
by Jukebox

Tags: #D/s #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #erotic_hypnosis #hypno #hypnokink #hypnotized

Chrissie swore off playing with Ellen after the sexy Domme demanded more of a commitment. But how long can she hold out on that promise?

"I thought you said you weren't going to be stopping by here anymore," Ellen said mildly, glancing up from her book at the open doorway to her dorm room. Her big glasses magnified her wide hazel eyes--not that Chrissie noticed because she wasn't looking at Ellen's eyes, because looking at Ellen's eyes meant ceding a lot of power very early in the conversation, and Chrissie was already giving up a big advantage to Ellen just by showing up at her door. And anyway Chrissie already knew exactly what Ellen's eyes looked like. She saw them in her dreams now.

So instead she kept her gaze squarely on the floor at Ellen's feet, uncomfortably aware of how meek and simpering it must make her look, and sheepishly admitted, "I, um... I may have been a little bit hasty when I said that. I thought maybe we could, uh, y'know....?" Chrissie tried to tell herself she was letting the question hang flirtatiously in the air unfinished, but the truth was she couldn't quite bring herself to spell out the purpose of her visit. Ellen almost certainly knew already, and she would probably make a big deal out of it if Chrissie said it out loud after their--their disagreement, Chrissie equivocated to herself. Bad enough that she was here without having to make a big public confession out of it.

Ellen closed her book and set it on the little table next to her easy chair. It was the only piece of furniture in the room apart from her bed, and Chrissie knew from experience that was deliberate; any visitors would either have to sit on the floor or on the bed, both of which implied a certain dynamic that privileged Ellen's status in any interaction. "No, I don't know," the young white woman said, her voice still without a hint of anger or irritation. "Please, do tell me what you want." Her gaze was level, unblinking. Chrissie still couldn't bring herself to meet it.

She began to nervously fiddle with her long blonde hair, uncomfortably aware of the way Ellen watched her every twitch and fidget for signs of vulnerability. "Well, uhh, I was in my room, and, uhh, I was... I was, y'know, thinking of the good times we had together, and, uhh, I thought, well, maybe you and I could, ummm, y'know, we could maybe, uh, play together? Not, like, in a, in a serious way or anything. Just some light fun, the kind we had back when we first started." She could feel her cheeks going beet red, humiliated into a furious blush by her stammering incoherence. Chrissie was studying drama, practicing to become a star of stage and screen. If she'd ever blown a monologue like that, she probably would have given up and moved back to Nebraska.

Ellen watched the entire thing, studying her like an insect under a magnifying glass as she stumbled and squirmed her way through the entire pathetic speech. She waited a good ten seconds after the babbling stream of words dried up, just to make sure Chrissie was entirely finished. Then she spoke. "No," she said, picking up her book again and opening it to the place she left off. She looked down, making Chrissie feel entirely invisible.

"No?" she squeaked out, an incredulous whimper replacing the indignant shout she'd intended to let loose with. "That's all you have to say? I, I swallow my pride, I come back down here and admit I... I like you...." Another equivocation, this one eliding two desperate weeks of fruitless masturbation that only served to bring into sharp relief the difference between reminiscing with her fingers between her thighs and the way Ellen's caresses left Chrissie panting and moaning and helplessly, mindlessly cumming for what felt like hours on end. "And that's all you have to say, just 'no'? What about--"

Ellen cut her off. "I already told you, I'm not interested in casual play. I want a partner who's ready to really surrender to me, to let me inside her head and give me complete control of her mind and her will. You told me that was too much for you, and you'd rather give up the hypnosis and the sex cold turkey than enter into that kind of complete and total submission." She looked up from the book again, and this time Chrissie didn't lower her sparkling blue eyes fast enough. She found herself helplessly pinned by Ellen's cool, confident stare. "You haven't changed your mind about that, have you?"

Chrissie's throat locked up. She knew what she should say, because it was the same thing she said the last time she was down in Ellen's room looking into her eyes and forcing herself, with the greatest of difficulty, to resist the urge to sink to her knees in helpless devotion. But that was two weeks ago, two weeks of trying so hard to ignore the pleasant ache between her thighs that only became stronger every time she diddled her throbbing clit and failed to make herself cum, and resistance only kept getting harder. Was it really any wonder she was backsliding a little?

She did wonder sometimes whether this was something Ellen had done to her, whether she'd slipped in a suggestion to make it impossible to release her arousal without Ellen's personal assistance the same way she'd subtly convinced Chrissie to wear dresses without panties every day. But as hazy as their sessions together were getting toward the end--and it was the end, she insisted to herself--Chrissie felt certain she would have remembered something that big. No, this was all on her. This was Chrissie's incredibly drippy pussy thinking about all the ways Ellen made her gush harder than anything the first-year student had imagined in all of her naughty fantasies back home, and there was no getting around it.

"I--I, um--" Chrissie felt like she was listening to someone else speaking, a meek and submissive stranger who'd taken over Chrissie's vocal cords and was using them to admit to a shameful desire that Chrissie herself couldn't bring herself to talk about. "I, I w-w-was thinking...."

"Well that's exactly what I don't want," Ellen broke in, a playful smirk on her face. "Look, the very fact that you're down here after making such a big deal out of how determined you were not to get in over your head tells me that you're too weak to resist what I'm offering. You gave it away the moment you showed up outside my door--which reminds me, why don't you step inside and close it behind you, hmm? I don't think you're going to have your clothes on much longer, and I think you'll be happier if you're not showing your leaky cunt to anyone who walks by."

God, it was the fucking arrogance that always got to Chrissie. The way Ellen just assumed that her cool, confident tone and the way she crossed and uncrossed her smooth pink legs would simply tantalize Chrissie into melting like butter under that captivating stare and doing her bidding like some kind of docile little schoolgirl. It was insulting. It was infuriating. And unfortunately for Chrissie, it was incredibly fucking hot. She took a few steps forward and closed the door behind her, still unable to look away from Ellen's mesmerizing gaze.

"That's better," the young woman said, once again putting her book aside to give Chrissie her full attention. "Now, you were telling me something about changing your mind regarding our little arrangement. And you were taking off that pretty sundress to show me your naked body. You can go ahead and get on with doing both... and don't bother lying to me, Chrissie. I think we're past that now, don't you?"

Chrissie's head bobbed up and down in a submissive nod that didn't quite feel like she'd initiated it. She remembered tangling her hair into a messy bird's nest on Saturday afternoons, agreeing so readily and so vociferously with everything Ellen said that the pillow knotted it all up and she needed a good half-hour of brushing to straighten it all out. Fortunately Ellen loved to play with her good girl's pretty hair, too. "I, I guess I'm maybe kind of interested," she murmured, her fingers moving all on their own to grip the hem of her dress and lift it up over her head. "I'm just--I'm scared too."

"Oh?" Ellen crossed and uncrossed her legs again, her own dress now creeping up to mid-thigh from the repetitive motion. Chrissie could feel the tug of the other woman's cunt on her gaze, but she still couldn't look away from Ellen's captivating eyes. The result was an exhausting diversion of her attention that left her brain struggling to keep up. "And exactly what are you scared of, Chrissie? What do you think is going to happen if you give yourself to me completely and surrender to my will?"

Chrissie's hand moved down between her thighs, automatically rubbing the slick cleft between her smooth, sensitive labia as she spoke. God, she was so fucking wet now, all the time. "I--I don't know, I... losing everything, I guess. Getting manipulated into dropping out of school and giving up my dreams and cutting ties with my family and just living in your bedroom with my legs spread and my brain empty all the time." That was also exactly what she fantasized about, but even at her most desperately horny, Chrissie knew it would be a mistake to let it happen in real life.

"Oh, sweetie." Ellen beckoned her forward, guiding her with nothing more than a few wordless gestures to kneel in front of the easy chair and Ellen's parting thighs. "Was that what you were all worried about?" She slid her skirt all the way up, giving Chrissie a good view of her pussy framed by an immaculately trimmed thatch of dark brown pubic hair. "You don't need to hold onto that fear. If I'm going to make you my possession, I'm going to take good care of that possession. And that means making sure my good girl stays nice and happy in my power. I want you to succeed at everything you try, whether that's studying or acting or putting your tongue in my cunt and licking me to climax." With a sigh, Chrissie leaned in and pressed her mouth to Ellen's labia, her gaze still staring up at Ellen's beautiful hazel eyes.

"And your family, well...." Ellen sighed, putting her hand on the back of Chrissie's head to guide her to exactly the right spots to lick. "That's going to depend a lot on them, pretty girl. You know I won't show them just how far your devotion extends--that's for you and me alone. But I can't promise that they'll be okay with their daughter having a girlfriend." Chrissie nodded, feeling an almost physical weight coming off of her as she heard the sincerity in Ellen's reassurances. They could deal with all those questions later. For now, Chrissie only knew that she could relax her mind into Ellen's mesmerizing control without fear, and that was the last thing she needed to hear to utterly melt the resistance she'd been struggling to hold onto for two solid weeks.

Her eyelids fluttered, drooping down even as her eyes rolled back in her head until only the whites showed. She began to lick Ellen's cunt with ever more intense enthusiasm, her hypnotized brain reminding her that every orgasm her Mistress experienced was echoed in Chrissie's dripping pussy. She heard herself making grunting sounds, the desperate moans of an arousal so potent it made her feel like a rutting little bitch in heat. Chrissie had no idea how she'd managed to fight it this long. She couldn't even remember anymore why she'd bothered to try.

Ellen's breathing quickened, and her fingers tightened their grip on Chrissie's hair as her climax approached. The kneeling, hypnotized woman knew all the signs of her Mistress's impending release, both in her body language and in the drooling slickness that greeted her slurping tongue,and she redoubled her efforts to lick and suck the swollen clit directly in front of her. "That's it, that's a good girl," Ellen moaned, wrapping her legs all the way around Chrissie's head as she practically humped her submissive's face.

And then she let loose with a gush of excitement, soaking Chrissie's face in musk, and Chrissie was grateful for the nearness of the other woman's flesh to muffle her own desperate screams of ecstasy. She remembered it all, then, every detail of the pleasure that sculpted her mind so precisely and intimately, and she embraced the totality of her own surrender. If this was backsliding, Chrissie was grateful she didn't have the willpower to hold out any longer... and as Ellen beckoned her up to her feet and over to the bed, she knew that there would be so much more pleasure to come.


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