About A Notebook That Imposes Magical Rules, But It Keeps Making Them Sexy

The Neighbor

by Kinje

Tags: #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #sub:female #multiple_partners #pov:top #sub:male #urban_fantasy

Magic Notebook – The Neighbor


About A Notebook That Imposes Magical Rules, But It Keeps Making Them Sexy

(The Neighbor)

The next several days went by without Dan having much time to experiment with The The Nootbook as he and his two coworkers figured out the new shape of their lives. Leigh stayed with Dan every few nights, while Ashley was happier staying at her own apartment and usually chose to do so. Dan worked out of the office more often since sometimes he was giving Leigh a ride there anyway, and it gave him the chance to see Ashley.

The fact that his editor had her own office - with an opaque door - came in handy one morning after Dan and Leigh had realized they were going to be late in the middle of getting frisky in the morning. As soon as his editor had realized her owner was going unsatisfied, Ashley had closed the door, bent herself over her own desk and flipped her skirts up over her waist. Dan found himself balls deep in her pussy about a minute later, pumped her full of his cum, watched her lick his shaft clean while he sat in the guest chair in her office, then was back to work within about thirty minutes.

Neither woman was particularly interested in the details of his sex life with the other, except that they both seemed thrilled to know that the man who now owned them was enjoying his life overall.

It was about a week and a half later, on a Saturday that neither Ashley nor Leigh was staying with him, that Dan walked into his apartment to find the patio he shared with his neighbor was occupied. He had just returned from a morning in Bakes and Beans, which had been almost unusually normal. Yes, one of the baristas had dragged a customer into the bathroom and the two men had emerged fifteen minutes later looking sweaty and satisfied, but for all Dan knew, that would’ve happened even without the ongoing rule from the nootbook.

He dropped his laptop bag off in the living room, then walked over to the sliding glass door leading outside. His apartment was on the top floor of the two story building, and the area of the city it was in was low enough to the ground that the patio got decent sun during the day. He could see two women in the shared patio, one of them he recognized and one of them he did not.

The one he recognized was his neighbor. Jennifer was around fifteen years older than he was, in her early to mid forties. She had been living in the apartment next door since she sold her house when she and her husband finalized their divorce. She and Dan had been friendly, if slightly distant, chatting occasionally when they ran into each other in the space their apartments shared but otherwise not really hanging out. She was seated in a lounge chair, wearing a lightweight white robe and an oversized floppy straw hat and dark sunglasses against the noonday glare. A tall glass in one hand was covered in condensation, and she raised it to sip while listening to something the other woman on the patio was saying.

The other woman was Asian, and was stretched out on her stomach across another lounge chair, this one flattened out to act as a sunbed. She was wearing a reasonably modest two-piece teal bikini, and the faint shine of lotion on her skin told Dan that she was certainly sunbathing in the warm weather.

When Jennifer noticed him at his patio door, she waved at Dan, a bright smile touching her lips as she then beckoned for him to step outside and join them. He did so, sliding the patio door open and stepping through. As soon as he did, Jen greeted him. “Hey Dan! This is my best friend from college, Song.” She indicated the sunbathing woman, who turned her head and propped herself up enough to smile a quick greeting at him.

Standing on the patio, Dan had a decent view of the two womens, and they could scarcely have been more different physically. Jennifer was tall and pale and obviously doing her best to remain in shadow even as she sunbathed with her friend. She was wearing a pair of shorts under her robe, which hugged a pair of wide hips that he knew from past observation went with an ample and well rounded backside. She was more bottom heavy than top, but the ‘v’ in her robe had worked its way open enough to showcase a black bikini top and a healthy amount of cleavage. Her hair was naturally blonde, but she dyed it on a semi-regular basis to whatever color struck her fancy at the time, leaving her with a metallic red-purple ponytail at the moment.

Song, in contrast, was slender and exposed most of her comparatively dark skin to the sun. Her hips were relatively narrow, and he tried to not let his eyes linger where her bikini stretched taut across an obviously well muscled taut little ass. Her pitch black hair was cut short in a bob, pinned back with a couple of clips to keep it off of her face while she soaked in the California sun. She looked almost aggressively fit, but couldn’t have been more than a few inches above five feet in height. Her smile was tight as Jen continued, “This is the neighbor I mentioned, Dan. Dan, Song’s staying with me a couple days to meet up with her niece while they check out UCSC.”

Dan offered the best friendly smile he could manage, keeping his eyes firmly on the faces of the women rather than letting them wander. He had no interest in souring his relationship with his neighbor, and from the way Song was side-eyeing him, taking too long to soak in the sight of the two older women was likely to be a step in a negative direction. Still, he didn’t want to be unfriendly after he was invited out either. “That sounds great! Let me know if you want any info on UCSC, I’m happy to share whatever info I can. And in the meantime, help yourselves to the patio, it’s all yours, I can stay out of your way.”

Jennifer waved the hand holding her drink at him, almost sloshing some of the liquid within onto the concrete patio floor, and causing Dan to finally realize that whatever she was drinking was almost certainly alcoholic. Her movements weren’t exactly unsteady, but neither was she as graceful as she had been most of the times they’d run into each other. “No, no, no, this is your patio too, I don’t wanna chase you off from using it. Tend your plants or whatever.” She paused briefly, then added, “I always like looking at them when I come out here to hang out. It’s nice to have a little bit of green just to appreciate, you know?”

Dan let out a quiet laugh, gesturing towards the small wooden box packed full of succulents and sandy soil. “You’re welcome to take up gardening out here too, you know.”

A muttered, “She wishes, girl has the worst black thumb I’ve heard of…” from Song was the first he had heard the sunbathing woman speak. Her voice, even sotto voce, was firm and authoritative, with even the aside comment immediately commanding attention. Despite that, Jennifer continued on as though her friend hadn’t spoken. “No, I couldn’t. I’d feel bad about taking up the space. It’s shared, not mine.” She gestured again at the planter box. “That’s perfect, because we both get enjoyment out of it, but I couldn’t just… impose on the space like that.” She sighed, then added, “Gary did that all the goddamn time, just trampled over everything everyone else was doing with no regard for anyone else. I could never be that person. Hell, I feel bad enough about sunbathing out here.”

Song and Dan both began voicing their objections immediately. “No, please, this is your patio too-” “Girl, you have every right to be here and to exist-”. They stopped, Song reaching up to lift her sunglasses up enough to direct a look at Dan, revealing clear light brown eyes. He shut his mouth and gestured for her to continue, ceding the floor. “Jen, you have just as much right to be out here as he does. If you want to garden…” She suppressed a laugh, “Or whatever out here, do it.”

Dan waited until it was clear Song had finished, then nodded and added, “Please, it’s your space too. I would much rather we both get full use out of it than one or both of us sits here feeling like we don’t belong.” A thought struck him, and he added, “Actually… tell you what, I have an idea.” Turning, he stepped back through the patio door and headed to where he’d dropped off his laptop bag. This was a perfect opportunity to test one of the things he wanted to know about The The Nootbook, and maybe help out his neighbor to feel more at home at the same time. He snagged the small suede covered notebook and a pen, then walked out to the porch. Holding it open, he extended the pen towards Jennifer and stated, “Please, do me a favor - I’m, uhh… I like to write down how I think things should work, it helps me keep it in mind later. I want you to try writing down that we’re both allowed to use the patio for whatever. That way you can remember that we both agreed to it later, and maybe you won’t feel bad.”

His neighbor set her drink down on the concrete beside her chair, accepting the nootbook and pen as Song added, “There’s actually something to what he’s doing. Writing things down helps cement them in your mind, even if you never actually go back and re-read them later. It’s why it’s worthwhile to take notes in school, even if you aren’t the kind of person to actually study from your notes.” Despite her words, Dan couldn’t help but feel like something in the sunbathing woman’s tone sounded disapproving, and as Jennifer shrugged and started writing, he idly wondered if it was possible to have a vocal version of a resting bitch face. Maybe Song just sounded pissed off all the time but was perfectly pleasant.

A few seconds later, Dan accepted the pen and The The Nootbook back, turning the book around to check and see if the words disappeared or remained. From his experimentation thus far, he knew that if they failed to take effect, they would vanish after a few seconds. If they held, they would remain for at least a few hours, or until he left the premises, whichever happened first. The words remained as he read them, leading him to suspect they were there for good.

The patio and everything on it is for the free use of the residents and their guests, and they should be taken advantage of to their fullest.

Dan smiled at the words. “Exactly! If you want to garden, do! If you want to sunbathe, feel free! It’s your patio too, you shouldn’t feel bad for existing here!” He turned as he walked back into his apartment, tucking the nootbook back into his laptop bag. He could barely hear Song speaking to his neighbor as he did so, some of the words muffled enough that he couldn’t make out much more than, “...live your life…”

As Dan returned, he stepped onto the patio and waved, “Anyway, I’ll leave you two ladies to it, I’m going to head back inside. Song, good to meet you, if you and your niece have any questions about UCSC, let me know - Jen has my cell number. Jen, don’t be a stranger…”

He turned to head back inside as Song muttered something noncommittal, only to be brought up short by Jennifer’s voice. “Oh, before you go in, I’m going to sunbathe with Song some, will you lotion me up?” He looked over to watch as the slightly tipsy woman rose from her seat, shrugging off her robe as she did so. The bikini top she had on was sufficiently modest to have only garnered attention at the beach because the woman wearing it was a lushly mature beauty, but the view when she untied the strings and let the garment drop would be immediately eye-catching anywhere. Dan’s neighbor showed no hint of modesty as she then leaned forward, letting full pale breasts sway heavily in the open air as she slid her shorts and the bottoms of her swimsuit down her thick thighs, leaving them on the concrete next to the chair. She snagged a small plastic bottle, then rose back to stand upright, now fully nude.

Dan gawked at the sight of his very attractive older neighbor stripping down in front of him, but his hand reached out instinctively to take the sunscreen from her. She smiled, then turned and dragged her lounge chair out of the shade and into the sun, flattening it as she moved. She seated herself, then rotated and stretched her arms out over her head as she lay down on her back, only then adding, “Sooner rather than later though, please, I burn fast.”

For a few more moments, Dan was paralyzed with surprise, before realizing that he was free at the moment, with no obligations for the rest of the day, and he certainly didn’t object to applying slippery oil to an attractive woman. He stepped forward on autopilot, tilting the bottle to squirt a generous dollop into his palm, then set the bottle down once more. His hands reached out and found one of Jennifer’s feet, and he started working his way up from there. Jen let out a quiet sound of happiness as his hands began stroking along her legs.

Once Dan seemed to be well under way, the two women resumed speaking as they had been before his arrival, apparently now perfectly happy to pick up their conversation despite his presence. His hands worked their way up Jennifer’s calves, smoothly spreading the translucent golden oil along her skin as Song said, “Anyway, it’s time for you to get yourself back in the game. It’s been long enough since you dumped the deadweight in your life.”

As Dan worked his way up to Jennifer’s thighs, she parted her legs wordlessly, not even lifting her head to look at him as she reclined back with her hat covering her head and face. He had been too shocked to notice it when she first stripped naked, but as his neighbors thick thighs parted, he could see that her pussy was covered in a light thatch of dark blonde hair, which parted as her legs spread. The outer lips of her pussy pulled apart slowly as she shifted to allow his hands to slide up and down her legs, his fingers pressing firmly into pale flesh, leaving it shiny and slick. Not wanting to allow her to get sunburned, he slid his fingers through the short curls of her public hair and along the outer lips of her pussy. He was pretty sure she wasn’t trying to tan the interior of her sex - and wasn’t sure how sensitive tissue would react to sunscreen oil - so he avoided her pink interior, but just the casual touch of his fingers along the edges revealed his attractive neighbor’s body was reacting to his hands on her body.

Glancing down, he realized his pants were starting to get oil on them as he worked his way up Jennifer’s body. Not wanting to mess up one of his favorite pairs of jeans, he stepped around to his neighbors side and asked both politely and with uncharacteristic confidence, “Hey, my hands are covered in oil, can you get my pants off of me?” She lifted her hat just long enough to look up at Dan’s crotch, then reached her hands out to undo his belt and fly. Her hands found his waistband and with a firm tug his pants dropped down his legs, letting him kick them to the side and get back to work as Jen once more covered her face.

Her voice emerged from under her hat a moment later, just as Dan stepped over her body to straddle her hips from above as she closed her legs once more. “I don’t know, I’m forty-five, isn’t that a bit late to try to find a new romantic partner?” He squirted another generous dollop of oil directly onto her midsection, then reached down and started sliding his hands smoothly over her stomach. As his hands slid along soft flesh, he reflected that while it wasn’t as flat as the belly of either of the women he owned, there was still something appealing about how womanly Jennifer was - stomach and all. She was all soft curves on every inch of her body, and as his hands touched every inch of her, he couldn’t help but hope that she knew how gorgeous she was.

“Romantic partner, maybe, maybe not.” Song’s voice, Dan noted, continued to be as acerbic even when talking to Jen. “I slutted it up in college, while you were Miss One-Man-At-A-Time. Maybe now it’s your turn to go get yourself laid.” Once his neighbor’s stomach was sufficiently well coated in oil, he grabbed the bottle and applied another heavy squirt of the slick golden liquid, this time directly between Jennifer’s breasts. He leaned over, setting it on the concrete once more, then let his hands reach out to begin to grope and massage her full tits as he coated them in oil. As his fingers sank into the soft flesh, he noticed her nipples - pale pink against paler skin - started to slowly stiffen to attention, until he could feel them pulling against his skin each time his palm grazed across them. They were soon standing at full attention, jiggling gently as his motions sent her tits sliding together and then falling back against her chest.

From beneath Jen’s hat, her voice emerged, sounding obviously embarrassed. “I dunno, Miss Three-Drink-Slutty-Bisexual… that’s just not me.” Dan shifted forward slightly, the action causing his cock to drag along the oiled up skin of his neighbor’s stomach. He glanced down, realizing that at this rate his cock would be resting between Jennifer’s tits in a moment, and interjected, “Hey, could you press your breasts together for me?”

Jennifer complied immediately. Her hands slid up her sides, gathering up her breasts and pushing them together to create an oily tunnel for him. It also, conveniently, put her arms within his reach. As Dan shifted forward slightly, straddling the lounge chair awkwardly, he let the head of his cock slide ahead, pushing it fully between his neighbor’s breasts. As his dick vanished into her slippery cleavage, he reached down and started applying more of the sunscreen oil onto her arms, even while he pumped his hips to start fucking the tits she was holding together for him.

“I just don’t think that guys would even want me. They’re all about the barely-legal girls and stick-thin twigs.” Dan’s thighs started to burn after only a minute or two of fucking Jennifer’s tits, and he realized he needed some additional support. Fortunately, he also finished applying oil to her arms, leaving his own hands free to lean forward. Pressing his palms into her shoulders, he leaned on her, alleviating some of the strain on his thighs while he continued to slide his cock back and forth through the beautiful woman’s cleavage. The sensation of her big soft tits enveloping his cock was incredible, and he resolved to try to repeat the act with Leigh to see how she compared.

“What, are you kidding? Haven’t you looked at porn lately?” Song’s voice caught Dan’s eye, and he glanced over. The Asian woman had her head tilted to the side, facing towards him, but with her sunglasses over her face, he couldn’t tell if she was watching as he fucked her friends’ tits or not. “Just get them to call you step-mommy and they’ll be all over you.” Jen let out a scandalized titter at that, and Dan finally decided he needed to rest his legs more. He pulled his cock out from between his neighbor’s tits and stepped over her body, giving himself a reprieve. He did notice that Jen kept her tits pressed together exactly as he had asked, offering them for his visual delight even if he wasn’t actively using them otherwise.

He walked around the patio, stretching his legs as Jennifer giggled under her hat. “God, can you imagine, though? Me? Step-Mommy…” After the second lap around the small space, Dan found himself next to Song. He glanced over her tightly toned body, noticing the pert firmness of her ass, then shrugged. Reaching down, he found where her bikini tied at the side of her hip and undid the knot. Pulling the garment free to leave his neighbor’s guest as bottomless as he was, he stepped over her to straddled her thighs. Sliding one of her hands between them, she shifted, spreading her legs as much as she was able to accommodate his digits. His fingertips found the outside of her sex and came back soaked in her juices.

“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it. There’s probably a young stud with a huge dick somewhere who’d cream himself calling you step-mom…” Dan notched his cock up to Song’s soaking wet pussy and slid himself home in one smooth motion. A slight hitch to her voice was the only sign she gave, aside from tilting her hips up a little to improve the depth he could penetrate her. “And even if that isn’t what you’re into, you should date. Or at least hit Tinder and get yourself laid.”

Dan started pumping his hips, slowly at first until he found a decent rhythm. His hands slid down, settling around Song’s waist as he fucked her steadily. Her cunt squeezed down rhythmically along his length, rippling and stimulating him as he used it. “Do you actually use Tinder? I know you and Alan have your casual hookups rule, is that where you go to find guys?” Jennifer sounded curious and a little eager as she chatted, still holding her tits up in the air while she sunbathed nude, paying no mind to her neighbor now rutting in her friend’s pussy.

“I.. ah… I… yeah. I signed up… ahh! A couple years… oooooh… ago.” As Dan’s cock began stimulating her, Song’s words began to be interspersed with moans of pleasure and gasps for air, though she gave no other external sign as he fucked her. “It’s easy… ohfuck… to sign up. Godgodfuck, I can, ahhh, help if you, FUCK, want.”

A sudden spasm of Song’s back was accompanied by her cunt suddenly squeezing down hard across his length, and he ground his hips forward against her well toned ass, burying his full length in her as she came on his cock. He glanced back over to Jennifer, sliding his dick free of her friend and walking over to her. When he got close, she asked, “Hey, Dan, could you grab my phone for me? It’s over by the door in my purse…”

He wiped his hands on his shirt, then took the few steps needed to reach her door, bent down, and rummaged through the large green bag for a few moments until he found the device in question. Walking back to her, he offered the device to her as she pushed her hat back to reveal her face, then stepped around to her front. Grabbing her ankles, he lifted her legs up and then moved to kneel on the lounge chair between them. The position was a little awkward, since even when fully stretched out the furniture wasn’t designed for two people, but it supported their weight with only a faint groan of protest. “Ok, let me download it, I’ll have you walk me through setting up a profile…”

Reaching one hand down, Dan positioned his cock at the base of Jen’s pussy, then slid it forward. Thrusting into his neighbor, he couldn’t help but compare and contrast the feel of her cunt to Song’s, noting the steady deliberate contractions of the latter compared to the silky smooth embrace of the former. As he buried his shaft inside Jen, she let out a long, low moan and her soaking wet channel began to pulse rhythmically around him. She stared at her phone for a few moments, then announced, “Ooooooohok, it’s done.”

Dan tuned out the next few minutes, focusing instead on just enjoying the way his neighbor’s pussy felt. Song walked Jennifer through the account setup without ever getting up from her position stretched out in the sun, causing Dan to wonder briefly how often she’d gone through the process. He’d never really gotten into the app, but while it didn’t seem too difficult, it was also multiple steps that she rattled off the top of her head without hesitation.

It was only when his neighbor began talking through profile picture options that Song finally stood up. Still bottomless, she moved over to Jen’s side and leaned over to look at the pictures she was choosing from. When the phone kept moving and jerking in the air as its owner’s body was rocked by Dan’s increasingly forceful thrusting, she eventually reached a hand down and snagged it, lifting it to her face and starting to flip through the pictures on her own. “No… none of these will do. Here…”

Song ducked over to the side, positioning herself in between Jennifer’s legs where Dan was holding them, and her bare torso. Holding Jennifer’s phone out in front of her to get a close up portrait shot of her face, she checked the display, then frowned and ordered, “Hold your boobs together again.” She obeyed, and Dan buried his length in her at the same time, causing her eyes to roll back as she let out a low moan of pleasure. He left himself there, slowly twisting his hips from side to side to cause the shaft of his cock to rub along her channel slowly without shaking her body while Song snapped a couple quick shots. “Ok, there.” The moment that pronouncement was made, Dan resumed his rapid thrusting, all but folding the woman in half as he pounded his cock deep into her sopping wet cunt and causing the lounge chair to begin squeaking loudly.

Speaking loudly to be heard over the metallic creaks as she looked at the phone in her friend’s hand, Jen asked, “Shouldohfuck I poooOoohoost a pic that… fuckthatsdeep… I dunno… fuckyes… slutty?” The faint hints of embarrassment in her voice were severely undercut by the occasional interjections as Dan’s cock hit a particularly sensitive area within her, and her pitch continued to rise as she approached orgasm.

“C’mon, the point of this is to get laid. I’m not going to use the one where your nipple is peeking into frame, but showing off those big boobs of yours is only going to help.” Song poked the phone a few more times, then turned and walked back over to her lounger. Dan watched her bare, muscular ass flex and sway as she went, and briefly considered taking it next, but a flutter of Jen’s tunnel around him and an urgent, sharp moan convinced him to stay. His neighbor dropped her boobs and they began shaking wildly with his thrusts as she instead gripped the metal framework of the lounge chair she was being fucked into, suddenly screaming, “Cumming! Cumming! Ohfuckcummingyes!”

The flood of moist heat around his cock as Jennifer came hard on his dick was enough to push Dan over the edge. He buried himself deep within her, leaning against her and began to spurt shot after shot of molten cum deep into her greedily squeezing pussy.

As Dan and Jennifer were gasping for breath and panting loudly to recover from their respective massive orgasms, Song asked, “Ok, ready to actually write the profile?” She held the phone up, glancing at her friend and apparently ignoring the fact that her legs were still held high over her head while a younger man recovered from having filled her full of a load of his cum. It took her a moment to recover enough to respond, “You… you do it. Then read it to me. I’ll get all shy and demure about it.”

Dan slowly pulled back, his knees protesting that if he remained where he was for much longer they were going to give out. As his cock slipped free of its newfound home, he glanced down and saw a trickle of white begin to seep out from Jen’s now freshly fucked pussy, dripping onto the lounge chair below. He slowly lowered her legs, and she replaced them below her, once more stretching out in the sun and pulling her hat up to cover her face.

Turning, Dan walked back towards the door to his apartment. Before crossing the threshold, he called over his shoulder cautiously, “Thanks… thanks Jen.” The smile in her voice was audible, even through the obvious fatigue that also heavily colored it as she responded, “Any time, Dan.”

The patio door hissed quietly as Dan slid it shut behind him, his mind in a fog that seemed to be lifting only gradually. He hadn’t actually intended to fuck his neighbor, or her friend. He certainly hadn’t objected to it, and as he reflected on what had been going through his mind at the time, a warm glow filled him and did its best to stir his still wet cock. His hands were free to apply the sunscreen Jennifer requested, so he’d done so. While he was running his hands along his attractive neighbor’s body, he’d gotten hard. She and Song were there, so he’d used their pussies freely until he was satisfied. None of them had discussed the matter, it was just-

He realized he had left his pants outside, and was still naked from the waist down. He meandered towards his bathroom, stripping off his shirt as he went. He started the shower running, and only when he stuck his hand out to test it did the shock of comparatively cool water jolt his thoughts enough to connect the dots.

He, Song, and Jen had been on the patio.

He was available to use as someone to apply sunscreen, so he’d done it.

Jen and Song were available to be used, so he’d taken advantage of them to their fullest.

He stepped into the water, and spent the next fifteen minutes doing his best to figure out how to react to the genuinely mind-blowing sex he’d just had. Eventually he realized he should actually shower as well, so he quickly soaped up and rinsed off. Once he was dry, he wrapped his towel around his waist and started heading towards his bedroom. He glanced out the patio door as he crossed his apartment, only to see a now fully nude Song leaning over Jennifer, who had rolled over onto her front. The older Asian woman was stroking one of her hands up and down the other’s back, slowly working more of the suntan oil into it, while the other was firmly lodged between her friend’s thighs, shifting as he watched.

Dan shook his head. All of them seemed to have enjoyed what happened, and while none of them really signed up for it, he couldn’t bring himself to condemn any of their actions. He would just need to be cautious about using the patio in the future. And also maybe bring over Ashley and Leigh to sunbathe. On that thought, he pulled out his laptop and started writing a quick email to his editor. She’d been documenting the effects of The The Nootbook for him, compiling it in a shared file online. While he typed out a summary of the events, he occasionally glanced up, and was eventually treated to the sight of Jennifer’s climax at Song’s hands, her cries of pleasure just barely drifting through the glass patio door.


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