Rain Check

by Jukebox

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #f/f #f/m #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwash #brainwashed #brainwashing #erotic_hypnosis #fucking #hypno #hypnokink #hypnotic_trigger #hypnotized #memory_play #multiple_partners

Sua bumps into a man on her way out of the movie theater, and discovers she’s spent the last two years just waiting to be collected.

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"Wait a second," Sua heard behind her as she left the movie theater, but there were so many people flowing out right along with her that it didn't even occur to her to look around until she heard the man repeat it a second time. "Wait, wait a second--do we know each other?" That, plus a tap on her shoulder for good measure, finally led Sua to turn and see a white man with an angular face and brown, slicked-back hair that made him look uncomfortably intense. The piercing stare he gave her with icy blue eyes that were only magnified by the thick glasses he wore didn't help much either. Sua felt a bit like a bug pinned to a display board under his scrutiny.

"Yes, I think we do!" he exclaimed, apparently oblivious both to Sua's discomfort and the rapidly-ebbing crowd that swirled through the lobby around them. "It's been a couple of years, but I never forget a face. You were with Ying Hang at First Ave that night the Cactus Blossoms were playing, right? The two of you needed a ride home after the party, and I wound up as your Uber driver, remember? I gave you pink lemonade roses and cucumber water, and then we took a little detour through downtown to my apartment."

Sua was about to tell him he was mistaken, whether or not he actually was--any dude who could pick your face out of a crowd after meeting you once two years ago was a guy who paid way too much attention to women--but the moment she heard the phrase 'pink lemonade roses and cucumber water', the world seemed to recede away from her as though she was tumbling backwards into her own head. The rush of the crowd became distant and irrelevant, and the man in front of her grew larger not in stature but in importance. He suddenly seemed to be standing in his own spotlight, and Sua found that she couldn't look away.

"That's a good girl," he murmured, taking Sua by the hand and walking her gently back the way she came. "I'm very proud of you for remembering that so well, pretty girl, and you can just let that memory carry you deeper and deeper as you follow along with me and allow your mind to relax. You weren't with anyone tonight, were you?" Sua's head swayed loosely from side to side, swiveling like a doll that had been played with too often and too enthusiastically. A tiny part of her wished she'd said yes--telling this particular man she was out by herself felt like a bad decision already--but Sua felt so detached from the critical faculties in her own brain that she was increasingly uncertain they were there at all.

"Good, good," the man murmured, leading her back past the auditoriums and toward the rear exit. "Let's just go this way, shall we? It's a little bit quieter out back, and my car's not that far away. And I think you'd like to take a little trip with me, wouldn't you?" Sua nodded, her head wobbling up and down like it was on springs. She didn't recall having any opinion on it just seconds ago, but somehow the mere notion of agreeing with the stranger made her chubby tan cheeks broaden into a dreamy smile of pure delight.

"I thought so," he replied, leading her out through a pair of doors that clanged ominously shut behind them and past the dumpsters that lined the alley behind the theater. "You really are a very suggestible little slut, you know. It's one of the reasons I remembered you so well. Normally I wouldn't try to hypnotize two girls at once, but you responded so well to my patter that I almost didn't have to worry about bringing you along with Ying. I could focus all my attention on her and just let you slip away into trance all on your own." A last vanishing sliver of Sua's mind bristled at being called a slut, but it was rapidly swallowed by the warm, drifting swell of arousal she felt at the stranger's praise.

"I really was going to fuck you both that night, you know," he continued in an almost conversational tone, bringing Sua out of the alley onto an almost deserted street before leading her over to a car that her hypnotized mind recalled with intimate familiarity. "I had it all planned out, I was going to line you up doggy-style and alternate back and forth between you while I deepened your submission to your new Master. You remember that part now, too, right? I'm your Master?" His voice was silky smooth, patronizing without sneering, and Sua found to her absolute joy that she did remember, in every glorious detail. Right down to the intense sexual pleasure she felt when she slotted his title into the little empty space in her brain where his name should have gone.

"Of course you do," Master purred, opening the passenger door and helping Sua into the car before buckling her into her seat as though it was a new form of bondage. "You're so easy to hypnotize and control... Sua, wasn't it?" Her head bobbed up and down again, then slumped forward as he gave her breasts a casual caress through the thin fabric of her sundress and a wave of potent pleasure made her swoon in ecstasy. "Sorry, I'm a little better with faces than names. It doesn't mean you're not a very special girl." Sua's cunt throbbed with arousal at his condescending words. The part of her personality that would have considered them insulting was now completely anesthetized.

She heard the passenger door close on one side, then the driver's side door opened and closed again as the car rumbled to life. "But anyway," Master went on, casually yanking up Sua's skirt and jamming one hand down her panties, "I was going to fuck you both, like I said, but it turns out your friend Ying is, um... I don't know, I guess she does Kegel exercises or something. I don't think I've ever had a woman grip me like that, and I've had quite a few women, you know? Every time I thought I was going to pull out, she gave my dick another squeeze and all I wanted to do was bury myself in her pussy again." His words brought... not images, Sua's eyes had been deliciously stuck shut the entire time, but they definitely brought impressions back to her.

"And then before I could get my second wind, you got that call from your brother, and I kind of needed to hustle you out of there in a hurry before he wondered why you weren't answering. And before I had the chance to call you again, I wound up taking a fare from a really cute redhead with the most amazing tits who was brand new in town and didn't have anyone who would miss her, and that kept me kind of preoccupied for the next six months or so. You'll like her, by the way, she's very well-trained and she swings both ways." The stream of words flowed over Sua, tranquilizing her further as her Master's fingers teased her cunt into a state of simmering desire.

"And long story short, I was busy with a lot of new girls and you just kind of got snowed under," he finished, sounding incongruously sheepish for a man who had two fingers buried in her cunt. "But you don't mind taking a little rain check, do you? Not when your deep self has only been programming you to crave my cock more and more intensely with every day we were apart." Sua heard herself make a tiny mewling gasp of astonishment, the only outward sign of the complete and total shock she felt when she thought about taking her Master's stiff prick inside her. Sua's waking mind had forgotten, of course, but that just made her conditioning that much more impossible to resist. She realized with mounting amazement that every masturbatory orgasm she'd had for the past twenty-four months had been an offering of devotion to him.

He chuckled. "That's a good girl." Sua squirmed in her seat, writhing against the safety belt as the tones of warm praise in his voice made her cunt so wet that she could hear herself sloshing around his fingers. She had no idea she'd been so completely brainwashed over the last two years, but that was just it, wasn't it? She couldn't resist what she couldn't remember, and she hadn't been able to recall a single detail of the night she spent surrendering to Master's inexorable control. That had made it so easy for his programming to colonize her obedient brain.

Suddenly so many things made sense to her. The complete disinterest in finding a new boyfriend, despite the pressure from friends and family alike to meet someone and settle down. The dawning awareness of her bisexuality, and her fantasies about performing with another woman for the entertainment of a strong and seductive male figure who always remained frustratingly vague in her imagination. The way she began to prioritize flexible schedules and the option to work from home in her job search. All of it intended to make her a better slave when Master finally found her again.

And now he had. "Deeper and deeper for me, now, sweetie," he purred, as the motion of the car lulled her gently into a state of ever more profound trance while they drove through the quiet late-night streets. They eventually parked outside of an apartment that Sua's drowsy brain finally allowed her to recognize when he let her out of the car and brought her up to the door, and she realized sluggishly that she'd walked past it dozens of times without ever really knowing why. Her subconscious kept drawing her back here, even if her waking self had no hope of piecing together the reasoning behind it well enough to return to her Master to finish her programming. Because....

Because deep down, she knew how good it felt to be owned. There was no hiding from it now, not this deep in trance and confronted at last with all of the secrets in her subconscious she'd been blissfully unaware of for the last two years. Sua wasn't just suggestible, and she wasn't just responding to a post-hypnotic trigger, even if both of those things were very much true. Her deep self wanted to be brainwashed because it loved that warm, happy feeling of being captured and cherished and held in the unbreakable grip of another person's mesmerizing power... and whatever she might tell herself, Sua's deep self was very much a part of her.

"That's it, good girl, just a few more steps," Master coaxed as they left the elevator, heading down a dimly-lit hallway to the apartment at the end of the hall. "Then you can close those sleepy eyes again and stop thinking for me like a good little brainwashed slut." Sua's pussy ached in anticipation of that moment, so bad she could feel the sopping fabric clinging to her labia with every step--now that she'd finally resolved that nagging incongruence in her mind between her foolish, ignorant waking self and the true fucktoy she knew she was, deep down, she couldn't think of anything more enjoyable than getting fucked by her Master. And the few minutes his fingers had been out of her pussy felt like hours.

They were greeted at the door by a busty white redhead who helped Sua out of her constricting clothing, and she sighed in absolute rapture as she felt soft lips against her own--Sua hadn't ever acted on her growing interest in other women, despite or perhaps because of the programming inside her head, and knowing that Master was watching her very first lesbian experimentation made her whole body incandesce with sexual pleasure. She hoped she'd be allowed to perform with the other woman for Master's entertainment. She hoped he'd like watching them fuck.

But all that could come later--much later, as far as Sua's soaking pussy was concerned, even if she was eager to play with the redhead's enormous tits and slick, shining cunt. Right now, Sua had a good hard fucking coming to her that she'd waited literally two solid years for, and she needed it to happen more than anything. She sank down to her hands and knees right there in the foyer, eyelids slamming shut as Master closed a collar around her neck. He led Sua around the corner, using little tugs and yanks to guide her in the absence of sight, and Sua let out a grateful little whimper as he finally brought her to a halt and she felt his stiff prick pressing against the cleft between her thighs.

She grunted like a rutting animal as he penetrated her, the chuffing exhalation conveying years of desperate yearning better than any words ever could, and her hips ground involuntarily against his body with the writhing intensity of a porn star. The blissful sensation of fantasies fulfilled brought Sua to her first orgasm almost within seconds, and she hoped the way her pussy clenched hard around his driving shaft was every bit as good as the way Ying made him feel all those months ago--the last thing the hypnotized woman was going to allow right now was for him to pull out and spend his seed in the redhead's pussy. Sua already adored her fellow slave but there was one thing she was very competitive about right now.

But thankfully whatever she was doing, it seemed like she was doing it right because in what felt like just a few pleasure-saturated minutes Sua heard her Master give out a tortured groan, and his motion pushed her off-balance and face-first into the carpet as he came inside her. "T-thank you, Master," she sighed out, the first words she'd been able to summon up in ages, and her whole body shivered in a climax that seemed to come all the way from the bottom of her soul at having her wish fulfilled at last.

Then the redhead was behind her, licking the jizz out of Sua's cunt in long, laving tonguestrokes that made the hypnotized woman shudder and moan, and Sua found it increasingly difficult to think at all. Her mind drifted ever deeper into a warm pink fog of pure ecstasy, a state of emptiness that bordered on sleep, and she surrendered to it gratefully. When she woke--if she needed to wake--it would be under Master's control once more, a control that never needed to end now. And although she knew she was brainwashed to want it, Sua couldn't imagine anything that would make her happier.


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