Elf Slave Betrayal
Chapter 5 — Journey
by JayInkwell
Bon had no legitimate reason to complain on this first day of walking towards the dungeon.
Bon was treated with respect by Ti, Zent, Xio, and Kadn. Bon knew he was nowhere near the power of his companions. Bon was grateful for this unearned respect. Bon also enjoyed the experience of repeatedly seeing impressive new vistas without the drudgery of walking every step. The weather was pleasant as well.
Bon’s problem was next to him. Aareesha was beautiful. She was his. He wanted to fuck her, and fuck her, and fuck her again. He couldn’t do that and travel at the same time.
Ti chortled as he watched Bon’s eyes caress her body. He said, “Bon, there’s no need to be embarrassed about being randy. We all have female elf slaves. We’ve all been there. It would have been better if we could have let you enjoy her, morning to night, for half a year or so. That’s when it’s easier to think about things other than fucking her. We simply didn’t have that kind of time. When we set up camp you can take pleasure from her to your heart’s content.”
Aareesha’s face reddened. She didn’t want anyone to know she was enslaved to a mere human. She was surrounded by men who knew she was enslaved to a man and that her master routinely took sexual pleasures from her. Her shameful situation was impossible to hide. She had swiftly fallen from being a virginal princess to being a human’s cocksleeve.
Bon replied, “thanks. I appreciate that. It’s not only that. I don’t feel equal to the rest of this party.”
“Nonsense. Have you ever played Achisi? It’s a two-player game. You take turns to move your pieces and try to capture the fortress of your opponent. Every piece has a different ability. There are no dice, and everything is visible. I was once the Achisi city champion. Winning requires that you think ahead, making the pieces work together with their different strengths and weaknesses. We all have strengths and weaknesses. If we work together, we can accomplish more than what we could separately.”
“Perhaps,” Bon conceded, “but each of you have so many powers. For example, you, Zent, and Xio are physically stronger, even stronger than I am when Aareesha massages me. You also don’t have to take massage breaks every 4 hours to rejuvenate your strength.”
“That’s not due to strength of character, I assure you. We probably started stronger than you. All of us fighters have been massaged in a way that makes the process permanent. It takes 3 months and it’s expensive as hell. Yet you end up with a permanent power and it feels great.”
“Why didn’t Kadn have that treatment?”
“Kadn says that treatment would interfere with his spells. He is all about the magic. He is good at it. Remember, every piece has different abilities.”
“Have you worked together long?”
“Over a year. Some of us sometimes paired up before. A team that has learned to trust each other, and practiced working together, can beat adversaries you wouldn’t expect them to beat.”
“Are you angry that Elder Fohn forced me onto your team?”
“Are you kidding? I suggested to Elder Fohn that we look for a dungeon specialist for this task. His clerk identified a list of candidates. I selected you as the most promising. Every piece, different abilities.”
At the end of the day they set up camp. Between the three fighters’ speed and Kadn’s utility spells, in ten minutes they had a barricading wall around them, tall tents and tarps set up, and a fire pit with steak dinners beginning to cook. The outside walls began to shimmer. This was a concealing magic from Kadn that would make their camp harder to spot from the outside. Bon found the whole process remarkable. It was obviously well-practiced.
Ti smiled and said to Bon, “go to our guest tent over there. Take your slave. Dinner will be ready in an hour.”
Bon yanked Aareesha’s arm and pulled her into the tent. Moments later he had stripped her clothing from her body and removed his own trousers. Bon inserted his hand into her cunt and yanked out the dildo. She shreaked as the dildo’s spikes scraped her insides. Bon thrust his cock into her tight wet slit. He felt her tight velvety cunt instinctively grip and vibrate his tool. He came at once and yelled out a powerful groan. Bon gruffly demanded, “heal my cock!”
“Yes, sir, master,” she fearfully replied.
In a few minutes Bon penetrated her again. He came again. Bon wasn’t even trying to delay his ejaculation. He needed to come, and come, and come again. For an hour he repeatedly penetrated her, cumming inside her and bathing her cunt with cum. Aareesha could feel her need to obey him, and her fear of displeasing him, increase each time he did. She felt every day of her life was worse, and worse, and worse.
Bon heard Zent call out, “dinner’s ready! Even for the horny man and his whore!”
Bon reluctantly left his tent. Aareesha emerged a minute later. She was dressed in her skimpy outfit, but she was clearly disheveled and ashamed. Bon sat at the table. Aareesha dithered near the tent, not wanting to be nearer to her master than she was required to be. Her master had clearly exploited her intensely to make up for lost time.
Bon told Aareesha, “sit down here next to me.”
“Yes, sir, master. I hate you so much, master.”
Steak dinner and wine were on offer. Bon wasn’t sure if this was an adventuring party or a celebratory party. A table with chairs had been set up. There were napkins at each seat and a lit candle as the centerpiece.
Zent explained, “creature comforts are awesome. You’ll find this wine pairs well with the meal.”
Everyone sat down to enjoy the meal. Bon wasn’t sure where all this equipment had come from, but he was sure magic was part of the explanation.
Bon finished a delightful meal. He looked at Aareesha and his thoughts turned dark. He wanted to fuck her more. He also wanted to punish her. Hurt her. Make her cry out in pain. He knew this feeling was a side-effect of her cunt’s juices, but he found this desire was hard to resist. He didn’t have any reason he had to resist it. He wouldn’t be able to cause as much pain in her as he wanted to, though. He had his paddle, but she was no longer wearing the excited rune. She only had a minor imprint of the excited rune, so she would be merely somewhat more sensitive to pain. He wanted to hurt her more. Bon was unnaturally strong, thanks to his massage. Bon could briefly increase his strength further. He didn’t want to permanently damage his property, though.
Ti seemed to understand what Bon was feeling. Ti gestured to Bon to come with him away from the table. Once they’d moved away, Ti whispered, “Bon, her hate-filled outbursts are entertaining, but she really should treat you with more respect. You’ll want to show her who’s boss more forcefully. I have something I can lend you until we arrive at our destination. I think you’ll enjoy it. I think it’ll improve things with her. Promise me you’ll return it, that’s all I ask.”
Bon whispered his reply, “gladly, I promise.”
Aareesha, still at the table, fearfully watched the two men conversing. She couldn’t make out what they were saying. She saw Ti hand Bon a small bag. She feared this exchange might make her life worse.
Bon took Aareesha’s hand and led her back to their tent. “Strip,” said Bon. Aareesha obeyed. She knelt in front of him, tits out, hands behind, legs spread. Bon walked behind her and squatted. Aareesha stayed in position, fearful of what would happen next. Bon pulled her hair back and placed an emerald necklace around her neck. She stiffened when she realized what he’d put on her. Bon stood. He stroked the emerald ring he’d also borrowed from Ti.
Aareesha collapsed in writhing agony. She could feel as if her whole body was burning in fire and freezing in ice, while her skin had the sensation of being repeatedly ripped off her body with hooks. She made no sound. Her voice was unable to make any. Her eyes completely rolled back. The imprinting of the excited rune increased her pain even further, and the clear rune ensured she felt its pain unfiltered. Intellectually she knew that none of these sensations were real. The necklace worked by magically making her mind perceive that these pains were happening to her body. In practice it was irrelevant that there was no fire, no ice, no hooks. Her face revealed the depth of the agony she was experiencing.
Bon felt a deep unkind pleasure as he watched her writhe in pain. His cock stirred. Bon heard Ti’s voice outside the tent say, “may I enter?”
“Of course,” replied Bon.
Ti entered the tent. He smiled when he saw Aareesha squirming in pain on the ground. Ti explained, “This will let you harshly train her. Female elves almost always obey their male guardians in elven lands, even when they’re not trained by their cunts. You can now see one reason why. The emerald necklace works on any female. Females can’t take off the necklace, only males can take the necklace off a female. Only males can use an emerald ring to enable or disable the nearest emerald necklace. Such magic is good at keeping females in their place. I especially enjoy watching it work on female elves.”
“You don’t like elves much, do you?”
“My parents and siblings were cruelly tortured and killed by elves, for no good reason. Zent and Xio had close family members tortured and killed by elves too. We all enjoy seeing elves receive pain. Use the necklace as often as you want while you have it. No pain is enough for elves.”
Bon stroked the emerald ring again. Aareesha was finally released from her induced pain. She leaped onto her hands and knees. She kissed and licked Bon’s feet. She exclaimed, “oh please, sir, master, please don’t do that again. Please! Please! I’ll try even harder to please you and obey you. I won’t dare act disrespectfully to you. I will address you with perfect respect. Please don’t, please don’t, please don’t use that necklace on me again.”
Bon turned to Ti and said, “It certainly has an effect on her.”
Ti smiled. “It certainly does. She was doing her best to obey you and please you before we started our journey. I think she will now do her best to also treat you with the respect and deference you richly deserve from her. Don’t accept anything less.”
Bon replied, “I like the effect of the necklace on her. It’s not as much fun to cause, though. I enjoy the visceral feeling of applying a paddle to her rear end after I’ve fucked her.”
“Pros and cons, pros and cons. Anyway. You are our guest. We’ll handle all the watches. She’s your property. I’m sure you’re eager to take your pleasure from her. You decide what to do with her the rest of tonight. I suggest applying the necklace to her several more times tonight. You should ensure she gets the message of who is in charge.”
Aareesha looked up at them both in terror.
Ti smiled and exited the tent. He left Aareesha’s fate entirely in Bon’s hands. Ti was certain the female elf would not enjoy her night.
Bon emerged in the morning from his tent. Aareesha followed, crawling on her hands and knees, completely naked except for the emerald necklace.
She fearfully pled to Bon, “Sir, master, I live for your pleasure. I will do all you ask and more. Please allow me to serve you! I will treat you with boundless respect!” She bowed to him all the way down so her forehead touched the ground.
Ti decided that Bon had forcefully taught her valuable lessons about her proper place. It was clear Aareesha had begun to learn some lessons.
Bon ate breakfast. Aareesha knelt next to him, holding her hands up like a begging dog. Bon fed Aareesha scraps with his hand into her mouth, like a dog. She fearfully ate from his hand. Once the food was gone she licked his hand affectionately. She choked down any complaints. She did not dare complain.
She looked up and told Bon, “Thank you, sir, master. I exist to please you, master. I will always speak respectfully to you, master. Please don’t use the emerald necklace on me again, sir, master.” She gently licked his hand again.
Ti announced, “Bon, don’t expect that to last. Female elves typically don’t stay humble. Clearly she can learn, at least temporarily. Enough about that. We need to get going.” Bon nodded to Aareesha. Aareesha went to the tent and put her clothes on. Camp was struck in minutes. An ellipse appeared in mid-air. The party continued their journey.
It was the afternoon of their third day of travel.
“Let’s camp here,” said Ti, “we don’t want to get too close and give away our arrival. Kadn, too bad we didn’t have a nice thick forest to travel through this time.”
Kadn chuckled. He smiled and said, “yeah, well, fuck you Ti.”
Ti smiled back at Kadn and turned to Bon to explain. “Sorry, that was a private joke between us. Kadn’s wormhole skill is awesome. It makes it easy for us to travel through plains and deserts. It’s trickier to travel through forests. You can’t see far on the ground inside a forest. So, we try to go around forests. When we must go through a forest, we use a wormhole to get near the top of a tall tree, then travel with wormholes from treetop to treetop. It’s tricky for Kadn. He needs to place each wormhole near a tree trunk so we can transfer between the treetops. One time when we were traveling through the treetops, he created a new wormhole, and a swarm of bees buzzed through. He got his face full of stingers. It was hilarious.”
Kadn smiled in mock exasperation. “Did I mention fuck you, Ti? Fuck you, Ti.”
Ti smiled back and continued. “Thing is, there aren’t many magicians who can do what Kadn does. We are grateful for Kadn’s skill. Still, stuff happens. When that happened he dispelled the wormhole, we eliminated the bees, Xio healed him, and our journey continued. Sometimes things go wrong, but with so much skill in the team, we survive and gain a good story.”
Kadn rallied back with a grin, “good story? You weren’t the one with the stingers in your face.”
“Fair point,” replied Ti with a good-natured smile.
Once they ate, Bon brought Aareesha back to their tent. Aareesha knew that another lengthy time of her servicing Bon was about to begin. She could hope he would not torment her with the necklace. It was a faint hope.
Bon ensured her hopes were dashed. He ensured she understood the meaning of lengthy harsh training.
In the morning of the fourth day Bon emerged from his tent. Aareesha meekly followed behind him. They joined the other party members for breakfast. Bon reluctantly returned the emerald necklace and emerald ring to Ti. Ti accepted, saying, “you’re welcome. We’ll see if we can help you get your own someday.”
Camp was soon struck afterwards.
The party walked through wormhole after wormhole. Bon realized they were rounding a mountain and entering a valley. Kadn seemed to be placing wormholes in covered spots that were not as easy to see from all angles. Ruins of occasional houses were visible around them. They walked through a wormhole that led them to ruined building. A hole in one of its walls revealed wide steps leading down to darkness.
“Here it is,” announced Ti. The experienced fighters drew their swords. Bon pulled out his sword as well. Bon noticed that the team had changed their positions. Zent the tank was out in front. Ti was on Zent’s right. Xio was on Zent’s left. Both Ti and Xio were a step behind Zent. Kadn the magician was behind Zent the tank, placing himself between Ti and Xio. Bon placed himself behind Kadn. Aareesha cowered behind Bon.
The party began descending the wide stairs leading down to darkness.