The Fey Sorority

by Kallie

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #fantasy #sub:female

Kappa Kappa Tau sorority decides to celebrate Halloween by recreating an authentic fey summoning ritual - and accidentally calling forth a fey queen with mind-warping powers who upends the sorority’s social hierarchy

Disclaimer: If you are under age wherever you happen to be accessing this story, please refrain from reading it. Please note that all characters depicted in this story are of legal age, and that the use of 'girl' in the story does not indicate otherwise. This story is a work of fantasy: in real life, hypnosis and sex without consent are deeply unethical and examples of such in this story does not constitute support or approval of such acts. This work is copyright of Kallie 2022, do not repost without explicit permission

“Uh…” Serenity let her voice rise in pitch as she trailed off, to express just how unhappy she was with the knife being pressed into her hands. “Don’t you think this is, like, a little far?”

From all around the spacious party room of the Kappa Kappa Tau sorority house, she heard derisive laughter. Regina Charles, the queen bitch of the sorority and the girl currently pressing the knife into her hands, flashed a deeply irritated look and put a hand on her hip.

“No, Serenity, I do not!” Regina made her name sound like a slur. She had a wonderful talent for that. “Don’t you think that you should be a little more grateful that I’m giving you such a big role in our Halloween party, when you’re still only a pledge?”

It was all Serenity could do not to roll her eyes. She knew it wasn’t exactly a favor. She didn’t like Regina, and Regina didn’t like her. Regina didn’t like anyone who didn’t treat her like the queen she thought she was, and Serenity was nowhere near superficial enough for that. Frankly, she hadn’t wanted to join a stupid sorority in the first place. But it was a family tradition, apparently, and being in KKT looked excellent on your résumé. She was starting to wonder if it was worth all this.

“Need I remind you,” Regina continued, addressing the room far more than she was addressing Serenity, “that Kappa Kappa Tau is famous for our extremely high-profile, extremely exclusive, no-boys-allowed Halloween parties?”

She paused for applause. Drunk, girlish cheers erupted around the room.

“And as sorority president, I will not allow my Halloween party to be anything less than truly perfect!” Regina declared. “Or… Serenity, surely you’re not going to tell me you don’t want me to break one million Instagram followers?”

Serenity wished, very badly, that she could tell Regina what she really thought. But it wasn’t worth it. She just had to get throw this stupid party, and soon enough, Regina would find another favorite victim.

“Of course not, sis,” Serenity replied, forcing an insincere smile to her face. “I just… can’t we use, like, a scalpel, or something?”

“Um? No?” Regina replied, appalled. “Look, Serenity, you’re just a pledge, so I wouldn’t expect you to understand, but Becky translated the ritual herself. And she’s a linguistics major!”

There was more applause, and Becky - one of the smug-looking girls flanking Regina - smiled. She was dressed like Velma from Scooby Doo, fittingly, and in her hands was a huge, old, leather-bound book, the words within completely illegible.

“The incantation is very specific,” Regina continued. “It has to be the right kind of ritual knife! And I’ll have you know that Daddy spent thousands having the genuine article imported from some dusty old tomb in Scotland.”

Serenity grimaced at the ancient, jagged-looking piece of black glass in Regina’s hands. It certainly looked like it belonged in a tomb.

“Whatever,” she said reluctantly. “Let’s just get this over with.”

Once again, the whole sorority cheered. By Regina’s decree, everyone was there. The whole room had been decorated for Halloween, the lights shrouded and everything draped in cobwebs. Most people were in costume, but not Serenity - and not Regina, either. She seemed to think that going as anything less than herself would be demeaning. Begrudgingly, Serenity had to admit there was a certain logic to that. If you had Regina’s perfect cheekbones, perfect platinum blonde hair, and perfect blue eyes, why disguise yourself?

“Then quit holding us up, and get on with it!” Regina said, smirking and thrusting the knife at Serenity. She took it, and prepared herself.

Monica, one of Regina’s other cronies - dressed, preposterously, as a sexy scarecrow - held out a large chalice expectantly. It looked every bit as old as the knife. Serenity placed her hand over it, palm down, and used the knife to slice herself open.

It was only a small incision, but thanks to the knife’s jagged edge, it hurt more than it should. As she watched her blood drip and drain into the chalice, Serenity once again cursed Regina’s stupid idea. Authenticity was all the rage on social media, apparently. And what could be more authentic that a complete recreation of an ancient Celtic faerie summoning rite? Serenity hoped Regina choked on all those retweets.

Once the chalice was filled, Serenity was permitted to bind her wound with a strip of cloth and step back into the crowd. As she did, she caught the look of malicious glee in Regina’s eyes at seeing her bleeding and in pain. The sorority queen really was a sick bitch sometimes. Serenity decided to simply try and forget about it, and do her best to blend in with the others so she wouldn’t end up as the victim of any more special treatment. It was, admittedly, something of a foolish effort. She didn’t really fit in with the other sorority girls. She was a head taller than most of them, for one, and not nearly as glamorous. She didn’t consider herself ugly, but she wasn’t a fan of the heavy makeup her sisters favored, and she kept her hair cut nice and short. At least the dyke look was popular with the kinds of girls Serenity was actually interested in.

“Now,” Regina announced, stepping up to the ridiculous podium she had ordered constructed for herself. “Are we ready to get this party-slash-ritual started?”

Every single girl in the room, except for Serenity, screamed their acclaim, many of them holding empty glasses into the air. In response to Regina’s queue, eerie music started rising in volume, projected from speakers hidden throughout the sorority house.

“That’s what I thought!” A huge grin was spread across Regina’s face, like she was drawing energy from the volume and praise. “So, Becky. The spell?”

Becky cleared her throat, and started chanting. The room went quiet as all ears strained to make out her words. She was speaking in some kind of ancient, unfamiliar language - an ancestor of Gaelish, perhaps. Over her, a few seconds later, Regina started chanting the same incantation, helpfully translated into English.

“Oh, Mab!” she cried, throwing out her hands dramatically. “Ancient queen of air and darkness! Hear our plea! On this day, the day the veil grows thin, heed our call! In our hour of need, your humble servants yearn for your rule! As summer turns to winter, bless us with your presence, mighty queen of the Unseelie court! Make of all of us your subjects, and of our humble domain, your court! And so, for you, we offer this sacrifice!”

As she spoke, Monica hefted the chalice in both hands, offering it up. Another of Regina’s inner circle, Kristen, stepped up to her, and held up a small, silver mirror - kind of ironic, Serenity thought, given that she was dressed as a vampire. At the climax of Becky’s chant, she took the ritual knife, still stained with Serenity’s blood, and used it to shatter the mirror into pieces. Each fragment fell into the blood-filled chalice, submerging so quickly it was as if they were melting.

The moment the last of the mirror disappeared, the room went dark. Then, at the same instant, every single window in the entire sorority house opened, as if a rushing wind was blowing through the place. Serenity couldn’t tell if something was being blown out, or being blown in. There were frightened little squeals from all around her as sorority sisters turned and bumped around in the dark, but none of them very serious. All of them knew this was just pageantry, after all. Regina had made no secret of the fact she had something special planned. Serenity had already decided to stay for only as long as necessary, and then bow out.

Those plans changed once the lights came back on.

The room felt completely different. The air seemed as cold and heavy as a winter’s snowfall. Just looking around, Serenity could see that everyone felt it, even if they didn’t seem to know why. The light was different too. It was dim and flickering, and an ethereal purple-red instead of the familiar platinum glow of electric light bulbs. Even the music was different. It felt more real, somehow, as if the ghastly strings and flutes were really in the room with them, and not simply being played through speakers.

All that, as perfectly-executed as it was, Serenity could have dismissed as skillful showmanship. But not what was happening to Regina.

In the dark, she had snatched the bloody chalice from Monica’s and was holding it aloft. But something looked wrong. Her eyes were wide with fright. Serenity gasped as she watched vapors rising from the chalice, red at first, but slowly turning into an abyssal, inky black. It congealed into a dense orb, floating impossibly in the air in front of Regina’s face. Regina opened her mouth, dumbstruck.

“What the-”

Immediately, she was cut off as the ethereal black liquid hovering before her flew towards her in thick, viscous streams and started to pour into her mouth, up her nose, and even into her eyes. Serenity clasped a hand over her own mouth, horrified. She wasn’t the only one. From all around her, sorority girls were shrieking and screaming as they watched their president choke on the impossible substance. Even Becky and Monica looked shocked. Eventually, the chalice was empty, and Regina was finally able to take a desperate, ragged, breath, bent double over her podium.

“Oh my god…” Regine breathed. Serenity may have hated the girl, but there was something chilling about hearing her sound so truly terrified. “W-what… what the… someone call-”

Regina cut off again, but this time, it wasn’t clear why. All of a sudden, she simply stood bolt upright, like a marionette whose strings had been pulled taut. And when she spoke again, it wasn’t her. It was still Regina’s voice, her mouth, her lips, but they were someone else’s words. That much was clear from the strange, foreign, lilting accent she was using, her tone still regal, but suddenly mature and experienced rather than youthful and petulant. The fear drained from her face, and she looked over the assembled, stunned sorority girls with a predatory eye.

“My, my,” she said. “What do we have here?”

“Um… Regina?”Kristen asked slowly. “Are you, like, OK?”

“Regina?” the sorority queen replied. “How amusing.”

Serenity was horrified. It was as if Regina had been possessed. This wasn’t her.

“Well,” the strange presence in Regina’s body mused, looking around. She spoke in a deeper voice than her host usually chose. “These are strange surroundings indeed. It has been some time since I have been called forth to a new court. And this vessel?” She gestured at herself. “It is… adequate, I suppose. But I think some glamour is in order.”

Suddenly, Regina’s body bent double again, and all her fear returned. “W-what the fuck!” Regina breathed. She sounded like her old self again. “N-no! G-get out of my h-head.”

The moment passed and, just as if a switch had been flipped, she drew herself up to her full height once more, regal and ethereal and unafraid. “My head now, mortal girl,” the presence cackled. “But, my goodness! Such self-possession! It’s a shame it will avail you so little.”

“N-no!” Regina snapped, snatching back control of her own body for a few more precious, pained seconds. Serenity was mesmerized by the spectacle. “Mine! Mine! This is all mine! You c-can’t… w-what are you doing?”

Serenity gasped again as she saw that Regina’s hair was, somehow, starting to change color. It was turning black, spreading from the roots down along to the tips.

“M-my hair!” Regina shrieked. She was frantically clawing at her own head, eyes twitching, body shivering, clearly struggling to maintain control of herself. “G-give it back! It took s-so long to bleach!”

A huge gasp went up from next to Serenity. “S-so she’s not really a natural blonde?” she heard a girl whimper.

The presence steadily taking over Regina’s form laughed as it smoothed her steadily-darkening hair. “There’s no use, darling,” she said cruelly. “You’ve already promised yourself to me. Now… these clothes? Tasteless. I’m sure we can do better.”

She waved a hand, and just like that, they started changing too. Regina had been wearing a simple outfit - nothing more than a tank top and some booty shorts. But, in mere moments, those garments were unraveling, and even more impossibly, growing. They quickly turned just as dark as Regina’s hair was becoming, and the threads started sewing themselves into the form of a magnificent, black ball gown.

When Regina seized back control momentarily. Her cries of horror were even more shrill. “Those w-were designer!” she shrieked, clawing desperately at the clothes covering her body, which continued to reshape themselves in complete defiance of her misery. “This… this can’t… you c-can’t…” Ominously, her voice was growing weaker.

“Much better,” the foreign presence purred, an instant later. It was truly something to watch Regina’s face, contorted in shock, suddenly smooth out, becoming utterly, icily calm. “Yes, oh yes, I think this will do nicely… just as soon as I’m rid of this irksome little voice.”

“W-what?” Regina protested, swaying unsteadily as she made one last bid for control of her body. It was clear she was fighting a losing battle; she no longer even looked like herself. Her hair was now black all the way to the tips, and the ball gown forming about her body was almost finished. “You… no… I… but…” She was fading, and fast. Serenity couldn’t help but feel for her. “But this party was supposed to be for m-me…”

And that was it. Regina was gone.

The new presence inside her body breathed a sigh of relief, and spent a moment fussing over her long, back hair and elaborate, magnificent gown. Every other person in the room was utterly silent and utterly shocked.

“Um…” Becky ventured, eventually. “Who… w-who are you?”

“I?” The presence smirked. “What a foolish question! Was it not you, yourself, who called me forth? I am Mab, Faerie Queen of Air and Darkness.”

Serenity’s eyes bulged. It seemed impossible, but the proof was right before them. The ritual was real? It had worked? She expected the screaming to start at any moment.

Instead, though, the room seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and everybody started applauding.

“Oh my gosh!” Monica said adoringly. “Regina- I mean, um, ‘Mab’, I knew you had something special planned, but this is just… wow!”

“Yeah!” Kristen added, as Mab basked in the cheering crowd. “But, gosh, how did you do it? Secret projectors? Hidden makeup? You’ve got to tell me your secret!”

“Magic,” Mab replied simply.

Everyone giggled. “Oh, of course,” Becky said, with a knowing wink.

Serenity couldn’t believe what they were saying. They thought this was fake? Just a performance? Were they using their eyes? None of this was possible, not even on the most expensive Broadway stage. Looking at Mab closely, Serenity could see that her eyes had turned as black as her hair, and her eyes had lengthened into elfin points. And the wind? The light? Serenity quietly shuffled over to the nearest lamp, and lifted the lampshade. Where there had been, just moments ago, a simple electric bulb there was now a candle, burning with a strange, sinister light.

Magic. It really was magic.

“Girls…” Serenity said uncertainly. “I-I don’t think she’s joking.”

No-one took any notice.

“Goodness,” Mab said, looking around the room. “What an unusual era this must be!” The faerie queen was like a dark mirror of Regina, every bit as regal and authoritative, but gothic and more menacing, with eons of arrogance and power lurking behind her words. “If this is to be my court, and you my subjects, I will have my work cut out for me. Perhaps there is some fun to be had in the process. But first… cup-bearer! I require a drink.”

“Right away, Reg- um, Queen Mab!”

A figure scurried forward from the crowd. She was a fellow new pledge - Serenity thought her name was Charlotte - and unlike Serenity, she was determined to do whatever it took to get into Regina’s good graces. As she reached the faerie queen’s side, she offered her a drink. It was, naturally, vodka with some kind of fruity mixer, in a red plastic cup. Queen Mab sniffed.

“Oh, no,” she said. “This simply won’t do.”

Mab snapped her fingers.

Charlotte yelped in shock as her body was suddenly ablaze with sparks that were at once as bright as the sun and as dark as a black hole. When they faded, the poor girl was completely transformed - all in an instant, not the slow, creeping possession that had befallen Regina. It was just as dramatic, though, and just as impossible.

Moments ago, Charlotte had been dressed as some kind of zombie for Halloween, wearing a trendy outfit, but torn and bloodstained. Now, that was all gone, and instead, she was a maid. Not just dressed as a maid; no, the black, frilly outfit and white apron she was wearing were far too well-crafted and authentic to be a mere Halloween costume. They were scandalously short, though - short enough that Serenity could easily see her ass as she performed a perfect curtsy before the faerie queen. She wasn’t wearing any panties anymore. The plastic cup in her hand was gone, replaced with a fine, silver tray bearing a crystal glass filled with wine.

“Please forgive your most humble maidservant, oh resplendent Unseelie Queen,” Charlotte said as she curtsied. She was now speaking in the same foreign, lilting Celtic accent as Mab. Clearly, the changes were more than skin deep. “I trust this shall be more agreeable to your palate.”

“It shall,” Mab replies pleasantly, taking the crystal glass and sipping from it.

Just like before, a round of applause went up around the room. Serenity couldn’t believe the blatant, fawning stupidity of these girls.

“But I can’t see to everything personally, of course,” Mab continued. “I’ll need a couple of trusty manservants to take care of all the petty arrangements. Let’s see… if this body’s memory serves, you two are among my right hands.” She turned to Monica and Kristen.

“Us?” Monica replied. She was clearly a little confused, perhaps uncertain as to how things had gone this far off of Regina’s script. “I guess, but… manservants?”

Mab snapped her fingers again.

The same thing happened to the pair of Regina’s cronies; they were engulfed in mind-warping, iridescent sparks, and when those faded, they were completely transformed. Not into maids, though. Into butlers.

Serenity was so astonished she momentarily forgot how scared she was. Monica’s scarecrow costume and Kristen’s corny vampire costume were both gone, replaced by neat, sleek-fitting tailcoats with perfectly white shirts underneath. Their legs were now covered by black, expensive-looking slacks, and their black leather shoes were so well-polished Serenity could have sworn she could see her face in them. Both of them had long hair, which was now tied back in a tight, braided ponytail that gave them both a decidedly orderly look. The pair looked slightly shocked, at first, but that soon passed, and they stood to attention, bolt upright, before offering Queen Mab a low bow.

“At once, your highness,” Monica said. Again, her voice was tinted with that unfamiliar accent, and furthermore, she was making her voice lower and deeper. Despite herself, Serenity found herself admiring the pair’s new look and vibe. She had a weakness for handsome girls.

“Excellent,” Mab said with an appreciative nod. “Now. Who’s next?”

What followed was an impossible cavalcade of transformation. Serenity kept hoping that the girls around her would start to scream or run or fight, but far from it, most of them were lining up excitedly to partake in what they foolishly assumed was nothing more than some flashy Halloween fun. Serenity was horrified, and the worst part was that she didn’t dare flee. Not by herself. What if Mab tried to stop her? All she could bring herself to do was shrink into a corner of the room and hope that she escaped notice.

It seemed that, having already created for herself a maid and a pair of manservants, Mab was concerned with courtiers. One by one, she set about transforming the partygoers from drunk, rowdy sorority girls into elegant, faerie-like noblewomen. Halloween costumes and skimpy party outfits became long gowns or low-cut cocktail dresses, all of them in dark, gothic colors. Loose waves of hair, made messy by dancing, became fancy, elaborate braids. Each girl, after her transformation, was immediately offered a glass of wine by Monica or Kristen, bowing low to the newly-appointed nobles of the Unseelie Court as they performed their duties. Charlotte, meanwhile, was scampering back and forth eagerly, clearing space and tidying, making sure the sorority house was fit for faerie aristocracy.

Bit by bit, as more and more of Serenity’s sorority sisters offered themselves up to Queen Mab, the whole character of the room started to change. There was no more excitable cheering or raunchy dancing; instead the girls Serenity had been hanging out with for weeks were simply standing around in small groups, engaged in polite, courtly small talk with each other and relishing in their new, aristocratic guises, or else dancing elaborate, formal dances with one another. Serenity lacked the words to express the strangeness of it all, but with Queen Mab standing tall and regal at its center, the room really was starting to feel like something out of fantasy.

To Serenity’s surprise, once most of the room had already been transformed, it was Becky who was the first to actually question what was going on. She had retreated to a corner, much like Serenity, and was poring over the ritual grimoire with a look of intense focus on her face. Then, she looked up sharply and  approached Queen Mab, wearing a shy, astonished expression, interrupting her as she transformed the last few members of the sorority.

“This… this is real, isn’t it?” she said breathlessly. “You’re really Queen Mab?”

The Unseelie queen laughed; a rich, musical sound. “My, my,” she replied. “Aren’t you a clever little mortal girl? The one who cast my ritual too, I see. Yes… I think you deserve something special.”

“What?” Becky’s eyes went wide. “N-no, no, um… that’s quite alright, your highness, I really don’t w-”

“Much too clever for your own good, I think,” interrupted the tall, fearful Queen of Air and Darkness, reaching out to seize Becky by the chin. “You know, a queen needs a princess, and even my Winter Court sometimes needs a breath of fresh air.”

She snapped her fingers.

The change that came over Becky was rather different from the one that had come over the other girls. It seemed almost like parody. Whereas the others had all been given dark hair, Becky’s brunette locks suddenly paled to platinum blonde. Her clothes lightened too, her orange sweater fading to almost white before turning a beautiful, pearlescent pink. It became a dress, but one with an obscenely short miniskirt and all kinds of ridiculous frills and details, not least of which was a heart-shaped cut-out over her cleavage. Her new attire was every bit as elaborate and expensive-looking as Mab’s, but it made her look so girly it was ridiculous. Clearly, Serenity wasn’t the only one who thought so. Everywhere she looked, Queen Mab’s courtiers were smirking and giggling behind their hands.

Becky looked just as perturbed and frightened as before, at first - until the very last piece of her new outfit took form. Nested atop her head, there suddenly appeared a small, silver tiara, with a black jewel embedded at its front. An instant later, the look on Becky’s face turned placid. The look in her eyes became faint and glassy, and a dull, stupid smile spread across her face.

She looked like a bimbo.

“There,” Queen Mab purred, smirking. “A princess is valued for her looks, after all. Not her brains.”

“Yes, Queen Mab!” Becky - or, rather, Princess Becky - replied, in a bubbly voice. She performed a clumsy little curtsy, completely exposing her frilly, pink panties in the process, prompting yet more giggles from Mab’s court. Serenity didn’t laugh. She had no fondness for Becky, or for any other of Regina’s cronies, but seeing her so completely robbed of her intelligence was unsettling, to say the least.

Serenity shuddered at the unpleasant thought which hit her next. If that was the treatment Becky got, how much worse was it going to get?

Queen Mab swiftly returned to brainwashing the remainder of the students, but within just a few moments, an unexpected protest went up from amongst the girls.

“H-hey!” the shaky voice cried out, scared and defiant at the same time. “You can’t do this!”

Serenity clasped a hand over her mouth. She knew that voice. It was Taylor.

Her fears were confirmed as a small circle was cleared around Taylor, the faerie nobles backing away in distaste. Taylor was one of the few sorority girls Serenity counted as a friend. She fit in well with the others, but she was never cruel or haughty, and always seemed to be able to distract Regina from picking on those who weren’t able to handle it. Clearly, that same instinct for justice was what had driven her to speak up.

“I… I won’t let you!” Taylor, looking tomboyish as ever, was dressed as a werewolf, and clenched her hands into fists as she stood before the Queen. “You don’t have the right to treat Becky that way! Or any of us, for that matter!”

“The right?” Queen Mab repeated, surprised, as if she was rolling the words around her mouth to taste their flavor. But then, she repeated them once more, outraged. “The right?”

As one, her newly-transformed courtiers all started howling with cruel laughter.

“How dare you question me?” Queen Mab roared, and it became clear that her courtiers were laughing at Taylor’s misfortune. “I am a queen! Royalty! Compared to me, you foolish mortals are nothing. I have every right to do with you as I please!”

Scared as she plainly was, Taylor stood her ground. “Well, you don’t look like much of a queen to me!” she jeered. “Just a plain old bitch, same as Regina.”

Serenity expected the fey queen to explode again, but instead, her expression curdled into one of wicked malice. “Me? A bitch? How amusing,” Mab drawled. “Given your outfit, I mean. Allow me to make you as much of a bitch on the inside as you are on the outside.”


“L-look,” Taylor replied, with as much confidence as she could muster. “Whatever you’re trying to do to me, it’s not going to- arf!”

Her eyes went wide in shock. Mab arched a mocking eyebrow.

“T-that’s not… that doesn’t… arf!” The enthusiastic bark forced its way out of her mouth before she could clasp a hand over it. Taylor looked horrified. It was clear that she was trying to resist with all her might.

And from the way her big wolf ears were suddenly looking alarmingly real, it clearly wasn’t working.

“You were saying?” Mab prompted.

“A-arf” Taylor barked hopelessly. “Arf! Arf arf arf!”

At first, it seemed that there might still be hope. Taylor looked like she was still trying to speak and remain defiant, but within moments, her eyes were turning dull and glassy, going wide with empty enthusiasm as they did. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, a globule of drool hanging from the tip.

“No…” Serenity whispered to herself as Taylor sank into a squatting position, her knees apart, hands held limply at her chest like paws.

“Arf!” Taylor barked, now with complete earnestness. “Arf! Arf!”

“And I have my first loyal hound!” Queen Mab announced, with regal smugness. She held out her hand, and Taylor immediately scurried across the floor to nuzzle it like a loyal puppy as her former sorority sisters laughed.

Serenity was trembling. She looked around. Now that Taylor had fallen, she was the only one left. The final girl. It was a miracle she hadn’t been noticed yet. What was she going to do? She still didn’t dare to make a run for it. All she could bring herself to do was shrink further and further into her dark corner.

“Ladies of the court,” Queen Mab said next, surveying the room of newly-transformed courtiers at her beck and call. “I think that’s quite enough preamble. Don’t you?”

The transformed sorority girls all nodded, and raised their glasses in acclaim.

“Then, without further ado,” the Queen continued, with a flourish. “Let the feast… begin!”

Serenity had to wait no more than a moment to learn what that meant. As soon as Queen Mab gave her permission, the room descended into utter debauchery.

As a sorority, Kappa Kappa Tau was very far from prudish, and over the course of the hazing rituals she’d been forced to undergo, Serenity had seen more than a few instances of public sex and obscenity within the KKT house. That was nothing compared to what suddenly erupted in front of her. Before Serenity could make sense of what was happening, the whole room was a seething, orgiastic mass of flesh and sex. All pretense of courtly reserve and etiquette were discarded as the newly-appointed noblewomen of the Unseelie Court threw themselves at one another, grasping desperately, eyes filled with voracious, inhuman hunger. For a brief moment, Serenity’s fear was outshone by her pure shock.

Within moments, all the fine, elegant dresses and ball gowns Queen Mab had woven out of magic for her court were torn to shreds. The strangely short skirts, low necklines and sheer fabrics suddenly revealed themselves as little more than foreplay for the ecstatic ritual the fey queen had planned for them all. Serenity’s former sorority sisters reached for each other without care or discrimination, often in groups of three or four, always fluid, the fairies dancing and fucking around the room in inhumanly lithe movements. Wherever Serenity looked, there were fey nobles, all of them wearing the faces of her sisters, those faces now contorted into lascivious expressions of shameless pleasure - impossibly long tongues, wide, hungry eyes, sharp teeth biting and nibbling. There were dozens of them, and in the ethereal glow of the fey lanterns, they all seemed to blur into one. One huge orgy, driven by the magic and appetites of the Unseelie.

The only courtiers who remained fully clothed were Monica and Kristen. They still looked as diligently neat and professional as ever, in their new butlers’ uniforms, only now, they were singularly devoted to the task of pleasuring their social betters. Each one was on their knees, surrounded by a gaggle of aroused, impatient noblewomen, and each had their face buried between one of their admirers’ legs, hard at work attending to them with their - from the looks of it - incredibly skilled tongues. It was certainly strange to see those two looking so servile. Normally, they were Regina’s right-hand bitches, and almost as demanding. Now, they were just servants. But it was clear that the services of Queen Mab’s manservants were in high demand.

Charlotte, now a maid, seemed equally in demand, but she had been allowed to keep far less of her dignity. Her maid outfit was in tatters, and she was darting about frantically in response to barked commands from the faerie nobles around her, eager to please but flustered by the overwhelming task of obeying so many needy women. As she moved from one to the next, face dripping with girlcum, she was subjected to all kinds of groping, slapping and biting. She took it all demurely, of course, despite how worked up she plainly was. Precisely as a maid should.

Becky was being subjected to a very different kind of torment. The absurdly-dressed princess was still on her feet, but only just. She was also surrounded by admirers, all of them heaping fawning praise upon her as they kissed and caressed her half-naked form. But their wide, predatory smiles made it clear that their adoration was entirely mocking. Becky, thoroughly bimbofied by Queen Mab’s magic, was oblivious. She was doing her best to keep her composure as best she could. That was what the rank of princess demanded, presumably. But with two women between her legs, two more at her tits, another at her ass, and a further set of admirers attending to her lips, her neck, her arms, she was far beyond any kind of royal dignity. The bimbo princess was drooling and babbling helplessly as she came over and over again, mercifully too airheaded to recognize how far she was being degraded.

Which was, however, not as far as Taylor was being degraded. Mab’s courtiers were making good on their queen’s promise to make her a bitch, inside and out. Filled with puppy-like enthusiasm and animalistic heat, Taylor was on her back, being toyed with and abused by yet another crowd. Overwhelmed with pleasure and bestial urges, she was accepting whatever her mistresses gave her - fingers in her mouth, toys in her cunt, cocks in her ass. She was taking it all, looking every bit like the court’s breeding bitch. Her fur, now all-too-real, was matted with drool and cum, some of it hers, some of it not, and her whining barks made it clear that she was entirely enthusiastic.

And threw the orgy strode Mab, as queenly and regal as it was possible to be.

Her magnificent dress was untouched by the debauchery and excess around her, and her black eyes and pointed eyes made her seem almost ethereal as she moved effortlessly through the party. She didn’t seem inclined to partake in any of the pleasures on offer, but she did watch them intently as she passed, a pleased smile on her face, as if this was all according to her plan.

Serenity, transfixed by the garden of earthly delights the sorority house had become, realized far, far too late that the queen was heading straight towards her.

“And you,” Queen Mab said, as she reached Serenity. “The last. And the most precious, I should think.”

Serenity considered running. She considered fighting. But what was the point? Her shoulders sagged, and she tried her hardest to keep her voice from wavering.

“What are you going to do to me?” she asked.

The Queen seemed pleased by her acceptance. It was strange, seeing Regina’s face wear such a genuine, adoring smile. “Don’t worry,” she assured her, in that pretty, lilting accent of hers. “You won’t be like the others. No, you deserve more. Your blood gave me life, after all, and that makes for quite a bargain.”

“W-what?” Serenity was dumbfounded.

“A queen needs a consort, don’t you think?”

The very last thing Serenity expected to happen next was for Mab to kiss her.

The Unseelie queen was a good kisser, every bit as skillful and voracious as Serenity might have expected. But that wasn’t what made the terrified girl’s eyes go wide.

It was the sensation of something forcing its way down her throat.

Serenity pulled back in a panic, just in time to see a few wisps of inky blackness disappear up her nose. The sight was horrifyingly familiar. It was exactly what had happened to Regina.

“N-no…” Serenity started to protest, clutching at herself. But she froze, once she heard the siren-sweet voice in her head.

Be mine, it beckoned. Become one with me, and you will know bliss, it promised.

“B-but,” Serenity whispered to herself, “I don’t want to lose myself.”

You won’t, the voice told her, and Serenity couldn’t do anything but believe it. You simply need to join with me, and take your place at the Queen’s side.

“I… but… I don’t…”

Don’t you want this? Don’t you want her?

Serenity looked up at Queen Mab, and gasped.

The queen hadn’t changed, but in Serenity’s eyes, she looked altogether different. She blazed with a kind of dark radiance, as beautiful as the full moon, and in the space of a single heartbeat, Serenity fell in love with her. Those cheekbones, those lips… she had spent so much time staring hatefully at Regina. How hadn’t she realized how truly beautiful she was? But it had taken Mab’s presence to truly bring it out. Now, joined, they were a perfect being.

And this perfection wanted Serenity?

How could she refuse?

“I’m yours,” Serenity whispered, both to the voice and to her queen. “I promise.”

With that, the bargain was made. It wasn’t painful or jarring, as Serenity might have expected. Instead, her new guise and her new soul settled on her as lightly and easily as a shroud of moonlight. She barely even noticed as her plain clothes changed and warped, becoming an impossibly fine suit of faerie armor, or as her short hair turned jet black.

She had eyes only for her queen.

Serenity, First Knight of the Unseelie court, sank to her knees and reached out to take Queen Mab’s offered hand. She kissed it tenderly, worshipfully.

“Rise, my beloved,” the Queen said softly.

Serenity did, and then allowed Queen Mab to lead her off into the heart of the party, where they were surrounded by wild, frenzied sex. The Queen snapped her fingers, and her manservants appeared instantly at her side, and swiftly began disrobing her.

Serenity licked her lips.

Together with her queen, she had a night of pleasure to enjoy.

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