Make My Head Go Pop

by Jukebox

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #hypno #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #erotic_hypnosis #hypnokink #hypnotized #sex_toy #strap_on

Roxy’s stress is getting to her again, and even though she’s starting to worry about her compulsive submission to hypnosis she can’t help wanting to stop by her favorite fuckbuddy’s place to get her mind melted.

Days like this were always the worst. They were the worst because they made Roxy's head ache with stress and worry, they were the worst because her restless mind wouldn't stop screaming at her over every insignificant mistake and every trivial concern and every little detail she couldn't stop obsessing over after years of dealing with one crisis after another that always started with some stupid minor bullshit that snowballed out of control, and they were the absolute fucking worst because the only way she knew to truly relieve her anxiety was to come slinking back to Paulie for another hypnosis session and one of her biggest anxieties was that one day her fuckbuddy was going to take Roxy's mind away and never ever ever give it back.

Not that Pauline Litowsky had any idea Roxy thought of her visits like that. She probably would have been surprised as hell to know that the sultry blonde agonized for hours before each and every time she stopped by Paulie's fourth-floor walkup in Flushing. She had no idea that Roxy thought of her as an addiction she couldn't shake, a constant temptation every time she had to struggle to find money to pay a bill or barely scraped by with a passing grade on her latest test. When the stress of thinking got to be too much, when Roxy simply wanted to escape her own head and drift away into a cloud of fuzzy pink lust where adulthood wasn't even a bad memory, she went over to Paulie's place... and Paulie would have been shocked to know that every time, Roxy wondered if she'd ever come back.

Because it wasn't like Paulie was really doing anything permanent to Roxy's brain. Oh, sure, she was a hell of a hypnotist, and she always knew exactly how to melt Roxy's brain into a sticky pink syrup that leaked out her pussy and left her eager to fellate Paulie's big thick strap-on until her tits were covered in drool. But it wasn't like she was actually brainwashing Roxy or anything. They just played a lot of the same games every time, and with each visit Roxy's descent into mindless obedience came a little bit quicker and a little bit easier. That was just basic conditioning. That was just part of the everyday pattern that developed between a Domme and her sub.

No, what convinced Roxy every time that she was on the verge of succumbing to a permanent and irreversible vapidity that would doom her to a life of brainless sexual submission was just... oh, fuck it felt so good. When she climbed the stairs to Paulie's apartment, her mind already inexpressibly weary from chasing itself in circles with stress, it always felt so much like coming home that she could feel tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. When she heard Paulie's fingers snap and felt all her anxieties blow away like dandelion seeds on the wind as her head sank forward onto her ample chest, Roxy always felt so fucking happy to be free of herself that she knew it wouldn't take more than the slightest nudge to keep her that way forever.

Assuming Paulie wanted to. One of Roxy's biggest worries, she admitted to herself as she rounded the corner leading to the second floor and continued her climb, was that one day she was going to offer herself up to the butch brunette and Paulie was going to say, "No." Or worse, she was going to extract some favor out of her submissive, make her hand over the money that would have gone to fixing Roxy's busted muffler in exchange for a single night of blank, blissful euphoria. Roxy knew her friend wouldn't do it, of course. She got as much out of hypnotizing Roxy as Roxy got out of being hypnotized. But Roxy knew that if it came down to it, she'd give in.

That felt wrong. Bad. Roxy was a grown-ass woman in grad school, she was studying to become a genuine motherfucking rocket scientist and get herself a big-time job working for one of the private companies that were trying to win the next space race. She shouldn't be so desperate to obviate her own self-awareness that she would cheerfully fling money at the first person to hypnotize her so damn deep she couldn't even remember her own name, much less Tsiolkovsky's formula.

But at the same time... Roxy was so fucking tired. She was tired of working three jobs to pay for a shitty basement apartment, she was tired of amassing a mountain of debt she didn't think she could ever pay off, she was tired of worrying every day that her electricity was going to get cut off or her Internet access would vanish or some sudden medical expense would leave her so destitute she'd have to crash on someone else's floor for the rest of her life. She was always tired, all the time, and the constant looping race of her own anxieties wore her out most of all. By the time she climbed up that last flight of steps, Roxy was almost grateful for the burn in her calves and thighs distracting her from her messy and intrusive thoughts.

And when she knocked on Paulie's door and said, "Oh, god, just please make my mind go fucking pop," it was such a relief to know that all her worries were about to end.

Paulie ushered her inside, saying, "Sure, babe," with a little hitch of bemusement in her voice that suggested Roxy maybe wasn't doing as good a job of hiding the urgency she felt as she thought she was. She brought Roxy into the living room and sat her down on the couch, and the crisp scent of carpet shampoo that filled the room almost served as the beginning of an induction in and of itself. Paulie had a cat, in defiance of her lease, and she always worked hard to make sure her landlord wouldn't notice a single stray hair that might give him the idea she was harboring a pet. Every trance Roxy ever had involved breathing in deep lungfuls of that false floral aroma, and by now she associated it with hypnosis so completely she almost swooned once wandering past a display of cleaning products.

And okay, yeah, that was hot. But it was also scary. It reminded Roxy how dependent she was becoming on Paulie's trances. This was, what, her third visit this week? Her fourth? It frightened Roxy that she couldn't remember.

Paulie never minded her stopping by unannounced, though. Her place was close enough to Roxy's main job that she usually showed up about an hour after Paulie got off work, long enough for her to grab a shower and a bite to eat and start getting bored after a whole day of phone calls from people who needed help with their smartphones. Getting a visit from a sexy blonde with big tits and flawless alabaster skin was exactly the kind of thing the butch woman wanted to clear away the irritations of the daily grind, and she never turned Roxy down when the submissive came knocking at the door. That didn't mean Roxy wanted it to become a habit, but at least it wasn't an annoying one.

"You remember what to do, doll," Paulie said, her thick Brooklyn accent somehow the sexiest thing in the world to Roxy as she stared into Paulie's muddy brown eyes and felt the first stirrings of relaxation seep into her exhausted mind. "Just look at me, listen for the snap, and remember that sleepy feeling you love so much. It's so easy to drop for me, isn't it, pretty girl?" Roxy opened her mouth to respond, but just then she heard Paulie snap her fingers and her jaw went slack and vacant as the words she was about to say evaporated into a warm pink mist inside her head. Her gaze went heavy-lidded and glassy, her facial muscles relaxed into lazy vapidity, and best of all the felt the most delightful heat between her thighs beginning to build.

"That's my good girl," Paulie purred, hooking her fingers into the straps of Roxy's dress and gently sliding them off to reveal the hypnotized woman's bra. "Deeper and deeper for me, baby doll, you know just how to go down and down and down into the most relaxing trance you can imagine." Roxy tried to nod, but lifting her head felt too much like work in the face of her exhaustion and so it simply drooped down in a series of jerks until saliva dripped from her open mouth into the valley of her cleavage.

This was the good kind of exhaustion, though. It wasn't the horrible, miserable grind of being trapped like a hamster on a wheel in a life that promised endless rewards that somehow never came; this was the blissful, cozy drowsiness Roxy remembered from her childhood, when the blankets always felt like a warm little nest and her bed was a sanctuary from everything the world had to offer and she always curled up like a dozy kitten into the most soothing rest imaginable. Roxy wanted to live in this feeling. She wanted to stay here and never, ever leave.

It felt even better when the bra came off, and Paulie's callused thumbs began to flick across her nipples in a steady, even rhythm. "Dropping down, babe, sinking down, emptying every last thought away for me like a good girl, because you don't really want to think, do you? You just want to relax into my voice and my will and let yourself become blank and obedient." Roxy was embarrassed for a moment at the depth and urgency of her whimpering, needy moans of agreement... but a few moments later, and she found she couldn't even think about how badly she wanted to submit to the ecstasy of mindlessness. Like her worries about becoming addicted to Paulie's trances, the thought simply popped like all her others as she surrendered to pleasure and lost herself in submission to Paulie's hypnotic control.

The dress slid down to her hips, and Roxy felt herself rise up off the couch so that Paulie could pull it all the way off. She loved the way the muscular lesbian stripped her naked, unwrapping her like a favorite present, and she loved the way Paulie's hands rediscovered every inch of her body as it was revealed. Paulie did a lot of woodworking and metalworking in her spare time, a hobby that helped pay for the apartment without needing to take on the jobs that kept Roxy drained and defeated, and it gave her skin the tiniest bit of roughness that turned every caress into its own sensory journey. Within moments, Roxy's legs were spread as wide as they could go and her cunt gaped open in anticipation of the dominant woman's touch.

"Ohhh, someone really needed this, didn't they?"Paulie asked, and thankfully Roxy's gasp of shock was hidden among all the others because that instant of feeling seen almost snapped her out of trance. But then Paulie's rough fingers found her clit, and the part of Roxy that overthought literally everything was quieted into insignificance by the wet throb of pleasure she felt from her lover's touch. Roxy grunted in ecstasy, her eyes rolling back in her head as she felt the most wonderful absence of self-consciousness stealing over her drowsy, empty mind. All she wanted to do was cum her stupid brains out now. All she wanted to do was fuck.

And it didn't take long for Paulie to fuck her. She rubbed Roxy's pussy to a gunshot-quick climax, then left the dazed and spacey woman lounging naked on the couch for what felt like only a couple of seconds before returning with her favorite strap-on. Roxy didn't know whether she lapsed into semi-consciousness for longer than she realized due to the depths of her trance, or if Paulie just kept a few sex toys in every room just waiting to go, but she was grateful not to be left to her own devices for too long. Roxy wanted her every instant to be utterly controlled by her lesbian lover, and it felt so much better when Paulie was there to tell her exactly who and what to be.

Like a slutty little cocksucker, for example. "There we go, doll," Paulie growled, feeding the silicone shaft into Roxy's open mouth until it was pressing at the entrance to her throat and she was spluttering and coughing with the effort of swallowing it deeper. "Oh, you like Daddy's big hard cock, don't you, baby girl? You like it when I fuck your face like this." Roxy nodded her head up and down, up and down the fake penis as her mind settled into the metronomic rhythm of fellatio. She felt Paulie's fingers tangle into her hair and sighed in sweet, genuine contentment. Sucking dick felt fulfilling in a way nothing else in her life possibly could. She never wanted to stop... and thankfully, blessedly, she was too deep even to worry about that right now.

Roxy let out a little mewl of desperation when Paulie pulled out of her mouth, but it was quickly replaced by a guttural moan of arousal as the dildo slid into her butter-slick cunt and filled her up a full ten inches. The dominant woman's hips sawed back and forth, muscles that were well-toned from going up and down four flights of stairs every day working to pound Roxy's pussy like some kind of fucking machine, and within moments both of them were lost to the regular pace of their rutting sex. Roxy was too deep to see Paulie's own eyes lock into a thousand-yard stare. She didn't even think about what having a blank, mesmerized submissive did to her lover. She didn't think, period.

She came out of trance almost an hour later, sated and a little bit sore, and thanked Paulie for everything. The two of them hung out for a little while, sharing a beer and making idle chit-chat, and finally Roxy excused herself to go study. Already, she was beginning to worry that she'd be trotting right back to her lover the very next evening... and already, Roxy craved the exact same bliss that she was beginning to dread her dependency on.


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