Toronto Servos

Chapter 8: Rubies and Sapphires (Part I of III)

by Jaydra

Tags: #cw:gore #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #dom:female #robots #sadomasochism #scifi #sub:female #cw:character_death #cyberpunk #D/s #f/f #humiliation #sub:male #transgender_characters

I'm splitting this one into multiple parts, both because it's really long, and because the last part deals with some heavy stuff (even for this series).

July 20th, 2085, 21:02h – Dorset Township Region, South-Canada

Ruby, relying on a map from 2031, clutched the wheel of her modified 2078 UAM Challenger and made a hard left across a barren paved road and through plants and weeds that had risen above her head. She had driven onto a road that had been long forgotten after K36, and the obliteration of half the world’s population which followed in the chaos. Her car’s shocks were pushed to their limit as she endured the bumpy, sporadically paved route, with only the map to assure her she was headed in the right direction. None of this was helped by the horrendous downpour of rain which forced her wipers to go at maximum speed, as lightning cracked across the sky and thunder practically shook her vehicle.

Approaching a treeline, Ruby turned on her headlights and reached underneath her dashboard to turn on a radar system. On a black and white screen on the dash, she could see that while it looked impenetrable, there was a clear albeit twisting route through them, wide enough for a car like hers. It was over dirt and the inevitable debris of a forest, but with a little concentration she navigated her way though. At one point Ruby noticed a doorbell, one of those old ‘smart’ camera doorbells had been affixed to one of the trees; she laughed at the reference, and it became another sign of reassurance.

The path through the trees gave way to a fork in the road. One was old and overgrown, and wasn’t shown on her map, the one to the left was the one she needed, and she finally found herself on a wide-open paved street again. This unsettled her, instincts ingrained into her through her time in NATO’s spec ops. Again reaching under the dash she switched the radar to a threat detector. Instantly, blinking red dots practically filled her monitor, but seeing as she’d already driven over a few of them, she instead hit the gas and throttled up, seeing as the map said it should be a relatively straight shot to her destination. As expected, while there were mines (and a few other threats in the flanking treelines), none of them were active.

As she turned her attention to the other aspects of Seabreeze Rd. she saw that the buildings depicted on the map were either dilapidated and closing in on themselves, or gone entirely. For what seemed like minutes she tore down the lonesome street, until she slowed to take a slight right turn and saw lights through the trees straight ahead. The perimeter as far as she could see was fenced off in distinctly Victorian wrought iron, even as her threat detector indicated the entire fence as orange, a threat was within them, but it couldn’t sense what. A sharp left turn, then a right, she slowed to a roll as a wrought iron gate opened for her, and the threat analysis stopped showing any orange or red indicators. Knowing she’d arrived, she switched it off and drove down a short dirt driveway that had practically been turned to mud.

Finally, there was a place to park, in front of a solitary four-storey Victorian household. Nothing too ostentatious, nothing too large, more vertical than it was wide. It was fully in the Victorian style however, and arriving in the rain for a clandestine rendezvous made it feel oddly appropriate. She had trouble seeing through the windows though, most had curtains drawn, but the was light emanating through them. A small stone walkway leading up a gentle flight of stairs to the front door was right in front of her. That’s when she noticed that each of the black stones had sapphires embedded in them, and in fact the house was sapphire blue, trimmed with gold and white. It reminded her of a certain appealing colour scheme, but she knew it wasn’t done for her.

It took Ruby some time to get out of the car. Once she had taken in her surroundings, a tightening in her chest took hold, and she gripped the steering wheel and had to calm herself. Mines, hidden turrets, fences with unknown threats, that was all things Ruby knew and could deal with. What she couldn’t, was what she had specifically requested from the person she knew was waiting for her inside. The gates had already closed behind her, but there was no movement at the front door. She lay back in her seat and took a few deep breaths; it wasn’t fear which gripped her, it was shame. A self-loathing she had spent her whole life suppressing. She knew that once she went inside, she’d have to face it.

Pulling the keys from the ignition and gripping the door handle, she repeated a mantra she had for decades: Courage is a virtue. Yet, it had never been used in this context before. Still, cowardice was a sin, so she gripped the handle and opened the door, forcing herself out into the rain. Becoming soaked in seconds, she locked the car and only managed to jog up to the front door. There under the portico, free from the rain, she saw a simple brass doorbell and it took more courage than she ever thought to ring.

Within seconds, Eria Piper, Chief Propaganda Officer for the Second Sun Company, opened the door. Her golden blonde hair shimmered in the light, her dress was Victorian inspired but more revealing, with a black and blue corset, matching skirt, lacey black gloves, and a necklace of golden bars around her neck. Her make-up had changed, whereas at Xavier’s oasis she wore none, now there were featherily flourishes of blue and gold from her eyes, and lips of sanguine. She stood nearly as tall as Ruby, as the two took a moment to appreciate the other. From Eria’s viewpoint, it seemed Ruby was a nervous, leather clad, soaking wreck of matted hair that had shown up at her doorstop. A wonderful sight, given the plans she had in store.

Eria let Ruby speak first, as the suppressed last light of the sun sank below the horizon. Ruby had forgotten, “I’ll get my bags.”

Eria reached out her hand and took Ruby’s in hers. Her speech was kind, maternal, yet deep and alluring. “You won’t need them.” She gently pulled Ruby inside. “Come, let’s get you dried off. I had that Doll I keep in the basement prepare everything, even towels.” She handed Ruby one, and it was the softest thing Ruby had ever touched. “But it’s deactivated now. Out of sight, out of mind.” She paused, “Like us. I assume you didn’t tell anyone you were coming here.”

“You think I’d tell anyone I was coming here? To do this? I told them I was taking a vacation, and because I’m the boss I didn’t need to explain further.”

“Second Sun thinks I’m in the Republic of Ireland assisting in hard light testing. Friends who have visited here know of this place of course, but they don’t show up unannounced. That would be suicide, with this defence sphere surrounding us, and I don’t live here so no one knows if I’d even be present. So, do not worry, my dear.” Ruby bristled at the term. “We’re the only ones who know we’re here. Now, let me take your coat.”

Ruby let Eria take her jacket which was respectfully hung up to dry. “Hard light research, you some kind of super genius?” Ruby was down to her Maelstrom T-Shirt signed by Mikea and her band, jeans, and leather boots.

“Two PhDs.” She changed the subject, “You know I listened to their first album. I can see the appeal, that thing of yours…” She stopped herself, “That girl of yours is quite talented, and it can’t all be programmed, can it?”

“We never programmed her for singing. That’s something she took on herself. I’m surprised you listened to something partially made by a Doll.”

Eria motioned for Ruby to lift one foot and took off her boot, before taking off the other one. “I’ve come to appreciate that there’s still humanity left in Mikea. Unlike that thing I have for pure convenience downstairs…” She spoke with pure derision. “At least Mikea is capable of creative thought, so I try to consider her as a person- even if it is difficult at times. However, you’re not here to debate the merits of man and machine. You’re here, because you need my help. Help I am overjoyed to provide.” Standing to face Ruby, Eria stroked her cheek and Ruby was so stunned by the action she didn’t stop it. “You’re here because deep within those eyes there’s a glimmer of something that you’ve been suppressing. Come, we’ll chat in the living room.”

The living room was spacious, with a roaring fire in a stone fireplace to one side, a long and wide window which looked out over a gentle slope to the beach which crested the Lake of Bays, and was filled with shelves of unique trinkets and furniture that was crafted in the 19th century. It was warm, cozy, the crackle of the fire meeting the pounding of rain on the glass in front of them, the plush chairs and couches, with a table in the middle filled with cheeses, cakes, cookies, crackers, bottles of wine, and a roast beef which had already been sliced, with plates and glasses for it all. In the middle, was a leather box with golden threads along its sides, but no other markings.

Ruby wasn’t sure where to sit, so Eria decided to introduce the rules. “For the next seventy-two hours, you will not do anything you don’t want to do. This might seem strange, given your request for submission, but rather than brute force and disgusting implants which force the body to act, everything you’re going to do here will come from within.

Eria turned Ruby’s head to meet hers, their lips nearly gracing each other. “I will never lie to you. I will never trick you. I’m definitely going to have fun with you, but you are not a Doll, you are a person. Now, where would you like to sit, and where would you like me to sit? I can be right across, as far away as possible, or we can be as close as possible.”

Ruby was fighting herself, a conflict Eria noticed. “Sit on the long couch, the one with the high back not the fainting couch, and I will sit next to you. Go on.”

Gritting her teeth, Ruby complied. Still, it was obvious to Eria that she did so because it was the only way to tip the scales of her indecision. Ruby sat back, folded one leg over the other, and rested like she was at a party. “Pour me the best red you have.” She ordered.

Eria smirked but did so. Pouring two glasses, and taking them to Ruby, sitting down right beside her guest. “Do you know why you did that? Ordered me like that?”

“I wanted some fucking wine, and you’re the host.”

“This isn’t the first time I’ve seen someone with so many decades of shame pent up inside, that their recourse is to go as hard as they can in the other direction.” She motioned to Ruby’s outfit, “I said dress elegantly, and you show up ready for a rave. It was my first test.”

Ruby tried to assert herself, “And how do you know about my shame? What do you know of that?”

“You called me, sweetheart.” Eria smiled gracefully, not letting any of Ruby’s behaviour bother her. On the contrary, it would only make what was coming all the more satisfying. “And I know you didn’t call me solely because you want information on Xavier’s plans.”

“And what do you know of those?”

“I know that you don’t have nearly enough puzzle pieces to formulate a plan to get back at the man who violated you. You know how high ranking in SSCo. I am, and how close I am to Xavier, however what must be on your mind is why of all the C-Suite there, was I the one to give you a lead.” Eria swirled her wine before taking a deep drink. “Go on, drink.”

“You’re immune to the drug you spiked the wine with.”

Eria laughed, “While it is true I once murdered a few troublesome people at a dinner party because I was the only one immune to the poison mixed in with the meal, I told you that I won’t trick you.” She motioned to the leather box. “It’s in there. That’s how you’re going under. But until then, we need to establish trust. So, I’m going to ask you, and if you lie then you get nothing: Are you only here for information on Xavier? Or does a part of you truly want to submit to me?”

Ruby took a big drink from her glass and placed it on the table. Eria watched with concern as Ruby bent forward, holding her head, then a hand slipped over her eyes. Eria gently stroked Ruby’s back. “There’s my answer, thank you. We’ll continue, but may I ask you some questions?”

Ruby sat up, wiping away any tears from her face, streaking her make-up. “Fine.”

Eria nodded, still stroking Ruby’s back asked, “How long have you had submissive feelings?”

“I can’t remember how long, we’re both a century old.”

Eria had to agree with that, “Time does become rather difficult for people like us. The human mind was never meant to live this long.” She paused and added, “However, you essentially admitted to me that you wish to stop whatever Xavier is planning after you didn’t destroy The Dollhouse. We noticed, and he’s on alert. The fact that you showed up here, and indicated you’re at least partially interested in information on him is a sign of trust. I could have you killed for that, but you’ve been trained to never give up information when it’s not necessary, which means on some level you trust me. Also, the fact that I haven’t activated any means to capture you should be another sign you can trust me. But how can I trust you?”

Ruby looked at her side eyed. “What do you want to prove that?”

Eria wiped away a tear Ruby forgot. “That’s one. You may not believe this, but even without augmentations, I’ve always had an extremely good sense of a person’s intents. The tear on my finger is genuine, and you’ll prove it even further by the end of this evening.” Eria reached over and handed Ruby a croissant, “You’ve been driving for hours, put something in your stomach besides wine. This was all made by that Doll I have. Do you remember what I said about my drink at the bar?”

“That it was expected.” Ruby tore off a chunk of the croissant, Eria didn’t care it left crumbs on the couch, someone would be cleaning those up the next day.

“I hate Dolls, I hate augmentations that automate processes, because you lose your creativity in the process. Something that is perfect cannot be beautiful, because perfection is easy, but to be unique is a treasure. If a person made all of this, it would be infused with their own mistakes, preferences, teaching, etc. It may not be perfect, but it would be beautiful.” Eria considered the look in Ruby’s eye, it seemed she’d never considered that viewpoint. So she pressed deeper, “A Doll is also controlled, crafted, made ‘perfect’ (at least by teams as skilled as yours). To take a person and turn them into something so mechanical, structured, programmed… It is a form of dominance I consider above putting a gun to that person’s head and firing- or pressing a trigger.”

Ruby shook her head, “That was my job. I did everything I did for the state.”

“And you loved it. You had to. You went from spec ops and killing thousands, to nuclear bombing and killing millions; you love to kill. More than that, with NATO’s position secured, you now live to see the last remnants of one’s humanity leave their eyes as you turn them into Dolls. You graduated from one type of dominance to a truly breathtaking (literally) display of something greater. With the war over you could have done anything, and you opened a shop that takes un-consenting people and turns them into that thing in my basement.

“But I don’t judge you for that. My point is that most of what you’ve known, and I’m going to bet your life before joining NATO’s military was also full of increasing shows of dominance, is the exclusive nature of power over another which allows one to mask their own vulnerability. Maybe that’s why you have a fascination with a certain old anime, and one character in particular…”

“How do you know about that?”

“Because Intellect and Vigilance are a virtue. What was your school life like?” Eria grinned.

“Rough, real rough. I had to fight a lot; I was bullied. Kids aren’t kind to the confused kids, and no one had even heard the phrase ‘transgender’, it wasn’t in our vocabulary. I tried to seal myself off, protect myself, but it was rough.”

Eria thought for a moment, “You know, I forgot you were a trans woman. And when did you come out?”

Ruby tried to remember, “1995 and I was eleven, not quite twelve. My parents tried to be accepting, a couple real uncomfortable years of them swinging between trying to be supportive and outright denial happened, but eventually I got into a screaming match with my mother. She accused me of murdering her son. I left home and lived in a real rough homeless encampment, that was constantly moving because of the cops. And if you think that was bad, wait until I started dressing like I wanted at school. I got tired of taking punches…”

“So instead of you threw them.” Eria took a sip of wine. “And I bet it felt amazing. Do you remember the first person you ‘dominated’ like that?”

“Some shit named Justin. Junior year. He’d beaten me bloody before, but one day I took a thin lead pipe from the school’s cellar, hid it in my backpack. I knew he’d pick a fight with me on my way to wherever home was, it had become routine. Only this time, I caved his skull in.”

“I assume you were sentenced as a minor for that.”

“I got my high school diploma, or GED in juvenile prison.”

“And how did you feel about that?”

“Fucking great!” Ruby practically had a fire in her. “They say you always remember your first.”

“I think that refers to something different, but before all that, though. Think so early. Did you always want to show dominance?”

“I didn’t know how, until I finally did.” Ruby admitted proudly.

Ruby’s demeanour weakened when Eria asked, “And how long have you wanted to submit? Was it at the same time as your dominance?”

Eye’s straying from Eria’s, Ruby shook her head. “I don’t know.”

“Think hard.”

Ruby genuinely did, “My first fantasy started after I was given an offer by the military. Either serve the rest of my time, and eventually age into a regular prison, or sign my life to them for fifteen years and quote, ‘make something of yourself’.” Ruby reminisced a little. “They say only 10-15% of soldiers actually fire at the enemy, the rest won’t fire or intentionally miss. As ‘clean’ as the military likes to appear, apparently, they found my brand of violence… controllable, or at least they knew they found some potential in me. I don’t know. It wasn’t long before I was part of a Spec Ops unit, I once they figured out my niche, I shot up the ranks. I’m not a doctor twice over like you, but I did real well with Canada’s armed forces. The circumstances of my recruitment were forgotten, replaced by a… family, a home.” She sighed, “But yeah, that’s when the sub fantasies started. Not long after I was recruited.”

Eria waved off Ruby’s comment, “A degree doesn’t make you smart. I’m a genius when it comes to many things, but I once knew someone from whose pen flowed breathtaking creative works, while mine paled in comparison.” She took another sip of wine, “Returning to you, however, there is a lot of submission in the military.”

“Yeah, but it wasn’t that. None of the fantasies were related to it.” Ruby waved it off. “Shit, fucking shit, I don’t know.” Ruby stood up, nearly throwing her wine glass. “I guess it just kept piling up and piling up, and…”

“And?” Eria leaned in, she could see Ruby was close.

“And maybe- maybe- maybe- I just felt, life was so fucking complicated, and beatings and blood and that felt good, but I just fucking wanted to… blank? Calm? I don’t know how to describe it.”

“Dominance is immensely complicated and intense, and while you thrived within that, you also wanted to go… well, blank.” Ruby looked to Eria as she explained, “Submission is a straight line, it does involve problem solving, but it’s with singular purpose. A hypnotised mind especially, free of worry, anxiety, uncertainty, only exists in the moment, with the task at hand, the world outside is gone.” Eria rose and held both of Ruby’s hands. “The world which weighs upon you, for three days, let me unburden you and allow you to exist in a state of blissful, singular purpose: to serve me.”

Ruby’s hands shook, but Eria rubbed her thumb over them. Ruby didn’t know what to say, and Eria saw another tear in her eye. “For the next three days, you will be you, but with the century behind you removed. All the shame, the fear of giving up control, and the fatigue from being in control for so, so long, and in ways that have only gotten more intense. That won’t be gone, I won’t remove anything from you, all that’s going to happen is I’m going to box up your trauma, take down your barriers, and allow this submissive seed within you to be graced by adoring, even loving sunlight for the first time.” Eria put one hand behind Ruby’s head and kissed her, one the nervous wreck returned. “How does that sound?”

Ruby coughed, felt her chest, the stress was real but so was her request. “How quickly can you do that?”

Eria pointed at the leather-bound box. “I could do it myself, but I made something beautiful to help. As its creator, I’m immune to its effects, but you… oh, my sweet girl, it’s going to make you feel so, so very good. It’s going to paradoxically bind you, and liberate you, which is exactly what you want. Would you like to see it? How about we enjoy the wine, you clean yourself up, and we can begin?”

Ruby sniffed, hating herself less for doing so in Eria’s presence. “Sounds like a plan.”

Eria sat back down on the couch and put a plate of food together while Ruby composed herself in a nearby bathroom. It took so long that she made a plate for herself and relaxed, knowing that it was only a matter of time. Finally, Ruby, fully dried off, with her hair fixed and clothes realigned sat next to Eria on the couch. Ruby pointed to the box. “Let’s do it.”

“Eat first.” Eria placed the plate in Ruby’s lap. “It might not seem like it, but you’re in for a very long night.”

“Not gonna remember you using me?” Ruby tried the roast beef.

“Oh, darling, you’ll remember everything when I use you. However, there’s so much in that head of yours, to use an imprecise and slightly off-putting phrase: I need to take you offline. It’s your subconscious I’ll be speaking to, while your consciousness sleeps.”

Ruby was already eating; the croissant had definitely not been enough. “Seems like I’ve made a lot of work for you.”

“I’m sure this is where you usually throw cash on the table to people for whom that matters. Don’t worry, remember you are going to serve me for three entire days. I’d say that makes us square. And I so love doing this, especially with this little gem. This is what I live for.”

“Gonna show it to me, then? I’m sure it’s not the box.” Ruby wolfed down a few choice pieces of cheese. “Are you afraid of this mystical thing’s power?”

Eria chuckled, “I literally know everything about it, down to its atomic structure. I built it up that way, atom upon atom. It’s more of an extension of myself than it is a tool, I am no more threatened by it than I am by my own hand. You… on the other hand.” She couldn’t resist. “Oh, do you have the time? I don’t have a timepiece on me.”

Ruby checked her watch. “21:51h”

“Thank you, dear. Okay, on with the show.”

Reaching over the table, Eria pulled the item in close, shuffling plates and glasses out of the way, and gingerly lifted the leather-bound case which had been covering it. At first Ruby was unimpressed, even laughed. “A sapphire?” It was a large one, twenty-eight centimeters tall and vaguely diamond shaped being about 18 centimetres across at its widest point. “And I’ve been called…” She trailed off, then shook her head and finished her sentence. “… predictable.”

Eria sat next to her with a grin.


“What time is it?”

“21:51, I just told you.” Eria motioned to Ruby’s watch. When Ruby checked again, it was 22:06. “The fuck?!”

“It took you fifteen minutes to finish your sentence.” Eria smiled. “Meanwhile I had the most beautiful view of you, frozen in place, transfixed on my little gem. Yes, it is a sapphire, but us Corpos prefer to say ‘on brand’ rather than ‘predictable’.” Ruby listened while avoiding eye contact with the sapphire. “Every atom was placed with intent to create a bizarre, unique gemstone of untold complexity, and you fell into the trap of studying it. I actually had to pull you out, once I was done admiring the view.” Eria poured Ruby another glass of wine, and then filled her glass. “Even with my telling you this, looking into it does something to the conscious mind, it practically nullifies it. It is my skeleton key to the subconscious.”

Ruby practically raised her hand to blot it from view, “So what happens now?”

Eria wrapped her arms around Ruby and embraced her, while whispering in her ear. “Next time you decide to gaze into it, you’ll immediately wake up tomorrow morning, except for the first time in your life, you’ll be in service to me as I’ve finally set you free. Ready?”

It took some time in Eria’s embrace as Ruby mentally prepared herself, her eyes shut. Finally, she allowed herself to explore what had been with her for endless years, “Ready.”

“Then open those eyes and take another look.”

July 21st, 2085, 06:00h – Eria’s Cottage

Ruby’s eyes snapped open at exactly 06:00 on the second. She awoke in a pretty little room, just off to the side on the house’s main floor. Sparsely decorated, with a wardrobe and small table with flowers in front of a window, she got out of bed without realizing she hadn’t been sleeping under any covers.

It was time to make breakfast.

Walking through a place she’d never been conscious of like she’d lived there her entire life, she went straight to the kitchen and then had to decide what to make. There wasn’t any inclination towards any particular menu in her head, so it came down to what she was capable of, which wasn’t very much. A shame, given the kitchen was the most well stocked kitchen she’d ever stood in. Ruby ate to survive and provide her body with what it required to function and maintain her strength, cooking was something she hadn’t done in years. She tried to think back to what she would have made in the past but couldn’t recall any memory of cooking (or anything else), but she did know that eggs were easy and started there. A couple omelettes with cheese, onions, spinach were prepared and placed on a nearby silver tray. As the eggs cooked, she had enough time to prepare raspberry jam on toast and the French press with genuine Arabica beans. All of it went onto the tray, along with cutlery for two, and a couple coffee mugs. Unlike everything else, both mugs were unique, imperfect products of someone experimenting with textures and shapes, but both had a base ringed with lapis lazuli.

Carrying the tray up one floor, she held one hand under it as she knocked on the mahogany door to the Master (Mistress) Bedroom. After hearing Eria tell her to come in, Ruby walked to the side of the bed Eria was sitting upright at and placed the tray on a table beside. Without a word, she pressed down on the French press and poured a steaming cup of black coffee for her. Eria, who slept naked, was bare from the waist up, intently watching Ruby’s actions and how Ruby hadn’t taken the slightest notice of how either of them were dressed or undressed.

Taking a plate with an omelette, knife, and fork, Eria curiously dug into breakfast. After a couple bites, with Ruby standing quietly beside the bed, she gave her critique. “Eggs are slightly overcooked, but the addition of spinach is appreciated.” Eria glanced at Ruby. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

Ruby’s responses came quickly, easily. “Calm.”

“That’s a strange way to answer that question. Why ‘calm’?”

“I…” She trailed off. “Serene?”

Eria took a sip of coffee and seemed impressed. “The ratio’s a little off, but not bad for day one. Oh, remember that salt and pepper are usually expected to flavour to taste for tomorrow.”

“Yeah, sure thing, boss.” Ruby smiled.

Eria seemed very pleased with herself, and with Ruby. “You’re still you.”

“Of course I’m me. I just…” Ruby kept searching for the right word. “Feel…” ‘Good’ felt too general. “Focused, without anything grating on me.”

“That’s because last night I spent a few hours doing exactly what I said I would.” Eria continued enjoying her breakfast. “This is imperfect, and obviously you’re not chef, but I can’t say I’ve ever tasted this before, and you have my gratitude.” She motioned to the other portion. “Sit on the windowsill and eat, you’re no Doll, you need nourishment too. That’s why I implanted the order for you two make two portions.”

“But not what to make.”

Eria was waiting for something and kept her eyes on Ruby. “You’re not a Doll. You still have your free will, albeit with a few little strings which I hold.” When Ruby sat on a pillow on the windowsill that moment Eria had been waiting for drew closer, but Ruby didn’t see it yet. Impatient to see her response, Eria decided to ask, “You’ve probably been so focused bringing me breakfast that you haven’t bothered to look in a mirror, or at least marvel at your reflection, my beautiful girl.”

Ruby folded her arms, “What do you mean like that?”

“Did you get dressed this morning? Because you’re not naked, nor are you wearing that trainwreck of fashion you arrived in. Did you not register the click of your heels on the hardwood floors? Did I do such a good job that you made and delivered breakfast without even considering literally anything else?”

As if a spell had been broken, Ruby felt the material she was clothed in. It was an outfit she was familiar with, but one worn by those serving her, never herself. The black heels, the stockings and garter, the long white under layer, upon which a black dress flowed down to her ankles. A large white apron across it, with telltale maid flair to the ridges. Her upper portion was different though, a black leather corset with white streams which marked where its ribs were. It had already been tightened, and suddenly she realized her breathing had been slightly stifled. Not to the extent of a Victorian lady, she was serving after all and therefore wasn’t of high enough status to suffer from hysteria. White gloves up to her elbows, and a white maid’s headband were also there. Plus, a collar, black leather, perfectly sized (like every other piece, Eria must have had it made specifically for her) with an O-ring in the centre, but then dotted with rubies. For the first time that day, Ruby could hear and feel the O-ring move and clink.

Eria opened her nightstand. “Come here.” And Ruby did as told, putting aside her breakfast to stand by Eria. “Take this mirror, tell me what you see.” Ruby gazed in the mirror. Her straight, cropped brown hair had been replaced with raven black hair, swept bangs to the right, naturally wavy and curled in beautiful ways, and it stretched all the way down her back. Eria took the mirror from her. “What did you see?”

Ruby, with full knowledge how easily it had become to change one’s hair colour, style, and even length in the late 2060’s, simply said, “Not my usual style, but…”

“But what? Tell me exactly what you hesitated to say.”

“It looks beautiful, and it really matches this gorgeous outfit!”

Eria applauded Ruby. “You do wonderful, girl! Keep going! Tell me how you look and feel, right now.”

“I feel at peace. I feel like all the tension in my back and neck are gone. I feel pretty, and beautiful, and this outfit- being in this outfit is really turning me on.”

Eria slipped out of bed, completely naked now and kissed Ruby with more passion than Ruby had ever expected. One arm wrapped around Ruby’s waist, the other traced over the ruby studs of her collar. She could feel Ruby’s breath quicken, and even her body heat increase. Parting lips, Eria drew one line down from Ruby’s collar to her cleavage. “Not a bit of guilt or anger in that head of yours, is there?”

Ruby gently shook her head, “I don’t remember ever feeling like this.”

“Maybe that’s because I boxed it up, or maybe this is how you’ve always truly been. Doesn’t matter, I’ve set you free. No past, no worries, only service to me.” Eria took liberties to feel along Ruby’s body, “Oh, and because I forgot last night: you will call me Mistress Eria, or Mommy- when you’re sucking on my tits. Say my name.”

“Mistress Eria.”

“Not one drop of shame!” Eria fell back onto the bed, arms back and legs wide, admiring the sight of Ruby. “It might be because you’re so stunned at what’s happened and that’s why you’re so stiff, but while I did put in some basic behaviour protocols for you, you’re not a Doll, you’re not always running a program. You’re free to act, but to start I’ll help by narrowing your choices: either take your breakfast back down to the kitchen along with the clutter and finish it there, or get on this bed and worship the woman who has freed you. Don’t worry about sullying the outfit, I had a few identical ones made for you and you’ll be doing laundry later tonight anyw…”

Ruby pounced on the bed, and while she might not be able to fry an egg, eating a gal out was something she could have her own doctorate in. Eria reached down and stopped her, dragging her up by the collar. “Be more original, statist slut. I know what your tongue feels like inside of me.” Ruby grinned, and instead reached down and gave Eria’s clit a sharp pinch.

“How’s a little pain?” Ruby teased.

Eria just laughed, “Let’s see a Doll pull that! Come on, fuck me with that fist of yours and clamp those teeth down on my tits. There are scars in store for both of us, so go hard, my magnificent bitch!”

“Whatever you say…” Ruby had to say it, but she could draw it out. “Mommy.” She bit down on Eria’s left nipple, hard, and instead of a slap to the face the woman seemed delighted, at which point Ruby gave it a nice suckling, and was surprised to taste lactation.

“I took an injection this morning, just for you, sweet thing.” Eria caressed down Ruby’s long hair as she continued to suck on her, a small yet deeply pleasured moan emanating from Eria, right before Ruby decided to drive her fist deeper into Eria’s cunt.

Ruby, fucking Eria with her hand asked, “Got a Mommy fetish, do you?”

“I enjoy it, and besides…” She bit her lip and indulged in the sensation, “There’s no shame in desire here. I do love being the maternal one!” Eria brought her knee up to press against Ruby’s dress, right where her crotch was. “And I can feel you like this too. So…” She took another long gasp, feeling the rhythm of Ruby’s hand. “Come use everything you have on me, and if you’re a good girl, I’ll let you play my favourite game.”

Ruby descended back upon Eria, their breasts pressed together, Ruby’s free hand caressing and massaging Eria’s neck as Eria reached for a cigarette, managed to light it on a candle, and drew in the nicotine as Ruby interspersed sharp bites along her nipples, neck, and earlobes, hastening the pace of her fist, before realizing that Eria had no intention of reciprocating her acts. However, whereas Ruby would have demanded and even forced Eria to please her twenty-four hours prior, now it was the sight of Mistress Eria indulgent in pleasure tinged with pain which brought her happiness, she was fulfilling her duties, and doing them well.

Ruby expected Eria to cum, her body felt like it was on the verge, but Eria was holding back. “Cease pleasuring me and stand by the bed.” Ruby stopped immediately, withdrawing her hand slick with Eria’s juices and stood by the bed like she had after serving breakfast. Eria took a few moments to prepare herself, and revel in the sensations throughout her body, before sitting up and flashing Ruby a wild, wicked grin. “Not bad, little one. Now it’s my turn.” She pointed to a cabinet, “The combination is 8787. Inside you’re going to see a lot of very fun things, but mounted in the centre is what you want. A cane. Bring it to me.”

Had Ruby more experience with them, she would have shuddered. Instead, she unlocked the cabinet and drew out a maple wood cane, long, straight, and sturdy with a silver alloy hilt and grip. In fact, the cane, while clearly being maple wood, seemed to have been hardened beyond the natural properties of its origin. It was only centimeters in diameter but felt heavy in Ruby’s hands. She brought it to Eria who sat on the bed, and presented it with both hands.

“Good. Now, pull up that dress, pull down those soaked panties, and bend over, pressing your chest down on the bed.”

“And the fuck are you going to do, Mistress Eria?” Ruby began to worry.

“You can’t remember our poolside chat. You said you were no sub, and that’s not true. Then you said you were no masochist, but that remains to be seen.” Her voice had turned to a cackle, as she stood, her fluids dripping and running down her leg. “This is my favourite game. The rules are simple: I’m going to strike you either right across the ass, or where that pert thing meets those legs, and I’m going to do so with the intent on bursting open blood vessels and breaking skin. The game part is that after each strike you have seconds to say: “Thank you, Mistress Eria. May I please have another?” or else.”

“Or else what?” Ruby had positioned herself exactly as ordered.

“Or else I get a barbed dildo and shove it up your ass.” Eria cackled. “However, I need to know whether or not you actually endure and embrace this, so at any point you may say…” Her eyes slowly glanced to a bookshelf in the corner, and the ratty, old copy of a novel that was loved by a woman she loved. “Hyacinth. Even mid-strike, I’ll stop. I’ve had a lot of practice. Participation in this is not an order.”

Ruby, up to the challenge agreed. “All right. How many are you going to do?”

“However many as I fucking want!” Eria took that opportunity to strike right at the seam where Ruby’s ass met her legs.

Ruby bore the strike, “Thank you, Mistress Eria. May I have another.”

“You may. I think I’m warmed up now.” The second blow landed twice as hard, right across Ruby’s ass and Ruby grit her teeth but requested another immediately. The third blow was even worse and busted open skin causing faint drops of blood to drop.

Ruby endured; she may not remember her time being tortured but she still had her skills. “Thank you, Mistress Eria! May I ha…”

Eria cracked the cane down on Ruby’s exposed shoulder blades. “That one was for me.” She then delivered an explosive strike back just below Ruby’s ass which welted and bruised her, inflicting dark line down her skin. Eria’s aim was so perfect that she could hit the same locations again and again, never missing by even a millimetre which caused the struck areas to become more traumatized each time. Still, Ruby promptly managed to give the proper response, but Eria noted that Ruby started spending more time recovering from each blow, as sweat dripped down her back.

“Pick up the pace, darling! I want to hear you say it immediately!!” She struck the same place below Ruby’s ass with a devastating strike that burst open the welts and caused blood to mix with the aroused juices Ruby was excreting. “Thank you! Thank you… Mistress Eria!” In defiance of the pain she kept going, “May I have another?” Eria smiled, stroking her own cunt and soaking her own free hand with the drippings.

The next blow came centre mass on Ruby’s hindquarters and forced Ruby to bite down on the duvet upon which she lay. Eria grabbed her head and pulled it back, “What do you fucking say?!”

Through will alone Ruby screamed, “Thank you, Mistress Eria! May I have another?!”

Eria placed her free, wet fingers in Ruby’s mouth. “Bite down on this, and it’ll be the last free action you ever take.” With dexterity she leaned back and managed a less powerful, but nonetheless painful strike below Ruby’s ass. Ruby’s teeth barely stopped from coming in contact with Eria’s fingers, as the taste of her dripped onto her tongue.

Eria withdrew her hand. “Good girl.”

Ruby tensed, having made a decision. Turning her head to look back at Eria, in the most defiant tone Ruby challenged her. Screaming, “Is that the best you’ve got?!”

Six blows, immediately, one for every word, each one more savage than the last struck and broke Ruby’s flesh. Eria screamed, “Is this good enough, my fucking bitch?!”

Ruby had lost her ability to speak, her legs were quaking, by the sixth blow her ass and upper legs were covered in blood and pussy juices which continued to soak into the sheets. Finally, she tried propping herself up on her elbows, only to have Eria wrap both hands on the cane’s silver hilt and bring it down with her full strength across Ruby’s shoulder blades. Only this time the hardened wood splintered and snapped against Ruby’s body, and the cane was destroyed.

Eria threw away the handle and grabbed Ruby, lifting her entirely onto the bed before dragging her by the collar to meet her spread open legs and cunt. “Finish me off!” Ruby, through pain and an unimaginable amount of endorphins being pumped into her blood to numb it, dove her tongue into Eria as she had at the start. It didn’t take long, Eria’s torture of Ruby had already done the work. Eria’s body tensed, and her legs wrapped around Ruby’s body as she came. Eria screamed in pleasure, and Ruby felt the tremors of her orgasm.

Composing herself quickly, Eria slicked back her blonde hair and cupped Ruby’s chin. “You can’t play that game with a Doll.” She was still breathing hard and began to lean into the pillows, wiping sweat off her brow. “It’s not real, but with you… Oh, what a wonderful girl you are…” She lay there and lit another cigarette. Ruby reached for one from the pack as well, but Eria grasped her wrist. “I have something better for you. Pull up those panties, get your uniform in order, then get off the bed and stand before it, so that I may see you. Now.”

It wasn’t Ruby’s body that obeyed, but her own self. A strange sense of excitement as her body began to embrace the pain which ebbed through her. With difficulty from quaking legs and intense pain, Rub stood in front of the bed, a few steps back, pulling up her panties and brushing out her bloodied, cum soaked skirt. Eria took a long drag of her cigarette, the perfect accompaniment to the afterglow. She didn’t seem to pay much attention to Ruby for a minute, before glancing her way and speaking a single word: “Daybreak.”

Instantly it was like Ruby was on fire, it was painful and searing, but that only lasted for a literal second, before her knees buckled and she collapsed on the floor because every nerve ending in her body was consumed by a pleasure she never felt was possible. Her cunt responded, clit tightened and juices soaking her panties and skirt, overcoming even the amount of blood which flowed from her. What Eria heard as she walked around the bed to get a better view, cigarette still in hand, was a garbled amount of gibberish, some of which sounded like actual words, but every single part of Ruby’s mind was being bombarded by pleasure signals. Every millisecond: Pleasure. Pleasure. Pleasure. On and on, never ceasing for a moment. Her body heat shot up so hard that sweat was dripping from every pore. Ruby was lost, but she never wanted to be found. This was more than the pleasure an implant and the right program could give you; this was every cell in her body all elated and orgasmic at once. It just kept going, she didn’t even notice her body was at risk of dehydration.


Ruby’s elongated orgasm subsided. When first able to speak she only made out, “Water.” Which Eria had prepared, bending down to let Ruby drink from a metal cannister, making sure she didn’t drown. Eria stroked Ruby’s hair and even kissed her, tasting them both.

“So, my dear. How was that?”

“Can you hit me with that again?” Ruby managed to say between breaths.

Eria laughed and kissed her cheek. “Only if you continue to amuse me.” She looked back at the broken cane. “The remnants of that cane is yours to keep. It’s a BDSM tradition.” She stroked the length of Ruby’s hair, from top to bottom.

Ruby, still at peace, immersed in the afterglow of both the orgasm and beating, looked up at her Mistress Eria. She spoke without shame, without reservation, “Does your offer of keeping me forever still stand?”

“Of course. Is that what you want?”

“I don’t know, but I was compelled to ask.”

Eria, who was surprisingly strong, lifted Ruby up in her arms and laid on her on the bed. “I would keep you in an instant, but only if that’s what you wanted. But, we are only part way through the first of three days, how about we leave that decision for the end?”

“Yeah, sure. Probably best.” Ruby nestled into the blankets and pillows. “I don’t even know what I am.”

“Outside of a few triggers, your personality is entirely intact, as promised. Everything you just did you could have stopped at any time. I have not changed you. All I have done is box up your trauma, your bloody past, that which made you ashamed to submit and stowed it away deep inside your mind.”

“I don’t remember anything, I don’t think.” Ruby admitted.

Eria got up and decided it would be best to take a shower. “I’m going to wash; the bathroom is right next door. I’m going to leave you here, remember to drink water. I’ll be back before you know it, but if you need me, just call, okay?” Ruby nodded. Eria leaned in and brushed Ruby’s dark hair lovingly. “Rest now, sweet girl. I’ll be back soon to lull you to peaceful sleep. Then I’ll wake you when it’s time for you to prepare lunch.”

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