Pussy Appreciation Day
by Jukebox
Natalie didn't know what she expected when she walked into the waiting room of her gynecologist's office, but it certainly wasn't this. Honestly, she didn't really know that she expected much of anything beyond the uncomfortable but necessary routine of her annual breast and pelvis examinations; if there was one place Natalie didn't want to find an unexpected deviation from the norm, it was at her OB/GYN. So when she walked in to find a large banner behind the receptionist's desk decorated with streamers and balloons, declaring it to be 'PUSSY APPRECIATION DAY' in bright and cheerful pink letters, Natalie definitely wasn't ready for it.
Not that she had any kind of big dramatic reaction or anything. Weirdly, it was somehow too unexpected to react to--if the building had been on fire, Natalie could have at least slotted it into some kind of pre-existing emotional response and run or shouted or looked for someone who needed help. But to find the receptionist sitting in front of the desk instead of behind it, naked from the waist down and with her legs splayed wide enough to reveal a pair of light tan labia and just a hint of the slick pink cleft between... it simply didn't connect to anything but stunned, helpless bemusement. All she could do was blurt out, "what the fuck?" in a tone of confused bewilderment that totally failed to convey her shock and dismay.
Which meant that unsurprisingly, the receptionist completely misunderstood Natalie's reaction. "It's Pussy Appreciation Day!" she cried out, giving herself a loud smack right between the legs hard enough to make Natalie wince. "And to honor Pussy Appreciation Day, the first twenty-five individuals with vaginas to come in for appointments get a free vibrator--" She held up in one hand a sex toy so long and thick and multi-pronged as to be downright sinister. "And a copy of Doctor Hennessey's new book, 'Appreciating the Divine Cunt'!" She held up in the other hand a slim paperback volume with a picture of a vagina on it so lovingly and pornographically depicted it would put Georgia O'Keeffe to shame. Natalie had never regretted making an early morning appointment harder.
Then the receptionist winked. "Between you and me, we have enough to give away to at least a hundred," she said, dashing even Natalie's imaginary hopes of getting out of this incredibly awkward conversation. "But don't tell the doctor I said that. She wants all of you to really feel the special reverence and honor we have toward your pussy today." She gave herself another smack between the legs, not as hard this time but still startlingly intense. It was clear she was getting something out of it. Natalie didn't want to know what it was.
She took a step backward, already mentally committing herself to paying whatever cancellation fees were necessary to get out of this particular appointment on this particular day. "Well, that's great, and all, um... Carol," she murmured, squinting at the receptionist's name tag. She reached clumsily around for the door handle behind her and suddenly realized that she was terrified to turn her back on the cheerful and polite woman who couldn't have stood more than 5'2" in heels. "But I, uhh, I just remembered a scheduling conflict, my, umm, my dog is at the groomers and I need to go pick him up, I, I guess I'll have to call you back and reschedule." Natalie didn't have a dog, but she'd go out and buy one if that was what it took to get out of this. She didn't want to deal with half-naked women and strange new philosophies and whatever the fuck that dildo implied, not on a fucking Tuesday when she was still staring down the barrel of a half-day at the office. It was just too fucking much.
"Oh, but Natalie, you don't know what you're missing," Doctor Hennessey said, her calm voice cutting smoothly through all of Natalie's stammering excuses as she stepped into the waiting room. "I'd be very concerned if you came out of here without truly forging a connection with your own body, especially when it sounds like so much of your reluctance to really discuss matters of sexual health is purely due to social programming. You don't like to think about the importance of your cunt because the patriarchy has told you how shameful and dirty it is, but it's really more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Natalie was pretty sure that wasn't the kind of terminology a medical professional should be using, but she didn't want to argue. She just wanted to leave.
"That, um, that's a really good point, Doctor," Natalie replied, a forced and plastic smile on her face as she fumbled for the door handle with increasing anxiety, "and I'll be sure to discuss that with you further at our next appointment. It's just, I'm afraid I can't give you any more of my time today. I'm so sorry." She wasn't going to make another appointment with Doctor Hennessey, in fact she was giving serious thought to giving up on the healthcare profession entirely and trying self-surgery if that was what it took to get out of this, but she couldn't tell the other woman that. Not when Doctor Hennessey towered over Natalie again as much as Natalie stood taller than the receptionist, and carried herself with the stern authority of a medical expert.
"It's an excellent point, Natalie," Doctor Hennessey riposted, making Natalie realize just what a mistake it had been to concede anything in the conversation to a woman so bound and determined to evangelize her weird new psychosexual philosophy. The statuesque blonde was naked from the waist down just like her receptionist, with a lush and furry mound of curly pubic hair directly above her glistening labia, and Natalie realized to her utter mortification that the doctor had been masturbating before she came out into the waiting room. "That's why we need to take at least a few minutes to discuss it before you go and get your dog--what was his name, by the way?"
".....Spot," Natalie finally blurted out. Her fake smile was now so wide it was beginning to hurt her cheeks.
"Before you pick up Spot," Doctor Hennessey resumed, a tiny little crook at the corners of her mouth suggesting an amusement that was much less feigned. "The point is, Natalie, I don't think you've ever really taken a moment to really listen to what your cunt has to say to you. You've been treating it simply like a body part, something you don't even think about unless you're horny or you're on your period, and as a result you're not really making the kind of connection to it that would allow you to develop a holistic appreciation of your own sexual health. You should be communicating with your pussy, Natalie. All the time. And until I teach you to do that, I think you're never going to find true fulfillment."
Natalie opened her mouth, struggling to suppress the urge to point out that her vagina was an actual body part and that it was really fucking weird to hear a doctor call it literally everything but that... but she'd dealt with too many smug dudes to fall for this trick, even if it was coming from a woman. Argument was what they wanted. Argument sucked you in and kept you engaged. "Wow," she forced herself to say, keeping her tone deliberately light and breezy. "That's a lot to take in. I, um, I'm sure I'll need to think about it later, b--" She didn't even get to pivot before Doctor Hennessey interrupted.
"That's why you need to take a copy of my book," she cut in, gesturing to the pile of slim paperbacks sitting on the desk. "You should really come and grab one before you go. It's entirely free." It was also entirely in the opposite direction of the door Natalie was so tantalizingly close to, but there were limits to the amount of direct confrontation she was willing to force herself into with an authority figure, and throwing away a complimentary copy of 'Appreciating the Divine Cunt' as soon as she left the office seemed like a small price to pay to get out of here. Natalie forced herself to take the dozen steps forward to put her within arm's reach of the stack of books.
This close, she could smell the stink of sex on both women, almost a mist in the air around them, and Natalie wondered if this was some kind of a weird kink thing they'd lost perspective and leapt headlong into. She wasn't necessarily averse to that kind of experimentation, not with a partner she knew and trusted at least, but context was everything and finding out that her gynecologist was into bizarre lesbian tantric rituals and she'd been rooting around inside Natalie's vagina really wasn't conducive to any kind of arousal. "Thank you very much," she said, grabbing the book with what she hoped wasn't unseemly haste.
"You're very welcome, Natalie," Doctor Hennessey said, putting a companionable hand on Natalie's shoulder in a way that probably wasn't intended to be threatening. Natalie was forced to look up a full nine inches to meet her imposing gaze, and it made her feel small in a way that was somehow far more than physical. Natalie couldn't possibly imagine trying to break that grip on her own, even though intellectually she knew it wasn't actually holding her in place. She would simply have to wait for the other woman to release her. It was her only option.
"But before you go, I'd just like for you to try to listen to your cunt. Really listen, Natalie, not just play along so you can get out of here." Natalie blushed, suddenly feeling seen in a way that made her deeply uncomfortable, but she didn't seem to be able to break eye contact with the doctor. "Go ahead and focus all your attention between your legs, imagine yourself tracing your pussy with your mind's eye, and open yourself up to what it has to say to you." Natalie squirmed, unable to avoid a wave of intense awkwardness at the forced intimacy of the situation, but there didn't seem to be any way out of this anymore. With a sigh, she turned her thoughts to her vagina....
And discovered to her intense surprise that it was wet. Really, wet, in fact, almost incredibly slick and throbbing with arousal; Natalie could feel her swollen clitoris throbbing with every heartbeat, engorged with an anticipation Natalie didn't even realize she was feeling until now. Not that she wanted to feel it, and in fact it made her deeply uncomfortable to imagine interrogating the reasons behind her bizarre and inexplicable excitement over being topped by her gynecologist, but... but she couldn't deny it. Her--her pussy was practically dripping. "I, um, um," she stammered, unable to imagine that Doctor Hennessey couldn't read every last bit of her sudden emotional turmoil on her face and equally unable to find the words to explain it away.
"There we go," Doctor Hennessey cooed encouragingly, beaming brightly with pride as she cupped Natalie's rounded pink cheek in her other hand. "Now you're listening, now you're tuned in to what your cunt has been trying to tell you all along. We've been talking to it ever since you entered the room, Natalie, communicating pussy to pussy on a level you didn't even know you were capable of, but because you weren't connected with your wet, needy snatch you didn't know what we were saying to it. Now you do, and doesn't it sound wonderful?" Again the odd, vulgar terminology coming from the mouth of a medical professional confused Natalie, but this time she couldn't think much about it. Not when she was so aroused. Not when she could feel that pulse of anticipation getting louder inside her head with every heartbeat.
Behind her, Carol the receptionist reached over to slide Natalie's skirt down, but Natalie found she couldn't really muster up the will to make an objection. Her jaw was hanging slack now, the pulses of mingled lust and pleasure hitting her like the breakers off the coast of Montauk, and Carol's stroking fingers against the damp fabric of her panties only felt like an extension of the arousal she was already experiencing. "This is the divine cunt within you, Natalie," Doctor Hennessey murmured, petting the helpless woman's cheek as she spoke. "This is what I've been listening to for days now, what I shared with Carol, what I want to share with all of you. Your pussy has a voice, it has a mind and a will and a power all its own and all you need to do is open yourself up to it."
Natalie let out a low, shuddering grunt of ecstasy as Carol's fingers rubbed hard right over her clitoris, stimulating it until it was practically a shout in her ears that drowned out every other thought. Natalie tried to tell herself it was all just the power of suggestion, that somehow she was being hypnotized by Doctor Hennessey's charisma and presence and dominating air of authority but it didn't feel like that. It felt real. And whether it was really real or it merely felt real because Natalie was weak-willed and gullible and susceptible to Doctor Hennessey's mesmerizing gaze, she knew she couldn't fight it either way. Her cunt was taking over and it knew exactly what it wanted.
Carol pushed down Natalie's panties and pantyhose to her knees, fully exposing her... her... oh god, her fucking cunt to the other woman's exploring fingers and teasing it into a slick, dripping mess. "That's it, take it all in, open yourself up to it completely," Doctor Hennessey purred, her gaze heavy with a lust that Natalie could somehow feel resonating pussy to pussy without anything so tedious as words to muddle the message. "It's so powerful, Natalie, so much more powerful than you or I. You won't be able to ignore it, you won't be able to resist spreading its message. We've been so disconnected from this voice for so long, but now we know and now we can tell the world. The phallic is over. The yonic reigns supreme."
Natalie could barely even remember from her women's studies courses what 'yonic' meant, but she couldn't help nodding because the throb between her legs told her to nod and Doctor Hennessey was right--it was so much stronger than she was. Natalie let out a long liquid moan as her complimentary vibrator slid into her sloppy cunt, filling her up and buzzing everywhere and making Natalie's gaze go sightless with pure and unmitigated lust. She could barely even stand, it felt so fucking good. Her brain was practically melting with the force of it. "I... I... the yonic reigns supreme," she whispered, her voice filled with awe, and her pussy rewarded her with an orgasm so intense she saw stars.
Carol helped Natalie to a private examination room after that, using the office chair to wheel her along while Natalie listened to her cunt and found the best ways to thrust the buzzing sex toy in and out of her messy snatch. She guided Natalie up and onto the padded table, and after that the supine woman found that she no longer had the capability to think for herself--everything was arousal, everything was lust and pleasure, everything was cumming herself stupid so that the voice of her pussy could sing louder and clearer inside her empty head. Natalie was becoming nothing but a puppet, and she didn't even want to try to fight it because it all felt too good and she wanted to become weak and helpless and obedient to the power of the yoni inside herself.
Eventually they ran out of rooms, and Natalie had to share the table with another woman. But as they lay on top of each other, speaking cunt to cunt and commanding their puppeted tongues to serve their true purpose and lick, Natalie discovered she didn't mind at all.
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