Verbal Intercourse

by Jukebox

Tags: #cw:noncon #anal #discreet_public_play #dom:male #pov:bottom #public_play #sub:female #dirty_talk

A stranger’s dirty talk on the subway becomes something more for Daniela.

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Daniela couldn't help letting out a gasp when the white man sitting across from her on the subway leaned forward and murmured, "I'm fucking your pretty cunt, girl." Not because he'd shocked her--Daniela was a native New Yorker, and she'd long ago learned how to blow off the creeps and perverts that infested every bus stop and subway car and street corner and saw minorities as particularly vulnerable targets for harassment. It took a lot more than a lewd comment and a knowing leer to get under her skin, even at the end of a long day when her feet ached and her calves burned and her eyes stung with the desire to close.

No, what made Daniela gasp was the very real sensation of a warm, stiff, absolutely massive cock sliding between her pussy lips and filling up her cunt with a single driving thrust. It had been a while since she'd gotten a good hard fucking, but not so long that she'd forgotten what it felt like, and this... this was the real goddamn deal. This was a real dick inside her, as impossible as that seemed, and Daniela couldn't help letting out an involuntary grunt of surprised arousal as she felt it sink all the way in to the base and something smacked hard against her hooded clit.

"That's right, pretty girl," the man growled, his voice low and husky and barely even audible under the sounds of the subway. "I'm balls deep inside you now, and you can feel how big I am when I pull out. It leaves you so empty, babe, but don't worry--I'm right back with another thrust, all the way in, and it's so nice to get the good hard fucking a horny bitch like you deserves." Daniela sucked in a breath to try to answer him, but before she could figure out what to say she experienced everything he described in a single vivid sensation and her lungs deflated in an explosive whoosh of pleasure. She couldn't believe how good it felt. She couldn't believe any of it, period.

But it was all really happening. Daniela couldn't look down to see--no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to tear her gaze away from the stranger's surprisingly soulful hazel eyes--but her body didn't lie, and it felt a big hard cock pounding away at her tingling pussy with the relentless, driving rhythm of a man whose stroke game absolutely could not be beaten. She didn't think she'd ever been fucked like this in her life, which was all the more wild when she thought about it; this wasn't a memory coming back to her of some half-forgotten lover who knew how to screw her the way she secretly wanted to get screwed. This was a full-spectrum honest-to-god sensory hallucination, and the man sitting across from her had made it happen with just a look and a word.

It was honestly kind of terrifying. But at the same time Daniela had never felt so fucking good. "That's it, pretty girl," the stranger purred to her, his expression betraying nothing more than polite and friendly interest in his fellow commuter. With the subway car as sparsely inhabited as it was this late at night, probably nobody even noticed their little conversation. "In and out, and in and out, filling your tight pussy all the way up every single time...."

If they did, they'd probably think Daniela was the weird one. She could feel her gaze settling into a vacant, heavy-lidded stare as the stranger husked out, "Feel those big balls slapping away at your pussy lips, babe," and she knew her jaw was going slack as her mind descended into an increasing focus on the pleasure that built between her slick thighs. It reminded her of those first real heavy petting sessions she had with Carlos Villancia down in her parents' basement, when she was so distracted by the sheer novelty of her arousal that every other thought fell clean out of her head and all she wanted to do was spread her legs and enjoy the sensation. Only here it wasn't so much the raw newness of her ecstasy that swept her away. It was the force of it all. She'd never had sex this good before, which made it all the wilder that the man making love to her was a good five feet away and not coming any closer.

But he didn't need to, did he? Not when all he had to say was, "I'm rubbing right on that throbby little clit while we fuck, babe, two fingers pressing down hard to give you that extra pleasure," and Daniela felt everything he said as real as if he was inside her panties right this very second. She could hear her breath escaping in little grunting gasps, tiny subvocal moans of arousal that would immediately attract attention if not for the noise of the car going over the tracks to mask it. Daniela could feel her orgasm building like a summer storm behind her eyes, though, and she knew she wouldn't be able to stop herself from letting out a squeal that would tell everyone within earshot that she was cumming hard enough to see stars.

But then the stranger put his finger up to her lips--still not touching her, still not making any contact with her sensitized skin no matter what Daniela's captivated brain insisted--and suddenly her wild scream of orgasmic pleasure became a choked, helpless little whimper. "Ah ah ah, sweetie," he murmured, a playful sparkle shining in his warm hazel eyes. "Let's not spoil the fun just yet, mm? Not when that tight little pussy of yours still needs so much deep-dicking from my big, hard cock." Daniela was embarrassed to find herself nodding in thoughtless agreement with his words. She'd never been this fucking turned on in her whole goddamn life.

The second orgasm came on a little faster than the first, bursting through her brain as she heard the man murmur, "Can you feel how I'm angling those strokes, babe? I'm hitting your clit every time now, rubbing you from inside and out as I fuck you stupid for me." Daniela's eyes went wide, but she wasn't really seeing anything--it was like her senses were all tuned to a different channel, receiving a pirate broadcast from some secret station sending out waves of pure ecstasy that only she could pick up. She heard herself hissing out a hoarse, desperate exhalation that strained the limits of the stranger's control over her vocal cords, but it was distant and irrelevant compared to the wet slap-slap-slap of flesh against flesh that existed within her imagination. Daniela was so wet she sloshed with every thrust now. She couldn't believe it.

And then he gave her a crooked little grin and said, "Does my pretty little fucktoy have any other holes she needs filled?" And Daniela let out a squeak of mortified arousal that had nothing to do with the sensations filling her body and everything to do with feeling seen on a level that shocked her even after a lifetime of living in the most jaded city in the world, even after what felt like twenty solid minutes of getting her cunt pounded by a complete stranger who seemed to know just how to make her pussy flare into violent orgasm. Because she did want him to fuck her ass. She wanted it very badly. And she had no idea how he knew.

Daniela didn't try anal for the first time until long after Carlos Villancia was nothing but a memory and her parents had moved to Florida to spend their retirement in relative comfort. She was out at the bars with her girlfriends, having her third gin and tonic of the evening and feeling young and carefree and adventurous, when she spotted a guy across the bar and instantly knew she wanted to go home with him that evening. He had skin the color of burnished mahogany and deep brown eyes that seemed to call to her, and Daniela barely even thought once let alone twice before going over to hit on him.

And when he got her alone and peeled off her hot pink cocktail dress to expose the daring contours of her bare ass, he went down on Daniela and gave her a rimjob that left her practically begging to be fucked up the ass. After that, nothing made her happier than finding a man who knew how to lavish attention on her tight rosebud and wasn't afraid to take his time in getting Daniela ready for his intruding penis... and before he even said a word, she knew that the stranger sitting across from her was going to leave her just as needy for it as her first time.

Sure enough, she heard him murmur, "Let's get you all loosened up first, eh, pretty girl?" And then she felt a lubricated finger gently teasing the entrance to her tight ass. Daniela couldn't help it--even with the restrictions on her voice she heard herself making little kittenish mewls of arousal that would almost certainly have drawn a few suspicious stares if not for the amplified roar of the train as it passed through a narrow tunnel. She wanted to beg him for more, and it quietly astonished Daniela how quickly she'd gone from being the unwelcome recipient of a stranger's lewd attentions to being an enthusiastic participant in her own degradation. A tiny trickle of drool dripped down her chin and onto her crisply starched work shirt as the ecstasy overwhelmed her.

She didn't know how long he spent with his fingers up her ass--for all Daniela knew, she'd been riding in circles for the last two hours. All she knew was that she couldn't stop cumming now, the anal stimulation mingling with the continued pounding of the stranger's driving thrusts into her sopping cunt to send her to some obscene, stratospheric plane of orgasmic bliss that she didn't know how to come back from on her own. "In and out, babe, in and out of both holes now," the man purred, and Daniela's head bobbed up and down like it was on springs as she lost herself in mindless acquiescence to the stranger's will.

And then she heard him growl, "Now that ass is ready for me, babe," and her whole body shook with helpless pleasure as she felt him push past her relaxed anus and all the way inside her tight ass. It felt shockingly big, bigger than anything she'd had inside her asshole before, but there wasn't a single moment of pain; it was the perfect ass-fucking, the deep pounding she daydreamed about whenever she was between lovers, and it kept going even as the other phantom cock continued to drive balls deep into her soaking cunt. Daniela knew this was going to ruin her for sex with anyone else. She'd never be able to find anyone who could make her feel this good.

She felt herself squirt inside her elegant dress pants, turning the crotch into a complete and total mess as she let go with a climax more powerful than anything she'd ever imagined, and somehow that was the final convincer of the stranger's control over her in a way nothing else on this bizarre night had managed so far. She could believe that all this was just the power of suggestion, that somehow he'd hypnotized her into daydreaming about sex and fantasizing about the biggest, best dick she could possibly think of, but... but Daniela knew her own mind. She knew she literally could not picture an orgasm this bright and strong and totally overwhelming. He was inside her mind, even if she didn't know how such a thing could happen, and he was fucking her with his words. And nothing had ever made her feel this good in her entire fucking life.

"Sawing back and forth inside you," he intoned, "finding that perfect rhythm, leaving you limp between those two big cocks, until you're nothing but a mindless fucktoy for me," and Daniela's head slumped forward as she found she no longer had the energy to hold it up under the onslaught of pleasure. She still couldn't stop staring into his mesmerizing gaze, but now her eyelids fluttered and her eyes rolled back in her head and everything swam and blurred on the edge of darkness as her body began to simply give out under the weight of so much orgasmic bliss. "And now your mouth is so full, pretty girl, and it makes you so happy to fill the last of those needy holes...." Daniela let out a muffled grunt. She tried to convince herself it wasn't because there was a cock between her lips.

"Fucking faster and faster now, harder and deeper, getting closer to release, and you know they're just going to drench you in cum when they let go...." He was touching her now, one hand gently resting on Daniela's shoulder so that she didn't simply collapse to the floor, but she didn't really feel it. She only felt cock now, cock in her ass and cock in her pussy and cock in her drooling mouth, and she experienced a warm glow of satisfaction at the thought of making each and every one of those cocks spurt jizz into her slutty holes. She knew it wasn't her own emotion, but she couldn't bring herself to resist it. Not with her defenses so utterly flattened by lust and ecstasy. She wanted to make her lovers come. She wanted to please them the way they were pleasing her.

"And there we go. There it is. Cumming. Cumming so hard now, so...." Daniela heard a strain to the man's voice for the first time, an urgency and an arousal that he'd kept under tight control for so very long that she hadn't even noticed it. She wondered how much of this he'd felt as well, how many of his words were merely descriptions of the pleasure he was experiencing as he fucked her with his voice, and whether he'd reached the point of no return and tipped over the edge into orgasm himself. She hoped he had. She hoped her cunt was wringing just as much bliss out of his cock as she was getting out of their impossible sex.

Then the pleasure ended, the phantom cocks melting away into memory with a last sensation of withdrawal to accompany their departure. The stranger pushed Daniela back against her seat and said, "This is my stop, I'm afraid," and it took so long for her to flutter her dazed eyelids back open that she only caught sight of his retreating back before the doors closed and she was left with nothing but the scent of her own pussy and the sticky feeling of jizz dripping out of her cunt. She wondered if she'd see it smeared across her panties when she got home. She wondered if it would really be there if she did, or if she would only imagine a lingering remnant of the hallucinatory gangbang she'd just experienced.

But mostly, Daniela wondered how to find the stranger again.


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