar with it, I figured now was as good a time as ever.

The film was extremely entertaining - if a bit more highly sexual than I had quite expected. Obviously, the name hinted at that, but I figured an academy award winning film would be tame enough that it wouldn’t embarrass me or my new guest.

Far from embarrassed, Aubrette watched the drama with rapt attention. Cindy seemed less interested in the movie itself, but when John Malkovich took a young Uma Thurman to bed, I felt her hand slide its way into my lap under the blanket covering me. I couldn’t think of a discreet way to remove it, so I spent the next few minutes doing my best not to fidget as slender fingers wrapped around my hardening cock through my pants, then rhythmically squeezed it for the remainder of the scene.

Fortunately, the Sin Demon didn’t press for more - though neither did she remove her hand from my lap - so I was pretty sure Aubrette didn’t notice her brazen behavior. Indeed, the tall redhead was leaning forward on the couch, visibly captivated. When the film finally ended, I saw the moisture forming from her eyes and wordlessly reached past Cindy to retrieve a tissue. Handing it without comment to Aubrette, I was surprised to see that even as she dabbed at the tears that threatened to fall, she was beaming a smile at me. “Thank, my Lord. You honor you vassal with you kindness to show her this.”

A little uncertain of the details, but not wanting to ruin the sentiment, I gave her a smile back and responded, “I’m always happy to watch a movie with two beautiful women. I consider myself the lucky one here.”

I headed off to prepare myself for bed, and by the time I finished brushing my teeth, Aubrette was already in her room. Curling up under the blankets with Cindy, I reflected on how strange and wonderful my life had been of late. There was a smile on my lips as I slipped into slumber.

As I emerged from slumber, there was a pair of lips on my dick.

This was not a terribly uncommon occurrence - once every week or two Cindy would decide that she wanted to wake me that way, since it apparently offered her a mix of a few different Sins in addition to the Lust she mainly subsisted on. Sloth and Pride, mostly, as I let someone else do the work, and allowed myself to revel in knowing I had a hot blonde demon who was enthusiastically serving me by swallowing my morning wood.

I pushed back the covers after a couple minutes and unconsciously relaxed just a little when I saw familiar blonde (and green, blue and purple) hair bobbing up and down in my lap. Some part of the back of my mind was still apparently on edge, concerned that the Sin Demon was going to try to push Aubrette into sexual activity she wasn’t comfortable with. Since it was the lusty petite blonde instead, I propped myself up on some pillows, grabbed my phone off the cheap little table I used as a nightstand, and opened up my email.

Cindy was effectively tireless and insatiable when it came to sex. As long as I could keep up with her, the Lust she absorbed would fuel her to continue. The pleasures of a long slow blowjob are not to be undersold, and that same part of me which exulted in having a subservient demon bound to my will thrilled at the idea of doing something else while I got my dick sucked.

With occasional moans and lewd sucking noises drifting up from my lap, I scrolled through the latest emails I had received inquiring about my services. When I expanded my capabilities thanks to the rituals I was able to master from the tome, word of mouth had started to expand my client base, and while most of the new inquiries were looking for my services as an Augur, there were a couple asking for me to perform a blessing ritual on their crops (or in one case, a woman looking to win their gated community’s garden contest), and one asking if I could help his kid bag a buck at his first hunt in the fall.

I methodically typed out answers to a few of them on my phone, doing my best to sound professional, even while Cindy’s head bobbed up and down, her lips sealed firmly around my shaft. She seemed able to sense when I was focusing on my phone, and would slow down her pace to let me concentrate, or just bury the head of my cock in her throat and swallow repeatedly, only to speed up when I actually hit send.

I had just finished letting the hunter know that I thought I had a ritual which would work when I glanced down to my lap. There was red hair there. Or rather, I could see red hair inches away from Cindy’s head. Just as before, it was translucent - nearly invisible - but the ghost of an image of Aubrette was watching the Sin Demon work her Lustful magic on my cock from bare inches away.

My head wasn’t exactly clear, but I was far more awake and alert than I had been the last two times, so I actually spoke aloud. “Ok, what is going on?”

The moment I did, the faint image of Aubrette vanished. Cindy pulled her head back with a ‘pop’, not even missing a beat as she switched to jacking off my saliva soaked shaft instead of sucking it. “I am giving my Master a good morning blowjob. Your vassal is in the other room which she maintains with her magic, that is superimposed over the space your bedroom occupies. She is straining her magic to allow herself to watch what goes on here, but her control is slipping as she gets close to orgasm, so the boundary she is stretching to sate her voyeuristic tendencies wobbles and she becomes visible for a time.”

I blinked, and Cindy moved her hand to fondle my balls, again taking my shaft into her mouth. Her head slid up and down rapidly, as though she was trying to make up for the strokes she had performed with her hand instead.

This did not help me process or understand her words, but it did make me feel better while I failed to do so. Eventually, I asked simply, “She’s… been watching? What we’re doing in here?”

Cindy pulled back just enough to speak, deliberately placing her lips against the underside of the head of my cock so they slid against my skin as she answered. “She has been. And masturbating while she does so. It is the habit of hers that had her exiled from Faerie. Not because she was watching, but because in her spying, she discovered that the Prince of the House she served, expected to give an heir to his family, was spilling his seed in his page boy instead. She let slip that she knew something on the topic to one of the Queen’s other ladies in waiting, and in doing so spelled her own doom. While she had not given details, word spread until she was questioned by her Liege, and soon she was banished to avoid scandal.”

Again, the moment she finished speaking, Cindy wrapped her lips around me and resumed sucking. I, meanwhile, was torn between shock and anger - and maybe a few other things swirling around the back of my head. I spoke without even considering it, my voice nearly a shout, “Aubrette!”

My door opened immediately - so quickly I guessed the Sidhe had been standing just outside. She entered the room before I could register that I was still naked, and the only thing preserving my modesty was the head of the Sin Demon sucking me off. I swiveled to turn my gaze on the Sidhe woman now standing in my doorway, blinking at her in silence for a moment. She was wearing a long sleeved pink mesh top with some sort of floral design, and a swishy little ruffled skirt covered in a flower print. She was barefoot. The tall woman looked adorable.

She was also blushing fiercely - her normally cream-colored skin a bright red from the neck up. I stared at her. She stared back. Cindy slurped noisily.

I eventually broke the not-quite-silence. “Aubrette, have you been spying on us? I command you to tell me.”

The thought that she wouldn’t understand me didn’t even cross my mind - but neither did the thought that she would show a level of fluency far beyond what she displayed just a day before.

“Yes, my Lord. I have been using my talents to let me peek through the veil separating my room from yours.” She squirmed as she spoke, twisting in the doorway without moving her feet.

My mouth dropped open to simply gape at the admission, and I was struggling to come to grips with the sudden turn the morning had taken. Eventually, I stammered out, “And that… you… You didn’t think this was acceptable behavior, right? This isn’t some Faerie custom that you assumed was ok for mortals too?”

Again, she twisted in place, one knee fully crossing in front of the other as she dipped and turned before she managed to answer in a quiet, weak voice. “No, my Lord. This is not acceptable behavior in Faerie.”

Tired of turning my head sharply to face her, I commanded, “Come closer where I can see you more easily.”

She dashed into the room rapidly, standing at the foot of the bed and planting her feet. Then, again, she dipped down, her whole upper torso moving as she squirmed.

And suddenly, I realized that no - she wasn’t just squirming, she was rubbing her thighs together.

“Wait… are you… are you getting off on this?” Realizing that even as much as her skill with English apparently approved overnight, that might not fully include that kind of idiom, I corrected, “Getting… aroused? Horny? At being called out like this?”

The Sidhe woman twisted again, her thighs rubbing together beneath the short ruffled skirt. Before she could answer, Cindy pulled off my dick with another loud ‘pop’ - she had to be doing that deliberately - and replied for her. “She is. She is soaked with Lust right now.”

Saved from answering verbally, Aubrette nodded, her hands reaching down to clutch at the sides of her skirt. She was rocking from side to side continually now, her thighs sliding against each other, but her face remained pointed at mine. And, incidentally, at the back of Cindy’s head.

“Show me.” The words slipped past my lips without registering in my conscious brain for even a moment, such that I wondered briefly if Cindy had been the one to say them instead of myself. Then I realized the command that I had given, opening my mouth to countermand the order, but too slowly. Aubrette’s hands that were white-knuckle clutched around her skirts raced to obey me, pulling up past her waist. The frilly skirts rose with them, revealing that she had not donned underwear to go with the new outfit. The auburn frame of hair around her sex that she revealed inadvertently the day before was on full display in the early morning sunlight. Also immediately visible were the rivulets of moisture running down her thighs. Cindy hadn’t been exaggerating - Aubrette’s pussy was sodden and leaking, a drop running down from her drooling pussy to slide along her thigh until it finally dripped down onto the carpet.

My bound demon took this opportunity to shove her head forward, engulfing my cock with her mouth and throat entirely. I was already close to orgasm from her talented services, and that threatened to push me over the edge, but the simmering outrage at having been spied on roiled through me just enough to distract me and let me keep control. “You are! You’re soaking wet. It’s not just from the spying, is it? Not just at watching us, it’s getting caught, isn’t it?”

The tall Sidhe woman nodded her head miserably, but made no move to lower her skirts and hide herself from me. Instead, I watched as another thick droplet ran down her other thigh to drip onto the carpet as well. Idly, I tried to make a mental note that we would need to clean that, but I wasn’t sure if that particular thought would stick.

My thinking was not… terribly clear at that moment. Cindy had resumed rocking her head back and forth on my dick, I had only woken up about twenty minutes before, and I had a woman I fully intended not to take advantage of flashing me a cunt framed by bright auburn hair while I grilled her about her shame. And by all appearances, doing so was making Aubrette the horniest one in the room, even while I was getting a blow job from a demon linked to the Sin of Lust. Through the haze clouding my thoughts, I barked out another quick command, “No, I said show me. Not show me your pussy, show what you were doing while you watched us.”

In a flash, the Sidhe had one of her hands between her own legs. The other continued to hold the skirt up to prevent it from concealing her actions. Cindy sped up rapidly in response and the sound of lewd ‘gluk’ motions from between my legs filled the room.

While I watched, Aubrette’s fingers spread the lips of her pussy wide, exposing the bright pink of the interior of her pussy, before she curled two fingers inside herself and pumped a few times - in rhythm with the movements of the multicolored hair in my lap. Then she pulled her hand back and with the two fingers she had soaked in her juices, she rubbed rapid circles along her clit. I glanced up and saw that even as she played with herself, the redhead’s eyes were absolutely fixed on what Cindy was doing. Her expression was… complex. She was still blushing a brilliant crimson, but her eyes were pleading and her mouth hung open enough that I wondered if she was going to start drooling from there as well.

The whole tableau was surreal, and just as I felt my eyes close as my orgasm overtook me, I issued one more command to my vassal. “Cum with me.”

She did. I couldn’t see - Cindy’s ministrations were intense enough that my head lolled back and my eyes were squeezed shut - but the sound of moans that were so melodious as to be musical filled the room. I felt myself drawn into Aubrette’s moans, my whole body wishing - just for a moment - that I was emptying my load into the source of that song instead of into my bound Sin Demon’s throat. I came so hard I swear I saw actual stars.

An indeterminate amount of time later, my senses returned to me. Cindy had released my cock from her mouth, but was still positioned between my legs, nuzzling her cheek against it contentedly. Aubrette had apparently already recovered from her own orgasm as well, because she had moved her hand away from her pussy, and was standing right where I had told her to, at the foot of my bed, with her skirt still raised to show off her sodden cunt.

I blinked down at her, my eyes burning that sight into my mind, then eventually realized what she was waiting for and spoke, my voice quiet. “You may lower your skirt. Go… go wash up, Aubrette. We’ll talk in the living room in a few minutes.”

The High Sidhe - once a Noble Sidhe in the service to one of the Royal Courts of Faerie - immediately dropped her skirts, only to touch the sides of them again and give me a curtsey. Her voice was still melodious when she responded, but the quiver in her voice and the flush on her cheek revealed the emotional turmoil within her. “Yes, my Lord, thank you, my Lord.” On her face, fear fought lust and shame and, as she turned to walk out of the room I thought I saw a hint of hope.

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