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One Good Reason

by Jukebox

Tags: #cw:noncon #brainwashing #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwash #brainwashed #covert_hypnosis #erotic_hypnosis #hypno #hypnokink #hypnotized #masturbation

Sil goes to rescue her friend Megan from a sinister lesbian hypnotist, and discovers that while physical aggression has its limitations, guile and treachery always pay off.

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Sil pushed the door open so hard it slammed into the wall with a loud, reverberating crash. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kick your goddamned ass right here and now," she snarled, moving swiftly as she spoke until she loomed directly over Agatha Billingsley's seated form. Sil knew she cut an intimidating figure--at 6'2", she was already dominating opposing players at college basketball, and her steel-toed boots added an extra three inches to her already towering height. When she coupled that with a black leather jacket and a severe undercut that made her look even more butch, Sil was the woman that other women asked to walk them home at night. She didn't know what to expect when she burst into Agatha's office, but she figured she could at least count on scaring the shit out of the middle-aged blonde in the gray cardigan.

She was wrong. Agatha simply looked up at her with an expression of mild, amused interest on her face, as though Sil had turned up in response to an open invitation to drop by anytime, and said, "Because while it might make you feel better for a few hours... rest assured, it won't help get my hooks out of your little friend's mind." She glanced past Sil, nodding her head slightly at the occupant of the room's other chair. Reluctantly, Sil turned to follow the older woman's gaze.

"Oh, Jesus, Megan...." Sil muttered, her eyes widening in shock as she took in the full tableau of Megan's slumped, semi-conscious body. The petite young college sophomore had her skirt hiked up around her waist, revealing spread legs and a cunt flushed bright pink with arousal. Her fingers worked ceaselessly away between her pussy lips, not even slowing a fraction despite Sil's intrusion, and her eyelids were open only a quarter of the way with nothing but the whites showing. Drool spilled from her slack jaw, dripping onto her bare chest.  Her nipples were so intensely stiff that Sil ached in sympathy just looking at them. She didn't seem to notice anything but pleasure at the moment.

"I've got her quite well-trained," Agatha murmured calmly, crossing her legs one over the other. She smoothed her tan dress down over her lap, banishing the unprofessional sight of her slick, hairy pussy so quickly and easily that Sil had trouble convincing herself that she hadn't imagined walking in on the older woman in the act of masturbating. "Rest assured, the only thing physical violence could possibly achieve would be a visit from the campus police, the end of your athletic scholarship, and quite probably expulsion. And the next day, Megan would find herself compelled to return to me again. For... further instruction."

Sil's hands balled into fists reflexively. It wouldn't be worth it, she knew it wouldn't be worth it and it wouldn't help anyone if she was in jail for assault, least of all Sil herself, but she still had to consciously unclench her hands. "I'll go to the police. To the press. To, to anyone. Megan, she's... she's a student, there are rules--"

Sil's angry outburst was interrupted by a timorous voice from the hallway outside. "A-Agatha?" the secretary asked, looking more than a little anxious about disturbing a potentially violent confrontation in progress. "I'm dreadfully sorry, she pushed right past me and I, I...." The slender young woman shrugged helplessly. Sil was pretty sure she could bench-press her.

Agatha smiled, her lips a bright red slash against the whiteness of her teeth. "It's okay, Cassie," she said, softening her voice into a warm, soothing cadence. "You don't need to worry your pretty little head about it. Just close the door and leave the three of us alone for a while." She stared unblinkingly into the secretary's eyes. Sil could almost feel the air shivering between the two of them in an unspoken, sympathetic connection, and her hands tensed into fists again.

After a moment, the secretary nodded. "I don't... need to worry my pretty little head about it," she droned, her terror draining away into a slack, expressionless stare. She reached out and took the doorknob into her hand, pulling the door shut with a thoughtless look in her glassy eyes. Sil was pretty sure she never even noticed the masturbating student sitting across from the guidance counselor.

"She'll be happy to tell everyone Megan was never alone in this room," Agatha said, breaking the stunned silence that followed. "Megan will say the same thing. Oh, I'm sure you think you've got some kind of evidence, a bug in her handbag or somesuch, but... well. Recordings can be faked. And you'll have to explain your motives for eavesdropping on your friend's private conversations." The sly, sneering emphasis on 'friend' left Sil feeling uncomfortably seen in a way she didn't like to think about. She realized she was watching Megan's wet finger skate over her own throbbing clit and turned to face Agatha again.

"S-so what do you think I'm going to do?" Sil snapped, desperately fighting the urge to channel her frustrations into smacking that goddamn smug grin off the older woman's face. "Just give up? Just let you, let you have your sick fucking fun with Megan until you get bored with her? No. No way. You, you let her go right now, wake her up and unkink her brain and fix everything you did to her, or I swear to God I will make you regret it."

"Now Sylvia, there's no need for threats," Agatha said, her voice prim and reproachful. Sil glared at her in annoyance, hating her given name even more than usual coming from those bright red lips. "I never said we couldn't come to an arrangement. I only wanted to make clear to you that you are not negotiating from the position of strength that you seemed to think you were when you first intruded. You can't intimidate me into letting Megan go. And you certainly can't free her without my help. I assure you, she's entirely unaware of whatever she does while she's here with me. Even if you were to tell her to her face, show her photographic evidence of her... enjoyable interludes under my control...." The older woman shrugged, dislodging a lock of honey-blonde hair. "She'd forget it as soon as the conversation ended."

Sil glanced over at Megan. The hypnotized brunette still showed no signs of even noticing them, or anything other than her own masturbatory ecstasies; it was as if she was drugged, nodding off in some sort of perpetual high. But Sil studied sports medicine, a backup plan in case her pro career crashed and burned. She knew there wasn't a drug in the world that could have an effect like what she was seeing. "What do you want?" she asked, numb resignation replacing the anger in her voice. She didn't know what Agatha was asking for, but she knew the older woman would extract a painful price for Megan's freedom. And she knew that she would pay it, whatever it was.

"Oh, nothing onerous, I promise!" Agatha purred, the words coming from her mouth like spun sugar. "Honestly, I think it'll be a mutually beneficial arrangement for both of us. I've recently negotiated some new terms with the college that allows me some side pursuits, and you're going to be in need of an agent when the term ends and you graduate. I assure you, you're going to be very grateful to have my persuasive talents in your corner when it comes time to negotiate your rookie contract." The fucking bitch sounded like she was planning a high tea for the Campus Cat Ladies Committee or something, but Sil had a sinking feeling that behind that polite, demure voice lay an absolutely icy intellect. She'd intended to get caught like this all along. She'd used Megan to arrange this meeting.

Sil snorted cynically. "So you're going to... what, hypnotize the GM into giving me a better signing bonus?" She didn't like the proposition--Sil didn't want to get herself any further entangled in Agatha's affairs, literal or metaphorical, than she absolutely had to. But the older woman was right. Sil couldn't intimidate or threaten her way out of this. And if ten percent of her income was the price she had to pay to free Megan, it wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps the twisted bitch was even right about being a good agent.

"Oh, absolutely," Agatha enthused. "It's not nearly as difficult as you might think. The trick is to find something to draw the subject's eyes, get them locked onto a single point of visual focus. It's even better if you can give them something to look at that's moving--the brain is naturally disposed to pay attention to motion, and it helps to engage and distract the conscious mind while you begin the induction." She sounded particularly pleased with herself; no doubt she was already counting Sil's money in her head.

"Most of the time, my subject doesn't even realize they're beginning to go under. They think I'm just talking, just filling the silence with idle and pleasant conversation that doesn't affect them, but they don't notice that the warm, soothing sound of my voice is beginning to ease the tension out of their tight, clenched muscles while they let their eyes focus on the motion in front of them and relax, relax, relax." Sil stared at Megan's limp, helpless body in the chair, one finger still circling around her clit over and over again with rapt devotion. Was that what had happened to her? Had she been tricked into looking at a crystal pendant, or gazing at a pocket watch until her mind simply collapsed into obedience?

"But on a deep, subconscious level, they can feel that stress unwinding, feel their breathing begin to slow to match the dreamy, languid rhythms of my voice. Every long, lazy breath in... and out... and in... and out... helps to wash away all their tensions, and the unconscious mind craves that kind of peace and pleasure. Without really knowing why, they find themselves watching the focus more and more intently, eager to soak up more of that wonderful sensation that's gradually beginning to saturate their relaxed and drowsy brain." Sil could almost picture it, that first moment when Megan's eyes had glazed over and her face had gone slack and empty with distracted bliss. With her guard down, unaware of the other woman's hypnotic skills, she wouldn't have stood a chance.

"And I can always tell when a subject is beginning to fall into my spell, because they start to feel so good that they can't hide it any longer," Agatha continued, her voice beginning to take on the husky tones of arousal. She was probably getting turned on looking at Megan's continued masturbation. Sil hoped the bitch was enjoying it; she wasn't going to see it again once they sealed the deal and Agatha removed all the suggestion's from the younger woman's brain. The old skank was just going to have to stick to her secretary for a while, unless she was planning to use her new job to find herself a harem of women's basketball players or something.

But Agatha didn't show any signs of impatience. "Those tight, tense shoulders slump into limp, lazy relaxation," she purred, filling the silence with idle chatter as if she was trying to hypnotize Megan all over again. "That pretty, drowsy body sways from side to side just a little bit as those tired legs begin to feel so sleepy and weak. Those dazed, heavy eyes lock onto the focus and forget to blink. When I ask a question, they bob that empty head up and down in agreement without even thinking about it, know what I mean?" Sil nodded absently, preoccupied with dislodging from her brain the vision of a whole team of Amazonian women, naked and staring vacantly into space while they rubbed their pussies just like Megan.

Because goddamn, Megan looked sexy like that. For all that Sil hated what Agatha had done to her, for all that she valued Megan as a person, for all that she came here to rescue her friend from the clutches of a sinister hypnotist whose sinister hold appeared to all intents and purposes to be utterly unbreakable unless the older woman chose to release her brainwashed lesbian sex slave, Sil couldn't deny that she was getting so wet watching Megan masturbate like this. She couldn't stop staring at that slick pussy, dripping with musk and flushed with arousal. She couldn't stop thinking about how damn pretty Megan looked when she was blank and empty. "Blank is best," Agatha cooed. Sil nodded again.

"And sometimes the conversation begins to slip out of their drowsy mind in places," Agatha murmured, her voice warm and soft and coaxing in Sil's ears. "They're just listening to me gently lull their sleepy brain into relaxation, into comfortable peace and dazed, dreamy pleasure, and they find that they can't exactly follow everything I've said. Some of it just drifted past their consciousness into the fluffy fog in the back of their head while they were staring at those slick, stroking fingers and letting the throb in their clit take control. That's okay. That just means they're going into a sexy, sleepy trance. Trance feels good, doesn't it?" Sil nodded. Somehow the motion felt automatic now.

"Those unblinking eyes begin to get so tired once the subconscious gives in and surrenders to trance. Even when the conscious mind is still fooling itself into thinking it's awake, the deep self knows that it's deeply hypnotized and it can't resist me. It begins to sap my good girl's strength, making her body feel so exhausted. So weak. Too weak to fight my control. Too weak to think. Too weak to do anything but stare and sink and submit, isn't that right?" Sil's head drooped forward. Somehow it seemed like the most immense struggle to bring it upright again.

"And once I have them so fascinated by those pretty stroking fingers, so horny and weak and tired and helpless," Agatha husked out, her voice so close now that Sil could almost feel the older woman's warm breath on the pale skin exposed by her undercut, "I can begin to show them how much stronger I am. How much control over them I truly have. It might sound like that would wake them, but once they see at last how completely and totally captured they are within my power it really just makes them realize how impossible it is to struggle a moment more." Sil felt warm hands pulling off her leather jacket, encircling her chest to pluck at her nipples through her bra. She shuddered, the full-body twitch of a dreamer settling at last into sleep, then went motionless.

"That's when I take their will away," Agatha murmured, slowly guiding Sil down to her knees. "That's when I begin the slow, inexorable process of brainwashing them with pleasure until they can't possibly fight me ever again. My hypnotized good girls are happy to forget how obedient I make them, because deep down they know that they can't resist what they can't remember. And deep down, they want to be programmed because it feels so, so fucking good to be owned by Mistress Agatha." Sil felt fingers unbuckling her belt, unbuttoning her jeans. She couldn't look away from Megan's soaking cunt long enough to find out who they belonged to.

"It's so easy to hypnotize a weak, submissive good girl into becoming my lesbian slut." Sil nodded, her eyes locked onto Megan's helplessly entranced body as the younger woman masturbated herself deeper into Agatha's control. She could almost feel her friend's pleasure now, feel every throb and pulse in that slick, swollen clit as if hers was being stroked in the same lazy rhythm. "They don't even notice how controlled they are. How mindless they're becoming. How blank and obedient their deep self wants to be." Sil sighed, the exhalation coming out in a sleepy whimper of bliss.

Sil's eyelids fluttered, pleasure making her concentration waver for a long moment as Agatha tugged her shirt up to gain better access to her taut chest and firm nipples. She'd have to be careful, she realized. She'd have to keep her mind firmly on Megan, on keeping track of what Agatha was making her friend do in that helplessly obedient state the older woman described. She couldn't let anything distract her, not even the sound of that soft, soothing voice whispering in her ears. If Sil let her guard down, Agatha might... might....

"Sleep now, pretty girl," Agatha cooed, pressing hard over Sil's throbbing clit. Sil's head lolled forward, her eyes slamming shut, and her world tumbled into darkness at last.


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