Taken Away

by Jukebox

Tags: #consensual_kink #dom:male #f/m #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #Consensual #edging #erotic_hypnosis #freeze_play #hypno #hypnokink #hypnotized #masturbation #tease #tease_and_denial #teasing

Deion helps Janessa out by hypnotically freezing her in place whenever she gets too close to climax.

Janessa could feel her pleasure building. Her fingers danced furiously on her clit, skating over and around the slick surface until the arousal pulsed away between her thighs like a second heartbeat and the pressure of orgasm grew more and more irresistible inside her lust-drunk brain. She heard herself whimpering, unable to contain the tiny little moans of desire that pulsed away as she rubbed harder and harder, and she knew she wouldn't be able to hold back the pleasure much longer. Already her body was beginning to quiver, trembling with excitement as the ecstasy approached its peak and only her deep hypnotic conditioning held her back from cumming despite herself. Her mouth opened to beg for release, her mind already anticipating the culmination of all her masturbatory bliss--

"And stop," Deion purred, his voice an irresistible tug on the invisible leash in Janessa's head. Her mahogany fingers froze instantly, trapping the simmering lust inside her, capturing it and holding it and preventing it from escaping no matter how hard she tried to make herself rub. "It's okay, sweetie, it's okay. You wanted me to take that climax away, didn't you?" The sympathy that dripped from his patronizing words only made Janessa's cunt leak even harder against her fingertips, so full of mock kindness that Janessa felt even smaller and weaker and more helpless by comparison. It was pure torture, and the fact that she'd invited it didn't make it any less delightfully agonizing.

"I... w-want, I...." Janessa's head swam as she struggled to contemplate his words, trying again and again to fit them into her conception of reality like a puzzle piece that didn't seem to match anything on the box. She knew she wanted to cum, wanted it more than anything she could possibly imagine after what felt like hours of fruitless teasing, but... but she also knew that Deion was right about everything. And she was so confused right now. Her brain felt so foggy with lust, so befuddled and bewildered that she couldn't be sure of anything except her lover's soothing voice and his calm, controlled certainty. "I... yes, I wanted you to take it away," she murmured at last, her cunt clenching hard beneath her frozen fingers as her malleable mind collapsed into agreement with Deion's words.

"That's my good girl," her lover cooed, reaching down to gently caress her cheek with his warm hand. Janessa looked up at him with wide brown eyes, hoping she looked like she was listening to every word but knowing deep down she was really just waiting for permission to rub again. "My little cutie always wants what I tell you to want, don't you?" She nodded absently, the memory of what she was agreeing with fading almost instantly from her dazed and muzzy brain. Janessa was usually much smarter than this, but then again she usually didn't have two fingers helplessly poised against her twitching clit just waiting for the chance to edge herself some more. It didn't do wonders for her intelligence to be this horny.

Which was exactly why they did it. "That's right," Deion said, nodding along with her. "That empty little head of yours is too dumb to know what you really want. That's why you have me to help you, isn't it, cutie pie?" Janessa nodded again, her pussy leaking even harder onto the sheets as she desperately fantasized about being allowed to rub herself again. The world seemed to swim in and out of focus, with only Deion's warm hazel eyes and the light brown face surrounding them remaining as a calm center to her otherwise befuddled perceptions. She wasn't hypnotized, at least not exactly, but two years of submitting to her lover's hypnotic conditioning had made her so susceptible to Deion's commanding presence that it didn't take much to make her drop into at least a light trance whenever they played together. And this constant edging was like fractionation for her cunt.

"That's a good girl," Deion husked out, his hand moving back down to caress her heavy tits and stiff nipples. "Rub for me, sweetie." Janessa practically groaned in relief as her fingers went back into motion, circling her clit again and again until her musk leaked all over her feverishly warm skin and her eyes rolled back in her head with blank, blissful euphoria. She felt like an addict getting her fix, nodding off as the pleasure filled up all the empty spaces inside her and made her fuzzy thoughts scatter even more into ecstasy. She never imagined anything could make her feel so deliciously dumb, but Deion's hypnotic control seemed to hit that sweet spot faster and easier every time they played together.

It felt like only moments passed before her cunt began building back to that same peak of arousal as before, her clit throbbing harder and harder with ecstasy as she teased it with slick and slippery fingers and let Deion's voice become a warm background sound in her ears. Janessa knew he was programming her, but she also knew that he understood and respected her boundaries--two years of submitting to his conditioning had taught her that, too. She didn't need to listen, she didn't need to think about anything but the pleasant ache between her thighs as it grew more profound and potent and her legs spread wider so that she could--

"And stop," Deion murmured, once again freezing her fingers in place just as she reached the very cusp of orgasm. Janessa mewled like a kitten, the hypnotically-induced immobility supercharging her sex drive in a way that mere teasing couldn't possibly bring about. They'd played with bondage before, and certainly Janessa still enjoyed having her hands strapped to her thighs while Deion gently stroked her pussy, but there was something so much more potent about knowing that it was only his command holding her back from climax. Knowing that she wanted to cum so very badly, and knowing that her own fucking body respected his hypnotic control more than her own mental commands despite that... god, it made her fucking cunt a wet goddamn mess. Nothing else had ever made her feel so completely and totally submissive.

"That's it, sweetie," Deion cooed, brushing a lock of hair out of her face. "You want to give this climax to me too, don't you, baby girl?" Even the casually infantilizing pet names made Janessa's pussy drip; they were just so deliciously reductive, stripping away her identity in a way that somehow still felt loving and affectionate to her. Sometimes it took her almost twenty minutes of aftercare before she recognized her own name when Deion said it to her, a little detail that never failed to necessitate clean sheets when they were done with a session.

"Y-yes, please, please take the cummie, yes...." Janessa was very grateful her skin didn't show the prickling heat of her embarrassment; she'd always found the term 'cummie' almost pathetically demeaning, and yet whenever Deion reduced her mind to a soupy mess of lust and confusion, it always wound up slipping out despite her best efforts to avoid it. And she knew full well that he knew how she felt about it, and it always gave him an instant tell for when she was getting too horny and dumb to control herself. Which just made her feel even more helpless, which just made her even more wet, which just made it easier for him to wrap her around his little finger... it was the most wonderfully torturous feedback loop of brainwashed obedience, and Janessa absolutely loved to hate it.

Sure enough, Deion's eyes lit up when he heard the word escape her lips, and he squeezed her nipples between his fingers with just enough pressure to very nearly make up for the lack of stimulation between her thighs. "Good girl!" he exclaimed, his voice thick with praise, and Janessa knew she'd have that much more trouble resisting the use of the demeaning term in future--not that she was really complaining, what with so much of her own personal kinks stemming from exactly that kind of lovingly compelled degradation, but she at least liked to pretend that she had too much dignity to give in so pathetically easily to Deion's hypnotic conditioning. It was what made it such a wonderful surprise when she discovered just what a needy little slut she really was.

"Rub," he added, and Janessa's head lolled back against the pillow as her fingers moved with an almost involuntary haste to comply with his instructions. Even though she knew she was practically incapable of subtlety anymore, even though she knew that Deion would easily spot the signs of her impending climax even before she did, even though she was one hundred percent fully aware that she needed to ask permission before she could overcome the hypnotic block on her ability to orgasm, some foolish part of Janessa's mind was still somehow convinced that if she only rubbed fast enough and hard enough, she could make herself cum before he commanded her to stop again. Like Charlie Brown running frantically at the football, no amount of last-minute denials would prevent her from trying and trying until she got what she craved.

She didn't even know how many of her--her cummies, Janessa's muzzy brain prompted--he'd taken away by now. It was so hard to keep track, especially with numbers all running together in her lust-fogged mind until anything bigger than two seemed like too much effort to count, but she was sure it was maybe five. Or six. Or, or... a swell of arousal made her clit throb like a second heartbeat, drowning out her feeble efforts at math and leaving Janessa's thoughts entirely focused on her dripping cunt. She was so close now. Out of nowhere, almost before she even realized it, she was right on the edge of cumming. "Cummies, Sir, please!" she squealed, her voice high and thin and pathetically desperate in her own ears.

"And stop," Deion replied, forcing a shuddering whine from Janessa's lips that wouldn't have been out of place coming out of a hungry puppy. "Does my good girl need a drink of water, hmm?" he asked, looking at her with an attentive and caring eye. She nodded, not out of brainwashed habit but from genuine thirst. Her lover was always very good at checking in on her physical needs, even when she got so distracted by arousal that she probably wouldn't have noticed if she was literally on fire. He pressed a straw to Janessa's lips, and she took several grateful sips before releasing it.

"That's a good girl. Now where were we? Oh, yes. You were thanking me for taking away that climax, weren't you?" Janessa's eyes crossed in bewilderment as she tried to remember what she was saying and thinking mere literal seconds ago and found to her undisguised arousal that it was simply too hard. All she could think about right now, the sole and solitary thought in her small and simple mind, was getting permission to rub her pussy again. She'd completely forgotten the possibility of cumming, left behind any notions of independence or freedom or even using her normally sharp intellect. All she wanted was to play with herself, and she knew to her shameful delight that she would do absolutely anything to get it.

"Yes, Sir," she babbled, unable to stop the words from escaping her lips in a torrent of lust. "Thank you for taking away my cummies, thank you for making me weak and horny and needy for you, thank you Sir, thank you, thank you, thank you--" His finger pressed against her mouth, finally stilling the gush of desperate gratitude. She no longer even questioned whether she truly meant it or not. Her mind had become too deliciously malleable to even consider the difference between her own desires and Deion's hypnotic will.

"That's my good girl," he purred, leaning in and kissing her on the forehead. "I'm so proud. I'm so proud of you for sinking so deep into my control. And do you know what your reward is, good girl?" Janessa shook her head, feeling wonderfully open and blank and reverent in her adoration of the man who looked down on her with a warm smile on his face. She couldn't imagine anything better than obeying him. She couldn't imagine anything more perfect than rubbing herself stupid for the man who completely commanded her will.

"Rub and cum, sweetie," he growled, and suddenly her imagination found new heights of perfection.

"That's it," Deion cooed, squeezing her tits as all those orgasms that had stacked up inside her hit her at the same time, crashing and reverberating in her brain until Janessa couldn't find room for anything else. Her eyes squeezed tight shut, and her hips strained hard into her rubbing fingers as she suddenly remembered exactly how many climaxes Deion had taken away and how many she was getting back all at once. She heard a squishing noise beneath her moans, and the realization that it was the sound of her completely soaked cunt sloshing from the force of her masturbation sent her over the edge into total, oblivious bliss. "Good girl," she heard her lover say, over and over, and that managed to make it all feel even better.

And then he was holding her, comforting her and embracing her as Janessa's body was suddenly wracked with unexpected sobs. It wasn't even sadness, just an emotional release that she couldn't seem to let out any other way, but Deion held her through it all until her body finally relaxed and she was able to come down from the strange emotional plateau that followed a peak of such unimaginable intensity. "That's my good girl," he sighed, and Janessa felt a surge of warm contentment flow through her that had nothing and everything to do with her hypnotic submission to her lover's will.

He gave her the water bottle, and Janessa sipped gratefully from it as she replenished her spent fluids. And then, a loving smile on her face, she slid down to Deion's crotch to thank him for the wonderful gift of obedience he'd given her.


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