Pendulum Swinger

by Jukebox

Tags: #dom:nb #hypno #hypnosis #hypnotized #masturbation #pov:top #cock_fixation #cock_hypnosis #cock_worship #erotic_hypnosis #hypnocock #hypnokink #hypnotic_induction #nb/nb #sub:nb

A cock fixation-themed hypnotic induction.

(As with all of my induction stories, I freely give the reader permission to record this for themselves or a consenting partner, so long as no copies of the recording are uploaded to the Internet.)

"Before we begin, I'd like to describe the goals we're going to be working to achieve with today's session. If these goals don't interest you, or if you don't feel safe and comfortable with them, you can simply make the choice to stop listening and find a different experience to enjoy. You are always in control of your trance state, and any suggestions you hear will only apply if you feel safe and comfortable accepting them.

"The goal of today's trance is to train you to develop an erotic fixation, with an emphasis on sexual service, on the penis and testicles. Although this is commonly associated with the male body, this training session isn't about gender or orientation--if you choose to accept this hypnotic conditioning, it will apply equally to trans or non-binary individuals who have these features. This trance is not intended to alter your sexual orientation, although it is possible that you may find your own personal horizons of physical attraction evolving and expanding based on your new feelings for individuals with these features. As always, you have a choice in what you accept when you listen to any hypnosis file.

"There are no specific hypnotic triggers in this induction that I'm asking you to accept--we're going to teach your mind to develop a reverence for cock, and an interest in pleasuring it, that you may explore whenever a safe, comfortable opportunity arises to do so. This is more flexible and open-ended than a trigger, and may result in you becoming aroused by someone's penis unexpectedly... although, again, only when it is safe and comfortable for you to do so.

"Although there are points in this session where you may be encouraged to pay less conscious attention to the hypnotist, there are no direct amnesia suggestions incorporated into this session, and no suggestions or triggers that are intended to be forgotten after the session is over. Even so, spontaneous amnesia does happen to some people during hypnosis, so you may find yourself experiencing difficulty recalling details of the trance experience. If you enjoy forgetting your trances, your mind is going to work to make that happen. You have permission to remember or to forget as much of this session as you want--again, within the boundaries of what is safe and comfortable for you.

"This session contains permissive language directing you to disrobe and touch yourself. If you believe you will have difficulty resisting these instructions, please wait until you have some privacy to begin. If you do not feel safe or comfortable following any of the described suggestions or instructions, this would be a good place for you to stop. Otherwise, please get comfortable for me so that we can begin.

"And since we're seeking to develop a fixation on the penis, what better way to begin than to use it as our focus for this session? If you have a picture, or a partner who's comfortable letting you use their body as your visual focus, then you can go ahead and let your attention drift to whatever you see in front of you. Otherwise, it's okay to simply close your eyes and let your imagination bring you to the stiff, jutting shaft of a hard cock--a shaft that sways slightly with every twitching, pulsing throb of its owner's arousal, creating a hypnotic swing from side to side just like a pendulum.

"Imagine following that sway with your eyes, watching it move like a metronome in time to the desire that drives it as you study it with your fascinated gaze. The cock you're seeing might be natural or circumcised; it may be thick or slender, long or short, rising from a shaved pubic mound or emerging from a thatch of downy, tangled hair. Every penis is different, and each one is an expression of the individual beauty of the person it belongs to. Whatever the shape or size or color, it's easy to focus your attention on the tip and watch that gentle, captivating motion as it twitches with every heartbeat and draws your mind more and more intently to its tantalizing movements. The more you look, the easier it is to appreciate its jutting, thrusting power.

"Every detail reminds you of sexual pleasure, from the tiny glistening droplets of clear fluid that dribble out of the tip and down the shaft to the heavy, dangling balls that tense and tighten with every pulse of arousal that greets your fascinated stare. This has been a symbol of erotic potency since the dawn of history, and you can imagine it pushing forward with a single motion of the hips that drive it and claim you with its sensual force. The heat and power is there in every twitching motion that draws your gaze in helpless fascination.

"And as you draw closer to it, not consciously moving but simply accepting the pull of its captivating potency on your mind and your body, it makes you feel smaller in comparison. The nearer you get, the more the cock seems to fill your world--not just the sight of it, as the shaft grows taller and thicker with every inch of your mesmerized approach, but the thick and heady scent of its musk, so filled with urgent sexual heat that it makes you swoon with anticipation. You're down there between your partner's thighs, relaxing into the view of that beautiful rising tower of arousal and penetrative desire, and all you want to do is focus more and more intently on the promise of pleasure it provides. You can almost feel that tingling excitement, the stiff and energetic pulse tantalizing you with its potential for so much ecstasy.

"It makes you want to touch it, doesn't it? Of course it does. When you think about all it symbolizes, all the promise of thrusting, driving ecstasy pushing aside every other thought and focusing all your attention on that hot, stiff cock between your partner's thighs, you can almost feel everything you do to it. When you reach out in your imagination and pump your hand up and down the shaft, stirring your partner into instinctive motion as their hips buck against your fingers, you know intuitively what it feels like. You can picture every nerve in that hard cock coming to life, sending pleasure straight up their spine into their brain, lighting up their mind with arousal and excitement, and you know just what that erotic feeling is like.

"It makes you want to touch more, to allow your hand to rise and fall up and down the shaft that occupies your entire focus and attention as your imagination brings you deeper and closer and more completely into the thrall of the jutting cock in your mind's eye. Every time you caress it, kiss it, extend your tongue to lick at the plump cockhead and taste the salty beads of precum that begin to saturate your senses, you feel yourself give over that much more to the reverence and devotion of worshiping its totemic power. All those distractions are floating away now, left behind as your eyes lock ever more intently on the throbbing tower of desire in front of you, and you can feel your mind settle into a kind of synchronicity with your partner's sensations. Every flick of your tongue makes you picture with more and more perfect insight just how good it feels in their body, in their mind. You know what you're offering them. And their response only makes you want to give more. You feel your other hand move to their balls, lightly caressing the sensitive flesh with your fingernails to elicit even more sensation from them.

"And before you know it, you're craving their pleasure, pleading for it silently with your lips and your fingers, offering yourself in any way you can in order to feed that hunger for more and more ecstasy, more and more bliss. You know that cock is made to thrust, to penetrate, and you want to offer yourself in any way that's safe and comfortable so that you can experience all that pleasure yourself. You can feel your own body tingling with heat, filling with anticipation for whatever way you choose to open up to that sensual cock, and if you need to touch yourself to release that envisioned excitement more fully, you may. You have my permission to undress as much as you need to, and touch yourself wherever you like.

"And every time you touch, everywhere you kiss and lick and suck and caress, that pleasure only redoubles in intensity. Everything else has been left behind now, every other thought joyously discarded in favor of satisfying that craving and giving yourself to the cock that's been driving forward with such urgency, and you can imagine your focus narrowing tighter and tighter as you stimulate it to new heights of ecstasy any way you can. You feel yourself open up, giving the thrusting penis your curled fingers or your mouth or anywhere else you want to be penetrated, and you know your partner is losing themselves to the helpless urgency of their rutting desire... and every passing moment makes their excitement clearer and brighter and stronger in your mind. You're doing such a good job, making them so happy, and that happiness echoes inside you with more and more resounding power as you go deeper and deeper into reverent surrender to the potency of that towering cock.

"The pleasure pounds away at your thoughts, now, pushing into your mind and body, driving closer and closer to a blinding, overwhelming orgasm until you can feel it almost as strongly as they can. You've given in completely now, you're open to them completely and offering yourself to the heat and the musk and the power of all that lust controlling you like a puppet, and all you want to do is make them cum. It's all you can think about. It's your only desire. And you know you'll feel everything they feel when they finally lose all self-control and....

"Cum for me. Cum now, feel all that sympathetic pleasure echoing in your own mind and your own body until you can't help but release it. Cum for me with nothing in your head but that perfect cock, that thrusting penis penetrating you and pushing into you and making you feel so small and helpless by comparison. Imagine that tip gushing with semen, its sticky warmth a joyous physical reminder of the potency of its release. Picture those heavy balls, tightening and releasing again and again with every wave of orgasmic pleasure the cock is capable of. Let it all out, let all that pleasure out, feel it going straight from the source into you until you can't stop thinking about worshiping it with your touch. Cum. That's it. Cum.

"And as you begin to relax, as your partner puts their hand on your head and lets you know that it's okay to rest, you can feel that association between the potency of cock and that reverent, hypnotic submission growing more and more profound and inextricable. Cock always makes you feel blissfully obedient, eager to sublimate your own arousal into service to the jutting power between your partner's thighs, as long as it's safe and comfortable for that to happen. Even the sight of it will send you into a light hypnotic trance, one you can emerge from or deepen depending on your needs and the desires of your partner. You'll always want to worship their penis whenever it's offered to you, and allow yourself to be penetrated to whatever extent your limits and boundaries allow whenever you can. And you'll feel what they feel, each and every time.

"And you're going to be able to return here with me whenever you want, simply by listening to this file. Every time, it's going to be easier and easier to envision the cock I describe, and every time, the suggestions will sink in a little bit deeper and become a little bit more a part of you. You'll be so happy to listen whenever you have the chance, so that you can soak up all the programming you want to accept and become more controlled by it. So long as you continue to feel safe and comfortable with what we're doing together, you can come back again and again for me.

"And knowing that makes it a little bit easier to come back up from this state of trance, feeling blissful and submissive and happy to daydream of stiff, throbbing cocks to worship. Coming back on one, feeling your mind stir a bit from the fantasy, and two, beginning to be aware of your surroundings again, and three, getting settled into the real world once more, and four, getting ready to process what you experienced, and... five. Wake."


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