Elf Slave Betrayal
Chapter 4 — Meet the team
by JayInkwell
This is a work of erotic fiction. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental. Do not do anything like this in real life. If you’re a minor, or don’t like these kinds of stories, don’t read it. All characters in sexual situations are eighteen or older.
You may share this text freely with others, as long as you don’t modify it (other than text formatting changes and fixing typos).
Snaps (likes) and suggestions of this story are appreciated. Please also check out my other stories!!
Bon found himself dressed in his adventuring gear and meeting this small team. He couldn’t help but be impressed. Every single member was a hero. That is, they had all helped kill a male elf at least once. The team consisted of four warriors. Three were fighters. One was a magician.
Ti was the unofficial leader. As a fighter he was fast, heavily armored, and had a powerful sword attack. He was also a quick thinker and was the tactician of the group.
Zent didn’t have a powerful attack, but he was also quick and nearly invulnerable. His aura turned most powerful physical and magical attacks at him into minor annoyances. He acted as the team’s tank and cook.
Xio was nearly as fast as Ti and had a decent set of sword attacks, minor magical attacks, and could also use a bow. Xio explained that he usually acted as a wingman for Ti, in both combat and in bars. Xio also had some small abilities as a healer.
Kadn was the magician of the group. He had a collection of attack, defense, healing, and utility spells. One of his most unusual spells was his ability to form a human-sized wormhole between two places that he could see, as long as both sites were being hit by sunlight. This spell had various limitations, such as how long he could keep the wormholes open, a delay time until he could cast it again, and a maximum distance between the wormholes. The wormholes were always oriented so you could walk through them, so they could not create a surprise trap under someone. Yet this was still a powerful spell. As long as there was sunlight, the party could typically travel around 250 miles each day.
Every team member had an array of magic gear, including magic belts that slowed male elves better than Bon’s did. Bon knew this wasn’t simply a team. This was an elite team.
After meeting each, Bon went back to Ti.
“So,” said Ti, “what do you think?”
“I’m impressed,” replied Bon, “I’m not sure you need me.”
“We have experience fighting in cities and open areas. We’re especially good at fighting one or two male elves. You have more experience with ruins and dungeons. Your primary mission won’t be to fight, but to help us wisely deal with the traps and undead guards of dungeons. You’re a specialist. We want your specialty. Please join us.”
“Can I bring my slave? She can buff me and she has healing powers.”
“Yes. Both skills are useful. She might also be excellent as bait and as a distraction. We’ll give you each a communications device while we’re working together. It will let you coordinate with the rest of the team and our sponsor. We’ll split any loot, with our sponsor receiving two shares.”
“How long will it take?”
“Three days out, perhaps three days there, three days back. It’s the under-dungeon of an old elven city. We’re expecting many traps and undead. We believe a pair of male elves is hiding there.”
Bon mulled it over. He was enjoying his new life. Intentionally going where male elves lived was dangerous. Yet these were powerful teammates, the time commitment was small, and his share might be valuable. He’d never partnered with anyone this powerful. This was a set of powerful teammates. They weren’t required to fight if the odds were against them. In his life he had avoided taking the big risks that led straight to death. Yet he knew avoiding all risks was the road that led to poverty and starvation. Disappointing an elder was unwise, while agreeing to an elder’s request was often beneficial. This opportunity seemed like the kind of calculated risk that was worth taking. He knew he’d regret it later if it didn’t accept this offer.
Bon replied, “I’ll do it.”
Ti replied, “Excellent. We’ll lend both of you a communications device while we are working together as a party. The rest of us party members, and a representative of our sponsor, also have one. The device will let you stealthily communicate with your party members, even at long distance. We can make the device be any shape, but there are some limitations. For you to be able to hear it, it must touch your body. No one else, even those nearby, will be able to hear it unless it’s touching their body. To transmit your voice to the rest of the party, touch the device with a finger. Don’t make the device a ring, that confuses the “touch to transmit” enchantment. Other than that, it doesn’t matter what its shape is or where you wear it. Most of us chose to make the device an earring or a necklace.”
Bon replied, “make mine a necklace. That’ll safely stay on me.”
Ti nodded his assent. “What about your slave?”
Bon pondered. “Any shape?”
Ti nodded again to confirm it.
Bon smiled and whispered into Ti’s ear. Ti now knew the shape Bon wanted for Aareesha’s communications device. Ti grinned and replied, “an excellent choice, sir. Follow me. Let’s talk further and make plans.”
The party assembled next morning outside the runing building.
Aareesha worried. She was surrounded by powerful men. She could be easily killed by any one of them. As always, she wore clothes chosen by Bon. She was wearing a tight miniskirt and a tight crop top, both made of thin green cotton. She had no underwear. Her outfit covered little. The tight miniskirt barely covered her crotch and kept riding up when she walked. The crop top had a deep scoop and also exposed the lower parts of her breasts below her nipples. When she raised her hands above her head the crop top rode up and fully exposed her nipples. She wasn’t nude, but her outfit was like a cheap prostitute’s. She found her clothes humiliating. At least she was allowed to wear sensible walking boots and she had a practical non-magical backpack. The backpack contained food, water, and other traveling gear.
They were meeting at the runing building. This was where she had begun her final slide into enslavement. She doubted the return to this location meant anything good for her.
The blacksmith went up to Bon and said, “are you sure?”
“Yes,” replied Bon.
The blacksmith handed a piece of charcoal to Bon. They both approached Aareesha. She stood, wondering what was going to happen to her. Bon placed the charcoal on her collar. The blacksmith touched the collar on the back with some sort of wand. Her collar sprang off her neck and rolled onto the ground.
Bon explained, “Aareesha, we may need to use you as bait. If you’re wearing a collar the elves may be too suspicious and won’t take the bait. I assume the elves know about collars and magic runes. The runes have somewhat imprinted on you, so they will continue to have some effect. Most importantly, you must still do your best to obey and please your master, as your mind has been transformed to do this by your vow. Your purpose is still to serve me and my heirs. All of my commands to you are still in effect. When we return I will have your collar placed back on you. Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir, master.”
The blacksmith retrieved her collar so it could be safely stored. Ti handed Bon a large bag. Bon pulled out a gold necklace from the bag and put it on. Ti touched his own necklace and said, “can you hear me?”
Bon smiled. He touched his new necklace and said, “loud and clear.”
Ti nodded in return, indicating that Bon’s necklace was working.
Bon loudly announced, “slave, come here and kneel.”
Aareesha went to her master. She knelt, legs spread, hands behind, tits out. She looked up into the eyes of her master. Kneeling in public, in front of so many powerful men, was humiliating to her. In this position her slit was peeking out to the public, adding to her shame. Aareesha had no tool to resist Bon’s command.
Everyone else in the party had stopped talking. They were all expectantly focused on Bon and Aareesha. Each one was trying to stifle a laugh. Xio briefly failed and openly giggled. Aareesha wondered what was going on. It was humiliating to kneel like this, but she imagined every man had seen a kneeling female elf slave many times before. It appeared that the men all knew something she didn’t. She didn’t know what the in-joke was. It was unlikely to be good for her.
Bon spoke up. “Aareesha, we’re all wearing magic devices so we can communicate with the rest of the party. You need to keep your device in contact with your body so you can hear what others transmit to them. To send a message, touch it with a finger while speaking. My device is a necklace.”
Xio snickered. He was not good at hiding his feelings. Bon continued.
“I’ve selected the shape of your magic device. Let’s see it.”
Bon reached into the bag. He pulled out a large dildo and showed it off to the men.
Aareesha’s elven eyes examined the dildo. It was long, girthy, and veiny. The dildo was designed to be fully inserted into her cunt. It was clearly modeled after Bon’s engorged penis. After many days in his bed, continuously servicing him sexually, Aareesha was thoroughly acquainted with the appearance of Bon’s cock. Its shape had been subtly altered to look ambiguously elven. She realized its shape had been altered into an ambiguously elven shape as a way to mock her. At the dildo’s penile head emerged long dulled spikes. These spikes were clearly designed to hurt her while the dildo was entering, leaving, or simply inside her.
The entire group of men burst out laughing. Aareesha’s eyes teared up in humiliation. She was a princess. The shame and pain of having to have this in her body while they traveled would be continuous and endless.
Bon spoke to her. “Show off, to all of us, how you can get it in your cunt and use it.”
Aareesha looked up to Bon in frustrated anger. “Yes, sir, master. I hate you so much, master.” She took the proffered dildo. She lifted her skirt, exposing her smooth pussy to all of them. She pushed the top of the dildo into her slit. In a flash she pulled the entire dildo into her cunt with her cunt muscles. She gasped from pain as the spikes cruelly pressed into her tender areas. She smoothed down her skirt. The lowest part of her slit peeked below her skirt. Her slit revealed a little of the dildo as well. She raised her middle finger at Bon, a clear “fuck you” for painfully and publicly humiliating her this way. She pressed her pointer finger into her slit to touch the dildo’s base. She angrily said, “can you hear me, my fucking master?”
Every man laughed. Bon grinned. “Yes, my slave,” Bon replied.
Bon looked around. He saw the other men confirm they’d heard it as well through their communication devices. Aareesha pulled out her glistening finger from her pussy. Bon touched his necklace and said, “Can you hear me?”
She looked into his eyes and replied in frustration, “yes, sir, master. I understand you loud and clear, master. You bastard. You bastard.”
The men, including Bon, laughed more. Having enjoyed the show, the men dispersed to pick up their equipment. Aareesha stayed on the ground, kneeling and feeling impotent. She waited for her master’s permission to rise.
Kadn looked around and saw a spot near a city gate. He spoke a word. A flat glowing ellipse, floating vertically in mid-air, appeared next to Bon. Another mid-air vertical ellipse appeared near the city gate. Bon looked into the ellipse next to him. Bon could see the city gate only feet away inside the ellipse, as if the ellipse were a mid-air window to the distant spot.
“Let’s go,” said Ti. Ti walked through the ellipse, stepping over its lower boundary. Bon could see Ti emerging from the matching ellipse near the gate in the distance. Kadn walked through next. Bon could see Kadn reappear in the distance.
Bon motioned to Aareesha to rise. Bon and Aareesha approached the mid-air ellipse that marked the beginning of their next adventure.