A Drop in the Ocean

by Jukebox

Tags: #brainwashing #dom:male #f/m #hypnosis #pov:bottom #sub:female #brainwash #brainwashed #CW:dubious_consent #cw:dubious_consent #drug_play #drug_use #drugplay #drugs #DubCon #dubious_consent #erotic_hypnosis #hypno #hypnokink #hypnotized #masturbation

Kay dives deep into the files of a new hypnotist she found, ‘Master Mindfuck’, and finds herself in over her head.

Okay, so yes--there was something that felt a little bit dangerous about the new website Kay discovered last night. Not actually dangerous, of course, because Kay had been playing around with hypnosis ever since her freshman year of college and she felt like she had a pretty good handle on what to let into her head by now, but definitely the enticing kind of dangerous she'd... well, she'd been missing lately. All her old play partners were settling in, buying houses and getting into serious relationships and digging into the emotional underpinnings of their relationship to kink, and Kay was beginning to feel ever so slightly judged for just wanting to have fun and get her head messed with. It was kind of nice to find out someone could still do that.

Again, not that this 'Master Mindfuck' actually did that, because Kay was so used to being hypnotized and getting suggestions dropped into her mind that by this point any new conditioning was just a drop in the fucking ocean. But she had to admit, there was something so gloriously overpowering about the way his files got into her head so quickly and easily. He wasn't one of those intensely boring wannabes who started everything with a progressive relaxation induction, or made her try to breathe in and out in time with some arbitrary mental countdown that always just made Kay feel slightly winded. No, he knew what she was there for and he was deliciously sadistic in using it against her.

Kay spent most of her morning daydreaming about that husky baritone growl, her pussy practically drooling into her underwear as she remembered staring into the spiral--and oh, did he have good taste in spirals, Kay absolutely could not look away the entire time--and hearing Master Mindfuck say, "Stop trying to think. You didn't come here to think anyway, you came here to satisfy that needy cunt of yours, and your cunt is already prepared to obey. So watch the spiral, play with your pretty pussy, and let your cunt do all the thinking for a while. You don't even need to listen, really. You can focus on the pleasure and I'll tell your cunt exactly what to do."

Naturally Kay listened, because she'd been around the block a few times and she knew better than to check out completely for any hypnotist, even one she trusted. But listening only made it even hotter. "And the more attention your cunt pays to my words, the wetter it gets and the more difficult it becomes to resist me. Every time you try to think, every time you try to resist my suggestions, every time you try to oppose my inexorable and inevitable will, your arousal builds and you feel that slick, needy sensation right down there between your thighs enticing you to rub that resistance away. That's because your cunt is already obedient. Your cunt is making you a weak, horny slut for me. And the harder you fight, the wetter you get."

Those words echoed in the back of Kay's brain so bad during her lunch hour that she had to take a little break to play with herself before she went back to work--not while listening to the file again, because Kay knew that one of the keystones of brainwashing was repetition and she didn't want Master Mindfuck's programming getting too deep into her head before she had a chance to properly process it, but she couldn't stop herself from replaying the mesmerizing voice inside her mind while she lay on her bed with three fingers jammed into her tight snatch. "The wetter you get, the harder it is to fight me. Until your cunt breaks your resistance and my suggestions overwhelm you. Resistance is impossible. The harder you try, the more your own vulnerability turns you on. Because your cunt is my ally and it's already fucking you deeper into my control."

Kay was late signing back into her remote workstation. She slipped one of her favorite little insertable vibrators into her pussy and spent the whole afternoon with it buzzing away at her clit. She came three times before the end of her shift, and every single time her eyes squeezed shut in climax she saw that beautiful spiral. It was all just new hypnotist energy, of course; Kay often got wet and horny like this when she found a fresh website with files she'd never heard before and techniques that surprised her jaded little mind. And as much as it made her feel deliciously weak and helpless and slutty, Kay wasn't concerned about actually being overwhelmed. Master Mindfuck's programming was just a drop in the ocean compared to what she'd already been conditioned with.

Even so, she decided to give it a little while before going back to the website. Just in case.

*    *    *    *    *

That resolve didn't last long. A day, maybe two of fucking herself stupid to the memory of Master Mindfuck's lusty growl and Kay found herself missing the complete experience--she wanted to see the spiral again in all its glory, she wanted to refresh her memories of some of the later parts of the file that felt deliciously fuzzy in her head every time she tried to recall them, and she just... she wanted to feel that danger again. She wanted to feel like she genuinely wasn't in control anymore, like her cunt was in charge and it was already working to betray her to this new and delectably sinister hypnotist.

So Kay canceled the extremely tentative plans she'd made for Saturday, she charged up two or three of her favorite vibrators, and she went out and bought a few weed gummies so she could get good and stoned and suggestible. And she spent the day going through Master Mindfuck's entire catalog.

And it was glorious. He didn't have many files, no more than seven or eight, but they were all long and strong and Kay drifted easily from one to the next with her toy buzzing happily inside her sopping cunt. She wisely decided to put a towel down before she started listening, and by the time she took a break after the fourth file--or was it the fifth?--she had to change it out for another one because it was soaked clean through. Master Mindfuck just seemed to know exactly what to say to make her stupid horny, even if Kay....

Well. Yes. Okay, she was increasingly confused about the details of some of the things he said to her in those files, especially the later ones that started right out by reminding her how weak and wet she got for him and how easy it was for her cunt to overcome her feeble brain. That, that wasn't too unusual, though. Kay had plenty of partners over the years who experimented with hypnotic amnesia, and she could think of lots of times she'd woken up from a trance with a delightful little void of pure pleasure where her memories should have been. It didn't mean she was 'getting in too deep', or anything melodramatic like that. Master Mindfuck was just one more hypnotist, after all. One of many. Probably not even the best.

Which didn't stop Kay from shivering all over from pure erotic bliss when one of the files ended and she realized she didn't have a single conscious memory of the previous forty-five minutes. She recalled hitting play, she remembered the spiral sucking her attention in and that husky baritone purring out, "Good girl, mind off," and then it was just a solid pink mist of pure buzzing ecstasy until she emerged from trance with drool soaking her alabaster tits and a vibrator that was almost out of juice. Kay hadn't found anyone who could do that to her in a long while. She hadn't realized just how badly she missed it.

She really was planning to take Sunday to process it all, to give her subconscious a little bit of time to unpack everything that was going on in those files and warn her if she was picking up any of Master Mindfuck's programming perhaps a little too well. She even considered going back into them and listening to the last fifteen minutes of each one, something she hadn't done since she was a college sophomore and people on fucking message boards were warning each other about unscrupulous hypnotists.

Kay had done this before, after all. She was a veteran subject. She knew better than to simply open up her brain and spread her legs for the first person with a line of sexy patter, even if it was kind of nice to feel like a horny teenager again, shoving practically anything that got her off into the deepest recesses of her mind and cunt. She could take this one step at a time, be smart about her fetish the way decades of experience had taught her, and go at the right pace to indulge herself safely.

But she still had half a bag of gummies. And her vibrators had been on the charger all night when she woke up Sunday morning. And it wasn't like one more day of indulgence was going to turn her into some kind of simpering, brainwashed slut for a complete stranger who didn't even know she existed and wasn't even tailoring his files to her particular kinks. Kay sat down in her computer chair again, resting her bare buttocks on a damp towel that still smelled like her cunt, and revisited the files that made her clit throb the hardest.

*    *    *    *    *

"What are you, Kay?" She didn't register the words, not consciously; Kay's only real awareness was the warbling buzz between her thighs and the tug of the spiral on her hypnotized gaze. She'd given up the struggle to think long ago; every time she tried, the sleepy bliss in her brain pulsed stronger and stronger until she eventually found it too difficult to ignore and her mind collapsed into blank, stupefied ecstasy for Master Mindfuck. And without thought, there was no memory. And without memory, Kay didn't even know there was anything to fight anymore.

She heard a voice whimper, "I'm a good slut for Master Mindfuck," but she didn't realize it was hers. It simply never occurred to Kay that she could sound so completely and totally meek and simpering and desperate, and so she retreated into the void of pleasure inside her own head and let her cunt talk for her instead. That was easy for Kay now. Her cunt already thought for her; it controlled her decisions, moved her body like a puppet at Master Mindfuck's direction. It was all too easy to allow it to speak out of her mouth as well.

"Good girl. Puff." The trigger didn't mean anything to Kay; she didn't remember any of her triggers, any more than she remembered emailing Master Mindfuck to beg him to take over her conditioning directly after a particularly intense night of brainwashing and masturbation that left Kay shaking from the exertion of tensing and releasing her muscles in repeated orgasm. But her cunt knew what the word meant, and her cunt puppeteered her hand into picking up the vape pen from her desk and putting it to her slack and drooling lips. She pursed her mouth around the tip, inhaling deeply, and felt a warm surge of mellow stupefaction settle over her already numb brain. Pot made her horny and dumb and suggestible, and Kay wanted very badly to be all those things.

With the command completed, Kay's hands went back to her tits, squeezing and groping and jiggling them for her new owner. She didn't remember turning on the webcam--she didn't even remember the moment her usual reticence regarding showing her body to strangers online had crumbled into a slick, desperate need to display her ample chest for Master Mindfuck and prove she was the kind of sexy slut he was interested in brainwashing. But she knew he was looking at her now, listening to her mumble, "Puffing makes me pliant," in a dull monotone that sounded completely devoid of thought.

Because she was. Kay was completely devoid of thought, and she'd never loved anything more. Her cunt squeezed the remote control between her legs again and again, savoring the way her Master made it buzz from hundreds of miles away with nothing more than a tap on his phone. It felt like he was caressing her clit, every single time, and Kay had become accustomed to thinking of those little flutters as rewards for her good behavior. She was being trained like a dog, the thrumming sex toy every bit as much a teaching tool as a clicker but with its own built-in treat, and whatever volition she once had was now devoted to pleasing her new owner.

"No mind, no resistance, no will," Master Mindfuck murmured softly in her ears, but it was almost redundant now; Kay's determination, so strong and confident only a few weeks ago, was worn away to the barest nub on the endlessly smooth surface of her obedient brain. She still looked forward to the point when even that would erode to nothing under her Master's inexorably deepening control, and her every waking moment had become a ceaseless quest to undermine her own independence that Kay's conscious self knew absolutely nothing about. But already the entire notion of defiance was meaningless to her placid, compliant slave identity.

"No mind, no resistance, no will," she recited back to him. By the time she woke, she wouldn't even remember a single moment of their session together.

Even Kay's cunt eventually lost count of the number of orgasms she had under Master Mindfuck's influence--she only knew that each one deepened her obedience, and each one would sleep in the back of her mind and erode Kay's will to resist even further--and she finally surfaced from trance, knowing nothing beyond the basic fact that she was high and horny and wanted to jill away her weed buzz with something nice and hot and maybe just a little bit dangerous.

And Master Mindfuck's files definitely qualified. Kay put on one of her favorites, zoning out almost instantly, and the last tiny thought in her head was a blithe insistence to herself that she still didn't have anything to worry about. She'd been hypnotized hundreds of times by dozens of people. This particular Dominant wasn't getting to her. His brainwashing was just another drop in the ocean, after all.

It never occurred to Kay that even oceans can flood. But as she slumped in her chair, drool beginning to spill from her slack and vacant mouth, another wave came crashing in.


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