A Commanding Weakness

Chapter 6

by Kallie

Tags: #cw:noncon #clothing #dom:female #f/f #pov:bottom #scifi #sub:female #boot_worship #instant_loss

Disclaimer: If you are under age wherever you happen to be accessing this story, please refrain from reading it. Please note that all characters depicted in this story are of legal age, and that the use of 'girl' in the story does not indicate otherwise. This story is a work of fantasy: in real life, hypnosis and sex without consent are deeply unethical and examples of such in this story does not constitute support or approval of such acts. This work is copyright of Kallie 2024, do not repost without explicit permission

Wasp - or rather, her hardlight hologram - was bending over one of medbay’s examination chairs and staring very, very intently at the woman lying in it.

“Wow,” the hacker remarked, eyes shining. “Engineer Sai Kabir. She’s pretty hot. Cuter than her pic in the personnel files. Definitely a good choice, given what she’s hiding - under here.” Wasp poked the engineer in the chest. “And up here.” She moved her hand to Sai’s head. “Doc, how’s she coming along?”

Dr. Hiraga was standing just a short distance away. She was dressed in her usual uniform, but the unnaturally stiff, still way she held herself made her seem more like a mannequin than a person.

“Subject Sai Kabir’s responses are well within expected parameters,” Dr. Hiraga replied. Her voice was completely empty of any emotion - a far cry from her usual, friendly bedside manner. “Neurological readings indicate that her thought patterns are about seventy percent subjugated at present. There are no predicted obstacles to successful indoctrination.”

“Seventy percent, huh?” Wasp mused. “That’s a good number. A fun number.”

“Engineer Kabir is the fourth subject today,” Dr. Hiraga continued. “As per Stress Relief Officer Vasser’s protocols, we are proceeding with extreme caution to minimize the risk of alerting the rest of the cr-“

“Yeah, I don’t care right now,” Wasp interrupted. She sighed at her brainwashed puppet as the doctor fell silent. “I thought I was making Vasser more fun! Here’s what the new stress relief officer doesn’t quite understand yet: extreme caution is so boring. We’re… what? A quarter done? A third? It’s taking forever! I want to have fun - and this girl is the ticket.”

Under normal circumstances, Sai Kabir would never have tolerated anybody speaking about her or her captain that way. The engineer was a serious, career-minded woman - young, but she had hopes of climbing the rungs quickly. That meant she was determined to do her part in stopping Wasp and bringing the hacker to justice. But these weren’t normal circumstances.

A little earlier that day, Sai had reported to medbay for what was, she’d been told, a routine medical procedure. An inoculation of some kind. With no reason to be suspicious, she’d arrived exactly when scheduled and had helpfully allowed Dr. Hiraga to strap her into the examination chair so that she could inject something into her ear.

After that, everything had been spirals. They had flickered to life behind Sai’s eyes, so bright and disorienting they left no room for other thoughts. Then, whispers; new patterns of thought and feeling, written directly into her mind by what she was seeing. Trigger words. New beliefs. New responses. Bit by bit, over the span of little more than an hour, Sai Kabir was being completely and totally brainwashed.

She hadn’t resisted. She hadn’t been able to. She hadn’t even realized what was happening until it was far, far too late.

Wasp knelt down to the level of her face and started talking to her, even though she knew perfectly well Sai couldn’t hear her. “You know, I never did like playing with dolls. They don’t react. It’s no fun. Much more fun making the other kids cry. My own personal Alliance warship is way, way too good of a toy to pass up on, but frankly I was enjoying myself more when there was a little pushback. A little resistance.”

Sai Kabir’s head slumped slightly to one side. A thin trickle of drool was running down from one of the corners of her mouth. Her eyes were huge, vacant orbs, lit from behind by the shimmering, holographic spiral that was reflecting on their insides. She comprehended nothing at all of what Wasp was telling her.

“And you? Well, I was digging around, and I found a few fun little programs buried in your holodeck files. Turns out that everyone around here uses that thing to work out their little kinks. So I figured: why not take you out to play before you’re completely zonked? Call it a stress test, or something.” Wasp stretched forward and hungrily kissed the side of Sai’s face, then giggled. “Anyway, consider yourself lucky! Maybe you’ll be the little mouse that manages to wriggle free.” She glanced at Dr. Hiraga. “Shut her implant off.”

The doctor obeyed; she tapped a few times on the dataslate in her hand, and the unnatural light in Sai’s eyes disappeared.

“Wakey wakey!” Wasp sang out. “Lots to do, engineer.”

Full consciousness came to Sai Kabir agonizingly slowly. It was like struggling to wake up from the worst nap imaginable. Her thoughts were treacle, and after so long being forced open, her eyelids were impossibly heavy. Paralysis held her in its grip; even after she had regained some semblance of independent thought, it took what felt like an eternity for her to be able to lift her hands and rub the sleep from her eyes. Reconstructing what had brought her to the examination chair took even longer. All of Sai’s memories felt like nothing more than figments of dreams, and most of them were warped beyond recognition.

Then, eventually, the medbay around her came back into focus - and she saw Wasp.

That was the shot of adrenaline Sai needed. She’d have recognized the hacker anywhere, with her neon hair, scruffy clothes, and wild, malevolent eyes. Recognition brought with it alarm. She could sense that Wasp’s presence here meant something was very, very wrong. Sai gathered all her strength and, with all the coordination of a staggering drunk, managed to somehow force herself to her feet.

“Dr. Hiraga?” Sai croaked; her throat was painfully dry. “Why is this-“ She broke off after looking at the doctor. It was  immediately obvious she wasn’t going to be of any help. Sai slammed her palm on her comm badge. “Engineer Sai Kabir to-“ She broke off again. No chirrup of acknowledgment. Her badge wasn’t working. “Fuck,” she muttered to herself. “G-gotta get to the bridge.”

Sai lifted one foot to take a step toward the door and almost fell over. The room around her was still spinning.

“Woah, careful!” Wasp laughed, reaching out to help steady her. “Why such a hurry, engineer?”

Sai pulled away from her sharply, even though it threatened to make her topple. After throwing Wasp a fierce glare, she fixed her eyes on the door. “Gotta warn the captain,” she muttered to herself through gritted teeth. The words helped her find some clarity amidst the awful fog filling her head.

“Warn the captain?” Wasp reached out and grabbed Sai’s chin, forcing the engineer to look at her. “But I am the captain, silly. I’m your new captain.”

“No, you are fucking n-“ Sai froze mid-sentence. As she looked at Wasp, something was coming back to her. A memory, deeply buried, now being dredged out of the abyss.

Wasp was her new captain.

It didn’t seem possible. It made no sense. But somehow, Sai couldn’t bring herself to doubt it either. Wasp was her new captain. She just was, and Sai just knew. That certain conviction sat uncomfortably alongside the fast-fading sense of alarm and urgency she’d been experiencing just heartbeats before. With the adrenaline draining from her bloodstream, she was left staring at Wasp in hopeless confusion.

“You’re… my new captain?”

“That’s right,” Wasp replied, a huge, shit-eating grin on her face. “The order just came through from headquarters. I’m the new captain.”

“You’re… the new captain,” Sai repeated, tasting this new truth in her mouth. The absurdity of remembering something that she was now being told had just happened was lost on her. The truth was settling in her head, but it brought with it a barrage of contradictions. “But… you’re our enemy.”

“Not anymore,” Wasp told her.

“Oh.” Sai nodded slowly. Wasp wasn’t their enemy anymore. That made things simpler. “OK. What about Captain Vasser?”

Wasp giggled. “Oh, don’t worry about her.”

“Right.” Sai nodded again. She didn’t have to worry about her. This was starting to make more sense. Or at least, she couldn’t seem to figure out why it didn’t.

“Hm?” Wasp pursed her lips disapprovingly, although the glee never left her eyes. “Engineer, is that how you address your captain?”

Sai’s breath caught. “No, sir!” Even though she was still struggling to pull herself together, she managed to bring her feet together, straighten her back, and salute. “Sorry, captain.”

Wasp just giggled in sheer delight. That struck Sai as a strange way for a commanding officer to conduct herself - but it really wasn’t her place to question.

“Glad we’re on the same page,” Wasp said, after a moment. “I could get used to this. Anyway! Take off your shirt.”

Sai did a double take. “C-captain?”

“You heard me,” Wasp insisted. “Take off your shirt.”

Two patches of deep red appeared on Sai’s brown cheeks. “Yes, captain.”

She reached down and lifted her uniform shirt off over her head. Beneath, she was wearing something that, while not at all against regulations, was likely to raise a few eyebrows. Wrapped around Sai’s chest several times was a length of white linen, fastened so tight it was evidently compressing her natural form into a sleeker, less pronounced shape.

The engineer was binding her breasts.

Sai was practically squirming as Wasp ogled her chest. She preferred that people didn’t know, and she strongly preferred her breasts not being the object of attention or interest. But there was no helping it. Wasp was her captain.

“Now take that off too,” Wasp ordered, pointing.

At that, Sai stiffened visibly. “Captain, that’s… I don’t think…”

“Engineer?” Wasp affected shock. “I gave you an order.”

“That’s…” Sai twitched. Disobeying made her uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as what Wasp was suggesting. “I can’t do that, sir.”

Wasp snorted. “Wow. I didn’t figure you for insubordination. You really do have a complex about this.”

Sai blushed even deeper. “I-It’s not insubordination! Captain, Alliance regulations clearly impose several limits on the orders starship captains can issue - violating basic bodily dignity being one of them. I believe you’re crossing that line.”

“You do, huh?” Wasp’s grin returned. “I guess you’re right about that. But I think you might have forgotten something, engineer: those limits don’t apply if I say ‘Captain says’. Then, it’s an order you absolutely have to follow.”

“They… don’t?” Sai said uncertainly. That didn’t sound right to her. Not at all. But she hardly had the regulations memorized. If anyone would know better than her, it was the captain. 

“No,” Wasp giggled at her own improvisation. “They don’t.”

“R-right.” Sai was starting to remember now. It had just taken a moment, like how it had taken her a moment to remember that Wasp was the captain now. “But you didn’t say-“

“Captain says: take that off,” Wasp interrupted, pointing at Sai’s chest.

Sai shuddered in horror. That was the last thing she’d wanted to hear. She would have taken any alternative - but there was no choice. She couldn’t possibly disobey an order like that.

“Y… yes, sir.”

With utmost reluctance, Sai reached behind herself and untucked the ends of her binding cloth. Immediately, the whole thing unraveled and started to slip down her body, and her chest sprung free - exposing the very reason for her breast-binding.

Sai’s chest was absolutely huge.

Wasp made no attempt whatsoever to hide her lurid enjoyment as she ogled Sai’s bare chest. The more she looked, the redder the engineer became, but it was soon clear that Wasp had more in mind than just staring.

“OK,” the hacker said, “you can put your shirt back on.”

Sai nodded gratefully, and rushed to start gathering up her binding cloth - until Wasp stopped her.

“No, no”, she chided. “Captain says: you can only put your shirt back on.”

Sai shuddered again, but obeyed. Putting her shirt back on proved to be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, having anything at all to cover herself was a relief. On the other hand, she’d made sure her uniform was sized to fit properly over her binder, not without it. Now that her binding cloth was strewn uselessly across the ground, her shirt was woefully inadequate to contain her chest. Sai had to struggle and strain to get it on, and once she did, the shirt was stretched to its absolute limits. It looked like it might pop a button at any moment. Somehow, the way her shirt fit without her binding cloth made her chest look even bigger than it had when she wasn’t wearing it.

Sai’s face was burning hot. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her.

“Perfect,” Wasp mocked. “Alright. Time for your mission. I’m sending you to the ship’s canteen. But first, take this.”

She gestured to Dr. Hiraga, who then offered Sai an earpiece communicator. The engineer took the small, transparent device and nested it into her ear. Her badge didn’t seem to be working right now anyway. Earpieces were sometimes used as a replacement for faulty badges, although their main purpose was discretion. If Wasp talked to her using this, nobody else would be able to hear.

“Great!” Wasp said. “Now get going, engineer.”

Sai saluted again, but then frowned. “What… am I actually doing, captain? What’s the mission?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that.” Wasp waved a dismissive hand. “I’ll update you on the way. It’s urgent, you see. Very important. Now hop to it.”

“Yes, sir!”

If it was that important, Sai knew there was no time for more questions. This could be a chance to distinguish herself. She turned to leave medbay and - after one last uncomfortable glance down at her chest - stepped out into the corridor.


Puberty had been, by far, the worst time in Sai Kabir’s life - and it was all thanks to her chest. She’d been told dozens of times, by dozens of other girls, that they were jealous of her amazing growth spurts. There was absolutely nothing to be jealous of. Over the course of her teenage years, Sai’s breasts had grown to become almost cartoonishly large. They had no precedent in her family, and totally dwarfed the rest of her figure.

And as far as most people seemed to be concerned, they dwarfed her personality, too.

Her chest was all anyone else ever seemed to notice. It was all they looked at - no, all they stared at. Had they thought she couldn’t tell? Sai could always tell, and it was always utterly humiliating. And they made the most crass assumptions about her, ignoring all her seriousness, all her intelligence, all her effort. It was maddening. Objectification like that was supposed to be a thing of the 20th century, but it had plagued Sai everywhere she’d went. There was nothing she could do except change what other people saw.

Binding had been an easy choice. Not a comfortable one - keeping that length of cloth wrapped so tightly around her chest all day was desperately unpleasant. But it worked. With her chest bound, she’d been taken seriously again. She’d distinguished herself as a smart, professional, career-minded engineer, and won a posting on the Inyx, one of the most prestigious ships in the Alliance. She even enjoyed the respect of the hard-headed chief engineer, an older woman she was quietly enjoying having a crush on.

It was everything she’d ever wanted, and everything her ridiculous chest had stood in the way of. The only reason she hadn’t had surgery was because a medical incapacitation like that would have risked putting her ambitions on hold. As she’d begun her starship engineering career, Sai had felt sure of one thing above all else: she hated her chest, and she never wanted anyone else to see how big it truly was.

Then the fantasies had started.

Fantasies of being exposed. Fantasies of being stared at. Fantasies of all the people who knew her only as a serious professional suddenly seeing just what her body was really like. At first they’d just crept in, but soon they were all-consuming. Now, it was all Sai could get off to. Whenever she got worked up, she just couldn't get her exhibitionist fantasies out of her head.

And fuck, she was so ashamed of it.

Sai was keenly, painfully aware of what anyone would say if they knew what was going on in her head. She didn’t want to deal with any of that Freudian psychobabble. She just wanted those fantasies gone - but that was easier said than done. Once Sai had realized how bad it was getting, she’d tried ignoring them. It hadn’t worked. The more she let herself get pent up, the worse it was. So, she’d tried indulging instead, hoping that whatever sick part of her brain was obsessed with her own tits would eventually get bored of the idea. She’d even made custom holodeck scenarios to try and get it out of her system.

That hadn’t worked. That really hadn’t worked. Getting a little taste of what it might feel like to walk through the Inyx’s decks with her tits on display had lit a fire within Sai like nothing else. She wasn’t a virgin, but sex paled compared to that feeling. It just couldn’t satisfy her the same way.

Actually living it turned out to be a hundred times more intense.

As Sai rushed through the bowels of the Inyx, her face was so hot she could feel her skin scorching the air. She tried to keep her mind on the mission, but that was impossible. More than anything else, she was hyper-conscious of her own chest. She knew exactly how she looked. There was no way she could ignore it. Fuck, she could see her chest bouncing with every step she took.

She wasn’t wearing her binder.

Her uniform barely fit her chest.

And everyone could see.

The first time she’d turned a corner and found someone else walking towards her, Sai had almost moaned. They’d stared, of course. Who wouldn’t? She looked obscene. Their eyes had felt like twin lasers on her body, scouring her with impossible heat and treasonous shocks of pleasure. Sai tried to tell herself that she wasn’t really enjoying this. That she was an Alliance engineer on a mission, and that was all.

She knew it was a lie. As deeply, painfully ashamed as she was, it also felt incredible.

Sai was fighting to maintain her dignity and resist the siren allure of her fetish. But she was losing.

It didn’t get any easier. A ship like the Inyx was never truly quiet. There were always people coming and going, and each one made the delicious, sinful pleasure in her body redouble.

They all stared. Every single one.

Sai couldn’t help imagining what they might be thinking. No, worse than imagining. Fantasizing. The ones she didn’t know barely even glanced at her face, and that was a kind of mercy. Maybe they wouldn’t recognize her after this. They’d be left wondering about the mysterious crewman showing off her incredible body on deck seventeen. But it was humiliating, too, in a way that stroked all of Sai’s darkest dreams.

It was like she was nothing but a pair of tits to them.

But it was infinitely worse with people she did know. There were three or four of those; each time, they’d glance up at her face, just for a fraction of a second, and then do a kind of double-take. In that tiny moment, Sai could sense their mental image of her being completely rewritten. She could feel their shock. Their judgment. Their lust. She could hear the whispered conversations they’d have later, with others, about just how big her chest was. In Sai’s mind’s eye, the rewriting was permanent. They’d never look at her quite the same way again.

Fuck. Why did that turn her on so much?

After far, far too long, she reached the turbolifts. Sai could have wept with relief as the door opened and she threw herself inside, finally free from the burning eyes of her comrades.

A moment after she touched the button for the canteen deck, she realized she wasn’t alone.

There was someone else there with her. A petty crewman, from the look of her uniform. Conscious of Sai’s superior rank, she was doing everything she could to remain calm, composed, and respectful.

Unsuccessfully. Sai could see her glancing down at Sai’s chest out of the corner of her eye. It was driving her crazy. Fuck. She could feel herself soaking through her underwear.

Sai, came Wasp’s voice over the earpiece. You read me?

“Yes, captain,” Sai subvocalized, as she reached up to touch the device.

Great. Sai could practically hear the hacker licking her lips. I can see there’s someone else there with you, in the lift. Flash her.

For a moment, Sai saw white, Then she caught sight of her reflection in the lift’s metal walls and noticed she was turning a deeper shade of red than she’d ever seen on someone. “N-no!” she gasped, just barely keeping her voice hushed.

Oh, c’mon, Wasp drawled. It’s an order.

“I’m n-not doing that,” Sai shot back. “That’s ridiculous!”

Fuck. Why did part of her want to? Why couldn’t she stop thinking about how it would be just like one of her fantasies?

Ugh, Wasp groaned. That’s right, I gotta… what was that stupid phrase? Oh, yeah. Captain says: flash her.

Sai’s breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t refuse an order like that. She had to - even though it could destroy everything she’d worked so hard to build. Her dignity. Her reputation. Flashing a subordinate officer was… the sheer inappropriateness of it was staggering.

It didn’t matter. Sai’s body moved before her mind had come to terms with it. She turned to the petty crewman standing next to her, reached down, and lifted the hem of her shirt.

The next few moments seemed to play out in slow motion. Every last detail was etched permanently into Sai’s mind for her to obsess over forever. Her movement caught the petty crewman’s eye and she turned, inhaling a sharp breath as she realized what Sai was doing. As Sai lifted her top, her eyes widened little by little in sheer disbelief, and she started to shake her head to politely decline whatever she was about to be involved in.

Then Sai’s tits spilled free from the bottom of her shirt, and bounced as they came to rest on her chest.

Both of them froze. The petty crewman was nakedly staring now. Her mouth was open. She was transfixed. Sai was too. There was something in the air between them. A shared energy. A shared complicity. Sai could sense the gears turning in the other woman’s head: surprise, shock, worry, curiosity.

And lust.

Oh, yes. The petty crewman was enjoying looking at Sai’s tits. Sai could tell.

Sai moaned.

Nothing had prepared her for just how good it would feel. Sai was so light-headed she could barely see. Her legs were trembling. She thought she might pass out from the sheer, transcendent eroticism of the moment, but pleasure kept her fiercely grounded in her own body. The air on her skin. The way her nipples were hardening. The throbbing between her legs. The petty crewman’s burning gaze. All of it made it impossible to slip away into unconsciousness or denial.

This was real. This was really happening.

The desperate need to try and escape was part of what made it bite so hard. Shame burned within Sai every bit as hot and fierce as pleasure. The moment was unbearable, but it just kept dragging on. Thoughts of disaster, of the consequences of anyone finding out about this, kept stinging at Sai, but somehow they only added to the delirious high she was feeling.

She couldn’t be doing this. But she was.

And most of all, what made the hot licks of pleasure truly hit home was seeing herself from the other woman’s perspective. Sai could just imagine what she must look like. It wasn’t like she could pass this off as an accident, and her sweaty, flushed face made it all too clear that she was getting off on it.

She looked like a slut. An exhibitionist slut flaunting her tits. Nothing more.

The turbolift shuddered to a halt. The door opened. Sai became suddenly, keenly aware that it had only been seconds since she’d lifted her shirt.

The petty crewman opened her mouth. “W-what’s your-“

Sai bolted.

Her heart in her mouth, she sprinted out of the turbolift door. Nervous energy let her move faster than she ever had before, and in no more than a second she made it around a corner and out of sight. Mercifully, nobody else was around. Sai slumped against the nearest wall, frantically smoothed her shirt back down, and fought to get her breathing under control.

What the fuck had just happened to her?

Not Wasp’s order. That was one thing. As an engineer, it was hardly Sai’s place to question the captain when she made it clear just how important her orders were. But why had Sai enjoyed it so much? Yes, she had fantasies - but fantasy was one thing. This was real life, and she should have been terrified of the damage she might have just done to her career and reputation.

Instead, she was burning up with arousal.

Was this really the kind of person Sai was? The kind she was becoming? A woman who cared more about getting off than about everything she’d spent years working to build? Sai felt like she was losing her balance, like she was slipping, and she was keenly aware of the fact that she didn’t know where her rock bottom might be.

But still, she couldn’t keep the wild, horny grin from her face.

Engineer? Wasp said languidly in her ear. You have a mission, remember.

“Yes, captain!”

Sai forced herself to focus. Wasp was right. She had orders. She needed to make it to the canteen, even if she still had no idea why. At least she’d made it to the right deck. Sai straightened up, took a moment to compose herself, and started walking.

The gentle mercy of being unobserved didn’t last long. The canteen was always busy and the closer Sai got, the more she inevitably crossed paths with other members of the crew who were coming and going from their regular meals. As soon as they saw her, it started again: that burning, itching sensation of gazes upon her chest, each pair of eyes like white-hot candles that filled Sai’s head with both fantasies and shame. After what had happened in the turbolift, just being stared at almost brought her to her knees.

Sai tried to ignore it. What else could she do but desperately try to pretend that each and every person she came across didn’t end up staring at her tits?

She braced herself for the worst before she stepped into the canteen itself, but a miracle happened: nobody looked at her. Sai was finally able to breathe a true sigh of relief. It made sense. The canteen was busy - so busy, no one person could stand out. Everyone there was hungry and in a hurry, and their eyes were fixed firmly on their meal trays. Sai was able to blend into the crowd.

Finally, Sai felt herself able to calm down.

“What now, captain?” she asked, touching her earpiece. She was keen to get this mission over with so that she could get a little private time.

Wasp’s voice, full of gleeful malice, soon robbed her of her newfound composure.

Captain says: lift your top and give all these nice people a show, Wasp giggled. For… let’s say, thirty seconds.

Sai saw white.

“W-what?” she asked desperately, even though her hands were already moving.

Oh, you heard me.

“B-but…” Even as she started to lift the hem of her shirt, Sai was looking for a way out. But she couldn’t disobey. Not an order like that. “This mission… c-can’t someone else…”

No way! Wasp exploded with laughter over the comms. I really don’t think anybody else has the right ‘assets.’ Now hurry up, engineer.

That reprimand put an end to Sai’s hesitation. With shaking hands, she once again lifted her shirt up to her collar and let her huge tits fall free.

The simple sensation of air on her skin was enough to make Sai’s nipples stiffen and turn her face crimson. Everything she’d felt on the turbolift came flooding back. She was exposed again, but this time in front of dozens of people. There was no way nobody here would recognize her. She couldn’t get that lucky. This time, there were sure to be consequences. Real consequences. Even that was like in her fantasies - the extreme ones, the ones she was most afraid to indulge.

All Sai could do now was squeeze her eyes closed and pray.

Don’t look. Please don’t look. Please nobody look. Don’t let anyone look.

No matter how much part of her wanted them to.

Thirty seconds. It might as well have been an eternity.

Sai tried to ignore the pounding of her heart and counted, slowly and deliberately, all the way to five seconds.

She opened her eyes again. At first, as she glanced around the bustling canteen, she thought she might have gotten her wish.

Then she met someone’s gaze. At least, almost. They were definitely looking at Sai. But they definitely weren’t looking at her face.

Noticing that was a molten spear through Sai’s gut. She convulsed as a wave of pleasure took her, washing over her skin, making her shiver and squirm. It was everything she wanted and everything she’d dreaded - and again, her body and her base urges were betraying her sense of judgment.

It shouldn’t have felt this good.

But it did.

Ten seconds.

Shame made Sai look away, but all that did for her was make her notice that it wasn’t just one person. She could count three or four crew members staring at her. Something about the way she was standing or writhing - her exposed skin, perhaps - was steadily catching the eyes of people who were sat facing her. One by one, people’s eyes fixed on her, their faces slipping into expressions of shock, disbelief, and - just as often - rowdy enjoyment.

Sai was electrified by it. There was an energy flowing through her, but it wasn’t like the turbolift. That had been private, between her and that stranger. A sense of secret complicity. This was something else entirely. Now, the ones staring at her were sharing something. Their astonishment. Their captivation. Their lust.

They weren’t just individual witnesses. They were an audience.

Unbidden, Wasp’s words came back to Sai. Give all these nice people a show.

That was her. She was the show. She was a spectacle.

Sai was a serious, professional, dedicated, career-minded engineer - but not here, not now, not anymore. Now, she was no different from a girl stripping for a handful of credits in some scummy dive bar. That was all anybody was seeing, as they looked at her.

And it was all thanks to her huge, slutty tits.

Fifteen seconds.

There was a kind of release to knowing that Sai had crossed an irrevocable threshold - and with it, a temptation. Why not go even further, while she was trapped here by Wasp’s orders? Once the thought appeared in her head, it was an itch. A need. A moment of giddy inspiration made Sai straighten her back and fix her posture, pushing out her chest for inspection by everyone who was watching.

Her reward was fresh licks of shameful pleasure.

The more people looked, the worse it was. The better it was. And more were looking, more and more each second - Sai could see heads starting to turn in her direction as some of the crewmen facing away from her craned their necks to see what had caught their friends’ attention. Once they turned, they didn’t turn away. Some were even pointing. Sai was becoming the center of attention.

It made her unbearably horny.

Twenty seconds.

Sai wasn’t sure how she was going to stay on her feet for another ten. She’d never been so turned on. She wanted to run, but she couldn’t. She wanted to collapse, but she couldn’t. She wanted to debase herself even more by touching her own tits to release just a little of the need that had built inside her, but she couldn’t. She needed to hold her shirt up so she was giving everyone a good show.

Fuck. How amazing would it feel if everyone saw her doing that?

Everyone was looking now. Staring. Ogling. The last few heads had turned. A stunned hush had settled over the room. All eyes were on Sai, and she could feel each and every pair roving across her skin. She was burning with the sensation of them. The way every single gaze settled inevitably on her chest was such a thrill. Her tits were just that good. Just that big. They were more important than her face. More important than her mind or her personality.

Just a pair of tits.

It was so hot to think of herself that way.

Twenty-five seconds.

Someone wolf-whistled. Sai was melting down. She was so turned on she was delirious. Feverish. With each heartbeat, she oscillated wildly between gut-wrenching anxiety and dizzying excitement. She couldn’t take any more. This experience had already blown all of her fantasies completely out of the water. What was going to happen to her now? Sai could scarcely imagine.

Surely, soon, someone was going to stop her. An officer, maybe. Someone would stand up and say something. Yell at her. Or maybe not. Maybe they’d keep watching. Maybe it would go beyond just watching. Some of the people watching her were obviously turned on. Maybe they’d touch themselves looking at her. How would that feel? Better than this? Was that even possible?

Sai didn’t know. But fuck, she wanted them to keep looking.

Thirty seconds.

Sai felt the moment she was released from Wasp’s order like a bucket of icy water. She had agency again. The pendulum swung back to shame. Sai’s sense of preservation and decency kicked back into gear, and in a frenzy she struggled to fit her shirt back over her tits and cover herself. She forced her legs into motion, keen to drag herself out of the canteen and back to her bunk and-

Captain says: don’t move.

Sai froze, of course. She couldn’t disobey Wasp. Not even if it meant being rooted to the spot while two dozen incredulous crewmen stared at her.

Wasp giggled over the comms. Captain says: pull down your panties and show everyone just how much you enjoyed that.

Oh god.

Sai was twitching wildly as she gradually turned back to face her audience. Yes, somehow this was worse. If she did that, everyone would know for sure. This wasn’t a prank or a dare or a lost bet. They’d all know for certain that she was an exhibitionist pervert who was actively getting off on exposing herself. That was an even greater measure of humiliation.

And yet, as Sai’s shaking hands moved down and started unbuckling her belt, a wild, crazed, uneven smile came to her face. She was practically laughing with sick glee as she unzipped her pants and hooked a thumb into her underwear, pulling them down and out of the way.

All anyone needed to see to know how much she was enjoying herself was the thick, dripping, sticky strings of hot wetness that ran between her cunt and her clothes.

After a few seconds, Sai felt she’d satisfied the order, and with that, she could flee - but not before she had time to register the looks of leering amazement on the faces of everyone around her.

It made her cum.

Sai had no time to process that. All she could do was try to keep her legs from giving out underneath her as she ran out of the canteen and back in the vague direction of the turbolifts.

That was real. It had happened. All that was real.


That was as hot as it was devastating.

That was fucking amazing, Wasp tittered in her ear. You should have seen the looks on their faces! Oh, who are we kidding? You were just as obsessed as they were. Finding a freak like you is so fun. Just think! Soon, you’ll be the talk of the whole ship.

Sai whimpered and clenched her thighs together.

Anyway, Wasp added. Almost done! Just one more thing. Captain says: head on down to engineering.

“Y-yes… captain…”

Sai was too addled to contemplate the order. She just started staggering towards the lift, the sheer power of Wasp’s orders ensuring that she kept putting one leg in front of the other, no matter how much she wanted to slump against the nearest wall and give in to her body’s needs. At least she knew the way. The Inyx’s main engineering bay was her primary post; Sai could have gotten there in her sleep. She wasn’t much better than asleep as she trudged there, foggy head lost in stray thoughts about what she’d just done.

Mercifully, this time there was nobody else in the turbolift.

But mercy ran out fast. Once she reached the engineering bay, deep in the ship, where the constant growl of the ship’s engines drowned out the sound of footsteps, Sai put her head around the door and saw the very last person she’d wanted to see her like this.

Chief Engineer Madina Arquette. Sai’s immediate superior - and her long-held crush.

Sai’s heart leaped back into her mouth. No. Not this. She didn’t want Madina seeing her like this, with her clothes disheveled, eyes hazed, cheeks flushed, and chest unbound. Madina was different. Special. She’d been Sai’s mentor on the Inyx. She was stern, but in her own way, she’d been so kind. So supportive. Sai had caught feelings. Madina was more than just fodder for her fantasies. If there was one person’s respect she couldn’t bear the thought of losing, it was Madina.

Time for the grand finale, engineer, Wasp said. Captain says: go in there and show her your tits.

Sai froze. Freezing was shameful; on an Alliance’s starship, the captain’s orders were paramount. There was no room for questioning or hesitating, not when it really counted. But still, she froze. Seeing Madina had reminded her that despite how humiliating flashing people on the lift and in the canteen had been, she still wasn’t at rock bottom. Not yet.

Flashing Madina would feel different. She was sure of it. She knew Madina well. They worked together every day. And she had a crush on the older engineer. The thought of Madina, of all people, staring at her like all those people in the canteen had tied her stomach into knots. If she saw scorn and disappointment in Madina’s eyes, it would feel terrible.

But… what if it didn’t? What if it felt good instead?

That would be awful too. Then, she’d be using Madina to get off. That was the last thing Sai wanted. It would be unimaginably disrespectful. For that very reason, Sai had scrupulously refused to touch upon Madina in any of her waking fantasies.

But what if…

Hey, what’s the hold-up? Wasp complained.

“I… can’t,” Sai replied, despite how wrong it felt. “She’s…”

Wasp’s laughter overrode her. Oh, now this is fun! she whooped. This is what I’ve been missing. Finally! Unfortunately for you, engineer, this is mission-critical. Captain says: show her your tits. Now.

Sai shuddered. She’d never needed to be told an order twice before. Disobeying such a direct, urgent command was unthinkable. If her career wasn’t already over, it would be after the court-martial. With that in mind, the engineer started to move. She took one step, then another, then another, her stomach churning as she walked into the engineering bay.

“Engineer Kabir? Is that…”

The gruff older woman glanced up in recognition as she heard Sai approach. Then, the words died on her lips as her eyes settled exactly where everyone’s eyes had kept settling. She was staring at Sai’s chest in amazement.

Sai almost came again.

“I… didn’t think you were on duty today.” With visible effort, Madina fixed her eyes back down on her work. She was clearly trying not to react. Even that made Sai’s breathing come in tight gasps. “Be warned: if you hang around, I’ll put you to work.”

“I-I… I was just…”

Sai realized she had no idea what to say. Wasp’s order was still itching at her, but flashing Madina seemed unthinkable. Just being in her presence with her chest unbound was overwhelming enough. Knowing that she’d seen. Knowing she was trying not to stare. Knowing she was thinking about it. Nothing had made her heart pound quite this fast.

Hurry up, engineer, Wasp taunted. Captain says: show her your tits. Not just a quick flash. Get her attention. Make sure she understands what you’re feeling. I think you deserve it.

“C-c-can’t…” Sai whimpered as her head started to spin. Conflicting instincts gnawed at her, and the wicked allure of Wasp’s suggestion took flight in her mind like an eagle. It was enough to bring her to her knees.

Madina glanced at her again, brow furrowed. “What was that? Are you OK, Kabir?”

Her attention made it all the worse. Sai couldn’t take it any longer. She had to choose. Obey, or flee.

C’mon, Wasp encouraged. Be real. You know you want to. Captain says: admit it.

That was what broke her.

As she heard that, Sai was left with no choice but to admit it to herself: she wanted to. She wanted to show Madina her tits. She wanted Madina to look at her. To stare at her. For her crush to see her at her lowest point, exposing herself, her huge, lewd, undignified tits spilling out of her top, wasn’t the last thing she wanted. It was the first. She’d just been too scared to face up to it. Too scared of what it would mean. Fuck, she’d even written a holodeck scenario about her and Madina. She’d just never worked up the courage to try booting it.

But now, here Sai was. The moment was upon her. All she had to do was reach up and remove one flimsy little piece of fabric.

Her lust tipped the scales.

The instant Sai felt herself decide, she was utterly swept away by a tide of euphoric, reckless abandon. It was like she was skydiving, like the floor had collapsed underneath her, but she didn’t care. It didn’t matter what was going to happen when she hit the ground. All she wanted was to enjoy the thrill of the fall. She wanted to fall further, harder, faster.

If it had been possible, she’d have wanted the entire ship to see her.

A huge, stupid, horny grin came to Sai’s face. Madina’s eyes widened as she saw the expression dawn on her protégé, and Sai loved that. She wanted Madina to look. She wanted Madina to drink in the sight. Every last moment of it.

“Chief, I have something important to show you,” Sai breathed. Her voice was swelling with excitement.

“Alright then.” Madina seemed surprised, but set her work tools down and folded her arms. She was giving Sai her full attention. “What is it?”

Sai shivered in delirious rapture. This was going to be incredible. “L-look closely, OK?”

The way Madina leaned in and started peering attentively at her was just delicious. Sai allowed herself to take it slow and savor the moment as she pressed her chest out pointedly, hooked her fingers under the hem of her uniform, and lifted her top.

As soon as she felt cold air against her nipples, she was in a state of rapture. This was it. Rock bottom. Madina would never look at her the same way again. This woman, who she respected so much, was finally seeing her for what she was. An exhibitionist slut. A dumb, slutty pair of tits. A woman who belonged on stage in a strip joint, not in the engineering bay of a starship.

Sai knew now. That was exactly what she was. Nothing more. She couldn’t win against her own kinks. Never again. Not after tasting this high. She was ruined. Permanently.

Fuck. She’d be touching herself to this forever.

With bated breath, Sai waited for the first comment. The first reproach. Madina Arquette was never a woman to spare harsh words when they were needed. Just imagining the scorn that would fill her voice made Sai wet. She knew that would feel better than anything. It would be the ultimate proof of just how much she’d lost. And beyond that? Maybe Madina would have her hauled to the brig. Maybe even have her dishonorably discharged.

If she did, it would still have been worth it.

But the words never came.

Madina just stood there, perfectly still. At first, Sai assumed she was simply stunned by Sai flashing her. That was rewarding, in its way. But then it went on too long. Madina didn’t freeze up. She was better than that. Sai looked at her more closely. There was something in the engineering chief’s ear.

An earpiece.

And there were spirals in her eyes.

Sorry to ruin the fun, Wasp snickered. Couldn’t risk her telling on you. She knows you a little too well. So I had Dr. Hiraga bump her up on the schedule. But hey - at least you got your moment.

“What are you-“ Sai started to say.

Over the comm link, there was a sound like the snapping of fingers. An instant later, in a lightning bolt flash of kaleidoscopic color, the spirals were back. They dominated Sai’s vision. The room around her disappeared, and with it, everything about how she was feeling. Arousal, shame, confusion, doubt - all gone. She was empty. Blank.


God, this was a riot, Wasp sighed. But you know what they say about good things. I really can’t keep you at seventy percent forever, engineer. Let me just give you one more for the road. Captain says: you two go ahead and lez out like happy, brainwashed little dolls while the implant finished off your indoctrination. Got it?

Wordlessly, Sai and Madina obeyed. The two of them stepped into each other’s arms and pressed their lips together in a facsimile of passion as, deep in the most forgotten corners of Sai’s mind, she felt the last semblance of her free will draining away.

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