Elf Slave Betrayal
Chapter 3 — Honeymoon and its ending
by JayInkwell
Bon woke early in the morning. He looked over to see Aareesha, who had finally fallen asleep. She looked stunningly beautiful. Bon still couldn’t quite believe he had acquired her. Lust flowed into Bon. He had a raging morning wood. He knew how he wanted to start his day.
“Wake up,” grunted Bon, as he lightly shook her awake. “Massage me to give me power, then lie on your back to get fucked.”
Aareesha opened her eyes. Her emotions switched from rest to fear. She realized she was in her waking nightmare. She knew she had to do her best to please him and obey him. She replied, “Yes, sir, master.”
Bon enjoyed the massage. Bon was soon empowered. He enjoyed that feeling immensely. Bon’s cock, instead of being relaxed, had gotten even longer and harder. Bon turned to look into her eyes.
Aareesha decided there would be no better time to appeal to Bon. She had pleased him. Perhaps he would grant a favor to her.
She asked, as calmly as she could, “Sir, master, I have a request. Would you be willing to purchase something expensive and pretty for me to wear? Say a fancy dress and some exotic jewelry? I would be happy to design them or pick them out. As a princess I wore finery. It’s important to me to wear finery. Wouldn’t you like to show me off, sir, master?”
Her heart raced. Now that elvendom had been destroyed, the pleasures she most wanted were unavailable. She so wanted to wear some finery. At least wearing finery was possible in the world of the nasty humans. She had no desire to explain to him why wearing finery was important to her.
Bon examined her sexy body. He said, “Hmm. That might be nice. I would enjoy showing you off. Taking a pretty dress off you could be especially fun for me. I don’t want to spend that amount of money now, though. I have enough money to keep me comfortable for a while, but only if I don’t squander it. Once I have a little more money, I might make some purchases later to dress you up. Not now.”
Aareesha tried to hide her disappointment. He did say he might purchase finery later. This gave her a little hope. She had so few hopes left.
Bon decided he wanted to change the subject. His cock was still rock-hard. Something other than conversation was much more important to him. “On your back, cunt.”
“Yes, sir, master.” She complied.
Bon thrust his hard and outrageously large cock into her waiting tight slit. She cried out as he dominated her wet cunt. He thrust in and out. She pleased his cock with her cunt muscles, stroked his torso with her breasts, and titillated his mouth with her own. He lasted almost a minute. Bon ejaculated, gushing his cum into her cunt. He cried out as he did. She slurped up as much of his cum as she could manage with her cunt muscles. Bon felt his balls drain dry.
Bon shook his head. “I tried to delay my orgasm, but it’s challenging. Heal me up. I’m going to try again.”
“Yes, sir, master.”
He fucked her 20 more times in succession. It was difficult, but he was slowly learning how to resist her wiles so fucking her could last longer. He couldn’t last too long yet. Bon announced, “it’s time for breakfast.”
“Yes, sir, master.”
They went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Bon downed a gallon of water, presumably because they’d had so much sex. Bon enjoyed the view of her essentially naked body on display for him. He also felt unnaturally aggressive. He wanted to hurt her. He wanted to cause her pain. He wanted to brutally show her that he was in control. He now knew this was a side-effect of fucking her, but it didn’t matter. The feeling was tempting.
He realized that her family had tortured and killed an untold number of humans. It would only be justice if she also paid with pain, right? Bon knew this thought was nothing more than another flimsy self-justification. She hadn’t condemned any humans to torment. She was doing everything she could to be obedient and pleasing for him. Yet the self-justification repeated in his head.
Bon thought, « fuck it. » No human would bat an eye if a human master decided to beat his elf slave. Nothing was stopping him. He had an urge to do it. Why was even considering resisting this urge to do what he wanted to do with his property?
Bon commanded, “Go to my office.”
Aareesha promptly stood and started walking to it, while also begging him to change his mind. “Yes, sir, master! Please don’t punish me master! I’ll do everything I can to please you and obey you! Anything!”
She got to the office, with him right behind her. She dropped to her hands and knees before him to literally beg for mercy.
“Please, master, I will do anything you say. Please don’t punish me further!”
“Get on the frame.”
“Yes, sir, master! Please have mercy, master!”
Aareesha sobbed as she got into position. Bon locked her in. He paddled her butt slowly and harshly. She screamed after each strike. Tears flowed from her eyes.
Once the discipline was over, he brought her back to his bed for more repeated bouts of fucking. He lost count before lunch.
For day, after day, after day, the life of Bon and Aareesha revolved around her getting fucked and her getting disciplined. There were only occasional breaks, such as for meals, in the many hours between Bon’s early morning awakening and his late night collapse. Every day Bon sent the local errand boy out to acquire food. This gave Bon even more time to fuck and beat Aareesha.
Bon was enjoying his brutal honeymoon. Aareesha, not so much. Several times a day Aareesha begged, on her hands and knees, for him to not discipline her. Bon agreed that she didn’t deserve to be punished this harshly. His enjoyment from punishing her was clearly induced by magic. He supposed he could do a better job resisting the temptation. Yet punishing her was too much fun for him to stop.
Aareesha hated being enslaved by a filthy human. Her shame was completely eclipsed by her fear of more punishment. She repeatedly begged, without reservation, in the faint hope he might show mercy at some time to her. Even one time. She wholeheartedly kissed his feet, licking them copiously, as she begged. So far her efforts to beg for clemency had all been without success.
Bon and Aareesha ate their lunch. Aareesha feared he was about to brutally punish her again. She prepared to begin her shameless begging. Bon was contemplating whether or not to punish her. It was a performative contemplation. He knew full well he would soon punish her harshly.
Both heard a knock on the door. Bon had no idea who it could be. Perhaps his informant had a juicy new piece of information? Bon opened the door and saw two men, one clearly in front. The man in front was thin and in his early 40s, with a piercing perceptive gaze. Bon recognized the man in front. Bon was surprised by the identity of his visitor.
“Elder… Fohn?,” Bon stammered.
“Yes. The gentleman with me is my bodyguard. May we come in? I have a proposition for you.”
“Certainly, sir.”
Elder Fohn and his bodyguard quietly entered Bon’s townhouse. Elder Fohn lived in a mansion on the other side of the city. Bon had no idea why an elder would come to visit. At one time “elder” meant someone old, but today, “elder” was the title bestowed on each of the official leaders of the city. Wealth and connections, not age, were the primary prerequisites for becoming an elder. Bon had never spoken directly with an elder before.
Elder Fohn spoke to Bon. “Let me cut to the chase. I want to enlist you in one of the teams I sponsor. This team will search a particular ruin and kill any male elves they find there. Team members may also gain treasure and female elves.”
“Male elves? With great respect, sir, that’s way too dangerous for my participation.”
“You are officially a hero, as you have killed a male elf yourself. Don’t worry, though, I don’t intend for you to act as a warrior. This is an elite team of warriors. All have earned the rank of hero many times over. What the team needs is someone who is a specialist in exploring dungeons, especially of elven ruins.”
“Why not send an army?”
“We did that, at Merifuge. We won, at great cost. We killed or captured most of the elves. Most isn’t all, though. Some male elves are on the loose. Even one is dangerous. The remaining male elves have gone into hiding, sometimes in ruins. An army takes a long time to move, so the male elves simply slip away from any army before the army can arrive in force. Getting these male elf stragglers requires a smaller and faster team. Such a team needs power and relevant expertise. We have the power. You’re young, but you’re an expert at exploring and surviving dungeons. We need your knowledge and expertise on dungeons. It doesn’t hurt that you’re also a hero who earned your title recently. You’re not a doddering old man who can’t swing a sword.”
“It was a lucky kill.”
“Any kill of a male elf by a lone human could be considered a lucky kill.”
“That fact doesn’t give me much of an incentive to join. I’ve finally gotten what I’ve been striving for. I would like to enjoy her. Some extra money would be quite nice, but I’d rather stay alive.”
“Helping this team will increase your chances of staying that way. We hear rumors that the elves who’ve escaped are working on some way to kill a massive number of humans on the continent. The elves want to create a fucking lake of human blood. We don’t know how they plan to do this, or if they have a chance of success, but we can’t take the threat lightly. We elders are sending specialized teams to deal with this threat. I want you to join one. Find out what you can and share what you’ve learned. If you can kill a few male elves, do so. We’ll pay you well. You can bring your elf slave if you want. I’ll get you a replacement if you lose her. In addition, you might gain some real treasure. If there is any loot, I expect your share would be valuable.”
Bon dithered. His life was good. This opportunity was pretty good, too. If what the elder said was true, there was a risk of the elves killing many humans if he didn’t help. Bon suspected the elder could also make Bon’s life a living hell if Bon refused. It was unwise to say “no” to an elder. Bon figured that as long as he was likely to live, a powerful friend was better than a powerful enemy.
Bon said, “let me meet the team. If they’re so capable that I expect to live, I’ll join.”
“Good. They’ll also want to meet you before they agree. I think they’ll agree. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.”