Bust Bet

by Kallie

Tags: #cw:noncon #f/f #sub:female #urban_fantasy

On a trip to Vegas, Madeleine tries to prove she’s cool enough to have a good time. Unfortunately for her, she runs across a mysterious, demonic casino that deals in boons and curses instead of dollars

Disclaimer: If you are under age wherever you happen to be accessing this story, please refrain from reading it. Please note that all characters depicted in this story are of legal age, and that the use of 'girl' in the story does not indicate otherwise. This story is a work of fantasy: in real life, hypnosis and sex without consent are deeply unethical and examples of such in this story does not constitute support or approval of such acts. This work is copyright of Kallie 2022, do not repost without explicit permission

Madeleine’s bad mood was only getting worse, the more she walked around aimlessly under the still-scorching sun of the Nevada evening. She had absolutely no idea where she was; she’d headed off the Las Vegas Strip at least an hour ago, and now she was taking aimless turns through wide, deserted streets lined with nothing but large, plain-looking houses and identical low-rise offices or apartment blocks. She might have said she was lost, but it wasn’t like Madeleine was going anywhere in particular in the first place. She’d just been wandering around ever since being ditched by her friends.

‘Friends’ really wasn’t the right term, she reflected. It had probably been too optimistic for Madeleine to hope that those cool, older girls would ever want to be friends with a nerd like her. When she’d gone to college, she’d sworn she would try and turn over a new leaf - to be more sociable, more popular. As a result, she’d done her best to hang out with a group of popular seniors in one of her classes, even though she’d never been able to shake the feeling that they were laughing at her behind her back. When they’d invited her to come along on their Spring Break trip to Las Vegas, she’d been overjoyed, even whilst knowing that it was probably too good to be true. She’d agreed to drive when they’d asked, too, which was probably the only reason they’d bothered to invite her.

Who knew that you had to be twenty-one to gamble at a casino?

Her so-called friends, obviously. Their gleeful, mocking giggles when they’d ‘apologetically’ told Madeleine that she couldn’t come in with them had made that very clear. It didn’t even make sense! If you were nineteen, like her, you were an adult. Old enough to join the army, old enough to own a gun, but apparently not old enough to pull the lever on a slot machine. It made Madeleine want to scream.

Not that she cared about gambling, really. Madeleine just wanted to feel like she actually do it. Like she could be cool. Like she could fit in, for all that she stuck out like a sore thumb around Alison, Kay, Stef, and all the others. They all looked like glamor models. Not her. Madeleine was, in a word, average. She had mousy, brown hair, kept too short to be a hassle and too long to be stylish. Her face was round and plain, and her figure was chubbier than she would have liked. She didn’t even dress like them. She couldn’t. She couldn’t stand the thought of going out in public in the kinds of revealing outfits they wore. Even now, in the heat, she was wearing a maxi dress with long sleeves.

Madeleine simply didn’t fit in.

But she needed to find something to do. She had to make some kind of use out of this trip; something to make sure her fake friends weren’t snickering behind their hands the whole car trip home. Maybe she’d find someone to hook up with. Why not? She could do it. Maybe she’d get drunk in a seedy bar. Maybe she’d hang out in a strip club. Best of all would be if she could find a casino that didn’t check ID, so she could get the real Vegas-

A casino.

Suddenly, it was right there. Except, that didn’t make any sense. A casino was a building. It couldn’t ‘suddenly’ be anywhere. Yet, somehow, it had crept up on her, and now she was standing right outside of it. Like many casinos, it was styled to look old and grand - in this case, almost like a cathedral, although any illusions regarding its purpose were shattered by the bright, red, neon sign over the entrance. Peccatoris Ludum Casino, it read. The monolithic structure looked totally out of place in the surrounding neighborhood. Madeleine figured it was probably a cheap, seedy kind of establishment, looking to snag some tourists who wandered away from the bright lights of the Strip.

Tourists just like her, in other words.

In truth, the whole place gave Madeleine a bad feeling, but she was determined to be adventurous, for once in her life. Madeleine walked up to the front door and stepped inside.

It was empty.

The palatial casino floor Madeleine found herself on was all the more grandiose for how deserted it was. It stretched away into the distance, full of tables for all kinds of games, but Madeleine couldn’t see a single patron besides herself. Still, the casino’s theming was so earnest it brought a smile to her face. Instead of a medieval castle or a Roman palace, the Peccatoris Ludum Casino was hell. Mounted on all the walls were huge boards sculpted to resemble hellfire and painted with garish yellows and reds, and the columns holding up the ceiling had been carved to look like huge pillars of black, basalt rock. Besides that, it was all pristine, white stone and blood-red banners and curtains. The whole place looked like it was out of some kind of nineteen-twenties old-timey anti-gambling cartoon, complete with smooth, old-fashioned jazz playing over hidden speakers.

Madeleine giggled to herself. It was cute.

Unfortunately, though, an empty casino wasn’t a very good place to have fun. Madeleine turned to leave, when a smoky, feminine voice calling out to her made her jump.

“You’re not going to play? Such a shame.”

Madeleine wheeled back around. She’d been wrong. The casino wasn’t deserted, at least not completely. Standing behind a nearby blackjack table was one, single, solitary dealer.

The dealer was gorgeous. Her outfit was classy - the classic white shirt, black vest and black bow tie of a casino dealer - but it did little to hide her unbelievable, bombshell body. She had mouth-watering curves and a towering stature to match; Madeleine was surprised a woman like her was working as a dealer rather than a supermodel. She had the face for it too; high, angular cheekbones and full lips that seemed to promise the world, all framed by long, lustrous, black hair. Madeleine was straight, but even she couldn’t help but stare.

“Oh, um, you’re open?” Madeleine said uncertainly.

“Of course.” The dealer just smiled. “We’re always open for business.”

Madeleine smiled too, as she noticed the one piece of flair to the dealer’s outfit. To fit in with the theming of the rest of the casino, she was wearing a headband with two horns mounted on it, as if she was a demon. At least, Madeleine assumed there was a headband; she couldn’t really see. It must have been nestled in under her hair. The look was very convincing. They didn’t look like plastic at all. Madeleine could have taken them for real horns, if that hadn’t been impossible.

“Would you care for a game?” the dealer asked, gesturing to her table.

Madeleine almost refused, but then she remembered how she’d wound up there. What else was she going to do? She nodded. “Sure! As long as you’re OK with just me.”

“It’s no problem,” the dealer told her, still flashing that winning smile. “Blackjack?”

Madeleine nodded again. It was one of the few games she actually knew how to play properly. She stepped up to the table and watched as the dealer produced a deck of cards and started shuffling it theatrically.

“I’m Madeleine. I’m here from out of town.” Madeleine wasn’t sure how normal it was to make small talk, but when there was only the two of them, it felt right. “What’s your name?”

She’d searched for a name tag, but the dealer wasn’t wearing one.

“Me?” the dealer seemed amused by the question. “I’m just a Dealer.”

The way she said it made it more like a name than a job, and so Madeleine found herself thinking of the strange woman that way.

“Oh, um, do I need to get some chips?” Madeleine looked around for a place to cash in. “I didn’t see…”

“No need,” Dealer replied, still shuffling the deck. “You don’t need chips to bet here.”

“Really?” Madeleine reached for her handbag and checked her wallet. “Um… I don’t really have a lot of cash, either.”

Dealer laughed, as if Madeleine had just told a joke. “You don’t need cash either. You can bet with anything.”

Madeleine stared at her, baffled, as Dealer finished her preparations with a flashy riffle shuffle. “I’m not sure I understand.”

“You can bet with anything,” Dealer repeated. “Your body, your mind, your life - whatever you please.”

“Uh….” Madeleine didn’t like the sound of that one bit. “That sounds, like, really sketchy.”

Dealer laughed good-naturedly. “Let me show you an example. One round - you’ll get your bet if you win, and if you lose, it’ll be on the house.”

The first taste was free, it seemed. Madeleine shrugged. What did she have to lose? “Sure, OK!”

“Wonderful,” Dealer purred. “So please, tell me: what’s one thing you wish you could improve about yourself?”

Madeleine was a little taken aback by the question, but an answer came readily to mind. “Confidence,” she said. “I wish I was more confident.”

Dealer’s smile widened. “That will do nicely. Let’s play!”

She dealt the cards; two for Madeleine, and two for herself. Madeleine looked down. She had been dealt an eight and a six.

“Hit,” she said.

Dealer obligingly gave her another card. Another six. That made twenty.

“Stay,” Madeleine said, grinning. This was fun.

Dealer nodded, and turned over her face-down card. She had a nine and a seven. She tapped the table once, and turned over another card for herself. An eight.

“Bust!” Dealer announced. “The customer wins.”

Madeleine gave herself a dorky little cheer. “So… what do I actually-”

She cut herself off abruptly when, as if by magic, she felt herself rewarded with her prize.

Confidence, as bubbly and euphoric as she could have hoped.

“Woah,” Madeleine breathed, at the fresh emotion surging within her. It felt amazing. She felt amazing. The whole world seemed brighter. She wasn’t as bothered by how she looked, or as tempted to make a break for the exit out of sheer anxiety. “That’s… how?”

Dealer just winked. “Another hand?”

“Sure!” Buoyed up with fresh confidence, Madeleine was eager to go again. She figured it was probably just the placebo effect or something, but either way, she was having a good time.

“Excellent choice.” Dealer swept up the cards and started to shuffle the deck. “What would you like to bet this time?”

Madeleine laughed away the question. “You said we could do bodies, right? Bigger boobs? I could use another cup size.”

“As you say,” Dealer replied, nodding. “But this time, I’m afraid it won’t be on the house. You’ll need to risk something of equal value. How about ten IQ points?”

Madeleine snorted. “Oh, yeah,” she said sarcastically. “Perfect.”

“Then, let’s go!”

Again, two pairs of cards flew from Dealer’s dexterous hands. This time, Madeleine found herself holding a ten and a queen.

“Hold,” she decided.

Dealer flipped over a three, to add to her nine. She went for another, but it proved to be a jack. That made twenty-two.

“Another bust,” Dealer announced mournfully. “The patron wins.”

Madeleine giggled, and looked down at her chest half-jokingly.

Her eyes went so wide they were bulging, however, when her tits actually started to grow. At first, she literally could not believe the bizarre sight of her own chest expanding. It was impossible. It couldn’t be real. But when she felt her boobs start to strain uncomfortably against her bra, there was no denying it. You couldn’t fake that, not with any sleight of hand or trick of the light.

She’d won bigger tits by gambling.

“H… how?” she exclaimed.

“I’m afraid that’s a proprietary secret,” Dealer replied, sweeping up the cards. “Would you care for another hand?”

“But… what…” Madeleine was speechless. How was this possible? Was it permanent? Why had she never heard of this casino before? She had so many questions, and she was beginning to think more games weren’t wise. What would have happened if she’d lost? “I… think I’m going to leave?”

“Of course.” Dealer didn’t seem displeased. “You’re free to leave at any time. And to return - although we might not be so easy to find.”

Her words made Madeleine pause. If she left, she might not be able to come back. That was what Dealer seemed to be hinting at. As shocked as Madeleine was with her larger chest, she was far from unhappy with it. What else could she win, if she kept playing?

‘Fortune favors the bold’. She’d never cared for that saying before, but now it felt resonant with her new, confident, bustier self.

“Actually,” Madeleine said slowly. “Another hand, please.”

“By all means.” Dealer started shuffling the cards for a third time. “What would you like to bet?”

Madeleine thought for a moment. “I want a bigger butt. I’ll wager ten IQ against that again.”

Having a nice ass to match her new chest would feel amazing, and Madeleine was fairly sure she wouldn’t really miss just ten IQ. What good had all her smarts really done her, anyway?

“Certainly,” Dealer agreed. “Let’s play.”

Madeleine was dealt a ten and a six. A decent hand, but likely not a winning one. She decided to go for it. “Hit.”

Dealer tossed her another card. She turned it over. A five! That was twenty-one - blackjack. A guaranteed draw, at worst.

“Goodness me,” Dealer purred, smiling. “Let’s see.”

She had a seven, and turned over another seven to match it. As Madeleine watched, she turned over another card. It was a nine. She was bust.

“You win again!” Dealer told her. “You’re on quite the hot streak.”

A grin came to Madeleine’s face, and she waited to receive her reward.

She wasn’t waiting long. Within moments, she could feel her ass growing and becoming softer underneath her. Looking down only confirmed it. Madeleine’s butt was bigger. Even perched on a casino stool, she could tell that her new assets rounded out her figure nicely. She was feeling great.

“Will that be all?” Dealer prompted.

“One more!” Madeleine immediately insisted. This felt way too good for her to stop. Just thinking of everything she could win was putting stars in her eyes. “This time… I want perfect twenty-twenty vision! Same bet, ten IQ.”

Dealer held up her hand. “I’m sorry,” she said politely. “I’m afraid ten IQ won’t quite be enough to cover that. Not all boons are equal, after all.”

“What, then?” Madeleine was impatient to get on with it. “Just tell me.”

“How about a few letters from your name?” Dealer suggested. “From Madeleine, to Maddy.”

Madeleine frowned. She hated being called ‘Maddy’. It didn’t suit her at all, and her mother had always insisted against it. Anyway, how could you bet a name? That didn’t even make sense. Fortunately, it wouldn’t matter. Blackjack was easy, and she was on a winning streak.

“Sure. Let’s go.”

This time, Madeleine was dealt nineteen right out of the gate. It was too risky to ask for another card, so she declined to hit. Dealer’s nine didn’t look too threatening, but when she turned over her second card, she revealed an ace. Counted as eleven, that gave her twenty.

Madeleine had lost.

“The house wins!” Dealer declared. She sounded pleased. “I’m afraid beginner’s luck must run its course… Maddy.”

“That’s not my-” Maddy’s reply was cut short by an unfamiliar, dizzying sensation that made the casino floor spin around her for a moment. Fortunately, it passed quickly. She cleared her throat. “My name is still Mad- Maddy?”

It felt wrong, but it sounded right. The name rolled effortlessly off her tongue, as if she’d been saying it her whole life. Maddy scowled, and prepared to try again. She tried sounding out her old name in her head, just to prepare herself, but found that she couldn’t. Her thoughts kept running in circles, always coming back to the name ‘Maddy.’ It was like Maddy was a song she had stuck in her head. Even when she tried to think something else, it just… appeared, in her thoughts. Maddy.

She was Maddy.

Her name was Maddy.

It hadn’t always been Maddy. She knew that much. But it was now. That name was attached to her as firmly as anything.

Maddy looked up at the dealer, and for the first time, she felt truly afraid.

“H… how?” she panted.

“As I told you, that can’t be revealed,” Dealer replied smoothly. She was already shuffling the deck. “Another hand?”

“N-” Maddy stopped herself before she could decline. Clearly, she was in over her head. But if she left here, she would be kissing her old name goodbye forever. “I can bet for the name- for my old name back, right?”

“Certainly.” Dealer’s smile was slowly but steadily becoming a grin. “Nothing is off the table.”

“What do I need to stake?” Maddy demanded immediately.

“Hmm.” Dealer took a moment to consider. “How about your inhibitions? Let’s say, seventy percent of them.”

“What?” Maddy hadn’t been expecting something like that.

“Here at the Peccatoris Ludum, we want all our patrons to leave satisfied.” Dealer flashed her a winning smile. “I sense that you could benefit from being a little more uninhibited. Look at it as a win-win.”

Maddy got the distinct impression it wasn’t going to be that fair or that simple, but no matter what, she wanted her name back. “Sure, fine,” she agreed. “Now, let’s go.”

She just had to get her name back, and she’d be out of here.

This time, Dealer handed her a fourteen in total. Maddy felt safe enough to hit on that. She needed to be sure of a win. She tapped the table, and Dealer flipped her another card.

An eight.

Twenty-two. Bust.

“Bad luck,” Dealer sympathized. “I’m afraid that means, well…”

“Wait!” Maddy urged, even though she knew it would do her no good. She braced herself for another episode of head-spinning, but none came. Instead, she found her mood lightening considerably as her inhibitions drained away.

Why was she so worked up about this anyway?

Maddy. Something about the name Maddy. It bothered her. It had always bothered her. As a child, her mother had always insisted it was no good. Her full name - Maddy still couldn’t so much as think it - was elegant and feminine, her mother had told her. She’d also told her that ‘Maddy’ sounded like the name of a stripper.

Maddy giggled. Was that really such a bad thing? It was practically a compliment.

She just needed to relax, Maddy decided. A name was just a little word. Maybe it was even an improvement. And she’d gained some great tits and an amazing ass. Objectively, this place was great! Why stop now?

“Let’s go again!” Maddy said brightly.

“For your name?” Dealer asked. “What would you-”

“Nah,” Maddy said, waving a dismissive hand. “I’m done with that. Instead… hm.” She cupped her new tits in her hands, an idea coming to her. “They were pretty small to begin with, right?” She giggled. “No more itty-bitty-titty-committee for me! I want two more cup sizes. That should be, like, twenty IQ, I’m guessing?”

“You’re quite correct,” Dealer agreed, smiling warmly. The way she kept turning over the deck of cards in her hand, shuffling it, was almost hypnotic. “Then, let’s play.”

This time, Maddy landed on a five and a three. ‘Hit’ was an obvious call. She made it, and got a king - a ten. Eighteen. That was pretty good, but Maddy was feeling daring - and besides, she really wanted those tits.

“Hit!” she called again.

A four.

Another bust.

“Oops,” she giggled.

“Oops, indeed,” Dealer echoed. “You know the stakes, I’m afraid.”

“Sure, sure.” Maddy wasn’t too worried. She could afford to part with twenty IQ. “Again! I want a rematch. Same stakes.”

“If you’re certain?” Maddy nodded, and Dealer swiftly shuffled the deck.

When the cards were dealt out again, Maddy found herself looking at a seven and an eight. That made… what did that make again? It took her a moment to do the mental math and add the numbers up to fifteen. She frowned. Maybe twenty IQ was more than she’d thought.

A fifteen wasn’t safe enough. She hit, and landed an ace. That would have to be a one. Sixteen. That wasn’t much better than a fifteen. Hitting again was risky, but probably not as risky as letting it ride.

She hit again.

A five!


Maddy grinned up at Dealer. Only a matching blackjack would save the tall, gorgeous woman now. Dealer turned over a twelve, hit to a nineteen, and was left with no choice but to go for another card… and bust!

Maddy giggled, puffed out her chest, and watched her tits grow.

This time, the growth was much more dramatic. It looked a little like two balloons being inflated underneath her dress. Her bra soon gave way and the clasp snapped, allowing Maddy to breathe easier and her tits to jiggle and bounce dramatically as they settled at their new size. They made for an impressive sight. Her dress was being stretched out to its limit, and her tits now completely dominated her frame. She’d gained three cup sizes - that made her a proud double-D. Maddy couldn’t have been happier. She felt hot. Let the bitches who had ditched her try and laugh at her now. She still looked somewhat nerdy, sure, with her thick-rimmed glasses, but she had a better body than any of them. Boys would soon be drooling over her - not them.

“I’m pleased to see that you’re already enjoying your winnings,” Dealer commented, smiling.

Maddy looked down, and giggled as she realized she had already been rubbing her chest through her dress out of wonder. It was true, she was enjoying them. In her book, she was way ahead. She had the body of her dreams along with newfound confidence, and all she’d had to give up for it was a boring old name and a little intelligence. Probably, she wouldn’t even miss it. Losing her inhibitions was practically a reward. Maddy was strongly considering walking away. Maybe she should quit while she was ahead.

There was just one problem: she was pretty sure her dress wasn’t going to survive the walk home.

“I need some new clothes,” she muttered to herself.

Dealer grinned and did a little trick with some cards, flipping them over in her hand. It was mesmerizing. “Care to gamble for them?”

Maddy grinned too, and nodded. Blackjack was fun! Why not? One more hand. “Sure! What do I need to wager?”

“Let’s do it like this,” Dealer replied. “No matter what, you get new clothes that fit. I can’t just leave you in that boring old dress. But if you win, you decide the outfit. And if I win, then I do.”

Maddy couldn’t believe how generous this woman was being. It was another clear win-win. “Let’s play! Deal ‘em out.”

Dealer swiftly obliged. Maddy received a three and a four. Seven total. Obvious hit. A seven, now. Fourteen. Another hit was a risk worth taking.

Her next card was a king.


Maddy wasn’t particularly disappointed. She just wanted something that fit better. Maybe something a little showier, too. There was no need for her to be covering up so much. When she glanced down at herself, though, and saw what she was suddenly wearing, her cheeks turned red.

This change was just as impossible as all the others, and even more seamless. There was no warning. Her old clothes were simply gone, and in their place was a new outfit entirely. Maddy didn’t even feel it happen. All she felt was the sudden sensation of cool air against her bare skin.

She was wearing almost nothing.

The tiny string bikini Dealer had chosen for her could barely even be called an outfit. It left almost nothing to the imagination. The cups only just managed to cover her nipples, leaving most of her new, much bigger tits on full display. When Maddy jumped suddenly out of surprise, she thought her boobs were going to bounce right out of her top. The thong was just as bad. Anyone who walked in the casino door was going to be treated to an unimpeded view of Maddy’s amazing new ass. Even for her freshly-uninhibited self, it was a little much. The fact that it was shiny and gold only made seem even more pornographic.

“H-hey!” she protested.

“You knew the risks,” Dealer replied, smiling politely. “It wouldn’t be much of a loss if you got exactly what you wanted, would it?”

Maddy couldn’t argue with that. All the same, she tried to look on the bright side. At least now, she was sure to get all the attention she could ever want. But… what if it wasn’t enough? Maddy didn’t know anything at all about how to hook up with guys. Confidence only got you so far, right? That sudden worry prompted an idea for another bet.

“What if,” Maddy said cautiously, “I wanted to be, like irresistible to guys? Could you do that?”

“As advertised, with us, nothing is off the table,” Dealer answered. “’Irresistible’, though… that’s quite the tall order. Not impossible, of course. But the wager will have to be, well, significant.”

Dealer’s grin was looking more and more predatory with each passing moment.

“Like… like what?”

“Something equal and opposite, perhaps. Should you lose, instead of being irresistible to men, you’ll become irresistible to women.”

“What?” Maddy balked. “No. No way. I’m not… I’m straight!”

“Then let’s throw your sexuality into the deal,” Dealer said, an evil glint in her eye. “You’ll become attracted to women instead of men, too. No matter what, you’ll be irresistible to the people you’re attracted to. What’s there to lose?”

Maddy was so, so close to saying ‘no’. Despite Dealer’s assurances, it was obviously a bad idea. But she was this close to making all her dreams come true. She didn’t just want to be hot. She wanted to make sure the girls who had snubbed her would turn green with envy when they looked at her. She wanted to be irresistible. It was just one more hand, right? One more win - it couldn’t be that unlikely. Maddy could practically taste it.

In the end, with her inhibitions already gone, a single, sudden, impulsive thought was all it took to make the decision.

“Deal!” Maddy cried. “Let’s play.”

Her heart was pounding as Dealer dealt out two more pairs of cards. When she looked at hers, though, her worry eased.

A ten and a queen. Twenty. Almost a sure thing. Even with Dealer holding a ten of her own, Maddy wasn’t worried. She waved her hand across the table.

And then her jaw dropped when Dealer turned over an ace.

She’d hit twenty-one. Blackjack.

Maddy had lost.

She wanted to scream and rage. It wasn’t fair! Why did she keep losing? She was on the verge of leaping to her feet in protest, when her new sexuality slammed into her with the force of a car crash.

For the first time that evening, it was like she was opening her eyes and finally, truly noticing the woman standing across the table from her.

Dealer was incredibly beautiful. She’d known that, intellectually, from the first moment she’d set eyes on her. But knowing it was one thing; feeling it was quite another. Dealer’s mere presence made the casino floor feel searing hot. Maddy couldn’t tear her eyes away from the tall, statuesque casino dealer. If she’d been staring before, now she was drooling. The way Dealer’s vest was stretched taut over her chest filled Maddy’s heart with yearning and her body with heat. And Dealer was looking at her! Maddy was suddenly, desperately flustered. She tried squeezing her legs together, hoping her arousal wouldn’t show, but that only made her predicament worse.

Maddy couldn’t believe what she was feeling. This wasn’t right. She wasn’t a lesbian.

Was she?

Desperately, she tried to turn her thoughts in a more familiar direction. She did her best to picture Mark Scout, the quarterback of the college football team and the boy she had a crush on. Normally, that was a sure way to get her daydreaming. Now, though, the mental image left her utterly cold. Mark Scout simply couldn’t hold her interest. Her thoughts slipped away from him like water running off a duck’s back, and turned back towards Dealer.

“I… I-I gotta go,” she said hurriedly. She couldn’t handle this. She couldn’t so much as think, when such a hot woman was right there.

“Aw.” Dealer gave her a picture-perfect pout. Maddy’s heart almost stopped. “That’s a shame. I was having so much fun. Are you sure you won’t stay for just one more hand?”

“Um… um…” Maddy felt like she was sweating bullets. She could feel her willpower crumbling hopelessly. She couldn’t resist. “S-sure, um, one more, I guess.”

“Wonderful!” Dealer thanked her with a warm smile. Maddy couldn’t help smiling in return, although she suspected the look on her face was more of a dumb, silly grin. “I’m so pleased. So, what would you like to wager this time?”

“U-umm…” Maddy was hesitant. Gambling parts of herself away was feeling a lot riskier now. She wanted to try and think of something that wouldn’t be a big deal, but thinking was awfully difficult when Dealer was right there. After a few moments, her thoughts turned to yet another insecurity. “My hair. I want perfect hair.”

“Excellent choice,” Dealer said. “Might I suggest we run this bet as we did before? If you win, you’ll get the hair of your dreams. If you lose, I’ll give you what I think is perfect hair.”

Immediately, Maddy started shaking her head. She wasn’t falling for that again. “Nuh-uh. I want to know exactly-”

“Aw, don’t you trust me?” Dealer interrupted, grinning wickedly. “As a dealer, I’m obliged to be impartial, you know. I’m not out to get you, Maddy. Trust me, I want to make sure you look every bit as sexy as I know you can.”

Maddy almost choked. Her mouth was too dry for her to speak. Having all of Dealer’s charm focused against her was like being in the eye of a hurricane. It made her head feel as light as a feather, and before she knew it, she was nodding. “S-sure.”

“Good choice!” Dealer winked at her. “Let’s play.”

Before Maddy could stop her, the cards were being dealt out. She looked at hers; a two and a three. Five.


Another three.


Six. That made fourteen. Maddy held her breath, and went for another hit.

Another two. That put her at sixteen.

This time, she wasn’t going to risk it. “Stay,” she said, in a weak voice.

“Hmm… are you sure?” Dealer said in a teasing voice, surprising her. “You could go higher, you know.”

“No, I- ah!”

Maddy made a strangled, embarrassing sound when she felt something stroke against her thigh, under the blackjack table. She looked down, but saw nothing, even though she was sure she had been touched.

“Well?” Dealer prompted.

“Sta- mmf.” It happened again, just the same. Something that felt almost like a hand ran up her thigh, softly and gently. Maddy let out a sharp breath at how intimate the contact was. Once again, though, when she looked down, there was nothing. It was puzzling.

More than that, though, it was arousing.

Maddy couldn’t help the way her body responded to the contact. Being around Dealer and dressed in such a skimpy outfit had her on a hair trigger. Given her relative lack of experience, being touched on her inner thigh was like being struck by lighting. It made her whole body feel burning hot, and made her mind go blank.

“Maddy? Another card?”

Again, when Maddy tried to reply, she was interrupted by something touching her. The way her body was being caressed under the table had her panting for breath. She looked up at Dealer, a pleading look on her face. “W-what are you doing?”

“Me?” Dealer replied, a totally insincere, predatory smirk on her face. “Why, I’m simply running the game, nothing more. That’s why I need to know if you’d like another card.”

“I’m trying… I don’t- grkkhh.”

“It’s up to you, of course,” Dealer continued, ignoring the way Maddy had suddenly moaned. “But I’m guessing that you do. A big, strong, mature woman like you knows how to take a risk. And didn’t you come here because you wanted to impress people?” Her voice dropped, becoming honeyed and suggestive, and full of promise. “I’ll be so impressed, I promise. I love a real high-roller. Won’t you give it to me, Maddy? Won’t you give me what I want? Just one more hit?”

It worked like a charm on the helpless, tormented girl. Maddy’s wits deserted her, and she found herself nodding.

“Excellent.” Dealer flipped her another card. A jack. She was bust. The smirk on Dealer’s face made it seem like she’d known all along what would happen. “Oops.”

Maddy started to whine in protest, and froze when she saw bleached-blonde locks falling around her face.

Looking down, Maddy could just about see her own face in the polished wood that made up the blackjack table, and what she saw was shocking. It was like she’d had an entire styling session in a single instant. Her hair was now platinum blonde - the color obviously fake, given its salon sheen and the way her dark roots were showing. It was longer too; thick and luscious, cascading down her body in perfect waves. Along with all the other changes that had befallen her, she barely looked like the same girl who had entered the casino only half an hour before.

She looked like a slutty Instagram starlet, not a mousy nerd. This, apparently, was Dealer’s version of perfection.

“So,” Dealer said hungrily. “What’s next?”

“N-next?” Maddy moaned. “What… I don’t… I can’t…”

There it was again. That touch, under the table. It was growing more insistent, pushing higher up her thighs and starting to tease the hem of her thong.

It was driving Maddy crazy.

“How about this time, when you lose, your body will get twice as sensitive?”

Maddy was about to protest, when whatever was touching her pushed directly against her thong, rubbing up and down along the lips of her pussy. She was shamefully wet, and through the thin, metallic material of her new bikini, she could feel everything. Before she knew it, she was moaning: “Y-yes!”

“Here.” Dealer handed her her cards. A nine and a five. “Hit? Or stay?”


Maddy couldn’t think at all, not when she was being touched like this. She looked down, and for the first time, caught sight of what was tormenting her.

It was a tail.

The spade-shaped tip of a long, prehensile, winding its way around the table legs to reach up to her thighs. When she bent to look closer, Maddy could clearly see that it belonged to Dealer.

Maybe those horns of hers weren’t so fake after all.

“Hit? Or stay?” Dealer repeated. Her tail darted out to stroke Maddy’s bare thighs again.

“S-s-stop that!” Maddy whined. It was taking all of her willpower not to touch herself, or beg for more.

“Please concentrate on the game,” Dealer chided, as if she wasn’t the one distracting her. Only her devilish grin gave the game away. “Hit, or stay.”

“S-stay!” Maddy managed eventually. She was in no state to be taking risks.

Dealer flipped over her cards. A pair of nines.

“The house wins,” the demon announced.

Immediately, the sensation of Dealer’s tail running up and down along her thigh was twice as intense, and ten times harder to handle. Maddy bent double, leaning on the blackjack table to keep herself from collapsing to the ground. Her new, blonde hair was a mess, and her exposed body was gleaming with sweat.

“Let’s go again.” Dealer’s demeanor was still cool and professional, but her eyes were full of sadistic, lustful glee.

“G-give…” Maddy panted. She didn’t have the strength to try and fight off Dealer’s tail. “I want… everything back… like it was.”

“Unfortunately, we have a strict no-refund policy,” Dealer was still smiling, as if nothing untoward was happening. “But you are, as always, welcome to gamble for it. You’ll just need to put something equivalent on the line.”

“L-like what?” Maddy moaned, as the tip of Dealer’s tail peeled her thong away from her skin.

Dealer’s open-mouthed grin was so wide it split her face in two, revealing pointed teeth and an unnaturally long tongue. “Your future. If you lose, you belong to us.”

Those words sent a shiver down Maddy’s spine, but what choice did she have?”

“Fine. Fine,” she grunted, making herself sit up. “Let’s… just deal already!”

Before, Dealer had always been swift to shuffle and deal the cards. This time, she was tortuously slow, allowing Maddy to wallow in her heightened sensitivity. Her tail, by contrast, was working quickly. Dealer was using it to pull Maddy’s thong out of the way, and was pressing the spade-shaped tip against the entrance of her cunt.

When she finally dealt Maddy her cards, she pushed it in.

“F-fuck!” Maddy moaned. The feeling was so intense it threatened to knock her off her seat. Her body was unbelievably needy, and the fact that a hot, beautiful succubus like Dealer was going this to her only made it worse. She could barely even see her cards. The numbers and symbols were completely blurred.

“Hit, or stay?” Dealer asked.

“I… I…” Maddy couldn’t think. Not with Dealer’s tail starting to slowly and mercilessly fuck her cunt. “U-um…”

“The clock is ticking,” Dealer pressed. “Make your choice.”

Maddy forced herself to try and focus, as difficult as it was with her body being so invasive stimulated. She thought she could see a four, and… a seven? No face cards, at least. “H-hit,” she moaned.

“Are you sure?” Dealer giggled wickedly, her question drawing out Maddy’s blissful torment even longer.

“Yes!” Maddy whined impatiently. “H… hit.”

Nodding, Dealer dealt her out another card. It was a five. That meant she was at… sixteen. Right? Maddy was cursing her earlier decision to trade away her IQ, although with what Dealer was doing to her, it probably hardly mattered.

Sixteen. Perilously close to bust, but not close enough to be sure of a win.

Maddy’s whole life was on the line. She couldn’t risk it.”

“H-h-hit!” Her voice jumped an octave as she spoke, as Dealer’s tail penetrated deeper inside her.

She got her next card.

A four.


She was going to win. Unless Dealer scored a blackjack, she was going to win.

Or so she thought.

“Another card?” Dealer offered, malice dancing in her eyes.

“W-what?” Maddy moaned, confused. “N-no.”

“Are you sure?”

“Y- ah!” Maddy was interrupted by a particular forceful thrust that left her seeing stars and dripping all over herself. Dealer took advantage of the moment to lean across the table towards her, seeming to grow in stature as she displayed her demonic horns and infernal eyes.

“Think carefully, little mortal,” the demon commanded. “Are you really that desperate to go back to your boring old life? To being a mousy, boring little nerd? To you think any of these boys you used to crush on will ever fuck you like I can?”

Her tail started moving faster. She drew it back so she could rub the very tip against Maddy’s needy, hyper-sensitive clit, only to thrust it all the way back inside her cunt in a single motion. Maddy could barely hear Dealer over the sound of her own moans, and of her heart pounding. She’d never imagined such pleasure was possible. Already, she was struggling to remember what was happening in the game of blackjack they were playing. She wanted to look away, but Dealer’s gaze held her, transfixed. Like it or not, she was totally, hopelessly infatuated with the demon.

“I’m right,” Dealer continued. “You know I am. Go ahead. Bust. Lose. You know you want to.”

“B-but… but…” Maddy was so close to climax.

“And remember,” Dealer added, in a low, purring, sinful voice, “ if you do, you’ll belong to me. Forever.”

The whine that left Maddy’s lips was like a plea. A prayer.

“So,” Dealer finished. “Take another card. Hit.”

Maddy couldn’t resist her. Holding back would have taken superhuman willpower, whilst letting go only took a momentary lapse.

“H-h-hit,” she moaned, sealing her fate.

Smirking in victory, Dealer tossed her another card. At the very same moment, Maddy orgasmed.

The card was a queen.


She’d lost everything.

Finally, Dealer showed her mercy. She withdrew her tail, and reached across the table to pet Maddy’s head, like she was indulging a pet. “Good girl,” she cooed, and Maddy was embarrassed at how hard that made her blush. “You silly little thing. You should really have known. The house always wins.”

Maddy lowered her eyes. “W-what now?” she asked cautiously. She was dreading the answer, although part of her was thinking that, if she got to stay close to Dealer, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. She was already craving the succubus’s intimate touch again. “I-I don’t know what I’d do, working for a casino,” she added shyly.

Dealer glanced meaningfully to the very back of the cavernous casino floor. There was a stage, and atop it, a stripper pole. Then, Dealer looked back to her, and reached down to cup and squeeze Maddy’s new, huge tits.

“Don’t worry,” she laughed. “You’re going to make for some fine entertainment.”

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Special thanks to these patrons:
Artemis, Chloe, J, Secret Subject, linuxdaemon, Kathryn, Carrie, Lucy, Dex, orangesya, Red, dmtph, Queenfisher, Ember, Seph, MegatronTarantulas, Vanessa, Matt, BTYOR, Jeremy, Mattilda, Emily, William, ntad, Flluffie, Scarlett, Silgon, The Flock, ourladyoflilacs, Luna, Abigail, Jon, steb, Hypnogirl_Stephanie_, nicholas, gabbermoth, Sam, Sue, Alan_, mintyasleep, GL, Noelle, Vanhel, Lavender, Madness, Gilroy, Michael, Tasteful Ardour, SkinnyQP, Michael, Matthew, Full Blown Marxism, anonymous, GrillFan65, Jeff, Huge_Nerd, ZephanyZephZeph, Tram345, 8947jts, Brendon, Chris, Olympia417, Breadloaf, Kyle, Larry, Emma, Jack the Monkey, Paul, Dennis, Willow, Shadows exile, Drone 8315, Matthew, Myles_EXVS, Ashe, Alex, Madness, Sam, Hoelle, Selina, Daniel, Bubble_Butt, Francesca, WhyamIhere, John, Sarah, Crittergang, Setcab, Erin, Elysium, Bacon Man, Flintnsteal, RickyBear, JessieGinger, Arik, John, bluaph, Neil, Alexander, Kyle, Morriel, Jack the Monkey, Sola, NewtypeWoman, Envy, Anonymous


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