Elf Slave Betrayal

Chapter 2 — Her bedroom deceptions exposed

by JayInkwell

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #D/s #dom:male #sub:female #abuse #bad_end #betrayal #blowjob #bondage #brainwashing #clothing #cocksucking #conditioning #cruel_punishment #crying #discipline #dom:villain #enslavement #fantasy #good_end_for_dom #high_fantasy #humiliation #kneeling #light_bondage #magic #manipulation #Master/Slave #mind_control #miniskirt #misogyny #nonhuman_character #nudity #obedience_training #oral_sex #pain #patriarchy #punishment #resistance #short_skirt #slave #slavery #Slavery #slaves #spanking #stubborn_subs #submission #supernatural #thong #training

Bon sat on his bedroom bed. Aareesha knelt on the floor in front of him. Both were naked, except that Aareesha wore her collar. Bon couldn’t help but notice how strikingly beautiful Aareesha was. Bon’s cock raised to full mast.

Bon wasn’t sure if he could trust her or not. He suspected she was all his. Perhaps this was a ruse, though. Bon’s adventuring equipment was in the corner. If she tried to lunge for it, he would notice. As far as he could tell she was untrained in combat, so even if she had a knife he expected to be able to defeat her. Bon decided the situation was safe enough.

“So, slave,” said Bon, “start by giving me a nice massage to help me feel good and relaxed. Get my cock really hard. After that, I’m going to fuck your cunt. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir, master. I will do my best to please you.”

Bon laid down on his stomach. Aareesha straddled him across his bare bottom. She began giving him a massage, starting at his shoulders. Bon could feel her sensuous fingers gently rub him, pressing here, pressing there.

Bon suddenly felt years of strain in his shoulders vanish. He had no idea his shoulders were so tight until… they weren’t. The pleasure was surprising, like a mini-orgasm.

“What the hell?,” asked Bon, not in anger but in surprise.

Aareesha understood. “For longer than you have been alive, I have carefully studied how to pleasure males. I know how to find pressure points and how to use them to maximize your pleasure. I am also using my healing magics. Daily life causes tiny injuries. I am healing them. Your muscles lack the strength and speed they could have. I am healing that as well. The increase in your muscular power and speed will give you pleasure and make you feel confidently masculine. You are a worthless flimsy human, so your body will never be as good as an elf’s, but it will be better than it was before. The strength and speed my massage gives will only last a few hours, but it will feel good to you while it lasts.”

Aareesha continued her ministrations. Bon’s arms felt pleasure, and speed, and strength. Bon suspected his biceps had never been as strong before. She moved down his back, releasing unexpected tensions and strengthening his core. Her stroking of his ass was surprisingly sensual. Bon’s cock couldn’t help but grow as she massaged his ass. Her fingers continued to caress down the back of his legs, giving Bon one pleasure after another.

“Master, if you’d like to turn over, I will massage your front.”

“Hell, yes. Hell, yes.”

Bon turned over. Aareesha gave his face a massage. Bon had never heard of a face massage, but he found they were sensuous. He looked into Aareesha’s eyes, grabbed the back of her head, and guided her into a kiss. They kissed, with passion. Bon released her and indicated that she should proceed.

Aareesha massaged his front torso, then massaged the front of his legs, working slowly down to his toes. Bon wasn’t sure how she was finding these pressure points, but he could tell she was finding them. His muscles would suddenly relax, causing an immense pleasure of release. This would be followed by warming feelings that indicated his muscles were healing and bulking up. Bon felt like he was becoming a new man.

Aareesha grimaced. She knew what she had to do next. She didn’t want to do it. Yet she needed to do her best to please him.

Aareesha rubbed around Bon’s cock. She then massaged his cock. She began to flow her magic into him.

Bon sat up. “Um, what are you doing?”

“Massaging your cock, sir, master.”

Bon could see her hands were glowing. He was afraid she would harm his family jewels. It didn’t feel like she was hurting him, though. It felt really, really good. Bon looked down at his rock-hard cock and realized something had changed. His cock seemed to have grown several inches longer. It was girthier too.

Bon declared, “get on the bed. On your back. Now. I’m going to fuck you.”

“Yes, sir, master,” she said as she hurried to obey. She lay on her back on the bed next to him, and spread her legs under his. He rolled over her, placing his hips between her legs. He moved her. He realized she suddenly felt light to his beefed-up body. He lined up his cock so he could thrust his monster cock into her pussy.

Bon thrust his cock into Aareesha. Bon discovered her cunt was quite tight, yet wet and velvety. His powerful muscles easily overcame her tightness as he pistoned in and out of her. Her cunt vibrated around his cock, intensifying his pleasure. Bon felt other muscles in her cunt stroking his cock in unfamiliar and pleasurable ways.

She reached her hands around his neck and drew him into a kiss. Bon discovered her ability to kiss with her tongue made his whole mouth feel like a delightful fire of sugar and pepper. She sensuously pressed her perfect tits into his chest. He could feel her hardened nipples stroke pressure points of delight.

Bon found himself ambushed with simultaneous pleasures. He had thought he’d had great pleasures before. His mind was blown on top of a blown mind. The pleasure was overwhelming. Delaying his cumming was like yelling at the ocean.

Bon thrust hard into Aareesha and stayed fully inside her. He came, and came, and came again. He bellowed as he came, a primal roar he could not control nor did he want to. He soaked the inside of her cunt. Aareesha pumped, with her cunt muscles, as much cum from him as she could.

Bon felt his balls emptying. Soon he was absolutely spent. He was riding a high he’d never felt in his life. He collapsed on top of Aareesha. She made no effort to escape.

Aareesha felt the impact of having her cunt bathed with cum. She felt herself needing to become a little more obedient to him. This was a useless desire, as she could do nothing else. She also became a little more fearful of his displeasure. She was doing her best to please him. Yet she knew her fears would grow that she was not doing enough to please him. She lay there, trapped under Bon’s powerful collapsed body. Her cunt stayed impaled on Bon’s cock.

Bon stirred after a few minutes. He pulled his cock out of her and sat up on the bed.

Bon said, “What the hell was that?”

Aareesha answered, “I must do my best to please you. I’ve spent over forty years of my life learning how to best please a male. You have experienced my wholehearted best.”

“I thought fucking you was great before. Why didn’t you do that earlier?”

Aareesha sighed. This was one of the two bedroom secrets she’d been hiding from him. She now had to reveal this secret.

“Before, I was required to give you pleasure, but nothing compelled me to do my best. I’ve been doing whatever I can to minimize the pleasure I give you. I can’t control some of my body reflexes that naturally pleasure males, so I satisfied the magical compulsions to please you. I was doing everything I could to make you think I couldn’t do better. I tried to keep my full abilities a secret. Everything has changed. Now I must do my best to please you.”

Bon sighed contentedly. He exclaimed, “yeah, it pleases me. Oh yeah.”

Aareesha pursed her lips. She had one more secret of the bedroom. Her greatest bedroom secret. It was a secret she was desperate to hide from him. Yet if he indicated the slightest interest in knowing her secret, she would be compelled to reveal it.

She thought, « please gods no, please no, please, please, please. Don’t have Bon do anything that would make me reveal my greatest bedroom secret. Please no. »

Bon said, “that was amazing. Thank you. It’ll take me days to recover from that.”

Aareesha’s heart crashed. The gods were cruel. There was no way to keep her secret once he had said that. She could feel her mouth prepare to reveal her greatest bedroom secret. The secret she wanted Bon to never know. Ever. Her mouth opened to betray her.

“Oh sir, master, I’m a healer. I can heal you in about five minutes with my magic. I’ll completely restore your ability to cum again. You can fuck me again, and again, and again, as many times as you want to, every day, in any way you want to. Oh gods, I didn’t want to reveal that secret to you. I hate you so much.”

Bon sniggered. “Now that the cat’s out of the bag, let’s fill up your pussy with my cock again. Heal me up!”

“Yes, sir, master.”

In five minutes Bon’s cock was completely restored. Bon celebrated by penetrating her cunt again. He again couldn’t prevent his premature ejaculation. He simply couldn’t adequately resist her onslaught of feminine pleasures. She healed him again. He fucked her again. His ejaculation was again immediate. She healed him again, and he fucked her again. He lasted a few more seconds. Bon decided he would work to learn how to restrain himself in this new circumstance.

It took 20 tries, but Bon finally managed to regain some self-control. He managed to piston her cunt a number of times, lasting perhaps 10 seconds, before he filled her cunt with cum. This, in spite of her focused efforts to overwhelm his self-control through sexual pleasure.

Bon next tried fucking her throat. He discovered she had exquisite control over her mouth and throat. Her tongue was inhumanly expert at pleasuring his cock. She stroked his cock in many places at the same time. Bon couldn’t avoid premature ejaculation the first few times. He finally managed some partial resistance to her throat’s wiles.

Bon said, “I’ve never tried ass. Turn over, feet on the floor..”

Aareesha obeyed. Bon lined up and thrust into her from behind. As always, he was hard. She was humiliated from having to sexually pleasure a human. Being fucked in the ass by a human was even more humiliating. She pleasured his cock with muscles all along her anal canal. He soon came into her ass.

Bon tried out her ass several times. He briefly washed, then went back to repeatedly fucking her cunt. After nearly 4 hours Bon decided he wanted a brief break for supper.

Bon smiled. “That was amazing. I thought fucking you the past two weeks was the best thing ever. I had no idea you were holding out. I’m glad you aren’t any more. This is the best thing ever.”

“Thank you, sir, master. I’m doing my best to please you, sir, master.”

“You did please me. Let’s stop for now.”

“Thank you, sir, master. I wanted you to never know this secret. I feared you would exploit me. As you are exploiting me. I hate you, master.”

“I see. Well, that doesn’t matter, does it? I’m going to clean up. We’ll eat. After that, you’re going back to the bedroom. I’ll be fucking you like that for days and days.”

Aareesha didn’t like this idea at all. She was horrified. Bon would be raping her, over and over again, day after day. She had no idea how to prevent it. She couldn’t prevent it. Through her actions she would do everything in her power to encourage it.

Bon said, “downstairs for supper.”

“Yes, sir, master.”

Bon put on a robe, keeping her naked, as they went to the kitchen. They ate a light supper. As they ate, Bon could feel his muscles weakening and slowing. He grew suspicious and grabbed a kitchen knife.

Bon demanded, “what have you done? I’m feeling weaker and slower.”

She replied, “Master, my buffs from massaging you will only last about 4 hours. You are returning to your normal strength and speed.”

“Can you fix it?”

“Yes, sir, master. Give me ten minutes to massage your body. Your increased strength and speed will return. I can do this massage every four hours to any male, so I can keep you continuously in this heightened state.”

“Do so, then,” said Bon as he stood and whipped off his robe.

She stood, walked behind him, and began a rapid massage at the back of his neck. She slowly moved her hands across his skin all around his neck. He felt strength and speed return, as well as magical pleasures. She stroked the skin on his right arm, then his left, then all around his chest. She kept working down. When she stroked his cock it grew inhumanly long and hard. She continued working down until she’d stroked his feet.

Bon felt like a minor god. He looked down at her. She was kneeling and continuing to rub his feet.

Bon said, “Thank you. That feels amazing. I want you to keep me strong and fast.”

“Yes, sir, master.”

“Can I combine this with my magical power to increase my speed and strength?”

“Yes, sir, master, I would think so. My buffing ability and your magical power work differently. They should stack.”

Bon pulled out a loose metal nail. The nail was thick, yet he found he could bend it with little effort. He briefly surged his strength and speed using his magic power. The nail now felt like paper in his hand, bending easily to his might. Bon smiled and let his surge go. This combination could be useful later.

Bon said, “I’m also feeling… the desire to be cruel. I can’t pinpoint when that started. Is that magical? Are you causing this?”

“Yes, sir, indirectly, though I don’t want to. Whenever you fuck my cunt, you will temporarily feel a little more aggressive. You’ll have a desire to brutally show me you are in control and I am not. It’s a natural consequence when a male fucks a female elf in her cunt. You can easily resist this urge. It will go away in a few hours.”

Aareesha thought to herself that many males elves did not try to resist it. Indeed, they reveled in it. She didn’t seem to be compelled to reveal that information to Bon. She sure as hell didn’t want to reveal it.

Bon thought for a moment and asked, “is there a reason I should resist this urge?”

Aareesha turned pale. She replied, “yes, sir, master, if you give in to this urge, you will give me great pain. There’s no negative consequence to you. You have repeatedly thanked me when I did something. You’ve shared your food with me. I had hoped you would treat me well once I agreed to do my best to obey you and please you. I was even willing to choose to be yours instead of an elf’s. I had hoped you would not betray my trust in you.”

“Well then. I guess you’ll learn better. Go to the discipline frame in my office. Prepare to be strapped in.”

“Oh, gods. Please be merciful! I hate you so much!,” said Aareesha as she walked towards the discipline frame.

Bon followed and strapped her in. She could no longer move her arms or legs. Her bare buttocks stuck out, exposed and undefended. He pulled out a paddle.

“Well, slave,” he said, “is the excited rune still active?”

“Yes, sir, master, you know it is. My body is unnaturally sensitive to pleasure and pain. Any punishment you give me will cause me immense pain. Especially now, with the enhanced strength I’ve given to your body. Please don’t paddle me, sir, master. Especially now. Please!

Bon wondered what he was doing. He wasn’t normally cruel. He had tormented Aareesha earlier, but that was to break her in. He had had a reason to make her feel pain. He had no reason to inflict pain on her now. She had given every evidence she was fully broken in. He hadn’t intended to do this when he bought her. Did he really want to do this?

« Of course, » he thought, « additional punishments would make her fear me more and further ensure her compliance. » As he thought it, he realized this was a paper-thin justification. A reason to give when you didn’t want to admit the real reason. Even he knew this was not the real reason. Bon felt a powerful desire to make her suffer. To make her feel pain. Not to teach her anything, but for the sheer pleasure of showing her who was in command. She was trapped and helpless. He knew she would be unable to do anything if he gave in to these dark, primal urges.

Bon pulled back the paddle and gave her ass a hard whack. He could see her ass fully flatten as the paddle made contact. The discipline frame, made of sturdy wood, slightly bent and rebounded from the impact.

Aareesha screamed as overwhelming pain suffused her body. She could not stop screaming. She screamed, and screamed, and screamed. His increased strength had intensified his punishments. The excited rune made her unnaturally sensitive to the pain. She would normally have gone unconscious from shock, but the clear rune prevented her from entering shock.

Bon was glad this townhouse was somewhat soundproof. He was sure the neighborhood could hear anyway. She continued screaming. Bon found he had enjoyed striking her immensely. It had felt so good. He knew the feeling was magically enhanced, but that didn’t reduce its pleasure. His cock engorged, knowing he had such utter power over her.

She screamed for several minutes. After that, she began to calm down. She looked up to the mirror and into his eyes. She decided begging was her only hope.

“Oh please, sir, master, I’ll do anything if you would refrain from any more punishments today. Please, sir, master, anything at all.”

“Wouldn’t you do anything to the best of your ability for me after I punished you further?”

“Yes, sir, master, yes, I would. Oh please don’t punish me further. Please. By the gods, please.”

“It sure feels good to me, though.”

She knew she had no answer for this. Bon raised the paddle and struck her hard again.

“AAIIEE!,” she screamed. Her screaming continued for a few minutes. Bon watched her ass. It almost went black on the initial stroke. The stamina rune healed her ass in less than a minute to a dark red “freshly spanked hard” look.

Bon finally came up with another justification for her punishment. He said, “don’t you dare hide information from me again. I will punish you now for not telling me you weren’t doing your best. From now on, if you think I want to know something, you tell me immediately.”

“Yes, sir, master! Yes, sir, master! I will, I will, I will!

Bon knew this was a rationalization. At least it sounded plausible. Cruelly punishing her felt so good to Bon. He decided he would allow himself to briefly enjoy it.

Bon slowly gave her a dozen strokes. He allowed three minutes for her to scream after each strike. He then released her.

Aareesha dropped to her knees and began kissing his feet. “Thank you, sir, master, for releasing me. I will do anything to please you. Anything at all. Anything. I will never hide any information from you again. Oh please don’t punish me further.”

“Good to know. Back to the bedroom. I’m going to fuck you until late into the night.”

“Yes, sir, master. I will do my best to please you, master.”

She did. She fearfully did her all to obey him and please him as he repeatedly fucked her late into the night. Over and over, again and again, he fucked her and had her restore his cock. She found it horrifying that she had to use her magic to repeatedly enable him to harshly fuck her again. His massive magically-enhanced cock would have stretched her beyond endurance, but her healing magic instead allowed her cunt to be ripped and re-ripped by his massive member.

Late at night he fell asleep at last. She shivered from fear in his bed, under his massive bicep. Sleep eluded her. She did not dare go anywhere without his express permission. She shifted to her side and sniffled.

She feared what her life would be like from now on. If she had known her future, it would not have given her any comfort.

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