Teacher's Assistant Is A Dutiful Servant

Chapter 6

by JAMmedOut

Tags: #dom:female #f/f #humiliation #sub:female #teacher_student_dynamic #transgender_characters #clothing #exhibitionism #teacher #trans

I am still here. Yes this story is still ongoing. I burnt out pretty bad on writing earlier this year and wasn't able to put anything together. But I'm back, at least kind of.

Avery swallowed wiping her mouth clean. Professor Bindi had required her to pleasure her every morning before classes started. It was always in her office, never at home. In fact, they hadn’t spent much time together lately. The Professor had been busy with a personal project ever since she had gotten back which really only left Avery enough time to focus on her studies and on training Korrine.

Korrine had been great over the last week. She quickly adapted to pretending she was still a functioning person during the day while at night, spending all of her time quickly adapting to serving Avery in everything from cleaning her place to pleasuring her, which she did dutifully. Not that Avery didn’t reward her for such work, but it was definitely more fun not to.

“Thank you Avery, I’ll see you in class.” Professor Bindi spoke plainly, dismissing Avery.

Avery stood up and pulled back on her shirt. “Professor. If I may. You seem to be distracted lately. I could be of more use to you if needed. Please allow me to help you with anything you need. If I did something wrong-“

“Avery, please go tend to the things you need to. I will speak with you after class today.”

The way she spoke was so cold it sent a chill up Avery’s spine. She shivered and fixed her shirt turning to the door. “Of course professor.” She opened the door and left without a sound, nervously wondering what she did wrong.

After class ended, Avery quietly gathered all of Professor Bindi’s papers from the desk shuffling them into their folders and putting them away. She did so as the professor privately scolded another student for failure to understand appropriate ways of controlling their classmates. It seemed the closer they got to the exams the more people were making mistakes. Which was all fine and good, but it did seem to leave Professor Bindi in a bad mood.

Korrine walked up to Avery, her eyes hazy and glossy just from moving closer to her. “Mistress. How may I serve you tonight?” Korrine whispered stopping on the other side of the desk.

Avery smiled. At least Korrine was still dutifully hers. “Hmm…. Perhaps-“

“Perhaps Korrine, you should return home and pack a bag for the long weekend. Avery and I will gather you later.”

Avery turned. Professor Bindi had snuck up behind her while she was distracted by Korrine. “Professor! I’m sorry I didn’t-“

“Shh.” The professor slipped a finger under Avery’s chin tilting her head up to focus on her. “Hush now. Tell your pet to do as I said.”

“Korrine. Do what the professor said. And while you’re home, put in that toy I gave you.” Avery never took her eyes off of the professor’s face while speaking. She stared, transfixed by how the professor looked at her with such admiration. She could hear Korrine speak softly before leaving. It was irrelevant. The professor hadn’t looked at her like this since she arrived back last week.

“Very good Avery. My how you’ve trained her. I must say I’m quite proud of you.” The professor slowly pushed Avery back against the desk. “I’ve been neglecting your education of course, allowing you time to focus on your plaything. But with the long weekend, I think it is the perfect opportunity to delve deeper-“ Avery could feel the professor wrap her hand around Avery’s throat, squeezing gently, holding her against the desk as the other slowly slipped into her pants. Two fingers curling inside of her, pulling a soft gasp from Avery’s body. “and make sure that you’re ready to take everything, I can give you.”

Avery whimpered softly, her knees shaking. “Please Anise, give me everything you can. I can take it all. I want to be just like you.”

Anise smirked and leaned down to Avery’s ear. “Good. Because by the end of this weekend, you’ll either be mewling at my feet, mindlessly broken, another pet who will never leave my house, or you’ll be ready to take on the world.”

Avery clenched around her fingers squeezing them tightly. “Please fuck me. I’ve missed the feeling of you inside of me. I need-“

Anise bit Avery’s ear tightly between her teeth silencing her. “You need? Is that so. You need me Avery? That doesn’t sound like someone in charge does it? No it sounds like a broken, little, plaything. Is that what you are? Some toy for me to enjoy and discard whenever I want?”

“I am your toy.” Avery breathed out breathlessly. “I want to be more, but I want to be your toy. Let me be your toy.” Even as the words left her mouth she was surprised. Avery wanted to be so much more, she wanted to be like the professor, yet some part of her, wanted to be reminded that know matter what, the professor would always be in charge.

“Isn’t that right?”

Avery blinked surprised. Was she thinking that or was the professor telling her that. She couldn’t remember. He thoughts felt like they were sliding down, locked up in her arousal, her need. Everything was seeming so hazy now. She tried to clear her mind, clear her thoughts but each thrust of the professor’s cock into her soaked pussy left her mind dripping away out of her.

She couldn’t even remember the professor pulling down her pants or sliding her big cock into her. She could feel it throb inside of Avery, each twitch sending a wave of pleasure directly into her brain. Avery missed this so much.

“No matter what, you’ll always be mine, won’t you Avery?”

The words cut through the fog sharp and clear burning away any resistance in Avery’s mind. She tried to speak but the only sound that came out was a sharp moan as she shook, an orgasm crashing into her. Her mind broke as she gripped the desk trembling, fingers clawing into the wood. Avery knew it was true, no matter what happened, she would belong to Professor Bindi.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm hoping to write more soon for this story and finish it up. 


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