Elf Slave Betrayal
Chapter 1 — Lives changed
by JayInkwell
This is a work of erotic fiction. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental. Do not do anything like this in real life. If you’re a minor, or don’t like these kinds of stories, don’t read it. All characters in sexual situations are eighteen or older.
You may share this text freely with others, as long as you don’t modify it (other than text formatting changes and fixing typos).
This work is my own, but it was inspired in part by the “Elf Slave CYOA” jpeg of lists such as elf subraces, encounter, magical enchantments, and so on.
This story is a continuation of my story “Elf Slave.” You can read this continuation without reading “Elf Slave” first, but you might prefer to read them in order.
Snaps (likes) and suggestions of this story are appreciated. Please also check out my other stories!!
Today was a pivotal day in Bon’s life. On his left lay the body of Eeltanuu, a male elf who had almost killed Bon. On Bon’s right knelt Aareesha, his female elf slave. Moments ago she had vowed to always do her best to obey him and to please him, and that she would always serve him and his heirs forever. The magic runes Bon had placed in her collar had finally crushed her resistance. She wore nothing but her collar. She had her hands behind her back, her tits thrust out, and her legs spread to show off her wet smooth slit. She breathed laboriously, trying to recover from the final destruction of her free will. She looked up to his eyes, in pleasure and in fear, ready to obey him.
Bon pulled out a piece of paper he had prepared in the hope of this day.
“Aareesha,” Bon said, “I have a few instructions you must obey.”
“Yes, sir, master.”
Bon began reading from the paper. “You may never harm me or let me come to harm. You must protect my life with your own. You must protect my property unless I indicate otherwise. You must not allow yourself to be killed or permanently harmed, unless it’s required to protect me or if I agree to it. You may never lie to me. You must volunteer information if I indicate that I would want to know something like it. Will you obey these commands?”
“Yes, sir, master.” She had expected the adore rune to give her pleasure from obediently responding to him as he had commanded. There was barely a spark.
“What are you feeling?”
Aareesha paused for a moment, trying to put her thoughts into words. “I feel relaxed, because I am no longer resisting the magic runes you put in my collar. My resistance is over. I will do my best to obey you and please you. I feel anger and hate towards you, because I am now fully controlled by you. I feel shame, because I could not hold out against the runes. I also feel shame because I am an elf princess serving a mere human. Humans are worms compared to elves, yet I, a princess, am a slave to such a worm.”
“You hate me, eh? If you desire to do all you can to please me, I would have thought you would like me.”
“No, sir, master. My emotions don’t work like that. I cannot make myself feel a certain way. The magic doesn’t change my emotions. My vow requires that I do my best to obey you and to please you. If I discover what would better please you than whatever I’m currently doing, or if you give me a command, I will do it to the best of my ability. My own will is thoroughly crushed. I am under a magical compulsion to do so. If you want me to act as if I am deeply in love with you, tell me so, and I will do my best to act that way. This obedience is different than my feelings. I am aware of my own feelings and desires. I merely cannot act on them. My free will is trapped as if it was an observing passenger.”
“Are all the runes in your collar still engaged?”
“Yes, sir, master.”
“Tell me about each rune and how each is affecting you now that you have made your vow.”
“The first rune, the adore rune, gives me pleasure every time I obey an order or receive praise from my master. I’m receiving a tiny amount of pleasure every time I obediently answer you. It’s not much, though. I suspect that the adore rune gives me pleasure proportional to the difficulty of being obedient. I cannot disobey, so I’m unable to get much of a reward. The second rune, the fear rune, makes me fearful every time I think of going against my master’s orders. I’m avoiding thinking about such things, as I am painfully aware I can’t act on those thoughts. The third rune, the punish rune, gives me anguish when I deliberately displease or disobey my master. This is a situation I currently can never cause. The fourth rune, the excited rune, makes my body unnaturally sensitive to pleasure and pain. I fear that you will choose to punish me for your pleasure, as such punishment will cause me immense pain. The fifth rune, the clear rune, gives me mental clarity. It will ensure I can’t go into shock from such pain. The sixth rune, the sorcerer rune, is permitting me to use my magical healing abilities. The seventh rune, the stamina rune, is enabling me to undergo work or physical discipline for long periods of time without injury. The eighth rune, the ensnarement rune, was designed to make it increasingly difficult for me to disobey or intentionally displease my master. Its work is accomplished. I can no longer do either. Even if the collar was removed and the imprint of that rune into my body was expunged, my vow would not be undone.”
“How is the imprinting coming along?”
“I’ve only worn the collar for two weeks. I understand imprinting runes onto a woman would take months. I’m naturally far more resistant to external control by magic compared to a mere woman. It would take years before the collar’s runes would so imprint on me that removing my collar would have no effect. I think I could use healing spells now without the collar. The sorcerer rune restores my natural abilities, so it’s restored instead of fought my innate magic. I never resisted the sorcerer rune.”
“I see. Why should I trust you’ll keep your vow to me, to obey me and please me to the best of your ability?”
“Magic is part of who we elves are. Our innate magic enables us to resist external magic for a time. Once our innate magic is controlled, we are beholden to it. When I made my vow, my body’s essence became aligned to the goals of the ensnarement rune. My free will’s connection to anything that could control my body was swept away. I must now obey and please you as best I can, in the same way that I must beat my heart. I cannot control it. It is what my body is. I’m aware of other desires but magically cannot act on them. Removing the ensnarement rune now would have no effect. Another external power could undo this effect, or temporarily weaken it, but by myself I cannot undo it.”
“I hope that’s true. I will be the judge of that. I must be cautious. For now, go to the closet. I’m going to lock you in the closet and deal with the male elf’s body.”
“Yes, sir, master,” she said as she stood and meekly walked into the closet. Bon locked her in.
Bon turned to look at his defeated foe’s body. It was lying on the floor of his kitchen, pooling blood on the floor. Bon went out for adventures. He never expected an adventure to arrive for him. At least the male elf had had the “courtesy” to let Bon and Aareesha eat their breakfast first. As Bon looked, his professional instincts took over.
Step one was obvious: loot the body!
Bon was disappointed with the loot. Eeltanuu was wearing armor, but it was cheap crap. Perhaps it had been the best he could scrounge up that fit him. Eeltanuu’s sword was magic, but it was also a disappointment. It was a charged sword, with its current charge almost spent. It only had two more charges left. Charged weapons worked well in a pinch, but were much less valuable than magic weapons that were continuously powerful. Eeltanuu wore a ring with the insignia of a Merifuge guard. This would have a small value to a collector, but unless it was unexpectedly magical, it had only a small value. Bon put the ring on top of his feather gem. The feather gem gave no glow, confirming the ring’s lack of magic. Bon put the loot in a bag and locked the bag in his bedroom.
The loot was disappointing. Bon wasn’t too unhappy. Bon still had his life. That was something of value to him. There was also the bounty for every male elf. Bon planned to collect.
Bon looked out his front door and saw a boy with a bandanna tied to his left bicep. « Perfect!, » he thought. An errand boy! The city was filled with orphans from the war. Many orphans stationed themselves in the streets to do errands for coin. Bon slightly knew this boy, too. The boy was overly talkative but reliable. Bon stepped outside and spoke.
“I have jobs for you!”
“Excellent, Sirrah Bon! What would you like me to do? I’d be happy to do lots of odd jobs for you, Sirrah Bon! You ask, and I’ll do it, sirrah! You can count on me, sirrah! Yes, sir, sirrah! What would you like me to do?”
“Go to the constable. Try to bring him here. I have a dead male elf in my home. Freshly killed. I want to turn in the elf’s body for the bounty.”
“You have what?!? A male elf? Um, um, are you sure he’s dead? Really dead? Not sleeping but dead-dead? Dead?”
“Yes, yes. After the constable has agreed, I need you to also go to the window shop. I need a new rear lower magic window and someone who will install it. Today, if possible. Come back to tell me when they’re coming.”
“Yes, sirrah! I’ll do both jobs! I’ll go to the constable, then go to the window shop. I’ll get it done, sirrah! You can count on me, sirrah! Anything else, sirrah? I’ll be quicker than you can imagine, sirrah! You can depend on me, sirrah!”
“No, here’s your starting fee.”
Bon placed a few coins in the talkative lad’s hands. The errand boy raced off to do the jobs.
Bon didn’t need to wait long for the row’s constable. The constable arrived with a dozen other people. Bon learned that none of them believed the errand boy’s story. Two worked for the constable. The rest were curious and had come to see the evidence for themselves. The group crowded into Bon’s house and did their best to enter or see into the kitchen. The non-believers were converted when Bon showed off the grisly evidence.
The constable said, “you said you killed this male elf? With only help from a female elf?”
“Yes, sir. He did have only one leg. On my side, I have a magic belt that slows male elves, combat training, and magic that slightly increases my speed and strength.”
“Uh huh. Your humility is charming but unconvincing. Many men have died facing a male elf when they had far more on their side of the tally. You are lucky, more skilled than I thought, or both. Well. Congratulations. You’ve earned the bounty, no question about it. I’ll take the body. In exchange, a runner will bring your bounty to you later today.”
Bon gladly gave up the body to the constable’s two crew members. The crew wrapped up Eeltanuu’s body and prepared to haul it away.
“One more thing,” said the constable, loudly. The constable moved so he could be easily heard by Bon and the people who had followed to verify the story. “Bon, as a man who has killed a male elf, you are now officially a hero, with all the privileges of a hero. Here is your token proving your status as hero.”
The group, who crowded in and around the kitchen, clapped as one. Bon gladly accepted a small gold shield from the constable. Bon had mostly skulked around in dungeons. This small public acclaim felt unexpectedly good to him. He knew this new social status would ease doing almost anything within the city. Bon watched as the constable, his hangers-on, and Eeltanuu’s body made their exit.
Bon soon learned that the window shop had nothing else going on today. In two hours Bon had a new magically-reinforced rear window installed. This new window replaced the one broken by Eeltanuu when he’d stormed into Bon’s house in the morning. In a city full of thieves and the desperate, Bon knew it was important to have a well-protected house. The errand boy had even gotten someone who would properly clean up the mess in the kitchen for a small fee. Soon it was as if the break-in of Bon’s house had never happened. The errand boy was gleeful when Bon paid the boy triple the required coin.
Now that Bon’s house was hard to break in to, he brought his loot to the magic shop and a few other brokers. As Bon had expected, it wasn’t worth much. Thankfully, the bounty was enough to cover the new window, its installation, and some good food to last a while. There was even going to be some left over. Bon was not at risk of bankruptcy or starvation any time soon.
In the early afternoon Bon returned to his home, with better food than he’d had in a while. His multi-year plan had worked out, in a weird way. He had so wanted a female elf slave. He’d known male elves were dangerous, so he’d instead focused on searching ruins for treasure to gain the money to buy a female elf slave. Dungeon delving had been dangerous, but he had managed to earn enough even though he was only 25 years old. In spite of his plans, Bon had ended up fighting a male elf. Bon had won the fight, with Aareesha’s help, surprising even himself. His life’s path had been riskier than he’d intended, but Bon had achieved his life’s goals. He would need to set new goals for himself, but first, he wanted to enjoy what he’d earned.
Bon sat at his kitchen table, alone. He ate a small lunch. This had been an eventful day. He decided that after eating he would extract his female elf slave from her prison in the closet. Bon had found that nothing felt as good as fucking a female elf. He intended to enjoy her to the fullest today, once he was done eating. She hadn’t eaten yet. Bon decided briefly withholding food from her would help ensure she knew he was the boss.
Aareesha knelt facing the closet door, waiting for Bon to open it. The interior of the closet was dark, but she’d heard him re-enter the house earlier. She’d gotten into position then within the dark closet. She expected he would retrieve her soon. She needed to do her best to please him. She didn’t want to please him, but she was compelled to do all she could to please him. She had decided that kneeling when he opened the closet door would be a good way to please him. Her bottom was still in pain from the many paddlings she’d received, so she had no desire to sit while she waited anyway.
Bon stood up and walked towards the closet door. Aareesha heard his footsteps approaching. She pulled her hands behind her back, spread her legs apart even further, and thrust her tits out in a strong arch. She felt she needed to be ready in case he decided to play with his property.
Bon opened the closet door. He looked down to see Aareesha, kneeling. She knelt with her tits out, hands behind her back, and her smooth wet slit wantonly exposed. Her face was beautiful but fearful. She worried her subservience might not adequately please him. Bon smiled a harsh smile as his cock stiffened. Bon planned to thoroughly exploit her body today.
Bon barked, “Stand up, slave.”
“Yes, sir, master,” she said as she stood.
“Go to the bedroom. You said you will do your best to obey me and please me. Let’s see. I expect excellent service.”
“Yes, sir, master,” she said as she rose, “I will give you excellent service. I will do my best to please you and obey you.”
Aareesha’s face showed terror as she walked towards his bedroom. She feared her secrets were about to be revealed to the man she most wanted to hide them from. She walked as a condemned prisoner walking towards the gallows.