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Back in Your Head

by Jukebox

Tags: #consensual_kink #dom:female #f/f #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #erotic_hypnosis #hypno #hypnokink #hypnotized #memory_play

Cirie accidentally loses some of Liliana’s thoughts during hypno play and can’t seem to find them.

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(The following is a sequel to "Abduction", by Ella Enchanting, and was done at the request of the author.)

"Oh. Um. Oops." Cirie looked at Liliana with a broad, comically reassuring smile on her face and patted her pockets theatrically. "Sooooo... uhh, whatcha thinking right now?" she asked Liliana, her voice trying so hard to be casual that Liliana could hear the strain of it in every single syllable. It would have seemed suspicious, but every time that Liliana tried to follow the train of thought from Cirie's exaggerated, performative attitude of innocence to literally anywhere else, she drew a blank. A wonderful, blissful, thoroughly glorious blank.

She opened her mouth to respond, and found to her absolute delight that her brain simply hung up on the question for a long, delicious moment. Her jaw went slack, her lips parted in a perfect 'O' of vacancy that thrilled her in a way she couldn't explain because she simply couldn't explain anything that was happening right now. Liliana's mind was placid, untroubled by the messiness of thought, and somehow that felt just wonderful. "...uhhhhh... nothing," she responded at last, a flush of sensual heat washing through her whole body and finally pooling down between her thighs at the empty sound in her own voice.

Cirie's smile became even more theatrically wide, her warm brown cheeks dimpling in a way that felt familiar without triggering a single memory in Liliana's empty head. "Ohhh... kay," she mumbled, the words seemingly intended just for herself but so clearly directed at Liliana that even someone as vacant as her could pick up the hint. "So. We may just have a problem. I think I might have lost your mind."

Liliana giggled. She couldn't help it; the amusement blossomed and bubbled up out of the blankness in her head, and there was nothing in there to restrain it in the slightest. Peals of laughter erupted from her lips, and her long curly hair bounced and wobbled on top of her head as she lost herself in helpless hilarity. "You lost..." she managed to squeal out around the giggles, before the absurdity of it all crashed in on her anew and she slid all the way off the couch and onto the floor. It was almost a full minute before she managed to get herself under control, and she still looked at Cirie with tears running down her light tan cheeks.

Cirie raised a finger. "Now don't panic," she said, a response that very nearly threatened to send Liliana into another bout of giggles. "We were doing some hypnosis play, and I took a few things out of your head... just for safekeeping, you know... and clearly I must have set them down for a minute when I went to the bathroom and I, I seem to have, purely temporarily, forgotten where I put them." Her seemingly perpetual smile tightened nervously. "I'm sure it'll be fine."

Nothing she said rang a bell in Liliana's mind, but then again, that made sense given what Cirie just told her. If she really was that kind of very susceptible person... and wow, did that make the heat between her legs so much deeper and stronger... then it seemed likely that Cirie could simply pluck the memories of being hypnotized out of her brain as easily and as effortlessly as she could take away anything else. She squirmed, trying not to think about just how sexy that sounded. "I, um, we... we could look for it, maybe?" she asked, recognizing a dazed vacancy in her own chirrupy tones that seemingly confirmed everything the other woman said. "What's, what's it look like?"

Cirie frowned in contemplation. "Well, that's the tricky bit," she said, surreptitiously reaching around behind the couch cushions. "See, they're invisible. And because they're invisible, it's very tricky to label them. And I was, um, I mean... not that this is going to be a problem, mind you, because of course it's not, but I may have been working on a few new thoughts to give you. Just temporarily. As a kind of present, you know. Like, Merry Christmas, here's something new for your brain, that kind of thing. So I'm just a tiny, teensy, tiny bit worried that if we do find thoughts, they won't be yours. Not the old ones you had, at least."

Liliana cautiously felt around her on the floor, hoping she hadn't landed on any thoughts in her earlier tumble. It occurred to her that it might have been a little bit of a mistake to entrust the contents of her brain to someone so clearly and evidently careless with them, but all of her emotional reactions to Cirie's accidental emptification of her mind seemed to be scattered about the apartment along with the rest of her. All she could feel was the warm, bubbly bliss of comfortable relaxation.

"A ha!" Cirie exclaimed, her hand emerging from the couch cushions with an invisible marble pinched between her thumb and forefinger. She held it up to the light and squinted at it, tilting her head from side to side to try to get a good look at it from every angle possible. "Hmm. Not sure about this one. It's a little bit tricky to make these out, takes a lot of practice until you get good at it. It's either the memory of your most recent week at work...." She held it up as close as possible to her left eye, closing her right and peering intently. "Or it's that irresistible 'sexy striptease' impulse I was working on."

She looked up from the thought, arranging her features into an expression of innocence that even Liliana found suspicious. "As a present. For Christmas. For, uh, Sexy Christmas." She paused. "That's December 26th."

She leaned over and pressed her thumb and forefinger up to Liliana's head, right over the bridge of her nose. "Anyhow, only one way to find out!" Liliana felt something warm melt into her brain right where the other woman touched her, a surge of awareness that flickered and fluttered for a long moment as her subconscious tried to decipher it. She had the tiniest inkling of a notion of what was happening to her in that instant, what was really happening to her behind the meticulously sculpted suggestions she'd so cheerfully accepted a few hours ago... and then the thought resolved into action, and Liliana rose to her feet and began to sway her hips from side to side in tune with an unheard rhythm.

Cirie leaned back on the couch, one corner of her mouth quirking a bit higher than the other. "Guess that last week wasn't so important after all," she muttered to herself, but Liliana didn't really understand what she meant. Wherever that week had gone, it wasn't the thought that Cirie put back into her head. She got something else instead, something warm and sensuous and utterly thrilling in its overwhelming bliss. Liliana's hands stroked up and down her slender hips, each time tugging the waistband of her skirt down a little bit more, making it easier and easier to wriggle it down her long tan legs. She felt a powerful surge of arousal when it slid all the way off to reveal a pair of powder blue panties... panties that had a tiny damp spot directly over her labia, she couldn't help noticing.

The shirt was a little trickier to get off sensually--nobody had ever designed a t-shirt that didn't make you look like you were reenacting a trip through the birth canal trying to get it over your head. But Liliana did her best, and it certainly seemed like Cirie was enjoying the results. Especially because it looked like she hadn't bothered covering her small, pert breasts with a bra that day. "Do, um... do I always do that?" she asked, playfully teasing her nipples into tight, stiff buds while she continued to sway her hips seductively from side to side. "The... this, I mean," she clarified, gesturing to her bare chest.

Cirie gave her breasts a good long look, her eyelids heavy with lust. "Oh, yes. When you know you're coming over here to visit, you do. Don't worry, we'll find all those memories and put them back in your head, I promise. In...." Her breath hitched with arousal as Liliana hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her underwear and slowly, teasingly tugged them down her long smooth legs. "In a little while. When we're ready."

Liliana wasn't in any hurry. She took ages sliding her panties off, doing the occasional slow turn so that Cirie could watch her buttocks swaying to their own syncopated beat as she sensuously divested herself of the last of her garments inch by tantalizing inch. "Is this what you wanted for Sexy Christmas?" she asked, leaning back to thrust her ass into Cirie's face so close that she could feel the other woman's warm breath against her skin. "Was this what you wanted me to be thinking about right now?"

Cirie sounded pleasantly distracted as she mumbled, "Uh huh," and Liliana felt an almost triumphant pulse of pleasure between her thighs at the sound of the other woman's lust-drunk voice. She let the panties fall the last few inches to the ground and stepped out of them, then turned and sat straddling Cirie's lap with her hands resting on the wall on either side of Cirie's head. Their bodies were mere inches apart, not touching but so warm with arousal that they could each feel the other's heat like a caress on their skin.

"So what thoughts are you going to find for me next? Ma'am." Liliana met Cirie's gaze with a challenge in her stare, feeling deliciously powerful and helpless all at the same time. She knew she was floating on a sensual tide of suggestions that weren't her own, thoughts that had been pressed into her brain like a thumbprint into wet clay, but at the same time she felt so potently sexual that she couldn't imagine not being in complete control of the situation. Cirie wanted her, needed her, ached for her nude body, and that gave her the power here. Even if it was power she was glad to cede to someone else.

Cirie rummaged around in her pockets again, this time coming up with another invisible sphere that Liliana could almost, almost see when she stared as hard as she could. "Now how did that get in there?" she asked, her voice so playfully flirtatious that it was all Liliana could do to stop herself from leaning in and grinding hard on the other woman's lap. "Now just let me see, pretty girl," she murmured, holding the space between her thumb and forefinger up to the light and examining it appraisingly.

"Well, gosh, this is another tricky one," she said at last. "Either this is that great big stressful to-do list for your holiday trip to meet Chris's parents that isn't even going to happen for another six weeks... or it's a whole night's worth of overwhelming, irresistible, absolutely mind-blowing sexual arousal. You know what I'm talking about. The kind of thing that's going to keep you flat on your back with your legs spread right up until Sexy Boxing Day." Cirie gave Liliana a teasing smile that made her want to giggle and hump her girlfriend's thigh at the same time.

"Do you want me to put it back in your head, sweetie?" Cirie asked, holding her thumb and forefinger so close to Liliana's head that she could physically feel the surface of the thought indenting against her skin. "Or do you want me to keep looking around a little while more for something else to fill that empty brain of yours?" It wasn't just an idle question, Liliana knew. She could say no to the thought and ask for her regular old mind back, she could say yes to the thought and pick up her admittedly overzealous planning right where she left off this morning before Cirie came over. Everything else was fuzzy and foggy and blank, but her options were always perfectly clear. That was why she let Cirie rummage around in her head in the first place.

"I, uhhh...." Liliana's voice sounded husky, the words struggling to get past the swell of arousal that tightened her throat. "I think we better find out. Just to be sure. C-can't be too careful, right?" She felt Cirie's fingers pressing against her forehead, followed again by that warm sensation of dissolution as her subconscious resolved the Schrodinger's question of the thought's identity. And then with a growl of pure, mindless lust, she settled herself onto Cirie's lap and let her instincts take over for a while.


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