Behavior Modification

Chapter 3 — A future

by JayInkwell

Tags: #cw:noncon #cw:sexual_assault #D/s #dom:male #f/m #humiliation #pov:bottom #sub:female #abuse #altered_perspective #betrayal #blowjob #bondage #brainwashing #clothing #cocksucking #conditioning #contemporary_fantasy #covert_brainwashing #covert_conditioning #cruel_punishment #crying #discipline #dom:villain #enslavement #hypno #Hypnosis #hypnosis #hypnotic_eyes #hypnotized #kneeling #light_bondage #manipulation #mind_control #miniskirt #misogyny #modern_fantasy #obedience_training #oral_sex #pain #patriarchy #pov:multiple #pov:top #punishment #resistance #sadomasochism #short_skirt #spanking #stubborn_subs #submission #supernatural #tights #training #urban_fantasy
See spoiler tags : #bad_end #good_end_for_dom

Chapter 3 — A future

I put pain blockers in Stella’s mind, set triggers that would release them, and placed her in a temporary mindless state. This would give me time for some leisurely reading.

I enjoyed reading Stella’s diary entry. I knew what had happened, but it was interesting to read her side of the story. This diary was a treasure I’d keep forever. Once I finished reading, it was time for something different. My eyes spiraled again into hers.

“Stella, those spankings were in the past while you were 18. You’re 22 now. You changed that day. Being a good girl, for those in authority over you, is now an integral part of who you are.”

Stella nodded in agreement.

“That was a really embarrassing time of your life, so you’ll never discuss anything about your past bad behavior and disciplinary sessions with anyone other than me. That includes everyone in your family and all of your friends. You’re glad you’ve shared that information with me and only with me. You’re glad you can share with me why you’re a perfectly good girl today.”

She nodded again. I was glad she had agreed so readily. If she discussed with others those parts of her past, she might discover that others remembered her past rather differently. I released my spiraling eyes.

Stella blinked back to consciousness. She looked at me and smiled. She said, “I was thinking. I’m surprised I shared so much about my past with you. I’m not proud of my past. I was embarrassingly impulsive. I was harshly disciplined for it, too. I never talk with anyone about it. Yet I’m glad you know about it all. I trust you. You’re the only person I want to share those secrets with.”

“Are you afraid you’ll revert to your old habits?”

“No, not at all. I know better. I don’t want to be impulsive like that again. I’ve changed so much.”

Everything was going perfectly. She was so agreeable. I decided it was time to take a risk. It appeared to be no risk at all. I spiraled my eyes at full power into hers. I spoke the commands I’d long hoped to say.

“Stella, remember, you need to be obedient and respectful to all authority figures, especially masculine authority figures. I’m your boyfriend, so I am the most important authority figure over you, more than anyone else. You must obey me, please me, respect me, and tell me the truth. I have the authority to discipline you whenever I choose, in any way I choose.”

Stella gasped.

I expected to swiftly bring her to heel. I had done much to blunt her ability to disobey. She couldn’t turn her eyes away from mine. There was no one near to ask for help. She had a deep-seated need for me. Her remembered experiences had trained her to be obedient. She had never been good at resisting my eyes.

Stella didn’t like this idea, not at all. Stella now did the unexpected. She did not simply say “yes.”

Stella’s breathing accelerated as she began working to resist my commands. She became awake in a way she had never been before. She understood the true stakes now. She had no desire to be a slave. She realized her freedom was in jeopardy.

A war raged inside her mind. She had never resisted me like this before. Her continued hesitation began to worry me. Had I been too impatient? Had I gone too far too soon? She had no experience with directly resisting mind control, yet she was resisting far more than I’d expected. I realized I should have been more cautious. I normally only gave people subtle suggestions. I had never tried to use my powers to permanently crush someone’s will.

I belatedly realized I was taking more risks than I’d intended. People forgot my hypnotic eyes and that I’d given them any suggestions, as long as they didn’t strongly resist my suggestions. Stella had always accepted my suggestions in the past, with at most token resistance.

This was different. Stella was actively resisting. Stella would consciously remember my hypnotic eyes this time, along with the commands I’d given this time. I’d unintentionally given up a huge advantage. She might find a way to disobey or escape, now that she knew what I was doing. This was not good. I had no good way to recover from failure if I failed now.

She stood frozen, neither accepting or rejecting my commands. Our contest of wills had begun. I worked to bore my hypnotic eyes’ power into her eyes. She worked to reject my hypnotic power. Seconds ticked by. One minute. Two minutes. 3. 4. 5. Each of us knew the rest of our lives would be determined by the outcome of this battle of wills.

At the sixth minute her resistance faltered slightly under my continued pressure. Her fear of being a bad disobedient girl, and of the discipline that would result, was subtly corroding her resistance. I exploited her weakening. My eyes’ power bored further into her eyes, gradually pressing down her mental defenses. I never gave her an opportunity to recover.

My eyes’ power slowly overwhelmed her. My previous hypnosis episodes, her new memories, and her imposed submissiveness kept eroding the resistance she was attempting to maintain. Her traitorous memories kept reminding her that good girls submit to masculine authority, and that if she wasn’t a good girl, she’d be brutally punished. I slowly overcame and crushed her willpower like a steamroller. After ten minutes of resistance she surrendered. She quietly nodded, accepting her total defeat. My eyes continued to spiral into my thrall’s defenseless mind. I spoke more words of command.

“From now on you’ll be the perfect good girl for me. You’ll always obey me, be submissive to me, and respect me. You’ll address me as ‘sir.’ You’ll be completely truthful to me and never hide anything from me. You’ll do everything you can to please me, including anything sexual. You’ll devote yourself to pleasuring me. You’ll keep my secrets secret, including my hypnotic abilities. You’ll never do anything to hurt me or my property. You’ll never intentionally displease me. Your purpose is to serve me.”

“Yes, sir,” she meekly replied. “I’ll always be a good girl for you. I’ll be obedient, submissive, and respectful. My purpose is to serve you. I’ll do all you command.”

I smiled. She was now my property, and she knew it. I owned her, mind, body, and soul. She didn’t want to obey, but she would obey. I let my eyes return to normal.

She stared at me in fear. She consciously knew she was subject to my every command. She begged, with her eyes, for me to be gentle with her. There was no chance of that. I smiled the smile of a predator who had captured his long-awaited prey. She was now my toy. I had many rough, mean, and selfish fantasies. I would make every one of them real through my control over her. I was going to fully enjoy living out my every cruel whim.

“You should have accepted my commands immediately,” I declared as I sat down on a nearby chair. “You need some discipline. Bend over my lap.”

She nodded. She obediently and fearfully laid across my lap. Her bust almost poured out of the scoop of her skimpy top. I slowly took off her heels. I pulled up her short flowy blue miniskirt. I yanked her yellow panties down to her ankles. Her bare ass was beautiful, though it was covered with deep purple bruises. I took her wrists behind her back and grasped them with one hand. I trapped her legs with my own in a scissor grip. I reached next to the chair to grab my hairbrush.

I raised my hairbrush high and smacked her ass hard. She screamed, and screamed, and screamed. The strike hurt her like hell. It wasn’t simply the strike itself. The pain blockers I’d set in her head were triggered to end on the first smack of a spanking. She was now feeling the full brunt of a hard smack on top of repeated harsh spankings. She bucked in a useless attempt to escape. I gave her several more hard swats, not because she needed them, but because I enjoyed giving them. She screamed further as tears rained from her eyes onto the floor.

I stopped. After a few minutes she calmed down somewhat. She stayed lying face down on my lap, whimpering and gasping for breath. I commanded, “on your knees.”

She moved like lightning to kneel facing me. She somehow kept her yellow panties at her ankles. Once she was kneeling she gathered her skirts high above her waist. She spread her legs far. She ensured I had a clear view of her slit. I hadn’t told her to pull her skirt up, but I liked it. It made sense. She remembered pulling up her skirt after each spanking. She was doing her best to avoid more discipline. She sniffled repeatedly. She looked up with dread into my eyes. She hung on my every word.

I spiraled my eyes. Her eyes again went glassy. I asked, “was the discipline painful?”

She droned in response, “Yes, sir.”

“Would you want more discipline?”

“No, sir.” Even in a trance she looked alarmed.

“From now on, whenever you think about disobeying or displeasing me, you’ll remember this painful feeling.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied.

“You’ll deeply fear receiving such discipline.”

“Yes, sir.”

“When you feel fear of my discipline, that fear will rapidly grow. You will feel a driving need to submit to me. A feeling of cowardice will grow with your fear. Those feelings will drain away any ability to resist me. You will remember harsh discipline awaits you if you are a bad girl for me. You will remind yourself it would be foolish to be a bad girl. You know it would be foolish to appear brave. The result would be more harsh discipline. You know you will always lose such battles.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’ll avoid doing anything that might cause me to give you a painful discipline session or to extend any such a session.”

“Yes, sir.”

I stopped the spiraling of my eyes. She stayed kneeling in front of me. She hadn’t resisted in that trance session, so she wouldn’t consciously remember it. Now that her trance had ended, her sniffles loudly returned.

I stated, “remember, you promised you’re going to be a good girl for me from now on. I will discipline you when and how I choose. I suggest you work hard to be a good girl for me. Will you be a good obedient girl for me?”

She nodded agreement vigorously. Through her sniffles she replied, “yes, sir. Yes, sir.” Her fear of me was palpable.

I commanded, “stand up. Walk to the wall. Stand facing the wall and put your hands behind your back.”

“Yes, sir,” she replied. She immediately stood up to comply. She left her yellow panties on the floor, not wanting anything to touch her painfully raw ass. Soon she was facing a wall, with her back to me and to our suitcases. I enjoyed the view of her beautiful bare legs, bare feet, and exposed torso. She obediently kept her hands behind her back. Her tiny miniskirt and tight crop-top hinted that her body had even more pleasures for me to savor. Her skirt fluttered as she trembled from her pain and humiliation. Her unambiguous submission was a joy to see.

“Don’t move until I say so.”

“Yes, sir, yes, sir,” she whimpered.

I was now confident she would never disobey me again.

I knew I would have many fun times in the days ahead. I would be spreading her legs and plowing her cunt every night. Every morning she’d be nude and on her knees, giving me a world-class blowjob. There were so many sexual positions I was going to try on her. Her daily clothing style was going to switch from demure to slutty. She would also be serving me hand and foot, fearfully trying to please me with meals and massages and menial labor. Her fear would be justified. I would thoroughly punish her for minor lapses or when I was displeased. I would sometimes punish her merely because I enjoyed doing it, using transparently flimsy justifications.

Next week I’ll make her give me all her money and all her other possessions. A girl who owns something might think she was independent. We can’t have that. She will become completely dependent on me.

I plan to soon require her to break contact with all of her family and friends. I’ll enjoy watching her heart break as she permanently ends her relationships with everyone she loves. They will be shocked, devastated, and suspicious. I will make her insist on ending those relationships. There will be little they can do. I’ll also require her to block everyone she knows, to delete her social media accounts, to erase her digital pictures, and to burn her physical pictures. She will be alone and desperately lonely. I’ll ensure her world will be solely focused on pleasuring me, without any distractions from others or from her irrelevant past. It’s all the better for me. Her loving father and brother might try to rescue her, even if she tells them not to. I wasn’t worried. They’ll be willing to do anything for her, but they’ll be unable to undo what I’ve done.

First, though, I’ll be taking her to bed. She’s hot, she’s vulnerable, and I’m hard. I’ll strip her and give her a fucking that’s rough, harsh, and all about me. I can’t wait to finally take her virginity, even though she doesn’t know she’s intact. She’s unlikely to notice her cherry popping. Her butt will hurt too much for her to notice anything else while I fuck her. If she does notice, it’s not a problem. I could easily make her forget. I could also let her remember, and let her realize her mind was no longer always moored to reality.

I smiled and put my favorite spanking implement, my jet-black hairbrush, back into my suitcase. I placed it next to the tartan skirt, white blouse, and sheer black tights I’d brought. I closed my suitcase. I turned, walked to her, and took one of her hands in mine.

She looked down at her entrapped hand and gulped. Her eyes were wide with terror. She looked back into my face to determine my intent. She found nothing in my face to quell her fears. She gulped again. She knew I had total control of her. My eyes found the door to the cabin’s bedroom. She saw where I had glanced. She now knew what would happen to her next. She trembled.

I led my terrified conquest to my bed and to her new life.


Please check out my other stories if you liked this one!


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