The mysterious gift

Chapter 2

by HypnoFox

Tags: #bondage #D/s #dom:female #humiliation #multiple_partners #sub:female #sadomasochism

New chance

We arrived at her car, a BMW, now I understand where she was before coming here to save me, but the question that remains is, why did she come to a rural area when she was literally from the big city, but I didn't even question it, She opened the car and opened the front passenger door for me to get in, I got in and she closed the car door, turning around and getting into the car.

'Do you want me to turn on the radio?'

"It is not necessary."


She started and we got out of there.

After a while, we arrived on the road, and according to the route she was taking, she wanted to go to a snack bar or restaurant, I didn't ask anything, I just waited.

We arrived at a snack bar, I looked at the time and it was 00:00.

"Hey, why is this diner open until now?"

"There are probably some drunks stopping the diner from closing, let's enjoy it and eat something."

We entered the cafeteria, it was small but beautiful, there were some people sitting at the counter, other drunk people at the tables shouting something that I didn't understand.

We found two seats at the counter and called the waiter.

"No, what do you want?"

"May I see the menu?"

"Sure here it is."

We took a look at the menu and called the waiter again and placed our orders, after about 20 minutes (or 30) he came with a tray with two cokes and two burgers.

"Just that?"

"Just, if I need more I'll call you."

So we started eating until I saw that she didn't stop looking at me.

Was there something wrong?

"Hey, what happened, do I have something dirty? Besides being all wet."

"No, I'm sorry, but... I was thinking about something, but it's not the time to ask that, eat it while it's hot, then let's go to my house, okay?

I just nodded my head yes.

I don't know why, but I felt something strange when I entered the cafeteria, as if there was someone else watching us, I can't say anything, for now it was just a suspicion, I continued eating and drinking the coke, fearing that someone had put in a sleeping pill or something more (you know what? He's crazy about everything).

We finished eating and she paid the bill, I didn't feel anything different (thank God) and we got in her car again, and this time I asked.

 "Where do we go now?"

 "Let's go to my house, we need to take a hot shower after all."

 "True, I'm sorry I'm giving you trouble."

 "You don't need to say sorry."

 She said making a smile.

 After another 40 minutes (because of the traffic) we arrived at her apartment, we were lucky that she lives on the 1st floor (if she lived on the top floor, I would definitely try again), she pressed the button and the gate opened, we went in and we put the car away, got out and walked a little until we got to the elevator, we didn't say anything and she always held my hand, making sure I didn't do something deadly stupid, we took the elevator and went up to our destination.

When we arrived, the elevator dinged and we got out, we walked until we reached door 10 (and there were many more doors ahead), she took the key and unlocked the door.

 When we entered, I realized that the apartment was suitable for two people at most, had a living room and kitchen separated by a balcony, two bedrooms, a small clothesline and a bathroom.

 "I hope you like it, it's not much, but it's what I have, I like it here."

 "It's fine with me, I never liked very big places."

 "So...who's going to take a shower first?"

 I asked

 "You better, I'll get a towel." She said and walked quickly to her room, and took a white towel with red flower embroidery and handed it to me.

 With a jump, she realized she forgot something else and ran to the room (I imagined the neighbors complaining the next day) and handed me a pair of really cute long-sleeved pajamas.

 "I didn't need to." She said starting to blush, lowering her head quickly so she wouldn't notice

 I grabbed my pajamas and ran to the bathroom, praying she wouldn't see me blushing, I turned the shower on hot and got in, relaxing (my hairy choir may fight).

 After an hour, I get out of the shower feeling refreshed and wait for Ashley to take a shower, she comes out after 30 minutes also wearing long pajamas.

"Come on, I'll get you a mattress."

 She speaks excitedly

 "Xiu, there are people sleeping."

 "We're going to sleep now too."

 She takes the mattress from behind the bed and takes out two single sheets, one to cover the bed and the other to cover me, she takes a pillow and takes a pillowcase and puts it on that pillow.

 "Okay, your bed is made, I'm going to close the house so we can sleep, I'll be right back."

 She leaves the room, leaving me alone for a moment, I reflect on this, and I thank her for saving me from myself.

 She comes back turning off all the lights and only leaves the one in the room on, so I can get ready on the mattress and she can turn off the light, she throws herself on the bed and covers herself in the bed before going to sleep she says.

 "Good night Aruna, sweet dreams."

 "Goodnight Ashley, sweet dreams too."

 She fell asleep quickly, while I was staring at the ceiling, sleepless (a lie, I didn't want to sleep because every time I sleep, I have nightmares).

 After a few minutes of looking at the ceiling, I forced myself to sleep, until I finally managed it, a shame that I would wake up three hours later because of a nightmare.

 Pov: Nightmare

 I was at a pool party for one of the popular girls at my school, I was watching people have fun while I was trying to stay as hidden as possible, until I felt a courage that I got from I don't know where and I walked to the edge of the pool. pool, until I felt someone push me, I fell into the pool, it's very cold, and I can see a wall in front of me, the pool wall, and my memories are projected onto it (just like those movies or soap operas and animes when they have flashbacks)

 And I saw again in parts everything bad that I've been through so far, the only problem was that I was running out of oxygen, I swam until I reached the surface, but it stretched too far, I never really managed to get out, I started to hear those laughs again, They always haunt me, my chest starts to hurt, I continue swimming desperately, when I finally reach the surface....

 Nightmare off:

 I wake up scared, shaking all over, I put my hand on my chest to make sure it doesn't hurt, I touch myself to make sure it was just a nightmare.

I look to the side and Ashley didn't even notice anything (I'm a heavy sleeper, I wish), I take a little breath and go out to try to contain the tears that fall against my will.

 I make as little noise as possible so as not to wake up there, I leave the room and go to the living room, I take a cushion and take out my anger on it (screaming under it to muffle the sound and throwing a few punches), I continue crying desperately until I fall asleep, It didn't take long, I ended up sleeping in the living room.

 I wake up around nine in the morning with the good smell of boiled eggs and freshly brewed coffee.

 "Good morning sleepyhead."

 Just as I was about to respond, I realized that I had the pillow and blanket on the couch.

 "You... saw that I slept here, sorry."

 "No, it's okay, I noticed that you woke up shaken at dawn."

 "Wait, were you awake?"

 "No, I woke up to you screaming and I pretended to go back to sleep so you would feel better, I waited for you to take out your anger and sadness on the pillow until you fell asleep and I slowly came to put the pillow and blanket so you could sleep more comfortably and not feel cold. "

 My mouth opened but the word stuck there and I blushed again.

 "So, shall we have coffee?"

 " C-Come on, come on."

 I got up from the sofa and went to the table, it was small but well organized, it had two plates with bread on the plate with eggs inside ready and two cups, and the bottle of coffee and milk.

 I put the coffee and milk in and ate the bread, it was wonderful, after we finished she took the plates and cups and went to wash them.

 "He doesn't want help."

 "It is not necessary."

 "Today I have an appointment, and I want you as my companion."

 She said looking at me.

 "I- Me? But because me, don't you have a relative or friend to take with you?"

 "They're busy, today we're going to take care of ourselves."

 "Like this?"

 "Just change your clothes and you'll know."

 "Well... I don't have any other clothes other than the ones I came in last night."

 "You can use mine, I separated some sets in the room."

 She finished washing the dishes and left them on the drying rack and went to her room to get ready. Meanwhile, I was making the bed I was in.

 After about 20 minutes she appears wearing jean shorts, a red spaghetti strap blouse, a blouse in her hand and sandals.

 "I'm almost ready, just need the hair."

 "What about you? Aren't you going to get ready?"

 "I'm going, I was waiting for you to leave."

 I entered the room and saw two sets that she separated: one of them was shorts like hers and a plain black blouse, and black sandals too, the other was a very short flowered dress (I don't wear it even if someone pays me) so I chose for the first option.

 Strangely enough, everything was served correctly, with nothing left or missing, once again I felt that feeling I felt last night in the cafeteria, there was something wrong, but I didn't know what it was.

 But I don't want to worry about anything right now, I just want to see where this takes me.

 I finished putting on my clothes and left the room, Ashley was already ready with her black hair in a low bun, she didn't even see me leave, she was playing with her cell phone, I ran to the bathroom to fix my hair, which always wakes up dry and set ( sometimes I feel like cutting it all off) I take a spray bottle and pour water on my hair, take a little cream and apply it until I get it straightened out (and for those who don't understand, my hair is curly) after about 10 minutes only For my hair, I finally leave the bathroom ready.

 "Here we go?"

 "Come on, I was waiting for you."

 We left, closed the whole house and left, if I had known that this would be the last time my life was normal, I would have enjoyed it more...

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