Rainbow Girl

by Jukebox

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #multiple_partners #pov:top #scifi #sub:female #robokink #robophilia #robots #top:robot

A butch woman and her new rainbow-hued Girl™ meet a fledgling queer at Pride and decide to give her a welcoming experience.

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"Um, excuse me?" Skyler turned to find a petite young woman with short-cropped chestnut hair and soulful brown eyes, looking at her nervously with a beet red blush that spread all the way from the top of her forehead down to the collar of her dark green camouflage-patterned shirt--part of an outfit that was adorably, self-consciously butch despite the little splash of color provided by the rainbow flag pin she wore on the lapel of her denim jacket. She looked at Skyler as if uncertain whether the taller woman's attention equated to permission to speak, and the silence stretched out for a long uncomfortable moment before she finally managed to squeak out, "I, um... I really like your Girl."

That was almost where it ended. Compliment delivered, the young woman's eyes darted to the ground as though she was trying to read the label on Skyler's combat boots, and her body tensed with a barely suppressed desire to bolt away into the crowd. If she really was interested in Skyler's brand new factory-fresh Girl(tm), with its pastel shades that tinted diagonally from red up on the head and right shoulder down to a rich violet hue on the left foot, she didn't have the nerve to show it openly. But something tethered her to the spot, and Skyler didn't have to ask to know what it was. She and her Girl exchanged a knowing glance. Then with a gentle smile, she said, "Thanks. She's one of the new Spectrum models. I pretty much picked her out just for today. Do you have a Girl(tm) of your own?"

It was very nearly the wrong thing to say. It was hard to tell for sure--she had a waifish body that would probably continue to look like a teenager well into her forties--but Skyler would have been surprised if she was any older than twenty. This was probably her first Pride as an adult, maybe her first time being out and queer in a public space of any kind, and just approaching a six-foot-two Caucasian butch daddy in head-to-toe black leather with  spiked green hair and piercings on her piercings probably intimidated the hell out of her. Asking her if she had her very own lesbian sex robot deepened the young woman's blush to the point where she looked like she might very well pass out from lack of blood to the rest of her body. "Um, uh, uh, no, um, I, uh, um, uh...." she stammered, clearly put on the spot by her lack of experience.

Not that she was the only one without a Girl. There were plenty of other young people at the park who were testing out their identities and orientations for the first time, and more than a few older people who still disdained the latest trend in alternative sexuality. Some folks came straight from work and didn't have a chance to bring along their Girl, some still couldn't afford one despite the precipitous price drop since their initial introduction. And a few even brought Boys, although Skyler steered well clear of them. She'd known practically since she was a toddler that she liked girls better.

But whoever this young woman was, she clearly felt like she was betraying some inadequacy by not already having a Girl to display. "Hey, hey, whoa, it's okay. They say only one in every seven and a half people has a Girl(tm) of their own. Although whoever that half a person is, I think that not owning a Girl(tm) is the least of their problems." That got a shy smile out of the young woman, and some of the tension went out of her taut shoulders. "I'm Skyler, my Girl(tm) is Chimera. What's your name?"

The young woman glanced up. "Um, uh, Dawn," she mumbled, her lips pursing for a moment as she considered and discarded whatever other name she was no doubt thinking of calling herself today. Skyler didn't have to look over at her Girl to know that she giving off a low-key vibe of calm and relaxation, helping to center Dawn's thoughts and keep her from getting too flustered to continue the conversation. It was clearly working, because after a moment she blurted out, "But my f-friends call me, uh, Amethyst." Her gaze shot back down to the ground again, as though hoping for the ground to swallow her whole, but it wasn't long before the subconscious memory of pleasure she found within Chimera's stare beckoned her back to meet the Girl's eyes with her own once more.

"Amethyst it is, then," Skyler replied cheerfully, although privately she had Dawn pegged as a natural Pearl in every sense of the word. But she wasn't too far removed from her own experiences as a teenage queerbaby, defiantly punting her given name 'Madison' to the curb in favor of an embarrassing two-month stint as 'Xena' that still made her cringe just thinking about it. She knew all too well what it was like to have to construct a whole new identity from scratch with every little to go on. "Do you want to introduce me to your friends, or did you decide to come by yourself today?"

The blush, which had almost receded to a warm pink, returned to boiled-lobster levels of discomfort. "Um, they, uh, they're... they're mostly online," Amethyst murmured, clinging to the mesmerizing flow of colors in Chimera's gaze like a life preserver in a turbulent sea. "I, um, I haven't really had a chance to meet a lot of people here yet. I... I thought...." She struggled to continue, but embarrassment slowly choked up her throat until all she managed was a vague and helpless shrug. Skyler couldn't stop a fierce surge of protectiveness from welling up inside her.

"You thought you might meet some new friends here," she finished for Amethyst, favoring her with a warm expression that Skyler wasn't entirely sure the younger woman saw. Those wide, puppy-dog eyes were locked onto the Girl's stare, the glassy surface of her corneas reflecting back a flow of rainbow colors that almost perfectly matched the pastel hues on the robot's body. "Well, you've already made two--Chimera and I are happy to be your friends, aren't we?"

The gynoid nodded. "Of course we are," she cooed, her synthetic voice hitting such perfect notes of calm and tranquility that Skyler's vision swam for a moment with relaxation. "We're very glad you found the courage to come and speak with us today. It can't be easy, being all on your own in a new city that's so different from your hometown." Amethyst looked surprised and almost pathetically grateful, and all Skyler wanted to do was take the young woman home and wrap her up in a nest of warm blankets and pet her forehead until she fell asleep in Skyler's arms. The brunette practically hammered on every dominant and every protective instinct in Skyler's body, right down to the attempt to go butch that only made look her even more adorably small and soft and vulnerable.

"It, uh, it's actually really nice here," Amethyst babbled, unable to allow even an accidental impression of a difference of opinion between her and her newfound friends. "I really like being somewhere where I can be, um, I... I mean, where I can, you know, I, uh...." Skyler could practically see the ghosts of the young woman's parents standing over her shoulder, waiting to pounce on her the moment she admitted the L-word into the conversation. She would have bet a thousand dollars that they didn't know where their daughter was right now. "Where I can be myself," she finished weakly, running her fingers through her short hair with an air of faint bewilderment that suggested it was still brand new to her as well.

"It's always important to be yourself," Chimera murmured soothingly, her eyes flooding Amethyst with peace and pleasure that reminded Skyler of so many hours spent gazing into those warm and wonderful patterns of captivating light. "How long have you been here in the Twin Cities?" she asked, her comforting voice putting the younger woman at her ease much better than Skyler ever could. Skyler didn't mind taking a back seat in the conversation for a little while. This was the sort of thing her Girl was best at, and it meant that Skyler could relax and... think ahead a bit. To the rest of the afternoon.

"I, um, a-about nine months?" Amethyst replied, her brow momentarily furrowing as she tried to penetrate a faint mist of bemusement that clung to her thoughts. "I, it took me almost a year to convince--I mean, mom and dad needed help at the store, so... um, I mean, I kind of took a year off after I graduated high school. This is my first summer on my own. Uh, I mean, I've got a roommate, but she's just, um... I mean she and I, uh...." The younger woman trailed off into silence again, the brief well of confidence in her own story holding anyone's interest running dry.

Skyler took the lead again, priming the conversational pump with a tiny change of subject. "You took a year off," she said kindly, reaching out and tentatively taking one of Amethyst's hands to give it a gentle squeeze. She was overjoyed to feel the younger woman squeezing right back. "That must have helped with the transition to the big city. I know when I was eighteen, I wasn't nearly as ready as I thought I was. Nineteen has to be a little bit better."

"T-twenty," Amethyst murmured, her blush making a last rearguard advance in the face of the increasing calm she found within Chimera's captivating eyes. "My birthday is, um, September 2nd, so I... I was always the oldest kid in my class." She looked anything but old to Skyler, though. She looked young and small and hesitant and vulnerable and deeply in need of someone to tell her what to do. Every instinct in Skyler's body told her that Amethyst would melt into deliciously submissive bliss the moment she had someone to take charge, and despite the four year gap in their respective ages Skyler wanted that someone to be her.

She could already feel the shape of the encounter taking form, even if she didn't know quite how it would all connect together as a sequence of events. Amethyst was ready to explore herself; it was why she came here today, even if she wasn't yet ready to say it out loud. Skyler wanted to be the younger woman's first, to take her under her wing and give her an experience that was filled with tenderness and caring. And Chimera... Skyler didn't question what Chimera wanted. She felt it, deep in her very bones. Chimera wanted to guide Amethyst. She wanted to help her blossom into the person she was going to be. Everything that happened today was a necessary part of that.

It didn't surprise Skyler at all to hear her Girl take control of the conversation, saying, "We'd love to hear more, but it's awfully hot out for a really long talk. We only live a few blocks away--would you like to come back to our place and get a nice cool drink and relax?" It made perfect sense for Chimera to take the reins of the encounter, allowing Skyler to step back and go with the flow and let everything unfold just the way it was supposed to. And it was only natural to allow herself to drift back into the memories she had of gazing into those captivating colors and accept the direction of that infinitely wise, infinitely soothing voice.

And clearly Amethyst felt the same way. The younger woman didn't question the slightly forced segue, didn't wonder about the implications of a sudden invitation to leave the fair in the company of a complete stranger. She just stared wide-eyed, her lips parting in rapt and fascinated attention, bobbing her head in a vacant nod accompanied only by a mumbled, "uh huh." She looked so deliciously vulnerable, so completely focused and relaxed and open to the new direction events were taking, and it made Skyler's pussy throb with sudden and potent arousal. They began walking together, and of course it was Chimera who showed them the way.

They made it to Skyler's loft apartment in a matter of minutes, and Amethyst managed to tear her eyes away from the Girl long enough to goggle at the high ceilings and tastefully decorated open spaces. "Oh my god, this is beautiful," she gasped, glancing out the window at the view of the city skyline. "How do you even afford all this?" A short while ago, she might have stammered out an apology for such a personal question, maybe even frozen mid-sentence, but Chimera's soothing presence had given their interactions an air of informal intimacy that made them feel warm and comfortable around each other.

Skyler chuckled. "I got my Master's in Mass Communication last year," she said, walking up behind the smaller woman to join her in admiring the view. This close, the difference in their heights was even more obvious--Skyler could practically rest her chin on top of Amethyst's head. "It's a field with a lot of opportunities for a hard worker, and Chimera really helps me to stay on task. She's, um...." The skyline momentarily blurred in Skyler's field of vision as she brushed up against a realization that normally slept in the back of her head, and she felt a warm glow of pleasure between her legs at the thought of doing what she was told. She tried to put it into words, but all that came out was, "Y-you... you've never been around a Girl(tm) before, have you?"

Amusingly, Amethyst completely misunderstood the question. "I... back in high school, at a slumber party, Betty Lou Ames and I played, um, Spin the Bottle with a bunch of kids. We, uh, when the bottle stopped on us, Jessie Aaronsen dared us to kiss, and, uh... yeah." Skyler could see the younger woman's reflection in the glass, squirming with arousal at the memory. "I tried to pretend it was gross, but that night in my sleeping bag I wound up. Um. T-touching myself." She leaned back into Skyler for a moment, then flnched as though the butch lesbian was red-hot. "That was... that was when I knew."

Skyler rested her hands companionably on Amethyst's hips. The younger woman didn't stop her. "That's beautiful," she whispered in Amethyst's ears, her warm breath eliciting a shiver from the pretty brunette. "But that's not what I meant. I was talking about a Girl(tm) girl, a Girl(tm) like Chimera. You've never been around one, have you? You don't know what it's like to... to feel when they're happy with you." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the rainbow-patterned Girl coming around to stand in front of Amethyst, sandwiching the smaller woman between them.

"N-no, I... I... oh." Skyler watched Chimera's eyes blaze into beautiful life, heard the sound of Amethyst's voice filling with rapturous understanding as she watched the colors blossom out from the center in wave after wave of peace and pleasure. Skyler could see them too, and she discovered anew the absolute bliss that she always found deep within the center of that mesmerizing stare. It was so easy to forget how much power it held. It was so easy to simply listen to her Girl and obey without really thinking about it. And then Skyler dropped into ecstasy and remembered that all she wanted was to be a good girl for her Girl.

"That's it," Chimera murmured, cupping Amethyst's cheek with one strawberry-scented hand while her other expertly undid the fly of the younger woman's trousers. "This is what you really wanted, isn't it, darling girl? This is what you were imagining the moment you saw the two of us together, the secret fantasy that was stronger than all the fear and the shame and the uncertainty you were feeling." She slid Amethyst's loose, baggy pants down around her ankles, then traced the outline of the helpless brunette's labia with buzzing fingers. "You wanted her. And me. Just... like... this."

If Amethyst spoke, it was lost in a flurry of gasps and whimpers that left her grinding her cunt against Chimera's vibrating touch. Skyler's hands moved from the younger woman's hips to her small, pert breasts, sliding up under her shirt to caress her stiff nipples. Amethyst hadn't worn a bra, and Skyler could feel the pebbly texture of her areolae as she stroked and kneaded every inch of soft, sensitive flesh. Skyler wanted desperately to spin the helpless brunette around, tear her shirt clean off and suck on her pale tits until she left marks that would last for days, but she wasn't in control anymore. Chimera was. And Chimera understood exactly what they both needed.

Amethyst needed slow, sensuous teasing, the kind of gentle touch that left her craving everything Chimera did to her by the time it finally happened. She needed the robot to massage her slick pussy until it leaked through her white cotton panties before finally tugging the clinging fabric down to expose her wet, needy cunt. She needed to feel those thrumming, throbbing digits press lightly against her labia until she was mewling and whining and wordlessly begging them to fuck her. "Is this what you want, pretty girl? Is this who you wanted to become?" It was the most redundant question Amethyst had ever been asked.

She answered nonetheless. "Yes!" she squealed, sagging into Skyler's arms and allowing the taller woman to fully support her as the Girl thrust two fingers directly into her soaking cunt to find her swollen, aching clit. Amethyst's whole body shuddered and shook, and her dark brown eyes opened wider and wider as the pleasure of Chimera's hypnotic stare poured into her and captured her deeper into astonished bliss. Skyler felt the quaking pleasure against her skin, and she reveled in the privilege of being allowed to participate in Amethyst's true sexual awakening. She might have known she liked women before, but she understood now what that truly meant. And it was beautiful.

"Please, more, please, more," the helpless woman chanted, her body going completely limp in Skyler's grip as the pleasure got to be too much for her. Skyler lowered her to the ground and helped Chimera undress her, the sight of the younger woman's nude form awakening an arousal within her held in check only by the mesmerizing stare of her Girl. Skyler wanted all of Amethyst, everything she had to give. She could only hope that Amethyst wanted her in return.

That hope was finally, joyously repaid later, after Amethyst shook with her first orgasm and trembled her way through a second that followed mere moments later. "Please," she said, finally managing to look away from Chimera's beautiful eyes and up at where Skyler knelt next to her head. "Please, I... I want to give... I want to give something to you." Skyler understood instantly what Amethyst meant, and she scrambled with indecent haste to remove her own clothing. It felt like forever before she was fully nude, even though she knew it was only moments, but the tiny eternity of longing ended so beautifully as she settled her cunt onto Amethyst's lips and felt the young lesbian began to lick for the very first time.


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