About A Notebook That Imposes Magical Rules, But It Keeps Making Them Sexy

The Editor

by Kinje

Tags: #dom:female #dom:male #f/m #sub:female #multiple_partners #pov:top #sub:male #urban_fantasy

Magic Notebook – The Editor


About A Notebook That Imposes Magical Rules, But It Keeps Making Them Sexy

(The Editor)

By the time Dan got back to his apartment and looked inside The The Nootbook, the only visible words were the title and the inscription on the first page. He flipped through the entire thing, but could find no trace of the words he himself had written. The last page was also empty, and if not for the presence of the book itself he would have assumed he dreamed the entire thing.

He spent the next few days doing his best to think through the implications of what he had found, and what had occurred. When he revisited Bakes and Beans the following day, he didn’t notice anything amiss. He got his coffee and almond croissant to go, and left without noticing anything unusual.

When he returned the morning after that, Kayla had asked him to top her, and he spent a highly enjoyable twenty minutes with the barista naked from the waist down, bent over one of the tables. No matter how hard he fucked her, no one else in the cafe paid him any more attention than any of the other customers going about their business. When he finished deep inside her, she slid off of his dick, pulled her pants gingerly up over a pale behind reddened from a handful of hard slaps he’d given, and thanked him. Then she walked back over behind the counter and simply… went back to work.

The rule he had accidentally imposed was still obviously in effect, despite no longer being visible anywhere in the book. He thought about trying to write something countermanding it, but was hesitant to experiment with something so obviously sexually charged. If he accidentally doubled-down, there was a chance he’d wind up having the baristas all offering themselves up to each and every customer that came through or something equally ridiculous, so he decided to wait until he had a better understanding of how the nootbook worked before making any further changes there.

Besides, the staff didn’t seem to mind at all. Dan wasn’t sure if it was because of the rule imposed, but the customers were actually treating them better, and the mood in the whole cafe was just… lighter.

The evening of the third day after he found The The Nootbook, Dan decided to try a few carefully controlled tests, using the only subjects he was willing to experiment on: himself, and billionaires. Drawing out a pen, he flipped to the second page and focused very hard on ensuring there weren’t any additional typos or words that snuck in. With only a slight tremble of nerves in his hand, he wrote:

Dan Taylor is in excellent physical condition and good health.

He stopped and checked after each word, making sure he didn’t accidentally misspell it or switch out any words. Once satisfied, he set the pen down between the pages and stood up from his desk. Even as he did, he watched the ink appear to sink into the page of the nootbook, Glancing down over himself, he didn’t seem any different. He wasn’t ever in bad shape, he went to the gym on a semi-regular basis, but frequent travel meant he didn’t always eat the healthiest food, and he’d put on a little bit of a belly as a result. It still seemed to be there, but he walked over to his bathroom to check in the mirror, pulling up his shirt to reveal a pasty white undercarriage with just a hint of dark brown hair covering it, exactly as it had been when he stepped out of the shower that morning.

Walking back over to his desk, the nootbook was still open, exactly as he left it. There was no trace of the words he wrote, the page appearing as clean and empty as it had been before he put pen to it. He scowled at it as though that would accomplish something, then tried jogging in place as rapidly as he could to test his endurance. After a few minutes, he was breathing heavily and sweating, which seemed about normal. A thought struck him and he groaned, realizing he hadn’t thought to perform a control experiment first and now had no real basis for comparison. He shook his head and sat back down, waiting a minute or two to catch his breath, before picking the pen up once more.

He flipped open his laptop, spent a few minutes opening tabs on Forbes, then turned to The The Nootbook once more.

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison and Warren Buffet will give away their wealth to charity organizations they don’t control until they are no longer considered billionaires.

Again, he checked his spelling and word choice each time. Again, the words sank into the page and vanished almost as soon as he finished writing. He didn’t expect this statement to have instantaneous effects even if it worked, but he refreshed the tabs he had open in Firefox just in case. Nothing changed, so he closed the nootbook and went to rinse off in the shower, just to avoid getting the sweat he had built up all over his couch.

He spent the rest of the evening catching up on shows he had missed. He had a huge backlog by then, and idly considered how he would phrase a rule about Netflix canceling shows after a single season if the billionaire thing worked. Every hour or so, he’d check news results, but there didn't seem to be anything new coming out about any of the individuals he’d named. By the time he was ready for bed, he thought to check the nootbook again. The words were still absent, and there didn’t seem to be any outcome from either change he had attempted since leaving the cafe.

His working theory was that the book could only affect the immediate area, and couldn’t create physical changes - so editing himself to be taller or to have a bigger dick was out of the question. Not that he was unhappy with his own size, or even height, but there were people he would be able to help out that way if the book let him give others the bodies they wanted. When he eventually fell asleep, Dan dreamt of Kayla and Tessa kneeling side by side in front of him, both women wearing little leashes and collars and nothing else.

The following morning saw Dan getting up early and dressing in slacks and a polo shirt. There was an all-hands staff meeting in the office right before lunch, and his editor, Ashley, had used that as an excuse to schedule an in-person meeting with him. He had actually met Ashley in college, the year he was going to graduate. She had been in her second year, but was also taking classes aggressively to try to graduate early. Smart and driven, she had gone from Junior Editor to Editor in record time, and he knew she had her eye on a Managing Editor position that was likely to open up in the next year or two when the incumbent, Ross, retired.

Dan and Ashley had actually dated a little in college, but had never gone beyond a couple of friendly dinners. They got along great, and had similar views on life, writing, and the world, but the timing just hadn’t been there. When she started at The Lookout - the same company as Dan - a strict inter-office dating policy had kept things professional but friendly between them.

Dan parked on the top floor of the two level parking garage, having learned ages ago that it was easier to just take one of the crappier spaces than to accidentally take someone’s ‘reserved’ space that they ‘always parked in’, even though only a quarter of the spaces on the actual first floor of the parking garage were actually marked as reserved. He hated office politics, and it was one of the reasons he was so grateful his position not only let him work from home, but kept him out of the state entirely for a fair part of his time.

He waved at the security guard on the way in, then swiped his badge past the sensor. When the gate beeped he walked through and took the first turn on his left. The interior of The Lookout office was mostly cubes, with the only enclosed offices being reserved for executives - and editors - along the outer wall. He strode down the hall to the ‘floating offices’ the facility kept available for people who didn’t have an actual assigned desk. They were mostly just docking stations with single monitors and a place to set down his laptop bag, but he’d gotten there with half an hour to kill and he didn’t want to just sit around the coffee machine while he waited to talk to Ashley.

Before he even unpacked his stuff, he poked his head into the mailroom, checking the little cubby with his name on it to see if he had anything pressing waiting for him. He didn’t, but in the process he did notice a new addition to the mailroom staff. Short and cute, with brilliant blue eyes and fine blonde hair tied back in a simple ponytail, she flashed him a quick smile when she saw him poking his head in, but didn’t approach. He returned it, quietly lamented the office dating policy, and returned to his ‘office’. Ten minutes later, he poked his head inside Ashley’s door. She had a cheap headset on and was talking animatedly to whoever was on the other end, but she waved him in so he stepped inside, shut the door, and sat down opposite her.

Dan took a moment to examine his editor while she talked. Someone who didn’t know her might think the woman was soft, easy to roll over. Ashley McFadden had a round face with high, full cheekbones framed by a mass of curly black hair that fell in ringlets. Her lips were naturally pouty, and her deep brown eyes were naturally heavy lidded. She was of average height at about five four, neither skinny nor fat, wearing a deep green blouse and a knee length pleated black skirt, and generally looked like she should still be in college rather than a few years into her career.

She was not easy to roll over. Nor was she soft. Instead, she possessed an apparently infinite well of inner strength that she used to inexorably shift arguments in her favor by simply applying constant gentle pressure like the tide, wave after wave simply wearing down her opponent until they conceded.

Dan listened to her finishing that process with whoever she was talking to, simply refusing to give in until they agreed to… apparently run an article she wanted. He didn’t catch the full details, and the moment she clicked the end call button on her computer, she turned to face him. A broad smile touched her lips and she spoke with genuine warmth in her voice. “Dan! I’m glad to see you. I know you don’t like to come into the office, but it’s nice to actually, you know, see your face from time to time. Call me a boomer, but there’s something special about actual in-person contact.”

Dan laughed and shook his head. “Agree to disagree, Ashley. Now, you wanted to look over some of the photo selections to pick which galleries to use online?” The two got down to business, Ashley turning her monitor so they could both look at it. The pictures in question were from a recent trip to the southwest, covering eateries mostly in Phoenix and its outskirts. It took them most of the hour they had scheduled, and in the end Ashley got nearly all of her choices. Dan was pretty sure the few he had convinced her to pick were either a concession she had granted so he didn’t feel bad, or ones she had secretly wanted, but argued against so he’d feel like he had a say in the matter.

Dan and Ashley both walked down the hall together, joining a stream of other people all headed towards the largest conference room in the building. The tables had been removed and seats set up in rows to create a pseudo-auditorium, with a podium at the front for the speaker and a projector already showing a welcome slide.

Filing in, they found seats as the room filled up, idly chatting about recent work and articles that had been well received. Eventually the meeting got started, beginning with some trite speeches about the importance of working together as family and then going into financials and subscription rates. Dan half-dozed through most of it. Not that he didn’t want the paper to succeed - whether in print or digitally - but other than continuing to do his job to the best of his ability, there wasn’t much he could actually do to influence that. He was just wondering why they had bothered to hold the meeting in person when Ross stepped up to the podium. The managing editor was in his sixties, built like a linebacker, and sported a glorious mane of silver hair. He’d been a fixture of the organization for the past thirty years, and was generally well liked. Unfortunately, thanks to a recent organization change, he now reported up to Richard ‘Ricky’ Drake.

Ricky Drake was a nepotism hire. Part of the funding that had kept The Lookout in print through some lean times a decade before had come from a venture capital company. One which Ricky Drake’s father happened to chair.

Ricky wasn’t exactly a bad person, because he genuinely wanted to do well, and to have the company succeed, if only because it would reflect well on him. The problem was that he had a singularly horrible grasp on what actually made the organization click, and refused to back down until his ideas had been ‘tested’. Six months ago, he’d put together a committee to review word choices in articles after a letter to the editor came in complaining about a criticism of a local restaurant. The letter wasn’t anything special, but the committee could only review so many articles in a day. There also wasn’t any budget to hire on new people to man the committee, so existing editors had to spend hours re-reviewing each other’s work. It only lasted a month before the office was so backed up that they threatened to not fill the pages of their print.

Ross cleared his throat, thanked the previous speaker, then read from a cue card like a man giving his last words. “Hello everyone. Thanks for taking the time to come into the office for this. I wanted to announce that we’re trying a new initiative. In order to streamline and produce more consistent articles on any given topic, we’re re-assigning all of our editors. Rather than the previous system where each editor was assigned to a collection of random writers, we’re now having one or two editors per department, by size.” He gestured to the projected slide to his right, showing the new assignments.

Dan groaned immediately, out loud, and he wasn’t the only one in the crowd to do so. This idea didn’t create more needless work like the committee had, but a good editor was essential, and a good partnership with your editor was how you kept your voice consistent. Some of the writer-editor partnerships in the office went back twenty years. Breaking those apart arbitrarily was probably more significant to some of these people than if Ricky had announced that everyone working for him had to get an immediate divorce. Scanning down the line, he closed his eyes hard, one hand reaching up to squeeze his temples and attempt to ward off the sudden headache he felt.

Ashley had been assigned to the Sports and Recreation department. The Food and Travel department editor was, he scanned the slide to find, James Booker of all people. Dan literally could not have come up with worse assignments if he tried. This was a travesty, and would quite possibly cause some people to quit the moment they left the room.

Reaching into his pocket, Dan felt for The The Nootbook. He hadn’t wanted to leave it behind in his apartment. Not that he suspected anyone would break in, but it just felt wrong to let it outside of his grasp, and he was suddenly very glad he had it. Pulling a pen from his other pocket, he opened it to the second page and, at the top, immediately began writing.

Everyone at The Lookout is allowed to select their editor, without upper management having a say in it. Ashley is mine.

He snapped the nootbook shut, tucked it back in his pocket, and looked up. Glancing to his side, he caught a strange look on Ashley’s face, but waved a hand to put off the questions she probably had for the moment. There was only one speaker after Ross, then a brief Q&A session, before they were dismissed.

Dan took it as an excellent sign that his quick thinking had worked, because not a single person asked about the editor change. Given how charged the topic probably would have been otherwise, he had high hopes that this rule had actually taken hold.

Lunch was provided after the meeting - one of the things upper management did to try to get people to actually attend - and he and Ashley lined up together to grab sandwiches and salad. She excused herself to her office to eat there, mentioning that she wanted to wrap up some emails, so Dan caught up with a few other writers he hadn’t met with in a while as he ate. He took the conversation as an opportunity to ask a few casual questions and the responses he got seemed to confirm that his new rule had taken precedence over Ricky’

One sandwich later, he sat down at his laptop to work to turn some of his notes into usable copy. He planned to head out and work from home as soon as he could get away with it, but found himself engrossed enough in his work that the rest of the afternoon passed by. It was nearly five when he realized he’d been sitting at the mostly barren cube for most of the day. He closed out of his work, stretched as he stood up, then started packing up.

Dan had just finished putting his things away when Ashley walked up. His dark haired editor had a warm smile on her lips as she approached, announcing cheerfully, “Good timing!” Her returned her smile, “Good timing it is! I was just about to swing by your office.” She nodded, gesturing towards the mailroom.

“I figured - If you were going to duck out, you would have at least waved as you left, but if you were going to stay, there was still no way in hell you’d be caught in the office past five. C’mon, let’s get to the mailroom.” Ashley took off in that direction, leaving Dan to catch up. He jogged a few paces, laptop bag bouncing against his back as he did, slowly down once they were side by side.

“What’s in the mailroom?” Dan was more making conversation than anything else. He and Ashley were friendly, and would even occasionally take lunch together, but she didn’t generally walk him out of the building. That said, her behavior wasn’t completely out of character, because once she got something in her head, she simply took whatever steps were needed to accomplish it. If she wanted something from the mailroom, but also wanted to say goodbye in person, his only choice was to try to keep up.

She slowed her pace just slightly, moving just fast enough for Dan to feel hurried despite his longer legs. “Oh, no - Leigh doesn’t get off until five, so I figured we’d meet her there so I can pressure Frank into letting her go a few minutes early.” She paused long enough for Dan to get within elbow range, then poked him in the ribs with hers lightly. “Well, her shift ends at five, I figure she probably won’t get off until five thirty or six.”

Dan blinked at Ashley’s odd behavior, falling behind once more, then catching up just as she turned into the mailroom. Dan stepped in behind her, glancing towards the back, where the door to the receiving dock was propped open. The same blonde he had seen before looked up from where she was taping up a box. A beaming smile touched her lips, and she quickly went twice more around the cardboard with the tape dispenser, slapped the adhesive flat, then dropped the dispenser on top of it. Then she looked towards Dan once more and started walking closer.

As she approached, Dan noticed Ashley talking to Steve, the towering mailroom lead, starting to visibly sweet talk him. He was still watching her work when the approaching footsteps informed him the blonde had arrived. He turned towards her as she reached up with both arms, wrapping them around his neck and pulling herself up his body to kiss him firmly on his lips. She dropped back to the floor lightly, greeting him. “Hey Dan!”

Dan stood there shocked, staring at the young woman in front of him. He estimated she was maybe three or four years younger than him, putting her in the first half of her twenties. She was wearing an unflattering light blue polo shirt embroidered with The Lookout’s company logo over her left breast. Her nose was narrow and sharp, and her chin was perhaps slightly more pointed than was traditionally attractive, but the overall impression he got was mostly that she was just ridiculously cute.

She was also staring at him expectantly. He managed to recover enough to ask, as mildly as he was able, “What was that for? I don’t… Look, I like getting kissed by cute girls, but I don’t know you.”

The girl’s deep blue eyes widened slightly, and the effect it had on her expression was almost comical. Dan had to restrain himself from reaching out and just squishing her against his chest, as adorable as it made her appear. “Oh! I’m Leigh! Well, Ashley Langley, but everybody calls me Leigh! And… you like getting kissed by cute girls, so… that’s me, right?” She beamed another smile up at him, her eyes half closing and her nose crinkling slightly as she did.

Dan could not deny that yes, she was indeed a cute girl. “Ok, yes, but… do you kiss everyone who thinks you’re a cute girl?” The question was greeted by a slightly confused laugh, the smile fading a little from Leigh’s lips. “No, but I’m yours, so… I mean, if you don’t want me to kiss you anymore, just say the word. I dunno, it just seemed like the right way to greet you!”

As Dan stared at Leigh, his editor walked back over, a smile on her face. “You’re out fifteen minutes free, Leigh! You ready, Dan?” Ashley glanced back and forth between the two as she addressed them, not waiting for an answer before starting to shoo Dan towards the exit. He shook his head at her, holding up a hand to stop her and - to his surprise - she froze immediately. Her head tilted to the side as she waited for him to explain. “No, one minute. Leigh, you’re mine? Can you explain that?”

The blonde woman in question furrowed her brow, then spoke slowly, carefully enunciating each word. “I belong to you. I am yours.” She paused, then turned to Ashley for support. “Can you…?” She trailed off, leaving the rest of the question unspoken. Fortunately, Ashley didn’t seem to have any difficulty understanding, because she lept in immediately. “Leigh belongs to you. She’s your property, the same as me. I saw you writing it in your little notebook earlier, so I don’t think it should be that much of a surprise.”

Spinning towards his editor, Dan half-shouted, “What!?” He caught Steve turning towards him from across the mailroom and waved his hand to ward off any concern, then continued in a hissed whisper. “Ashley, what do you mean? How do you belong to me? You’re the most independent and career focused person that I know. You barely allowed teachers to tell you what to do.”

The brunette in question shrugged her shoulders. She spoke slowly, as though addressing a child who might be struggling to keep up. “Yes, but now I belong to you. I. Am. Yours. So is Leigh.” She paused, then quickly added, “Oh, and you should make sure to talk to Ross before you leave. He’ll let you pick me as your editor, but you should do it before everybody else makes their picks, just so there’s less potential for controversy and gossip.”

It took several moments for Ashley’s words to sink in. Reaching into his pocket, Dan pulled forth The The Nootbook and flipped open the cover. His words were still present, in stark contrast to the experiments he had attempted to run.

Everyone at The Lookout is allowed to select their editor, without upper management having a say in it. Ashley is mine.

“Fuck. That’s… I meant… Those aren’t two separate things, Ashley is my editor. For fuck’s sake.” As Dan re-read the words, Ashley walked around to his side, glancing at the words on the page before speaking up. “I’m not your editor yet, but you can tell Ross otherwise if you hurry. He probably won’t stick around much longer today, I think one of his kids has a game tonight. Tell you what, you go talk to him, Leigh and I will be waiting at your car.” Ashley leaned in close, planting a quick kiss on Dan’s cheek while he stood there dazed. She grabbed his laptop bag from the shoulder he had it looped over, before she and Leigh walked out of the mailroom.

Twenty minutes later, Dan walked up to his Kia to see Ashley and Leigh leaning up against it, chatting amicably. Leigh saw him first, waving brightly, and called out, “Dan! You should really get us keys to your car. And probably also to your apartment.” He approached, pulling the keys from his pocket and pressing the button twice to unlock the doors. Immediately Ashley stepped around to get into the passenger seat, while Leigh claimed the back.

Sliding into the driver’s seat, Dan turned the engine on. He left the car in park with the engine running, turning instead to look to the passenger seat as he asked, “Ok, I… quick sanity check. Does you suddenly being mine strike either of you as batshit insane?”

Leigh frowned, raising a finger to tap the front of her lips in thought, while Ashley canted her head to the side. The latter spoke first. “It’s unusual, certainly. Most people don’t belong to others, and the 13th Amendment certainly seems as though it would prohibit a legal ownership of us as people, but this isn’t based in anything legal, so… no, not particularly insane.” Leigh shrugged, and pointed over to indicate Ashley. “Basically what she said.”

“Let’s… go to my apartment. I have so many questions, and, I…” He thought furiously for a moment, weighing his options, before giving up. “I’m going to have to tell you something that sounds super weird.”

He carefully reversed out of the parking space and started navigating his way out of the garage. Ashley and Leigh resumed speaking, talking about the latest episode of some Korean drama Dan wasn’t familiar with. It was only after he turned onto the main road, heading towards his apartment, that he was able to bring himself to interrupt. “Hey, uhh, Ashley and Leigh. Can you tell me exactly what you being mine means, to both of you? I guess Ashley first?” His speech was halting as he tried to assemble the right question to get the answers he needed.

“Sure!” Ashley smiled, not seeming even slightly offended at having the topic changed. “I belong to you. Just like you own this car - unless it’s a lease, I guess, but for the purposes of this explanation, I’ll just assume you bought. So… I’m your property. Whatever you want to do to me, that’s your right. I guess the same normal restrictions about property apply probably fit here too, so like… don’t abandon me on the side of the road, that’s littering. Not that I think you’d do that, you’ve always struck me as a pretty responsible guy. A little flighty, maybe, but your heart’s in the right place.”

Dan glanced over as Ashley finished speaking and he stopped at a light. Her expression was earnest, more than anything else. The fact that she was describing herself as property seemed to phase her less than the notion of Dan littering. The light changed, and he returned his eyes to the road as he asked, “Ok, so if I asked you to… dress up as a banana and learn to tap dance for me, you’d do it?”

Leigh laughed at that from the back seat, and Dan couldn’t help but notice that even her laugh was adorable, light and bubbly and infectious. Ashley giggled a little, but then responded, “Sure, if you want.”

“And if I asked you to… to…” He hesitated, years of annual sexual harrassment seminars flashing thorugh his head, and Ashley finished for him, “Fuck you? You don’t have to worry about offending me, Dan, I am yours. Yes, of course I’d fuck you! I would’ve fucked you before you owned me, if not for the stupid policy. I was probably going to ask you out eventually anyway. You work remote so the chances that they’d figure out we were dating were pretty slim. Those shouldn’t apply here, by the way, before you stress over that. There’s rules against office romance, but nothing against fucking your property that also works there.”

Dan took a long breath, then asked, “Leigh, what about you? What does you being mine mean to you?” The blonde woman took several seconds to answer, then reached one of her hands up to lightly touch Dan’s shoulder from the back seat while he drove. “Like, Ashley got most of it right. I’m hoping you’ll take good care of me, but I’m yours, so I guess it means you get to do whatever you want with me. Banana costume or fucking or… I don’t know, cook you dinner? I’m not really much of a cook, but I could probably learn. I do make a mean apple pie, but baking always made more sense to me than cooking. The rules are firmer, you know?”

The next minute passed in silence as Dan continued to navigate his way home. His apartment was on the opposite side of Santa Cruz, and rush hour traffic was atrocious, which was one of the reasons he hated having to actually go into the office. As he hit the next light, he finally managed to ask, “And how do you feel about that? Like, if I just told you that what I want is for you to go about your lives. Still be mine, I guess, but just live as though you weren’t?”

Leigh gasped audibly behind him, while Ashley let out a quiet hum of contemplation, then answered, “I could probably manage that. I don’t know, I think it’d be pretty weird. I… I feel like I should be more involved with you, since I belong to you now, but I don’t think I have to stay near you. The thought feels uncomfortable, though.”

Before Dan could respond to that, Leigh chimed in, “Same, but I think she’s underselling it. If you tell me to just go on about my life, I’ll try, but I’d be fighting the urge to just… ask you for orders or advice. Like… I broke up with my girlfriend a couple months back. I was thinking about getting back into the dating pool soon. Hell, I asked Steve about you when I saw you since you’re cute, and thought you might be worth getting to know. But now… I don’t think… how am I supposed to choose someone to date without you weighing in? I am yours, you should have a voice in that.”

Ashley spoke once more, and Dan recognized the quiet intensity in her voice as a sign she wasn’t about to let the subject drop. “You could, Leigh. You just need to figure out what’s best for you and do it. Yeah, it’d be uncomfortable, but you should get used to doing uncomfortable things anyway. Too many people just do whatever is comfy. Plus, now that you belong to Dan, there’s a chance that something he’ll ask you to do will be uncomfortable, and you’d have to do it anyway.”

“Yeah, but that’s different! I…” Dan cut Leigh off, asking quickly, “Wait, hold up. Leigh, are you gay? A lesbian, or whatever label you’d want?” The blonde giggled again and corrected him, “Bi. I’ve mostly dated guys, actually, but a girl asked me out six months ago. We only lasted about four, but that was mostly because she was kind’ve a controlling bitch, so I broke it off with her.”

“Ok, and that’s different from you being mine?”

“Yes, Dan. I belong to you. Like, I hope you’ll treat me in a way to keep me happy, but if you don’t it’s not because you don’t respect other people, it’s because I’m your property. I mean, I do tend to think less of people who don’t treat their shit well, but the interior of your car is clean, and I hope I’m not reading too much into that, but I take it as a good sign.” Dan laughed at that. He did actually always prefer to keep both his car and his apartment clean. He wasn’t always as neat on the road, but since he spent about a third of the year traveling, he liked to avoid coming home to a mess.

As he finally pulled into his apartment’s parking lot, Dan asked, “Ok, so you both belong to me, I can do whatever I want so long as it isn’t illegal otherwise. I can tell you to go about your lives otherwise, but they’d be worse off than they were before you became mine. That sounds about right?”

“Yes!” “Yup!” Both women fired back responses instantly and without hesitation.

“Ok, and do you think your lives will be worse off if I do keep involved with both of you?”

“Nah.” Leigh answered first, with Ashley waiting a few moments before slowly adding, “No, probably not. Given what I know about you, you’re probably the person I would have chosen to belong to, if I had to make a choice.” She shrugged, starting to take off her seatbelt even as Dan pulled into his assigned spot.

Leigh called up from the back of the car, “Hey, can we get inside so you can fuck me? I haven’t gotten laid in months, and now that I belong to you, you’re a really easy way to fix that.” Ashley snorted out a laugh at that, adding, “I wouldn’t mind if you saved some for me. It’s been a little longer than two months. I think Leigh probably has a higher sex drive, so I’m less impacted, but I would certainly enjoy it if you managed a round with me tonight as well.”

Both women climbed out of the car, shutting the doors behind him, and turning to wait expectantly for Dan to show them the way. He climbed out as well, closed the door, then turned and looked between the two women who shared a first name. His apartment was just off the street, and cars were driving past no more than forty feet away. There were also a handful of people making their way along the nearby sidewalk, heading towards the beach, making it far too crowded to continue the conversation outside.

The two Ashleys followed Dan up the single flight of stairs into his apartment. The interior was tiny, no more than six hundred square feet in total, but it was neat and homey. It had only three rooms - bedroom, bathroom, and a living room kitchen combination. It also featured a small exterior patio that it shared with the apartment next door, on which he kept a tiny succulent garden that he was able to tend with minimal maintenance in between his travels.

The centerpiece of the living room was a plain white couch, and Dan claimed the middle seat, pulling out The The Nootbook from his pocket as he did. Ashley slipped onto the left side, folding her knees up beneath herself and leaning gently against Dan’s side while she looked over his shoulder. Leigh walked to the front of the couch, looked at where the glass coffee table in front of it was positioned, then back up at Dan. Without asking, she pulled the table back a few feet until it was pressed against the far wall under the TV, before returning. Smoothly lowering herself to her knees in front of Dan, she looked up at him and asked, “Is it ok if I start getting you ready to fuck me? You can say no, of course, but… I’d really appreciate it.”

“I… uhh… sure?” Taking that as enough consent, Leigh let out an excited squeak. She pulled off the blue polo she was still wearing, revealing a plain white bra. Unhooking and dropping that, she revealed a pair of noticeably larger breasts than Dan had expected. Sitting high on her chest, they looked to be well more than a handful each, capped with comparatively tiny areola and nipples that were already standing at attention in the warm air of the apartment. She was also skinnier than he had thought, to the point of slightly visible ribs and hip bones, a fact which made the size of her breasts stand out even more. The blonde let out a quiet sound of relief, prompting Ashley to comment, “Girl, you need a new bra, that cannot be the right fit for you. If Dan lets us, we should go shopping soon and get you sized up.

The blonde leaned forward, undoing Dan’s slacks and starting to tug them down his legs. He lifted his hips and his pants were pulled down to his knees, leaving his boxers behind. Leigh immediately reached out to slip her hand into his fly, and he couldn’t help but groan as he felt her fingers encircle his hardening shaft. She maneuvered it out into the air of his apartment and started stroking it with a light touch as she replied. “Yeah, it’s been a while. All through high school I couldn’t wait until they started coming in, but I was kind’ve a late bloomer. Then all of a sudden…” She twisted her torso back and forth, setting her breasts to jiggling as she exclaimed, “Bam! I thought they were supposed to stop growing by the time you were like… eighteen, but I swear I went up two cup sizes in college.”

Leigh shrugged, then lifted up on her knees enough to lean forward and suddenly engulf the head of Dan’s cock with her mouth. He groaned, leaning against the back of his couch to give her more room. Ashley shifted with him, staying snuggled up to his side as the other woman began bobbing up and down, the swirling of her tongue and the soft heat of her lips and mouth sending waves of pleasure through Dan’s body.

The room was silent for about a minute, save the occasional lewd slurping noise as Leigh’s lips slid up and down Dan’s cock, until he eventually managed to remember that he had a goal other than fucking the two Ashleys. “I… uh… ok, I told you this was going to sound weird, but I’m going to be totally honest with you two. The reason you belong to me is that I found this magic notebook thing - except it says inside that it’s, and I quote, ‘The The Nootbook’. Everything I write in there becomes true, kinda, except I can’t get it to accept some things and I don’t know what the rules are.”

While he spoke, Leigh continued sliding her head up and down, swallowing about half of his cock before withdrawing. Her deep blue eyes were wide open as she looked up at him, and looking down into them while she expertly fellated him was nearly hypnotic. Ashley reached a hand down into Dan’s lap, her fingers sliding under his balls to gently begin massaging them while her namesake stimulated his shaft. As the one whose mouth wasn’t full, she was the first to respond. “Ok, that makes sense. It’d have to be something like that, since I know I didn’t belong to you this morning, but I do now.” Leigh simply hummed a “hmm-hmm!” of assent without so much as slowing her motions.

Dan groaned as Ashley added her stimulation to the blowjob he was already receiving, doing his best to press on despite the distraction. “And you’re both ok with that?”

“I mean, what’s not to be ok with? I am yours.”


The immediate assent from the two women gave Dan a moment’s pause, during which Leigh changed her pacing. Sliding her mouth down until his cock hit the back of her throat, she slowly pulled back with her lips tightly wrapped around his shaft, creating an intense suction. She stopped when just the head of his dick remained in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it rapidly and causing Dan’s eyes to roll back in his head at the sensation. It threatened to derail his train of thought, but he pushed through and managed to ask, “Would… would the you of this morning have been ok with it?”

Leigh tilted her head to the side in thought, causing his cock to push out against the side of her cheek, and Ashley let out a long hmm of thought. It was the blonde who managed to respond first, pulling her head to the side to rest it on Dan’s thigh. “In specific, no, I didn’t know you this morning. In general, maybe? I’ve always been pretty submissive in the bedroom, so the idea of belonging to someone is actually pretty hot. Once I got to know you, I would’ve been open to the idea.” She wrapped her hand around Dan’s dick while she spoke, jacking him off with her own copious saliva as lubricant.

Ashley waited until the other woman had given her answer before adding, “No, I don’t think I would have. I did know you this morning, and while I would’ve been fine with a sexual relationship, I would have wanted more say in the terms.” She shrugged, snuggling up against Dan’s side in the process, before again gently squeezing his balls. “That was before, though. Now, it’s just a fact. It’s like… I don’t have to be ok with gravity, it’s a thing that exists.” She paused, then shifted enough to be able to plan a soft kiss on Dan’s cheek. “I’m glad I belong to you instead of some creep, if that helps? I don’t know how I’d feel about it if I belonged to Ricky or someone else. I mean, it’s magic, so maybe I’d be fine with that too, but thinking about it now creeps me out.”

While the brunette spoke, Leigh removed her hand and once more started bobbing her head in short motions. She stopped almost as soon as Ashley finished speaking, quickly asking, “Hey, Dan - I should’ve asked this before, but are you a quick trigger or anything? Like, I love giving head. Always have, probably always will, but I was really hoping to get laid too. Obviously, you can tell me what you want, but…”

Dan had to actually pause to think there, eventually replying, “I think maybe if you really want sex, you should stop there. You’re really good at that. I’d be happy to return the favor, but if you want me inside you, it’s probably better you stop now.” The blonde gave one last long, slow lick of Dan’s cock, before standing up. She unbuttoned her khakis and immediately pushed both them, and her panties down her legs, kicking them to the side. “Dan, will you please fuck me?”

Ashley gave one more gentle squeeze to Dan’s balls, then pulled her hand back to let him stand. He did so, glancing quickly between the two women, then asked, “Before we go any further than this, do you want me to, I don’t know, see if I can undo what the nootbook thing did?” He glanced down and couldn’t help but feel slightly ridiculous standing with his pants still around his ankles, so he stepped to the side, leaving them behind. Then, since Leigh was already naked, he pulled off his own shirt, leaving him just in his boxers. The naked blonde in question stepped forward, pressing herself against his chest while her hand dipped down to encircle his cock, squeezing around the base of it firmly. “Sex first, science later.”

Her argument was persuasive enough that Dan simply nodded, gesturing towards the door to the bedroom. She turned to begin walking that direction, without releasing her hand from his cock. He followed along slightly awkwardly, while Ashley called out from the couch, “If it’ll make you feel better, Dan, I would be happy to submit myself to whatever experiments you like when you’re done with your new nymphomaniac.” As Dan and Leigh passed through the doorway, leaving it open behind them, Ashley pulled out her phone and started tapping at it idly.

In the bedroom, Leigh led Dan to the side of his bed, and then turned an abrupt one-eighty to face him. He was again struck by how simply adorable her face was. The thought was offset by the hungry look in her eyes as she regarded him, sizing him up like a piece of meat. Which, he supposed, was mostly what she was interested in at the moment. She spoke first while he was gathering his wits, her tone earnest. “Ok, so… obviously I’ll do whatever you want, but since I belong to you, I may as well tell you that one of the fastest ways to get me off is to hold me flat against the mattress while you fuck me. I kind’ve hate the name, but I’ve heard it called a ‘Prone Bone’.” She rolled her eyes quickly, then continued. “I told you I’ve always been pretty submissive in bed. If you hold my arms down while you fuck me prone, I will cum all over your cock so goddamn fast you won’t believe it. I’ll struggle, but that doesn’t mean you have to let go. I mean, obviously you don’t, you own me, but you seem pretty invested in making sure I’m onboard with everything so I want to let you know up front that struggling does not equal me trying to get you to stop.”

Dan listened patiently, absorbing the blonde’s rapid-fire words as quickly as he could, then nodded. He stepped forward, sliding one arm around her shoulders, then squeezed her gently against his chest, leaning down to kiss her. The fact that this was only the second time he had tasted her lips, and she’d spent some of the intervening hour or so on her knees with his cock in her mouth was not lost to him, but he wasn’t lying earlier when he said he enjoyed kissing pretty girls. She melted against him, pressing her breasts firmly against his chest as she parted her lips to let his tongue explore her mouth. Her deep blue eyes rolled shut, and for the next couple minutes, the pair simply kissed, holding each other tightly as their mouths met with increasing passion.

Finally, Dan pulled back, gesturing at the bed and stating, “I want to fuck you facing you first. Then… then we’ll try it your way.” Leigh glanced behind herself, then hopped back onto the bed, scooting back to the middle of the covers. She stretched her arms up above her head, writhing gently and rocking her hips back and forth, providing a tantalizing glimpse of what lay between her thighs as she did so. When she’d first removed her work pants and panties, Dan had been distracted enough that he only caught a glimpse of her sex. Now that he had a better view, he realized she wasn’t shaved as he had initially assumed, but the blonde hair surrounding her light pink pussy was so fine and pale as to be nearly invisible at a casual glance.

As Dan removed his boxers and crawled forward onto the bed, Leigh immediately parted her thighs to welcome him, exposing the swollen lips of an extremely damp cunt. Her inner lips were slightly more prominent than her outer ones, and noticeably darker in color than the rest of her pale skin. He also immediately picked up on a hint of her scent, the pleasantly musky smell of her arousal reaching straight past his conscious brain to his libido and making itself at home. He immediately shifted his hips forward, positioning the head of his cock against her entrance. He paused there, meeting her eyes and asking, “Before I go further, you’re sure…”

Before Dan could finish his question, Leigh’s legs wrapped around his hips and squeezed, pulling him forward. He slid into her slick channel smoothly, drawing a joyous groan from the woman as her pussy squeezed down on the length of his shaft. She only relented when his hips met hers, the full length of his cock disappearing inside of her. She relaxed her grip, but didn’t remove her legs from around him as she groaned happily, “Fucking finally. God, it has been way too long. Dan, you may do whatever you want to me, but I would personally appreciate it if you would fuck my needy little pussy into submission right now.”

Dan obliged. He was already keyed up by the blonde’s mouth earlier, so he felt no need to build up to a grand event. Instead, he just started pumping his hips in a rapid, steady pace, sliding his cock back until just the head of it remained between Leigh’s lips, then slamming his hips forward to meet hers hard. He lowered his torso atop hers, propping himself up on his elbows as he fucked her, and she responded by releasing her legs from around him and instead wrapping her arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly.

For several long minutes, Dan simply luxuriated in fucking an enthusiastic partner while she moaned out her approval of his actions. Then he pulled back from her torso to give in to the urge that had been calling to him since she pulled off her bra. Leigh's breasts bounced and swayed with each thrust of his hips, and he nestled his face in amongst them. They were flattened against her chest somewhat, splaying to either side thanks to gravity’s inexorable pull, but as soon as his face found her cleavage, the busty girl supported his efforts by squeezing her upper arms together, pressing her breasts up to meet in the middle and create a deep cleavage for him to enjoy.

He nuzzled against Leigh’s tits as he fucked her. Then he turned his head to the side, wrapping his lips around the stiff little nub of her left nipple, flicking his tongue back and forth across it while he fucked her. Then he switched to the other nipple, suckling at it sharply, before closing his teeth down to nip at it and draw a yelp from her, followed by a breathy giggle. All the while, her silky channel squeezed and flexed around him, her cunt doing its absolute best to tell him to make himself at home and enjoy the stay.

Eventually, sweat began to drip down Dan’s temples. He pushed himself up off of her body, looking down onto a face that looked absolutely radiant when flushed with sweat and exertion. “God you’re gorgeous.” The words slipped out before he could even consider them, and they drew a brilliant smile from Leigh. “Thank you! I’m glad you like me.”

He ground his hips forward, nestling himself into her channel fully, before pulling back abruptly. This got a pout, until he shifted himself to the side. Before he could even issue an order, Leigh rolled over onto her chest, her arms stretching up over her head. She wiggled a comparatively small posterior at him, and Dan straddled her thighs. Looking down, he could see where the position exposed the lips her her cunt and used one hand to guide himself to her entrance, notching the head of his cock into her pussy, then pushing forward without fanfare or hesitation. The motion drew a long, slow, “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuucckkkkk…” from Leigh, whose hips bucked back against him to ensure the full length of his cock found its way inside her.

Dan started to slowly pump his hips back and forth, fucking her with steady strokes. Remembering Leigh’s advice from earlier, he reached out his left hand to capture her left wrist, then repeated the motion with the right, pinning them to the mattress with his weight and using the leverage to increase the force with which he fucked her. True to her word, Dan felt Leigh’s cunt begin to spasm rapidly, and a litany of muffled words started to make its way out from where her face was pressed into the blankets. “Fuck yes! Fuck me! Fuck me like you own me, Dan! Use my slutty little cunt like it was made for you!”

Picking up his pace in response to her words, Dan slammed himself home again and again, driving Leigh’s hips into the mattress as he bounced himself off of her thighs and ass. As he did, he felt her arms tense occasionally, pulling against where his hands held her wrists. She didn’t actually pull that hard, seeming focused on the sensation of his cock pounding into the depths of her channel, but every few seconds she would move as though to test his grip on her, ensuring that she was fully pinned beneath him.

The sweat that had begun to drip down Dan’s head splashed onto the woman’s back beneath him, and he began to feel his orgasm approach. Leigh’s pleading changed tone, suddenly becoming desperate as her hips rocked in an attempt to urge him onward. “Fuck me, Dan! Please fuck this cunt! It’s yours! It belongs to you! I am yours! Your horny little nympho bitch, please, I need you to cum in me! Yesssssssssssss!”

The final exultant cry of joy from Leigh came as she felt Dan thrust himself deep inside of her and pump her full of what felt like an ocean of his cum. The blonde’s moans trailed off into wordless grunts of pleasure as she came hard around his cock, her pussy squeezing rhythmically as she milked him for every drop of his seed she could.

After what felt like an eternity of pleasure, Dan half collapsed on top of Leigh. She hummed, wriggling beneath him as his weight trapped her, but didn’t seem to be capable of intelligent speech. After a minute or so, he noticed that her breathing seemed a little shallow and realized he was resting too much of his weight on her. He slid to the side, prompting a wordless whine of protest as he slipped his cock from within her depths, but noticed she did begin breathing more evenly once he wasn’t atop her.

It took Dan several minutes to fully catch his breath, and by the time he did the sweat that coated him had begun to evaporate. He shivered slightly, looking to where Leigh hadn’t yet begun to stir, and realized that the even pace of her breathing probably meant she had fallen asleep. A quiet chuckle escaped his lips and he rolled off of the bed as smoothly as he was able, trying not to disturb her. Glancing around, he realized that he would either need to put clean clothes on his sweat soaked body or walk naked through the living room where Ashley was presumably still waiting. She’d watched the other Ashley sucking his cock about half an hour before then, but the prospect of suddenly rocking up nude still felt daunting somehow. Casting about, he eventually noticed a towel stuffed into his laundry basket, and wrapped it around his waist before turning and braving the living room.

Walking in, he was greeted by the sight of Ashley on the couch with her skirt bunched up past her waist. She had her feet stretched out to either side, resting them on his tiny coffee table, and had clearly removed her panties at some point because he could see her darkly furred pussy being tenderly stroked by her fingers. One of her eyebrows quirked up at him as he walked in, glancing down to the towel and then back up to his face, but she didn’t stop the slow play of her fingers on her own sex. “I don’t really think of myself as a voyeur, but I have to admit, that was pretty hot to listen to. It was like live porn. So, Dan, you ready to experiment with a magic notebook?”

Dan was not, in fact, ready to start experimenting with a magical notebook with Ashley.

“I need to shower and… I’m not quite up for round two just yet.” He glanced over his shoulder through the doorway towards Leigh’s form, nude and asleep on his bed, then back to where his editor Ashley was still gently stroking the outer lips of her pussy under her skirt. A thought occurred to him and he hastened to add, “Not that I’m not interested in you, you’re amazing and I’ve wanted to for years, but…”

Ashley laughed, and Dan couldn’t help but smile in response. He’d always loved the way her eyes crinkled up at the corners when she found something funny, and seeing it while she was still teasing herself with her wet sex on full display was hot in a way he couldn’t fully explain. She had always been a fiercely vivacious woman, and adding her open sexuality to the mix did nothing to detract from that. “I know, Dan, I’ve known for a while, you don’t have to reassure me. My self esteem and sense of worth is still perfectly intact. I just happen to also belong to you now.” She glanced down at where his softening dick was still coated in a mixture of his cum and Leigh’s nectar. “Want me to help wash you off in the shower?”

It took only a moment before Dan shook his head. “No, as appealing as the thought is, the bathroom here is absolutely tiny, I don’t think the reality would live up to the fantasy.” He turned and began walking towards said bathroom, only to be caught up short when Ashley called after him, “Want me to keep edging myself so I stay ready for you, stop here, or finish myself off?”

Turning to face the dark haired woman once more, Dan’s eyes were drawn down to where her middle finger slowly slipped between the lips of her cunt, only pushing in an inch or so before being dragged up to run gentle circles around the outside of her clit. “I… uh… If you want to finish, you can go ahead and make yourself…” His faltering speech trailed off before he took a deep breath and tried to charge through the awkwardness. “If you want to make yourself cum, make yourself cum Ashley. You are mine, apparently, but my intention was never to take your life away from you.” His editor nodded, then promptly added a second finger to the mix, using her index and middle finger to rub in short, rapid circles over her clit. Her eyes rolled shut as she leaned back heavily on the couch. Despite his original intentions, Dan stayed and watched for the next several minutes as she expertly fingered herself to a surprisingly subdued orgasm, a few quiet sighs and some rolling of her hips as she pressed down with both fingers on her clit being the only external signs she displayed.

Only when Ashley got up to walk over to his kitchenette sink and wash her hands did Dan find he had regained the ability to move, turning to head into his shower. He soaked in the hot water for much longer than usual, grateful that the water heater for the complex was sufficient for the task.

Thirty minutes later, Dan emerged wrapped in a towel, finding Ashley once more browsing on her phone on his couch, and Leigh still asleep on his bed. The latter had apparently stirred enough to crawl under the blankets, but showed no signs of waking when he walked in and got dressed before returning to his living room.

Sitting on the opposite end of the couch from Ashley a few minutes later, Dan held The The Nootbook in one hand, a pen in the other, and a distant expression on his face as he struggled to recall exact wording. “Ok, so the first thing I did was try to make it normal for people at that cafe I like to ask for, and get, tips that they deserve. Only apparently I actually wrote ‘top’, and now anyone in there who thinks that they deserve to top someone, or to be topped, can just… ask? And if the person they’re asking agrees, they just… will. Right there. Oh, and no one thinks its weird.” He paused briefly, then added, “Topping in this case-”

Ashley laughed, waving away his explanation. “I’m familiar with the term in the BDSM and gay sex context. And I’ve heard it used to talk about blowjobs, but that was a while ago so I don’t know if it’s still in use.” She paused to type briefly on Dan’s laptop. “Ok, so: What you write down becomes true, the rules stay in place, and you can affect multiple other people at the same time. What else?”

Dan nodded slowly, staring off into the corner of the room as he tried to recall his first intentional experiments. “I tried making myself fit, and that didn’t seem to do anything. Oh! And the words I wrote down in the cafe vanished, but only after a while. I wrote them down, then I was able to check them again a few minutes later. When I tried to become instantly in shape, the words sank into the page right away.” As Ashley continued taking notes, he then continued, “Then I tried to see if I could get some billionaires to give away their money. Those words also went away immediately, and so far I haven’t seen any news stories about it, so I’m guessing that’s a bust too.”

The dark haired editor continued typing in response, then summarized aloud, “So, it’s possible you can’t affect yourself, or maybe you can’t make physical changes. It’s possible you can’t affect people far away, or maybe something about the wording just didn’t work to get the results you wanted.” She shrugged, looking away from her laptop to meet Dan’s eyes and asking, “Anything else?”

He shook his head. “No. The next time I tried to do something was when I tried to fix the office editor rule from Ricky. I guess the important thing about that was that I named ‘Ashley’ in what I wrote down, but somehow that made both you and Leigh, who I had seen but didn’t know the name of, mine. She would have been in the room at the time, though. Do you know of any other Ashleys in the building?” His editor shook her head in the negative, so he continued, “So thus far it’s only worked on people in the same room as me, but the effects continue after I leave.”

Ashley added a few more words to her notes, then turned back and exclaimed, “Ok, then - let’s test! First one is easy, let’s find out if you can affect physical changes in other people.” She reached down and started untucking her blouse from her skirt, then pulled it off over her head. She was wearing a plain gray bra beneath, clearly intended more for comfort and support than for display. A moment later, it joined her shirt in dropping onto the couch between them, revealing a pair of breasts just big enough to fill Dan’s palms, capped with tight dark nipples. He watched as she stripped to the waist, then raised an eyebrow as she lifted her dark eyes to meet his. “So, make my tits bigger. I saw how you were looking at Leigh’s, give me a pair like hers?”

Dan scowled immediately, though the effect was somewhat damped by the way his gaze dropped to the chest on display. “I don’t… you don’t need bigger tits, Ashley, they’re great. Yes, Leigh has an amazing rack, but you’re beautiful as you are.” Ashley beamed at his praise, pulling her shoulders back a little to thrust out her chest.

“Awww, thanks Dan!” She relaxed against the arm of the couch once more, leaving her shirt off as she continued, “But it’s an easy way to test. If you’re worried about it, maybe make them just enough bigger to notice the difference? It may not work anyway, and I wouldn’t object to slightly bigger breasts.” He frowned for a moment, then shrugged. Putting the pen to the nootbook, he wrote carefully.

My editor, Ashley, has breasts that are just enough bigger than they were this morning for me to notice the difference.

He looked up at the breasts in question, eyes fixing on them to see if they changed at all, while their bearer kept her eyes focused on the words he had written. Ashley spoke first, her voice matter of fact, “The words disappeared almost instantly. Any change?” Dan shook his head slowly, keeping his eyes on the lovely mounds in front of him. “Not so far. So, call that one a bust for now?” Ashley giggled, which caused Dan to pause, only recognizing the pun after the fact and letting out a laugh of his own. “Ok, unintentional but accurate. You have a lovely bust, Ashley, and I am not ashamed to say that I’m very glad to get to see it at last.”

She shrugged, her tone equanimous as she responded, “You can see them anytime you want, Dan, I am yours. That includes my tits. Look at them, play with them, suck on them, fuck them… though they’re really too small for that. Good thing you have Leigh if you’re interested, hers are probably a better fit - heh - for your cock.”

Dan glanced towards the door to the bedroom, but the angle was such that he couldn’t catch more than a hint of the shape the other Ashley made under the blankets as she snoozed. Then he turned back towards his editor and scooted a little closer. Leaning over, he dropped the nootbook on top of her blouse and reached out a hand, cupping her breast. She tilted her chest, thrusting it into his touch and smiling as he squeezed gently, before switching to the other. He leaned back, scooping up the nootbook once more and stating, “Ok, yeah - those are worth waiting for. You have great tits, Ashley, and for the record I don’t think they need to be changed at all. Anyway… next test?”

She thought for a moment, not bothering to re-dress, then suggested, “We should run a test with someone who isn’t here yet, just something minor, but let’s wait until we’re done testing the easy stuff.” She paused briefly, glanced at her notes, then went on, “So, let’s try some things that are technically physical, but aren’t like… changing bodies. Like… can you make me orgasm really easily? Or make me be extra turned on by listening to you and Leigh fuck?”

Dan furrowed his brow, tearing his eyes away from Ashley’s exposed tits to look her in the eye once more. “Is there a reason those suggestions are all sexual? Like, I’m not opposed to trying any of those, but… I could try to make you really like green beans and think brussel sprouts taste like chocolate, and I think that would be just as valid a test…”

It was Ashley’s turn to frown in concentration, before eventually shrugging and announcing, “I don’t know, it just sounded more fun, I guess…” She trailed off, and Dan rose from his couch. Making his way to his kitchenette, he dug through the cabinets until he found a small pouch, then returned to the couch. Handing it over, he began writing in The The Nootbook while his companion examined the snack she had been handed.

My editor, Ashley, will experience an orgasm every time she eats a chocolate covered peanut.

“There, fun, sexy, but maybe a little less intense. Shit - you don’t have an allergy, do you?” Dan’s sudden concern caused Ashley to laugh, and she reached out a hand to press fondly against his knee.

“I do not.” She paused, then gestured with her free hand, indicating the still open nootbook. “Your words are still there.” She then tore open the top of the bag carefully. Reaching within, she withdrew a single treat, opened her mouth and popped it inside. She waited a moment, then chewed carefully, swallowing soon after. Then she moaned loudly, writhing suddenly and collapsing against the back of the couch with a long, low, “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.” Then she reached into the bag and grabbed another peanut.

“Thank you, Dan. That was a… mmm… very pleasant way to test.” She immediately popped the second nut into her mouth, chewing it as quickly as she was able, then swallowing. Her hips bucked, and she dropped the bag as both of her hands flew between her legs, pressing against her sex through her skirt as she moaned again, “Fuuckkyesssssssssssohgod.” She slumped further into the couch, then glanced down to where the bag had fallen. Luckily, Dan had caught it before any of its contents could spill onto the white fabric of his couch, and he watched her now with an expression that mixed curiosity with a hint of hunger.

“So, that worked.” Dan’s voice was slightly strained as he watched his friend and longtime crush cumming repeatedly on the couch, his pants suddenly feeling much tighter than they had been. Ashley limited herself to two peanuts, but one of her hands did reach out to pluck the bag back out of Dan’s grasp, depositing it on the coffee table next to his laptop. She leaned over and quickly updated her notes, then turned her dark eyes back on the man who owned her.

“Ok, I think I love your magic notebook.”

Over the course of the next hour, Dan and Ashley managed to tease out some additional information about The The Nootbook. They learned that it worked when the subject was in a different room from the author, but not when they weren’t in the same building - even when they were only separated by a single wall. That discovery came with Ashley’s nipples becoming sufficiently sensitive to pleasurable stimulation that she could make herself cum by playing with them.

They also learned that while they could modify previous commands, they couldn’t annul them entirely. Dan was able to restrict Ashley’s chocolate-peanut-based orgasms to five a day, but when he tried to countermand it entirely, the words simply sank into the paper immediately.

The pair were sitting on the couch once more, though this time Ashley had stripped off her skirt and was sitting on a towel to avoid staining the furniture with the results of their experimentation. Dan was still dressed in the jeans and t-shirt he had donned after his shower, and when Leigh wandered in still fully naked after her post-fuck nap, he reflected that he could probably get used to having a couple of beautiful naked women hanging around him. The busty blonde waved lazily as she yawned, meandered over to the couch and folded herself down gracefully onto her knees at Dan’s feet. Nuzzling her head in against him gently, she asked, “Hi, what’d I miss?”

Dan instinctively reached out, petting Leigh’s now messy blonde hair and receiving a happy cooing noise from the young woman in response. As Ashley quickly explained the results of their experimentation, Dan found his hand slipping around to grip the back of Leigh’s neck firmly. He hadn’t exactly intended to do so, but the action felt so natural that he just went with it. Leigh’s body went stiff for a moment, then melted in against him, her head canting to the side to provide him better access to her body. A moment later, he forced himself to relax his fingers, but the blonde remained snuggled up to his legs firmly even after he released his grip. Despite the obvious effect the brief interaction had on her, though, Leigh’s voice was perfectly clear as she suggested, “So, can we write in the book?”

Both Dan and Ashley stared in shock for a few moments as the realization that they hadn’t even thought to test that particular aspect of The The Nootbook. Dan wordlessly held the nootbook and pen out across the couch, and his editor took them from his hands. She flipped to a blank page, stared at it for a moment, and then wrote in a smooth flowing script.

Dan’s property, Ashley, can deepthroat him comfortably, and will cum any time he cums in or on her body.

She turned The The Nootbook, displaying the words she wrote, only to have Dan shake his head almost immediately. “Nope, words disappeared almost instantly.”

Ashley frowned, then handed the book back to Dan. As she did so, her lips crept slowly upwards as she suggested, “Well, let’s check to make sure it’s not the thing I wrote that’s the problem. You write it, exactly the same as I did.” Dan’s brow furrowed, but he accepted the pen. When he hesitated, Ashley added, “Have to write it exactly the same to make sure it was the fact that I was writing, not the words.” He paused briefly, shrugged, and copied down the words while Ashley dictated them. The blonde then slipped off the couch to kneel beside Leigh. Having two naked women - one ridiculously cute and busty, the other with a sultry and decidedly hungry look in her eyes - suddenly kneeling in front of him brought Dan from half mast to full. He hadn’t really gone soft for most of the last hour, as the repeated cries of pleasure from his editor during their experimentations were enough to stimulate him to arousal even after he dumped a full load of his cum into Leigh’s pussy a short while before.

Ashley reached up her hands into Dan’s lap, finding the zipper of his jeans by feel as her heavy lidded eyes remained fixed on his face. Her fingers slowly unzipped his pants, then dipped into his fly to carefully work his shaft free. Beside her, Leigh watched on in fascination, her own hands slowly creeping their way down to her slender thighs. As Ashley pushed herself up on her knees, bringing her face closer to Dan’s cock, she murmured just loud enough for all three to hear, “Have to make sure it worked…”

Then she opened her lips wide and a wet heat engulfed Dan’s dick. She worked her way down slowly, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock as she slowly swallowed inch after inch of his erection. Despite the wording of the phrase she had chosen, she didn’t rush to shove him down her throat. Instead, she took her time exploring, learning her way around. She leaned forward, lowering her face until the head of Dan’s cock touched the back of her throat, then spent a few minutes just licking and sucking, tasting the flavor of her owner’s precum as it joined her saliva in an attempt to lubricate her throat for his use.

Only after Dan slumped back against the couch did Ashley actually test her limits. She pushed her head forward, cautiously at first, waiting until she felt something hit the back of her mouth. Then she began to push down, feeling as the back of her throat opened up, allowing her to swallow Dan’s cock entirely. Beside her, Leigh leaned in close, one of her hands slowly toying with her clit as she watched her owner’s dick disappear entirely. “Oh. My. Fuck. That is so goddamn hot. She is swallowing your whole goddamn dick, and that thing felt like it was stretching my cunt wide open when you fucked me.”

Dan reached a hand out to touch the side of Leigh’s face as she spoke, otherwise leaving his arms and knees spread wide to give Ashley the room she needed to work. As his editor started to experiment, the blonde beside her turned her head, wrapping her lips immediately around his index finger and starting to tease that with her tongue.

Ashley started to slowly pick up speed, pulling back until her lips were wrapped around the head of Dan’s dick, then sliding her head forward. Each time, she felt the back of her throat open up with ease, allowing her to impale her face completely on the spike of Dan’s shaft, and no matter how vigorously she thrust herself down on him, she was able to easily accept the entirety of his length without gagging. As her head began bobbing faster and faster, Leigh eventually released Dan’s finger, focusing on her own hand between her leg as she played with her own puffy pussy lips while whispering hotly. “Fuck yeah girl, take that dick. It just feels right, doesn’t it? Using your body to pleasure the man who owns you? Fuck, you have no idea how hot you look every time you bury your face in his lap, and I can watch your throat bulging around his huge dick… God, I wish that was me. I can’t wait until he pumps his load straight down your throat. I’m gonna make myself cum for him when he does. You hear that, Dan? Both of us are going to cum when you fill your brunette’s belly up with your cum.”

The blonde’s tone became more and more ragged, her voice getting breathier as she brought herself to the edge of orgasm. She kept herself there, her fingers gliding slowly along the slick lips of her cunt as she edged herself, her deep blue eyes half closing as she urged, “Please… please Dan. Please fill Ashley’s throat. She can’t beg you, so I’m begging for her… please cum down your fucktoy’s throat!”

Leigh’s ardent words finally pushed Dan towards the edge. Without even considering what he was doing, he brought his head up to the back of Ashley’s head, wrapping his fingers through the black curls of her hair and shoving her face forward. She allowed herself to be manhandled, shoving her face forward until her lips were pressed into Dan’s bushy pubic hair as she felt his shaft begin to swell and pulse in her mouth. As he groaned out a loud, “Fuuuckk YES!”, his balls pulsed and he began to pump his load straight into the back of Ashley’s throat.

The moment the first spurt of Dan’s cum hit Ashley’s esophagus, the dark haired woman’s body went stiff. Tremors began to ripple down her body and a deep moan vibrated along Dan’s shaft as she came hard. Her throat swallowed repeatedly, the muscles working to milk out every drop of her owner’s seed. Beside her, Leigh was far less subdued in her orgasm as she allowed it to finally overtake her body, two fingers pressing firmly into her pulsing clit as she yelled out, “FuckyesDan! Claim your bitches! Yours! We are yours! I am yours! I belong to you! Fuuuckkyessssssssss!”

As Dan felt the last pumps of his cum disappear down Ashley’s throat, Leigh collapsed against his leg. The sudden jolt of motion was enough to pull him out of his reverie to realize he still had a firm grip on his editor’s head, his fingers wrapped tightly through her hair to hold her in place as he filled her stomach with his cum. It took him a moment longer to figure out how to make his limbs move enough to push her head back, allowing her to take in a long shuddering breath of air the moment her throat was clear enough. She coughed a couple times, then collapsed with her head resting on Dan’s thigh. Beside her, Leigh nuzzled her head gently against Dan’s other knee, while he reached out both hands to pat their hair affectionately.

“You’re sure you want to do this?”

Ashley’s voice was quiet, but firm as she looked across the couch at Dan. He was holding The The Nootbook in his lap, next to a scrap of paper with a short phrase written on it. The phrase was the result of about thirty minutes of brainstorming and revising, after determining that writing anything which revoked Dan’s ownership of the two women simply vanished immediately.

“I’m sure.” Dan took a deep breath, then carefully transcribed the phrase from paper to nootbook.

The women who belong to Dan feel comfortable going about their lives as though they did not.

All three held their breath, watching the ink on the paper. Seconds ticked by, stretching the moment out longer and longer, until it became apparent that the phrase was going to stick. Dan let out a long sigh of relief, then snapped the the nootbook shut before tossing it lightly onto the coffee table. As he did, Ashley rose from her seat on the couch. She walked over in front of Dan, bending down and pressing her lips to his cheek warmly. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that. I’m going to go get some sleep in my bed. I’ll see you in the office soon, yeah? You’re not going to be a stranger?” She turned her head to face him without straightening, keeping her face next to his.

Dan smiled at the black haired woman, accepting the gesture of affection from her, and nodding at her questions. “Yeah. I won’t be a stranger.” Ashley leaned forward and whispered softly in his ear as soon as he did, “Good, because you still own me, and sometimes I get horny at lunch…” Her lips brushed his ear, then she straightened. Scooping up her purse as she walked to the front door, she waved over her shoulder as she departed. When the door latched behind his editor, Dan turned to face Leigh and asked the blonde, “Heading back home?”

He received a mischievous grin in response. “If you tell me to. If not, well… I’m comfortable going about my life as I was before, but… I am yours.”

As Dan watched, Leigh walked back towards his bedroom, shedding clothing as she went.

RoboticSquid 2024-06-29 at 04:49 (UTC+00)

This is pretty wholesome. I like situation like this where a good person is given a very abusable power that has a mind of its own but still tries to use it as responsibly as possible. I think I just really like the trope of bad power good people and this is very similar. Any enough of my tangent I love this story and this chapter.

AlexiaRose 2024-06-13 at 03:54 (UTC+00)

I love that he is a very caring owner. Leigh is going to wear I collar and be such a wonderful Pet. It will be funny when Ashley suddenly cums randomly after Leigh gets Dan’s cum. Giggles

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