by Kallie

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #girldick #pov:bottom #sub:female #transformation #trans

Tammy Drew, intrepid investigator tracking down sources of ‘forever chemicals’, visits a small town where all the women seem to be tall, silver-haired, and packing something extra in their pants. Can she figure out what’s causing it? Or will she end up the same way?

Disclaimer: If you are under age wherever you happen to be accessing this story, please refrain from reading it. Please note that all characters depicted in this story are of legal age, and that the use of 'girl' in the story does not indicate otherwise. This story is a work of fantasy: in real life, hypnosis and sex without consent are deeply unethical and examples of such in this story does not constitute support or approval of such acts. This work is copyright of Kallie 2023, do not repost without explicit permission

Tammy Drew arched her back and stretched her legs as she hopped off the bus, before raising her head and surveying her new surroundings. It had been a painfully long and boring trip, and the small town of Rubensville she now found herself in could only be described as ‘aggressively midwestern’.

Tammy reached back and slipped her notebook out of the back pocket of her denim jeans so she could quickly jot that down. It would be a good line for her article, and she needed something snappy for the header - especially if the story she was sniffing out was as big as she thought it was going to be.

Charming though they may have been, it wasn’t the bright lights of Rubensville - slogan: the Rubensville life is good! - that had brought her all the way out into the middle of nowhere. Tammy wasn’t a tourist, she was an environmental researcher and eco-activist, who published to a readership of dozens on her online blog. Currently, she was on the trail of a new form of contamination that had shown up in her research, and as she had traced it up along the Missouri River, her concentration maps had increasingly pointed to this little town as the most likely source.

Admittedly, though, as she walked down what passed for a main street, Tammy had a hard time imagining that anything particularly sinister could be happening in a town like this. It was small, remote, and very, very quaint. The only thing that jumped out to Tammy as being unusual was the people. For such a small town Rubensville was practically bustling, but Tammy couldn’t seem to see any men around. And all the women were, well…

“Howdy, stranger!”

Tammy blinked once as she realized someone was talking to her, and blinked again once she got a good look at the woman waving in her direction.

She looked a lot like all the other women Tammy had seen walking around Rubensville, which was to say: completely superhuman. Tammy was well above average for a woman - she was trans, after all - but the person walking towards her towered over her. She had to be seven feet tall, easy. And that was just the beginning: the middle-aged woman had the kind of figure that the word ‘statuesque’ didn’t even begin to cover, and it was all Tammy could manage to not stare at her massive chest and drool. Most mysteriously of all, her long, curly hair was all a shimmering, silver color - again, just like that of all the other Rubensville women. And… was that a bulge in the front of her skirt?

“Howdy!” the silver-haired woman repeated. “You must be the researcher?”

“Um, yes, hi!” Tammy replied. “Tammy Drew. How did you know?”

The woman laughed a huge, hearty laugh that had her whole body heaving appealingly. “It’s a small town, honey. When there’s something new, word travels fast.”

Tammy laughed right along with her. In her experience, greeting people with a smile was always the best policy. Still, this was all very strange. How did she know Tammy was a researcher?

“My name’s Kathryn Jackson,” the woman added. “Mayor Kathryn Jackson, in fact. I figured it was only proper that I show up to give you a warm Rubensville welcome.”

“Wow, thank you!” Tammy said brightly. “That’s very kind.”

Mayor Jackson did look a little formal now that she mentioned it, with her deep red blouse and pencil skirt. Tammy couldn’t help but feel excited. If anyone around here knew anything about an abandoned factory dumping contaminants in the river, it was sure to be her.

“Now, honey, you’ve had a long trip.” Mayor Jackson slipped effortlessly into a warm, motherly tone of voice that was accentuated further by her accent. “We’d better get some food and drink in you, and I won’t take no for an answer.”

Tammy nodded gratefully. She couldn’t deny that she was hungry. Mayor Jackson led her to a nearby cafe, and indicated a table for her to sit at.

“Missy!” she called out, as she sat down opposite the researcher. “Let’s give our guest a taste of our local specialties.”

Tammy was still getting settled when the waitress returned with a steaming mug of tea and some kind of pastry bun. Tammy was glad to see both, but once again she had to struggle not to stare. The waitress looked distinctly similar to the mayor and all the other women she’d seen so far; middle-aged, impossibly tall, prodigiously curvaceous, and with that eerie silver hair.

“Don’t mind me,” Mayor Jackson prompted. Clearly, she didn’t see anything amiss. “And don’t worry. It’s on the house.”

“Thank you, seriously,” Tammy replied, and lifted the tea to her lips.

It was delicious. Tammy’s tired eyes lit up as the warm, creamy liquid filled her mouth. It was unlike anything she had ever tasted, but certainly not in a bad way. It was incredibly thick and full-flavored, almost as if she was drinking heavy cream instead of tea. There was a strange aftertaste Tammy couldn’t quite place, but it certainly didn’t tarnish the experience.

“Milk tea,” Mayor Jackson supplied. “A local delicacy. You won’t find anything like it anywhere else, and that’s a guarantee. Try the pastry!”

Tammy was too starved to refuse. The pastry bun was just as much of a revelation. As soon as she bit into it, a rich, sweet, creamy filling exploded into her mouth. It had the same aftertaste as the tea, but Tammy didn’t care. She ate every last crumb, and Mayor Jackson chuckled heartily at her sounds of delight.

“Cream buns,” she said. “Another Rubensville special.”

“Wow,” Tammy breathed. “I’ll have to help spread the word.”

Briefly, the young researcher wondered why the mayor of a rural town would be so eager to treat her to tea. Perhaps it was just her vibes. Tammy was well aware that she had a youthful, earnest look that set people at ease. It wasn’t a bad thing at all, given her vocation, and Tammy was more than happy to play into it. She knew her shoulder-length, straw-blonde hair looked adorable held back with a hairband, especially with her thick-rimmed glasses framing her face and highlighting her cute freckles. With a polo shirt, a pair of denim shorts, and some sneakers, she was a vision. An all-American sweetheart - albeit, packing a little something extra in her panties.

Maybe her charms would get her somewhere with Mayor Jackson.

“Mayor Jackson, I actually came to Rubensville for a reason.” Tammy sat forwards. “I’ve been tracing some unusual water contamination, and my research suggests it comes from somewhere around here. Do you know anything about that?”

The mayor just kept smiling. “No, not at all! What kind of contamination?”

“It’s…” Tammy paused, deciding how deep she should go. “Have you heard of PFAS? The forever chemicals? Like on the news?”

Mayor Jackson shook her head. “Most of us around here don’t really bother keeping up with the news.”

“Right.” Tammy kept her smile bright. “PFAS. Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances. They’re plastics that remain in the environment for an extremely long time, causing all kinds of damage. People call them ‘forever chemicals’. What I’m looking for is something like that. But… not exactly like that. Something new. I’ve actually never seen anything quite like it.”

“I’m not sure I can help you,” Major Jackson replied disarmingly. “Rubensville is a nice, normal, sleepy town.”

Tammy glanced out of the cafe window. She had some serious doubts about that. All the passers-by she saw were cut from the same mold as Mayor Jackson and the waitress, and there was absolutely nothing normal about a whole town populated by seven-foot-tall MILFs with silver hair and huge tits.

As she stared, Tammy suddenly noticed something new.

She noticed that she was incredibly, incredibly horny.

Tammy blushed fiercely, and crossed her legs under the table to hide her throbbing erection. This wasn’t like her at all. She usually had a pretty average libido, but now she was like an adolescent schoolboy. Obviously she found incredibly tall, busty, older women hot - who wouldn’t? - but this went deeper than that. Tammy’s arousal was raw and physical in a way she’d never experienced before.

She could feel her cock bouncing in her pants as it sprung to full hardness. She could feel her balls churning and swelling out of sheer, desperate need.

If she hadn’t known it was impossible, Tammy would have sworn she was actually growing down there. She couldn’t ever remember being so big or so hard. No hard-on had ever felt so intense.

Tammy suddenly had a hard time looking Mayor Jackson’s in the eyes.

“Was there something else?” the statuesque woman prompted brightly.

“Y-yes,” Tammy stuttered. It was becoming very difficult to focus. All the blood was leaving her head and heading south. “Um… I was going to… oh! Yes. I was going to ask about the factory.”

“No factories around here, honey.”

“Actually,” Tammy insisted. “My research told me that there was a factory in Rubensville, right on the river. The, er, FunFoam factory?”

“Oh, that old thing!” Mayor Jackson chuckled again. The way her breasts heaved as she did was only getting more distracting. “I’m afraid you’re out of luck. It shut down years ago.”

“Hm, I s-see.” Tammy fidgeted in her seat. “Maybe I should go check it out. It could be leaching something into the water.”

“I’m not sure about that,” Mayor Jackson replied quickly. She sounded every bit like a concerned, kindly matron. “An old, rotting building? Doesn’t sound safe, honey.”

“Then, do you think maybe someone could-“

Tammy was interrupted by the sound of the bell at the cafe’s door, followed by approaching footsteps. A moment later, another of Rubensville’s residents appeared at Tammy’s side, and her presence didn’t make her erection any easier to deal with.

“Ah, Ms. Hearst!” Mayor Jackson greeted the newcomer warmly. “You didn’t need to come all the way down here, Virginia, but I’m flattered.”

Virginia Hearst had the same silver hair and towering stature as Mayor Jackson, but in her case, the terms ‘superhuman’ and ‘amazonian’ seemed all the more apt. The middle-aged woman was wearing a neatly-ironed pantsuit and beneath it, rippling muscles were visible every time she moved. She had the physique of a goddess. Tammy was convinced; something seriously weird was happening in this town. It was impossible for anyone to look as good or as strong as Virginia Hearst.

“This is our visitor, I presume?” Ms. Hearst said, indicating Tammy. “My, my. Isn’t she a cute little thing?”

Tammy almost whimpered. She could feel it again, that distinct sensation of her cock throbbing and her balls swelling. It wasn’t fair. Ms. Hearst had the same accent as the mayor, but her voice was all sex; low, sultry, and domineering.

“Isn’t she just?” Mayor Jackson agreed, chuckling. “I was giving her a taste of our local dishes.”

“Excellent,” Ms. Hearst purred. “I knew I could trust you to make sure she gets the right kind of welcome.”

Tammy was seeing red. Her eyes were locked onto the bulge in the front of Ms. Hearst’s pants. There was definitely something there - and if it was what she thought, this woman was even more hung than Mayor Jackson looked to be.

“No need to worry,” Mayor Jackson replied. “It’s all in hand.”

“Good. Then I’ll leave it all up to you.”

With that, she turned and left. Once she heard the cafe door swing closed behind her, Tammy felt she could breathe a little easier and think a little clearer. Only a little, though. There was still Mayor Jackson’s cleavage to deal with.

“Wow,” she panted. “W-who was that?”

“Virginia Hearst,” Mayor Jackson answered brightly. “One of our most prominent citizens. She owns the f- ah, I mean, she’s a local business owner.”

Even Tammy, debilitatingly horny as she was, couldn’t miss that.

“W-well, thank you for helping me, Mayor Jackson,” Tammy said awkwardly. “I, um, am feeling very exhausted after my long trip. Perhaps I should go and lie down.”

“Oh, of course!” Mayor Jackson’s look of concern was back. “Silly me! I should’ve known better than to drag you in here without even asking. Why don’t I go and leave you to finish your tea in peace?”

“That’d be great,” Tammy replied, with affected weariness.

“You can find rooms for the night just across the street,” Mayor Jackson said, as she rose to her feet. Tammy kept her eyes firmly on the table in front of her. “And if you need any more help, I’ll always be available at the town hall! Rest up well, honey.”

With that, she was gone. Tammy breathed a sigh of relief and took a few more sips of her milk tea. Once her raging erection subsided, she knew exactly what to do. She wasn’t going to go and lie down. She was going over to that abandoned factory. Clearly, there was something going on there, and Tammy was determined to get to the bottom of it.

She would just have to try her hardest not to stare at the bosoms of any of the tall, curvy MILFs roaming the streets of Rubensville. Which was perhaps easier said than done, when all their breasts were at head height.


A couple of hours later, Tammy was hiking out of Rubensville and approaching the nearby abandoned factory. She was tired, yes, but sleep could wait. Getting to the bottom of this mystery was more important.

Escaping Rubensville without humiliating herself certainly had been an ordeal, though. At every turn, Tammy had been surrounded by tall, silver-haired, curvaceous, older women, and her body was responding eagerly to their presence. She’d tried waiting in the cafe but her erection had refused to completely subside, leaving her to dash through the streets of the small town with a huge bulge in her shorts - a bulge that only grew larger whenever any of them smiled at her, or winked at her, or licked their lips hungrily…

Tammy let out a low groan. Even thinking about it was dangerous. It made her cock jump in her pants, and each time it did, she could have sworn it was getting bigger. Her balls were churning and full, and begging for release. Tammy had to keep reminding herself that the swelling sensation she felt down there was impossible, and that there was something more important at hand.

Tracking down the mysterious contamination.

The disused FunFoam factory wasn’t far from Rubensville, and sat on the banks of a small river that eventually fed into the Missouri. From a distance it looked abandoned enough, but now that she was getting closer Tammy wasn’t so sure. A few pieces of external equipment looked a little too clean, like they had recently been replaced, and she could just barely hear the low rumbling of some kind of machinery.

Mayor Jackson was right. It could be dangerous. But Tammy wasn’t the kind of girl who would let a little danger get in the way of a big scoop!

Tammy approached the factory and pushed open the first door she saw. It was dirty and screamed with rust when she moved it - but the lights were on inside. Brimming with excitement, Tammy headed deeper. This was it. She was onto something.

After a few minutes of navigating the factory’s barren corridors, Tammy found herself stepping out onto the factory floor, and she gasped at what she found there.

Vats of chemicals, boiling and simmering. Huge mixing chambers, thrumming as they churned whatever was inside. Massive pumps, dealing with some kind of by-product - by pumping it straight out into the river.

This factory wasn’t abandoned at all. It was the source of everything Tammy had been looking for. She’d struck gold.

“Ah, so you came here after all,” called a familiar voice.

Tammy wheeled, and found herself face-to-face with Virginia Hearst - tall, muscular and as imposing as before.

“I had a feeling you weren’t the type to be discouraged by Kathryn’s usual routine,” Ms. Hearst mused. “Well, Tammy Drew. Here it is. Rubensville’s great secret.”


Tammy was lost for words, and Ms. Heart’s presence certainly wasn’t helping. Her large, impossibly perky tits were staring her right in the face, and the rest of her breathtaking, amazonian body had her drooling. Tammy was going to have to hope the businesswoman didn’t look down and see the massive tent in her pants. She averted her gaze, keen to think about anything except her growing balls and supercharged libido.

“W-what are you even making here?” Tammy asked. “I thought this place made, uh, foam.”

“It used to.” Virginia Hearst sighed wistfully. “FunFoam: the Fluorosurfactant Backyard Sliding Foam for the Whole Family. A simple idea for a simpler time. But in truth, FunFoam was a disaster. The injuries? The lawsuits? We had to shut down production long ago. Now all we make is the waste product.”

“The PFAS? Just to dump it in the river?” Tammy was aghast. “Why?”

“For the greater good,” Ms. Hearst replied ominously.

“How can you say that?” Tammy cried. “Don’t you know what perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances do to the environment? They’re awful.”

Ms. Hearst simply shook her head. “You misunderstand. I’m talking about a different PFAS.”

“Huh?” Tammy blinked. She was totally lost.

Without any hint of insincerity, Ms. Hearst looked at Tammy and said: “it stands for Potent Futanari Artificial Serum.”

Tammy’s jaw dropped. “What.”

“A rather… florid name, I admit. But allow me to explain in full. You’ve earned it.”

Ms. Hearst started pacing back and forth in front of Tammy as she explained. The researcher did her best not to stare at the well-built woman’s fantastically toned ass. She wasn’t very successful.

“Our PFAS started out as an accidental byproduct of the production of FunFoam,” Ms. Hearst explained. “But we soon became aware of its effects. Once absorbed in sufficient concentrations by women like you and I, Tammy, a miraculous transformation begins.”

Tammy was having trouble hearing her over the sound of her own heart pounding. The way Ms. Hearst’s hips swayed as she walked was utterly hypnotic. She felt like her cock was about to rip through her shorts.

“T-that… a transformation?” she stuttered. “Is that… am I…”

“It’s an incredibly potent virility drug,” Ms. Hearst continued. “PFAS leads to wildly increased libido, sexual performance, sperm production, and even, ah, size. But that’s just the beginning. The true miracle is what happens when that chemical is processed within the human body.”

Tammy found herself panting for breath. Following Ms. Hearst’s words was getting harder and harder. All she could think about was sex, and she could have sworn that the statuesque MILF in front of her was deliberately showing herself off in how she moved.

“Once a woman like you has ingested enough PFAS, her cum takes on very special properties.” There was a particular hunger in Ms. Hearst’s voice as she said that word, and it sent an aroused shiver down Tammy’s spine. “It induces a kind of eternal second puberty in those who consume it. Aging halts in its tracks once they reach middle age, and they develop prodigious height and strength - not to mention boundless virility of their own. Silver hair is just one more hallmark.”

“Oh my god,” Tammy breathed. As implausible as it sounded, she believed it. It was the only way to explain what was happening in this town. She couldn’t tell if this was a nightmare or a wet dream.

“So, you understand why we need to keep this place up and running,” Ms. Hearst continued. “This town is a paradise. We don’t need to worry about old age or ill health. It will stay that way as long as we keep pumping the PFAS into the water, so it can be safely absorbed by our crops, and in turn, by us. This factory is the beating heart of Rubensville, Tammy.”

Another shiver raced down Tammy’s spine. “W-why are you telling me all this?”

“That’s very simple.” A wicked glint appeared in Ms. Hearst’s eyes. “Because you’ll need to know, if you’re going to help us.”

“H-help you? You’re insane!” Tammy exclaimed. “Why would I do that?”

“Oh, honey.” Now, Ms. Hearst simply laughed. “You won’t be able to help yourself.”

Beads of sweat formed on Tammy’s forehead. “What are you t-“

Before she knew what was happening, Ms. Hearst had pounced towards her like a lioness, muscles rippling under her pant suit as she moved. Tammy had no time to run away - and fleeing was the last thing on her mind, once Ms. Hearst’s hand wrapped around the tent in her shorts.

A loud, desperate moan forced its way past Tammy’s lips as white-hot pleasure shot through her. The sensation of her cock throbbing and her balls swelling redoubled, and it was all she could do not to buck her hips in an effort to rub herself against Ms. Hearst’s hand. Tammy had never been so sensitive, or so needy.

“It’s simple,” Ms. Hearst replied in a honeyed voice. “You have a need, and I have a need. Why don’t we take care of each other? Quid pro quo.”

“T-that… t-that’s…” Tammy could hardly speak through her moaning. She tried to pull away but Ms. Hearst kept advancing on her until her back was against the wall. “Nnngghh… cannnn’t…”

“I think you just need to get a little more in touch with yourself.” Ms. Hearst overrode her effortlessly. “Doesn’t this feel good, Tammy? Don’t you just need some release?”

“I… I… ffff…” Somehow, Tammy just kept growing harder and harder under the attention of Ms. Hearst’s fingers. “What… do… to me?”

“Our local delicacies,” Ms. Hearst said. “Milk tea? Cream buns? We made sure you got a nice, high dose of PFAS. And now look at you! You’re coming along magnificently. I can almost smell it.” She licked her lips. “You can’t resist it, Tammy. Nobody can.”

Ms. Hearst kept rubbing the tips of her fingers along the length of Tammy’s throbbing bulge, but it wasn’t nearly enough. The researcher’s willpower snapped, and she reached down in a frenzied attempt to bring herself to orgasm. Again, though, Ms. Hearst was too quick for her. The businesswoman’s other hand shot out and effortlessly seized both of Tammy’s wrists, and brought them upwards to pin them against the wall above Tammy’s head.

Tammy’s moans took on a new note of protest.

“Patience, honey,” Ms. Hearst admonished gleefully. “We can’t let a single drop of that delicious, chemically-enhanced cum of yours go to waste.”

“Hfffhhh,” Tammy panted. “P-please… pleasepleaseplease.”

“Oh, I know.” The amazonian woman laughed. “I can barely hold myself back either. But over time, we’ve learned the perfect ways to milk a cute thing like you for every… last… drop.”

The way she emphasized those last three words was almost enough to push Tammy over the edge, but Ms. Hearst was too skillful for that. When she felt Tammy’s cock begin to throb dangerously through her shorts, she lifted her hand away and, while the researcher whined pitifully in protest, swiftly unfastened Tammy’s shorts.

“My, my,” Ms. Hearst purred lustfully as she tugged Tammy’s shorts and panties down. “You really are coming along nicely.”

Tammy looked down and gasped in shock at what she saw. None of the sensations of growth and swelling had been fake; on the contrary, her tight denim shorts had only served to disguise the extent of her transformation.

Tammy had always been average down there. Maybe a little below average, not that it had ever troubled her. That was now a thing of the past. The organ jutting out between her legs was huge. It was at least twice its usual length, and much girthier. It looked impossible - anyone who didn’t know better would have sworn it had to be a strap-on - but Tammy knew it was real because she could feel every last inch thrumming with pleasure.

Beneath her cock, her balls had grown just as much. They were huge and incredibly heavy, like she hadn’t cum in months. Tammy was incredibly aware of just how full they were, especially as they twitched and clenched every few moments in a reflexive attempt to push her toward release. Ms. Hearst had been right. The sheer need to cum was becoming irresistible on a biological level.

“I can’t wait to get a taste of you,” Ms. Hearst breathed. “Once you agree to be nice and well-behaved, of course.”

Once again, she started stroking Tammy’s massive, hard cock. Now that Tammy could feel her touch directly, without anything in the way, it was that much more intense. Tammy immediately started moaning again, and bucked her hips to match Ms. Hearst’s rhythm. The superhuman businesswoman always seemed to be pulling away from her, though; always teasing her with pleasure whilst denying her any chance of release.

“P-p-please!” Tammy whimpered again. She couldn’t help it. She’d never felt anything like this.

“That’s more like it,” Ms. Hearst purred. “Now, Tammy, will you tell me if anyone else is going to come looking for us?”

“H-huh?” Tammy whined. “I… don’t… can’t…”

“Sure you can, honey,” Ms. Hearst insisted. “Just focus for me.”

She started squeezing just a little harder on Tammy’s cock. Tammy saw white. She bucked her hips harder. She needed this.

“D… nnggh… d-don’t… know,” she moaned.

“Think harder,” Ms. Hearst urged. “Don’t you want this?”

Suddenly, she seemed to give up on foreplay. Ms. Hearst started jerking Tammy off in earnest, bringing her to the edge in mere moments. Tammy’s response was immediate. She started panting much harder and giggled deliriously as the sudden onslaught of pleasure threatened to boil her brain.

She was so close. This was it. This was what she craved. Release. Orgasm.

And then…


Ms. Hearst stole her hand away at the last moment. Tammy was left still bucking her hips pointlessly, humping nothing but thin air as she let out a keening cry. Her cock twitched and throbbed dangerously, teetering on the edge of orgasm, but with no further stimulation it simply wasn’t enough. The building pleasure ebbed away, and Tammy was left even more frustrated than before.

“I d-d-don’t knowwww,” Tammy whined, under Ms. Hearst’s expectant gaze. “B… be… because…”

“That’s better,” Ms. Hearst cooed. She rested her hand against Tammy, who immediately started humping again, letting out little, pathetically grateful moans. “See? You can help me when you really put your mind to it.”

“Pleeeassseee let me cum,” Tammy babbled. She kept straining against Ms. Hearst’s grip, but it was no use. The statuesque woman held her in place effortlessly. “Pleasepleaseplease. I need it, I need it, I need it!”

“Soon,” Ms. Hearst promised. “Because…?

As hard as it was to think, Tammy tried to force herself to compose an answer. She didn’t want to help the woman who had drugged and restrained her - but she needed to cum more than anything.

“B-because… if I could… find you…” Tammy paused to moan as Ms. Hearst rewarded her efforts with more skillful, blissful attention to her cock. “O-other people… could too!”

She whined and looked hopefully at Ms. Hearst, but before she could receive her longed-for reward, another of Rubensville’s tall, silver-haired, impossibly-built women stepped into view: Mayor Kathryn Jackson.

“Sorry I’m late, Virginia,” the curvaceous mayor said. “I came as quickly as I could. But I see you have her well in hand, so to speak..”

“I’m sure darling Tammy here will appreciate another hand or two,” Ms. Hearst replied, playfully running her hand along Tammy’s shaft and eliciting another moan. “Isn’t that right, Tammy?”

“P-p-pleaseeeeeeee,” Tammy moaned. Her cock was now throbbing dangerously at even the lightest touch. She was seeing stars. “Nneedneedneed.”

“Oh, you poor thing!” The mayor rushed to Tammy’s side, her voice oozing motherly sympathy. “Virginia here can be so mean sometimes, can’t she? Here, let Kathy take care of you.”

Tammy’s eyes bulged wildly as, intentionally or not, Mayor Jackson ended up pressing her massive tits into the researcher’s face. She may not have had Ms. Hearst’s muscles, but her ‘assets’ put the other woman’s to shame. A wave of light-headedness washed over Tammy, and she sank unsteadily to the ground. From there, the two women looming over her seemed all the taller.

“I’ll take care of everything for you,” Mayor Jackson simpered. “I just need one little thing, honey. You’re such a bright young lady, after all. So tell us: how can we stop people from tracking us down the way you did?”

Tammy frowned. “I-I don’t… that’s not…”

She only had a moment to think before Mayor Jackson decided to provide further encouragement. She took a careful step forward, and placed her foot directly against Tammy’s cock.

That simple touch was like a red rag to a bull. Tammy started squirming madly and, even though Ms. Hearst was still keeping her wrists pinned above her head, she managed to move her lower body so she could grind and hump against Mayor Jackson. Ms. Hearst giggled at her shameless display of lust and moved even closer, pressing her impossibly toned thighs into the horny researcher’s face. Tammy was eager to bury her face into them. She couldn’t tell if this was heaven or hell.

“Think for us, honey,” Ms. Hearst insisted. “We can give you exactly what you need.”

Thought should have been well beyond Tammy, but she found herself wracking her brains as hard as she could. Her mind was a puppet, and her libido was pulling the strings. She needed to cum so badly, she forced herself to come up with a solution - however insane it sounded.

“I-if,” Tammy managed slowly, between moans. “If you d-dumped more PFAS… a lot more… all over the place… n-nobody could ever find the real source. Y-you could hide like… like a needle in h-haystack.”

“Oh, my!” Mayor Jackson exclaimed, her voice full of fawning praise. “Isn’t that an idea?”

Tammy realized what she’d just put into motion, and pressed herself tighter against Ms. Hearst’s thighs as if trying to bury her shame.

“B-b-but,” she added, moans thickening as Mayor Jackson started grinding her foot along the length of Tammy’s cock. “Y-you can’t! PFAS is f-forever! That much… it would be in the water… the rain… e-everywhere!”

Mayor Jackson and Ms. Hearst exchanged glances.

“Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad,” Mayor Jackson mused. “But we can talk about that in a moment, honey. For now, I think you’ve finally earned a little treat.”

Tammy’s eyes lit up in anticipation, but then she yelped as she felt herself being hauled to her feet by Ms. Hearst’s immense strength. Then, as one, both of the superhuman women dropped to their knees. Even kneeling they made Tammy feel small, and the way they pushed her against the wall with their bodies kept her upright despite how weak her legs felt. That wasn’t what truly made Tammy shiver, though.

It was the way both of them licked their lips, and stared at Tammy’s throbbing, drooling cock with expressions of fierce hunger on their faces.

Suddenly, it occurred to Tammy what she represented to these women: her cum was like the elixir of life to them. Every drop was suffused with PFAS and was sure to renew them, bit by bit making them taller, stronger, and even more irresistible.

No wonder they looked like they were going to drain her dry.

As if in response to some unseen signal, both Mayor Jackson and Ms. Hearst surged forwards. All of the pleasure Tammy had felt before was nothing compared to what she felt when both women started eagerly kissing and sucking along her huge, throbbing shaft. Their tongues and their lips along her cock was everything she’d been craving. Their technique was exquisite, and their frenzied thirst only added to the experience.

Tammy started thrashing and squirming - but not to escape. She was beyond that. Overwhelming desire had already robbed her of any will to resist. She just wanted more, and eagerly pressed her hips forward like she was trying to shove her cock into one of her captors’ throats.

“My!” Ms. Hearst laughed, her words made all the lewder by the sounds of smacking lips and greedy sucking that punctuated them. “Isn’t she eager?”

“It looks like she can be a good girl for us after all,” Mayor Jackson replied. Her voice became muffled as, halfway through her sentence, she wrapped her lips around the end of Tammy’s cock and took her into her mouth.

That was all it took. Tammy came.

As her orgasm hit, Tammy’s cock started throbbing like never before. Both of the statuesque women on their knees before her sensed what was happening, and pulled back to open their mouths wide in anticipation of her thick, chemically-infused seed. They weren’t disappointed.

“O-oh fuuuckkk!” Tammy cried, as blessed relief finally washed over her. Nothing had ever felt as good as the moment she painted her captors’ faces with her first load of cum. Finally, she could alleviate some of the desperate pleasure that had been building within her.

Her first load was far from the last, however. Every few moments Tammy’s cock throbbed again, and each time it did, she pumped out more and more cum - more than she’d ever thought possible for one person. Ms. Hearst and Mayor Jackson, though, drank every last drop, moaning as they did, savoring it like it was a rich delicacy. Once Tammy’s orgasm started to fade, they turned to each other and fell to messy, sloppy kissing, licking as much of her cum from each other’s faces as they could.

“Incredible,” Ms. Hearst panted. “The first time is always the sweetest!”

Once all three of them had taken a moment to catch their breath, something quickly became obvious.

Tammy wasn’t done.

The drug-addled researcher wasn’t getting soft. Her enhanced cock was still rock hard, and her huge, pendulous balls were barely less fell than they had been. Tammy whimpered again. Her relief was rapidly diminishing, already dwarfed by the awareness of how much need was still building within her.

She needed to cum. She still really, really needed to cum.

Tammy threw pleading glances down at the women kneeling before her. Both of them giggled at her plight.

“I think I know just what you need. Like I said, we know exactly how to milk out every last drop.” Ms. Hearst rose effortlessly to her feet to tower over Tammy once more. She looked down at the mayor. “Why don’t we take it in turns? I’ll let you get the next taste.”

“Why thank you, Virginia!” Mayor Jackson remarked. “We can show our guest what PFAS truly means.”

Tammy wasn’t sure what they were referring to, but all was soon revealed when Ms. Hearst started to strip. She cast aside her cum-stained jacket and stepped deftly out of suit pants and panties, leaving Tammy to immediately fixate on just one thing:

The businesswoman’s massive cock.

Ms. Hearst made even Tammy’s enhanced size look small, especially as it rapidly swelled to its full hardness. The researcher had already seen what one day of high-dose PFAS could do to someone; now, she was seeing what it looked like when someone had been ingesting it in its processed form for years and years.

Her mouth went dry, and she licked her lips. It was beautiful.

And she needed it.

Tammy offered no resistance whatsoever as Ms. Hearst bent her over and pressed her massive cock against the researcher’s ass. Mayor Jackson remained on her knees, gently sucking on the tip of Tammy’s dick as it dripped and throbbed. Tammy knew exactly what was about to happen, and she couldn’t wait.

A thought suddenly occurred. A completely stupid, nonsensical thought that went against everything she believed. A thought she was only entertaining because of how utterly drug-addled and pleasure-drunk she was.

“I-I could show you,” Tammy said.

“What’s that, honey?” Mayor Jackson asked.

Tammy couldn’t believe what she was about to say. “I could show you where to dump the PFAS. I could show you how to hide Rubvensville perfectly.”

“Is that so?” Ms. Hearst asked, pressing against Tammy from behind. “What about the contamination?

“It… won’t be great.” Tammy blushed, both from what Ms. Hearst was doing and from what she was about to confess to. “The PFAS will contaminate the entire water cycle across whole states. Maybe even the whole country. The concentrations might be sufficient to start, ah, affecting people.”

“But?” Mayor Jackson prompted.

“But,” Tammy continued. “But… I’m a conservationist at heart. And mountain lions aren’t the only kind of cougars worth protecting.”

Tammy blushed hard at her cheesy line, but both of the other women laughed happily.

“I’m glad you think so!” Mayor Jackson said, beaming up at her. There were still a few globs of Tammy’s cum on her cheek.

“We’ll get started tomorrow,” Ms. Hearst added. “But for now, I think it’s only proper we reward your enthusiastic cooperation.”

In a single motion, Ms. Hearst impaled Tammy on her cock. Tammy saw white as she felt the businesswoman’s huge member thrust deep into her ass. It was incredible. The sensation cemented that, for her, there was no going back. Tammy loved nature, but this was a true paradise, and this bliss made it all worth it.

As soon as Ms. Hearst’s cock pressed against Tammy’s prostate, another massive orgasm swept through the young researcher.

The whole factory was filled with the sound of Tammy’s moaning. This time, when she bucked her hips back and forth, she was eagerly fucking herself on Ms. Hearst’s massive shaft. The pleasure was divine, and it grew and grew with each thrust as the amazonian woman behind her succeeded in milking even more of Tammy’s chemically-enhanced cum from her cock.

Beneath them both, Mayor Jackson was waiting to receive. She kissed the tip of Tammy’s cock as she came, and drank her seed like it was manna from heaven. The mask of the wholesome, welcoming, guileless mayor she had worn earlier was finally slipping. Now, Mayor Jackson looked like a shameless, expert whore, sucking in her cheeks as she took Tammy into her mouth and sucked as hard as she could, unwilling to let anything spill into the factory floor.

This time, when Tammy’s orgasm finally subsided, it wasn’t enough for the cum-hungry MILF. Moaning happily, she slipped out of her blouse and squeezed her massive, PFAS-given tits around Tammy’s cock. Once she started bouncing them up and down in time with Ms. Hearst’s thrusts, another orgasm immediately rose within Tammy. Given how much her cock was still throbbing and her balls were still churning, the researcher sensed she still had much, much more to give.

And she knew these tall, hung cougars weren’t going to be done with her for a long, long time.

Sandwiched between a muscular amazon and a curvaceous fertility goddess, Tammy simply stopped thinking. Her capacity for intelligent thought was utterly drowned by the unending pleasure of the threesome - and the fervent hope that if she stayed in this town and kept eating the local food, there would be many, many more days of pleasure to come.

After all, this was the Rubensville life. And it was good.

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