Balls in Your Mouth

by Jukebox

Tags: #cw:noncon #dom:male #exhibitionism #f/m #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #ball_worship #erotic_hypnosis #hypno #hypnokink #hypnotic_balls #hypnotized

Dan shows off his big balls to Meghan, and despite herself she can’t look away.

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Jesus, Dan's balls were huge. Fucking elephant balls, was what they were. No wonder he'd gone bald by twenty-two--he had to be making so much goddamn testosterone that it strangled his follicles in their fucking cradle. How he didn't wind up with a constant ache in his groin every time he put on pants, Meghan had no goddamn clue. Like, shouldn't he have to wear a jockstrap or something just to cross his legs? It was... it was fucking absurd. She couldn't even deal with the sight of him when his balls were out like that.

Not that she should have to. Dan really shouldn't be standing there with his shorts around his ankles and his testicles swaying gently with every tiny motion of his body like the world's most perverted metronome. Meghan should really be telling him to put his clothes back on and, and... and get back to his room so he could show his freakishly huge nutsack to his fucking girlfriend. Wasn't that the whole reason they decided to rent a cabin way the hell out in the middle of nowhere for Spring Break this year? Because all the couples wanted to screw like bunnies in the privacy of nature instead of letting Meghan and Leigh and Dana actually meet another human being for a change? And now here was Dan, showing off his mediocre cock and his absurd fucking scrotum to her. She should tell him to stop.

But she wasn't. Which was odd, once she took a moment to really think about it. It wasn't that Meghan was particularly shocked--she was twenty-four, she had a connection to the Internet, of course she'd seen guys show off their junk before. She was vaguely annoyed, she had to admit, but more by the presumption of irresistibility than anything. Dan wasn't making a move, he wasn't stepping out of his shorts and advancing on her bed with a look on his face... he hadn't even said a word, honestly. He was just standing there, nuts out, as though he expected her at any minute to slide off the mattress and crawl across the room to nuzzle his weird giant testicles. It was... well, it was a ballsy move. Meghan stifled a giggle, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.

And yet despite her annoyance, despite her irritation, despite her exhaustion from a frankly overwhelming day out on the lake swimming and waterskiing and sharking the other women at two-on-one beach volleyball in an afternoon that probably paid for her share of the trip... Meghan wasn't doing anything about this. She wasn't yelling at Dan, she wasn't telling him to go fuck himself, she wasn't even telling him to go fuck Nita who was probably used to his crazy elephant testicles. She was just. Staring. At him. In dead, stupefied silence. For, for--for how long had it been now? Meghan almost looked at her phone, but somehow that continually felt like something she was going to do in just a few moments.

It was just... they were just so fascinating. Meghan found herself following them with her eyes, paying close attention to the way Dan's every motion translated its way down to his package and made it swing very gently from side to side. She'd never seen a guy's balls move like that; probably most dudes didn't have enough down there to fall victim to gravity's pull. It was weirdly compelling, like one of those Newton's Cradles that used to be on every evil corporate dude's desk in old 80s movies. Meghan would never have taken a look on her own, but as long as they were right there in front of her, what was the harm in staring a little? It probably made Dan feel a little better about his ginormous nuts.

Oh. Shit. What if it made him feel a little too good? It slowly dawned on Meghan that staring at a dude's cock and balls for something like a solid minute probably wasn't a good way to convince him that he should go fuck his girlfriend instead of giving her a weird lascivious look and--and humming? Was he humming something under his breath? Okay. That was bizarre. She, she should really tell him that he had the wrong idea about all this. She should explain that Nita was her friend, and Meghan wasn't about to cheat on her or, or, or....

Visions of a threesome suddenly popped into Meghan's head, unbidden, and she felt a warm red blush spreading across her cheeks. It didn't seem to rouse her from the indifferent daze that kept her lounging lazily on her mattress, though. Nothing really did. Her glassy, unblinking blue eyes kept following the tiny motions of Dan's balls, waiting for something to come along and rouse her, and she kept hearing that weird mumbling hum in her ears. Was... was he saying something to her? Had Dan been talking to her this whole time, and Meghan simply hadn't noticed because her attention was too focused on his elephant testicles? That was embarrassing. She should probably apologize, except she shouldn't because he'd walked in on her while she was already sleepy and dropped his shorts to waggle his junk in her face. That would mess with anyone.

She really should say something, though. Even if it was just to tell him that she didn't do threesomes unless they were boy-girl-boy. Even if it was just to let him know that she was flattered by the attention, but she was sleepy... no. She was tired. 'Sleepy' was for women who still wore footie pajamas well into their thirties and took their stuffed animals with them on vacation. Meghan was tired and muzzy and ready to close her heavy eyes in deep sleep, and she didn't have the energy to polish Dan's big balls with her tongue while he smeared them all over her face and got her all slick and messy like a good little ballslut. She opened her mouth to tell him as much, but all the words seemed to fall out of her brain and she wound up just staring, slack-jawed and stupefied, at his swinging junk.

That. That had to be strange, right? Meghan was a grad student. She made the Dean's List regularly, she was working on her PhD in systems dynamics, and here she was, literally drooling on her blanket while she stared at some dude's junk in stunned silence. Were his balls just that amazing? Setting aside the question of whether she'd ever admit as much to him, because Meghan knew full well that if she ever told Dan that he had the most captivating testicles she'd ever seen then he'd never stop showing them off to her whenever they were alone together... was she really getting kind of--of hypnotized by his nutsack? Was that even possible? It couldn't be. If guys could do that, they'd basically never stop.

But then again, most guys didn't have balls this big. Maybe there was something about them, some intangible quality that made them a little more potently masculine than women were used to. Meghan knew there were supposed to be studies or something that showed that human beings really did give off pheromones, even if all the colognes and stuff were total bullshit. Maybe Dan had something going on down there that really did numb her brain into empty hypnotic fascination and made her unable to resist his testicles? She nodded, not quite knowing why but feeling like it was the right thing to do. A little trickle of drool spilled out of the corner of her mouth, but wiping it away seemed like just another thing she could do in an ever-moving few seconds from now.

Meghan struggled to engage her muzzy brain. If there was something, something about his scent that was making her all dazed and drowsy, then the first step toward finding out was to get a little closer and see if the effect got stronger. If she noticed her head getting fuzzier and foggier when she got right up next to him, she'd know that she had to be on her guard and resist it. That made sense, didn't it? Meghan slid off the bed, finding to her puzzlement that the lethargy that had kept her paralyzed just moments ago now faded easily and effortlessly as she crawled across the room. Her eyes still felt heavy, as though the sheer gravitational weight of Dan's testicles was pulling them shut, but she forced them to stay open a little bit longer by focusing on the movement of his balls.

She did begin to notice something as she got closer to him, a musky scent that reminded her vaguely of sixty-nining her last boyfriend during their honeymoon period before everything got in the way of intimacy. It quickened Meghan's pulse and made her clit ache pleasantly--that had been almost six months ago, and her vibrator couldn't do everything. She wasn't going to cheat on Nita, of course she wasn't, but a little taste of Dan's cock surely couldn't hurt? He was hard now, ragingly hard. Meghan's mouth watered at the thought of giving him just a tiny lick.

Nita. Memories of Meghan's friend popped into her head, suddenly coming together into a mental image that made a lot more sense when she considered it in light of the lewdly compelling display in front of her. Dan did kind of have his girlfriend wrapped around his little finger, didn't he? Not that Meghan ever judged, they seemed to make it work and he was always very nice to her, but... but he was always a little bit condescending to someone who was studying to get a doctorate in philosophy. And she always seemed a little bit scatterbrained and giggly whenever he was around. Maybe Nita got a little too much of Dan's big balls and it made her head fuzzy. Like, like--

Like Meghan's. She realized how tired... no, not tired. She realized how sleepy she'd gotten moments before her eyelids slipped shut and her head lolled forward and she took a deep whiff straight from Dan's heavy, dangling balls. It smelled even better than she expected, and a muzzy smile spread wide across her face as she let her tongue slide out and began to lick.

He tasted even better than her daydreams, even better than the promise of the soothing voice inside her head that she'd almost entirely tuned out now. Her tongue worked back and forth against the flushed pink skin of his testicles, mouth opening wide to get as much of him into her mouth at a time as she could. In her mind's eye, Meghan could still picture every tiny motion of Dan's sack, swaying from side to side in front of her, and the potency of it made her shiver with arousal as she licked and licked. She could feel his erection resting on her cheek, using her face for a shelf while she slobbered all over his balls and let out tiny little grunts of vacant, sleepy arousal. It was even better than she imagined. She couldn't believe she'd resisted as long as she had.

She could feel tiny dribbles of precum leaking from the tip of his penis, dripping onto her face, making Meghan feel dirty in the most delicious way. She licked and sucked and nuzzled her way down to the very base of his sack, smearing his musk and her saliva all over her cheeks and forehead, anointing herself with his scent and making herself look like a total mess. Like--like a slut, she realized, the word popping into her head from some unheard source and fitting directly into her new conception of herself. Like a total ballslut for Dan. Meghan loved the feeling of that description in her mind, and she couldn't wait to make herself look even sluttier for him.

She drooled all over him, all over herself, licking and sucking his nuts until he was gushing precum onto her face like his dick was a leaky faucet. A part of Meghan ached to drink it directly from the source, to wrap her lips around his cock and bob up and down until he shot jet after jet of salty cum into her mouth and down her throat, but something held her back. She didn't understand what it was, why it restrained her, and her brow slowly began to furrow in confusion as she recognized the restriction in her dazed and befuddled brain and tried, in the slow and simple way that was all Dan's hypnotic spell had left to her, to figure it out. Why couldn't she suck his cock? Why couldn't she--?

"Because it's mine," Nita growled, her voice hoarse and husky with lust. She knelt down next to Meghan, and the hypnotized woman instinctively made room for another mouth to engulf Dan's cock while she continued her service to his amazing, enormous balls.


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