Pure Joy

by Kallie

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #drugplay #f/f #pov:bottom #sub:female

Niha gets dragged to a lesbian bar and persuaded to take a party drug that makes it impossible for her to feel anything but joy - but can her sense of self survive the onslaught of bliss once people start taking advantage?

Disclaimer: If you are under age wherever you happen to be accessing this story, please refrain from reading it. Please note that all characters depicted in this story are of legal age, and that the use of 'girl' in the story does not indicate otherwise. This story is a work of fantasy: in real life, hypnosis and sex without consent are deeply unethical and examples of such in this story does not constitute support or approval of such acts. This work is copyright of Kallie 2022, do not repost without explicit permission

Niha sighed and checked her phone again, and tried to decide how much longer she should stay at the bar before heading home. This wasn’t her idea of a good Friday night. The music was too loud, she didn’t know anybody, and she felt more than a little out of place. ‘HER’ was a lesbian bar, after all, and Niha wasn’t a lesbian. She was straight. She had a boyfriend.

So, why was she even here?

She’d asked herself that more than once, and unfortunately, she knew the answer: peer pressure. It was Niha’s first week at a new job and a new company, and she wanted to make a good impression. She’d promised herself she was going to get out of her shell a little more this time, despite her introverted instincts. So, when a group of her colleagues had urged her to go out with them for a night, she’d made herself accept. She hadn’t even balked when they’d mentioned they were going to a gay bar. She’d simply nodded and smiled at their promises that it was simply a great place to have a good time.

And then, of course, all of Niha’s coworkers had disappeared onto the dance floor and left her behind.

For the last hour, Niha had been sitting at a table, sipping a drink, and hoping against hope that one of the people who had brought her would come to check on her. So far, no such luck. Calling an Uber to take her home sounded so good, but Niha couldn’t stand the thought that all her new coworkers would think - or rather, know - that she was an introverted weirdo who didn’t know how to party. So, she was stuck in limbo, trying to make her cocktail last the night.

“Hi there!”

Niha almost spilled her drink as an unfamiliar woman slipped into the seat next to her. She had a bright, eager spark in her eye that seemed undimmed even in the face of the dazed, surprised expression on Niha’s face.

“Do… I know you?” she asked cautiously.

“You do now,” the stranger said smoothly. “I’m Everly.”

“I-I’m Niha,” Niha replied automatically.

Frankly, Niha wasn’t sure if Everly was being as weird as it seemed to her, or if she was the weird one. She wasn’t really sure what counted as ‘normal’ at a bar like this. Everly, by contrast, seemed completely at home. In fact, she was the kind of person it was almost impossible to imagine existing outside of a party or a club. Her hair, eyes, and lipstick were all electric blue; the same color as her skin-tight latex leotard. It left her shoulders on display and held her breasts up on her chest, and disappeared underneath a pair of black, oversized cargo pants below the waist. It was a striking look, but Everly carried it off effortlessly.

What was a girl like that doing talking to a dork like Niha?

As she was struggling to vocalize that question, another stranger approached and stood by Niha’s shoulder, on the opposite side to Everly.

“Now now, babe,” she purred. “Take it easy. You’re scaring her.”

“I’m not as patient as you, Scarlett,” Everly replied, rolling her eyes.

“That’s for sure,” Scarlett said, throwing Niha an apologetic look.

If Everly and Scarlett were a pair, they made for quite the pair. Where Everly’s look was cutting-edge contemporary, Scarlett’s was all vintage. Her big hair and dark skin were radiant, and her huge hoop earrings were right out of the seventies.  She was wearing a long dress with a plunging neckline that seemed to flow perfectly over her curvy body, something made all the more impressive by how tall she was. She was perhaps the tallest woman Scarlett had ever seen, in fact. Despite the way she towered over Niha, though, there was nothing intimidating about her. Her smile exuded comfort and warmth, and made Niha instinctively want to trust her.

“So, uh…” Niha began awkwardly, “is this a ‘me and my girlfriend saw you from across the bar and we love your vibe’ kind of deal? Because if so, I should probably warn you: I have a boyfriend. I’m not… I’m just here with friends.”

“Kind of,” Scarlett replied, chuckling to herself. “Although it’s more like, we saw you from across the bar and decided to come rescue you. No offense, but you’re looking like a lost lamb right now.”

“Yeah,” Everly put in. “Honestly, we already figured you were straight. Everyone here probably figured you were straight. Again, no offense.”

“None taken.” Niha giggled. In truth, she was just glad that someone had come to talk to her. Even if Everly and Scarlett were a little strange, their company was better than no company. She was feeling slightly tipsy, and that was putting her in a sociable mood. “Take a seat!”

Scarlett nodded and smiled sweetly, and sat down next to Niha. The three of them leaned in so they could talk properly over the sound of the music.

“So,” Niha said, eager to make conversation. “What do you two usually do for fun around here?”

Scarlett and Everly exchanged looks, and giggled.

“Actually, we were just about to bring that up,” Scarlett told her. “See, we happen to like the chemical kind of fun. And it just so happens that we have a pill going spare. You in?”

Niha’s eyes widened. Already, she was shaking her head. Drugs from a stranger? Nuh-uh. No way. “Uh… I don’t think that’s such a great idea.”

“Oh?” Scarlett tilted her head, her smile guileless. “Why not?”

“Um…” Niha glanced around, hoping to catch the eye of a coworker. She wanted out, but she didn’t want to offend her new friends. “Look, it’s not that I don’t think you’re trustworthy or anything…”

Everly burst out laughing. “Girl, you really do need to loosen up!”

Niha had to laugh along with her. Even though Everly’s grin was bordering on mocking, there was an undeniable charisma to it. Niha could feel herself being pulled along in the wake of the other girl’s mood.

“Play nice, Everly,” Scarlett chided. “We’ve only just met! She’s being safe.”

Niha was immeasurably grateful for her intervention. “Yeah! That’s all.”

Scarlett nodded. “Totally understandable,” she said warmly. “Then, if you’ll excuse us…”

“Wait!” Niha called out, alarmed. “I mean, I’m not going to stop you or anything.”

“Of course,” Scarlett said. “It’s just, we were really hoping to find someone to share our trip with.”

“W-well…” Niha was anxious. Everly and Scarlett were cool. The kind of cool she wanted to be. She decided to play for time. “What are you guys taking, exactly?”

“That’s more like it.” From Niha’s other side, Everly reached out and held up a single large, pink pill. “It’s called Joy.”


“Figures you wouldn’t have heard of it,” Everly giggled. “It’s pretty new. Pretty wild, too. When you’re on it, all you can feel is joy.”

“Joy quite literally becomes the only emotion you’re capable of feeling,” Scarlett expanded. “All your other emotional pathways are temporarily blocked, and all your neural signals get routed through the joy centers of your brain instead. It’s quite something.”

“It’s the best,” Everly agreed, sighing dreamily. “It leaves MDMA eating dirt. There’s nothing else like it.”

“Wow,” Niha breathed. She’d never heard of Joy before, but she couldn’t deny the appeal. Feeling only joy for one night? No anxiety? No shyness? “That… that sounds pretty amazing.”

“It is,” Scarlett promised, and it was so easy to believe her. “Safe, too. No side-effects. No loss of control. It’s kind of perfect. So, what do you say?”

Niha kept turning her head back and forth, glancing between the strange pair. Scarlett’s smile made her feel safe. Everly’s egged her on; it made her want to impress her.

“How… how long does it last?” Niha asked tepidly.

“Not long,” Scarlett replied. “It varies a little, obviously. Usually about an hour, but it takes effect almost instantly.”

Only an hour. What could go wrong in an hour?

“Look,” Everly volunteered, spreading her arms in a show of openness. “It’s totally your choice, OK? I’m not trying to pressure you, that’s not cool.”

Niha nodded gratefully.

“Of course not,” Scarlett interjected. Her voice took on a slightly reproachful tone. “But… I mean, clearly you don’t come to bars a lot. I’m guessing you came here looking for a little fun, am I right? So, why not have some fun with us?”

Niha’s smile flickered nervously. She couldn’t tell if she wanted to take their offer or not. Was it smart? No, of course not. But Niha was tired of always doing the smart thing. Was she really going to make it out of her twenties without having one dumb, reckless night of fun?

“OK,” Niha said breathlessly. “Yeah. Yeah. I’m in.”

“Hell yeah!” Scarlett cheered, as Everly joshed her shoulder.

Now, Niha’s smile was a genuine ear-to-ear grin. She felt cool. She felt like she was one of them.

“Well, bottoms up, girl.” Everly pressed the pink pill - Joy - into Niha’s palm.

Niha nodded, her heart starting to race slightly. Then, she frowned. “Wait. Where’s yours?”

Everly and Scarlett exchanged a look. “We already took ours,” Scarlett explained, “before we came over to talk to you.”

“Oh.” Niha paused. “You… don’t seem like you’re on drugs.”

“We don’t?” Scarlett seemed very, very amused by that. “Don’t we look joyful to you?”

Niha didn’t know what to say to that. They seemed happy, obviously, but they didn’t seem to her like they were under the effects of anything. Then again, it wasn’t like she would have known what that would look like. She just shrugged, and blushed until Everly spoke up.

“C’mon,” the blue-haired woman urged. “You want to catch up, right?”

Niha nodded stiffly. She couldn’t put it off any longer. She didn’t want to get left behind. “So I just…?”

She held the pill up to her mouth, but stopped when Everly started giggling maniacally.

“In your drink, sweetie,” Scarlett supplied gently.

Niha bashfully imitated the gesture Scarlett was making, holding the pill above her drink and prying apart its two halves. Once it split, the fine powder within came streaming out and fell into Niha’s cocktail. The drink immediately started fizzing, and after a few seconds, the liquid took on a slight pink hue.

Lifting it gingerly, Niha waited for the fizzing to die down. She started intensely and suspiciously at her drink for a moment before, as Everly and Scarlett watched, she poured as much of it as she could down her throat.

Immediately, both of them clapped her on the back and rewarded her with warm smiles. Niha was more than happy to bask in their attention, even though at first, she felt no different.

But after a minute or so, the Joy made its way into her bloodstream, and her heart pumped the blood up to her brain, and suddenly it hit her.

It was like being plunged into a warm, wonderful bubble bath. Suddenly, everything was soft and pleasant in a way that stole Niha’s breath away. The euphoria that washed over her was staggering in how perfectly complete and total it was. Every single thought, feeling, and sensation was pleasing. Niha could only gaze around the bar in awe, marveling at the experience. Now, the warm air in the bar was the perfect kind of warmth, blissful and comforting. The rowdy chatter of the crowd was like music to Niha’s ears, and the music itself was far beyond that. It was transcendent. The scent of perfume and sweat hanging all around her wasn’t off-putting anymore. It was exciting.

The dazzling flood of positive sensations was so intense it threatened to be overwhelming, but instead of fighting the tide, Niha found it easy to succumb to its flow. She let it carry her away, and drank it in until all the wonderful things she was feeling were simply part of her. It seemed more and more right with each passing moment. Niha sighed in awe. As time passed, the blissful sensations became less and less distinct, until there was no difference between them at all. They were all one, and that one was a single, simple emotion burning white-hot in her chest.


Niha felt nothing but joy.

She could feel nothing but joy.

And why would she want to? Why would she ever want to? Niha was full of joy, and everything was joyous. The world around her was a euphoric riot, and every single thing she saw or felt or thought was a new thing to take joy in. Niha’s awareness that she had taken a drug did nothing to unseat how perfectly reasonable her joy felt. It all made so much sense - more sense by far than all the doubt and anxiety and insecurity she’d been feeling before.

Niha was so unbelievably happy to be here, at this bar. It was exactly where she wanted to be. It was exactly where she was meant to be. She was so happy to be sitting with Everly and Scarlett, too. They were exactly the people she’d wanted to meet, and everyone she hadn’t met were people she didn’t want to meet because everything was perfect. It had to be. It was that simple. Joy was that simple.

“How do you feel?” Everly asked, and her voice made Niha smile so much her face hurt.

“Joy!” she replied simply. The joy flowed out of her lips with ease, her voice light and excited and jubilant.

“Good,” Scarlett purred. “That’s exactly what we want, right? We told you this was a good idea.”

Niha just nodded eagerly, happily. They had been so right, the two of them. Taking Joy had been a wonderful idea. The best idea ever.

She was still just nodding and smiling when she felt Everly’s hand on her chest.

Niha turned her head slowly to look at the latex-clad woman. She had to be slow; she needed time to process just how wonderful and joyous the new sensation was.

“You like that?” Everly’s grin was filthy.

Niha could only nod. It felt amazing and it made her happy, just like everything else. No; better than everything else. Her breasts were sensitive, and Everly was being a little rough with her, rolling one of her boobs in her hands as she groped and massaged. That meant the sensation was intense, and - as Niha was just learning - the more intense something felt, the more joyous it was.

But… wasn’t this wrong?

The voice in Niha’s head asking her that was so small, and felt like it was coming from so far away. Still, she had to think about it. Wasn’t it strange, that another woman was groping one of her tits? Wasn’t it a huge red flag that Everly was doing that to her after offering her Joy? Shouldn’t she be upset about it, or creeped out, or something?

The answer was obvious.

No. No, of course not.

How could she possibly be upset? Everly’s hand on her chest felt good. It felt joyous. And so, all Niha felt about it was joy. Why would she want to feel anything else? Her joy was so wonderful. She felt grateful towards Everly - grateful for talking to her, grateful for offering her Joy, and yes, even grateful for groping her. It only made sense, when joy was all she could feel.

“She likes it already, Scarlett,” Everly tittered.

“Of course,” Scarlett replied. Then, to Niha: “do you want more, sweetie?”

It took Niha a moment to figure out what to say. She thought that she should say ‘no’, but she felt that she should say ‘yes’. More touching meant more joy, and more joy was the only thing that truly seemed to matter.

She nodded.

Scarlett reached out and rested a hand on Niha’s thigh, and that became yet another source of joy. Scarlett’s hand was warm and soft, and her touch felt intimate. Niha sighed happily. Her whole body was buzzing with joy, and that was much, much more important than any pesky little concerns about whether or not all of this was OK.

Being touched made her feel joy. It was as simple as that.

It was amazing how much sense it all made. Nilah wanted to feel more joy, and what Everly and Scarlett were doing to her made her feel joy, so she wanted more of it. That logic was as simple as it was irresistible. Niha had no reason to doubt it or question it. It felt perfectly natural. She wanted to be groped and touched. Of course she did.

Because of Joy.

“See?” Scarlett said. “We’ll take care of you. You can trust us.”

The joy that swelled within Niha’s chest made her sure that Scarlett was telling the truth. She could trust them.

“How about this?”

From her other side, Everly leaned in and kissed her. The kiss landed only on her cheek, but even so, it made Niha hot. She could sense how hungry Everly was, her lips trailing over the inexperienced girl’s skin.

“Y-yeah,” Niha panted. Her cheeks were blazing with joy. Every sensation was a new kind of bliss.

“My goodness,” Scarlett laughed. “I didn’t realize you were the kind of girl who liked being kissed by other girls.”

Niha wasn’t sure what to say to that, so she giggled instead. She hadn’t realized she was that kind of girl either, but now it seemed undeniable.

And of course, that made her joyful too.

She knew it was strange, to feel nothing but joy about her situation - being felt up and kissed by two female strangers in a crowded bar. Other people were starting to notice. She caught a few knowing, mischievous glances from women passing by, and heard a few giggles and whispers. That should have mortified her. Instead, it made her happy.

Did that make her an exhibitionist? That she was enjoying being looked at like that? She supposed it must.

And that, of course, made her happy too.

“Are you sure you’re straight?” Scarlett asked, a look of deep satisfaction on her face. “I’m starting to wonder…”

“Now, now,” Everly laughed. “Maybe she’s just experimenting!”

Scarlett laughed too. “Oh, I don’t think so,” she replied. “Look at her. She’s loving this.”

Niha’s reaction to their conversation was nothing more than a broad, placid, happy smile that stretched from ear to ear. She didn’t mind how objectified she felt. Not one bit.

“You think?” Everly said, cocking her head. “Let’s see.”

Niha yelped slightly in surprise as she felt Everly’s hand reach around and snake its way down the back of her seat until it was cupping her ass. This time, Everly didn’t make even the slightest pretense of being subtle or gentle. She groped and mauled Niha’s ass with lustful abandon, making sure she squeezed and touched every inch. Niha couldn’t keep herself from squealing, but not, of course, in displeasure. She was simply struggling to contain her joy at this new sensation that was making her body burn with heat.

“No, no, no,” Scarlett tutted. “Not like that, my silly darling. Here.”

Scarlett took her time sliding her hand over Niha’s thigh, before using her fingertips to pry the drugged girl’s legs apart. She traced a single finger delicately up the seam at the front of Niha’s jeans, and watched as Niha trembled at the joyous tingles it sent through her.

“Niha, darling,” Scarlett said sweetly. “Would you be a dear and get these out of my way?”

How could she refuse? Niha nodded, her smile radiant. It made her happy just to be asked, and it made her happier still to obey. She reached down and unfastened her jeans, then lifted herself out of her seat just enough to shuck them down to around her hips. It was a little awkward with Everly still groping her aggressively, but Niha couldn’t possibly have found it annoying or frustrating. The sensation of Everly’s hand cupping her ass without denim in the way just made her even more joyful.

But the way Scarlett start stroking her pussy through her thin, lacy panties was better still. Niha had been feeling embarrassed at having worn them - she’d only done so because they were the only ‘fun’ underwear she owned - but now, they made her bubble with joy. They made being touched feel so intense. So joyous. Niha spread her legs wider, happy to encourage Scarlett’s explorations.

“See?” Scarlett said to Everly. “She’s wet. I told you.”

It was true. Niha’s body was responding eagerly to the way the pair were touching her. It was inevitable, when she was filled with so much pleasure. Niha was incredibly pleased to be showing off her own arousal.

“Wow, you’re right!” Everly giggled playfully. “Maybe we really do have a baby lesbian on our hands.”

That suggestion made Niha giddy with glee. Even the confusion it made her feel was pleasant. Her? A lesbian? That didn’t make any sense at all. She’d never been attracted to women before. She’d never enjoyed the touch of a woman before. She even had a boyfriend!

And yet, of course, the idea of being a lesbian filled her with nothing but joy.

“What do you think, Niha?” Scarlett asked. “Do you think you might be a lesbian?”

Niha didn’t know what to say. It was so hard to think, with so much joy pounding through her veins. Being a lesbian still didn’t make any sense to her, but agreeing suited her drug-induced mood much, much better.

“Um… maybe?” she settled on eventually, giggling shyly, vapidly.

The huge, greedy smiles on her new friends' faces were the perfect reward. Happiness surged up in her chest.

“Maybe?” Scarlett cooed, turning to Everly. “Look, the poor thing sounds so confused! Let’s see if we can help her figure things out.”

“I love the nervous ones,” Everly laughed. “They make the best toys. It’s so easy to get them all twisted up inside.”

Niha didn’t know what they were talking about, but that only made her happier.

“She’s really taken to Joy,” Scarlett agreed. “Better than I could have hoped. She was a wonderful choice, my darling. Ideal prey.”

As Niha listened to the two of them talking past her, something finally clicked in her joy-drunk mind: they were talking about her. About drugging her. About manipulating her. They must have been lying before, about why they had come to talk to her. They’d simply been trying to get her to take Joy, so they could have their way with her.

“Oh,” Niha exclaimed under her breath.

It seemed vaguely appropriate that this revelation should have made her feel angry, or scared, or betrayed. It didn’t. It just made her feel yet more joy. Intellectually, Niha knew that this was because of the drug she’d taken. It was twisting her emotional responses, making sure she was an ideal, placid, eager subject for whatever Everly and Scarlett had planned. But that, too, was just another source of joy.

And since she didn’t feel upset or scared, there was absolutely no reason for Niha to consider running away or trying to find help.

Instead, she just sat there and waited for Everly and Scarlett to finish talking to each other, smiling happily at her newfound comprehension.

“Pay attention, Niha,” Scarlett chided. Niha snapped back to attention, and was glad of the reminder.

“Hi,” she said blandly.

Everly giggled at her. “Silly little drugged-up slut,” she commented. Niha giggled happily too.

“Tell me, Niha,” Scarlett said, ignoring her partner. “Does this feel good to you?”

She started rubbing her hand more deliberately and purposefully along the front of Niha’s panties, tracing the outline of her lips with her fingertip. Niha moaned happily.

“Yeah!” she gasped. Everything felt good. Her brain was a frothing cauldron of endorphins.

“And how about this?”

Scarlett pulled her panties aside and started to push her fingertips into Niha’s pussy. Her touch was electric.

“Y-yeah,” Niha breathed. It felt better than good. It was amazing.

“This?” Everly put in, squeezing Niha’s ass extra-hard.

Niha moaned again. Everly was being so rough with her that it almost hurt, but nothing could taint the absolute joy Niha was feeling.

“What kind of girl feels good when other girls are touching her?” Everly asked, grinning. “A lesbian, right?”

Eager, happy agreement was almost automatic. The only thing holding Niha back was thoughts of her boyfriend. “Um… but…”

“Shh,” Everly insisted. With her other hand, she reached up and gripped Niha’s chin, and started tilting her head up and down. “You don’t need to argue, right Niha? Just be happy. Just nod and smile and say ‘yes’ like a nice, happy girl.”

Niha’s smile widened. It was so nice of Everly to tell her what to do like that. It must have been; it made her so happy. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

She kept nodding her head in the rhythm Everly had set for her, even after the blue-haired woman took her hand away.

“You’re a lesbian?” Everly tested.

It was so very happy and easy for Niha to do nothing but what Everly had instructed. “Yes!”

Saying ‘yes’ made her so joyful.

“Hmm, I’m not sure,” Scarlett mused, as kept delicately fingering Niha’s wet cunt. “Maybe it’s just us, Everly. Why don’t we check?”

She stretched out an arm and plucked a drunk-looking girl away from a passing gaggle. She looked at Scarlett with the tipsy, giddy expression of someone who was just happy to go along with anything.

“Excuse me,” Scarlett said softly. “My friend here needs some help. We’re trying to decide if she’s a lesbian or not.”

“Oh yeah?” the drunk girl dissolved into giggles.

“Why don’t you give her a feel?” Scarlett suggested. “See what you think?”

A little clarity returned to the drunk girl’s eyes as she focused on the spectacle that lay before her: Niha, with her legs spread and her jeans pulled down, being nakedly groped and molested by two other women. She licked her lips, taking Niha’s happy smile and agreeable nodding for consent.

“Sure,” she giggled.

Niha arched her back and pressed her chest forward as the drunk girl reached out to grope her chest. She just wanted to be helpful. Scarlett and Everly had done such a wonderful job showing her how good it felt to be helpful and agreeable. The way the drunk girl’s hand roamed over her breasts, uncoordinated, squeezing and pinching, brought yet more happy giggles to her lips.

“Totally, like, a dyke,” the drunk girl pronounced, as she was rolling one of Niha’s nipples between thumb and forefinger. Then she stumbled off, and disappeared back into the bar crowd.

“See?” Everly was grinning wickedly. “Told you.”

“So you did,” Scarlett purred. “I guess it’s decided, Niha. You’re a lesbian.”

“Wow,” was Niha’s only reply. As absurd as it seemed, it stood to reason. She was feeling so very good about being felt up and touched by women, and if everyone else thought that meant she was a lesbian, she was too happy to argue. And if the thought of being a lesbian made her feel such joy, wasn’t that the biggest sign of all?

“Not just that,” Everly pressed. “You’re a lesbian slut. A total exhibitionist. You just like getting touched by random girls at a bar, after all.”

Niha’s eyes widened. That was a lot to process. But as ever, it was undeniable. Her joy was her guide.

“A free-use lesbian?” Scarlett feigned surprise. “My goodness! Maybe she does know how to have fun after all. Is that what you are, Niha?”

Niha didn’t know how to reply, but that didn’t matter. Everly had already taught her; all she had to do was nod and smile and say: “Yes.”

Both of the other women laughed at her, as Niha bubbled with joy.

“You’re…?” Scarlett prompted.

“A free-use lesbian slut,” Niha replied, without hesitation.

Just saying it made her happy. Her face hurt from grinning, but she wasn’t about to stop. The pain was just as joyous as everything else. She was a free-use lesbian slut.

Everly snorted. “I guess that means it’s probably time to dump your stupid boyfriend.”

For the first time, Niha’s joy flickered, threatening to wane. Everly’s comment was like a bucket of ice water being dumped over her head. “It’s… my…?”

“Oh?” Scarlett seemed more amused than worried by her resistance. “What have we here?”


Niha was struggling to reconcile Everly’s comment with what she’d always felt and known about her boyfriend. She wanted to agree. She wanted to agree so very much. Agreeing seemed like such a happy thing. And yet, Everly’s comment was so… so mean. So harsh. It was difficult to make sense of that alongside memories and thoughts of her boyfriend - memories and thoughts that were, in themselves, sources of joy. Niha started to worry. Her skin started to crawl.

“I think I know what’s going on,” Everly said, pointing. “Our new baby dyke didn’t finish her drink.”

It was true.  There was still at least an inch of liquid remaining in Niha’s class.

“Not a full dose, huh,” Scarlett remarked. “I thought the amount she took would be plenty. Maybe she’s a little more resistant than she thought.” She turned to look straight at Niha. “Niha, don’t you want to drink the rest?”

She did. The mere suggestion of it, dangled under her nose, made Niha incredibly happy. Obeying it seemed only natural. And yet, something was telling her that she should hold on to the quiet, nagging worry in the back of her mind. Slowly, uncomfortably, she shook her head.

“Goodness.” Scarlett laughed. “You’re really trying, aren’t you? Well, don’t worry, sweetie. Let me make this nice and easy for you.”

“N-no,” Niha whimpered quietly, but she was helpless to prevent what happened next.

Scarlett lifted Niha’s glass to her own lips, and downed the remainder of Niha’s drugged drink.

And then, she pressed her lips to Niha’s.

The kiss was a joyous, riotous firework. The sensation was so pleasurable and so warm that it swept aside all of Niha’s reluctance. She couldn’t help accepting Scarlett’s tongue into her mouth, and she didn’t think to stop herself from swallowing it as Scarlett passed her the rest of her drink through the kiss.

Scarlett was a very, very good kisser, and her kiss made Niha very, very happy.

Especially once the rest of the Joy slammed into effect.

Niha sat back in her seat, her body limp and unresisting. She was seeing stars. Everything was so good, so happy, so full of joy. Everything was perfect. Everything right here, right now, was perfect.

And that meant, most of all, Everly and Scarlett.

“I wanted her first gay kiss,” Everly said to Scarlett, pouting.

“Oops,” Scarlett replied apologetically. “But wasn’t that hot?”

Everly’s pout vanished. “Yeah,” she giggled. “It was.” Then, to Niha: “so, as I was saying. It’s time to get over your lame boyfriend, Niha. Being a lesbian is so much better.”

Niha nodded, and nodded, and nodded, and nodded. She felt like she could go on nodding and smiling and agreeing until the end of time. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

Everything was joy, and nothing else mattered.

“Doesn’t this feel better than your boyfriend does?” Scarlett started moving her fingers faster and faster inside Niha, reaching deeper, teasing out her pleasure.

“Yes,” Niha moaned, nodding. “Yes.”

“Wouldn’t you rather be with girls instead?” Everly whispered into her other ear. “Doesn’t that sound better? Hotter? More fun?”

“Yes.” It was the only word on Niha’s lips, and the only thought in her head.

“We’re better,” Scarlett told her. “You like us more.”


Niha’s voice quivered and her head twitched as her pleasure started to peak. Pure, rapturous joy was searing all these new thoughts and ideas into her brain. They made her feel joy, and that mattered much more than anything else. Her mind was warping itself, making sure that whatever felt the best became true. All Scarlett and Everly had to do was keep supplying her with more words. More joyous truths.

“So,” Everly said, grinning maliciously, “don’t you want to break up with him? Don’t you want to be ours instead?”

“I-I do!” Niha moaned.

Thinking about dumping her boyfriend made her happy, so obviously, it was what she wanted. That simple, brute logic was much, much powerful than any other thought or memory. Each suggestion and encouragement from Everly and Scarlett was a fresh reward, made joyous by the Joy, hammering home the conditioning.

She wanted to dump her boyfriend. She wanted to be theirs instead.

It made perfect sense to her now.

She was a free-use lesbian slut, and they were the lesbians who were using her.

Nothing made her happier.

Scarlett could tell she was ready. She started pumping her fingers back and forth harder and harder, her voice rich with pleasure and satisfaction. “Now, Niha. Don’t you want to cum for me?”

“Yes!” Niha screamed, her voice loud even through the bar music. “Yes, yes, yes, yes yes!”

She couldn’t stop saying it. ‘Yes’ was her mantra. Her whole being. Niha couldn’t stop nodding either, nodding and nodding and nodding like a stupid, helpless, smiling doll. The orgasm that tore through her as she moaned her agreement was the greatest joy of all.

Though, the sadistic, gleeful expressions on Everly and Scarlett’s faces as they watched her twitch and moan and cum was almost as good.

With the drug still racing through her veins, Niha’s post-orgasmic bliss was deep enough to drown in. She couldn’t imagine a greater kind of happiness than sitting there, in the bar, with Scarlett’s fingers in her cunt and Niha’s own wetness dripping down her thighs as she disavowed her boyfriend and declared her new sexuality. It was all so very perfect. She knew that nothing could have made her happier.

Everly and Scarlett let her bask in the pleasure for a few moments, before taking the next step. Scarlett reached into the pocket of Niha’s jeans and took out her phone, offering it to the drugged girl, while Everly held up another pill of Joy.

“I think you’re ready for another one,” Everly told her, smirking. “And then you can call your boyfriend, and tell him how things are going to be from now on.”

Niha felt nothing but pure joy as she replied: “yes!”

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Special thanks to these patrons:
Artemis, Chloe, J, Secret Subject, linuxdaemon, Kathryn, Olivia, Carrie, Lucy, Dex, orangesya, Red, dmtph, Queenfisher, Ember, Seph, MegatronTarantulas, Vanessa, Matt, BTYOR, Jeremy, Mattilda, Emily, William, ntad, Flluffie, Scarlett, Silgon, The Flock, ourladyoflilacs, Luna, Abigail, Jon, steb, Hypnogirl_Stephanie_, nicholas, gabbermoth, Sam, Sue, Alan_, mintyasleep, GL, Noelle, Vanhel, Lavender, Madness, Gilroy, Michael, Tasteful Ardour, SkinnyQP, Michael, Matthew, Full Blown Marxism, anonymous, GrillFan65, Jeff, Huge_Nerd, ZephanyZephZeph, Tram345, 8947jts, Brendon, Chris, Olympia417, Breadloaf, Kyle, Larry, Emma, Jack the Monkey, Paul, Dennis, Willow, Shadows exile, Kianna, Drone 8315, Matthew, Myles_EXVS, Alexander, JessieGinger, Ashe, Alex, Madness, Sam, Hoelle, Bubble_Butt, TrashOppa, Selina, Kyle, Daniel, Bubble_Butt, Francesca, WhyamIhere


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