Accidentally on Purpose

by Jukebox

Tags: #dom:female #f/m #hypnotized #masturbation #pov:bottom #sub:male #cocktease #covert_brainwashing #covert_conditioning #covert_hypnosis #covert_hypnosis_(implied) #erotic_hypnosis #hypno #hypnokink #tease #tease_and_denial #teasing

Blake’s been crashing with friends ever since his house was destroyed in a fire, and they’ve been incredibly gracious about giving him everything he needs. Except for a little privacy to rub one out in peace.

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"Oh shit, Blake, I'm so sorry! I completely forgot." Blake frantically scrambled to tug the covers up over his naked body, but he could tell from the mortified look on Linda's face that she knew exactly what he'd been doing before she walked into the spare bedroom even without the sheets settling in an embarrassingly obvious tent over his aching cock. Her eyes kept darting to it despite her best efforts to look literally anywhere else, and Blake didn't dare shift for fear of making his arousal even more inescapably the center of attention. He groaned internally, trying hard to control the desperate churning need in his balls and arrange his features into an expression of polite exoneration for Linda's sins.

It didn't help that she walked in on him wearing nothing but a bra and panties that didn't exactly conceal her obvious assets. Not that Blake was thinking about his best friend's wife while he masturbated--honestly, he was so fucking horny after three solid weeks as Joe's houseguest that he didn't really need to do anything but close his eyes and concentrate on the feel of his cock in his hand. But seeing her like that, with the broad slope of her ample pink tits only barely held captive by her straining bra and the dark curls of her pubic hair clearly visible through her translucent underwear... it didn't exactly make it easy for him to will away his straining erection.

And she noticed him noticing. "I'm so, so sorry," she burbled, pointing over at the closet with hands that were just a little too animated. "I just, I needed to grab a blouse and a skirt, and I forgot that you were in here, and I... I don't know what I was thinking, especially not after, um. You know." She blushed, a bright red flush spreading all the way down her cheeks to her pendulous breasts. "The last time." Blake's cock twitched. He could see in his peripheral vision that a little dark spot was beginning to form where the tip rubbed against the soft cotton sheets.

Because the last time wasn't the first time. Six times now in the last three weeks, Linda had completely forgotten that Blake was crashing in their spare room while he tried to get his affairs in order after the fire that destroyed his house. Every time he began to relax and think of the bedroom as a private space where he could take a little private time, the door would burst open just as he was in the middle of jerking off and he would wind up with another case of blue balls that simply wouldn't go away. And she was always... god. God damn. Blake tried like hell not to think about how lucky his old college buddy was, but it was hard as hell when Joe's wife always wandered around like a scatterbrained ditz who didn't know where her clothes were.

It was incredibly fucking hard. And so was Blake.

"I, uh, I'm just gonna...." Linda nodded toward the closet, inching her way deeper into the room and trying to pretend she didn't notice Blake's cock bobbing and twitching under the sheets. "I, uh, just a quick, um, y'know, just gonna grab something to pull over myself and then I'll be on my way and you can, um, uh, uh... nap." She turned around, bending over and inadvertently showing off the amazing curves of an ass that her panties only notionally covered. Despite himself, Blake's fingers crept down under the covers to encircle the base of his cock. He tried to tell himself that he wasn't stroking. And as long as he wasn't stroking, he wasn't really jacking off to his best friend's wife's body.

But of course Linda tested his resolve. "Let me just see here," she muttered, her voice muffled by the interior of the closet as she dug through the boxes of clothing and inadvertently set her ass into one gyration after another. "Nope, that's not it, nope, no--I'm sorry, I really don't mean to be keeping you, um... keeping you up. I know you must be really tired, and here I am barging in on you when all you're trying to do is relax." Blake recognized the forced politeness in Linda's voice--he had unfortunately gotten very used to her valiant attempts to put him at his ease in situations like this, whether it was by coming into his room without knocking or wandering out into the kitchen without a robe or hunting for a towel in the linen closet in full view of the living room where Blake was trying desperately to ignore her sleek, wet body. God, by this point he'd probably seen as much of her as Joe had.

It was odd, Blake thought, his brow furrowing in puzzlement even as his eyes automatically continued to follow the swaying rhythm of Linda's curvaceous ass--he would have thought that Joe would be upset at another man seeing his wife naked, but every time Blake apologized for accidentally getting an eyeful of the bleach-blonde babe his friend had married, Joe simply shrugged it off with a tranquil smile and a murmured dismissal. Not for the first time, he wondered if there wasn't something more to their relationship than either Joe or Linda was letting on.

But if he asked and there wasn't... Blake's train of thought went off the rails into a chasm of social anxiety. They'd been amazing friends. They didn't bat an eye when he said he might need to stay with them for a few months while the insurance companies and the construction firms and the courts and the dumbasses with the stupid gender-reveal party who started the whole damn thing fought it out. They told him he was welcome to live with them as long as he needed. They even seemed kind of excited to have him there, even though he knew he had to be cramping their style as much as they cramped his. And Linda--

Oh shit. She'd been talking this whole time and Blake had completely zoned out staring at her ass and playing with himself. "Mhmm," he mumbled as the gorgeous woman paused for a response, hoping that it was an answer that made sense... and hoping he could get his fucking sex drive under control enough to stop sliding his hand up and down his slick, precum-covered shaft before she turned around. God, it was fucking humiliating how turned on he was right now. His balls felt like they'd swollen up to three times their normal size.

"I feel the same way!" Linda squealed cheerfully, and Blake let out a mental sigh of relief as he tried to pick up the thread of the conversation. "It's like my eyes just get so tired, and all I can think about is closing them, but they're just... y'know, locked in, right? Just sort of following that movement, kind of automatically, and before I know it I'm kind of asleep while I'm awake. It makes it hard to really drift off properly, but it also makes it so hard to think. It just kind of feels like your head is empty, doesn't it?" What, what was she talking about? Insomnia? Staring at the ceiling fan? Blake couldn't quite parse it all, not with his cock throbbing so damn hard in his clenched fist.

He strained his brain, trying to remember. She'd said something about this one of the other times they talked, when Joe was at work and the Internet connection was down and Blake couldn't get anything done with his remote office until the technicians finished doing whatever they needed to do. Something about... about trouble sleeping, or trouble thinking, or trouble thinking about sleeping? Blake's balls tightened reflexively, as though just the attempt at retrieving the memory made him horny and frustrated and desperate all over again. He mumbled out another affirmation, simply to fill the silence that had begun to stretch out uncomfortably in the bedroom, and continued to stare blankly at Linda's swaying ass.

"Yeah, it's that empty feeling that gets to me, too," Linda continued, her voice flowing over Blake's mind in a way that truly made him understand why they described some streams as 'babbling'. "And when something does happen to snap me out of it, I'm just so confused and groggy and it's so hard to get my head to work again, know what I mean?" She stood up and turned around as she spoke, breaking the gentle monotony of her gyrating ass and forcing Blake to freeze in place with his hand wrapped around his cock and his balls absolutely aching to release their heavy load of cum.

She leaned over the end of the bed to look at him, accidentally giving Blake a perfect view all the way down her gathered cleavage. "Blake?" she asked, apparently oblivious to the way her tits swayed and jiggled with even the slightest motion of her gorgeous body. "Blake, are you still with me? You look kind of muzzy. Kind of blank and empty and thoughtless, you know? I don't mean to keep talking, I know how badly you want to get back to your nice, relaxing nap, but you just really look like you're having a hard time thinking right now and I don't want to leave you all confused and groggy and stuck in a sleepy fog. You'd have such a hard time waking up from that."

Linda's lips quirked in a tiny, knowing smile as her gaze went down to the dark stain directly over the tip of his penis that had grown to the size of a silver dollar. "You'd be a little bit too passive to, um, take care of yourself, if I left while you were this drowsy and dazed and vulnerable," she purred, not realizing that her every tiny motion made her tits swing from side to side like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. "You'd be so sleepy and foggy and blank that you'd just lie there, sinking deeper and deeper into the mattress, your body too heavy to move. And some very important things require at least a little motion, don't they?"

Blake wanted to nod. But even just moving his head up and down the tiniest bit felt too much like work now, and all he could do was stare vacantly at Linda's heavy tits as they bounced and jiggled and swayed. He could feel a tiny trickle of drool running down his chin, but it seemed too much like effort to wipe it away. He settled for a vague, helpless grunt of agreement.

Linda's smile widened. "So if you're ready now... if there's anything you'd like me to, y'know, take care of for you while you're relaxed... and sleepy... and so very, very comfy just the way you are... well, all you need to do is just let me know. It's not even difficult, sweetie. Just give me a little tiny 'mhmm', just like that, and I can help make sure you go to sleep nice and happy and calm and...." She looked directly at his cock, still straining at the sheets and leaking precum all over his motionless hand. "Tension-free," she finished, a little curl of sensuality filigreed onto the fringes of her words. Blake didn't need to think to understand what it meant.

He almost let her. It had been weeks since he'd had the chance to release the churning load of cum in his heavy, aching balls, weeks of finding himself with an irresistible and inexplicable urge to masturbate only to find himself interrupted by Linda time and time and time again no matter where he went in the house to escape her. He could feel his resolve crumbling, eroded by constant lust until all he wanted to do was sink into the motion of those mesmerizing breasts and the soft, soothing sound of her languid and seductive voice and allow her to tug on his stiff cock for a while. He couldn't deny that it was finally getting to him. He couldn't imagine resisting much longer.

But Joe was his friend, and he'd done so much to help Blake when he badly needed it. And even though some part of Blake recognized an aspect of his own dazed, drowsy complacency in Joe's relaxed attitude toward everything his beautiful wife did, he couldn't bring himself to trust his growing suspicions about Linda's role in their marriage. Not when getting it wrong meant betraying a friend and ruining a relationship. "...'m good," he mumbled, slowly and carefully releasing his cock and letting his hand fall limply onto the mattress.

"Of course you are," Linda cooed, her face bright and cheerful and so innocent that Blake felt certain he must have imagined the innuendo in her voice. "Then I won't trouble you any further, sweetie. And I'm sure I was wrong. I know that once I leave, you'll fall fast asleep until that alarm of yours goes off and forget I even said anything, right?" Blake's willpower, exhausted beyond endurance by the effort of resisting her offer, snapped like a rubber band. His head sagged into the pillow, eyelids fluttering as a wave of dreamy lethargy overtook him.

"And when you wake up, you just come join us for dinner," Linda said, patting his ankle as if she didn't even notice his reaction to her calming words. "You know we're always happy to see you, Blake. You're a part of the household now." Blake's eyes slipped shut, unable to hold onto consciousness any longer. Even his arousal slowly drained away, although he knew it would churn in the back of his head for the rest of the night.

Deep down. Deep in the bottom of his mind, eroding the foundations of his resistance. All the way down where he wouldn't notice it until Linda made another seemingly innocuous comment that set it off again. Blake almost made the connection, then, but his mind was scattering into dream-nonsense and he lost the thought in a spiral of random, surreal brain babble. With a final, helpless sigh, Blake collapsed into sleep and allowed Linda's words to carry him away on a tide of exhaustion once again.


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