Quietly Making Noise

by Jukebox

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:female #f/f #hypno #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #covert_hypnosis_(implied) #erotic_hypnosis #hypnokink #hypnotized #sleepy

Mandy has furtive sex with her best friend’s mom in the middle of the night, but hypnosis helps to keep her quiet.

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The door opened with the barely perceptible whisper of well-oiled hinges, but it was still loud enough to rouse Mandy from the restless doze that passed for slumber for her lately. It was funny--out here away from the city, with all the sounds of traffic gone and plenty of hard work and exercise to wear her out at the end of a long day, Mandy had assumed she would simply fall into the deepest sleep she'd ever known. But instead she found herself waking at the slightest sound... especially when she knew exactly what that sound meant. Without any actual intention on her part, she found her legs squirming apart on top of the bedspread.

Not that she'd been anticipating this or anything. Honestly, she'd completely put it out of her mind all day, just like yesterday and the day before that and the day before that. Somehow when Mandy was helping out on her friend's family farm, baling hay and brushing horses and all the other endless chores that seemed to be necessary to keep everything running smoothly, she never even thought about the tiny whispering creak of the door sometime after midnight and the soft, padding footsteps that crossed the plush carpet of the guest room to Mandy's bed. She just always had... other things on her mind.

But in the middle of the night, when the sultry summer heat filled the room and Mandy woke up to discover that she'd wriggled out of her thin nightshirt and white cotton panties to like naked on top of the covers again, the pretty blonde college student found herself intensely preoccupied with the sound of the mattress springs ever so gently creaking under the weight of an extra person on the bed. Her thoughts drifted to a drowsy anticipation for something she couldn't quite stir her muzzy brain into focusing on, even after a whole month of staying at Kellie's for summer break, and her hips inched their way a little higher and a little higher even though she couldn't consciously remember the reason why.

Then Mandy felt the thick silicone shaft of the strap-on sliding into her wet pussy, and her breath gave the tiniest hitch as she struggled to control the surge of pleasure she felt at being penetrated by Sharon's ecstatically hard cock.

Keeping quiet was important, Mandy knew that. Her room was right across the hallway from Kellie's, and only a few doors down from the bedroom Kellie's mom shared with Mister McNally. He was a heavy sleeper, sure, especially in the middle of summer when he worked hard all day and eased the pain in his sore muscles with a little of the pot they grew on a small patch behind the barn where no one could see. But if Mandy started really grunting and groaning there was no way at least one of them wouldn't hear, and she... she knew they wouldn't understand. Not like she did once Sharon explained it all to her.

Which was why it was so unfortunate that Sharon always fucked her with such vigorous intensity. Mandy buried her face in the pillow to stifle her hoarse and desperate gasps as the fake cock plowed her cunt with the kind of force that only a well-muscled farm mother could muster. Even then, she could hear the sound of the creaking bedsprings and the gentle smack, smack, smack of Sharon's hips against her ass providing quiet evidence of their tryst for anyone who was awake to notice it. Thank goodness the door was closed, or they'd be bound to wake up the entire household.

And Kellie could never know about any of this. Mandy learned that almost on her very first day, as she drowsed in the stultifying heat of the farmhouse kitchen and stared vacantly at the pretty windchimes hanging from the back porch while she got to know Kellie's mom a little better. Mister McNally might not mind so much, he'd just be a bit sulky that he wasn't allowed to join in, but Kellie... Kellie would never understand. She didn't get that a woman just had urges sometimes, urges that only youth and beauty could satisfy, and she definitely didn't know that her mother was bisexual. Mandy didn't either--she hadn't even known she was bisexual, let alone her best friend's mother--but she was learning a lot about herself this summer.

Like how much noise she made in the bedroom, for example, Mandy shoved the corner of the pillow into her mouth until it was practically full, her breath escaping in a high, keening whimper that the impromptu gag thankfully muffled into a hoarse whistle. She could feel her cunt clenching hard around the massive shaft penetrating her, muscles gripping tightly as her mind exploded in orgasm. Sharon's strap-on felt even better than the older woman's fingers, even though Mandy's mind was a little too fuzzy to remember exactly how she knew the difference.

She'd been fuzzy like that a lot this summer, Mandy sluggishly realized. Like an awful lot. There was always so much to do on the farm, and it was such a big place that everyone was always spread out all over, and Mandy got so busy with chores sometimes that she simply zoned out and stopped really thinking about anything except for the mechanical rhythms of manual labor. And inevitably when she was by herself and her mind was all... all soft and distant and full of cotton candy the way Sharon described it sometimes, she went and found the older woman. Sometimes just for a few minutes, sometimes for a long languid stretch of the afternoon that seemed almost timeless as Sharon shucked Mandy's shorts down to her knees and played with her sopping pussy, but she couldn't help being drawn to her. It was so weird.

It was even weirder that she remembered this every night. And then she forgot again so completely that she forgot she'd even remembered it to begin with.

Sharon was doing a little huffing and puffing herself now, her breath labored as she approached a climax of her own, and the sound of those tiny subvocal grunts made Mandy grind back against every powerful thrust. She knew there was a secondary prong on the other end of the strap-on--she remembered it from one afternoon when Kellie and her dad drove to town to pick up some supplies and Mandy and Sharon spent a few hours keeping each other company, even if she didn't always remember that she remembered--and it made her brain light up with warm, docile satisfaction at the notion of making the older woman cum just as hard as Mandy was right now.

Except quieter. Much quieter. Mandy's whole face contorted in a squeal of ecstasy that she only barely managed to turn into a hissing squeak.

She thought for a moment that even that noise had been too loud when the door across the hallway suddenly creaked open, and Sharon froze with her silicone shaft buried balls deep inside Mandy's grasping pussy as they listened for the sound of a voice asking what was happening inside the guest bedroom in the middle of the night. But thankfully a few moments later another door closed, the bathroom door at the end of the hall, and the house resumed its blessed silence for a little while.

Almost. Mandy couldn't quite help rhythmically squeezing the thick cock between her legs, tightening and releasing and feeling her clit rub against her own slick flesh with every repetitive motion, and it felt so hot and tight and good that she had to pant for breath into the pillow like some kind of needy little bitch in heat. Something about the added risk of being caught made Mandy's cunt throb with a pleasant ache that she absolutely had to relieve, as though the danger was itself some kind of aphrodisiac even though her befuddled mind vaguely understood that there was no way Kellie would see this and not blame her. She would be seen as the seducer in this scenario, whatever the truth was.

That shouldn't have turned Mandy on--if anything, it should have snapped her out of the drowsy fugue that felt just a half-step away from sleep and made her really think about the last several weeks and how little of her mind was really her own anymore-- but instead it made her squirm and grind against the thick shaft until Sharon had to physically grab her hips to keep her from fucking the older woman's strap-on. Mandy loved the danger of it all, the rush of adrenaline that made her cunt tingle and throb with extra excitement, and she knew she'd be fantasizing about this moment every time they had sex for the rest of the summer. She'd be listening for every tiny sound, hoping it meant someone was right outside their door listening to the squish of her pussy around the silicone cock, and it would somehow make her even easier to hypnotize and brainwash and control.

Because she loved this. She really, truly did, even if she'd been coaxed into it by subtle and inescapable hypnosis, and some part of Mandy really wanted to throw caution to the wind and live at the farm full-time as a plaything for Mister and Mrs McNally for the rest of her life. Mandy craved this surrender, yearned for it with a depth and intensity she was only just discovering inside herself over the last few weeks, and even though she wanted to obey she also wanted to be exposed for the needy, desperate tranceslut she knew she was deep down inside. She wanted to stop pretending she didn't ache to be owned.

But that same obedience made her want to please Sharon. And pleasing Sharon meant keeping quiet. So Mandy kept the pillow pressed tightly against her mouth as she came again, the sound of her climax barely audible over the sound of the toilet flushing down the hall, and she remained still as the door to the bathroom opened and closed and the door to Kellie's bedroom followed suit a few moments later. They stayed frozen, listening in silence, making sure Sharon's daughter was settling back into a nice sound sleep.

Then Sharon fucked her with a potent intensity that suggested she shared some of the same emotions Mandy did, giving her thrust after hard, driving thrust until Mandy's eyes rolled back in her head and her whole world went white with pleasure. She didn't know whether she was making any noise or not anymore, not with her orgasm so completely and totally overwhelming her. Mister McNally could have marched a brass band down the hallway outside her bedroom and she wouldn't even have noticed.

When Sharon finally finished, she pulled out of Mandy with a soft slurping noise that made the hypnotized young woman's pussy clench in arousal all over again, then slid off the bed and padded gently over to present the slick and messy strap-on to Mandy's eager mouth. Mandy wrapped her lips around it, making more gentle sucking sounds as she cleaned it off with her tongue, and the taste of her own musk only deepened the heady feeling of submission that pulsed away in the back of her mesmerized mind. She felt pleasantly degraded by the act of licking her owner's cock clean, diminished and demeaned and yet somehow loved and cherished at the same time. It made her want to feel this way forever and never ever stop.

But it also made her so sleepy. By the time Sharon removed the silicone cock with a quiet pop of inrushing air, Mandy was already slumping down onto the mattress in a limp, helpless heap. She knew that by the time she woke, she would forget all of this; the knowledge would slumber just as surely as she did, and it would rouse itself only when the next night arrived and Sharon was ready to fuck her even deeper into brainwashed compliance. Until she was finally ready to understand and accept it. Until her conscious mind came into congruence with the deep desires germinating inside her.

And maybe when that happened, the McNallys would have an opening for a farmhand. Mandy smiled softly at the thought as the sound of the well-oiled hinges sent her obedient brain tumbling the last of the way into oblivion for the night.


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